Are you ready to win another decade?

Are you ready to win another decade?

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are you a sony shareholder or something? what situation does playstation being the dominant console make you come out ahead?

the satisfaction of seein' nindiddlers grovelin' at our feet.

>playstation vr 2
I’m so sick of having these fucking gimmicks shoved down our throats.
Focus on making good video games first holy shit
Everything is either a shitty gimmick or muh graphics muh 4k yet most games are dead on release, not fun to play, full of micro transactions, run at sub 20fps and still manage to look like shit
Vidya is dead


>Make like 3 decent games
>Time for a new system!

>Vidya is dead
Not on Switch.

I mean it's how they're trying to distinguish themselves from Xbox seeing as they're losing the game streaming gimmick.

user, since this board existed, and long before it on message boards prior, people have falseflagged, shitposted, lied and pushed console wars. They aren't paid shills, they aren't share holders. This is what the internet has always been like and always will be, especially in cesspools like Yea Forums where the only joy for most users is riling one another up.

>seeing as they're losing the game streaming gimmick.

I'm ready to see seething PCfags try to make a comparable PC for less than the cost of the PS5 for years on end only to realize it's impossible but never admit it.

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forgot my pic

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Let's see what Nintendo has put out this year
>super bingbing maker
>mediocre fantasy dating sim
>A Yoshi game that looks designed for 5 year olds
Yep, I'm thinking gaming is dead on the Switch too

you're right but astral chain is out in 2 weeks

It's going to be another Bloodborne senpai, a game that Yea Forums console warriors jerk themselves to death over despite the fact that it has a 2-3% attach rate

Still waiting for more than just BB on my ps4.

>it's going to be another bloodborne
a masterpiece? can't wait

I really fucking hope it's more like a Vive upgrade model than a full blown replacement, the headset is great, it's just the tracking and move controllers that need replacinfg
Honestly PSVR has produced the most gameplay focused games like Astrobot and Firewall Zero Hour and were a lot more enjoyable for me than Sony's "cinematic" games

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That many people use PS Now?

God, I wish they could abandon their pattern for exclusives and actually do something innovative for once.
All exclusives made by Sony studios are the same games with different setting.
Why do people eat this shit up and get hyped anyway?

I guarantee you Dreams is more innovative than anything nintendo or MS are doing

NPCs unironically.

Blame the consumer, sony chases whatever sells

Sony exclusives are pretty good though. Don't be a jelly nincel now.

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>Nintendofags buy up Nintendo products for their favorite IPs
>This is childish and eating shit
>Snoys break pre-order records on consoles with no games
>this is winning

It's almost like consumers know Playstation consoles are always must-buys down the line anyways.

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No thanks hard pass on Sony next gen haven’t given Sony a cent since Feb buying preowned games so I can still play Judgement

I'm not saying they are bad, but playing the same shit over and over gets really boring.
Spider-Man was good though.

Is that image a falseflag meant to make us look dumb?

Imagine not being a Sony Chad. You had your chance last Gen. Don't be a fool and miss out in this one too

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Since im not a poorfag child i dont strive for mediocrity and have built a PC that playstation wont rival for over 50 years.

I will never know, next gen, I'm going Xbox and Switch.

>next gen, I'm going Xbox and Switch.

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>were gonna win
>gets a console with no games

haha at least we've got hardware sales bros

you must be mistaken, this is a thread about the ps4, not the xbox

Microsoft is even worse than Sony.

Maybe if you like movies.

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Switch am cry

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xbox hasn't had a decent release all generation

>buy my console to play multiplats

They're really not

as opposed to buying an xbox for nothing but multiplats or a switch for inferior ports?

>multiplats aren't games
Is this how nincels justify paying $80 for cardboards? Because it's not on PC?

new crash and spyro to start things off on ps5 would be fucking perfect, please happen.

>Exclusives dont matter because we dont have any worth a shit

>This denial
Chads don't waste their time with kid toys.

No one will ever grovel at the censorship station.
It will only be a joke nothing more.

Xbox and Switch have better games and franchises and this will be very apparent next gen, only a third world shithole would want a PS5.

>no exclusives worth a shit
ps4 has the highest amount of GotY winners this gen

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xbox has no games, unironically

>journalists like movie games

>inferior ports are bad on switch but you should really buy the inferior ports on my snoy console
Why playing ps4 make you retarded and a tranny?

humanity reach a new peak, NPCS will suck the cock of a corporation X for example, instead of another one and later scream after you, why you don't the same cock?

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Performance is not everything in gaming, that's how Sony lost to Nintendo in 7th gen and it's going to happen again

You can argue with me but you know i'm telling the truth

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Why wait. Just look at amds tech and youll know what the ps5 will be capable off. It will be a navi based 12 core apu clocked around 2.5ghz boostable up to 3.0 then maybe higher in further firmware patches. 8gbs ddr5 ram. 1tb disk space will be the standard. I can gurante to keep coats low it will be ssd and not m.2. Media will still be disk since they want to promote 4k bluray and couldve dont it with the pro. The push to discless will only happen after 5G is mainstream. An builtin stream to mobile app will be present along with a version of amds ingame recording for streamers. It will still not be able to do 4k at 60fps on max settings. No amd apu even the higher watt ones can. It will still be 4k dynamic but fps will be priority. No more 30fps bullshit. Online subscription will go up in price. It will basically be a ryzen 5 system with the new architecture.

Dude they haven't made a game worth playing for the PS4 since 2015

Only good ones were Spiderman, Persona 5, and Bloodborne to me, the rest is either mediocre at best or have better alternatives than those exclusives. Naughty Dog shit don't count.


>shoved down our throats.
it's literally optional, don't buy it if you don't like it
it's not like Kinect, Wii-motes, or back-touch screens that were forced with other hardware
this is purely optional so stop whining

>the article give you a link to another article after a shity leak from trannyresetera and that come from Yea Forums
Journalists in 2019

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Games matter nigger. I play games not console wars. Go make another compilation of how many bing bing wahoos are exclusive to Switch*

*Also available on Wii U and soon Yuzu

You cant edit video or record music and make audio tracks and beats on a console.

>i play games
>buys a ps4

you can literally do all of that in Dreams

SeeHow's that Remake 2 and Ace7 on Switch?

user speaks the truth. If people really cared about performance, nobody would play on ps4 or switch.

What about streaming?
If NPCs get into it, then the industry is truly fucked beyond redemption.

>buying a $400 console for the two decent games that aren't on PC


>buy my console for multiplats

>implying streaming isn't the normalfag face of vidya
>unironically using NPC

Exclusively not on Soitch

The PS5 won't even hold up to update modern PC builds. But it's cute when console peasants try to talk tech performance like they know what they're talking about.

feel free to show all those actual video games that won goty on the PS4

oh wait they're all cinematic third person action adventure "games" haha my bad

>they don't count!

I have played Switch much more this year because it has more worthwhile games than the PS4, and will have 2 years of PS4 releases worth released next month alone.
I have both system so I am unbiased, Deal with it.

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Whatever you want to call them, but if normalfags don't buy hardware and just turn to streaming then there will be no more hardware anymore.
Google probably can't pull it off because they don't have games, but Sony and Nintendo sure can.

Xbox One has no games, Xbox Scarlett will have games.

>and will have 2 years of PS4 releases worth released next month alone.
fuck of ESL fag

>scarlett will have games
yeah when microsoft's initiative is now releasing anything on different platforms

Sore loser.

Nintendo will never win another GOTY by the way.

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They announced the PS4 in a very similar way, so this seems like it would be true. Microsoft was like a month or two later, so its going to suck for them to be announcing AFTER Sony and repeating their talking points just like earlier this year

They already announced nextbox but nobody cared anyways.

MS is throwing in the towel regarding hardware competition.

>Can't refute the points made
>Resorts to "Muh Grammar"

They are both already loosely announced, but not revealed. Playstation "5" was done in Wired, and then at E3 Microsoft talked about Scarlett which unfortunately was repeated talking points.

They're only releasing games on Xbox, PC, and XCloud.

yeah, that's enough to invalidate the xbox

Playstation Now uses Microsoft Azure.

I have a PS4 but I'll skip the PS5 after all the censoring sony's been doing. May just skip out on consoles entirely unless Nintendo gets some great exclusives, which they haven't done in a long time.

If people moved to PC but console gamers will stick to consoles.

New console generations are always fun to see fan reactions to.

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>will stick to consoles
maybe for playstation/nintendo, xbox lost a shit ton of its base and has 0 momentum going into next gen, unlike either Sony/Nintendo

US is Xbox/Nintendo territory, third worlder.

uh huh, is that why xbox is constantly third in the NPD?

There's no reason to get an Xbox One when the Scarlett is coming and in the US we're getting quite tired of Sony.

I'm pretty ready I enjoyed the PS4 a lot

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As your console gets fucking reamed by a tablet anywhere outside of the UK.


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>in the US we're getting quite tired of Sony.

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Sony E3 2020
>"We are here to announce the PS5, sadly we won't have any new games for it until 2022, but you can play all your favorite PS4 games on it."

>The audience applause and cums their meetoo branded jeans and spill soi all over themselves.


Don't forget
>at a low price of $1000

>Are you ready to win another decade?
Show the games, add backwards PS legacy compatibility then we'll talk.

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all sales figures of consoles are reported as shipped retard, including nintendo and microsoft. Actually microsoft got fucked so hard they don't even show sales figures.

I hate this new $1000 meme.
Because when it will be announced at the price of $699 there will be people saying "haha its not a thousand eat a dick!"

they are literally publishing 1st party games on the PS4 right now

>all of snoys exclusives that won goty are third person action adventure games

really appreciate you proving me right


pic related

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Persona 5 is not a PS4 exclusive. You can play it on either PS3 or PC.

>Literal who with no source
Damn, I just got BTFO

>4 sony first parties there (2 more about to pop up for death stranding and TLoU2)
>only 1 nintendo
man, how will tendies cope?

I want sold, not shipped.

Yet the Switch is the best selling console of the year by an extremely wide margin.


And what is Bore of the Wild you clueless nincel?

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you're not getting it, all values are shipped

They're still gonna get shit on for it.

>one game
>one that makes sense

They will pull this ol' trusted card again.

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will lose to TLoU2

I've always loved how retarded this picture is. And how people unironically misunderstand it.


Then it means shit.

I really hate gamer culture so watching you all cry about Sony is kinda funny.

Besides with PS5 dominance I only have to buy one system to play everything.

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The only people who care about console wars are ch I'm ldren who can't afford to have them all.

take this as a consolation

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i sure cant wait to see what sony does with all that money

And yet Xbox is making Microsoft billions, please go back. You guys shit up every board on every site.


>Missing e3 for another year
Dead on arrival


>i sure cant wait to see what sony does with all that money
these two>And yet Xbox is making Microsoft billions
xbone has not been profitable for microsoft for a single year its been out

> 8)
> page)
Sony and Nintendo's latest reports.
Keep coping.

>i might have less games to play but they get more awards

imagine being this much of a cuck

not as less as the xbone or switch

>xbone has not been profitable for microsoft for a single year its been out

Imagine being invested in the financial success of a corporation that you aren't a part of.

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>i dont care if i have no games to play as long as sony is successful

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Fine stack there, fine indeed

Why does Nintendo and Microsoft make Sony fans seethe?


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That's Revenue you retard

>Are you ready to win another decade?

What do you mean? I don't work for Sony and I win nothing from their censorship.

imagine being a fan of a ridiculously successful company

but getting nothing from it

you're mistaken, playstation isn't the console with no games

That's third world Sony fans for you.


Imagine seething that PlayStation is literally synonymous with videogames.
Imagine having to accept that they will always win.

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Why did Nintendo let this happen?

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>having to quote a fake click bait title as your last line of defense

Ive been a fucking Playstation fanboy since the fucking first one. After all these shitting cinematic games and the censorship of other games, im fucking jumping ship after this shit. I now just see a bloated company that has thier own heads up their ass. Say what you will about Microsoft and Nintendo, but at least they have some shrivel of respect for their players and creators. Fuck this shit bro


Based falseflagger

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unironic cope



if you thought the PS4 droughts were bad just wait for the PS5

were talking years between exclusives

>From Software

This board is infested with retards.

>ps4 droughts
ps4 doesn't have droughts, it gets every major game released outside of nintendo's exclusives (which are where the actual drought resides), keep projecting

>but nintendo

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From soft fits under AA

Enjoy your CensorStation 5.

How much do you hate vidya to support companies like Sony? Even fucking Microsoft is starting to look like good guys

Shawn Layden is a terrible man. He openly expressed his disdain for deep and complex gameplay during an E3 interview.

>it doesn't get droughts

so what great exclusives have you been playing lately

I could barely survive this shitty generation, I dont even want to think about the next

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>one that makes sense
>that cope
they all make sense, Microsoft is clearly testing the waters
all their games would make more money on other platforms,
same as putting Cuphead on Switch
they all make sense to port over
MS is less reliant on hardware sale than the other 2

>try to make a comparable PC for less than the cost of the PS5 for years on end
it will be possible from year one

>insert haha pedo game weeb game funny joke in t minus 30 seconds

I bought HZD recently but have a plethora of third party/multiplat options available to me as wekk

he says as nintendo just got done nuking music they don't even offer for sale off youtube

>All from the same game that the creators have openly gotten mad and angry at the ratings board for being so anal when it comes to the Cero A rating.


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This, Xbox Scarlett and Switch will have a ridiculous amount of games worth getting while Sony will have jackshit, this drought will be worse than the PS3 and 4 combined. Microsoft and Nintendo aren't shitting on AA or indie devs.

>he says as nintendo just got done nuking music
Why did you mention nintendo and why do you lie?

Holy fuck, you are retarded. You have like zero understanding of the technology involved.


Matt Booty already confirmed games that they own that aren't Minecraft are never coming to other consoles just Xbox and PC. Cuphead is a series that Microsoft doesn't own.

If the PS5's price is up to $700 or $800 you may be able to make a PC as strong or stronger for less.

>wanting sony to lead again after this absolutely dismal stagnant shitshow without any exclusives that has been this generation
vidya is fucking dead and brand loyalty can never make up for the lack of actual videogames
>thinking it'll be 8k rtx 60
end your life, then realize that money isn't even the problem considering there isn't even hardware capable of achieving that on the planet right now and even if it was it would cost tens of thousands of dolars

pc's will outperform these fixed boxes within a year and mainstream retards will be opting to play on streaming services because they're so casual and shit they won't care about the latency, this will truly be the final nail in the coffin for gaming

>why mention nintendo?
Microsoft is irrelevant, that leaves 2 major companies

youtube it, the major music channels got nuked

From Software has been a AAA studio since Dark Souls was released, they're one of the top developers in the world.

the AAA moniker requires a huge amount of budget, something no fromsoft game has gotten. AAA is not a quality measure, most AAA games are shit

AA+ ?

no, AA+ would probably be nintendo's budget on their top series

>snoys are shitskins

No it's just nobody uses the others.

What in the world makes you think Bloodborne didn't have a huge budget?

>buying a Censorstation 5
Nah, I'm not a god damn cuck like you other retards.

AA- ?

>inb4 sonyfags say "But you need a monitor, mouse, etc" as if you buy a new TV and accessories each new console

Based black weeb

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>Nindiddlers, xniggies and PeeSea Master Waste BTFO for another decade


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you're in the wrong place, little man

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>limited animations
>minimal voice acting
>collision detection unchanged from demon's
>visuals not even close to what the ps4 is capable of

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At least you admit you're also a retard

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Remember a year ago when Eric was making dozens of NPD threads a month? Nowadays he's stuck posting the same revenue graphs over and over again, what a sad existence.

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If it's true the ps5 is going to be 599 USD or more again while others are less it won't sell as well, it's basically a multiplat system/fortnite box and most parents will buy their little shits whatever console is cheaper

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I smell you Rscottyg

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>losing another gen
Why does sony keep losing? No games again

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Yes, the McDonalds of gaming will win another 'console war'. Nice observation.

>ps4 doesn't have droughts
Dude, it hasn't had any games since September of last year. That is a major drought.

Can we finally admit that no one actually likes Sony and is just shitposting?

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>the major music channels got nuked
He's referring to the fact that there's literally a group of anti-Nintendo retards pushing out false claims under their names.

I'm ready to say goodbye to consoles.

Unfortunately they do have their brand warriors.

So, what games do you think they are going to reveal? For me, this:
Gran Turismo 7
Ape Escape 4
Horizon Zero Dawn 2
New Team ICO game
Street Fighter 6
Resident Evil 8 or 3 Remake
New Namco IP
New Splinter Cell
New Assassin's Creed
Final Fantasy XVI
New Rocksteady game
The Elder Scrolls 6
Harry Potter game leaked a year ago
Hopefully some IP revivals

Actually, I think they are just going to stick with showing how current and upcoming PS4 titles will run on PS5 and then everything above will be revealed at E3, if not sooner

>Hopefully some IP revivals
From Sony?

>Gran Turismo 7
>there has been no numbered GT game in all the PS4's life (GT Sport doesnt count)
>PS3 had 2
so when can expect decade long devs cycles next gen?

>Ape Escape 4
Get real dude. Sony seems to be lethargic to reviving their old series.
>The Elder Scrolls 6
We wont here heads or tales of this game again until after beths new space game has been panned by critics.

Wow would you look at that pile of garbage
A new good Splinter Cell would be nice though, on PC

Xbox Scarlett and ps5 are gonna have pretty much identical specs they are gonna use the same cpu the same ram type the same ssd and very very similar gpus its just a matter of whether you like games made by and for sjw's (ps5) or you dont

PS5 will have the best rated exclusives next gen while xbone remains xboned. Stay mad, xgroid

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>PS5 will have the best rated exclusives
But will they be good?
Because the ps4 doesn't have anything good.

Better than xboned exclusives, Rscottyg

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I'll take video games over movies, thanks.

>Better than xboned exclusives,
Who's talking about the Xbone?

Kek, your metacritic scores and lefty youtube reviews doesnt mean they are actually good

For how shit sea of thieves is I'm surprised sonyfags begged so hard for it.

>The xgroid and nintodder cope after the Wired reveal btfo them both


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>Vidya is dead
fuck off then

Lol what?


>Who's talking about the Xbone?

So a sonyfag was the first person to talk about the Xbone in a completely unrelated conversation to this one?

I actually play pc ya know pc master race must be a liberal snowflake and or a minority because don't targets and takes advantage and exploits you idiots to try ans sell video games lol hah

>Pretending to be a mustard
Stay mad

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Nintendo really is the winner of this generation with sales and games. How do they do it every gen?

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Golf Story
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Box Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced

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>Fallout 76 that high
I can't genuinely believe people were hyped for and even still playing this piece of dogshit.

Don't you have a fake DMCA to fill Eric?


>best rated
yes im sure but that's meaningless

it's a whole new generation of kids that don't know any better

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Why do you sonyfags make these?

let me know when they start making twisted metal games again. until then sony can suck my cock off my body

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can you imagine being a fucking sonygroid? seriously, imagine it for a second
there you are, a dirty fucking non-white sonygroid sitting in your cuckshed over in some turd world shithole, with your shitboxstation4 rumbling like a jet in the background

what's your lifestory? well you obviously got astroturfed over on reddit in regards to 3rd person action adventure shitsclusives with rpg elements and now pretend people buy consoles to play shit games
hell, you might even be retarded enough to have bought that "pro" """""upgrade""""" from the guys who just can't stop fucking you in the ass
what else? hahahaha, you're probably buying actual ps2 remasters from these guys and on top of that planning on buying a literal PS1 for 100 DOLLARS
pretty fucking pathetic, if I may say so myself

so what do you post on the 4chins then? well you obviously post SHIT because your joke console is SHIT, there's no 2 ways about it.

and you know, that's fine, shitposting is fine
thing is, you - the complete failure, are for some reason trying to get people to WASTE MONEY on an INFERIOR console in 2018
what's wrong with you? are you having turd worlder remorse for spending your 5year budget on some shitstation and are now trying to get more people to join in on your misery?

fuck, you're now even shitposting about hot garbo "games" that nobody even wants to talk about on the designated vidya board, how low have you fallen, sonygroid?

and if that's not enough, you cry about cu-c-console wars on a board where neet jannys are literally owned by one of the console manufacturers
tricking good hard-working people into wasting their hard-earned cash ON SHIT
you're scum, sonygroids, and I can't wait to see how SHIT your games will get over the years in comparison to what we be playing over at XCHAD HQ

starting with the next MASTERPIECE coming out in less than a month, called RDR2

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every time this is posted you can almost hear the sonygroids run out of the thread

>vr 2
but why?

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Just because you detect a pattern in your head doesn't mean shit.
They aren't just going for what sells. There are plenty of games that superficially looks this way but completely fail.
The only pattern Sony's studios are chasing is the "Lets make the highest quality game possible" pattern.
And u so mad.

>Performance is not everything in gaming, that's how Sony lost to Nintendo in 7th gen and it's going to happen again
Nah. Performance was not the reason. Also they didn't lose to Nintendo, they simply didn't compete with them. Nintendo doesn't compete with the other two homeconsoles at all in fact.

Based Sony baiting Microsoft to try and 1upping them this Christmas with an announcement of the NextFailbox.

It's like you all just forgot about the Yakuza games. Bunch of MONGOSOYS.

Attached: dvd_snapshot_07.29.jpg (720x480, 70K)

Three Houses is great though.

you mean those multiplat games

I don't know if Yea Forums can handle another gen completely dominated by Sony.

>open world shit
I'll give you Gravity Rush and shittier God Of War. Everything else is trash and listing The Last Guardian is a mark against you.

Attached: 1565402649389.png (291x260, 121K)

-Console exclusive.
-Its not a gigantic open world with fuck all to do like most of open world games.
-way more fun than Feminism of War 5 or........whatever other shitty exclusive that Xbone has that isnt the Forza series or KI.

Attached: FaceApp_1565161578795.jpg (600x615, 242K)

>Open world/semi-open world
>Levels and skill points that unlock useless abilities
>third person over the shoulder camera
There are more, and there is a pattern for sure.
I agree that these games are well made but get boring quickly.
I'm not mad at all, I just wish they tried anything new once in a while.

The last of us has that as the only game. The other games has vendors craft things for you.
>Open world/semi-open world
Infamous, Horizon and Days Gone are the only open world games.
>Levels and skill points that unlock useless abilities
None of the games has that.
>third person over the shoulder camera
Oh you mean like every 3rd person action game?

>Taking votes from the media

Here is a real vote from Yea Forums, sony are dead has 3 years lol

Attached: v's final verdict.png (661x607, 18K)

I have my switch. And i have my games. So f the ps5. Im good.

Real talk though, I will consider getting a PS5 if Sony gets back to producing fun exclusives with good replay value, something along the lines of REmake 2 or Sekiro is enough for me. What I can't stand is these cinematic trends sprinkled across an entire game like walking and talking segments, puzzles that consist of bringing object from point A to point B to mask loading times, and other shit that destroys the pacing found in nu-Tomb Raider and Naughty Dog games.

>win another decade
This wasn't all victories this decade. The fact is Sony has fucked up just as much as they've done right.

For one, and don't bother to try to play it off, their censorship policies are tyrannical and they shit on the little guy in Japan. Yeah, you don't like them so you don't care, great, but a lot of us do and it makes a difference.

Their PS+ services have not improved, simply maintained. It's great that there haven't been any mayor hacks since the PS3 ones, but the overall service isn't anything special. You get exclusive deals and sales, sure, but everyone has that and theirs doesn't have anything that special to offer. They also removed their free monthly PS3 and Vita games and replaced them with nothing, not even better PS4 games. In fact, they've gotten less interesting.

Sony also got rid of their extended repair services so if you want to fix your PS4 you better hope it didn't break before that year and if you had it and it broke after that one year they wouldn't honor or refund you for the extended warranty you bought.

Add to that that the company decided to move to PC central, California, and you expect much more content that will preach to you about what an incredible racist and sexist you are.

Paid online alone is enough to make me seriously consider never touching a console again. I got into fighting games this year, and sure, maybe the player base is bigger on consoles than on PC, and the latter especially suffers without cross-play, but I'd rather have that and other advantages PC gaming offers, than paying for a basic feature plus a bunch of other restrictions that consoles tend to have.

I'm still annoyed I can't properly use the chalice dungeons in BB because of that. That was such a ridiculous money grab.

Yakuza is multiplat. Go whine somewhere else.

yea it has, but sony haven't

Name one (1) game

Makes manbabies seeth hardcore.

>You cant edit video or record music and make audio tracks and beats on a console.
You can't even make a screenshot and post it on Yea Forums without buttfucking yourself.

Literally those cavemen either make a fucking phone photo and post it or "post it on twitter, save it from twitter and repost it on Yea Forums".

>I'm ready to see seething PCfags try to make a comparable PC for less than the cost of the PS5 for years on end only to realize it's impossible but never admit it.
Enjoy yet another dead on arrival console with garbage hardware.
You, snoyshits, never learn.

Attached: 1555426452078.jpg (2000x2470, 1.4M)

>console toddlers are fighting in 20 fps


Attached: 1555144760159.png (672x787, 979K)

This was the only Playstation thread i saw.

I'm playing MGR on my PS3, i'm in the tutorial, the text is appearing for the doktor but he's not saying anything and i can't move. Than after some time i hear the disc spinning and it works, is this a disc issue or a harddrive issue?

Also, when i try to quit the game my PS3 gives 3 quick beeps.

Where the fuck is Syphon FIlter!? Sony Bend finally fucking failed with Days Gone

Yet better than any other platform