Halo Reach Multiplayer

"Halo Reach has the best multiplayer"
>Bullshit armor abilities *cough* *cough* armor lock *cough* *cough*
>Maps re-used from the campaign or just Halo CE remake

Attached: Armor Lock.jpg (500x281, 132K)

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Armor lock was good. It just was abused by kids who didn't know how to use it properly.


It stops the flow of the game and with it you could destroy vehicles and it forgives the player for bad positioning.

>stops the flow of the game
No. That's by fags that don't know how to use it properly and just hold the button down for ten seconds. If you're actually skilled you'd only use it in the correct times where it takes less than two seconds.
>destroy vehicles
Only if the driver is retarded to boost into someone using it already.
>bad positioning
So it's a good armor ability then? If it can help you survive bad positions so you can get to a better place, it's a good tool. Just like a power weapon would be able to help you out.


It was shit for all the reasons you just dismissed.

>get into firefight with one other player
>lol armor lock
>eats multiple hits that should have killed him
>his two friends run in and triple-team you

>inb4 lol just stand there and wait for it to end

>Just like a power weapon would be able to help you out.
Do you play Halo? A power weapon still takes skill to use, minus the rocket.

>That's by fags who don't know how to use it properly
How else do you use it then if it's NOT supposed to be used as a way to avoid getting blasted by a wraith or a shotgun?

>Is able to be abused by fags
>Is somehow not bad

Or the energy sword, or the shotgun, or the grav hammer, or the fuel rod...

good at slowing the game down to a crawl and negating the importance of individual skill

Soon, brothers

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>energy sword
short range, easy to pick off, can counter
Short range again, high damage drop off
>Grav Hammer
Short range again.
The above are extremely easy to take care of if the holder isn't skilled with said weapon
>Fuel Rod
Basically the same as the rocket, but weaker.

My argument is that using armor lock efficiently also takes skill.
I'll give you an example:
>lure guy with sword by walking away from him with your back
>at the lest second, judged by looking at your motion tracker, turn around and plant a sticky against his face
>go into armor lock until after the explosion
>you just killed a sword guy and the sword is yours
And I didn't even start with EMP blasts.
If your argument is that it's bad because you can turn the tides around if you use it effectively then you're a retard that constantly gets killed because of it. There's a reason armor abilities are in the game.
Nice example of what I mean with faggots that just hold the button down.

>Nice example of what I mean with faggots that just hold the button down.
As opposed to, what exactly? Not using it at all?

What the fuck is your point?

negating the importance of power weapons, any shitter can use it at any time to get invincibility, nah

>My argument is that using armor lock efficiently also takes skill.
And everyone elses argument is that it can be used and abused by retards. Just because they're fags doesn't mean that it isn't flawed. Anything that slows the game down is a bad ability, making an ability spammable like Armor Lock is even worse. Can it be used smartly? Of course, can it be more annoying than any other ability, fuck yes

lol, I can't wait to hear the seethe on the internet about this shit


that fucking falcon and big team battle/invasion made reach the greatest halo multiplayer game. (this is coming from someone who spent 10000 hours playing every halo until 343i fucked it up)

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It slows the game down and is easily abused, largely negating player skill.

There's not much you can do other than just fucking run away when shit like
happens, which again just slows the game down. It is not a well-balanced ability, deal with it.

>Energy sword, short range
Did you forget the autolock lunge. You can easily get 4 kills in one life if you pick it up, unless you have room to IQ. You can counter armor lock more easily than someone with a sword.
You can wipe a whole lobby with it if you camp a grav lift or any box room area that all halo maps have.
>Grav hammer
It's even better than the energy sword as it can fuck up any vehicle that's coming towards you and you can just swing it and swap to your other weapon and get a easy kill.
Armor abilities were pretty gay but don't act like armor lock was some game braking end all be all addition to the game. It's easier to counter that then someone carrying any of the weapons mentioned above.

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Using it effectively comes down to timing and judgement of situations. You have to account for the correct time to get the blow but not be too early or too late to get out of it for a counter right after that blow, or if the situation is optimal you can hold it for about half a second longer to cause an EMP. In the rarest of situations where you had no shield before, and you know you have a team mate next to you, you can even negate a kill for the opposing team.
I'm not saying it isn't flawed, I agree it can be abused and I hate it when I encounter that myself, but I still think it has a place in this game for it, maybe it should have been executed differently?

Also, unrelated but funny: Overwatch fags think Mei is a good character, she basically has armor lock but without the skill and depth, so no EMP and it is just waiting. It blows my mind how basically the same thing but worse can get praise while the better version of it is hated.


Dude, its fucking busted, just stop. Just because it CAN be used effectively without breaking he game doesn't change the fact that it FUCKING BREAKS THE GAME.

>Online-only multiplayer
>Online-only co-op
>No BTB at launch (because Warzone's microtransactions)
>Shit Halo doesn't need like ground-pounds, clambering, slides, ADS, etc.

5 is automatically the worst in the series due to its lack of local play alone, stop defending this shit.

So this is the Halo experience kids were raging about can't wait

Putting anything 343 made above reach. Reach had a lot of problems but it had a better story than whatever 5 was.

A Power weapon is supposed to be strong, but it still takes skill to use. It's extremely easy to take down anyone with any of those weapons if they're bad or you're good. They give you an edge, but they're not broken.
Armor lock is an easy out in almost any situation. It completely stalls the fight and will usually end up with you in a gank once their teammates come in. Compare it to any other armor ability and it becomes apparent just how fucking stupid Armor lock is

Everything Reach did, 4 and 5 did worse

>B-b-best MP since 2...

My fucking rancid diarrhea it fucking is. Online-only, its the worst by default.

I think he just means multiplayer mechanics.

2>3=ODST>1>4>Reach>Level Design

Reach is an incredible package with dogshit gameplay, Halo 5 Is a garbage package with below average gameplay. I choose gameplay above all which is why Halo 4 is the worst Halo game created.

I'm only counting multiplayer, Halo has the worst campaign by a country mile. Also I would've added ODST had it been general.

Halo 3 had better multiplayer than 5

Evade was ten times better than armor lock and so was the bubble Shield. It doesn't even slow down the game. Just throw a frag at them or fake that you are bailing then just unload on them right when they pop.

Still applies, Halo isn't CoD and didn't need all that bullshit that was only shoe-horned in because suits at MS/343wanted a younger/wider audience

When 343 came to the higher-ups with an early build of Halo 4 that played pretty much like 3, the suits said
>This just plays like Halo, change it

And again, 5 is online-only, so it can go fuck itself just for that. Every other game will be playable forever, 5 will be in the dumpster where it belongs once servers are gone.

As much as online only sucks, that really doesn't change the quality of the MP
Stop being a bitch

*Halo 5 has the worst campaign by a country mile

General Ranking

Wasn't 343 originally made up of people who hated Halo?

They probably had some people say that, but they were mostly just made up of a bunch of people from closed down studios, I doubt even the majority disliked Halo

Sort of, they said they hired people that hated Halo. The studio is the incompetents that got carried back at Bungie (Frankie) but they are nonetheless former bungie employees

No, they were made up of left over Bungie people who decided to stay but during development, 343 decided to hear people who hated halo and tool their word and ideas for the new halo game. As you can see that was the most retarded idea that any game developer has done.

>lol who cares XD

Stop being a fucking faggot apologist, lots of people fucking cared. The number one complaint at launch was the lack of local MP and local co-op. No excuse for locking that behind the XBLG paywall. You needed TWO FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of shit for four people to play Halo 5 together in the dame room, in what fucking world is this fucking acceptable?

MS won't even tell players how many people are actually playing the fucking game, they hide the numbers, because they know its low and makes the game look like the steaming turd it is.

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>As much as online only sucks, that really doesn't change the quality of the MP
Stop being melodramatic and actually read what I said. This seething is absolutely fucking ridiculous, especially since we know that Infinite will have 4 player split screen, so it's not a permanent change.
I agree that I wish 5 had split screen, but whether it does or not has no bearing on the actual content of the game whatsoever

And like that Halo 4's multiplayer became a thing and I don't need to go into that because at this point everyone and their dog knows how bad that one is


Armor lock should leave you with no armor after it

Idk what made 343 think it was a good idea to add custom loadouts and perks that were game breaking. I forgot what was the name of the perk where you can't be disabled in a vehicle by a plasma pistol. That perk made you into a god if you were in a banshee.

>I agree that I wish 5 had split screen, but whether it does or not has no bearing on the actual content of the game whatsoever

>Cutting functionality has no bearing on content
Yes it fucking does, what the fuck?

Half the game's functionality is gone. If you don't have an internet connection and your friends didn't all blow $500 on a console, game and XBLG sub too, all you can do is play the campaign, by yourself.

Again, it cost two grand for four people to play together in the same room. It had no LAN either. There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for this. It would be like a new Street Fighter or Smash game launching without local play. So I don't care how good you thought the MP was (it was bad) removing half the ways to play the fucking game and locking them behind paying for XBLG is not acceptable.

Halo 4 was just a disgusting piece of shit
For as much shit as people give 5, they did a lot right, the only real issue besides a few of the spartan abilities is that every gun is equally good at killing people, and boring map design

And the CoD shit that didn't need to be there

And the god-awful campaign

And the fact that everything but the single-player campaign is online-only

So no, Halo 5 did not do a lot right

>hurr durr I play against shitters who run around alone without teammates with a sword out
armor lock is for faggots

Holy shit you are fucking dense. Just because you can't play with friends offline, doesn't change the quality of the content IN THE GAME.
How can half the game be gone if it wasn't there to begin with.

Halo 3 best multiplayer
Halo Reach best campaign

>And the CoD shit that didn't need to be there
Oh like the uh... the uh...
Yeah there was no COD shit in 5
I was also talking about MP, but that's on me for not clarifying

>Turn off cool downs on abilities
>Allows you to instantly press the button to armor lock instantly and parry rockets like it's Street Fighter 3: Third Strike


Halo 3 had the best campaign bar none. The level design is unmatched by any of the other games in the series

Just wait for the armor lock to power down then kill the nigga.

Attached: armor lock totally stops the gameplay and breaks the game.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

I definitely agree with you on that one

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Yes it does

>lol it doesn't matter that you can't drive this sports car anywhere but this parking lot, it doesn't change what's under the hood!

The functionality is what makes the content playable, without the ability to actually play it, it doesn't fucking matter what that content is. If half the ways to play the game are gone, yes it fucking does affect the quality of the game and the gameplay.

And I don't agree that the gameplay was good anyway, it didn't need clambering, ADS, ground-pounds and all that other shit. It was shoe-horned in because MS/343 wanted to appeal to an audience that didn't care about Halo in the first place rather than just making the game they knew fans wanted after the mountains of feedback they got from Halo 4.

if two enemies are able to get to you by the time armor lock ends you were likely going to die anyway, it can also work the other way where they armor lock and two of your team mates show up to whoop their ass. This is not a good example of how armor lock is bad.

big brain play

You should've had two friends to back you up.
Looks like it was your team's fault and the other team is just better.

I see an idiot who should have died and doesn't know how to position himself with the shotgun

>high charity flood level exists
It's The Library but 10x worse. Not mention you have Cortana fucking slowing the game down every 5 seconds.

wrong, what is sprint, what is halo map design

just lose your gunfight and have invincibility bail you out because you have low iq and can't aim

u are the big gay. Part of Halo's culture was split-screening with your mates. Preferably on a Serbia-quality CRTTV where nobody can see wtf is going on in their tiny quadrant.

>Somehow this one mission makes every other mission moot
Oh fuck off. It's definitely the weak point, but every other level is fucking fantastic and unique. Sierra 117 is different to The Storm is different to The Ark. None feel redundant and all are open enough to allow multiple ways of attack.

What's bad about armor lock is that it has no counter. The only options you have are wait or leave.

the only thing i liked about armour lock were situations like this
>2v1 firefight
>throw a frag at them
>detonates, one guy panic armour locks
>kill off his teammate while he sits there just holding down the armour lock button
>kill him after he comes out of it
i was that cunt in btb that used active camo with a sniper rifle so i cant really complain about armour lock bullshit that much.

>Cortana mission exists
Oh no ONE mission out of TEN is bad so that means the campaign sucks. Remember Quarantine Zone, Gravemind (on legendary), or Sacred Icon from Halo 2 or literally any mission with the Arbiter that aren't the last 2?

Sticky grenades

>The Library but 10x worse
No, atleast Cortana wasn't just the same room over and over

>split-screening with your mates
when i was young i had 2 other mates that were into halo, so that meant 3 player splitscreen. one person having twice the screenspace caused a few arguments.

Attached: armor lock.webm (1280x720, 872K)

i hope there is a decent serverbrowser/ matchmaker
then 90% of the servers will just ban armor lock

>Quarantine Zone
this is unironically one of my favourite missions from 1-3. good times where had with youtu.be/lmugIaQvaSg blasting out of my early 2000s crt tv while cruising around in a scorpion.

You still need to wait

IW4x (an MW2 PC mod) has that same feature where you can ban certain weapons or attachments from being used on your server making the multiplayer less chaotic

And yet, he managed to kill three guys in a short clip.

Are you fucking ESL or underage, use your words moron.
>what is sprint
Wow an ability that your allies can also have, well gee that totally doesn't disprove anything I said
>what is halo map design
Then you are out of position, if your enemies can group up on and kill you faster than your allies can arrive to help you, you misplayed. This is like saying it is bad map design if you can run out into the open in the middle of a map and get team shot to death. Fucking hell it is like speaking to a someone from the Babby Royale generation.

I feel like a fucking boomer and I'm still in highschool for god sakes

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destroying vehicles was a good thing
they were functionally powerups combined with power weapons without proper spawn restrictions
giving standard characters unique counterplay to that that stops dumb faggots from beelining for ghosts on literally every life is very healthy for the game

the bad part about it was it being completely immune to everything else
stopping a rocket or energy sword kill sure, thats not really an issue
but stopping literally everything and forcing your enemies to wait for 4 seconds to kill you every time you lose a duel was fucking stupid, and shitters would do it just out of spite