ITT: scenes women will never be able to understand
ITT: scenes women will never be able to understand
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You posted a game primarily made for japanese women.
t. roast
>people with physical and societal advantage were trying to justify it to silence whatever cognitive dissonance thinking about it could bring
If you were ever bullied, you deserved it.
honestly, FF15 had some shit wrong with it, but camping with bros is something that I feel is male bonding at its finest. I have never had a girlfriend who was happy to go camping. Just setting up, going for hikes, getting shit faced drunk by the fire, something that hard to teach. You just feel it.
And that really sums up the thread: Women have trouble considering affection without romantic attachment. You can see it anytime 2 male characters show any sign of friendship, the yaoi troglodytes come out and scream "SHIIIIIIIP SO GAY". Its why women get jealous of guys with female friends, just cant understand that its not always a threat to them to show connection.
Im also drunk and rambling on about shit. Just turned 31 today and probably going to be too old to walk soon.
Most scenes in Yakuza really but especially this one
happy birthday user, i just turned 26 myself on this13th
I really can't understand this. In russia women do hardcore camping just as frequently, if not more, than men.
I guess it's got something to do with society, not gender.
I understood it. It was a forced drama scene with your average bad Japanese acting
Thanks for confirmation you didn't get it.
I played that last week and understood it. It's not hard to understand.
>you’re my brother Arthur
>I know, I know...
It still hurts
I'm a man who just wanted a (You)
you can post any scene from any video game because women don't play video games
>Tell me about the rabbits Nishiki
A deal's a deal, now you have to suck my dick.
>Just turned 31 today and probably going to be too old to walk soon.
Nigga people go on long hikes well into their 70s and 80s. What is it with people these days acting like hitting 30 is the same as hitting 60?
the point made is very good, but the way its made is fucking cringe, dude
remake that image using less than 20 words with no gay cringey shit and i will save it
I can't kill you Kiryu I love you so much I'm sorry I even considered doing this
>Nishki like two weeks later in Yakuza 1
Lmao get fucked Kiryu have fun rotting in jail while I fuck all these bitches and sell all these drugs
surely by making a wall of text rant accompanied with stale memes to post exclusively on forums populated almost exclusively by men I'll finally overcome my inferiority complex towards women
This gets me harder then you can even imagine.
fukin awsome
FFXV was shit but there ain't no fucking way anyone can tell me that final Campfire scene wasn't the best part of the game
It's really not. There's plenty of things women understand that men can't without certain experiences or gender-based ethics and nothing's wrong with that. Besides the statements just a blanket statement for the stereotype concept of a woman and it's not worth taking personal offense.
could only improve if it stripped the log-
>branches get torn off
I've had friendships end because of that. I might look at someone with affection but that's because I admire the person they've decided to be in a purely human way. It's uncomfortable for me to do anything but small talk with them now because of the shit people would say.
that's a fucking beautiful machine
cant post proof because blue board but that's literally my job kek
you're a robot?
I turned 26 last week. I feel so fucking old.
All of them.
7 years.
Yakuza 0 plays in 1988, and the opening of 1 in 1995.
>I feel so fucking old.
I'm 25 turning 26 soon.
I keep having moments where I remember seeing 2015 and thinking I'm losing grasp of time.
Now its 2019.
I'm fucking scared.
Eastern culture is very different not quite infected by narcissism
I'm curious if the desire for strength, sacrifice, and brotherhood seems as boring for women as emotion, compassion, and sisterhood is boring for men.
Being emotional and compassionate aren't bad traits, but brotherhood seems objectively superior to sisterhood to me.
Is this dude legit trying to say that gender discrimination is the same as discriminating against someone cuz they suck as an individual?
Turned 30 three weeks ago. I don't even fucking know where everything is going.
Enjoy it while it lasts, lads.
Is that the machine doing all the work or is the conductor just that good? If it's the latter I can understand it, if it's the former, I can't.
It's just different for women. Brotherhood can fucking start wars and have men throw their lives on the line, but women feel shit so fucking strongly that they lowkey fall in love with their best friends
If brotherhood is dying for your comrades sisterhood is dying with your comrades.
20 right now. 21 on January 8th.
Honestly, I envy you guys. Just getting off my teen years, I feel really anxious. As a society, I feel like we've always been conditioned to believe that the 20's is the last decade of youth and I feel like I'm going no where. You bros are lucky because you're already getting through it, while I have yet to experience it. It scares me too. I've always wondered why we live past our childhoods. I feel like everything progressively gets worse. I'm only 20 and I find it troubling to believe that I'll ever be as happy as I was compared to my childhood. Time has always terrified me.
conductor probably.
hes probably done shit like this for thousands of hours.
>'Objective: Head home to see your family'
Why are woman so heartless?
>If brotherhood is dying for your comrades sisterhood is dying with your comrades.
Very well said, user. I don't really think either one of those is right either, so I guess in the end both sexes are right but in their own ways.
You're right user. 20s really were the twilight of childhood. but don't let go of anything good that came from it. Especially your friends.
It only gets worse, or at least it did for me.
That might be because I wasted my 20s and am only now trying to put my life back together doing things I should have done seven years ago.
Billie Incelish
I'm more referring to my days as a 5 year old to a 9 year old. Once I started hitting double digits, I've continuously gotten a more and more rotten view of the world. I sound like an absolute manchild, but the looming feel of responsibility has basically killed the light in my life.
You typically get over it and enjoy the simple things.
i never played it, so even i wont be able to understand it
complete garbage
I'm like you, friend. I'm in my late 20's and attempting to get it together. Picked up a Warehouse job for some consistent hours and wages. I'm sure its gonna be hell but this will be good for paying off my debts/car.
lol just make sure its the best job in all the near by areas. I worked a factory job and quit after it killed my back and went to work at mcdonalds.
I got paid more and worked 1000% less.
it's not respectable work, but I didn't give a shit to be honest.
yikes my dude
>when women criticize men it is just "telling it like it is"!
>when men criticize women it's "discrimination"!
I hope so. Sounds ridiculous, but I always see that idea that people stop maturing by age 25 and get hopeful that I'll become happy with myself by them.
Until then, I've been watching old videos of me as a child and weeping.
Hang in there user. I went back to university and now I spend every day surrounded by teenagers and being taught by people who are younger than me.
As someone that worked on a golf course and had to do literally every step of this process by hand because my bosses were cheap cunts this makes me both happy it exists and extremely angry I didn't have it
>Until then, I've been watching old videos of me as a child and weeping.
I don't know how to put this, but you eventually see yourself in the kids around you. And when they're happy and joyful, you feel the same way you did when you were a kid.
Try not to remember your child hood alone. You have to live your life with others.
>chopping down trees by hand
I do not envy you.
Any many born after 1995 qualifies as a woman in this case.
Nishikiyama is a cunt
Well, hand tools, like chainsaws and shit.
I have used a handsaw once to chop a downed tree to pieces but that was a one off
>parents ask me to do free labour all the time in their massive gardens even though I'm a shutin NEET with no muscle mass
>make me use the shitty rusty hand saw to cut down branches
I'll fucking do it because I feel guilty for being so worthless but god damn do I never want to do this shit for a living.
>parents had me til the entire lawn so they could plant seeds
>never plant seeds
>do this like 3 times in a row, the ground is basically loose like sand now
>fuck it and plant the seeds myself
>lush as fuck lawn a month later
The first hour of if always sucked, felt like I was gonna die. but then I always got used to it and wouldn't stop until it was done.
Well if you're doing it for a living and the place doesn't supply a fucking chainsaw don't work there anyway, chances are they're cheap faggots and they're paying you way less than they should, give me like 20 an hour and I'll hand saw logs all day, but I seriously doubt anyone so fucking cheap they don't have chainsaws would pay reasonably for such arduous work.
And sometimes user you gotta hit the ground running, I ended up quitting my job and being unemployed for 7 months before getting an Amazon gig.
It's literally hell for the first month since your body is going to be mush but if you push through that you'll be able to have a job soundly
As soon as I saw those branches get cut it just became 200x more satisfying.
12th grade was probably the best year of my life, then right after everything went to shit because now all my friends are busy wagecucking and dating roasties while I'm stuck in a shitty apartment because the better jobs were far away. It's been a decade now but it's not that bad, pick up some new hobbies, learn a language, go to the gym, let completely stupid shit motivate you and try to find people with common interests. Back to life because you're here.
>Closer to my 10 year reunion than my graduation
Mein neger
>It just yeets the treetop after it's done
Fucking amazing.
I think that the reason is different.
In American movies boyscounts are usually... boys. I don't know how it is actually on the ground but I believe that the situation is similar to cooking in Russia:
In Russian schools only girls go to cooking lessons. That is probably why women don't usually have disdain for cooking in Russia and men do.
And everyone is highly encouraged to go camping in Russia.
have you ever had a woman say to you "oh they're gay right" when you play a game or watch a movie that has 2 male friends with a very apparent and close bond
I have never even seen a woman.
Damn logging looks like THAT?
women r dumb lol
Yes. Women my age and even my own mother. They just don't get it.
Yeah but by the same token I've asked if two women in a film are gay because they share physical intimacy. As I've gotten older I've developed a theory. Men prioritise emotional intimacy in their bonds over physical intimacy where as women are the opposite. Think of every 'friend zone' situation, the guy usually falls into it because the woman offers/gets from him emotional intimacy which the guy sees as important but the woman doesn't. I think these different priorities are what cause a lot of inter-personal issues between men and women.
>male power fantasy
This scene and tachibana and makoto "meeting" made me legitimately cry
Never cried at a game or movie before
huh. so you're saying women opening up is literal?
This is why I became an engineer
i have a female friend that gets super close with people she befriends and frequently shares really personal stuff, even sexual kink shit
but she can't seem to understand why she's had so many guy friends develop a relationship with her and then get frustrated when she tells them she's not romantically interested - because by all outward signs it's really hard to tell that she isn't
It's extremely embarrassing how many guys like to believe they're "alpha" because they play an autistic as fuck 100 hour grind which is so casual it's practically impossible to lose and has a primarily female audience.
But yes, tell me again how this is a "manly" series where enemies don't even attack you and you can pause during fights to heal as much as you like.
but women suck as an entire gender, they're literally inferior.
Modern Japanese insectoids can't write
It is. It's also why Russian men are all junkies and alcoholics while women flee to marry real men in China, Scandinavia, America etc where there's no Russian men.
we're Yea Forums, no one thinks they're alpha. you sound like a whiny nice guy faggot forever in the friend zone though lol.
To sit in an cubicle hating your pathetic life choices? No man should ever take such a job. Real men use their bodies, not their minds.
>Real men use their bodies, not their minds.
I wish I could have been a male prostitute :(
Imagine being such a cretin that you have to take pride in playing a casual mini games collectathon because there's nothing else in your life to be proud about. Turn in your man card, it's wasted on you.
t. hohol
Too late for that. The moment a man becomes an engineer his body morphs into a doughy sack of unlovable fat
You don't need much brain power to understand that Nishiki is a lil bitch boy
Imagine being so salty. Why do you americans get offended so easily? Its not only sjws but americans in general cant take banter or anything percieved as a criticsm. Its sad.
>things women will never say
Is it like asian women getting old? It happens over night?
You're too slow!
How persistent you are... die... sigma...
Huh? But it's literally true. Russian women is practically fleeing Russia and find foreign men to marry. Hell, chink businessmen imports them by the thousands every month.
So why are you posting? I don't go in every thread stating whether or not I've played a that game.
My dad owns one of these machines, but you have to place it on the ground to use it first.
It's very fun to use when it actually works.
Where do I find a cute russian wife?
that is one hell of a leap to make just because someone criticized yakuza combat. talk about projection.
Ryuji as a character, really
>Why doesn't he just kill him now??!
>tfw complete shut-in softy but this made my heart accelerate
Fuck, I want one.
the left really can't fucking meme
>all these mad replies
When did Yea Forums get overrun by roasties and white knights?
I don't fucking know. And I love women, contrary to popular belief. I just wish they weren't such cunts all the fucking time. It's exhausting.
2014, 2015 thereabouts.
I think its the holidays for zoomers in america.
This might be the sexiest thing I've ever seen
Those women...
Am i right fellas?
Brevity is the soul of wit, what that means is don't waste my fucking time.
Men and women are different on a set of fundamental levels, of course there's things about men which women won't understand.