Play DOOM.

Attached: doom.jpg (800x600, 441K)

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I just replayed doom a few years ago after not touching it for like 20 years.


Why would I do that?
Quake is far superior

I mean a few weeks ago, not years.

I'm using Quakespasm - is it just a source port thing, or has the strafing always been that "sticky"?

I'm not sure what you mean by "sticky"
I use Quakespasm as well and to me the strafing is just like how it is in Counter Strike which is what I'm used to. It's very responsive

I'm actually playing it for the first time these last 2 days and finished the first 2 chapters. I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying it. It just feels so satisfying in its simplicity + great music, art, and weapon feel

nigga i love this shit

anyone here played sigil? what do you think of it? I'm really enjoying how balls to the wall hard it can be. I love the level where I got to telefrag 2 cyberdemons after they troll the fuck out of you the whole time.

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It's great that this game still holds such an ability to suck people in, it's truly timeless. I never played it until 10ish years after release and I still remember the first time i played it vividly, it's just such a good experience. What's your favorite monster?

Too slow.

Attached: Doom vs nu-Doom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

This worth playing?

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>Shows the First few levels in Doom 1
>Also shows the only actual fast paced level in Doom 4
Cherrypicking at its finest

I've been having a blast with it, its not the best I've ever played but it's great, it's refreshing playing without the super shotty or the chaingunners and the music is outstanding in either version (I prefer the midi version personally)

>super shotty
I thought it was a Doom 1 wad?

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

In SIGIL the default difficulty is actually Hurt Me Plenty instead of Ultra Violence like every other DOOM wad, which fucked me in the ass at first
It feels so weird to ever pick HMP

No play Duke.

Sloool? Never heard of it

Based. It feels like people remember Duke more for the character itself and his personality, and forget how good the actual game is/was.

Attached: duke0001.png (1360x768, 73K)

i guess i've got balls of steel because i went straight in on UV for my first run but it certainly explains a lot lol

i thought it was neat
too many cacodemons but thats doom 1 for you and that one room with 40 thousand crushers was tedious
>step on a switch to stop the crushers
>have to do this serveral times if you get unlucky and you're just slightly too tall to fit under a crusher to get out
besides that, it was fun and the midi music was good

If you're familiar with Romero's other "hard" maps like Perfect Hatred, Against Thee Wickedly, The Abandoned Mines, and The Living End, SIGIL is right in line with those. It's not like his "easy" maps from Knee Deep in the Dead.

Played doom 2 for decades, know it inside and out. Just finished doom 1 for the first time yesterday.

It was fun, because it's doom, but I don't know what all you Doom 1 fags are on about, doom 2 is absolutely superior.

Is HDoom ever going to get finished?

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hope not

don't even care if this is bait, you should kill yourself

I've never finished Doom 1 or 2 despite having played them on and off since they came out

so do it

One day.

I've played through various WADs for years. Never finished the original games.

hope so


Play DOOM Remake 4

Attached: damn.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

looks like ass

This looks like shit.

Duke was a lot more unsettling to me since the whole backstory was that aliens were kidnapping women to turn into breeding slaves
There's even that one episode where it shows a cinematic of a naked pregnant woman screaming surrounded by aliens

Makes the revenge all the better but wasn't a good contrast to Duke's comical nature about the whole thing


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I played through part 1 & 2 + all the official expansions last year. Will probably replay them all in 2 years time. When you overdo Doom, you start having dreams of running around in pixelated corridors.

>we are gonna patch it guise serious

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Janitor appreciation day

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its really overrated
other doom map packs and mods have been better for 20+ years
i could rattle off dozens off the top of my head
the game feels fine in quakespasm
i prefer ezQuake though
regardless vanilla q1 is pretty bad then again so is vanilla doom1 and doom 2 after level 9 or 10 or so.
compared to other things made with the same engine, doom really is primitive as fuck. would much rather replay heretic, hexen, strife, etc.
and was always vastly inferior to duke3d so really unimpressive to me.
q1 you can at least appreciate the 3d shit but man it looked and ran like shit back then at like 320x200 on everybody's PC so it really wasnt until unreal / Q2 (maybe) came out that 3d was really "Ready" for a quake-like game.
regardless it isnt innovative at all, descent and descent II came out before quake, so, idk why people think it's like the "first 3d shooter" or w/e.
turok also blows it out of the water in technical prowess.

wow is that the new shadow warrior? or serious sam? or hard reset?
oh wait nevermind it's painkiller overdose

I fucking hate this shit when you play some game 24/7 for a while and then you dreams run on this game's engine.
t. had pixelated turn-based dreams after playing Into The Breach non-stop

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Yes. You are recalling the opening cinematic to Episode 4, "The Birth" - only available in the Plutonium Pak or the Atomic Edition.
After my bf showed me it, I masturbated to this many times. I love that screaming moan the voice actress does at 2:08-2:09 here.
Skip to 1:59 for the start of the scene.

>regardless it isnt innovative at all, descent and descent II came out before quake, so, idk why people think it's like the "first 3d shooter" or w/e.
6DOF is a meme gimmick. Having up and down while also utilizing verticality in movement and level design is superior.

Was playing chocolateDoom earlier today. Interested to see if there's any good fanmade level wads out there that I can try out with gzDoom. Never played any mods or fanmade levels, I've only stuck to vanilla.
Any recommendations?

>t. had pixelated turn-based dreams after playing Into The Breach non-stop
maybe don't do this moron
>I fucking hate this shit when you play some game 24/7 for a while and then you dreams run on this game's engine.
>When you overdo Doom, you start having dreams of running around in pixelated corridors.
maybe you niggers should play tetris or something less bad for you

>my bf

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>maybe don't do this moron
Don't sleep? I'd like to but it never ends up well.

What bothers me personally the most is that the build engine is much more capable of "cool shit" and while it is at its best in simulating urban environments, it does a wonderful job in Episode 2 with the space theme as well.
Being able to jump, duck, destroy walls, ride subways, have an inventory of consumables and portable medkits and whatnot, heal yourself by drinking water from a fire hydrant that YOU destroyed, tons of little interaction like with billiard tables and whatnot, lots of switches and puzzles and more weapons, more CREATIVE weapons, stuff like the shrink ray, freeze thrower, working mirrors, laying traps for enemies with laser trip mines and pipe bombs, being able to look up and down, having a jetpack, being able to go underwater, having massive levels with entire underwater and above water sections integrated perfectly like Flood Zone, having sectors over sectors, having MOVING sectors (i mentioned the subways, but this also works for earthquakes and such), having like 20 different kinds of fucking doors, as opposed to fucking doom where literally every door just opens from the bottom to the top. hell even in the first level of duke3d there are swinging doors, double swinging doors, sliding doors, etc...


I was not really into most FPS games until I met him.
I believe he meant to say, try not to play these games too much especially right before you go to bed.

Can someone post the big guide image?

Attached: 06JJXyk.png (1543x2898, 2.04M)

That's awful because it's too dark and makes the game way less readable.

bigger version

Attached: 5a3.png (1543x4500, 3.68M)

>It's time to abort your whole friggin' species

What a line.

>pirate doom
>Ancient aliens
>strange aeons
>back to saturn x
don't know much about gameplay mods

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Thanks. I'm not too interested in gameplay mods anyways, only into having more Doom levels to play.

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oh man that's ironic.
I think they ordered a cease and desist on this project

I dream in source engine and old ps1 games.

Hard reset and painkiller do be looking boring. Shadow warrior 2 is actually beautiful, even though it has only 2 tile-sets(1 has the best art direction in a SmashTV shooter ever). Serious Sam can look unique (fuck 3 for looking so generic tho). None of them are old-school, not even close.

but I'm already playing la tailor girl

god I love apu.

Hey OP i started playing doom again. Just as good as it always is. Good post.


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Duke? more like dookey


That was the plan

I tried but they put in a block asking for my email
I hope the switch does refunds because I am not making a fucking bethesda account just to play fucking doom

you do know you can easily pirate doom 1 and 2 with custom wads for the switch, right?

I wish they would do more 2D/3D platformer of Duke

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