>old hag

literally who wants this

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Its literally better than 50 year old anime slut with the body of a teen.

I do.

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What are you, gay?

Manuela is for training your cock to be good enough for Hilda.

I S-ranked her only because I got the vibe that she would be very satisfying to mating press

just fuck Dorothea instead what the hell
plus I want to protect her after seeing her so fucked up post-timeskip


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Ferdinand gives her babies, I guess. Lorenz can also marry her but Lorenz is for Marianne.

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Based and tittypilled

God bless Oda non


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Marianne is for Dimitri, though.
Get fucked, bowlcut


he's also lazy as fuck his doujins are fucking short

>Literally who wants Anime Edna Krabappel

if she cleaned up and wore less makeup she'd be very pretty

It seems like he has more shota and young guys than old men.

CTR gets deleted meanwhile you have ATLEAST 5 threads of this game up at a time

>dating her when the students are much better

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>lazy slob PhD nurse and former opera singer who reeks of cheap wine, clopying perfume, and unwashed panties
Sign me the fuck up, I'd put triplets in her.

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Insecure white men

me on the right. you on the left.

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CTR threads require Wumpa coins to post.


You're welcome.

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big titties but not on girl who only has them because she is so far
skinnier/normal sized girls with big boobies

I constantly fap to Nina Hartley, so me

when you could have THIS

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Clown niggas

actual faggot

That's it
You're fucking going DOWN

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is there even a difference? what did he do, remove the mole? which, btw, shouldn't't't be right fucking next to her eye anyway?

A bigger faggot than OP
It's called a beauty mark, zoomer.

200 men.

>beauty mark
You are a dumb gorilla monkey.

But at least I'm not gay

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why are anime milfs so hot

Literally who would want to spend the rest of their lives loving and teasing Bernie? Haha.

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why spend time with some dumb cunt when they are way better tomboys to talk to

no way fag

webm of bernie getting crit on the ballista.webm

The new hotness is the webm where Edelgard starts the fire while Bernie is still alive.

who WOULDN'T want that.
fuck all these young cute anime kids the game gives you, finally a milf character.

Wasted potential. Only in the game for like 5 minutes

Does she really do that? What a cunt.

can't believe you wasted your fucking time for this you assblasted faggot

Why can't japs draw for shit? Why is every single doujin ever posted here so goddamn ugly?

Only unattractive thing about Manuela is her drinking habit. Quit that and I would dive dick first into that.

You get her, Rhea, Samir, and Catherine to fuck. Truly this is the age of the cake.

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can you please stop talking about my sluts

Stop getting rid of moles! They’re perfect sophisticated anime matures.

>Want Rhea's milkies
>have to play a weaker version of the GD route with a shit cast plus Petra
Life is suffering.

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Principal Skinner

me! me!

I would berry my dick so hard I'm her ass whoever pulled me out would be crowned king arthur

Marianne is Dimitri' property.

Edna gets married to Flanders though.

Dimitri is dead. So she's for Lorenz.

dont even know what the game is

i wish he made a full doujin of that Shirou/Taiga drawing

does japan not like milfs or something? i always notice they have some running joke where there always some succubus past 30 but somehow no one wants her

in japan you would like to be married before 25

disgusting used goods


Which is part of the reason they are dying out.

dam no wonder there depressed

humans cant die out

Is this a hack? I thought edeltard only burnt it out Bernie was dead

A roasty becoming obsessed with you is the ultimate alpha status. Out of all her suitors past and present, you're the one she has decided as the best. You're reverse-cucking all the guys she fucked before because your dick is that much better. Think about it logically


This guy..
He gets it!

The older women in Three Houses are all much better than the students

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I wish I was Shamir, bros...

>implying her old bones can hold to it

I just did my first playthrough as BE today and holy shit I'm so excited to see what non-protagonist Edelgard does

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Her Japanese voice actress makes me want to kill myself.


way to ruin the most attractive woman in the game

>hot as fuck
>great design
>crit machine
>only talks about LADY RHEA

I keep forgetting roasties post here.

Based filter going over this simp

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And she DIED afterwards
Funny how that worked out for her

>"""old hag"""
Delete this post this very instant

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Why'd you remove her makeup

>And she DIED
huh? I haven't watched Simpsons in like 15 years. Did they kill off the character?

They effectively retired her character after her VA died.

I see. I didn't know the actor died.

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>The older girls in Persona 5 were better than the students
>The older girls in Three Houses were better than the students
God bless Japan for finally adding delicious cake to their games.

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Can I marry her ? Serious answer, i'll buy the game if the answer is positive


just take the GD route where rhea dies geez

I do, her design is top tier.

geez louise

Pull me offa my knees

The tigger is when you cross the ballista. Which is dumb as fuck. It should be something else. No where near as bad as gilburt burning my WHOLE fucking army alive.

Shit I shouos go to Japan and snag me a qt wife then.

Claude's mom is a milf. Post Claude's mom

Why would you ever go for a milf? She will age quickly and become a decrepit hag. If you go for a prime fertile female she will become a milf eventually, longer shelf life.

I don't know any 19 year olds and don't meet any.

Everyone who also wanted this.

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We are talking theoretical here, obviously. Real women are worthless trash.

Can confirm. I went with Kawakami and am going with Manuela.

They wouldn't be trash if you could groom them, but at best you can only do that in your low 20s with a highschooler to even have a chance of getting away with it

You're right, the graduates are so much hotter than when they were students.

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But user, she's correct

>tfw 23
>tfw just started working at a highschool
These girls act so grown up already. 90% of them are still batshit retarded.