Monster Hunter Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>nips don't know what the fuck is going on
>we don't know what the fuck is going on
is in
No more
can't cuck a los
Sorry bud.
I unironically think it's someone from Yea Forums just fucking with us by teasing his review copy
I told you fags that I had one two threads ago and you asked for proofs.
I unironically think its funny we might get Steve and not zin.
the cuck meme's are real
He's in
Wakey wakey Giggicucks, Khezu's reveal trailer is getting closer and closer.
Ain’t happening.
>still no Garuga
Khezu is /in/!
okay retards
>favorite game
>favorite weapon
># of hours in most played game
Khezufag, deep down we both know neither of us are in.
wow i was told you guys have leaks but there's nothing here, time to go back to rddit
T-that ain't true... Khezu cannot be /out/
I want a Khezu vs Giggi turf war
>the italian that said steve was in hadn't even gotten to Barioth when he said it
Looks like Italians really are always liars.
Khezu is dead. Forget about him.
Why are these two so cute together?
Aisha best girl. Give back the click clack.
What is the genuine problem for people that they cant take a clear picture? Just so they cant be identified by Capcom?
people will be upset if i dont spoiler this shit
somebody posted this in a discord
Is that Sergio?
thread ruined
I'm going to post the video Thursday morning at 8AM EDT in a pastebin in one of these monster hunter thread.
Chameleos appears as an invader Elder in the middle of an M4 side quest for Hoarfrost cats.
M5 starts with you opening up the Guiding Lands and introduces you to Gold and Silver. The first quests are hunting strange variants.
Nargacuga has a new variant called Miststrider Nargacuga.
Teostra has a new world subspecies called Aurora Teostra. Kushala's M5 starts like a normal Kushala, but he's rusted and the Handler thinks it's just a rusted Kushala, then it molts into a new world subspecies called Tempest Kushala. Chameleos is normal. Gore Magala is my next quest.
what's that? just a blurry picture of dunno what
Can someone post the leaks? I'm late to the party
who is that
Is this Steve or a new monster
ahh, I finally see his jaw, is absolutely Seregios.
nothing yet but we're starting to get what looks like images of the game
>those beady eyes at the front of its head
>Google images
That's just a photo of a rocky valley
See those rocky textures? It's clearly some brush from photoshop
I see now that I was looking too small. That is indeed a giant Steve head.
It's funny how Capcom likes to keep shoving in Rathalos/Rathian variants yet never actually making the fights good.
Was his eye always that small?
Nice painting faggot
It's just a painting bros.
Well they added Steve so we finally have a good flying one
whenever people unironically tilt the camera and hold their controller up it’s an obvious fake
How many monsters are confirmed and how many are we expecting?
guys I figured it out
>Make los fly more
>Make Ian backflip more
call it a day.
That's a good joke. Steve being a good flying wyvern. You're funny.
>P-please Capcom don't let my wife's boyfriend in my new game!!!
Couldn’t have at least got him from a distance huh. At least when Bazel leaked It was most of his body.
give me your steam account
The actual dynamics of the fights certainly got improved from the shitheap they were in 1st/2nd gen though.
don't do it Khezu I'm sure you'll be in World 2
clean your fingernails
What the fuck? Please tell me this is real.
It's fake.
nice try
Yeah, yeah. Nice painting you have there. Right?
Why do the games Ichinose directed have flagships that are the biggest pieces of furbait in the series?
Are there more images?
saved. We will see friend.
Might be a PC mod. or a painting
"""jade""" is actually just a Baroth covered on snow.
What about Jinouga user?
there are not seregios mods on pc
at least 1.2k hours
>Yay another reused monster with boring ass moveset lazily port into game as hype
He's in! maybe...
no PUBLIC seregios mods no. But. what if this man MADE one to take a picture of it eh? that serego's head looks pretty odd.
On the other hand that means no zin and I would love to see the furfags mad
or its a painting ya, we have seen paintings like that before
it's real
was MHW your first MH game?
only a matter of time before some shitter gets his hands on the game and we watch an idiot blunder his way through
god bless streaming leakers
sanfrog, axe-kun, retard-kun, all of the best
SereGODS 1
Zincels 0
Imagine the jap AND western butthurt if Zinogre wasnt in
*cucks your path*
Why not both?
I find the lack of Jade Barroth offensive. Like it doesn't make sense. Barroth is in the base game, the expansion is Ice themed.
the problem is he would have to go through the entire game before reaching the G stuff if it wasn't someone who played the game before
We already know what Steve and the other flagship will look like in world and that looks nothing like him
I would only be annoyed because thunder needed more reps
>Val in world
Still find it hard to believe.
Banbaro has the same gimmick but he’s better, I don’t know why people want early gen subs when they’re literally just bland recolors. With stuff like coral puki puki world has shown that they can make actual unique subspecies
we already know we wont get every flagship, but all the ones in the foreground are in except for zinogre and seregios
No dude, all the monster in the game right now are in the front row, and they’re all redesigns that look like word designs. And that Steve design there looking nothing like that blurry shit
I require Ukanlos.
I don't know... now that I see it, kind of looks like him with his head to the side, like, already dead.
one of the top reasons I want that to be steve, the old steve leaker said no zin
Hey it's Frontier Steve. I'm still not sure why he was added into the game.
That's because the one in the anniversary art is in rage mode, and the one in the supposed leak isn't, you dumdum.
start streaming faggot
>here comes the Deathmaker
>Seething with Anger
>sheeting with anger
Seething Tigrex variant confirmed.
>one of the top reasons I want that to be steve, the old steve leaker said no zin
He hadnt reached MR4 yet and he said that he hadnt encountered him yet
Unless he says he got further and STILL didnt find Zinogre then he isn't deconfirmed
its from another thread i found its not me
I hope chamleos is, in really
>seething with anger
they did a collab with listfag?
Lightning = Kirin
Wind = Kushala
Sun = Teostra
Rime = Velkhana
Deathmaker = Vaal
Sea God = ??? the new "Water ED"
Anger = Nergigante(?)
>Luna cucked
wait so we gotta fight the elders again?
>Seething with Anger
>Memories of the Sea God
A new siege monster?
>Memories of the Sea God
Khezu's /in/!
Keep in mind that those are the optionals only
And absolutely nothing of value was lost.
>Memories of the Sea God
Where’d you find it? /mhg/?
/in/ the not in-bin!
>Ceadeus Siege
Don't assigned missions move to optionals after being completed?
Wait, a second, this isn't right. Anger can't be Nerg, because it's a hunting quest. There's some faggot non-elder monster in the MR5 "ED tier". Who could this be? Gore? Hot monkey dick?
Are master ranks meant to be harder or easier than AT
lmao water zorah
>SEETHING nergigante
>Nerg gets so butthurt about not getting the zorah buffet that he goes blanco
>making an entire thread about it
fucking retard
Devilish Joseph
its happning right before our fucking eyes
They do, but also the dude who posted the picture might not be done with MR5
most likely, there's pretty much always a G version of siege monsters right?
>Memories of the Sea God
G subspecies*
ashen lao
shah dala
probably more
>seething with anger
Don't do this to me
Don't get me thinking based fucking techno viking is coming back
It’s time.
that's obviously vaal
>Ceadeus siege
Hungery Picklejho
Furious Monkey Dick
Raging Brachy
New™ Tigrex variant/sub/rare species based about being fucking mad
Garuga edgelord mode
>New™ Tigrex variant/sub/rare species based about being fucking mad
Aren't they all?
I mean, he's even got a big horn to cut off like Kulve, and two separate themes for before and after he starts really trying to deal with you.
>Building hype for Gamescom with controlled leaks.
Well played Capcom. Well played.
>Sea God
Wait, wasn't there that wall of text leak claiming there was a Zorah water element subspecies?
We need to go angrier
>all armors layered
real shit?
yeah the longsword tree seems to support water zorah, yian garuga, zinogre, steel uragaan, and a new electric elder dragon
Btw trailer's tomorrow
So since there's no Nergigante quest, does that confirm that there's no regular MR Nergigante at all, just Ruiner? The lack of a MR armor in the weapon showcases and the weapon upgrade skipping straight to R12 already suggested as much.
Yes user, now you can be buzz lightyear, a gay cowboy or even some degenerate kirinslut.
That wasn't a leak, just some obvious hoax.
It's extremely obvious because in Master Rank there's a Rarity 11->12 LS branching from Zorah upgrade path. Hence all the "water Zorah subspecies" theories and """leaks""".
All three in the arena. At once.
Hello iamcll
Nobody knows, it could be another new monster.
>Sea God
>Could have taken that picture on any of the more interesting sounding quests
>Took it on Kirin
>Molten's and Brute's chained super roars
>at the same time
>in a small place
>while there is a charging faggot running around
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
keep normal and brute inbetween you and molten so molten blows up the other two, ez
I'm still more inclined to believe it's Gore, because MR5 seems like THE dedicated Elder Dragon tier. And Gore might be promoted to that tier from flagship tier. And it's pretty angry when it's in frenzy mode. And it can actually be trapped since it's not explicitly classified as an ED.
I hope so. I wanna layer the Bone/Dober helm with everything.
It's on purpose, man. You're seriously telling me you wouldn't enjoy fucking with people at least a little bit if you were privy to this knowledge?
>no new EDs other than the shitty water siege
Seething with Anger can't be nergigante because the quest is marked as a HUNT quest, not a SLAY like all the other elder dragons.
...Meaning this quest's monster can be captured. I think this is highly Savage Deviljho, who has always been in the same tier/rank as elder dragons in previous games, even in lore.
This is why I think Capcom is behind these leaks.
gotta wait until after gamescom :^)
intentional tease
I miss base World leakers, they didn’t tease us. They leaked the whole roster and streamed the whole story.
pls confirm Garuga
Could also be SSJ3 rape ape
Yeah, yeah, I already realized that as soon as I posted that.
>unique skeleton
lol no
>Leakers skipped showing MR4
these faggots are hiding something, i can feel it.
Garuga ain't /in/ because he is still drinking the shitter tears 4U gave him.
If Raj was in, there'd be monkeys all over the place, blanks, conga etc. As disappointed as it makes me, I don't think we'll see Raj unless they drop another expansion.
>If Raj was in, there'd be monkeys all over the place, blanks, conga etc
Well, there are the macaques that use Conga animations.
Isnt the ape skeleton the popo skeleton?
Variants seem to appear on MR4, because the rarity of the MR4 urgent perfectly matches with the "hunt your first variant monster" trophy.
maybe the next trailer will show us all the new fang beast. With Rajang being the first DLC. One can only hope....
*Blangos. Fuck.
Say hi to our foreign visitors
>yians still being brought over qurupeco
>khezu still being brought over gigginox
>shao lung brought in over jhen mohran
>lagiacruz still missing from games despite mountain of gen 1/2 trash reappearing
why capcom do this?
It could also be critical brachydios, but with jho being in base world (DLC, whatever) I think if one of the two were going to get their variant, it'd definitely be Jho. Rape ape would be great, but like another user said there'd be small monsster apes all over the place, and we got nothin' and it seems capcom isn't making a unique skeleton for 1 monster for the MH5 games.
Yeah, but MR4 might not be only for Variants, notice how the MR3 list didnt show any hints of Brachy
Does anyone have any tips for maining the HH. I’ve mainly been a Hammer user this whole time, but I wanna change it up and learn how to jam properly. Is the Jho horn worth investing in?
hi friend, please keep making good video games but don't forget about warcrimes thx
>notice how the MR3 list didnt show any hints of Brachy
maybe because he was literally right at the start?
Hello filthy elevens, gen 1 and 2 monsters are shitty garbage just like your taste
japan is cool
henlo japanese frens
what are they memeing about
But it didnt?
Because he knows the secret formula for making monsters fuckable.
He hadn't even completed the Narga and Glavenus assignments, and he'd only done Barioth.
im going to sleep
I better have the entire roster leaked when I wake up understand fuckers?
They are laughing at our reactions to Steve possibly being in
Bro please bro just one good ass leak bro please.
>need to wake up in 3 hours
>too preoccupied on leaks to sleep
oh fuck
eh , don't fucking tell me this is a zorah water sub , don't want to see his ugly ass again
literally me
>Is the Jho horn worth investing in?
Yes, it's probably the best horn in the game. It's got like 3 god tier songs and a good filler song.
In general, hunting horn tips:
0) DON'T BE A CORNER HORNER. Hunting horn is an offensive weapon, not a support weapon. If you can't find a way to play songs while you're fighting, you're doing it wrong.
1) Always have self improvement up and encored (∆∆ song) if you don't have it up you're doing something wrong
2) Your strongest attack is the forward slam (forward + ∆O) this is followed by the various recitals.
3) Backnotes (press back + note button after playing a note properly) and flourishes (forward + O, on the second spin of the horn press any note button, this causes the note to be played after O) are essential to get songs in as fast as possible. Learn to use them whenever you can and maximize your song output
4) The fastest recital by far is one that you play immediately after a backnote
5) You can store up to 3 songs to recite, when you encore, you will encore all the songs that you played during the recital
6) The fastest encore is an encore of a song chain that started off with self improvement
7) The fastest way to play 3 songs, which is what you should do when you're in combat is to play whatever songs you want, then play a backnote, then play self improvement. This causes you to play super quickly and recite super quickly
8) Remember that you can cancel recitals (and encores) by rolling
9) Remember that recitals do strong damage too, neutral recital is a fast, horizontal swipe that does good damage, so once you're fully buffed, you should always have a few easy to play songs in your recital queue for you to just do the recital attack, without applying the song buff
10) Forward recital is a strong attack, but it's slow. The good news is that if you play it after a regular slam (forward + ∆) or a forward slam (forward + ∆O) lands, it's a strong combo, pretty much instant.
Good luck!
>It's a new giant Carapaceon wearing a Ceadeus skull
Waiting three hours for nothing. Sleep might be wiser.
>Need to fix sleep schedule
>Morning just started, have to stay awake for the whole day
The only monsters I can think of that can seethe in anger is only Tigrex and Rajang. Jho is more of eternally hungry
As they should. Steve was fucking boring.
I'm trying user
It's been 10 years...
He's angry cause hungry
I think steve was a cool, fast fight, he just suffered from awfull (or good?) hitboxes. They were so tight and small half the time he didn't hit you unless it was that sweeping aerial grab. And if you got hit by one of his bleeding scales you could just dodge out and take no damage.
Im curious how ceadeus would work without swimming
like the mohrans probably
He just kinda flops around like a fish out of the water.
this guy's doing the real work
By not being in a game without swimming.
It would make him one of the only monsters to be fought on an actual seafaring boat
There has to be at least one more for the final boss, unless either the water elder itself is the final boss, or the final boss isn't an ED at all.
Or maybe they'll make Ruiner Nergigante the final boss, which would be pretty lame.
>Frogposter being retarded
Just another day
>swimming is secretly back
He wouldn't. It's not him. Amatsu has more chances being the new water ED than Ceadeus. But more likely it's an Iceborne-original monster.
we had that one story fight in 4G with Gore on the boat, does Frontier have any boat fights?
It's fine as long as we get gore, if we don't then holy shit what a wasted slot.
He grows legs and fights on land
Holy shit user, thank you for the info. Saved for future reference.
wasnt there supposed to be a new livestream/trailer on the "first week" or was that some made up bullshit someone had hopes for?
There's another quest on that same boat with steve
Frontier has an airship phase with shantien I think
I hope they buffed him, his fight is way too fair
>But more likely it's an Iceborne-original monster.
Melting Velkhana
So Brachy and dudes are in MR4 or what? They're skipping shit
The flagships seem to be in MR3.
MR4 is in an awkward position when it hosts at least one variant, and maybe Jho/Bazel tier monsters. But there's not exactly enough of them to fill a whole rank. Unless it's all variants. But no game journo got the "hunt 30 variant" trophy, so maybe MR4 only gives you a taste of one variant assignment, but variant grind doesn't start until the post-game.
In world? Just imagine a combination of a lavasioth fight + kulve taroth siege that takes place in an underwater cave or some shit.
It's probably Narga/Tigrex/Barioth/Glavenus/Odo subs and Shrieking Legiana
Thoughts on comparison? Head shape is pretty different, eye either smaller or closed. Scales loom more rough, jagged, "rocky" you could say.
Perhaps its some new species that's a relative of seregios? Kind of like how we have Radobaan and Uragaan.
Yeah, I somehow forgot about those. MR4 might be the "fagship subs" tier.
Maybe it's a Seregilos. Rathgios?
wtf his eye is tiny as shit
That crest blade on the "leak" looks about three times the size it should be for his head
Yep, he's in
Oh shit, I see it now. Talk about an awkward angle.
so where is the brachydios quest
Also is on the left image my dude.
Could be a sub or variant considering Seregios doesn't have one yet. Still looks weird though,.
>more invaders
As if bazel wasnt fucking cancerous enough
Invaders werent this fucking awful in 4u
Head shape is practically the same, the main difference is more spikes around the eye.
That's a lowres blade horn
I’ve got to sleep. Hopefully something else cool happens while I’m gone.
get rekt world shitters it was a superior game the whole time
Good. I don't want another shitty flying wyvern in the game.
I don't like how craggy he looks, his scales are supposed to be smooth and shiny like actual blades and not just spikes. Maybe it's just the crappy potato pic.
oh hey thanks for getting rid of stevefags. Still not gonna revive your dead game tho
>leaked picture looks like ass
>GU looks like ass
checks out
>not having friends
cope worldfag
4u is a bad game and it's flagship should stay in the bin.
I think it's the pic honestly.
I'm not the guy that spent hours photoshopping a cuck bird to troll strangers on the internet in the middle of the night. Doesn't sound like a guy with friends, does it?
either way, I'm going to sleep
do you just assume everyone's a worldfag? that is pure obsession
Easy come, easy go. I’d rather have Gore anyway.
literally took me 10 minutes
running an image of diablos from world over an image of steve with AI software , and cutting out the obvious dunes mountain in the background. the only waste of time was me watching everyone believe it kek
>Thread for hunters over 35 years old part62 (183)
>There are a lot of guys saying World Null, but almost 80% of hunters think that Behe and King Leek will defeat Solo (304)
>[MHX / MHXX] Bitches Thread 52 (709)
>[The ruin is coming] History war king Nergigante, too much wwwww [ringing a habit] Part.7 (510)
>[MHW] No jewels. Fucking (63)
>[MHW] Female character = Nekama (108)
>[MHXX] Coal Mine Braki Exclusive Thread part16 (658)
>[MHW] Receptionist Anti-Thread HR32 [Development Must Read] (67)
>[MHXX] MHXX Online Bitches Thread part128 (374)
>[MHW] Extreme Baby Moss Solo Defeat Thread 2 [Mobile Destruction] (288)
>What Chachacha would like to say during sex 2 (189)
>One-handed swords are weak, but there are always people who make their faces red and replies ... (245)
>[MHW] Receptionist Anti is Virgin Kimota HR31 [Virgin Must Read] (10)
>Why do you hate SSD stubbornly? (222)
Believe is a strong choice of words. I was cautiously optimistic but not sold on the extreme close up. Even Bazel looked weird when he leaked but at least we got the full body. Anyway good show all the same.
>What Chachacha would like to say during sex 2 (189)
Top kek
Post new armors.
I don’t care about monsters. I just want to look cool.
despite the fact that he's a spammer, he was actually creative for once. I am not even mad
Fuck armors
Post new weapons, I hope they will have same colorful autism like in previous MH games
Remember, when the Bazelgeuse pic came out it looked as if it was tampered with in Photoshop
This Seregios pic might be legic, modders have never made models so legit
Damn dude I got bamboozled
>Can’t decide between Hunting Horn and Insect Glaive
Both are so fucking fun desu
Why not both?
shit, it looks like an upscaled picture by ai
The leaked Steve photo is in his normal state, the anniversary one is enraged
Have you ever actually fought him?
>Seething with anger
I'd bet my money that's Nergigante
Yeah and will there be good monsters or just the most predictable, generic shit? I mean, we literally already had discount Seregios: Dresden Edition in the game.
What about Gore Magala? Or is his skeleton too hard to implement?
i think i qualify as a sociopath now
your right its even easier then that
We’ve been over this, it’s not an Elder Dragon. That’s a hunt quest not a slay quest.
Actually now that I look at it the anniversary image steve has his spikes flared up but his horn is still retracted for some reason
So the seregios pic is fake LOL WTF This dude got us good.
it cant be an elder because its capture-able.
its savage joe or rajang
Will Rathalos ever become relevant again? He needs an elder dragon evolution or something.
Gore and Zinogre or this game is a blunder. And these are already my minimum expectations
Quit patting yourself on the back
So why did the horn lose definition like that? I got a lot less smooth after the edit. Part of editing out the background, or?
This isn't pokemon, retard.
seethe harder, worldsperm cuck faggot
your game is trash and so are you
capcom too lazy for unique skeletons despite world selling well
>hunt quest not slay
>thinking it's an ED
>haha I want the objectively shittier designed fight just to see people le mad
Probably just a small change in design like the one Rathalos got
yeah i just used a magic wand,with smudge, blur and stamp, then took a photo of my screen with the controller cause (?) didnt want to spend forever on it
>what are variants, deviants, subspecies?
Because you retards buy the game anyway. Simple enough of an answer?
Look at that fucking Shin Godzilla eye
Seregios actually looks creepy as hell now
The fake forgot the blue eyes so it should have been obvious i guess
ah, makes sense
imagine hating world and knowing that all future monster hunter titles will go in the same direction world is going. i would just look for a different game at that point.
Zinogre at least. It’s one of those monsters that adds variety and color. You don’t leave Zinogre out of a MH title. It just isn’t done.
Based, I ain't even mad
deal with it, your bingshit nintendog doesn't belong in modern, mature MH
>imagine hating world and knowing that all future monster hunter titles will go in the same direction world is going. i would play Dauntless at that point.
Please check Zorah in-game before you post shit you have no idea about
I'd be happy
Sadly they already added Fungus Anjanath so thunder is pretty much covered with him and Kirin and Tobi while we have zero water monsters yet.
Tri is by far still the most "mature" and down to earth MH, even got rid of dual wielding.
Monster Hunter could cease to exist right now and I still wouldn’t play that gutter trash.
dont feed the trolls
coral pukei is a water monster
It's just listfag falling back on his old shtick
Go easy on him he's very tired from having to come up with something new
They literally just have to give Vaal a new skin and is skeleton is already in the game. 90% chance that piece of PS2 trash is in.
Obviously Garuga
Sad because true.
Capcom's Jewish greed really makes MH rosters predictable and boring. Can't even look forward to anything anymore.
>Garuga got buffed up to the point that he's now ED level
Do it Capcom
So they showed MR3 and there wasn't even Zinogre?
Then he isn't in, obviously.
That's it, World roster is shit
So why do some people still expect Zinogre to be in when he wasn't in M3?
also kek at all these people calling everyone who retarded for doubting Zinogre is in
>hurr at this point he is confirmed
Friendly reminder that World is a trash game only played by sub 20 IQ no brained niggermonkeys
Friendly reminder that XX is a trash game only played by retarded cucks who only care about loli trash and wanting to fuck monsters
Friendly reminder that literally every game in the series is a dumpster fire call of duty-tier annual cash grab franchise made specifically to satiate subhuman chinks' desire to escape from reality
There is nothing redeeming about this franchise in the slightest and if you or anyone you know has even so much as had a passing thought of playing these games you should be dragged out into the street and beaten to death
>b-but the games are fun!
No they aren't, and they never were, nor ever will be. Also, "fun" is just a fucking meme word that should not be used in the context of video games.
>b-but this one entry was enjoyable
No, it wasn't. Read above.
I'm sick of seeing these threads up constantly every single waking hour of every single day. The series is trash, everyone in these threads is trash, none of the monsters are even remotely cool or enjoyable, the weapons are shit, the armors are shit, the controls are shit, the camera is shit, and everything is just a fucking chore on a level that Red Dead Redemption 2 WISHED it could have achieved.
Fuck you all.
was brachydios in M3?
>Has a turf war with Deviljho and Rajang
no u
Since when were we shown MR3? I sure as fuck haven’t seen the picture.
dont reply to it
t. why is this sword so slow?
dunno what the first image is since i cant google translate it, but it has a 8/15 date in it and maybe a time (13:00). im not entirely sure if it means anything, maybe it could be the time for the diary
Friendly reminder that Capcom is planning something to show tommorow
They told they will have "something" on that stream with buffs for GL, 15th August
Probably M6-7 since it's in elders recess and it wouldn't make sense to put him so early on.
fair enough, what games do you like user?
Probably Half Life series
>google image
try harder
never played it, probably not into that kind of game personally
ah hivemind up in here (less then 30 seconds apart), i just posted a link to moonrunes though
“We are recruiting special visitors only for the Monhan Club! Application until 15:00 on Thursday, August 15” according to the translate app.
Can you guys not reply to him for once? Youre biting the bait
>seething with anger
Schizo freak, get pills
This picture.
Glavenus is on the same level as Brachydios and he's M3. This picture shows only Assigned quests, also the list 100% isn't complete. The pictures we got save far do not confirm if Zinogre is in or not yet.
You don’t make a good case for yourself when you use the same insult in response to being called out every single time.
>hurr at this point he is confirmed, you are retarded if you believe Zinogre isn't in
World doesn't even fucking Zin. Capcom doesn't want to spend more money on this SPINOFF GAME. IT'S NOT MH5, FACT! It's World.
Enjoy your Kushalas
hi abib
I don't know why Chaos suddenly popped up on a MH thread but now I want to listen to Live and learn, many thanks user.
>Zorah quest has a special icon
>literally called a special quest
>ED's that can be killed have slay quests, siege ED's have special quest icon
Cope more retard, it's a hunt quest not slay or special.
But you are a schizo by definition, it's not even an insult.
The photo with M3 flagship quests isn't a photo of M3, it's just a photo of past Assignments. Whoever took it was still progressing through the early M3 rank.
Seems like Barioth, Glavenus and Narga are the first three M3 monsters.
sorry for asking but is what app is it that can translate images, is it under google or something?
he cute
All the "leaks" are Capcom markters, btw. They do this with every game in the last years to generate hype. There is a reason those leaks don't reveal shit. They just want people to give a shit about their retarded cashgrab expansion.
Not even lying, I know it's true. All the Capcom leakers are always Capcom themselves. One of them even did it on Twitter with World.
what the fuck is this
When are we getting more of these real leaks?
It’s the Google Translate app. You can take, or upload pictures to it and it will try it’s best to scan the text. Not always the best returns but you can kind of get an idea of what pictures are saying.
I miss when these threads were civil and comfy
I know that I can't go back to those times, but it's nice to think about how things used to be every now and then
Why do you care?
Fresh OC for you
youre probably right
>Japs at 5ch think the leaks are coming from discs literally stolen from trucks or warehouses by armed robbers, and not from youtube "content creators" who got a review copy
why are you even here? dont you have anything better to do with your time?
>First Fanged Wyvern
>Mhw introduces more fanged wyverns
>not adding the monarch back
If Zinogre isn't in they've dropped the ball fucking hard. during the Glavenus trailer release day Zinogre started trending on twitter. It's easily one of the most wanted monsters and a fan favourite.
I fucking swear that Vergil leak from DMC 5 was from Capcom marketers
Me too user, during 4U release shit was max comfy
It's funny how I did not even reply to him but i knew word for word what his reply was going to be after getting called out. Serial killers get caught because they become predictable and have a pattern. Try switching it up for once or nobody will give you the (You)s.
Go to Reddit at this point.
What about my post triggered you now?
I am 100% right. Capcom does that shit with all their games, it's cringe as fuck and I bet they think they're clever.
>It's easily one of the most wanted monsters and a fan favourite.
Absolutely true. But then again so is Lagiacrus, and we know for certain he won't be in.
Then again Lagiacrus has a special reason for not being in. Zinogre does not.
They are still intermittently nice and civil. It just takes a concerted effort to report our resident shitposter rather than have half of the posters egging him on. As soon as he’s gone the quality increases tremendously.
Fake as fuck.
This is the fate of every franchise that gets popular in America
>finally got my Pierce jewel
>I now have at least 1 of every deco in the game
time to autisticly grind for my last 3 attack jewels, while also hunting at least 50 of every monster for the remaining guild card titles
I don't know if I have it in my to grind to HR 999 even though I'm on PC and have nothing to do for 5 months til IB comes out
Not sure if sarcasm bou can bet your ass it was.
user... That's just a screencap of a post from this very thread.
Yeah, pretty much this
>fagcom exposed
shut it down
Who grinds on PC? Are you retarded? Just mod everything and use cheatengine to raise your HR to 999 like everybody else. And get the decos from the modded vendor
i don't know why gore magala would come in this late. 99% bullshit
>Exprooooooooooooosion Cat is about to get even more crazy
>Frenzy is coming back, my best friend in the world.
Zora subspecies confirmed
>grinding for decos
>on PC
user, are you feeling alright? Why would you do something like that?
He said he killed both tigrex and barioth
Did he post another pic?
>8 small crowns and 6 big crowns left
Ryozo said that there was a new siege monster, so its most likely the Sea God
>"i will post proofs more later, trust me ;^)"
Simply epic
do you have examples?
its a good marketing tactic, most people are retarded, and in general enjoy gossip / secrets
nobody cares retard, only a world fag would do something so fucking autistic
try doing that in another MH game with 5 times as much content.
>Sees Chaos for everyone, who are we, what can we do?
>suddenly wants to listen to Live and Learn
>Not Open Your Heart
Your taste is good
Keep your head up doggo, recent threads got a bit better after the mods cleaned up the mess. MH being on the spotlight is the main reason shitflinging happens, so we are bound to have autists riding the shitwave.
Our resident troll is going all out lads
It's even sadder they don't understand that Capcom makes all these leaks themselves.
Just taking a photo of your monitor is the cheapest advertisement you can get. There is a reason the leaks don't show anything new. And when they will, it will be just a single thing.
People didn't want to listen when list Chads warned everyone.
Enjoy your Sea Zora and using the cannons for 15 minutes.
Someone a psychologist here? Why do retards care about this shit and also feel the constant need to tell everyone about it?
Get a hobby you addicts
Are you a Capcom shill or why does that post specifically bother you? You could've just ignored it. Do you feel called out?
shut up retards
Can we get some of these real leaks now?
you are a stupid autistic retard, but there is some truth to it.
why do these quest pictures only show stuff that we already know? why is nothing new coming? these leaks really show at most one thing that we didn't know. whoever is leaking that stuff is really careful with what he is showing.
>Why do you hate SSD stubbornly?
You're kinda late
Do not listen to him. Get those crowns bud. Feels good to have that nice, complete guild card.
When Capcom gives their OK, wait a few days. They want hype for Gamescom.
Thanks user, hopefully I can get them before the end of the festivals. Then I can cook my welldone steak and be done for iceborne.
I have an IQ of 190
Well he said there would be G-rank siege, we saw a split from Zorah into water and assumed a water element Zorah, when lined up with "Sea God" it seems to match up
they want to know that they havent been doing something retarded for nothing, for someone to know. its the same reason why people keep pumping hours upon hours into MHW. i-i-i s-swear-r it-ts good! lo-oo-ok at-t the-th-the-th-the-th-t-t-the gr-graphics!! you ff-f-fuc-king ... FAGGOT.
there is less than 100 hours of content in world, anyone with over that amout is a retard. especially crown fags. kill yourself achievements were a mistake in every game that implemented them. and are only there so you cant refund the product at this point.
>Bazel is so fucking retarded nobody believed he even existed
>Knowing this Steve pulls the joke in reverse in order to grow closer with his autistic kid
The grind is just about all I have left. I've also recently put ~100 hrs into MHF1 and got to HR4 if that gives you an idea of how much I like doing unfun things.
With Base World we got a shitton of leaks before release, why aren't the jornous giving us something interesting? Are they all just bad?
>Seething with Anger (Extreme)
>highly Savage Deviljho
>highly savage
So you don't even play because you enjoy the gameplay and to get good.
You are EVERYTHING wrong with the MH community. Everyone should hate and shun you. You just want to get addicted to something. With people like you Capcom doesn't even have an incentive to give us good monsters.
Just die in a corner.
The biggest leak we got had to come from the inside because it included post release content. Journos aren’t going to give us jack.
Grinding and getting better aren’t mutually exclusive in MH.
>tfw fell for the painting meme
anti-social and autistic then, ok
I don't think Zora fits the sea god theme very well, he is more like a huge fucking rock, i expect the sea god to be a more unrelated monster, after all its not the first time a monster's weapon tree branches from a completely unrelated line, right? Right?
Monster Hunter World is so shit.
I just want another real monster hunter game, not this garbage with 30 monsters to hunt, and """qol""" improvements aka blatant casualization.
I played it for around 60 hours and put it down, meanwhile I could spend hundreds of hours in any other Monster Hunter I played and still not be done with it. It just isn't fair.
fuck of riceniggers, make your own thread
shut the fuck up maki
It's Molten Tigrex
for sure
>its not the first time a monster's weapon tree branches from a completely unrelated line, right? Right?
In 3U the Duramboros LS branched from the Rath one so no
Didn't he say the G rank siege wouldn't be like Zorah, though?
>Seething with anger
Aww they're trying to speak English
Since the monster literally named sea god is out of the question I don't have much hopes of it being anything other than a zorah.
I'm actually curious in how the fight will play out. Water pressure pimples? Water blight climbing? Very wet zorah fucking mad and going after the barrier again because xeno owed him some cash?
>Memories of the Sea God
there will be no water zorah.
They better fucking mention Ceadeus in this shit. Or have it appear as a cameo in the distance, the skeleton is already there for shit like that.
Or we fucking murder a baby zorah, that would be good as well.
Well that explains the tempura mantle term a few threads back
If they don't remove Zorah entirely it's still a blunder.
OK leaker, now me show me Overdrive Valstrax
>fight water zora
>sergios flies in
Grinding all this much has made me try out new weapons and playstyles. Started with GS and used it through the whole story and loads of optionals, but now I play everything but GL, HA, LS, and IG, and even then it's because I haven't put the work into them, not because I don't find them fun (not sure I'm playing hammer right though, probably charging to much or something). And after a certain point, most of the monsters aren't even hard and "getting good" isn't a problem. I don't even bother eating at the canteen or buffing for T1 monsters like Tobi since I've fought them so long and they aren't exactly up there with Jho and the EDs. Recently found a squad to play with and I'm having a lot of fun running AL and E. Behe and the ATs with them.
I'm sorry I like "100%'ing" games like MH even though they're "endless" I guess, and I'm sorry I don't mod things in to make it easier on me. I guess I shouldn't have said "The grind is all I have left." The grind is there and so I do it, but I have fun doing other things. I'm not just booting up the game, fighting Lavasioth for 10 hours and then turning it off.
He's a fun hunt though. Probably my favorite Exotic.
It's more likely some unrelated giant water dragon, and the quest client will be reminded of a time when Ceadeus was causing trouble, hence the quest title
>Or we fucking murder a baby zorah, that would be good as well.
>Fight takes place on a massive beach
>Starts completely empty
>Suddenly hundreds of (relatively) tiny baby Zorahs emerge from the sand and start making a beeline for the sea
>Dozens of Nergigante swoop in and start carrying the babies away
>A single Daimyo Hermitaur spends the entire hunt wrestling with one of the babies and trying to drag it into its hole
Yeah he's not bad, and is quite different from how he actually fights in mainline without jumping the shark too much. It's fun to use attacks that come out fast (ie the shield hit on the SnS slash) against his charges you can counter.
The Sea God is Bamboo Gravios you silly
>still no zinogre trailer
>they're just teasing us with leaks now
Capcom will pull the DMC again and show us Zingre/Vergil even though not playable, they'll show a armor traded Zino armor like you could do it in MH4
>Try to get Inagami's Z break
>He starts kicking up rocks immediately
No that's the trash god just like all things shitier
Soon to be the thankfully deleted god.
fuck off with all the zinogre spam
fucking reddit monster
Geysers most likely
about 1k hours on GU
Rajang is my favourite monster.
We just wnat good gameplay instead of shit like Vaal or more Kushalas or BRchy
Why haven't you subscribed to the best and most fun to watch Yea Forums hunter?
>Seregios brings Bazelgeuse with him for some father and son bonding
at least 2k
When's Chameleos coming back bros
Am I right to use any elemental bow I want for AT Xeno since all elements have two star ratings? Or is it bullshit like Vaal where he's only three star weak to dragon after you break his parts?
His Behe hammer vid was actually helpful I give you so much
I'm pretty sure Ceadeus uses the leviathan skeleton
Oh worldsperm
I want to fuck a female monster
Yeah, that's what I meant. Simple canned animations on a background whale shouldn't be too hard with lagia's World rig shelved in somewhere.
Do we know if Iceborne fix most this?
>no blood
>monster behavior and health status built into UI
>Capcom doesn't add more skeletons (too much work)
>can't skip cutscenes, Capcom wants you to watch their hard work
>same reason MHW still randomly selects zones in HR
>new monsters require no precision; just whack them like a pinata (Jagras; Kulve, Vaal [EVERY hitzone is a weakspot]), a joke to old monsters like Gore or Diablos before turning his head into a weakspot in MHW
>less positioning even with GS--just tackle and TCS
>Nargacuga, etc. neutered as well
>CB and especially Bow easy yet overpowered
>95% of armors useless
>almost all weapons but Kulve useless
>imbalanced in general, (monster) elements, weapon damage, etc.
>inconsistencies (can't flash Lunastra during AoE)
>SOS system siphons from the lobby system; only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests displayed and hundreds hidden (sometimes can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live)
>challenging quests are time-gated
>instantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies difficulty
>crammed and visually busy while monsters clip and can even shoot through all the trees in the forest
>the worst monsters in the series, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset/openings
>Palicos instantly heal/revive
>bad hitboxes
>paid DLC
>neck-snapping camera
>more walking
>NPCs scattered across the hub and you have to run to the lift after every abandoned quest
>menus way more delay
>can't see previews in the crafting menu
>likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in armor windows, wheel tied to loadouts, decos sorted almost randomly
>invasions more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung and that can track you
>box access any time
>most weapons are reskins
>sabotaging automatic animations such as sliding or taking off mantles
>can't pause
>can't see other posted quests
>random MVP cards
>even worse roars and tremors
around 1k hours in World
my favorite monster is paolumu because he's so fluffy!
world is my first monster hunter!
>my favorite monster is paolumu
>world is my first monster hunter!
Yeah, we can tell
Looks like when Xeno goes meltdown mode he takes less damage from fire and dragon, but becomes weaker to the other elements.
So yeah, somewhat like Vaal.
660 hours into World
My favorite monster is The Handler(pic related)
Where does the love for this pimecone come from? Nothing against it as I do enjoy fighting them I'm just curious.
People always liked the OG Pinecone
Mostly because it was the first time Capcom made a flying wyvern that wasn't shit
>a flying wyvern that wasn't shit
It spends 80% of the fight falling over each time you tickle its legs
So many tactical posts today.
Literally no one likes him, it's just MHW shilling now that he might be in because of how comparatively easy he is to add for Capshit
If you're actually intelligent and manage to keep up with it
It was hilarious back in 4U when GS Grugs were complaining that they couldn't hit him
But who was Coral Pukei?
>If you're actually intelligent and manage to keep up with it
literally just walk up to it with an IG and press X
wow so hard
Serious Handler
>4U IG is busted
Also wanna tell me that the sky is blue?
Summer Handler
>Ryozo the piscine wyvern enthusiast mentioned a new siege
>it has water weapons branching off Zorah
>"Memories of the sea god"
Which one is it?
Personally i just like how it's not like most flying wyverns, it's not some overused poison and or fire trash. Everything about it is different from it's animations, appearance, the way it fights you. It may aswell be in it's own sub class of flying wyvern.
Serious Summer Handler
>It may aswell be in it's own sub class of flying wyvern.
Some basement dwelling lorefag probably argues how he's a "pseudo wyvern" because he walks on his knuckles or some shit
i fucking love monkey birds now
I'm actually amazed theres no blood mod yet.
What knuckles? Those hooks it uses to claw into shit? Next we'll be calling Astalos a 'psuedo' because it has three attacks where it slams its wing(s) into the ground.
May as well be, she looks even uglier in the hummer outfit compared to her base.
Why do people call Seregios Steve?
Back then before they announced the western name one of the community managers called him Steve
It just kinda stuck with people, some time later some people tried to force the same thing by calling Gogmazios George but nobody cares
unironically reddit meme
So the leaker is messing with us and don't want to reveal nothing new besides quest names?
Well if someone did that they'd be pretty autistic, i'm just saying it's unique compared to the generic flying wyverns.
he can only leak the stuff that capcom told him to leak
Pcecks are retards who only do the cosmetic shit no rational person cares about
But he only showed off anti-hype stuff (revealing there aren't any new monsters in the ED tier other than Velkhana, Savage Jho and the new water siege)
What motivates his unending hatred for the Raths?
Surely there must be a reason
This, you can already note it down: they will leak some shit right before Gamescom
Cucks get hyped for everything
Why add something that should be in the game by default when you can make some shitty 2b futa dinosaur cock mod and get all of the repressed homosexuals to download it?
>revealing there aren't any new monsters in the ED tier other than Velkhana, Savage Jho and the new water siege
But everyone with a bit of common sense could've already told you that.
Savage Jho is pretty hype
>Velkhana instead of Gore
>Seregioshit instead of Zinogre
MHW will forever be the ugly ginger step child
There's nothing saying for sure he unlocked all of the optional quests
He was always a bad monster, just too fast to even work with most weapons and you have to resort to gunner shit or lance and sns. Savage sucks
im pretty sure there is more, but isnt it funny that everything he showed is not revealing too much?
Or you know, git gud
Probably dislikes all the attention they get, that or he was a hunter in a past life and carted to raths too many times.
Getting good doesn't speed up your attack animations.
His weapons have a fun gimmick and all the stuff that previous posters have mentioned. Also I just like his design.
>people tried to force the same thing by calling Gogmazios George but nobody cares
When the hell did this happen? Obviously when 4U released here, but I don't remember a single moment of anybody calling Gogmazios, George. Usually it was just shortened to Gog.
Also 'Toby'.
There are many monsters way faster than him
Also, you have IG and DB, you have no reason to complain about him being too fast
I call him sadface
>Getting good doesn't speed up your attack animations.
switching weapons does.
But no one wants to use DB or IG against Jho, it's not fun. Kys
he is too fast and literally makes 10 steps backwards before his dragon breath and then repeats it, not giving you a chance to get under his belly and actually preparing an attack. Why even defend this? Normal Jho is fine, just make him stronger à la 140 Jho which was harder anyway.
DB vs. Jho is a boring matchup.
Thank you - I'll check kiranico in future
>Why even defend this?
Because 1. most people here are blind fanboys and 2. they have no clue about game design. They defend Kusha as well.
He probably just modded existing quests.
apex jho is faster than savage
He still has longer recoveries after certain attacks and doesn't make as many steps backwards when dragon breathing, at least not consecutively.
playing monster hunter work when monster hunter ice broom is coming out in less than 4 anime cycles
But we all knew there was literally no way it wasn't going to be in
A ching chong nip nong to you as well
>favorite game
>favorite weapon
># of hours in most played game
around 1k hours in World.
favourite monster Kirin
>1k hours in a game with less than 100 hours of content
brain damage
just like those Tri-babbies who did double raths every single fucking day to get to HR999
Quality > quantity, retard. Behemoth alone is better than 95% of monsters, so is AT nerg and Jho
Capcom leaker, if you want us to buy the game during the sales and jump on the train, you better leak the good monsters now
Zinogre, Gore, Rajang, whatever you got
Or I won't buy the game five times for me and my friends