How am I supposed to take this game seriously when it looks so bad?

how am I supposed to take this game seriously when it looks so bad?
the "cutscenes" are fucking laughable

Attached: ff7-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 78K)


I grew up with an n64 and Gameboy color you double nigger
ff7 looks fucking abysmal even by the standards of its time and it's impossible to take seriously

okay retard

What do you expect from ps1 graphics?
You should wait for the remake.

>he can't adapt to quirks
I pity you.

It was made in 1997, far before you were even alive, fucking zoom-zoom.

Just pretend you are older than 10.

I was born that year retards
mgs 1 looks like high art compared to this shit
I could take that game seriously

Sad if true, because you're behaving like a child.

you aren't supposed to take games seriously
you underage millennial prick

>being unable to appreciate art in the modern day

Attached: 1522066574374.png (244x362, 132K)

what should my party be Yea Forums
I just got out of midgar

I feel the same way with this game
It looks so bad and Vagrant Story was so pretty

>born in 97
>grew up with a 64
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. I was born the year the NES came out and had one in my house since I was an infant, but I sure as fuck wouldn't say I grew up with it. I fucked around on it as a toddler and then got an SNES and later 64, which is what I grew up with. FFVII looked fucking amazing at the time.

wtf are zoomers so dumb they don't understand that games used to have worse graphics in the past
do they believe fortnite was the first game ever made or something?



>did this
>barret says he figured I would

Attached: hmmm.png (258x251, 125K)

There's plenty of games on PS1 that looked better than this lego looking bullshit. Square Enix has no excuse.

Get fucked zoomer.
Pre-rendered backgrounds are timeless, CG cutscenes still look good, overworld character models in most JRPGs have always been representative of the characters so it doesn't matter how they look.

nigger I played the shit out of the 64
stop being a projecting dumbass

>all this cope
serious moments in the game are fucking laughable just because of how bad they look
the prerendered backgrounds are so shitty they have a mode that specifically tells you what's interactable because the whole thing is a blurry jpeg you can't even decipher otherwise

It's not a bad idea to always have Aerith in your team. If you grind a lot she'll become really useful end game.

Cloud RedXIII Aerith

Aerith has best end game stats.

Replaying right now, just got out of the Mythril Mines. Rocking with Barret, Cloud and Aerith

Serious moments in JRPGs have historically taken places between something like 20 pixels of a mushed up interpretation of characters, you absolute cretin. Find a new hobby.

Rotate them and you'll get an appreciation for all of them.

But if you don't want to do that: Cloud, Barret and Aerith. And eventually Cloud, Party member number 6 and last party member.

>born in 1997
>not a zoom

>I was born that year

no wonder you're a fucking moron