Stage 5: Acceptance
Stage 5: Acceptance
Stage 1 & 2: Denial and Anger
i like the switch but that argument is not really convincing when the person who says it is jim
>console war in 2019
Every time I see that pic as IP, I feel obligated to ask the same question.
>Since the switch is a port machine, what games would you like to see ported on it?
How is that a bad thing? Once you're done with all the worthwhile first party stuff, you have a great selection of competent ports of games you couldn't play handheld previously, the smaller screen hiding whatever cuts were made.
I want a Xenogears port ala Grandia 1
You're right but Sony virgins will still bring up the "muh blurry" argument despite it being a portable console with last gen console specs, which was unthinkable like a gen ago.
Imagine not owning a Switch in 2019.
>only one decent game is two and a half year
The fact a console with less than one tenth of the ps4's power budget, even less in handheld, can provide the same games in any playable state is already impressive, so it's not really fair to it to harp on its lower resolution graphics.
nice socks what if you took them off haha
Gta 4
who wears pants like that in 2019
Kid Icarus Uprising. It's straight up unplayable for me as a leftie.
Bruh that’s regular pants he just has his feet up creating more wrinkles
Remindet that ports don't count and exclusives matter ONLY if it's a Sony console!
It's okay when Nintendo does it!
It's okay, really. The games I have finished on switch are doom, wolf 2 tnc, zelda botw and okami. All ports, but still the most fun i've had with a handheld since I installed a cfw on my psp.
>>You're right but Sony virgins will still bring up the "muh blurry" argument despite it being a portable console with last gen console specs, which was unthinkable like a gen ago.
Someone forgot the PSP, released in 2004, which had a CPU similar to the PS1 and could run some PS2 games (and exclusive games that were around that level). The Vita was branded as below a PS3 but several japanese games were ported on that handled rather nicely.
Not long til Astral Chain boys.
Keep the ports coming I say.
As much as I hate the Switch and post Wii U Nintendo to death, I'll defend this.
If the ports didn't exist, then try looking for a copy of Mario Kart 8 20 years from now. They sold like shit, so they'll be price hiked. Digital is out of the question since the Wii U eShop definitely will have shut down by then.
only autists and fatfags wear regular/straight cut pants
at least wear skinny strechables to look decent
Mario Kart on Switch isn't just a straight port. Its far superior in every way with new character rosters, all dlc and an entire new battle mode. And runs far better too.
Speaking of ports I'm giving serious thought to buying Hyrule Warriors. Is it worth it?
>what is custom firmware
>what is homebrew
>what are game backups
Are all nintendies this stupid?
Vita did the same.
Absolutely btfo'd by
Don't know, I remember from digital foundry's coverage that the game ran at 1080p docked but downsampled from that in handheld rather than lowering the resolution to 720p, so it ran very poorly in handheld. I don't know if it's been corrected since.
Those would be feasible if Nintendo didn't copyright claim anything even remotely related to piracy.
And I very clearly stated that I despise nu-Nintendo, so no, I am not a Nintendie (I prefer calling fans of bing bing wahoo the simple term "Nintendofags" anyway)
HW is one of the better Musou games out there and it's full of a shit ton of content
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game, mind you I only played the N3DS version so i can only imagine the switch version is 100 times better
The GBA and/or PSP FF games (in other words not the Steam mobile shit versions).
>wearing girls pants
start running and maybe you'll fit in at least a size 36 again when you did back in high school
Agreed, vita had some pretty decent ports/conversions, wipeout and dragon's crown especially. Shame the hardware didn't let you fully enjoy them outside of handheld play. The vita was a downgrade from the psp, particularly the psp go in many regards. It lost the onboard storage, the ability to use a wireless controller and a dock with video output. The switch has all these features, so I think it succeeded where the vita failed in providing console games on a handheld.
Ports are new games to people that didn't play the original version.
>others consoles have nothing but ports for years
>nobody gives a shit
>nintendo does it
Fucking bias
There's unfortunately been no updates for it since release. The issues aren't that bad though.
The only reall issue us that the thing encourages you to put it to sleep constantly but if you leave the game open too long (especially if you use the fairy system a lot) it will start having graphical issues and eventually crash. Can't report it to Nintendo because they don't have a way to fucking do that and if you tell Koei Tecmo, they tell you to tell Nintendo so nothing's been fixed.
It does generally take at least a couple hours for that to occur though (more if you spend as little time in the fairy menus as possible - which is relatively doable, the Fairy isn't that important and you don't gain so many things for it you need to be opening it after every battle - or even 20). So you shouldn't have to but as long as you restart the game once a day at least you should be okay in handheld.
>what is custom firmware
Not available on Switch
>what is homebrew
Available on only early units
>what are game backups
See above two posts
>port machine
Cant even play snes, n64, gamecube or wii games on it
If a port is ruled out I will buy a Wii U to play it.
It is ALSO a port machine.
And I ALSO love that aspect.
Switch does have custom firmware, multiple in fact, you have atmosphere and sx-os, and it does let you install and run game backups. You're right on one thing though, only early units are hackable. So what? If you want homebrew, just buy a used switch if you can't find the older model new.
>gen5: haha N64 is shit for ports!
>gen6: haha GameCube doesn't get as many ports as PS2!
>gen7: haha Wii is too weak for ports!
>gen8: haha Wii U's ports look like shit!
>gen9: haha Switch has ALL THE PORTS!!
omg so comfy. I bet you're having tons of fun replaying an entertaining game such as skyrim another time. it's definetly something that you want to do, just like when you replay breath of the downgrade yet another time cause there's no games to play anymore this semester. so much fun
>Filed to: This Device Owns
Has an OP ever BTFO himself his hard before?
Also a homebrew machine
Based fucking piracy
Absolutely seething an trauma
More FPS
You do know switch has games besides triple (g)a(y) open world shit, right?
Is that why I have both custom firmware and backups on my Switch? Try again retard
Imagine not owning a TV in 2019 and having to play on a tiny ass tablet
Jsr, jsrf and jsr gba
It can play doom and quake 1 to 3, half life and duke 3d, these are the only shooters you need to play.
The overclocking thing is kinda cool.
You need to hack it don't you? And do they all support gyro controls? Without that I'd rather play on PC.
Don't make yourself sound more behind the times than you really are.
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
Why do people assume that Switch owners were in denial about this? It's shitposters against the Switch that whine about ports.
Imagine having to make this sort of assumptions about someone else to feel comfortable looking at a photograph.
got some moar?
Are you really counting the deragatory names thing as a point against the Switch, its the retarded autist zoomers who hate on it that created those names, not nintendo themselves you fucking chromosome gifted tard.
Seething nincel, you’re just going to have to cope.
>>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
Get your facts straight, the name actually refers to Gypsy switch.
Other consoles also have alot of ports.
Also if we talk about exclusives, switch definitely wins by having more than 3 decent titles.
Imagine being this butt-blasted over a fucking video game console.
You should look into getting some other hobbys.
Imagine making this post and not killing your self immediately after.
>system of choice for trannies
Sorry, that's the dilationstation
i actually had a switch when it was new and zelda sucked, but now that ive been watching people play fire emblem 3 houses that game actually might make me get it. so my question is: why keep propping up zelda, which sucked ass and is objectively boring, when you can use the new and better game for propping up switch?
The shaders don't look right in Odyssey on Yuzu, but I hope you still enjoyed yourself.
Emulate whatever you feel like. Snipperclips is a lot of fun if you got a buddy to play with.
This sums it up. Every generation it's the same. Manchildren shitposting because they have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives
>people still buy TVs
Why? TVs these days are just botnet. Anything worth buying has fucking voice control and internet functionality. I just want a good display, I don't want something with a microphone that's connected to the internet and takes seconds to turn on because it has to boot a fucking operating system filled with shitty bloatware. All it has to do is display and output the sound of whatever is plugged into it, maybe do some scaling, but nothing more. Why can't TVs just be big computer monitors?
I've been laughing at you for more than two years straight.
The Switch has become one of the most successful consoles of all time and home to some of the most acclaimed video games in history.
Suicide is your only escape lmao
>>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
Nah, too much toxic masculinity and sexist content on the Switch. Only the SNOY Playstation truly caters to the enlightened leftist demographic.
This is the craziest NO U moment I've ever witnessed.
>no 3rd party
people are still meming this despite it no longer being true, i see
Nah I’m not going to put that on them, as much as I hate Sony, Sony sucks but Nintendo claims the tranny/incel/virgin trophy.
Yes, you have to hack it. I don't know about gyro, but since most of these are straightforward source ports, it probably hasn't been implemented. Still, being able to play classic FPS on the shitter with a decent screen and controls makes hacking your switch woth it.
>Nintendo claims the tranny trophy
All my time in here I always wished I would be able to obliterate a Nintendie like this. I guess I'll just have to deal with the fact that I didn't try hard enough
>Pasting this in every single thread
I have latent thoughts of trading my switch for a PS4 but holy fucking kek.
You first, snoyfag
Thanks brother,i won’t be mad if you spam it in “comfy” (faggoty) switch threads
copy pasting to multiple thread is pretty cringe desu
>I have latent thoughts of trading my switch for a PS4
Why not just do the smart thing once in your life and get a PC?
At least you'll finally have games then
I mean if you like lapping up buggy emulators of games Consolechads were playing decades ago, sure.
Dude, calm down. Why do you have to get so worked up about toys of all things?
>here’s your Witcher switch port bro
You're not fooling anyone, snoy.
I feel sorry for fags for being associated with Snoy.
Feels good man, all these amazing games won't stop coming to Switch, what a time to be alive.
You’re correct that it is a toy. A children’s toy.
This. The best combo for gaming is a desktop at home and a switch on the go. It's much more practical than one of those gaymen laptops that looks like it belongs in a gay pride parade, it's shit both at home and on the go.
There isn't a single game worth playing not already playable on PC but please, bring more consolecope
This is now an epic cringe thread lmao
Why do sonyfans put up with this?
The Seethe never ends. No wonder Switchbros are in hysterics constantly.
because they're the bottom of the barrel in the gaming world
>No bare skin, its haram and sexist! >:(
>Trans rights!
>Japanese games must be more american
>There is a fucking official LGBT+ version of the system
No sorry, Sony wins the woke race by miles, its the feminist and soi system of choice.
>Vita: no games, port machine, fuck it
>Switch: no games, port machine, but nintenkeks love it
Why am I not surprised. It's literally okay when Nintendo does it.
I already have a PC.
Switch has an amazing library though and is actually successful.
Why can't you cope?
now here's how it's gonna look (YLYL)
You forget onboard storage the ability to use a controller and play on a bigger screen, which funnily enough, the psp go had.
>amazing library
>it's literally a port machine
are you ok?
Like PC and all consoles then?
you don't even own a switch
An amazing game doesn't become less amazing when it's ported. If anything, portability makes it better.
Its ok bro, Switch is dripping in exclusives. We're good.
I do. I also have a PS4, a gayming PC, a Vita, a PSP, and a 3DS. I also used to own a Wii U that I sold before buying a Switch.
I'm not interested in your console war bullshit.
I like Nintendo products, but I'm not blind to their obvious flaws and bullshit. I tend to call out and make fun of Nintendo fans, because they are really fucking stupid amd act like blind fanboys like no tomorrow.
why does everyone wear skinny pants nowadays
if you were unbiased and actually owned a switch you wouldn't call it "a literal port machine"
I own it, I'm unbiased and I called it just that because it is. Deal with it.
it has more excluives worth playing than the fucking ps4
doesn't sound too bad honestly
some days i just wanna lie in bed and play games with the lights off
still not gonna buy a switch though
Yeah I'm seething over my mega successful system and its library of amazing games LOL
>literally a port from wiiu and pc
I own a PC, PS4, 3DS and Switch
I have played Switch much more this year because it has more worthwhile games than the PS4, and will have 2 years of PS4 releases worth released next month alone.
I have both system so I am unbiased, Deal with it.
>some days i just wanna lie in bed and play games with the lights off
Don't do that, it's a surefire way to rape your eyesight. Sadly I had to realize this the hard way.
>Wearing zoomer clothes
I'd rather dress like an adult, mind you
I feel so sorry that you guys have to add that horrible embarrassing mess that is xenoblade 2 just to have a third game worth mentioning (not even worth except in the minds of nintendies who just play these horrid unintetionally comical weeb trash without seeing any issue because they are that ill in the head)
Oh let me guess, you have only seen that .webm that autist kept posting and haven't actually played it, you just want to use it as a shitpost ammo.
I mean, compared to the other consoles launch titles this gen, XB2 is a fucking masterpiece.
The first one was generic and mediocre at best, the sequel was even more underwhelming, what makes you consider it as the holy grail of rpgs over, let's say, Dragon Quest XI which had more polish?
>Dragon Quest XI
Thank God the definitive edition is coming exclusive to Switch next month. Can't wait. Feel bad for the beta-testers though.
Yes DQXI is far more polished, and will get its definitive release on the Switch with even more content.
No, I don't make my mind before experiencing something unlike the rest of you retards in here
but you could have at least used this one video as a strawman instead of a dumb gif, don't you agree
I haven't said any of those things you fucking moron.
That said, I have yet to play DQ11 (still waiting for the definitive Switch version), I'd be surprised if it turned out better than Xenoblade 2, because DQ games are way too dry and bland for my tastes.
>definitive release on the Switch
how can it be the definitive version when the other ones have more blades of grass?
>looking like a retard that has mommy buy his clothes for him
and skinny jeans have been around since forever, what the fuck are you talking about.
FETH would have been a better choice but that list probably came before it
shit, you got me there, I guess the added content exclusive to Switch don't count, only blades of grass
Christ this looks good.
It truelly is the conundrum of the ages...
What is more worth : More content, stories, features, orechestrated music, marriage options or some extra lines of pixels.
gonna laugh so hard when this meaningless idiotic stuff made solely to please the most autistic of nips gets a PS4/PC patch and you nintendies are left with crappy 720p docked bootleg dragon quest
It's a sin not to experience the visuals of this game in its original and full potential, really. I don't expect a nintods like you to understand how graphics can also be art since "graphics don't matter" is an overused argument you MUST make use of everyday to defend and justify your cardboard games
>Also on Wii U
>Also on PC
>Projecting that hard with the mommy issues when someone calls out his zoomer attire
Wait until you actually start wearing suits to your 9 to 5, that's when you'll graduate from this phase
yes, if you look like this
thanks for beta testing little snoy
So blades of grass is more important, got it.
can sense the rage. the tears about to fall
I never got to stage 5, sold it the second I realized I hated handheld gaming
Maybe you should save your gloating AFTER it has been confirmed that the added content is coming to PC / Switch, because if it never comes, then you are left with additional amount of grass, as opposed to Switch which has additional story content, orchestrated music, marriage options, 2D mode, etc.
That would be infinitely more embarrassing for you.
Haha Nigger I have the game on PS4, its nothing demanding, just the AA and constant framedrops since the PS4 is showing its age.
There was literally nothing wrong with the Vita outside of the fact sony gave it next to no first party support and the fact the memory cards were overpriced dogshit on a digitial focused handheld
>X is X, and that's X
modern journalists are subhuman
LMAO enjoy your pathetic fart-noise soundtrack while Switchads bask in a fully orchestrated score, new story content for each character, lots of QoL improvements and a sweet ass 2D boomer mode.
My God the rage from you is going to be amazing.
Sorry but all the most known internet tranny celebrities are huge Ninty fans
i'm 26 working at a law firm
there's this thing called saturdays and sundays where i go out and socialize with other well adjusted people
adults don't wear slacks 24/7 if you didn't know
Kirby Air Ride
what Russian city is that
Nice unrelated image but sony is the one who had an official pride float
I like that we get orchestrated score, but I just don't like Sugiyama's works. They all sound the same, and frankly it's shit. So instead of midi fart-noises, we get orchestrated fart-noises.
Doesn't sound like a huge win to me.
Yeah, but i'll be able to play it while I take a shit, without needing a tv in my bathroom or a console in another room.
Adults also don't play their Switch during work, so that picture was clearly taken outside of that time, so can you explain again what kind of dress code did that guy violate?
>marriage options
yike yikes yikes, this should be reason enough to stop reading but I'll honor you: no, not really, at the end of the day I can watch the 15min of cutscenes on youtube (what matters. even then, arguably). the main game is already set i nstone, you can pretend all you want that you won't be crying you'll never experience this game the same way you all cried about bloodborne and recently persona 5. never ever, enjoy the downgrade friend
____ ______ __
did you damage your eyesight or what? i've had days where i just stayed in bed marathoning movies on my laptop for 2-3 days straight and i strained my eyes and had bad headaches, but i still see fine (i think)
>random fans in pink shirts vs official sony float with full on drag queens crawling all over it
Really jogs the noggin
>It's not demanding
you need a good gtx 900 series minimun to experience it in its full potential at good fps
last time I checked the switch was weaker than a 2008 nvidia graphics (lmao)
Like clockwork
he looks like an autist that mommy has to buy clothes for at kohls
Imagine playing Skyrim in 2019
I'm sure it'll sound wonderful with the switch undocked
>"nooo switch is not a port machine!"
>posts a wii u port
>Russian city
cool, the graphics will match with the results of that particular activity aswell
>what are headphones
>Nintendo of America employees are "random fans"
>There are Nintendo-approved company logos plastered everywhere b-b-but it's not official o-o-ok????
Cope and dilate.
so persona 5 doesn't count then?
you sure you're 26?
Yes, ignore the part about drags queens dancing around
Drag queens are still better than literal trannies, sorry.
I don't know man, worrying what other people think about clothes I'm wearing inside my own home that nobody can see anyway would be the least of my conserns.
Commenting on it is a lot more autistic, and frankly this mommy part sounds awfully specific, I smell projection.
>can't wait to laugh at switchies when dq comes out and it's another awful looking mess running at 10fps when not looking at movement
why do we always have to wait, bros? you know it's coming. you know EXACTLY what's coming, every single time, after experiencing it in real time in a multitude of different situations, yet we have to put up with these toddlers trying to blatantly mock others in full defensive mode when they too know disaster is coming
3d gay villa
Literal trannies were there too though while the ninty one is just dumb libshits
>Tfw getting to replay Bayo 1, DW8, and more in bed
Switch is comfy. PC/Switch is still the best combo.
Probably because they aren’t a fucking retard and knows the meaning of the word objectively
>outing yourself as nintendo only. PC definetly some crap you got 6 years ago and has been outdated even then
don't worry, mommy will let you have another console when you leave the house and find a job
This, literally no reason to own PS4 or Xbone
>this upset over switchers getting a port with vastly more content
Weird. Sony is funding triple A single player games that don't require more online interaction than downloading patches.
Hell I'm an antisocial faggot who hates gamer culture and there a lot of fun solo games on the PS4.
Why are sonyfags COPING SO much they are getting the objectively worst version of DQ?
It's just the way it is, stop SEETHING and accept it.
Everyone’s forgotten the psp, even Sony.
>b-but muh graphics, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS
Good one, didn't see it coming. But in all honesty, I can deal with missing grass and lower resolution textures/shadows, it's not like I can really appreciate extra detail when looking at a 6 inch screen. If visuals cuts are made in the name of stable performance, it's fine. Besides, the better music and extra content kind of offset any cuts made elsewhere.
That is a fair point but if you don't care about mobility the Switch is a really poor home console.
enjoying that fire emblem or did you also get fed up on the third day? tough luck for us, pal. you know damn well the switch gets a worthwhile game every 2 months (when it's on a streak lol) unlike you tho I don't need to pretend I dislike the situation and state of a console because I don't suck corporate cock and actually play games that I find fun instead of checking if favorite corporate label is on the cover
I live alone user, I moved out at 19 don't project your own life problems onto me please.
I do miss some rpgs, like P5 Royal, but yeah, it is pretty good.
>there a lot of fun solo games on the PS4
you mean there are a lot of fun movies to watch on the PS4
I want one for FE3H but I'm a broke 3rd worlder.
It's a handheld you can hook up to a tv, not a home console you can take with you.
Why do retards think that emulation is an argument?
>XenoX and TMS from WiiU
>Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 from PS2
that cope tho
>wii-u era
"wii-u sucks. has no 3rd party support, no gta or final fantasy mainline to sell it"
>switch era
"lol switch is nothing but 3rd party ports. why can't nintendo into new IPs? if I wanted to play [game], i'd just buy a ps4"
>i-it's just fewer bushes of grass and shadows bro
>graphics DONT MATTER! also bad graphics automatically equals fun
>w-we'll have orchesta music and SOLID extra content YOU WILL SEE :'(
if only I could measure my pity
Saving face when they have nothing left. It's not even "I'm emulating", it's 'I could totally spend 2000$ on a PC I don't have yet and get it if I really wanted" drivel, every time.
LOL it runs like absolute shit.
Imagine playing a completely gimped and broken emulation of one of the most acclaimed games of all time. Why do people live like this? Its heartbreaking.
LOL, this might be peak COPE.
Emulatorfags have the lowest ducking standards on earth.
They once told me shader stutter in dolphin was acceptable, what cucks
LOL, sonyfags are so desperate
If it works as an argument when we're talking about persona 5 then it has to work for other games too, don't be such a hypocrite. I know nintendo fans don't have a shed of decency or morals. It's no reason trannies and homosexuals and all sorts of recluses are so attached to your community after all
obsessed and seething
>no gta or final fantasy mainline to sell it"
Did people really think this?
>I moved out at 19
nintendies just lie through their teeth without problem, don't they. Just despicable and sad, really. I could stoop to your level but I'll just choose to ignore. You'll seeth in despair either way (maybe even more)
I've never seen anybody say p5 doesn't count even though it is literally a port.
Only sonyfags do that, stop projecting
Mercenaries 1-2
OG battlefront 1-2
Pokemon RSE + FRLG
8K 60FPS is "absolute shit"?
How do you cope with your 20FPS 480p version then?
>snoyfags COPING this much
time travel back to when wii-u was current. threads of people raggin' on it for not having the big triple A titles.
Feels good being a Switch owner with all these amazing games coming out. Good time to be a gamer.
What are my fellow Sonyfriends playing?
Why do sonyfags always prove themselves retarded when talking about tech?
Like little children.
LOL, why are you SEETHING so much about havi
Shader stutter hasn't been an issue in a properly configured dolphin for years, especially with ishiiruka's asynchronous shader compilation. Try harder consolenigger.
Because they are literally children who were toddlers when the 360/PS3 era was the new hot thing.
LOL, this giga SEETHE.
If graphics are all your games have, they are literally movies
oh no he resorted to the webm
must be a wreckage by now when he can't keep up with the flow and original point of the discussion. good win, I'll allow you to screech all you want now, go on and make a mess of the place
You had no discussion expect COPING about Nintendo.
Your "argument" was about degenerates, something the webm completely rapes you on
The smart PS4 owners are playing Judgment, its gonna be a long while until the next "exclusive" comes out (Death Stranding in November)
Literally the most empty and barren part of the game - the only place the emulator can cope with. You know fine well its completely fucking unplayable anywhere else but you won't admit that will you? Just like you've pretending that cemu is the definitive way to play BotW for two years kek
Emulation has NEVER and NEVER WILL be the definitive way to play anything. But by all mean, keep desperately trying to play those sweet Nintendo games you say you hate so much.
>Normal actual lgbt people in acceptable clothing vs dragqueen and MUH WHOLE INDENTITIY IS SEX AND BDSM THIS IS WHAT GAYPRIDE ISSSSSS SEX SEX SEX DEGENERENCY SEX autists
I'm not a Sonyfag. I'm just asking you how 8K 60FPS is "absolute shit" when Switch games look like this and play even worse.
>mommy he said my McDonald's tablet is actually from fisher price :(((
yes, that's literally what I said. damn nintenbro you owned me. I'll go out to have breakfast now. anytime you wanna do it again, tho I expect a flood of falseflag threads clogging the board by the time I come back, as usual. see you then
here have a comfy pic of beautiful scenery that only modern video games can offer. truly feels good to be a gamer doesn't it? I bid you well
Liking that style more to be honest
BOTW on Cemu is already the definitive version of the game.
Yuzu wasn't even booting games few months ago. Now it's running exclusives in 8K 60FPS. And it works smoothly in other parts as well.
Less seething. More coping.
That is literally what you said, it's true.
What kind of retard spends $2000 on a computer besides macfags?
>actually I'm good
Absolute comfykino right there.
It isn't running acceptably unless 100 percent flawless.
a smash roster thread died for this
They look better, even if you're fat tight fitting clothes > lose fitting
>sonyfags are on a COPE and SEETHE tantrum again
Why are they so pathetic?
BotW on CEMU IS the best way to play it, you get better visuals, higher framerate and resolution, mods, and you can play with any controller you like.
They are on their last week until school starts again, so they gotta double down.
Less flawed than the 600p Switch version. Less than a year of development and it's already tripling the resolution of Switch.
Just like Cemu, Yuzu is rendering your overpriced kikebox obsolete. BOTW Switch port is now seeing drastic improvements on the Yuzu. And seeing how BOTW2 is going to use the same engine it'll make emulating it much easier. Same goes for Bayonetta 3 seeing how Bayonetta 2 is now full speed on Yuzu.
BOTW2's definitive version will be on the PC. Just like its predecessor.
Less seething.
More coping.
They haven't got any games to play.
I thought Pripyat is deserted
>Your "argument" was about degenerates, something the webm completely rapes you on
user, why don't you be a little reasonable? Every day there's further proof that the LGBT community LOVES Nintendo and are diehard fans of the Switch. Trannies from the speedrun community have countless pictures with the Switch on their twitters or whatever, every discord degenerate is also a fan of Nintendo. We understand there's both images for a pride parade in the name of Sony and Nintendo, but the way I see it only you guys keep spamming the same singular material when every day the LGBTs are being active in their preferred gaming community, voicing their preferences clearly.
Find me a tranny that doesn't love Zelda, Mario and Pokémon.
cemu has some hella weird glitches, the camel boss is unplayable when using fps patch as an example.
Literally emulating a wii u game. Doesn't have the convenience of the silky Swith UI, doesn't have portabilty and the core gameplay is completely gimped unless you have a gyro enabled controller.
>b-but I can upscale a low-polyhedra art style!
Fucking kek. Desperation.
Man it felt so good playing BotW two years ago, sitting on my back porch, watching the sun set with an ice cold beer. Now one of my most cherished gaming memories. Magical Thanks Nintendo!
>600p Switch version
it's 900p docked, 720p handheld.
Fuckface look
No its 480p docked and 240p in handheld.
>Trannies from the speedrun community have countless pictures with the Switch on their twitters
and how do you know this user?
someone that wants smooths 4k gaming
you're spending at least $350 on the processor, with another $500 for the gpu.
It's actually 144p across the board.
No, it's 4 p in Docked and 1 in Handheld!
For the players always wins, based SONY!
of course the consolefag doesn't even own a pc to post on lmao
fuck off phone poster
Nah 72p if lucky
It can drop to 810p docked and 648p handheld in some scenarios, say with a lot of foliage or explosions on screen.
Sounds like you are giving a nintendo bonus.
Fuck of shill!
I somehow knew you were gonna say that, but that's on me, I admit. Although so much twitter and tranny shit is spammed here. I mean the SGDQ community is made fun of a lot, there was an edit with 5 trans "girls" a few weeks ago, with tweets of themselves saying how much of a female they were/felt. I went to check and all their profiles had massive Nintendo spam and Pokémon being heavily talked about
It was during a Pokémon Switch press I think
that's false
Windwaker HD
all good games
>nintendo fags think this is acceptable
>and at 25 fps
It's not. Xbone and PoS4 do the same thing with games like Battlefield 1.
Cool but what about other games bro?
Fuck off with your nintendie shilling!
do you have any proof that botw uses dynamic res?
Affordable 4k monitors are mostly 60Hz, so you won't be running above 60 fps, you can get away with a cheaper CPU. Anything above i5/ryzen 5 is overkill for gaming at 60 fps.
extremely high quality posts
Still the highest quality sony thread on Yea Forums.
Loosen up tendie
>unironically wearing skinny jeans
Enjoy your testicle cancer.
what even is a tendie, I still don't know what that means
I've never understood the way people act like ports are somehow a bad thing or that having them is bad.
Having a varied library is good, and ports are undeniably a part of that. The Wii U was essentially nothing but first parties and a couple of third party exclusives, while the Switch is those + third party ports. Why would I want the former over the latter? I get Mario and Zelda and Pokemon, as well as rereleases of Disgaea or neat side-ports of new JRPGs like Valkyria Chronicles 4. How is A + B worse than just A?
And don't give me that "we should get original games instead". That's not how it works. Games are easier to port and harder to make from the ground up than they used to be. There would be far less games overall on a given platform if you insisted every dev make a new game for every platform.
I love these threads and all the people that start seething over trivial shit. Keep it coming, lads.
this article is horrendously outdated
if the goal is to prevent low dips under 60, you wouldn't pair a 2080 w/ a 2600x. and pic related is a very generous bench, compared to other games where you'll see the 3700x dropping to mid 30s while struggling to stay just over 60.
anyone that's serious about 4k gaming at 60fps will pick up(at least) a 9700k. but since i'm comfortable at 1440p, I picked up the 3700x and a 5700. the 5700 might be a bit overkill, but I live near a microcenter and got it for $320.
Imagine paying for the nth re-release of the most overrated game of the decade.
>article being old dismisses it
imagine coping this hard
The latest patch runs the game with the GPU at 460MHz in handheld, versus about 300 at launch, so it drops less often, but docked is still the same. Performance has improved, but resolution scaling hasn't been removed.
I didn't dismiss it?
>Ahhhh the fumes
More ports are coming the more switch sells units with their upcoming releases. Enjoy endless Nintendo threads for the rest of 2K19 based fags
>Orchestral music and contents from the 3ds version, is bad
i wanted a switch got but a wiiu for 100 bucks instead
turns out i play the same games just inferior versions
Did you expect them to write a new article about it every year or something?
no, but updating that article wouldn't take much effort. The trouble with many games articles is how quickly outdated they become since patches release all the time - iirc DF's coverage of botw was using the pre-release 1.0 version of the game initially, although they looked at another patch in a later video.
Any drops at 4k will be GPU related. These processors can reach preposterously high framerates at lower resolutions, so if you're going to be limited to 60Hz at 4k, getting a CPU fit for high refresh rate gaming is pointless, it won't be fully utilized, so you're better off saving with a lower end CPU and putting more towards a better graphics card, which will be the deciding factor for performance at 4k.
You also get to play Xenoblade Chronicles X. That's the only game I miss from my collection, I would love to replay it sometimes but I don't have my wii u anymore.
all the HD remakes that the WiiU got and Paper Mario 1 + TTYD, just to start
>Sony is funding triple A single player games
Eh not really. I mean it's only been what, GoW and Horizon?
>If it works as an argument when we're talking about persona 5
Except no one uses it in regards to P5.
I thought russians were anti soi wtf
>“NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
Why do you think he's using a switch?
Thanks for the free advertisement for our series , bros!
baste onions vlad
comfy commieblocks
>Fire Emblem Heroes
>Astral Chain
>Daemon x Machina
>Animal Crossing New Horizons
Switch will be pretty good by the end of the year.
Imagine being so traumatised by the success of the Switch that you waste YEARS of your sad life being obsessed by it for no reason other than infantile jealousy. What a pathetic loser. Still think its going to flop kiddo?
I am not a mutt and I can tell it's the Central Park in New York.
> another GOTY contender comes to Nintendo
Buy Astral Chain fags
Everytime some dozy cunt posts this they never answer the pertinent fucking question: how many modern games are:
A) worth playing
B) not available on PC
I’ll happily play ports of good fucking games
On a scale of -1 to Really Fucking Angry, how angry are you that someone fucking said something fucking bad about your beloved fucking bing machine?
>unironically including poopmon
What's your excuse?
>evading the question as always
Irony thy name is “anonymous”
>loves getting ports of games several years old at full price
Jesus christ Nintendofags will take anything on the nose
Oh wait, you were being serious with that post and you were looking for a discussion? Let me kek at you at the top of my lungs.
>r-real adults l-like me wear skinny jeans
I can't contain my disdain for retarded faggots like you.
Persona 5 isn't on switch
when it comes to Pokemon, it isn't the question about quality, its the fact its gonna move a massive amount of units, and its near holiday season + the release of the Lite is close to it so its gonna sell hotcakes.
>how angry are you that someone fucking said something fucking bad about your beloved fucking bing machine?
How seething are you that the Switch didn't fail like you desperately wanted it to but instead has gone on to become one of the most successful consoles of all time and home to some of the most acclaimed games in history.
The Switch will is so beloved it will be fondly remembered for decades. What's that feel like it? Why can't you cope? Is it just jealousy?
Ah, so by "Switch will be good" you meant it won't be in trouble financially.
>he actually believes the switch is in financial trouble
You dranks the s(n)oy
I never even implied it.
You sound like a falseflagging cuck.
I have a Switch. I'm just not blind to its faults like the retarded fanboys like you are.
This idiotic autistic defensive cope mechanism that fanboys enter into whenever something bad is being said about Nintendo products is just absolutely amazingly retarded and laughable. I can't help myself, I must mock them.
>reddit spacing
Thats ok bro. I own every system this gen. It just so happens I play my Switch more than any of them. Go figure.
Skinnies look childish and cheap. Straight cut is professional and respected.
more sega ages
Central park looks so fucking disgusting from lower manhattan.
This. SEGA Rally please.
>skinny jeans
Sorry but I don't have very small testicles like you.
Why do you lie?
>8K non emulated gaming is a struggle for a $1700 CPU and two $9000 GPUs
>but dude trust me my 8700k and 1080ti can do emulated 8K60fps flawlessly!
Demon's Souls can be played in 10K. Rendering emulated games is different.
You're a moron.
this but unironically
had a switchfaggot irl friend of mine ask me if i ever heard of dead cells
i was like not only have i heard of it, but i played it, 2 years ago, and tried to tell you about it, but you weren't interested, because it was a pc game
>Rendering emulated games is different.
You're right, an accurate emulator would use software rendering, which would make 8K60fps even more of an impossibility
Feels good to not be a Nintendo cultist. Imagine having to pretend you enjoy playing nothing but rehashes of Mario and Zelda because of your devotion to a corporation.
1: Subjective; most powerful handheld
2: Subjective; very useful feature
3: Subjective; is portable enough to be brought by people everywhere, to friend's houses, tossed into a car, on a bus, on a train, outside, etc. quite easily.
4: In rare cases, true; in 99.99% of situations, not an issue
5: Quality control on all controllers for all platforms is lower than it used to be; joycons are actually quite durable considering their size and density
6: The fact that games previously impossible to play in a portable way now have a portable platform is a fantastic thing; again, the most powerful handheld on the market today, and the fact that games like Doom, Wolfenstein, Skyrim, Dark Souls, etc, are all playable on a handheld is mindblowing really.
7: Subjective, in fact I think the haters are more insufferable and delusional. This is a best-selling console approaching Wii-tier success.
8: "Manchildren" love plenty of sony shit and xbox shit too. Spider man and other such marvel games, god of onions, gaylo, cod, siege, etc...
9: Actually I believe there are much more transgender PC players and obese xbox/playstation players. This claim has insubstantial evidence and is difficult to prove either way.
10: All fighting games have this problem, and all conventions have this problem. Smash tournaments are a symptom, not a cause.
11: Subjective, in fact it is more socially acceptable than other handhelds because of its widespread appeal and international recognition. Women are interested in it in fact, due to zelda, mario, etc.
12: I agree the online experience is lacking, but it costs much less than the competitors, and some games are truly excellent online (Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 deluxe, etc)
13: Debatable. Regardless, Switch Lite is addressing this by lowering the price from $300 to $200, that's a 33% drop.
14: Simply untrue. I've only seen it badmouthed here.
>I could go on
Please do, as you've said nothing of any substance.
Have Sex
Monster hunter generations ultimate would like a word with your dumb ass
>compared to other games where you'll see the 3700x dropping to mid 30s
this is blatant lies
>so this is the power of being a snoyfag
LOL, COPE harder.
Can't wait until this was all a ruse and Kojima was still working with Konami the entire time
>Metal Gear Solid 6: Death Stranding
Central Park in Manhattan
Next time don't waste your time typing up such a long reply to this bait. It's not worth your effort
Monster Hunter World and soon Iceborne would like one with yours
>1: Subjective; most powerful handheld
The latest iPhone is more powerful than a Shitch. Cope.
Can’t wait to play Daemon X Machina at 16 FPS!
on point
Why are you posting multiplats?
iPhone Xs cost nearly $1000, the Switch is $300. iPhones also aren't handheld game consoles, they are smartphones
Cringe redpilled based Snoy have sex Nintendo bing tranny seethe. Based based discord dilate incel frogposter reddit wahoo seethe cringe, redpilled wojak. Tranny have sex, seethe cringe based have sex redpilled? Dilate incel seethe cringe tranny bing wojak reddit. Cringe resetera twitter incel, tranny based, dilate seethe have sex based snoy. Reddit discord bing resetera based cringe, redpilled have sex based Snoy bing Snoy Nintendo tranny wahoo. Have sex.
I wish Sonyfags Nintendofags would join to shitpost PC that would be more fun.
This, but unironically. Switch is the best, comfiest way to play multiplat indie games like Slay the Spire and Hollow Knight, and if it can also give a second lease at life to forgotten Wii U masterpieces like DKCTF and Bayonetta 2, all the better. Only retarded consolewarriors would get mad at this.
Show me any game that's anything like Breath of the Wild on iPhone.
Fucks sake, what are those atrocious sounds, definitive my ass.
>Cringe redpilled based Snoy have sex Nintendo bing tranny seethe. Based based discord dilate incel frogposter reddit wahoo seethe cringe, redpilled wojak. Tranny have sex, seethe cringe based have sex redpilled? Dilate incel seethe cringe tranny bing wojak reddit. Cringe resetera twitter incel, tranny based, dilate seethe have sex based snoy. Reddit discord bing resetera based cringe, redpilled have sex based Snoy bing Snoy Nintendo tranny wahoo. Have sex.
It looks even better.
>soulless chinese gatcha garbage shilled by snoyfags now
LOL, how low can these "people" fall?
I didn't say looks better. I said *is* better.
Its another "seething kiddies sperg-out for 500+ posts because they still cannot handle the success of the Switch" thread.
Why do I enjoy these threads so much?
Cope harder sweetie
>defends chinkshit
LOL, the definition of soulless.
>the success of the Switch
Imagine caring about sales over quality. Literally working as a Nintendo salesman for free.
of course the snoy subhumans are defending chinese mobile games filled with timers and microtransactions, they hate video games after all.
But snoy cultists are boasting the 100 million figure every waking hour of the day.
Are you sure about that?
Imagine SEETHING every day about something you pretend not to care about
that sweet sweet nintentard cope
>B-b-b-but snoooooooooy
Your point?
wow is this the new xeno/zelda game?
It's some retarded chinese mobile shit that is being shilled extremely hard on Yea Forums lately, the shills doing everything they can to chalk up a non-existent rivalry between it and BotW, but the reality is that nobody even knows the chinese crap's name, and everyone is just laughing at them instead.
Threads usually end with angry chinese to english google translated cope posts.
>half-baked live-service crap
>what is splatoon
>WiiU comes out
>People complain that it's only got first party titles
>Switch comes out
>People complain that it has too many third party titles
No matter what Nintendo does they'll be unhappy
Hey user, I'm glad you're enjoying Skyrim as much as you do. You're a good kid.
How was Fallout 76? Pretty epic, right?
The problem is that it's all halfassed ports sold at equal or greater price than the original versions. It's nothing that actually takes advantage of the hardware.
>Sony is funding triple A single player movies
ironic really.
I don't see anything wrong with shilling for a superior product.
Xenoblade X
Wind Waker HD + Twilight Princess HD
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Being on a portable machine is advantage enough. I'd pay an extra 5-10$ to be able to play most ports on portable. That's why PSP was my favorite handheld. UMD costed extra but it was worth it.
At least they're not making people pay for cardboard.
case in point
>extra $5-10
Try $20-30. It's not worth it for muddy visuals, slideshow framerates, and a garbage controller.
>he says while wasting years of his life shitposting on an image board because he can't cope with Nintendo's ongoing success
Keep on crying kiddo, its always hilarious watching you spergout.
Name some games that charge 20-30$ more on switch. I'll PayPal you 10$ if you can name more than 5.
>Slideshow visuals
The only game I've played with bad frame rates on switch so far was Xenoblade 2 in portable mode
It's not even good at being portable.
They are, where do you see any so(n)y there?
Never EVER happening, but would be kino
I think you are mixing up the Switch and Vita now.
>making people pay for cardboard
>making people
>>he says while wasting years of his life defending a corporation on an image board because he can't cope with them being called out
Keep on crying kiddo, its always hilarious watching you spergout.
Who are you talking to?
True to form, every time this mentally ill loser gets BTFO and laughed at, he urgently changes the subject and tries to invent a new argument.
Yea Forums is the only place I have ever seen people talk about the labo, I have never seen anyone talk about it positvely yet you mongoloids are claiming that nincels are praising it.
>it coming to switch
>Heavy or Gordon announced for Smash with a map from Portal complete with portal gimmicks and items
I think this board would implode if that happened.
>Imagine having to pretend you enjoy playing nothing
That's a nice quote about Playstation fans
>If the ports didn't exist, then try looking for a copy of Mario Kart 8 20 years from now.
don't have to.
The difference between you and me is I'm on the winning side. I don't need to devote my life to making threads like you. I'm too busy playing all those amazing Switch games that you're trying so desperately to emulate lmao
Wolfenstein 2
LA Noire
Dark Souls
Now port sonic adventure you sega sons of bitches.
to be fair, Labo is such a low hanging fruit for pure shitposting potential, of course it's going to be taken full advantage of here
Toddler reading comprehension everybody. Don't you have some Goombas to be hopping on?
further proof that for nintendo fans it's either mario or zelda or nothing, thanks for proving his point
Imagine playing a Wii u port rather than the vastly superior Switch version.
He's still doing it lmao.
Why can't you cope little baby?
>I don't need to devote my life to making threads like you.
Yet here you are doing it anyway.
>snoyfag so anally devastated he now starts dropping his autism folder
LOL, completely destroyed.
I don't need to make threads bro. YOU do.
Sad loser, can't cope, won't cope.
Ahh they're all shit games
Regardless you failed since I said more than 5
god i miss miiverse. these tranny posts come in a wave, i swear they have a discord to organize their gay ops.
>and they all got banned
LOL, snoyfags can't even use their own autism folders to protect themselves.
Yes and it was funny the first weeks, but you don't see people shitposting that the PS4 had frame drops playing Tetris or the fact that Sony still advertises and has Life of Black Tiger available on their store and their youtube channel.
The Nintendo™ cinematic experience
>normal lgbt """"""""""people""""""""""
It's ok when Nintendo does it.
I wish it was a good port machine. Most games that were ported run like shit on the Switch, for example, I wanted to play Bloodstained but it looks and runs so fucking bad, Bayonetta on PS3 is a masterpiece by comparison. Not even Vita tier jrpgs run well on the Switch, for example, Atelier Rorona runs at a shit framerate and is missing many graphical effects and battle transitions. Fairy Fencer F runs at 15FPS most of the time and looks like a 480p youtube video. Dragon Quest Builders is absolutely embarassing, Crash Nsane Trilogy is 30fps with drops, and the list goes on.
One of these games are hand-holdy as fuck and treats you like a literal toddler who don't have any cognitive development, the other one is Breath of the Wild.
>actual retards think it’s Russia
Snoyfags are literally the most autistic group of people on earth, that's why.
If you need proof, just look
>Crash Nsane Trilogy is 30fps with drops
So same as PS4?
Is it the games drought that causes this shit or something? I'm a PC+PS4+Switch idort and I have barely touched my PS4 this month aside from Judgment.
Damn that post did not age well
What are the chances of the Switch Lite being hackable in the first months? I want to buy one, but I'm not going to spent a single dollar on games for it.
Right, forgot about that, I played it on PC.
Anyway, the game on Switch it's also missing graphical effects and has worse textures.
>n-no those don't count!
It still has all those problems though.
portability always meant cheaper games until the switch, you corporate cocksucker.
No idea what causes it, but they were always the most autistic group on Yea Forums.
Even before the ps4, NEVER EVER posting was always sonyfags.
doesn't change the fact that nearly all nintendo fans are trannies.
Yet it’s not the last console and probably won’t be for Nintendo since it had a huge success lol
>Nintendo cultists group coping
>snoyfags still trying to save himself
LOL, COPE more.
PSVR looks cool yeah
>graphics> gameplay and content
Every single time, LOL.
>tranny birdo
>tranny link
>tranny bowsette
>tranny splatoon
>tranny speedrunners
>being an idort is now being a nincel cultist
People wanting games they played before but now on a proper portable console is a real thing
I don’t know why you guys have to make it sound like a bad thing unless your a retarded neet with no actual job
You’re in NYC
Go fucking do something
>snoyfags can't COPE
Tranny Sony Sony is officially a tranny company, both the head developers and their million of dollar campaigns say so.
COPE more.
Am I supposed to care about a tranny's blog entry?
More of an xbox thing.
It’s Yea Forums, they ain’t normie and most of the current batch of posters are all morons who can’t even speak to a human without breaking down.
We expect better of Nintendo, that's why.
>People wanting games they played before but now on a proper portable console is a real thing
I'm one of them. It's a good excuse to replay games I enjoyed + being able to play them wherever I go.
Bought my Vita for the same exact reason, and now I will buy a Lite for sure.
>literally using Yea Forums memes as "proof"
LOL, snoyfags never cease to COPE and SEETHE.
Handheld quality, home console price. Literally the worst of both worlds.
feels good owning a PC and not having to worry about console peasants and their peasant problems
>Switch is doing well again, let’s make another console war thread where we call idiots nincels
I fucking hate you mods, do your fucking jobs
>he ran oiut of arguments, needs to dumb his autism folder now
LOL, thankls for proving snoyfags are retarded.
Good job!
as a BotW fan, I must say that while this game is a carbon copy of BotW (have you seen the recent gameplay videos?) Im actually excited cause I get to experience BotW for the first time again in this version.
that said I do understand the outrage of people hating on it cause of how much a blatant ripoff this is though
>He’s still comparing graphics
Red Dead is a fantastic game with no reason for having an open world when your actually playing your missions.
BOTW relies entirely on the open world to actually play the game.
This is sonygaf, they would never delete a snoy thread.
This is coming to Switch
>Yea Forums memes
nintrannies spammed the entire internet with their tranny shit, not just Yea Forums.
>XB2 is a fucking masterpiece.
>implying that’s not his point
Being in NYC means you fucking move a lot, the perfect environment for the switch.
You guys say this but then you have all these digital fags working on portable wifi game streaming services.
Like brah, I don’t want to go outside just to play a fucking game only if I’m streaming on McDonald’s WiFi, what the fuck.
This shit right here is why the Switch will continue to be popular even when next gen roles around. It has fucking game carts.
>snoyfags starting to COPE this hard
LOL, snoy literally paraded around trannies and says diversity>having games.
Why defend that?
>but dude trust me my 8700k and 1080ti can do emulated 8K60fps flawlessly!
Yes, that's entirely plausible. Emulated games usually have very simple graphics since the consoles being emulated are old and/or slow by today's standards, as such it is very easy to run those games at ridiculous resolution once the emulator is good enough to run it in the first place. New, native games on the other hand are graphically advanced and hard to run, so you can't crank up the resolution to insane levels. That's how it works.
Compared to Knack, Order 1886, Halo 4 and random car game, then yes.
>and I love it
...and that's a good thing
>BOTW relies entirely on the open world to actually play the game.
Ah yes.. you need to travel a big empty world to bump into the one or two mobs that exist.. such gameplay
transgendo makes tranny games and has a tranny fanbase.
>snoyfags still trying to pretend RDR2 was good
LOL, they really can't stop COPING after being raped by Zelda.
How mad are you, 2 years later?
Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch lmao
>xenocringe 2
>regarded by jrpg fans as one of the greatest jrpgs ever made
choose one.
Yeah for PR purposes, like any smart business would. At least the players aren't trannies themselves.
>Literally screaming IT'S OKAYIF SNOY DOES IT!
LOL, he literally can't stop COPING.
Calm down toddler or you'll have an aneurysm.
>>regarded by jrpg fans as one of the greatest jrpgs ever made
It's true. It's been shilled on Yea Forums nonstop for the past several weeks.
Why do you think someone that image in response?
>snoyfags posts his autism folder when running out of excuses for snoy
LOL, every single time.
Sounds like snoyfags really are retarded, every one of them.
>Why do you think someone that image in response?
Because snoyfags love SEETHING at anything Nintendo does.
I can't tell if you're 5 or 50, either way you need to go back.
>only four points better than skyward shit
ouch...better luck next time!
>posting more muh graphics from his autism folder
LOL, snoyfags can't stop trying to COPE and SEETHE.
>It's true. It's been shilled on Yea Forums nonstop for the past several weeks.
it's not true. the game is universally scoffed and cringed at outside of its fanboy threads. even other xeno series fans hate it.
it only gets any praise at all because it's a nintendo exclusive - if it was a multiplat, it would have been forgotten.
SDF still has the mentality where 6 out of 10 games released were exclusives for the PS1 and 2. And that Nintendo console owners were synonyms of third party haters.
The Marvel vs. games
SaGa Frontier I & II
Snowboard Kids I & II
Power Stone Collection
Shining Force III and CD
>just repeats the same thing
Did logic break this snoyfag permanently?
Peak COPE.
I bet you hate Okami aswell
Squid loli's
not him, but okami looks like shit and the remaster didn't improve it. oreshika: tainted bloodlines did a better job with the watercolor aesthetics.
patapon trilogy
megaman battle networks all of them,
>snoyfags try to "argue" by posting his autism again
The same snoyfags posted about the switch having a drought the day after SMM2 launched.
They never learn, like NPCs they always post the same shit
>quote by literally who m
>overlaid on top of le judgmental anime girl
Why are snoyfags still COPING?
Torchlight 1
maybe in your snoy infested bubble.
Most people did like it.
>Stage has a secret GLaDOS taunt that has her bitch about every fighter
Early access white matter garbage that's only defended by sex-starved virgins and nintendorks.
>this many buzzwords to hide the SEETHING
LOL, are snoyfags the most pathetic group of people ever or just right now?
Splatoon is beloved and massively successful, how SEETHING does that make you?
Tbh, playing some of your favorites comfy in bed is a big plus.
Hollow Knight for example was an easy double dip on the switch for me.
Breath of the Shit doesn't even come close to Okami.
9 million copies sold and one of the best selling Switch games.