How's the expansion for you so far, lads? Weaves are bretty fun so far, but matchmaking is a shitshow, takes 20 minutes to get a full party.
Vermintide 2: Winds of Magic
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not playing it, looks shit, no new bosses, no new specials, just a handful of new beastmen to roam around, new artificial difficulty yay, and a single new wep per class for $30 AUD. Go fuck yerself
Horrible, I only tested the new features/skills tho since im not going to buy that piece of trash.
Combat feels fucking terrible tho.
>Combat feels fucking terrible tho
I have no idea what everyone is on about with this. It feels the exact same as it always did. I played it for a hundred hours, stopped for months on end, and now I'm back and it's no different except there's some kinda stagger bonus damage and a few talents are different.
It's okay. You only get 1 level which is unbelievable for the price. They put more effort into the weave game mode, which I can see as being fun. I'm on the fence, it's too soon to judge.
The minotaur boss, the banner carrier and the archers are pretty cool. But for $30? I don't know. Head to greenman gaming if you have bought something recently. You can get it for $23.
>blocking costs way more stamina
>dodging is less effective
>you do less damage overall
>less temp health
The weave is pretty much the entire point of the expansion, the map is more of a formality and a way to introduce the beastmen. I think weaves are meant to placate people who've already maxed out their gear and characters and want something to grind at.
>supporting tencent
So basically
>oh no, they made the game actually difficult and removed the temp health crutch that made the higher difficulties a cakewalk and was mandatory on every character, this SUCKS NOW
Not calling you shit or anything but 100 hours isn't enough to play around with everything in the game enough to understand its ins and outs. I'm sitting at 500 and I was still trying to get Sienna to play in a way that didn't feel clunky to me that I managed to do with all the other characters and careers. There's a reason a lot of the detractors are people who have even more hours than both of us and its because when you really get how the game is by just playing tons of legend where the cracks in the design are most obvious you can pick out what needs fixing.
How Fatshark went about "fixing" things was the wrong way to go about it and just made the whole game feel worse, messing with the core mechanics and not even addressing the issue they were worried about. This time they were trying to get shields and heavier weapons to be more viable so they made staggered enemies take more damage while upping health values to balance this. What they don't understand is that any significant stagger effect usually shoves an enemy away from you so that something else takes its place which makes the mechanic completely irrelevant against more than a handful of enemies at a time. Shields are still shit because the only ones that were usable before were sword/axe and shield because their slam was the first power attack so they could actually use it. All they had to do was bind the slam to the extra weapon function key and shields would suddenly see tons more use but instead they just tried to gut other mechanics while giving the player nothing new to work with. Fatshark just doesn't understand how their own game plays which is painfully evident when you watch them stream themselves playing champion and they can never get anywhere unless actual players carry them.
Saw that it was only one level for $20, had to pass. Most of the fun for me in Vermintide was from all the different maps, and while it could just be that I didn't play it as much, I felt like VT1 had more interesting places (And also less interesting ones as well, since a few maps were designed to be small, quick romps with barely more than one small area).
I was kind of hoping we'd get a new hero, but I doubt it'll happen just because there's not a whole lot else they could add (Maybe a Bretonian Knight or something) and they'd have to do more voice lines for everyone. If that was the route to go, they should just make multiple new characters so they can get several voice lines out of the way for everyone.
>actually difficult
Well ya it's pretty hard when enemies still ice skate and they nerfed the one method (dodging) to counter it.
The people complaining are complete faggots on this one and I usually agree with the bitching on this site. But then again I REALLY enjoy the weaves and prefer to adjust to the new game instead of bitching online about the changes. if they change them back then then great but i'd rather get good at the new changes instead of just bitching and quitting since i really like the game.
Now that the beastmen are out. Greenskins when?
Is blocking still server sided so that unless I'm playing LAN with the host enemies can swing through my blocks because the host didn't register I was blocking despite the fact that enemy attacks are client side?
Is killing and staggering still server sided that leads to the exact same problem as the above?
You can't fucking make a melee game with problems like these where the lowest fucking enemy type also deals half your fucking health in damage on the highest difficulty.
Fix this god damn horrendous shit and I'll pay whatever price you name.
Who the FUCK thought it would be a great idea to have hyperstacking beastmen that all look like dark shaggy shapes with glowing eyes, and give one of them, a slightly larger dark shaggy shape, both a skating running attack that can clip you for like 70 damage from misleadingly far away and also an instantaneous headbutt attack.
While severely impairing your ability to dodge attacks.
It doesn't feel tested at all
>I felt like VT1 had more interesting places
This is honestly my biggest issue with the game. VT1's maps had a lot of really cool aesthetic choices that made levels feel like an adventure. Slowly climbing to the top of the city in Horn of Magnus is incredible. But VT2 is content to just let you go through some caves or wander some open forest rather than really progress visually.
>he unironically dies to beastmen
dare i say... mad because bad?
this also fpbp
Well there you have it OP, just take a look at this thread. There's some posts that write out responses and reasons for their stances and posts going "just git gud".
it's 16,79 eurobucks for me
Greenskins would be perfect but VC would be really cool as well
>Fighting beastmen on Legend in melee
>Can't kill them fast enough because fuckton of health
>Get stabbed by spear uses through the guy you're fighting
>Get shot by archers through the enemy in front of you
>Bestigor charges through the crowd and smacks you
>3 assassins and 2 pack rats spawn
who's having /fun/ here?
The game had problems in the past because I was willing to look past them, now they capitalised on all the bad things and reverted combat back to something that feels more like VT1. Not to mention bugs
Oh and also forgot
>Approach a dead rat ogre killed by beastmen
>2 minutes later beastmen are hanging out with Skaven
It doesnt make any sense for greenos to be in the reik during the end times, and even if they were it wouldn't make sense for them to be working with the skaven and northlanders.
previously you could ignore most of the issues game had because of dodge
>fucker bout to stab you even tho he 2m away
>Clan Assstaber teleports behind you?
now all of that is removed and you can enjoy the full force of shit they never fixed
Would it be weird to have a greenskin hero? They “technically” fight for the forces of good in end times, but that’s because they just want to fuck shit up.
still waiting for a goty version with all the dlc
Yeah, the enemies apart from Leeches and Assassins never really capitalised on the lack of collision between enemies and their attacks because toothpick wielders had range too short to stab you through enemies
I also like how new fuckers have slash animation that can hit you from 2m away and when you see his slash animation ended.
I have to admit shields were useless tho but they can blame themself for it, very fucking late for "combat fix" when most obvious issues are still in game and how that dodge got nerfed you cannot ignore these problems anymore.
>dark omens, the one new map
>it's a "wargor drops banner outside map boundary which still hits the horde that has you in a chokepoint" level
>beastmemes ball up into a hyperdense stack of invincible spearmanii
simply ebin, bravo fartshart, really enjoying this $20 full fledged expansion, well worth the same price of the base game
>/vg/ is actually defending this patch saying it makes the game better because it's harder and if you argue that then they'll call you an elfshitter and call it a day
>horde of gors hyperstacks in a choke point because Dark Omens is 90% choke points
>totem goes down on the other side of the choke point
>ungor raiders shooting you through the horde
>or poking you through the solid mass of flesh with a spear
>besitgors charge from the other side of the stack
>bestigor patrols all come with a totem bearer
haha just get gud lmao
>going to /vg/
that's where games go to die, you should have known better
Unironically, shields are actually quite good now. Playing Merc with M+S + SS is the only way to have fun
vtg is full of redditors that hid in the newly revive general because even the vermintide reddit is calling fatshark out on their shit
That was the only place I could talk about VT online because fuck going to R*ddit
>you can hear braap wizard spawning
that is the problem tho, they fixed one thing and broken the rest
I think it would work fine if they only implemented these changes on FK and IB
Oh and let's not forget how fucking great addition Weaves are, right anons?
them being separate mode is a mistake, idea is good but poorly executed
>and reverted combat back to something that feels more like VT1
I like this but the game at its core is still too much of a mess to function properly, unlike VT1. The entire homogenized stagger talent row shows this, with the last talent being a "more power :--DDD" statboost showing how little thought was put into it. If they wanted to be lazy about it what they should've made that row more like this:
Talent 1 - Devastating Blow
Talent 2 - Killing Blow on 1h/Heroic Killing blow on 2h
Talent 3 - Hail of Doom
And then lower the density of enemies. There, now there's more builds to choose from for all characters, shields are useful again, and range gets a fun proc without giving them more ammo so they can shoot forever.
could work very well, but greenskins fit perfectly into the game as an enemy faction.
>slaves - goblins
>storm vermin - normal orcs
>trolls - trolls
and then you could have all possible unique stuff as bosses
>pump wagon boss
>black orc boss
>giant squig boss
>warboss as some final boss
and specials
>shamans doing magic stuff
>squig hoppers as charging cavalry
>doom diver as a assassin sort of, crashing into one of the hereos and disabling him/her
>night goblin fanatics
then again, this doesn't prevent an orc hero, as they fight themselves as often as others
>Adding VT1 weapon perks as talents
Shit user, you're onto something here
That's already what they did with the healing perks, aka the boring but very meta vt1 perks but with slightly more variety. And of course that got out of hand, but I digress. The precedent is there and it would legitimately open up more builds than "are you stagger man 1, 2, or more dps?"
Greenskins would more likely be allies.
>Would it be weird to have a greenskin hero?
Yes. They're newborn retards who will start spazzing out if they haven't had a fight in the last 15 minutes. Not to mention the fact that they're disliked by every other race and hated by dwarves.
Now, I would enjoy bullying ratmen as a newborn retard, but if the cost is group integrity, then we're better off without it.
But where have all the gobbos, gone?
>forces a 30gb patch on everyone that owns it
Why is this game so fucking huge, goddamn
Can't even play a game or even exit the game from the keep without crashing. Blackscreens for talents and mission select. Shit is fucked bruh and I haven't even gotten to see how awful the combat is now according to everyone.
>done with the game
>uninstall it
>wooping 130GB of free space
time to download Destiny 2 i guess since I hate my disc space so much
Acquire some taste in vidya while youre at it. EDF 5 came out recently
I wasn't being serious. That space will go for all those Gaki No Tsukai No Laughing Batus I haven't seen.
>Itemisation is behind a massive RNG wall and as hostile as it gets
>same can be said about regular crafting
>Add-on introduced new crafting which gets you properties for your weapons and so on a reliable way, which should have been regular crafting from the get go
>new weapon for Kruber is counter productive to his mechanics, as you need to hit multiple targets to trigger it, but you mostly do stabs
>Weaves, or short maps for those who are new to the game, are okay, but this should have been what maps were supposed to be
We still don't have fashion-tide because hats are behind an obscene rng wall, and no new coloured armour sets have been added to the game since release. Not even seasonally themed once for halloween, winter, spring or whatever. I don't know about you, but this stuff is the endgame and literally a basic feature for most newer games, but given that fagshart thinks that people only play the game to increase numbers and grind, they just don't work on things people actually want.
i think there are two teams over here, one that will call everything trash and another that will praise everything, i think its cool, its nice they are trying to change things, they are messing with the meta and thats also cool, what i dont like its just one map, maybe if they made two people wouldnt be so angry, the game was stalled its good to see some changes so people need to change their way to play, i hope it keeps changing
>adds 2 or three portrait frames every 3 months
there, you happy now?
Unironically the edf episode is the best as well
>locked out if you didn't get it the first time
What year was it?
The primary issue is reintroducing old bugs and unfixed bugs by changing the combat. Was never a matter of it being harder or easier. 20 slaves phased into one spot and patrols dropping out of the sky and getting hit by clanrat super slide attack were all happening before the patch and now it's even worse because they slapped band-aids on those to work on this mess they've shat out.
Rat Ogres go crazy and kill everything. Just like Into The Nest you can see dead rat ogres around the rat ogre pens.
weaves are the worst part of this expansion. They're so uninspired feeling and boring.
To make matter worse they're going to be doing seasonal resets for this shit, like anyone is going to do these garbage fucks after they complete them once.
I have a feeling they've done same shit again, which is launch a patch that they made on different game version than the one people play on.
Clan fester has all the packmasters hooking elves instead of controlling rogres.
As they should.
id say the real kicker is that YOU HAVE TO GRIND YOUR WEAPONS AGAIN FOR WEAVES. after trying to get the right properties for god knows how long, and spending countless green dust and blue dust, i fucking quit this grindy bullshit
>join weaves two weeks after release
>no one joins and no bots
>Uh oh
They clearly didn't think that through.
t.elf shitters that are shit at the game
I dare you to post your levels.
Only ONE map for 20 euros... not worth it. I can go and buy another game with it.
Fuck elgi and fuck this update.
2014 or 15 iirc
It's fucking shit. One awful map, a cool faction that's implemented in a shitty stagger update making them super fucking annoying to fight, worthless weaves grinding, some decent weapons but they're still mostly reused assets for the most part, and a new difficulty locked behind a paywall. Thanks for making Bardin's leap nasty as hell too.
/vg/ niggers are not welcome here
based Fatshark shill
>bardin leap nasty
they ruined slayer again?
This was the perfect expansion to add a high elf Mage hero. Face it lads, we're never getting another character added to the Ubersreik 5
Of course not. You should have had hopes for new careers instead. But given that they rather rework the same stuff four times, than add another career to each character, we pretty much out of chances.
Anyone got tips to make this game run better? I get it dropping down from like 140 fps to 30 at times.
they nerfed his only damage reduction trait and removed the hp boost, not to mention thp is slightly lowered and his leap brings him down to the ground immediately halfway through the jump
Don't have the dlc and don't play with people with the dlc. Beastmen are for some reason really impactful on performance. They're not the only thing fucking up the optimization but they're a big part of it right now.
If by Boss you mean big monster then there's the Minotaur, who's pretty neat. If you mean like Halescourge then no, there's no new boss and it sucks and I find it incomprehensible.
Is it on PS4? I find these kind of games where you’re essentially doing the same thing over and over best played on a console. Feels much more comfy
Did they fix the combat being server sided? The more the playerbase dwindles the more bullshit it becomes to play higher difficulties when blocking or dodging doesn't actually block or dodge because the host has to register you doing it first for some reason???
I've run out of patience with Fatshark. I bought their first shitty DLC figuring there'd be more soon. Then the second.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. There won't be a third time
>no new careers
>no new characters
>little in the way of new voice work
>no new weapons (until the one each this expac gives)
>the new maps are either: hyper expansive and nobody plays them because of how much of a slog they are, or LITERALLY MAPS FROM THE FIRST GAME PORTED OVER
No, no no no and no. Sigmar does NOT approve of this.
Oh, and PS:
Winds of Magic are CLEARLY just an excuse for them to pad out existing content without anything new, since Quests and Deeds failed at that.
They were also bought by Tencent
The game and all other dlc before this one are. They have plans to release it on console, but no set date. Now is definitely the best time to play it.
Don't forget
>owned by Tencent now
>They were also bought by Tencent
No fucking way
An exaggeration but not complete hyperbole, Tencent bought a minority stake of 36% in them. That may be a minority stake but it's still a quarter of the company
Come to think of it, with it's lack of skellies and excessive gore, they're probably gearing up for a china port
This is why we can't have nice things, fuck this gay earth
Only a 36% minority share, so they dont own the company. Didn't know that Tencent had 80% of grinding gears, the POE company. Explains why they're always talking about how they've stream lined the game and keeping people interested. 56 million for that 36% share in fatshark tho; is it worth? Surprising purchase considering how the player base of Vermintide 2, their biggest IP, has dropped.
So they ruined him, thank fuck I deleted this shit, shame bout 500h I spend on it.
Tecent what's to wedge in to western video game market to overake it, and this is their way of doing it. Why tho? That's another story and I left my tinfoil hat at home,
>game promotes co-operation
>no skellies or spooks
>enemies are all anarcho-capitalist ratmericans
Honestly the only thing that might get it in trouble is promotion of superstition (Sienna's magic, Witchhunters Zealotry) and the lack of Waifu's would make it a poor china performer, still I can see it happening.
as for that 56 mill being a sound investment, Tencents long term strategy is to simply spread itself to as many big foreign companies as it can. Partially because it's a front for the government, partially because they simply have the raw funds they can diversify their holdings portfolio infinitely
Not buying it and the patch sucks ass anyways. Fatshark didn't give fuck about any of the beta feedback and just tried to change what's good and what's shit instead of anything thoughtful. I'd also rather avoid beastmen when I can because they're just a chore to fight after the combat changes. Plus they still feel half-assed with shitty animations you cant easily see or rely on.
On and taking your level 30 talent and moving it to level 35. Fuck Fatshark.
wait, they seriously upped the level cap but instead of adding new talents just spread the existing ones further?
More grind is the last thing I want, fucking Fatshark.
V1 was so good how you could just play one character and get gear for the others, and there were no levels. You could always freely swap between them and just have fun playing the game instead of having to grind numbers.
They should just remove temp health talents altogether.
Fatshark clearly has no idea how to make the game harder besides fucking with dodging, hitboxes and enemies forcing people to relearn everything.
They added new ones but they're there for the stagger changes and other bullshit. One example is how HM now has to pick between invisibility and bleed on her ult
imagine actually playing this fucking garbage ass game past release
one of the genuinely least fun games ive ever played
busted my wrist playing this for 12+ hours a day for two months.
It was acceptable just prior to the patch. Was a buggy mess through and through but it was worthwhile I think. I've reinstalled VT1 for now though. Waiting to see if they decide to fix anything.
it was never acceptable, it was always straight garbage compared to l4d
always a good idea to further separate a player base that is already pretty fucking small.
L4D was just the original coop "shoot the hordes of enemies" game. It was also pretty simple and now most strats for map completion is just rush to saferoom and grab convenient items in your path.
VT added some swordplay and actual non-finale objectives to the mix and the game was better for it. I will grant there were way to many hold out sequences in VT though. Usually waiting for doors to open.
isnt helmgart near axebite pass? should be a few green uglies roaming the mountains
It's always hard to tell what is genuine criticism and the usual Yea Forums thing of not having played the game or being a straight up contrarian for the sake of it. L4d, even 2, got so boring and samey after the first twenty hours. Vermintide 1 and 2 both have much more variety when it comes to combat and the sheer enemy variety and the gameplay differences that come with 2 make it so much better than ld4 2. Not looking forward to this new patch hitting consoles, though.
Yes, Helmgart exists specifically to protect the Reikland interior from greenskin warbands from up in the mountains, as well as control the border with Brettonia.
>wouldn't make sense for them to be working with the skaven and northlanders.
Neither do the Beastmen, the Beastmen and Skaven HATE each other
Anyone noticed the constant barrage of specials?
Minotaur, assassin, sucker, literally the second we killed him a beast horde followed, a brapper, a sucker, an assassin. And that was all in a narrow path where they could jump down, flank you from sides you didn't even know existed.
Holy shit, give me a break.
>everyone is crying that they ruined it
i played it for a week straight with a friend and it's pretty good
It's just tryhards with 7000 hours in the game who can't handle things changing away from the cheese strats they've developed
what are those cheese strats? because im still swinging my xsword like a retard even on cata and nothing can hit me
Executioners is ironically one of the cheese strats
>Using a weapon as it was designed to be used is cheese.
Its fags like you that got Dual pistols nerfed in VT1 for being too good on Roger but ignored kerrilian's trueflight bow with unlimited ammo. Even worse you shit on wholesome Kruber - sounds like heresy innit?
i was using it since the release
not my fault that they keep buffing it in every single patch
The weapons feel like plastics, I dont think it adds anything worth to the game except throwable axes
>gw squats empire, elves, and dwarves
>Now this
I need more elf choking.
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't poopoo on it. Exesword was my second favorite after based hammer. Speaking of which I hear hammer got buffed?
>mad cuz bad
>lol ur just an autist
>its good but I wont tell you why
so this is the power of the Fatshark apologist
>Fatshark apologist
Give me warrior priest kruber and i'd come back to the game.
also they have 5 champions but you can only use 4 per mission but the "lore" is about them as group doing all this shit
goddamn that pisses me off so much
It's a huge disappointment but I can't refund anymore so w/e. It wasn't much money,
I just wish I had some enthusiastic friend(s) to play with, meanwhile I rather keep grinding EDF
if ur actually interested in playing with me fucking reply to me
Don't know any Bens friend
eat rat dick, faggot
>37gb update
this shit should be fucking illegal
Kerillian is my girlfriend
>warrior priest Kruber
>not Warrior Priest Saltzpyre
Warrior Priest Saltzpyre
Runesmith Bardin
Engineer Kruber?
I got nothing for Keriellian or Sienna
I'm not interested in playing with you.
they added absolute SHITTON of "new" recolored maps for new mode.
i'm also playing edf which is an infinitely better game and i haven't seen a single bug myself
fuck fatshart, glad i've only bought the base game
glad we have that in common faggot
>V1 was so good how you could just play one character and get gear for the others
What the fuck are you talking about? This is still exactly how it is. You can open chests on any character and your gear power level is shared across all characters.
I'm just messing with you, you wazzok. I would've played with you if this update didn't push me over the edge.
You'll find equally dedicated mates in time. Hopefully before the game dies out entirely.
>honest to God competitor to left4dead
>massive hit
>devs do fuck all to support it
we should already have had several factions added besides beastmen. Orcs, tomb Kings, vampire counts, chaos daemons... The list just goes on
End Times lore can, and should be, ignored and entirely scrapped like the unsalvageable garbage that it is.
at least they don't listen to retards like you
Exactly. If anything the loot system is much better because you dont just get one shitty item per run for a character you dont use. It's also easy to get lower level characters to a decent power level just by opening a chest for them, plus any crafted gear is at the power level of the character that makes it, with a chance of being a rare item with bonuses. Shit is so much better than the shallowness of the first game.
>noooo don't add fun things it ruins the lorrreeeeeeee
Their dev team is pretty small, but they should definitely be adding more variety to combat and classes, rather than just adding artificial difficulty. Beast men make a nice change, but they need refining when it comes to animations and attacks.
They actually reverted the change after everyone told them how fucking stupid it was to increase the level cap just to seperate talents
I tried the beta and played the new map, there are four more chains linked to it on mission select, are there four other missions with it?
Calling it a return to VT1 is an insult to the original.
Yeah it had bugs, but unlike 2 they constantly tinkered with the game to try finding a golden mean. They never managed to, but they at least never fucked it up completely, rarely reintroduced old bugs, and they nerfed things with a scalpel rather than a fucking hammer. For example, identifying what made trueflight and the bolt staff ridiculously OP and tweaking it, rather than completely fucking ranged in general.
Also their DLC maps were largely brilliant.
Haven't brought the dlc but did a quickplay with someone who brought it. Beastmen feel like a disappointment, felt like re skinned Norscans.
Instead of buying this everyone should buy Deep Rock Galactic instead
i don't enjoy the combat of Deep Rock at all, all the other systems are good though.
I do appreciate that the devs for DRG are constantly updating their game in positive ways, and haven’t managed to colossally fuck anything up yet.
The fact that’s a positive rather than a given is pretty fucking depressing though.
I bought the DLC and so far I've enjoyed it. I don't understand why people are complaining about the map, from what I remember it was originally not even supposed to include on at all, this expansion is really all about the weave game mode. Don't get me wrong, Fatshart should've already have many maps by this time, I would've at least expected an average of one map for each passed month, but this was supposed to have a different focus.
I like the addition of the beast men, but it feels like their units aren't all that varied, neither mechanically or visually, but the banner buff is a very cool and well implemented idea.
The addition of new weapons is kind of meh, considering that you mostly use one or two heroes unless you're a mega autist, it hardly justifies any price at all.
The weaves are interesting a good idea to increase the longevity of the game. But the really fucked up in not making it so that you can bring friends that haven't bought it as it's currently really hard to find a party for the exact weave you're currently on. The new progression system is great and should've been the one used for normal mode as well.
All in all, it's a nice addition to the game, but it's feel a little too expensive considering the cost of the base game and such, and it also feel poorly implemented in the sense that it splits the player base, which they've seemingly been careful about doing in the past.
It's a small download but this could be the big one.
Hordes have been rough
Deep rock is PC and xbone only, so fuck that shit, especially with the devs saying they're not interested in doing a PS4 version (when porting would be easy money). I know some PC only faggot is gonna say >playing on consoles, but that doesn't work when you've only got real friends that play on PS4.
I just got the base game in a steam sale. Will probably get the expansion at some point. Its breddy good so far, except for the fact that all the lobby play on easy setting so you can just mindlessly hack and slash through the whole thing, but that's a community issue.
That's probably got doing daily and weekly quick play sessions for chests and cosmetics. No one wants to go through on vet with randoms, only to lose half way through. Better to play with friends or a regular group, tho the bots are surprisingly competent this time round and you can force them to pick up tomes and grimoires with the action menu.
Progression system sucks. Will only play if they unlock everything for everyone.
Convocation of Decay is not literally impossible with those fucking beastman and flags. Jesus fucking christ delete this map.
"expansion" .Niggas got lazy as fuck.
Fatshark seriously needs to just outsource the console pretty of the game so content doesn't grind to a halt every time they try to make the game work on consoles.
Time for gameboy port :^)
Classes were a mistake. They’re not an inherently bad idea, but FS simply aren’t competent enough to manage them properly, and it’s eating far too much of their time.
In VT1, they only had to juggle traits and weapons against four basic types of enemy, so when they fucked up and accidentally made the homing holocaust or attack helicopter Kruber, fixing the issue was easy.
In 2 they have to juggle traits, weapons, classes that inherently alter their weapons, their talents and multiple different types of enemy. They simply can’t cope without a nerf/buff yo-yo, and combined with their port attempts it’s wasting time they should be using to fix their bugs and make new maps.
no, I played a bit of it and it just felt absolutely jank compared to before
its shit there's a bunch of mad hyper autists on steam reviews saying its bandwagoning cause they cant handle that their game is shit, those are the people defending the game.
>FS is incompetent since release and even since beta if not alpha
>wow that DLC really pushed me over the edge!!
Like are you guys dumb on purpose?
Their official, not fan, official forum is a clusterfuck, the didnt post patch notes there for whatever reason way back in the beginning, instead they posted it on reddit and then some hours later after people on the OFFICIAL forums complain about it, they post them there.
The bug section of the forum was to 80% ignored by both community managers and devs alike, meaning you still have bugs from beta or launch in the game.
They have no clue how their own classes work, listen to the retarded community about how dual pistols, flamethrower and kerillian ult are way to "unfun" for people chasing green circles in endgame screen and have no clue whatsoever how to balance or make actual talents and it shows hard for the level 35 talents right now.
The sad thing is: the game is good, its actually really good, its just missing content and actual devs who can code and not reintroduce the same shitty bugged AI director every second patch.
Who the fuck is catrinne and why does she sound retarded
Pretty much the same as before. I really don't notice a difference. I'd like however if they added more actual maps instead of pointless weaves. It's buggy but it's always been buggy, it's just different bugs now.
Hate me if you want, I haven't bought any of the DLC because it doesn't add any new achievements.
I got 100% and all the legendary skins, at the time alway and championed every map, if they just stuck new achievements on there, I'd buy it all now.
I dropped this game when they charged 15 for two levels and a new weapon despite hitting 30 on all classes and beating every level on legend. Has it gotten better since then?
It's nothing to do with the console ports, PC fag. Fatshark are just bad at patching and adding actual content.
Read this and you'll see what their mentality actually is and why it holds them back. They dont want to make any new maps or classes, they just want to give people endless grinding loops, to the point where they compare the winds of magic to Diablo 3's late game grind.
Reminder there will never be dedicated servers because FARTSHART are physically and mentally incapable of coding server binaries that do not use 50% of a high end cpu and 16GB of ram.
It’s because at the start of the game, people assumed it would have a similar future as VT1, which had a start that was bugged up the ass and slowly built up to an incredible game.
I’m frankly surprised anyone from 1 is left though, since Bogenhafen and return to Ubersreik both showed that they not only haven’t learned anything, but have even managed to regress. This is just par for the course of moving one foot forward and amputating the other.
There are new challenges in Okri's Book or do achievements not count unless they're steam achievements?
Man, VT 1 and 2 are some of my absolute favorite co-op games in recent years, but the support for VT2 has been so fucking disappointing.
>DLC1: 2 mediocre missions, cosmetic rewards that are just recolors of things already in the game
>DLC2: 3 ported maps from the first game, 5 melee weapons
>DLC3: 1 new map, 5 additional character levels which don't do anything, 5 new weapons, a few new enemies, "rebalance" which fucks up the whole game, weaves have a separate progression/equipment system requiring you to start over for literally no reason and offer no rewards for the main game
I was so excited when VT2 did well because I thought it'd get a lot more support than this. I'd even take regular cosmetic updates like TF2 had over this shit. I just wanted a reason to come back to this game and there's just nothing. I don't understand because the base game/concept is fun as hell and competently designed, but then their ongoing support for the game seems like it fell out of someone's ass and nobody else wanted to deal with it.
I would fucking pay to have a halfway decent legendary rapier+pistol skin. I opened hundreds of fucking boxes trying to get a red rapier due to the fucking retarded loot system not offering any way to get things you actually want, and when I do manage to somehow get it by sheer luck, lo and behold, it's just the basic rapier model with blue paint on it, and the pistol has no visual effect on it whatsoever. If the DLC had literally fixed this one minor thing, they would have my 20 dollars. But it doesn't, and they don't.
I want to love fatshark, but for every good thing they do, they do two or three awful things that just bury it.
Did people just forget the whole mess with the first game? How they launched it, announced they were going to keep adding stuff in, announced they were going to launch console versions, then proceeded to go radio silent for months.
They did the same shit with the second game as well. They launched it, put out a fucking road map, then went radio silent for months again.
Forget their ability to handle bugs or follow through with competent design decisions for a second. From the start, Fatshark has zero fucking ability to keep to its own schedule or maintain any sort of rapport with the community.
>remove temp hp
>take 1 hit on leg/cata
>lose 60% hp
Yeah that sounds great with a p2p game your brain must be enormous to have thought that up.
The difference is that VT1 made gradual positive changes, even if they weren’t the ones initially promised.
VT2 has had literally nothing overall positive added to it since the start of the game. They came close when they nerfed ranged, but the fact they buffed melee to retard levels of simplicity means they don’t get points for it. Rather than a fun game when nobody was one of the crutch characters, they made it a fun game when the game decided to fuck you in the ass and you had to claw a way through despite everyone having crutches.
I miss VT1's smaller fights. VT2 is just a hordecleaver constantly.
He isnt wrong about temp HP being absolute bullcrap.
And the problem with legend/cata isnt taking one hit because you didnt pay attention, its because enemies are yanky as fuck, stack into each other, can LITERALLY spawn inside you to attack (back to the wall, enemies climb over said wall, boom, fucked), and have an overall greater attack range (sitting on an object, enemies can reach you but you cant for some reason).
>No skellies
I agree, VT1 gradually improved overtime, but my point was that Fatshark proved themselves to be unreliable with the first game. The minute the same thing began to happen with VT2 alarm bells should have been going off everyone's head.
Frankly, it's a miracle VT1 ended up as well off as it did, and it's unlikely for the same miracle to happen twice.
You're a dummy.
I really disagree. Both L4Ds are excellent arcade style games that encourage players to compete with each other while working together to get through missions. The enemies (special infected especially) are extremely well balanced and all have a good niche (slightly less so in 2). Shooting and aiming is just as interesting as the Vermintide melee system because in all honesty most of the melee strats have been ruined and made dull over time. Maps are more fun to play since difficulty spikes only send you about 10 minutes back, not half an hour. Lack of unlocks means the game is focused on playing optimally and for fun right from the start rather than grinding for gears and level ups. There's a lot more variety in the maps. L4D also offers several modes such as: realism and mutations (basically deeds/weaves done right), versus (I guarantee it will not work well for Vermintide), survival, scavenge (actually a fun distraction), and modded maps/modes/everything (heavily requested in Verm, probably never really coming in any significant manner). Vermintide definitely has some cool stuff but I prefer L4D and expect many others do as well.
I mean ya its an elf, but I cant really see what happens, I mean I know what happens but that overhead swing looks yanky since she 100% dodged to the right and still gets hit, but I cant really see a lot due to the shitty color fuck up.
Anyway, there is no reason for a Waystalker (or BH) to rush into melee.
>classes eat too much of their time
What? The talent rework was the only big change in classes, talents are balanced far less frequently than weapons are.
For someone who didn't play VT1, second DLC is actually good. Maps that are more challenging than original maps, FoW for people with friends, the weapons can be used by everyone (even if only two out of five are sidegrades and not P2W).
>talents are balanced far less frequently
And it shows.
Its still beyond me why anyone would take buckshot over double shotted, especaially now since DS gives 40% cdr.
I dont know why anyone would take Shadowstep.
I dont know why you wouldnt take Vanish since it literally fixes the problem of the class which is getting clubbed to death after assassinating a target.
>For someone who didn't play VT1, second DLC is actually good.
I agree it's technically the best of the 3 VT2 DLCs, but as someone who did play the first game, it was a huge rehash, and they didn't even manage to port over the majority of the maps.
Maulers don't abide by laws of physics.
Basic shot with less cooldown was my favourite, shame it's dead now. Pellets help for popping assassins and zerkers and lesser cooldown is nice to use it whenever I want.
Doubleshotted would be kinda balanced (enemies move their heads quite a lot) if it didn't work per fucking boolet.
Im doing the legend challenges and some maps are actually impossible to do on legend with pugs
Good luck if you need screaming bell for example when most people die at the market area.
It’s another issue that was solved in VT1 but completely fucked in 2.
1 gave you the options of
Risk/reward: take regrowth/bloodlust and play aggressively to recoup lost health
Teamwork: have someone with one of the health share trinkets on standby if you go down
Or alternately you could trust your team, take full damage traits/trinkets,
get good enough and hope one of the relatively less frequent bugs didn’t bite you in the ass.
The fact that damage wasn’t absurdly inflated and that they fixed the worst of the bugs made this possible.
That's weird. The dlc definitely adds achievements on PS4 and xbone. There's also a new weapon and loads of cosmetics through weekly's with the second dlc.
>being a corelet
not the games fault you have some mobility cpu bro.
I have 427 hours in this game but I quit after they nerfed my fucking guns for like the 6th patch in a row and showed no signs of wanting to stop. why the fuck even make ranged subclasses if you obviously hate them and don't want them to work?
What's the catch? Why is the game on sale for like $8 but it also just got DLC?
Totally disagree. Played loads of the first game, but the three maps are very different with the new enemies and mechanics of 2, plus the much harder to reach times and grims, along with the fun riddles of finding the runes and the survival map that it unlocks. It shows just how much more depth the second game has than the first.
play something else ? there's thousands of games and hundreds of great ones. why limit yourself to one
>Pellets help for popping assassins and zerkers and lesser cooldown is nice to use it whenever I want.
But Buckshot doesnt hit shit on the range you need to kill a special and if he is already near enough for buckshot to actually kill, a melee attack or quick range weapon hit will do the same.
AND Double Shot gives 15% more CDR than Buckshot.
I do not understand what you mean with heads.
Because people are bitches and cant comprehend not having most green circles at the end and FS wants to give melee classes a good run too.
Shame this doesnt work because, again, FS is incompetent and the enemy melees are totally ass and bugged half of the time, add shitty phantom swings, bugged AI directors and shitty specials which mean its ALWAYS better to kill specials from afar (not to mention there are NO real melee specials, grabber could be considered one, but he outranges you anyway).
I mean bosses STILL cant handle stairs and will just teleport right in front of you AFTER jumping down the stairs, when you get back up.
So I've been playing Pyromancer Sienna and several of the talents don't seem to work at all.
>Fires From Ash: Killing a burning enemy reduces the cooldown of Fire Walk by 3%
On a 30s cooldown this should equal 1 second of cooldown reduced for each burning enemy killed.
-Killing enemies with a charged fireball doesn't reduce the cooldown
-Killing enemies that have been ignited by a fireball doesn't reduce the cooldown
-Melee killing enemies that have been ignited by a fireball doesn't reduce the cooldown
-Hosting doesn't fix the issue
>Kaboom!: Fire Walk explosion radius and burn damage increased. No longer leaves a burning trail.
I was going to use this with the previous talent for tons of explosions, but it seems like this talent actually just makes your skill completely useless.
-Seemingly deals 0 damage, haven't ever seen it kill a clan rat on Champion, just knocks back enemies in a huge circle, scattering them and making them harder to fight
-Doesn't ignite enemies like the description says it does, so "increased burn damage" actually does nothing and possibly synergy with other talents is neutered
-Range actually doesn't seem to be increased by much, you still pretty much need to be right next to the enemy for it to have any effect
Gonna assume this shit is just straight up broken like always. Do they not even test their game?
I'm not advocating for buckshot, I like the normal one which is boolet+some buckshot.
>what you mean
Double shot refunds cooldown only if bullet hits head. And since there's two bullets with double shot, it can refund twice.
There is also this issue of enemies just phasing through players that is absolutely infuriating.
I thought it was enough to have enemies hit you from miles away (poor visual feedback), ignoring hits and blocls because of a combination of shoddy coding and latency and spawning all around you because you happened to walk in a "wrong" spot. Now if you push enemies "wrong", they can ragdoll through AND behind you.
Ive seen fucking gors just PHASING through a kruber hacking away with an executioner sword.
It's like the devs are actively trying to make the game not fun
Just read the description for Kaboom again and realized the explosion isn't supposed to deal damage, the rest of it is still busted though
>Do they not even test their game?
they went months without noticing that their internal test server was running a completely different fork of the game than the live one.
For reference to their skills at testing, a few characters had a skill that gave 15% extra power if a grimoire was held by the team.
For literally months this skill didn’t work for anyone but the host.
>expansion costs as much as the base game
>provides minimal changes other than some new enemy types
>not even new maps
What the fuck are they thinking
And why the fuck do they think I'll trust them after all of this development shitshow that happened to the game
go all DoT with permanent burn
utterly obliterates patrols, specials and bosses with 14-25 ticks
also didnt fatshark sell half of itself for chinese money? Is a cash shop coming soon?
I'll be doing this for sure, it's just incredibly disappointing that potentially fun playstyles aren't available because the game doesn't work correctly. I really hate games that only have one viable build.
>Double shot refunds cooldown only if bullet hits head.
Oh I thought you meant something else, my bad, but yeah, if they would have given DS 20% and Buckshot 40%cdr, now that would be an actual deal for you to decide, as it is, DS is the boss killer and boss heads are rather easy to hit, so I dunno, but like all the others already said, FS cant test for shit.
The state of the game is laughable right now, champion runs with two sub level 20, who dont even know book locations ... and Legend isnt better, so is it my fault for trying to play as level 30 or what?
Why the fuck are all of Saltzpyre's greatswords fucking flamberges?
Greatsword is actually amazing on him now but fucking why do they all gotta be this gay wavy shit.
Oh christ, I just found out they actually announced a fucking versus mode. This is going to be a disaster.
>*lags through terrain*
>*client fails to recognize your dodge*
>*catch-catches you through a building*
Heh, nothing personnel, man-thing.
>still haven't transcended humanity, eh? You lack discipline!
dunno who even wants that shit. vs killed L4D2 and KF2
>vs killed L4D2 and KF2
Good thing the games already dead then.
L4D2 versus was pretty fun, but it made sense for the game's design. At least Hunters had some nuanced mechanics and skill ceiling to their leaping, the Gutter-Runner is literally just a straight line dash towards its target. I can't imagine any of the VT2 specials actually being fun to play except maybe the Rothelm.
>15 bucks to unlock nephalem rifts on reused maps
lol what a garbage dlc
Can you refund DLC?
Usually you should be able to but I have no idea if it has the same 2 hours played criteria.
>DLC purchased from the Steam store is refundable within fourteen days of purchase, and if the underlying title has been played for less than two hours since the DLC was purchased, so long as the DLC has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Please note that in some cases, Steam will be unable to give refunds for some third party DLC (for example, if the DLC irreversibly levels up a game character). These exceptions will be clearly marked as nonrefundable on the Store page prior to purchase.
>so long as the DLC has not been consumed, modified or transferred
This means things like in game level boosts and shit but I don't know how it works here since you unlock weapons and cosmetics.
not as bad as bogfen
>$15 for a once per week loot roll