Is there any sleazecore vidya?
Is there any sleazecore vidya?
Other urls found in this thread:
Vice city
Late night roblox on all the places that have hardcore gamers
Well, that's upsetting. This is a family member of mine. Is this a meme? How long has this photo been around?
at least 2 years
Is he cool?
He's a legend, how to achieve this look?
does the picture capture his personality well?
>Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This starts playing
Yea Forums may be full of elitist circle jerking cocksuckers like every other board but it has its moments.
>he doesn't pump his car full of skim milk
Cigs cannot cause a fucking gas explosion. Neither can phones, neither can half the shit they talk about. A lighter for a bong, however...
I wish i were attractive. I've been living this life for a while now, but no one cares unless you're hot.
There's literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping.
It’s necessary when any random joe schmo can come and post on this site. It’s bad enough the election tourists stayed but they also brought along leddit
Being an ugly shut in isn't that much different from being an attractive one
They keep their boards clean, I'll give them that.
Cigarettes do burn hot enough to light off gasoline fumes. It's diesel that cigarettes won't burn.
Modern pumps do have protection against fume lightoff causing explosions, but that is beyond the point. You are still dealing with highly-flammable substances, and must exercise caution. Freak accidents can still occur.
Does his car run on milk?
It really doesn't matter if you don't leave the house to meet people.
t. attractive shut-in
I mean its good, but tile fucker was way funnier.
But best moment was the /k/ cum cake.
Still makes me laugh.
And a massive wave of schizos that spout the most insane conspiracies and talk like bots and call you a jew if you disagree.
What retard car doesn't run on milk? It's good enough for calcium it's good enough for steel.
God damn it I miss this channel. Fuck you Yea Forums
You are aware this is Yea Forums correct? There are plenty of astroturfers and marketeers. It isn't crazy or a conspiracy theory it is one of the most popular sites on the planet and its anonymous.
And you won't be called a Jew if you are shilling EGS. Then you will be called a chink.
she's back. search katie loves classic books
You fool what have you done?
Max Payne
welp, time to fap
Confirmed fake. The blurred dick was photoshopped onto the brownie mix image.
>Yea Forums
I can't even imagine how much of a prole you must be to believe that
Good. Now tell me threemilk is back, too.
The assmarbles guy on /tg/ too
Yea Forums is like old Yea Forums in that they self-moderate away all the basic bitch normalfaggots and /pol/babbies
>t. cum filled brownie eater
How did they taste?
Does everyones cum look like vanilla pudding except mine?
Obvious fake.
>Yea Forums
They're gatekeepers which is a rarity on Yea Forums these days, but it's not like what they gatekeep is quality
sounds lit
Hey now, don't be like that.
Guys, if ya'll wanted a 3am thread thread, just say so
Same. It's just that bars and clubs aren't fun. Tried doing it for a couple years and it didn't really add anything to my life.
I've started going rock-climbing with a buddy. Good place to exercise and try talking with people during the downtime.
You just gotta find something where you and strangers do some common activity together, because then that gives you easy ways to start conversations. Like "Man that wall is tough huh" or "You managed to get further than I did!"
Welp, this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $4999 in stocks
>family hates me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream link:
user, wait.
Can I have some money? You probably won't need it.
Exactly. The moment we stopped with elitism is when this website dipped in quality
>that cope
Just accept that you ate someone's jizz.
>pink slut top
>exposed thigh
>discussing books about females discovering their sexuality
It's already too late.
Shut the fuck up you got rangebanned for posting this on Yea Forums
>Niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window
sure sounds like bullshit to me.
No one gives a fuck if you kill yourself, why make this post? Live your life like it doesn't matter, because it doesn't.
When you are about to face the void a lifetime is but one second. Why bother to end it now? Sounds like some pussy shit to me.
I mean, I do that in the gym already.
100% doubt
Leave the guy alone and let him go to Valhalla.
she must've really liked the nasty shit anons wrote on her old yt
tiles is genuinely one of the greatest things this site has produced
I dunno about the part of fueling your car while it's running
sounds, I dunno, dangerous
the fuck is a tulpa?
all women are whores
basically willingfully going schizo
Is that Jim Carrey?
is there an adult express i can hit bongs while filling the tank up?
I want to believe
You use a lighter for your cigarette.
Gasoline fumes light up really well.
It's like storing nitroglycerin dynamite in your living room. Sure in theory it is safe. But why the fuck would you do it. Eventually something is going to happen.
Any gas station where NIGGERS could be.
Hotline Miami, baby.
Imaginary friends, but more real
does that even work?
don't gatekeep gatekeeping
Korea didn't just buttfuck Japan, it massacred it.
Honestly never got what made this so great. Seems kinda dumb to me.
Make me.
Fundamentally no, in practice generally it's used in excess by faggots who don't want to be beaten at liking a thing most.
it's possible. i've seen a picture of one of my friend's brother get used in a meme pic here.
not with all the Yea Forums posters
>implying u have friends at all
100% doubt again IMAGIEN pretending to have friends in a Cantonese sheep shagging bulletin board
>2.25 for gas
where the fuck is this? I leave in commiefornia and get my gas from Costco (cheapest option) for 3.39 a gallon