Games shouldn't be political!

>Games shouldn't be political!

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Other urls found in this thread:"enemies_of_the_people",_1937–1945

Unless it's politics I agree with!

was going to say that jajaja

anyway if you don't like don't play, not a biggie

Keep seething tranny op

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is that a..political statement?

Why do brainlets keep using this argument? It's like saying about childporn "if you don't like, don't watch". This marxist propaganda is poisoning our culture.

Except child porn is illegal.

Wow, you little pussy. Got your old thread taken down and still need to resort in shitting up Yea Forums?

Being a far leftists is not a valid political idea is a genetic disorder, the only way it can be solved is through zero tolerance and the destruction of the genetic structure that generates such maladaptive behavior. You don't reason with a schizo, you don't reason with far leftists.

It's only political when I disagree with it.
Otherwise it's just a normal explanation of how everything is

>imaginary words in a make-believe game are comparable to actual abuse of a real physical child
I knew you guys were desperate for talking points, but wow.

So should Judaism. That would solve the problem.

>words don't have consequences
Retard alert

But they really should not. They should be private. "To be political" does not mean "to contain political message", it means to be under control or influence of political discourse. That is to to say: political interest groups having to say what kind of messages they present.

Games should not be a vehicle of political contest. For any interest group, left or right. People should be allowed to have private life aside from political: that should apply to both creators and audiences.

>Being "political" means saying nigger a lot and blaming the kikes for my virginity
Being born a gamer truly is suffering.

It's like you're trying to fit in on 8gag but posting here by mistake.

>the big meanie words don't agree with my politics, someone needs to stop them!
Officially forfeited all right to call anyone else snowflakes.

Yeah, games shouldn't be political. No body sane and rational wants to hear your far left politics in video games, you fucking preacher, keep your shitty religious values to yourself. Oh wait, you can't, because religious people NEED to force their values on others in order to propagate. But they fail on Yea Forums. Bad genetics produces bad behavior, and OP has very bad genetics.

On the subject of politics and games, there's a real difference between:

1) a game that shows real effort to be philosophical and mature about some political concerns. It gives freedom to explore an issue on multiple sides, with fair and intelligent arguments. Or at least the politics is just supposed to be a background element to think about, and it's presented objectively with a focus on being thought provoking rather than just to teach you this is right and this is wrong.

2) a game that acts like closed minded shallow propaganda. The creators wanted to make a lot of political points and teach people lessons, but they're not well thought out and they don't like you disagreeing or wandering off the proverbial reservation.

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Why doesn't the right just make their own games, bro?

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>incorrect usage of snowflakes

Ah, I love how that word automatically outs redditor leftists. More reasons you need your jaw to be dislocated.

How many 100 million people do you need to kill? How many civilizations do you need to wipe out?

games shouldn't be seen as a political platform. that's the issue.

Just ban Americans from writing anything about politics and that solves 90% of the problems.

Why should we stop when we just keep winning?

Wow, you're desperate. Really. You actually think far leftism is less wrong then CP? Last I recall, CP didn't murder 100 million people. Hell, it even caused more child abuse.

It's amazing that left wingers deny genetics so much, but apparently, they were completely okay with making the lives of orphans hell for the crime of having parents disagree with the state."enemies_of_the_people",_1937–1945

Gee, I wonder why no one wants to hear politics like that in games.

Stop wasting your time trying to reason with OP. He doesn't care about such nuances, that's not his goal here. He doesn't deserve to exist, and neither does this thread.

wtf I love Winnie the Pooh now
based epic

Notch did, and people bitched to him about it

Good comment.

The fact that games can be read politically is a sign that video games have become substantiated enough to the point you can actually see something deeper in them beyond simple gameplay, people that want video games to stay simplistic are retarded.

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>You actually think words are less wrong than child abuse?
Yes, and so does the law.

Stay salty, I love that I'm gonna live to see the day when your ideology is bred out.

The real difference is if the game is used as a substitute for a soap box so the devs can preach at you, or if the devs just thought whatever shit they put in made for a cool and entertaining setting/story/whatever regardless of the message

No. The fact that games are treated as political is a sign that our society is coverging towards totalitarianism once again, and that democratic society is falling apart. It has nothing to do with the medium itself.

Based chink shill

>Yes, and so does the law.
Actually, the law in most countries recognizes hate speech and propagation of totalitarian and criminal ideologies as serious crimes, in fact in most countries those are treated as worse than possession of CP.
The only problem is that all forms of Conflict Theories have not yet been recognized as hate-speech and propagation of criminal ideologies. But the precedence is already there.

Books and movies can be political, why not games? Not every game every time, just like it's not every book every time, but sometimes.