It's just not fun

You think it's fun, but it is just a fleeting sense of accomplishment. The only joy you get from playing this game is chasing the next quest turn in, pushing your exp bar further. The gameplay is boring and repetitive, the visuals are lame, the community is full of antisocial autists, yet you still play.

The only challenge in this game is how long you can commit to playing it. How long you can perservere through the repetitive boredom.

This game is just a substitute for life accomplishments, it is not acute entertainment, it is chronic entertainment.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump because you need to read and I need someone to agree with me.

heres a you my man u need it

I do. I wanted to like classic wow. I've been playing private servers for the past week or so, and the whole experience has just turned me off from wow.

I played TBC and WolK back in the day, so I thought I would enjoy it, have some nostalgia. Except, the game is just unentertaining. The combat is not engaging, you are zoning out most of the time you are in combat. Lots of zoning out when you walk. The game is just a snoozefest. I feel like a zombie when I play.

Fuck the antisocialists. I'll play and socialize with who I please

waiting for this thread to be deleted because of the shills running this board.

I'm genuinely curious what kind of person is making the threads hoping classic will fail.

Just don't play it. What harm is it bringing? Unless you're upset that it might take attention from retail it's literally just
>stop liking what I don't like!

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I wasted about a week of my time on classic servers. Leveling. Thinking it would be fun. I realized it is not fun, it is a replacement for the sense of accomplishment.

Playing a game like Dota2 is fun. There is extreme challenge, high skill cap, deep meta, etc.

To succeed in wow is just based off of how much time you sink into it. I am trying to warn people. This game is cancer. It is just a peice of software that is made to suck your life out of you and turn you into a zombie.

Prime example. All of the big e-celebs talking about the launch are all discussing how much time they are taking off 1-2 weeks of vacation, playing 30 hours on launch, playing 18 hours a day.

Wtf. If you heard any person on the street talking about how much time they are committing to such an endevor you would look upon them with disgust and contempt. This whole community is perverse.

>I realized it is not fun, it is a replacement for the sense of accomplishment.
>Playing a game like Dota2 is fun. There is extreme challenge, high skill cap, deep meta, etc.
Any video game is a waste of time and you are a fool if you think you can justify hours spent playing any one. No you can't excuse playing DOTA 6 hours a day on the fact that people go pro playing it because you're only using it as a replacement for an actual skill or hobby.

No matter how good you are at DOTA you'll never run to your parents and tell them your KDR or whatever matters in those games.

I don't know what the big e-celebs are talking about because I don't follow them. If I heard someone on the street saying he dedicates time to playing DOTA I'd have just as much disgust and contempt

By all means you seem like the kind of person I wouldn't want to play WoW with anyway, so while you're playing your super high skill mobas I'll be hanging out on WoW

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The only fun thing about wow is the sense of accomplishment you get from collecting purple pixels. Or hanging out with other fat losers who smell bad, but you cant see their faces and body because you are hidden behind discord.

>it's literally just
>>stop liking what I don't like!

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You think that is a legitimate response, but it isn't.

Have fun wasting your youth collecting meaningless pixels.

MMO games aren't about challenge

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Thank you I will, have fun focusing on things you don't like for the rest of your life

Then what are they about?

>I realized it is not fun
4 u. I personally found dota to be filled with people who are shit at pretty much every other videogame genre except mobas, its all they play, its all they're "good" at and by good I mean making fresh accounts monthly to beat on new players. That's not fun.

>the community is full of antisocial autists,
That is what makes it so great.
If you can't understand the appeal of the unique social interactions that MMOs have then there would be little reason to play.
bump since everything else in your post is right

Why do you value being good. I value having fun. Dota is fun, wow is craving.

The release I get from dota is like getting a nice buzz off alcohol. The release I get from WoW is like satisfying a nicotine craving. While I enjoy getting buzzed, I don't actually enjoy the ciagrette, it just only satisfies a craving, an addiction.

living in a virtual world and interacting with other humans in that world

So it's an outlet for lonely people?


Dang, I understand it now.

The whole raid content and gearing up is just a common goal, a common task. It is completely arbitrary. Run around the world clicking things, pressing keyboards. You're really not having fun, you are just spending time.

But everyone is spending time. Everyone is spending time doing the same thing, towards the same completely arbitrary goal. There is comfort in numbers. There is comfort in people validating your goal. People want to be better than others, they want to have gone farther. It is natural for humans to compete, and to feel satisfaction when you achieve more than others.

WoW provides a venue for this sense of accomplishment. You can group together, you can simulate success. You can trick your brain into thinking you have accomplished something important, because if this many people are doing it, and you did it better, then you have succeed.

It's a massive con game. It's a pyramid scheme that taps into our own social needs and provides a sense of wellbeing that can only come from a job well done.

Except you are sitting on your lazy ass in front of a computer for 30 hours at a time.

its a fork in the road for the MMO genre going forward, lets see if classic really will bring back that mmorpg sense of community or people just dont care anymore etc.
i really hope it fails because the "lets go home" fags and the nostalgia loud fan base for this game is annoying and MMOs as a genre need to die.

People who say they are going home, or want to play this game just don't remember how bad this game really was, and what they really want is go back to that time and miss the community and general feeling of their lives back then. The actual game sucked.

So many people are in for a rude awakening, it's not even funny. I'll be watching from the sidelines.

It's a video game. None of them are productive. It's entertainment, wasting time is the entire point.

Why does classic make people so mad?

This is true. MMORPGs are all about time investment. Or where. Nowadays I have no idea what they're about considering everything is instant gratification.

Oh fuck off with this existencial crisis drama bullshit.
What is the point of literally anything in life? We will all die anyway. What's the point of doing literally anything? You get a good job, you earn millions of dollars to buy a 1000 million dollar mansion, all for what? So you can trick your brain into thinking you have accomplished something important.

So deep, so profound! You have literally solved life.

>just a fleeting sense of accomplishment

The same can be said about any game really. Sorry, but you're just retarded.

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>What people say about Classic
>The Leveling experience is the best part

>What people will do in Classic
>I must get to 60 ASAP

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Just becuase someone says the truth and it hurts you, doesn't mean that person is mad.

Ok then, tell me all about the fake fun I had playing on private servers. Why is it different from "real" fun?

People are idiots. This shouldn't be news to anyone. Then they'll realize they're not cut out for vanilla raiding and give up.

The game was never bad. People played on fucking nost and it was just as fun.

>Playing a game like Dota2 is fun.

Just like during vanilla times. Everybody truly enjoyed the levelling process, only when they were new to the game, everything was new and being discovered.
After the whole levelling process was documented, and wikis and thottbot and whatnot streamlined it completely so it transformed from being an adventure to shifting the focus to reaching endgame raiding and focusing on raiding itself, it sucked.

It will not be the same. I guess a large majority of the classic fags understand it deep down, but they are still in denial.

The point of life is to create and to discover. To create new beautiful works of art, and to discover the secrets of our mind and the universe.

The opposite of creating is consuming. When you play video games you are consuming. You are indulging. You are passively engaging in this world and are not providing value to society.

The point of life is to enrich society. When people live by this ethos, everyone benefits. When you consume entertainment you are merely existing. A parasite on the successes of others.

>well akshually my favorite video games are very productive and by playing them I am contributing to society
ok fag

Ok, then what are you doing here on a board for discussing video games instead of creating beautiful works of art?

Because I just played a bunch of pserver WoW and feel very shitty for wasting my time.

Being good = winning and winning = fun. Dota is a drug, people who play dota only play dota and nothing else because they can't play anything else.

>Because I just played a bunch of pserver WoW and feel very shitty for wasting my time.
Good, you should you fucking idiot.

>The point of life is to enrich society

There is no point to life. Sure enriching one's society is a noble endeavor but it's not the reason anyone is alive. Also without consumers why would one even bother to create?

>i am literally incapable of understanding that people have different tastes in video games
>if i don't enjoy a game then that means that everyone on the planet doesn't enjoy it either
being unable to comprehend that people feel different things is an actual sign of autism

Dota is definitely a drug. 2k hours sunk into that fucking game. But it is captivating because it is so incredibly complex and novel. Every single game is different in a unique way because there are literally 1.16x10^14 possible matchups of heros. Thats 14 figures of novelty, not even considering itemization.

Its continual novelty is what makes it so captivating.

I've played dota consistently for ten years and I still keep up with other stuff. Played Fire Emblem and Shibuya Scramble recently.

This post is exactly why I made the thread.

It's just some retard who realized he wasted his life playing wow.
Something I managed to realize what that would happen 10 years ago if I kept playing, way before it could become a real problem.
I don't even feel pity for him, he deserves it for being retarded.

It's generally considered bad taste to appeal to nihilism.

are you talking about WoW Retail?

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You could make the same post about classicfags intruding whatever retail wow related.

Go back to playing shitty FF14 tranny. That might be up your speed.

t. J Allen brack

Get a couple more servers ready senpai or your launch will fail like all the others ; )

I guess you've never played any other game more than once either

>this denial
Classic is being made BECAUSE private servers were getting too popular and too many people were preferring it to retail. Twitch was getting populated by private server players and blizzard had to step in to stop it.

People are having fun dumbass. If you can't, that is your lost zoom zoom.

Is pretending Classic isn't a nuBlizz product a part of your LARP?

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Classic is pretty fun at endgame
But everything under level 55 is suicide inducing
Levels 1-55 feels like playing Runescape

Cataclysm also brought in a lot lf interesting quest types, Classic is the definition of boring quests, there only ever exists
1. Kill
2. Collect
3. Talk to dude on the other side of the zone

Again, at max level the quest are interesting, quests that tie into BRD, Nefarians lair, Silithus etc are fun and have cool moments

Basically Classic sucks at low levels, hard

Life is what you make it dumbass. Everything you do is worthless and will be forgotten to the cosmos. The government will tell you life is being on a wheel dumbass.

I very rarely replay games, true. My backlog is already insane and no chance to finish ever. There are too many things to play to have the time to replay old games. I still go back to my classic favorites from time to time, but it's exceedingly rare.

Video games are a waste of time dumbass. There is no objective difference in what you play.

Below cap is probably the best leveling experience, especially if you're on a pvp server.

>I wasted about a week of my time on classic servers. Leveling. Thinking it would be fun. I realized it is not fun, it is a replacement for the sense of accomplishment.
>Playing a game like Dota2 is fun.

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I'm honestly really looking forward to leveling up and getting into some pvp battle in the middle of nowhere with others. Going to spend my time leveling fast and then camping the enemy faction lowbies for hours. Camping lowbies was my vanilla experience on my rank 11 mage.

No its not and you damn well know it.
People try and shill Classics leveling because ”muh no mounts” ”muh cumunutyyyyy”
Its shit, all quests are the exact same, there is 0 fucking creativity in the world below level 55, there are arbitary stops in certain zones where you for some fucking reason have to travel halfway across the world to do 2 random quests in order to continue in your original quest hub because those quests just didnt give enough experience for again arbitary reasons

Classic raids and dungeons are fun, the DnD dungeon delving is fun, the professions are fun, world PvP is fun, guilds are fun, reputations are amazing

But Classic quest sucks, period point blank

get some friends

I'm going to level with 3 friends from my high school days killing alliance faggots. Going to be fun for me retard.


What you said applies to every multiplayer videogame including your precious DOTA 2 you fucking retard

>I can't enjoy something good because I'm a failure so no one else should enjoy it

The difference is the timescale. In Dota the timescale is abo 45 min to 1 hour, and thus this type of game fulfills some low time-investment type of goal attainment. It is more in line with "day-to-day" accomplishment satisfaction.

Whereas WoW provides satisfaction of the type that takes years to work up to (e.g. getting to full Naxx gear).

When you are playing video games you are avoiding other types of activities that could provide you with the same type of satisfaction that are objectively better for your life.

Tl;dr WoW provides long-term goal attainment satisfaction and Dota provides short-term goal attainment satisfaction. Having long-term goal satisfaction provided for you when you didn't accomplish anything important cripples you as an individual.

So, even when it comes to wasting time, you still need instant gratification?

that's not true though. with dota you also do something long-term, increasing your MMR, climbing ladderboards, etc. and it was that way in many wc3 dota communities too

I'm gonna play a month and then get bored, no problem there m8. I do the same with ffxiv, I only play 1 or 2 months each year in order to catch up.

Pseudointellectual drivel here folks. This is an example of a moron who is almost of average intelligence but betrays himself in the banility of his post. Trying to deconstruct an mmo for being a Skinner box that monopolizes the players time is pointless. We all know what MMOs are user, you haven't cracked some secret code here. We just ENJOY that. You have wasted more of your time and limited intellect on these posts than I will ever waste on WoW, because I enjoy Classic WoW. You are just a sad little shitter.

MMOs are like listening to heavy metal, it's hot garbage but it can be fun every once in a while. It also have listeners that think it's the best thing in the world and couldn't move on to listen to other things.

Arguably thats the role video games provide. Just like drugs and alcohol. Instant gratification. For some reason that I cannot fully articulate it seems like video games only based upon time investment seems inherently wrong. It seems like it turns people into zombies.

I really need to develop this idea, but it's getting late and I'm losing my ability to think clearly.

I hope you fail and die.

>d*taoid accusing anyone of running on the hamster wheel
I agree with you but youre litterally one of those people yourself

Dropping the pseud bomb in a post is about low-tier as it gets.

The reason I attempted to deconstruct it is because I am aiming to bring to light how perverse the pleasure is.

Your 'truth' is subjective. Just because you are too stupid to appreciate what Classic WoW is doesn't mean those of us with an above average intelligence can't enjoy it. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

Fucking zoomer moron.

Your fedora is showing

So your wanted more time shitposting here? Get real kid. If you are on this board you are contributing nothing to society. And before you say it I am just here to talk about Classic. Too bad the only thread up is you shitposting.

Should have known that criticizing video games as a whole on a video game board would not go over well.

>playing post-6.84 Dota

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>Not appreciating the comfy design of vanilla
Kill yourself zoomercuck.

PvP servers are concentrated autism.

you're like that guy that goes to a metal party and then complains about them playing metal. why the fuck are you even here if you don't like it and have an attitude that perpetually confirms for yourself you won't ever like it? are you a masochist, doing things that hurt you for pleasure?

Forming coherent thoughts and presenting arguments is practicing critical thought and written composition. Playing WoW is the complete opposite of practicing critical thought; you turn your brain off for hours at a time, performing exceptionally repetitive tasks and engaging in superficial social encounters.

You are an incel who power trips by taking advantage of defenseless lower levels. Basically a pedophile waiting to happen. Kill yourself now.

he killed millions of creeps

>Stop liking what I don't like

I can smell the XIV SEETHING from here

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>judging the game off playing on a server that will literally DIE in two weeks


>We all know what MMOs are user
>We just ENJOY that

most people DO NOT know
you DO NOT enjoy it
you don't know what enjoyment is to begin with

you just admitted you want your time monopolized, this means you're suicidal and insane and this is just your way of running out the clock

Yet you can't dispute any of my points. This is because I've unmasked you and you can't cope. What you still fail to realize is that we mmo gamers want a long term experience that takes hundreds of hours to get anywhere. We want that time investment to make the eventual gratification more intense. You zoomers want all of it right now and don't have the attention span or dedication to really savor an excellent experience like playing classic WoW. In short, you post is simply 'stop liking what I don't like' and you need to grow up. No one cares about your proselytizing. Get off the soap box lil zoom.

You. Are. Just. Shitposting.

>To succeed in wow is just based off of how much time you sink into it

It's a fucking MMORPG, no shit?

>MOBAs are fun
opinion discarded

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Your whole argument boils down to "entertainment is frivolous." You're right, it is, but people like it anyway, and most people go insane if they don't include some in their life.

You don't get to decide what I do or do not enjoy asshat. Also stop being so triggered that I tore apart your little pseudointellectual shitpost that you probably spent days working out. It's so obvious now that you are simply another antisocial autistic incel who can't handle anything relating to interacting with other people. You need to get help user. Don't shoot up that school, talk to someone instead. They can help people like you.

You're a jerkoff who enjoys the smell of his own farts. Piss off.

There is no point to life. Do what makes you happy.

Music is entirely subjective and this is a stupid comparison.

The person you responded to is not the OP, just another like minded response.

Would you accept your response if it was coming from a heroin addict? What if you said "heroin is obviously bad for you, it is a vacant pleasure that corrupts your autonomy." And then they responded with "You don't get t decide what I do or do not enjoy asshat."

You likely would not accept that as a valid response.

You could get the same satisfaction from learning an instrument. It takes hundreds of hours to get anywhere. That time investment will make the ventual gratification more intense.

The pathology with MMORPGS is that they short circuit the brain's reward center to satisfy the inherent desire that all humans possess to learn valuable skills.

Instead of developing valuable, useful skills (e.g. trades, art, social) these NEET's just sit in their basement getting the sensation of developing skills.

This is why MMORPGs are pathological. This is why your pleasure is perverse. This is why you should not play it.

Not the same guy, but how is it not a valid response? If he is fine with wrecking his body in exchange to whatever heroine makes him feel, who am I to judge his descisions?

Because he then becomes a burden of society. He is likely to start committing crimes to supply his drug addiction, and is likely to ruin relationships with his friends and family. He is likely to be put on some sort of socialized assistance. These are all objectively negative consequences of the addiction.

You are still assuming that people here don't know this.
You just realized it, I get it. It's kinda pathetic that it took you this long, but you finally realized it. Good for you, but what exactly do you want to achieve here by repeating it?
Do you just not want to accept it that people keep playing MMORPGs despite knowing everything that you have just discovered?

>relates a pedophile to low level killing

Wasn't the people who constantly cry about pedophiles the actual pedophiles? This is pathetic reaching and little kids must be rent free in your head all day.

Who the fuck comes up with this logic except a pedophile?

Do you know whats more pathetic than just realizing this?

Realizing this and yet still playing MMORPGs.

>The eternal silver/crusader/1k "not my fault" player
if you can't handle the waves, don't go surfing my dude :^)

>MMOs suck! It is just a waste of time!
>But ASSFAGGOTS is such an enriching experience though!
>And shitposting is probably THE best way to spend your time!

Wow, it has been a while since someone outed so themself as an uneragedb& to such a degree. Atleast I hope that you are just underaged, the only other alternative is that you are just retarded.

shit I havnt seen a post like this since WoW first came out

And what's even more pathetic, is that you are shunning mmorpgs because they are not productive, so to really drive that point home, you come to this place to argue about it instead of doing something actually productive now that you had your big realization.
You have 0 justification for preaching, you are trying to act superior to them all the while not realizing that you are doing the same thing.

And you are saying that any other video game does not? Think of all the time you have spent in DOTA 2, you could have just used that to study instead. Your argument makes no fucking sense.

People measure time played in wow in days, and it is not uncommon for people to log over a year of online time. I spent about 2 hours casually responding to posts in this thread.

Kind of a weird comparison you're making their pal.

That's just on this thread alone. You will not convince anyone that you are not wasting significant amount of your time shitposting here, or that it's anything more productive than playing an mmo, I hope that's not what you were trying to imply.

Hmm, actually you're right. Any game that captivates you to play hours upon hours on end is pretty terrible for your brain, livelyhood, career, and life.

Good thing I don't play Dota anymore, have decided against the WoW classic relaunch, and in general playing any video game that captivates me to play more than 20 minutes at a time.

Way too ruin your own argument there user. Why don't you just quit gaming outright if you are so above it all? We don't really need or want your shitty opinion anyway.

Again, why are you still here then if you realized that anything non productive is a waste of time?

Maybe I find this discussion to be productive. By shunning all the MMORPG and gaming dudes I am in effect solidifying my resolve to not be one of them. In this light this thread was quite productive to my mental state.

I'm not above admitting faults in my arguement. You actually lead me to self-reflect and agree, all compulsive gaming is degenerate.

Vanilla WoW was fun because it had the war atmosphere carry over from previous Warcraft games. Outside of a few things like instances or starting zones were could just see the opposing faction anywhere and kill them. Group up with your friends and kill them. Then they'd get people together and you'd have nice, organic skirmishes with like 5+ people on each side. I never really played any other game that offered that. Classic might suck though because world pvp died off pretty hard since they never buffed the honor gain for it and now more than ever people just chase the carrot on the stick and there's not really any incentive to world pvp outside of it just being fun and fitting with the overarching theme of the game. It's still worth playing for a few months just before BG's for that though.

>mmos are a waste of time
>playing ASSFAGGOTS is kino and valuable spending of your time
>my subjective opinion that my game is better to spend time in than you game is fact!
>no only game is a waste of time, playing Dota2 isn't a waste of time at all

Holy fuck what a retard. People like what you don't like! Grow the fuck up and move on with your life moron. If you want to shitpoat people's taste in Vidya go to a gacha thread.

You must be either literally underage, or mentally below 18. These kind of thoughts are for 14-15-year olds.

I think OP has a point.
MMORPGs typically don’t have a whole lot of content and they hide it with Grind. WoW is fairly simple game and the only reason to play it is to learn about the lore of each zone by doing numerous fetch quests.
But what’s the point? You can read the lore on the wiki.
After the levelcap which is a big carrot on a stick there is nothing to do in the game to be honest.
There is another carrot on a stick in a form of raiding but you have to be really autistic to do the same raid over and over again.

>vanilla WoW was fun because it had the war atmosphere

people seem to have forgotten this, back when we raided southshore because it was FUN - not because at 100% whatever we'd get a titan rolled epic, a veritable participation trophy


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With this post, i now know my time here is done.

First and last time on the Yea Forums board. Enjoy your degenerate fantasy escape world populated solely by other degenerate manchildren.

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>video games are not productive or useful
inb4 300 replies

If you think assfaggots have any kind of complexity you have the IQ of a chimp.

>Playing a game like Dota2 is fun.

No not really the game is fucking shit everybody hates the game state right now sure the matchmaking patch was good but the meta and overall third world players are making this game unfun to play. Dota 2 will die if Valve does not fix the problem the game has. There will be no new pro players because you can't grind up to high mmr anymore. People love watching Dota 2 nobody likes playing this game anymore.

Bye retard.

The only real reason to seriously start playing any multiplayer game is spending time with your friends. These games are literally meant to be played together so that you can share your accomplishments. Retail has been a singleplayer game since Cataclysm. Playing without friends is not fun at all and playing without a guild is torture. I have experience of that. This involves other games too, just try LoL or Dota solo queue and you'll see why playing without friends is just fucking waste of time.
When you have a solid team together, you will become proud of your group and want to work for your guild, not just for yourself. Everything is more fun together.

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This was literally the thread, you are late for that inb4.

>This was literally the thread
i know

can anyone please make me feel better for rolling on a pve server

You're a pussy and missing on half the game.

You won't have to deal with dumb niggers that only attack 3v1, when they are 40 levels above you or when you are at 1 hp and 1 mana.

This, we just talk on the internet and play because we don't have anything else to do at the moment. If we lived near enough we could go to a bar and do the same thing.

>baby's first existential crisis

dude.. like... nothing in life matters, man... life's all meaningless bro...

Hey, OP.

I'm going to play a ret paladin and try to make my way into a guild that can clear Naxxrammas. Everyone I've talked to has said "Don't do it man, it's going to be nearly impossible". But I'm going to try it anyway. In this way, WoW will be yet another moment in my life where, instead of taking the easy and common way, I will do things the way I want to (I genuinely enjoy the ret paladin class fantasy). I will do something that other people will shy away from, because it will be more challenging and unexplored territory.

Either I will succeed or fail, but the result will be MINE. It will stem from me sticking to my own path and staying true to myself. How can an experience like this be a waste of time just because I'm not trying to cure cancer or be elon musk?

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I thought I wanted it but I dont

Hahaha thats a bait

I genuinely have no idea what you're trying to say to me. I'm saying MOBAs are shit. I can't translate that zoomer gibberish.

Well.. they do have a challenge, the challenge is finding competent enough people to push through heroic raid, and if you're feeling like you dont have a big enough stiffy you can beat your head against the wall in mythic raiding and absolutely learn that nobody knows how to use their toolkit