Why yes I do think anything not Dunmer is a lesser animal how could you tell?
Why yes I do think anything not Dunmer is a lesser animal how could you tell?
Other urls found in this thread:
More like Dung-mer
Because you look like a brainlet
Hahahaha look at this ere' N'wah.
Dunmer girls are cute! Cute!!!
Dunmer girls are SLUTS
>what a grand and intoxicating innocence. Shame on you sweet Nerevar
this hurt more than if he had just called me an asshole and attacked, I feel like I disappointed daddy Dagoth
Dunmer girls aren't all Barenziah you liar!
Dagoth was insane and didn't even exist.
I agree, he was compelling.
He was Nerevars friend and he wanted us to join him like in the old days.
>TFW mods nuked the comfy ES thread
We'll make our own tes thread with blackjack and hookers
>get married in skyrim because why not
>only people who show up was the guy from the azura's star quest, Uthgerd, who I thought I had killed and some random orc from a stronghold I visited once
You would think the guy who saved the world and is the leader of every organisation in skyrim would be more popular.
Excellent taste serjo.
amazing, he loved his friend so much he'd join up with with his Nord reincarnation to BTFO Imperial shits together and unmake the fabric of reality
Considering the rampant rate of autism in skyrim this isn't all that surprising really
good fortune gang
good fortune gang
that orc is gay for you user, you made the wrong choice
Who would you marry Yea Forums?
I like how Dagoth Ur is so fucking mad in his head that he unironically believes that a random outlander that somehow stumbled successfully through the prophecy is the reborn Nerevar despite simply absolving the trials to become as powerful as him.
Man, all gods and fake gods are complete idiots in Morrowind.
>all gods and fake gods are complete idiots in Morrowind.
He was killed like a bitch
Khajiits humanized by mind breaking torture all the way, user
He didn't resist. He knew their time was over and accepted it gracefully, but you don't seem intelligent enough to have picked that up.
fucking cringe-ola
>Shame on you sweet Nerevar
Did he though? He left the clockwork city in the hands of almalexia. They doesn't seem to smart
Such is the fatalist
Why would you assume the one who fulfills the prophecy is not, in fact, the one of prophecy?
well la dee da mr. fancy hlaalu silt strider
Because the others who went to the trials all died to random stuff or by pursuing their own interests. None of the ghosts you meet in the cave while picking up the Moon-and-Star ring tell a story where they were defeated by the enemy of the Nerevar they just weren't pursuing the title fully or were impaired by means of history.
There are so many Nerevars actually but to put it into Yea Forums lingo, nobody was autistic enough to follow the main questline or died during the trial and RQ out of the game, that's why there are so many hero corpses. Uriel Septim VII just kept sending people onto the Nerevar quest and they all fucking died.
Sure it makes sense since the entire game is a
>you are the one
story but I refuse to believe that Azura unironically bothered trying to reincarnate a soul over and over again and then never bothered once to help either of the heros. It also makes even less sense for Azura to help the Dunmers to begin with because she cursed them to begin with but that's not the point.
From a logical standpoint you are correct because playing through the game is the fulfillment of the prophecy but reading between the lines shows how much bs is going on.
Elder Scrolls in Akavir when? I really wanna meet the Tsaesci.
For real I wanna be in Nippon with eastern China glued to the top already.
>Because the others who went to the trials all died to random stuff or by pursuing their own interests.
Because they were not the one.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe Uriel Septim VII is ever implied to have sent anyone other than you to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecy. At least a couple of the dunmer in the Cavern of the Incarnate are implied to be natives which would also mark them as not the one, as the Nerevarine was specifically foretold by prophecy to be an outlander.
Azura is a god and doesn't view time on the same scale as mortals. I don't think she's in any particular rush to see the prophecy fulfilled, and while she is the one who put the curse on the dunmer, she did so because of the wrongdoing of the Tribunal and would still have an interest in seeing their comeuppance and restoring the old ways of Daedra worship.
>I really wanna meet the Tsaesci.
you want to get vore'd or something jesus, fuck akavir
Another day, another round of gray posting.
Redpill me on Lyg.
it's australia but even more fucked up
They don't eat people stupid, "devourerd men" is metaphor of the Tsaesci infecting whatever the fuck lets them shapeshift at will to have snake-like features to the normal Akaviri humans. Many of whom were either wiped out by the 9 foot tall tiger people, the Snow Demons or the Dragons or they got battered so hard to the point they accepted the Tsaesci snake lycanthropy.
Akavir is literally just Japan, Korea and Eastern China all mashed together what the fuck?
Are the Jerall mountain ranges really that big or is this map not meant to properly scale?
Is Daddy Dagoth the most iconic Elder Scrolls character?
shit taste confirmed
>inb4 hurr durr used good
so what, if you fucked her good enough she will never let you go without draining you first, amazon-style
Nah, it's this guy. Even plebs got past him.
based or cringe?
I mean he beat someone to death with a dick
Based for raping Azura, but kinda cringe for both being a tranny AND sucking Molag Bals thorny peepee
A faggot.
He fucking sucked Molag Bal's dick (and balls too probably).
The Rift is on a high plateau so it is shown with high elevation.
Is this for real?
Is Elder Scrolls the only thing to have an ironic race of Elves that live in angelic white pearlescent cities but do Dark Elf shit like unspeakable torture, necromancy, flesh scultping, ritual cannibalism and Molag Bal worship?
Well they should be!
>CHIM The Basics.png
that picture just states that the Dwemer bombed themselves out of existence because they realized they were being a fucking cog in a system while Vivec is too retarded and never achieved CHIM
Yes. His spear weapon that he has tucked away somewhere is literally Molag Bal's dick that he chomped off after offering him filacio.
"So Vivec, who had a grain of Ayem's mercy, set about to teach Molag Bal in the ways of belly-magic. They took their spears out and compared them. Vivec bit new words onto the King of Rape's so that it might give more than ruin to the uninitiated. This has since become a forbidden ritual, though people still practice it in secret.
Here is why: The Velothi and demons and monsters that were watching all took out their own spears. There was much biting and the earth became wet. And this was the last laugh of Molag Bal:"
Greatest failing of the game is that you can't join him.
You should read about the Bosmer, kek.
>Most notable about Bosmeri combat is their stipulation that a combatant must consume an enemy's corpse within 3 days of killing them. Their families are allowed to help eat the kill. This has led to changes in approaches to combat, such as fasting and planning family feasts following a battle
Bosmeri are tree niggers. The Aylieds are special because their almost heavenly white architecture and starlight weylid stones do not reflect at all the unimaginable cruelty and evil they preformed. Rape, torterous murders and ceremonial canninalism happened in such serene and shining pearl cities.
>Bosmeri are tree niggers.
>killing your friend so that you could break the oath you made to him and use the same profane methods to achieve godhood that the dwemer tried right after you just finished up a war with them over that very issue and end up causing your entire race to become cursed but it's okay because you got to play god for a while
I'm going to say cringe.
Why yes, I play shitty old games after a nobody on youtube recommends them to me, how did you know?
Also, do you guys know Starsector? Very good game! I found it on my own!
>t. Azura
Impregnating all imperial scum is my purpose
There's no evidence to suggest the Tribunal killed Neravine, as far as we know Kagrenac delivered a mortal blow to Nerevar before turning the tools on the heart of Lorkhan and turning his people into the skin of Numidium.
>(you) on the right.
Yea, it's described as belly spears or something, its mad gay.
>how dare you insult my favorite Yea Forums memester reviewer? also I play Morrowind with a hundred mods installed yet I still claim it's a timeless classic
Vivec literally admits that they killed him.
First poisoned.
Then stabbed.
Afterwards they ascended to godhood.
Vivec's lessons are half-truths and the self-propaganda is obvious.
Vivec admitted to it.
Doesn't Vivec get his dickspear after ascending to godhood?
If that is the case (highly debatable) then they would have achieved zero sum and he achieved CHIM
>There's no evidence to suggest the Tribunal killed Neravine
You mean other than Ashlander oral tradition and Vivec's admission to the act?
Hold up
>that dialog
REALLY makes me think
>he didn't hear about Starsector before Sseth's review
Hah, fag.
>Doesn't Vivec get his dickspear after ascending to godhood?
the dickspear is a metaphor/mythology there are 2 stories about it
>its the dick of molag bal he bit off with his severed head which molag bal kept for 80 days
>its a spear made of his own love and genitals
pick your poison, sounds like bullshit either way.
if dwemer zerosummed they would never exist, but we can still explore their old cities.
Why, by your cancerous growths and diminished intellect, of course!
extremely cringe
>wearing full ebony
what if the dwemer turned into mudcrabs
>wanting to marry literal gay shit
how2bed nocturnal
I bought Starsector back when it was called Starfarer, newfag.
>You would think the guy who saved the world and is the leader of every organisation in skyrim would be more popular.
>attending the wedding of the guy that can save and load kill you a gorillian times so you have to endure pain not even a daedra could rain on you
>be so badass you kill a Dragonborn and Dumac Dwarfking in single combat
>be so loyal you refuse to use shitlery to become a god
>your wife and two closest friends stab you in the back to become "gods"
>literally will yourself back into existence thousands of years later
>kill three gods and fuck off to Akavir
Is there a single character more badass than Nerevar? Not even Talos pulled this shit off. He had to use the Numidium to achieve apotheosis. Nerevar is so fucking awesome he doesn't even WANT to be a god.
This man buys you a drink, you toast with him and pass out, whenn you wake up, you are tied up to a bed without your pants, you hear the man's voice
>What a grand and intoxicating innocence, how could be so naive? There is no escape!
What do you do?
>. It also makes even less sense for Azura to help the Dunmers to begin with because she cursed them to begin with but that's not the point.
She's completely invested in destroying the Tribunal, which is tied to Dagoth Ur, you can't destroy one with out the other.
>Is there a single character more badass than Nerevar?
Divayth Fyr, the dude was so busy making female clones and banging them that he never bothered with the Nerevarine memery.
Almalexia's an idiot that wouldn't be able to make use of his technology. Duh.
Why does everyone forget he fucked a Yokuden king and birth another race of monsters than sank the whole fucking continent just because he could.
Oblivion was such a mindfuck because talking to NPCs would just
the entire population in near proximity until you were done interacting with them.
thanks doc
I like that you're pretty much openly admitting you'd never heard of Morrowind before some e-celeb made a video about it.
based in Morrowind, extremely cringe in everything MK has written about him later
Yeah it's kind of immersion breaking but at least you could see people up close while talking to them, it was especially fun if you had pissed them off earlier and could see their reaction going from neutral to pure hate.
they werent all like that
Yeah, fucking morrowind is such an obscure game that there's no way someone could have known about it before seeing some eceleb's video.
I think Morrowind and Daggerfall are the two games in the Elder Scrolls series you DON'T play with mods.
openmw is better for a vanilla playthrough. right?
holyshit get openmw for a vanilla playthrough, it fixes so much obvious shit that would just annoy you in a pure vanilla playthrough
it's a must really
it has its pros and cons, but yes get it.
>your face when Dummer are either extinct or near-extinct by TES VI
sorry if i hurt your feelings by insulting your e-celeb
Skyrim has a lot of Dunmer and their ego is so disgusting that they will just reproduce out of spite. I'd be more worried about the Altmer which will receive some pretty harsh treatment after the shit they pulled in Skyrim.
I bet you were obsessed with e-celebs not too long ago so now you're overcompensating after realizing it
Unironically what the fuck was his problem? What does a false dreamer mean? In sermon 15 Vivec claims he wants to tear down the pylons and a bunch of shit that sounds like he wants to destroy Mundus. Why would someone channeling Lorkhan's heart want that? Plus he's clearly obsessed with the heart, His mask looks like a heart, and the same vain motif is on the ash statues. Is he like Lorkhan's nightmare or something?
dagoth ur more like CHADgoth ur
The only other WRPG I've played is Baldurs Gate. Is Morrowind better than that?
It's not like Morrowind was any different in that regard, you just had a big dialogue window taking up the screen obscuring the fact that everything was frozen in place while talking to someone.
>board gets flooded with HEY HEY posting and newfags discovering morrowind from the first time
>"durr u obsessed if you hate it why do you know it?"
Ssethfags getting more retarded by the minute
Did the Tribunal have any actual godpowers, or were they just immortal? Were they evil or neutral? Did they use a massive retcon on all Dunmer religion to include them, and how did Dunmers revert back?
God I had forgotten how jarring but ridicilous that shit was.
I want to play morrowind
but I don't the "true vanilla experience" you know, bugs and crashes and all that, also are there mods like CASM for morrowind
what are some mods I should get, never modded anything older than fallout 3
when did he rape azura
to put it in a simple way they gained their godhood through the heart by using certain tools they were supposed to destroy
Honestly mods are pretty much retard proof now a days
It's in Vivec's lessons but he's full of shit anyways so probably not
Use the code patch and the mod that delays the dark brotherhood attacks, thats all you need for a first play through.
Morrowind is one of the few elder scrolls games you don't need to mod the shit out of for it to be good.
>Not even Talos pulled this shit off.
Not exactly a high bar. Remember that Talos didn't even leave any descendents except his one incel grandson who got assassinated. The whole Septim line is descended from he brother's wife's daughter, who was married to a fucking wood elf. Embarrassing.
I know, but did they actually become like gods, or just immortal? If they were gods, then why did they let other races just fuck up their land.
On the Roleplay that MK did when he was writing as Vivec on the Beth forums. It's not really considered canon.
They gain godlike powers, they are strong to begin with due to them being Nerevars followers which then ascended further, their powers were enhanced so to speak.
Strangely enough an outlander with no access to the heart can kill them through sheer obtained skills, so no, they aren't immortal just strong and keep in mind that the Nerevarine didn't use the heart to gain false godhood. A complete stranger strides along and is capable of clapping them all, let that sink in.
the versions you kill are very low-end versions that are losing their godhood
Why does Elder Scrolls lore just get worse the more you read into it.
>the versions you kill are very low-end versions that are losing their godhood
inb4 Vivec closed himself off to concentrate his remaining power to uphold the Ministry of Truth (floating rock) to not give into Sheogoraths mockery despite him even already having his own altar in the city of Vivec itself
>The Oblivion Crisis was a difficult time for all of Tamriel
>Except Black Marsh those lizards are fucking insane they were invading Oblivion and calling Dagon a little bitch
was it hot
fuck off the lizards had access to the fucking Hist juice and were high as a kite invading the planes of oblivion gaining stupidly strong abilities
got the uncensored version mate
Fucking lol, I'd never read that part. I guess they were just LARPing as Dunmer slaves all those years.
>Strangely enough an outlander with no access to the heart can kill them through sheer obtained skills
He couldn't kill the only one with the hearts power still with him though.
>A complete stranger strides along and is capable of clapping them all, let that sink in.
He wasn't a complete stranger though.
>the writer's rp of him fucking weird shit is discussed seriously by fans
What a weird series
There is a mod but when it wanted me to collect the souls of 50 Ascended Sleepers I noped on out of there
It also gave you a power that would transport you back to the heart chamber if your health fell below a certain level, which sounds good on paper but was awful in practice
>that feel when you're an NPC in Oblivion in a fight with other NPCs and you haven't said something racist in 5 seconds
>on a forum
Damn, cringe.
The azura shit is from the RP but dont get me wrong, him being raped by Molag Bal is actually in the in game texts. But thing with Vivec is that he's considered a liar, he even tells you this himself so everything about him just needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
They are indeed "like" gods. They let the Empire move in because they are losing their power by that point. They need to siphon off their power from the heart, but Dagoth Ur becames so powerful he chases them off from it, leaving them unable to replenish. Although if they had the fucking brass golem sitting around, I don't know why they weren't trying to figure out how to get it working without the heart like Talos did.
No, I don't even know if it exist and are you seriously asking for shitty ms paint comic porn?
>omg the grey fox hes so evil and bad
>omg if you find him pls fucking knock him out and hand him over
>meet grey fox
>dude is super chill and pacifist as fuck
>wants to go back to his old life and back to his waifu
>can only stand there and accept the mask without telling everyone anything
>trapped in the Elder Scrolls forced storyline
>be the Hero of Kvatch
>Martin turned into a fucking dragon what the fuck
>be the Grey Fox
>be Guild Master of all guilds
>be the listener of the Dark Brotherhood
>become Sheogorath
>lose my mind and end up in Skyrim as a sidequest
somebody told me to get something called open morrowind
do I need it?
what does it do?
Very different, not really that comparable. Morrowind isn't turn based, nor do you have a party, or even have that many dialog choices. Usually its just yes or no, if you even get that much.
What mods are you using in this?
NPCs being constantly racist while fighting was great, there wasn't enough of that in Skyrim.
It fixes a lot of scripts and interactions within the game that were poorly written by the developers, there is really no reason to not use it besides the fact that it doesn't really support a lot of mods that might interject with mentioned scripts and so on.
If you want the vanilla experience without graphical enhancements openMW fixes a lot of things that might turn off a newer player.
>Although if they had the fucking brass golem sitting around, I don't know why they weren't trying to figure out how to get it working without the heart like Talos did.
Yeah, it's not like one of them was Clockwork God or something.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Dunmer children
Skyrim had a lot of racism, especially towards the feral races.
They'll be taking that lizard dick soon enough goyim
so I just use Open morrowind and what ever mods that still works in this post?
I don't know that much about it, but I believe it's a rewrite of the engine so it runs better, crashes less and has better modding abilites. I'm not sure how much of the fan-patches I posted are integrated in it though, or if it has it's own versions. I'm fairly certain though that only mods designed for Open Morrowind will work on it, so the fan-patches I posted wont work if you go that way.
He was, even when you accomplish the prophecy you aren't even sure to be Nerevar reborn, you are just (You), everything you did, you earned it through hard work and perseverance, if you are the Nerevarine then it changed nothing regardless.
>follow your dream
>be left all alone
>no one to share your achievements with
>old friend shows up
>man, long time no see, huh? I kinda missed you
>oh dude, check out this heart, isn't it cool?
>hey you want to like get together for a beer or something? Like talk it out and all haha
>he destroys it and everything that you've worked for
I'd be very careful merging openMW with other mods because openMW already changes a lot of scripts.
The grey fox was several generations, if I recall the cowl have been cursed for 300+ years, the last owner being the count, it's clear he wasn't really a thief.
Nerevarine isn't real, it's just a title for one who goes through the trials and becomes powerful enough to avenge Nerevar.
So how is it an RPG is you don't get any dialogue choices?
>The grey fox was several generations
I mean you are right because for some reason that mask has such strong magical properties that everyone instantly recognizes you but still it was too much of an disappointment to finally meet him.
>muh poor dagoth ur
>tells you he would have fucked you over if you trusted him
shut up vivec
Wow after several millennia you guys finally accomplished something of note. You took some land from a people suffering a religious crisis, whose protectorate had just collapsed and just suffered a giant natural disaster that probably flattened ~25% of their population.
Seethe harder cuck
>"Hey Dagoth, don't study the tools, just keep them safe, I don't really trust the others."
>studies them anyway
>nerevar gets fucking smoked by a penis spear
>Dagoth goes into hiding while several traitors ascend into false godhood
>lmao let me spread blight and bad dreams
Fuck you Dagoth Ur, jesus man.
>go to sleep
>use ice magic to kill the dark brotherhood cuck that tries to kill you
>now every npc in the game is wearing dark brotherhood armor and you have infinite money
Because much of it's gameplay is based around number-crunching and stat building, an aspect that defines RPGs from it's pen and paper routes. If you just want dialog choices go play a VN.
I tried playing this awhile back as andpear guy but no matter what I kept missing every single attack, so hows going pure mage?
If you didn't picked a class that use spear as a major skill or you were low on fatigue you'll keep missing.
Magic also require fatigue, if you are low, your spells have a chance to fail.
>If you didn't picked a class that use spear as a major skill or you were low on fatigue you'll keep missing.
Agility helps land hits too
M'rissi, a fairly mediocre waifu mod.
Based, fuck that nigger.
>yo, we gonna leave you with some of the most powerful things in existence
>yeah, I don't know about that guys, maybe we should destroy them or something
>nah, dude, trust me me lmao
>gosh, what a fag. Let's tell tell him that only HE can be trusted with tools, maybe that would shut him up
>aight, we gonna leave you alone with them now, don't mess with them haha
Please pick a main offensive weapon skill/magic skill in your class creation.
If you are not able or don't know how to create your own class and therefore pick one or go through the questions of the beginning character creation look at what offensive skill is your highest and purchase your weapon/magic accordingly.
Morrowind combat early on is tedious if you don't have a clear idea on what weapon you want to choose due to races having different stat bonuses you can match with your chosen skills so you will be hitting more in the early game.
Also stamina plays a huge role in combat, if your stamina is on half, or even empty the multiplier will roll the possibility of hits as less. Morrowind should be considered as an actual RPG, a tired, unskilled and poor character can not be strong.
I'm pretty sure I made spears one of my major skills, as well as making sure I had enough stamina and holding left mouse for a second instead of just spamming it.
>no mod that turns her to khajjit to remove human face
>too much bother to do it myself
life is payne
what is your tier of autism
>Morrowind should be considered as an actual RPG
For the last time, it's not a RPG mechanic, RPG means Role Playing Game, it's not roleplay to diceroll, it's a gameplay mechanic but it's not RPG
Unfortunate, thanks
>what is your tier of autism
Jvk1166z.esp and "Watch the skies, traveler." from Skyrim being canon.
Attack direction seems to also influence your chance of hitting, make sure you stab with it.
Also it's possible your opponent were too strong for you and dodged your attacks.
Give me the absolutely necessary mods to make Oblivion good.
>inb4 uninstall.exe
>the Dunmer are an allegory to Jews
What did Bethesda mean by this?
Pure mage is even harder, as you'll never have enough mana to just spell your way through combat. Incredible for late-game, but I wouldn't recommend it for a new player. For all combat make sure you always have full fatigue, as your fatigue level has a huge impact on you hit-rate, and at least 30 in whatever weapon you plan on using. Note that you'll still miss a lot if your fighting a really high level enemy, which in Morrowind you can run into if you go into the wrong cave. Once you get your weapon skill into the 80s or so above you can pretty much ignore your fatigue level and still hit stuff fairly consistently.
>Also it's possible your opponent were too strong for you and dodged your attacks.
Well can enemies dodge magic? Because they always connected as long as I hit, which is why I'm planning on going pure magic this time, plus unlike Oblivion and Skyrim magic seems more in depth and useful.
>not altmer
I have 1675 hours of oblivion on my xbox360, the game is playable in every state. The only thing I'd recommend is the better XP mod(s) so your Attributes and Skills are balanced.
Dunmer girls are for the most passionate and fetish-fuelled sex known to man, mer and beast.
Breton girls are for settling down with.
He's not a god, just a delusional retard hooked up to a godlike power source.
They can't dodge it, be careful however, by defaut your magic do not regenerate on its own and you need to rest to refill it.
whoever made this is pretty based
Fyr bls, tell me how clone myself some daugther-wives.
i crave that sometimes no homo
Yeah, I recall seeing something about using the atronach birth sign, enchanting a ring or something that does 1 damage and 1 heal every second and just have that equipped to constantly refuel your mana.
I wish Bethesda treated the lore with the amount of respect the fans did. They literally retcon bits of it with every single release. It's almost a shame so much of it is so good, it deserves better.
I really couldn't get into the Elder Scrolls Series, Gothic and anyone attempting that ugly brown & yellow medieval dark ages fantasy setting. It's so fucking ugly, it's like somebody shit and vomited all over the art style. Why the fuck would I want to play Dark Ages + MUD roads DLC?
atleast Bethesda still respects TES lore to some degree
its not the same situation like with Fallout
Tell me about Redoran gravity control.
>The face of the forbidden tickle
>Bethesda still respects TES lore
Let's just wait and see TES 6 before we jump to this wild conclusion
If I'm going a mage, Telvanni would be the best house to join right?
>barbed penises
Atronach removes the regen from resting
Emil wouldnt dare defile Todd's baby
Then what do we refer to games based around dice rolls and statistics then autismo? I guess JRPGs never existed sense they don't have "roleplay"? Nobody cares about your semantics.
>Why yes I'm a god, how could you tell?
I'm straight but he's hot.
>TES 6 is talking so long because they can't find more ways to casualize it
someone edit the text to "GRAND'N'INTOXICATING"
Oh, just my intuition.
Telvanni are low key heretics, you should serve the Temple instead.
Get a load of this N'wah. Probably doesn even know the Barons of Move Like This.
The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
you got source for that? never heard that story, also is it canon ?
>worshipping false gods
shiggidy diggity
Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong
dagoth ur = based but bluepilled
vivec = cringe but redpilled
we're all gods down here
wait what makes you think azura had something to do with the other nerevarines
Telvanni if you're mage
Redoran if you're a warrior
Hlaalu if you're a thief
Do you think it's possible for mortal beings to kill godlike entities?
So far the best case we got was a hero that defeated a daedric prince and another defeating weakened gods. But given enough time, do you think the Nerevarine or the Champion of Cyrodiil or the Dragonborn could defeat aedras?
>dunmer fags
good game=/= good race just because the game is based there retards
if that were the case nords would be fucking terrible
why are they arabs in skyrim? i thought they were north african pirates and khajit were the arabs
>would be
How did I know you are an idiot?
You are wearing a frying pan as a helmet.
>Why would someone channeling Lorkhan's heart want that?
they stole the power of the heart, they werent chosen or blessed or mantled by lorkhan, theyre not on the sam side as far as i know
Yea, would be. Nords are pretty based, don't let Skyrim's shittiness stop you from realizing that.
All n'wahs are the same
Go channel the power of Lorkhan's cock
>newfags discovering morrowind from the first time
there have regular morrowind threads for years, youre coping to much
Yea call them N'wahs as much as you want but at the end of the day they've done more for Tamriel than Dungmer ever had.
That would be Ulfric Stormcloak.
>brother's wife's daughter,
so just brothers daughter?
He literally sealed a mechanical heart of lorkhan so that the crazy bitch wouldn't have any access to the power, but the clockwork city would keep ticking for years to come
Just admit you like sucking lizard cock its ok dungmer
Why do Mananauts look like Sandman?
Fucking based lizard boi
It's in their nature to steal things user
They have been in two games.
In one they were cut off from the heart and did nothing to save themselves or their people.
In the other they were not cut off from the heart and did nothing to save themselves or their people.
The only time they are credited with doing great deeds is the books they wrote about their great deeds.
aedras are already dead, they sacrified their immortality to create mundus
>still existing
bye losers, have sex, dilate, kys, etc...
Somebody is watching me, I can tell.
Breton > Nord > Imperial > E*f scum > Scalies > Furfags > Orcs > DESPITE BEING 13% OF THE POPULATION
because it was written by one guy who progresivly gave less of a fuck and lost sanity, its all disjointed and contradictory which is sometimes okay(muh unreliable narrator) but it just goes too far and doesnt make a cohesive whole(generally talking about the non cosmological stuff), especialy since people argue what is canon and what is not, if someone who knows all the role ,caers about it and is a good writer came from behtesda and cleaned it up a bit that would be perfect
t. /tg/ fag that doesn't know any lore
I actually do, but I've only played Arena, Oblivion and Skyrim, whenever I tried to play Morrowind it was filled with a litany of bugs that were unbearable to deal with
I saw (you) the other day. Nasty little things
That is the power of Trainwizs autism.
Why Redguards are mer? I forgot.
>"tried to play" the only good game
>implying they won't win
Not by a long shot.
name 1 (one) thing more damaging to world building than setting precedence for having an unreliable narrator
even just having a single (1) instance of the narrator being unreliable is enough to absolutely ruin every fucking thing
It constantly crashed, I couldn't even make it out of the first town for 2 hours due to it.
I'm willing to put up with the lack of modernized UI and such, but it was the most dysfunctional old game I've played.
Again, is OpenMorrowind a better way to play it or not.
i always wondered why did they argonians invade, how does it benefit the hist? it didnt give a fuck when they were slaves, it dint mind, so why invade morrowind now considering that argonians do whatever the hist tells them and are probably unable to organize on large scale without it. i doubt they even have their own ambitions or plans for their race, they dont even have real natnions so how and why did they inavde morrowind i doubt the hist would allow them to do it just because of revenge
Revenge, and the argoians did have a nation, but yeah it was revenge for the years of slavery
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy you tool
I don't like the Altmers chances.
They are bad at war. A few more victories like Hammerfell and the IC and the AD problem will solve itself.
They have pissed off the Nords and that does not have a track record of success for mer.
If you argue the metaphyics "remove Talos" he has CHIM the ultimate lore armor.
Is there a type you like role playing as?
For me, it's a criminal redguard/bosmer or arrogant dunmer/altmer. And my sole mission is to plant seeds into every nord female I find. Preferably with their helpless husbands and children watches as I have my way with this lowly race.
the stealth archer
It has ruined more head canon than anything.
>>now every npc in the game is wearing dark brotherhood armor and you have infinite money
what? why
beyond that, it ruined everything in game, every word spoken, every note, every book, every scroll
fucking kek'd at this image (and filename)
What's stopping the snakes from invading again? All reptiles love sneaky backstab cuntry, so it's the perfect time to come over and fuck up Skyrim and Summerset
In Redfall you will learn it wasn't an act of retribution.
The Hist wanted pieces of the giant robot so they could rebuild it to counter Numnums return.
A god I use cheats and mods
i would read an entire real book about queen barenziah too bad she did jack shit in tribunal
formerly based
How so? You jut need to know your shit to defend your position. Nothing wrong with that. People citing out of game sources is more of a detriment than the unreliable narrator.
IT would be crazy
and her son is a little bitch
because nothing in the games can be trusted anymore
is homer supposed the be MC just starting morrowind or something, that fucking fur hat
I came from a boat.
>Well, pardon us, Mr. Enchanted Loafers
>I looted these shoes from a corpse
The issue with that is?
Gather your info and defend your ideas.Leads to a more engaged lore community at the very least.
Not sure why you dislike Orc waifus user
user, you fuck, the precedence of having an unreliable narrator means, outside of things that have happened, and even then that's not concrete evidence, nobodies words can be trusted, you keep repeating this "gather info, support your claim" bullshit, the problem is you can't prove anything that anyone says is true anymore
>not booty of Blinding Speed
nord piss "brewing"
practically taste the same pisswater. Weak as shit
Dunmer connoisseur distilling
>Dagoth Brandy
All potent and delicious with far ranging boosts.
Thus we can conclude that dunmers are even better at nord culture than nords themselves.
>Ah, you won't be able to cast those spells, that's why nobody uses them
>Oh what do you know?
>Well I know your Destruction skill is around 20 and you need 70-80 at least
>Oh that's just superstition! You watch me, I'll cast a fireball out there!
>Not if you're buying restoration spells
*gets zero-summed*
I don't think they zero-summed, they erased themselves for sure, but zero-sum means you actually erase all traces of you in the timeline, so people would not even know what Dwemer is.
It's called booty of blinding speed because all females disappear from the place the moment they see a Breton """male""""
Gather multiple sources and make your case. No you can't declare your truth as the truth but oh well.
An important thing in critical thinking that people often forget is to allow for the possibility you may be wrong.
Remember that and you will be fine.
do we really know what dwemers are though?
MK is only good when he's on a leash. Beth needs to do that again
>Gather multiple sources
none of your sources are reliable
remember this isn't the real world, it isn't governed by reality
this is a fake world created by people and mistakes happen and adding unreliable narrators into the mix means this world is now effectively worthless because no one can be trusted anymore
>lmao fucking N'wahs
>P-Please let us stay in windhelm sir...
no, only sentient beings ie living dwemers can grasp the concept of zero-sum so they disappeared but all the automatons and shit they left behind were inanimate so they still exist
It has nothing to do with birth. It has to do with resonance that through "walk as they until you become them" leads to mantling.
Basically by passing all the trials of the nerevarine you become so similar to Nerevar that the godhead dreaming everything starts to believe that you are him and so you become him. It just a matter of finding a candidate with the right qualifications and start throwing them at the trial until a real one sticks and the metaphysically links to nerevar. Then, because time is broken and the Jylls constantly adapt to new events and patch it up, that means that you are and always were linked to Nerevar, because the Jylls sew up that link through time to keep things stable, accepting it as the new true chain of events.
The thing is what the dungmer drinks are made of Ash yams,Scathecraw, and Trama root are disgusting.
They do what they can with what they have but garbage in garbage out.
Iman is a chocolate goddess, you icenigger
Yes find multiple accounts and make your case. Nobody sees the whole picture just like real life.Follow the clues and build your case.
those are all unreliable narrators
American Education, everybody.
argonians dont have genitalia
>get married in skyrim
>all the friends and family of my wife are present
>on my side the only person present was a female khajiit who only tried to sell my flowers and a dark elf that apparently liked to jerk off thinking about Mara.
>capitalized e in education
I know that mer and men having kids makes the kid the race of the mother, but what about mer x mer and men x men? It would be kinda silly if men at least don't produce mutts without an adequate explaination
what the fuck are you talking about?
his morrowind video wa s a year ago you retard
That is why you need multiple accounts.You rarely get a case where 10 people have wild variations of a story .
I don't think it is a problem that things aren't just spelled out in a codex entry and you actually have to put a little thought into things.
becasue bethesda is retarded and cant make up their mind, also it has to be casualized enough for retards to recognize
I'm hoping they realized how bad they fucked up with fallout 4 and 76 that they're rolling back some of those designs and making the gameplay more nuanced and engaging. I'm not holding my breath though
user, the problem is there's literally no way to prove that those acounts are real, no matter how many people give the same story
4 was fine. 76 was a turd though. Nobody asked for a RUST lite tedium sim.
Proper noun referring to the specific educational system in the US.
4 was not fucking fine
The issue with that is? If you are comfortable with your argument what else do you want?Why would you care that someone disagrees with you?
4 managed to be shallower than fucking skyrim, it was not fine.
so what you're saying is you like head canons
I didn't like the voiced protag but other than that no issues.
As long as I can cite in game source it isn't head canon.
fuck no
power armors were ruined, along with reactor cores and drugs
That's not how it works. Unless it's the actual name of something like an organization, it shouldn't have been capitalized. Just referring to the education system as a whole doesn't make it a proper noun because "American" was in front of it.
you can't cite reliable sources, because no one is reliable anymore, because you can't prove their reliability in a fictional world where reality literally warps on a whim
it's not fallout
I hope you're aware just how many Jews throughout history thought they were the Messiah.
If there's a prophecy than there will be pretenders.
why would you only put to hot things in a list like this?
What are jylls again?
The lore was literally designed from the ground up to be retconnable, accommodating for engine limitations, and easily scalable.
It has always been video game lore. Getting mad about it is stupid.
It felt more like a shoot and loot borderlands clone with tacked on settlement building than a fucking RPG.
imagine following a woman around at night wearing the king of rape mask
how did you know that's how jeffrey epstein sourced his victims?
it would be like they never existed so nothing they created would exist eihter, they world would be re writen without dunmers in it, the ruins would be gone and the concept of dwemer wouldnt exist, thats why we know multiple people that CHIMed but not one who zero sume dbecause his entire existence is erased like he never existed, thats clearly not what happened to dwemer
Well, well, look at this n'wah with his fancy Colovian Fur Hat
Yes as I have stated before you have to allow for the possibility you are wrong.
I am fine with that.
so what you're saying is you like head canons
you said if you can cite sources it isn't head canon, but you can't
so this is head canon
and you like it
glad we worked this out
The IP died when it was what you considered true Fallout. Perhaps you didn't love it enough.
lady dragons, hand-maidens of Akatosh, do all the actual work
>tfw you watch the ten hour dagoth ur fanfiction
I've achieved CHIM
do they do handjobs?
Welcome to history. Not even the games are true canon, unless you believe that every city has about fifty people living in them.
If I am citing in game sources how is it head canon? I could be wrong to be sure but it isn't even close to head canon.
They would rewrite the fabric of reality so that you had just come from the best handjob of all.
Ok Todd
No one can be trusted in reality either.
but of course, I'm an unreliable narrator.
this thread is pointless
Zurin Arctus did nothing wrong.
I looted it of a dead elf
Half and half.
thats, retarded. so they can just do anything and create any reality they like?
nah, they're more antibodies or plumbers than anything else, the metaphysics of elder scrolls has its own rules about it
can I get a plumber dragon gf handjob?
You are like a child that stopped playing with one of your toys and started creaming "MINE" when another kid started playing with it.
Sucks to be you.
Breton, if they weren't genetically designed to be slaves to elf cock.
when you've walked the walk and talked the talk you'll find you'd already come from one the entire time
I believe the Jills are an MK creation so the odds are pretty good the answer is yes.
nope, I act like the dude, who's car got stolen which was then discovered later that day in a ditch, completely destroyed
It's probably Whiterun's Jarl.
the most iconic elder scrolls character is probably skyrim
Tell yourself what you have to.
Tell yourself what you have to.
I am happy with the ways things are going. Why would I have to find a way to cope?
You on the other hand....
Why yes I do have medium armor as a major skill, how could you tell?
I am happy with the ways things are going. Why would I have to find a way to cope?
You on the other hand....
What do you get out of acting lile a beth shill, defending everything they make
>tfw you clap Morrowind and Oblivion Umbra in an instant
I generally enjoy their games.
Daggerfall and 76 were trash though. So it isn't blind loyalty.
What do you get out of hating Bethesda?
I'm in the middle of reinstalling Skyrim. Playing SE for the first time. Anything I should know?
Also I couldn't help but notice ENBs dont really do anything in SE what the fuck
You've done that? What's it like?
I'm afraid you'll have to resort to imagining
Which armor type is the best in morrowind anyways?
picture the odor
SE already has an ENB. That's what the graphical improvement was.
Leveling. Get to level 20 or so and you are good.
If you meta game you will be death incarnate much sooner.
And the most based
Do. I really don't like walking the tightrope of tweaks and juryrigs to keep LE stable. The only advantage LE seems to have is ENBs and a marginally larger library of mods. I've yet to see anything that can't be converted over to SE.
Wtf, I though that the lore was just about inconsistent racist conflicts and memes being rewritten in each game in the series
History is written by the winners user, do you really think any of that actually happened?
not an elf btw
oh, they gave an english masters holder mushrooms until he shat out some interesting underlying bones for the setting
Close, but he wasn't reincarnated from his own will. Azura sent his spirit back to the mortal realm to enact her divine will because she was mad salty at the Tribunal.
ayo shut yo mouf darkie, we needs us reperations n shiet
What about the dwemer ghosts that were left behind? You can actually talk to one of them
Breton is the only real option
>according to an in-game book, the race of the child is almost always the same as the mother
fucking lame
Don't forget that Skyblivion and Skywind are now being made for SE rather than LE
In Daggerfall people would be openly racist and refuse you service if they had enough negative disposition toward you.
That shit was tight. In Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim you almost never get refused service, because "we must suck the player's cock at all times". If you got stuck in a shitty town with only 1 inn and the landlord hated your race, you were fucked.
What was the deal with lore formation between Arena and Morrowind? How much of what people discuss today was planned ahead before Morrowind was released?
Are there any good mods that change the enchantments of the Hortator/Nerevarine items to be more useful?
Some of these, like the Ring of the Hortator are absolutely useless.
So the dreaming god is the player, right? That would explain why our characters are overpowered inmortal heroes. And we installing mods is part of that ChIM thing about controlling reality.
Oh, a large bit was made for Daggerfall. It crystallized during Morrowind production.
Yes, that's the joke.
Did that happen thats actual kinda nice
Lads what's your favorite artifact weapon?
The dreaming god is Todd.
MKs world is an offshoot of TES and is its own kalpa.
Stop worrying about shitty fanfics.
In Morrowind the most common reason for being refused service was you being disease ridden or not being part of a special club the service provider was in.
Are you thrusting your spear right? You won't get very far trying to chop enemies with it
>Not having it set to automatically use best attack
There is sufficient evidence to believe the Numidium's purported activation at Red Mountain caused a Dragon Break, meaning that everything that could have happened to the Dwemer probably did across multiple timelines. It isn't exclusive to the Dwemer, either -- Nevervar, Dumac, Dagoth, the Nords...the story changes depending on who's telling the story. But they all come to the same ending.
They're just that, really. Shades, specters, echos. Like footprints in the sand or silhouettes after a nuclear blast, frozen in time. Unchanging and unaware of the waking world.
I'ma save this picture, thanks
>the forbidden tickle
Made me kek really hard. Best euphemism for rape I've seen.
Is this one of the buggiest quests in the series? Seems like something can go wrong almost every step of the way, sometimes before the quest even starts.
They take the race of the mother and some traits of the father.
A nord -imperial mutt would be this tall light skinned imperial probably with blonde hair but still an imperial.
It's kinda stupid I mean how can you even tell what race you are? I used to confuse Bretons and imperials in morrowind all the time, hell even in skyrim sometimes I have to check someone's race because they end up being imperials instead of nords while looking exactly like nords. For example the woman who sells fruits in whiterun without her imperial name you would assume she is just another nord seller but no she is a light skinned imperial
That's for homosexuals, go
time to google search some of these
Fallout lore has always been a forgettable alternate history said in bullet point fashion. There's really nothing there that's very interesting to begin with.
Most of them are just /tesg/ people making shit up.
For instance, Reman Cyrodil didn't actually have cum vaults on the moon.
The dark elf race as a whole are closer to achieving CHIM than any other group.
MASTER NELOTH! Ur shitting at your own race?
/tesg/ only cares about waifu faggotry.
Most of that crap sounds like it comes from teslore on redd*t.
Also there are people living inside the clockwork city.
Todd is close to zero summing their asses.
For me, it's The Champion of Cyrodil, the most powerful TES protagonist.
>defeat the Nerevarine because they never miss
>defeat the Dragonborn because they have custom spells and enchantment
>defeat themself because they are that good
More like Skyrim will be given to them when the Nords lose enough to Imperials. Nords are fighting Nords/Imperials. The Dunmer will rise again
Truly the biggest chad around, he even has a harem in the Shivering Isles
It's punishment for being constantly reminded for nearly 20 years that they will never top Morrowind.
>Lay down your weapons, it is not too late for my mercy.
It's a line that he says out of desperation, madness and cockiness, but the fact that he's trying to bargain with the one who he thinks is his friend even AFTER they've tried to kill him once...
I felt that, man...
Sauce on the Redguard?
Why do Argonians raid Imperial caravans? For the precious booty and to stop Imperial expansion into Black Marsh, that's why.
I literally fucking forgot that guy's name
This is my favorite fucking story in all of TES.
Vivec started chugging too much Daedra cock and got disgusted when everyone else learned from his example and started having giant daedric orgies.
So naturally, as the calm, respectable diplomat he is, he ripped off a god's cock and beat all of them to death with it.
I like this artist, source?
Thank you. People that like New Vegas are putting it back to boring drivel again. And now the NV fans (ie the older bitter Fo1-2 fans) are causing a shit show everywhere they go. NV was more trash than Fo3.
The IP didn't survive in Obsidian's hands.
Shh, go to sleep Todd
If you're hearing this sermon, YOU are the resistance.
Reminder that Heimskr is almost all Kirkbride.
That is why they named him Idiot.
That is how I intended it.
Aesthetic wise the Indoril armor is the best, easily.
Or so he claims.
Remember that Vivec is a notorious fucking liar.
>not using the Canon accurate OCO Mazoga
t. zoomer
I played morrowind when it came out and go back to it every few years.
*blocks your path*
Sonic OC tier.
Glass armor never looked good.
toddy approves OCO, even Bethesda admits that Oblivion Headmesh facegen was a fucking mistake
Thanks for the (You)
I like Bethesda's ways with lore handling and they've made far more interesting worlds. Obsidian only ever got the aesthetic right with Fallout 1. NV offered multiple boring endings and it was a chore to get through the story which was all there was since exploring felt so uncomfy in every direction. Nothing felt like survival in that game. At best it was a western.
That was because the Mojave wasn't a shithole compared to most of the East coast and Midwest.
I unironically like the vanilla Oblivion faces, gives every NPC a certain charm even if they look awful, oco just makes everything look the same
When is he coming back?
Nice bait. Here's your (you)
>illegal unless insane
Well that's kinda my point. Politics ain't fun. Exploring and surviving are really what sold the Fallout world in the first place. Obsidian made it boring right after Fo1
When the other "princes" will be begging mortal heroes to save their realms from Big Dick Jyggy
That is Because Nuska as the Retard Egocentric Cum gargling SJW Femen Bitch that SHE WAS, never gave a fuck about fixing it
people says that OCO 1.1 is superior than v2 because of it.
Now if someone could do a proper overhaul patch for v2 that fixes even the skin tones of the orcs and some square faces, it would be great.
>Neravarine scales to the Champion's level and takes 3 months to defeat
Heh, nothing personnel, CHIM
Sure, if you want a static sandbox survival game where the gameworld never actually evolves and develops, sure-
What was comfy to you? I never had a moment that felt like the world was actually fun to explore and that I'm getting somewhere with it unless I played the main quest. It all felt very disjointed compared to Fo1 and 3.
Damn, Barenziah looks like THAT??
*kills u while gleaming like the neon sign of a seedy strip bar*
Nothing personnel, kid
It was extremely comforting to me, I think the western theme fit perfectly with the lore
Is there a mod that fixes the helmets in Oblivion or atleast makes them closed face?
Fucking hell what were they thinking
Jesus fucking christ I had forgotten.
That shit and the amber armor looked like they were made out of fucking candy.
I doubt they would ever let go of the aesthetic so it would be pointless politics that go nowhere. Either that or Fallout would cease to be Fallout. That's why I want Bethesda to handle the worldbuilding and not worry about 2 and NV.
I will have harem of mid row.
To each their own user. I do agree it fits the lore. But it doesn't (to me) make for an interesting post apocalyptic setting. I just think people will lose interest in the FO franchise again if we revert to the old ways. The original lore stands in the way to me
Where can I store items without them getting flagged as stolen because of owned containers?
Is there any house that you can "own" that doesn't have containers that will flag your items as stolen?
Dont listen to that faggot, M'rissi is actually one of the better followers in that she comes with an actual storyline with more than one conclusion. Depending on dialogue choices you can waifu her/end up with her as a close friend, or you can make her your LITERAL sex slave. Voice acting is kinda meh but another benefit is that the custom items you can get by concluding her storyline are pretty awesome.
I think there's an NPC that either dies or has died and the house can basically be yours. It's in Balmora.
Thanks user, I do kinda miss the blood and violence from the older games. It had a darker tone to it which was nice.
Mark my words, TESVI will have no racism whatsoever.
>why hello there, my Khajiit friend, what can this humble Nord do for you
>yes indeed, we Redguards respect the Altmer and their traditions
We'll never have a "Was your mother your sister, or are all Bretons like that?" again.
>Tiber Septim fucked Barenziah and made her have an abortion to save his image
Hjalti was an asshole.
Cum vaults are from Tatterdemalion, not /tesg/.
Most Nords are when dealing with dungmer.
Killed the ghost gate armorer for this.
I killed a lot of people for their shit.
>Tiber Septim
good one
Mountain Dew armor
Brainlet spotted.
Yeah I'd like it to be grittier for sure.
Much love bro
I have never seen a post this pathetic in all my years, wow. Just.. wow. Good job, I'm speechless. I have no reaction image for this.
Also have the orginal writers back holy fuck, and give time for development
If I pull that mask off, will you die?
Why it´s so comfy?
Are you still crying you got whiped from your former slaves and destoryed from a mountain