Help her, Yea Forums!

Help her, Yea Forums!

Attached: tentacles.webm (530x850, 2.98M)

let me cum first then I'll help u

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I don't need to help her strip naked, the octopus is already on it

I'm so glad I have functioning dopamine receptors. Shame about yours, OP.

im already helping her
im the octopus.

I can't. I'm afraid of squids!

Yeah, fellow 4channer. Tell that immature child, who is also on Yea Forums, how refined you are!

I don't understand what you mean by this. I just saw 3 pictures on Yea Forums that made me want to fap. That means my dopamine receptors are in fact functioning. If yours don't, you either are past a hill in terms of testosterone, have naturally low testosterone, or do not in fact have functioning dopamine receptors and are depressed, hurting your libido.

why is she so fucking huge

her tits arent big enough to warrant saving her

Didn't knew having "functioning dopamine receptors" turns you into an asexual Killjoy fuck.

could you explain to me how that shit works?

don't bother bro, the only reply you'll get is some retarded wojak meme picture

Is it just me or are they getting dumber every time?

She doesn't seem to mind desu.

>Help her, Yea Forums!

Look at them, they're larger than any given room in that cruise ship. Goddamn.

>Not killing the giant octopus, which is high protein source
>Not selling the rest
>Not using that money to buy more vidya

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How do you know it's a female octopus?

Couldn't find source, sauce?

She's stealing her clothes. Just like in black fridays.

>octo/human yuri

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Thanks asshole you just gave me a new fetish that I'm willing is non-existent online...great

he didnt even say the word lmao jannies are actually pathetic

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Fuck me

inb4 another deleted senran kagura thread
I don't even care anymore babu yomi killed the series

I am! I'm just filming this for... posterity! Yeah!


imagine the suction