Which dungeon you're excited to run again in Classic?
Which dungeon you're excited to run again in Classic?
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BRD, I want a shit group that has no idea what they are doing and I want it to take 6 hours.
I hope assmongoloid dies in a car fire
Sm graveyard
Sm library
Sm cath
wailing caverns is unironically my favorite dungeon
going through that first time was so great. all 2 hours of it. blew my mind when you had to actually jump across the chasm and then you found the huge plant elemental. a true dungeon crawling experience. so much shit to do in there.
wish the endgame dungeons were as creative as wailing caverns
Man BFD was fucking kino. Going to have to say Shadowfang Keep though. I still remember how excited the first time I actually got to step through the swirling portal to inside the actual dungeon. I’m almost certainly going to have the nostalgia wear off within a month, but I’m actually getting excited to play it again for the first time since it got announced.
BRD, I love how it has so much to do and feels like a maze.
figuring out dungeons and raids as you go is my favorite part. Fuck data mining and guides
I don't play Wow but what exactly happened here?
you're supposed to click the braziers one at a time and clear the mobs that spawn and once all 4 are cleared the door to the final boss opens.
asmongold aka "i am a vanilla wow god even though i didnt play it" getting exposed on what he knows about vanilla wow dungeons
The lack of Maraudon in these posts is disrespectful
Oh I see, I initially thought it was a trap
>tfw learned BRD like the back of my hand and lead the keyless plebs to victory
I fucking love that place
Hitting 30 and making the long walk from ironforge to SM, swimming in the waters of lordaeron and sneaking around undercity then doing the instances 10 times in a row with people who are just standing around in the pre-instance area
only a trap for newfags who dont know the mechanics of it
Assmangold saw that you could click on those braziers and light them, and proceeded to light all 4.
You have to light them all to summon adds and when they're all dead the door opens and you can move to the next boss. The problem is each brazier summons a group of those water elemental adds and you're supposed to light them one at a time, killing a group and then lighting the next one. This window-licking faggot lit all 4 at once.
what a jackass. He's the adult embodiment of that one 12 year old in your party that everyone hated
Good groups are only fun for dps.
Things only get entertaining for the tank and healer when everyone else is a fucking retard that you have to unleash all your skill to save
In retail you just press all the buttons all the time without any thought.
Asmongold tries to apply this in classic and gets his entire group wiped.
>Want to roleplay as a Crusader
>Have to kill hundreds upon hundreds of innocent Crusaders to get the tabbard
It's not fair
Fucking based right here.
I still remember the first run I ever did where a party member led us to the Shortcut instance door and it drops you in that waterfall area 3/4 the way through the dungeon. It was phenominal falling into that area for the first time and fighting all the hydras out of that waterfall
I remember my first dungeon was Wailing Caverns. People shared the dungeon quests with me and I spent the next two hours trying to figure out where I was supposed to turn them in since the fucking NPCs were tucked away in a cave on top of the dungeon.
Deadmines as an undergeared lvl 20 something, hearing the music for the first time again and killing VC.
I love the Defias questline, killing mobs around Westfall never gets old for me, such a comfy place.
Reminder if you're an Alliance warrior to take the Staff of Westfall instead of the pants
It's a great weapon up to like level 30
it's a great zone
Realistically how long do you think he'll play before he quits Classic? This isn't retail where he can hole up in the city and do everything through queues, eventually he's gonna have to leave and do things in the world and he's not always gonna have a crew of dick fluffers to protect him.
warriors not knowing what pulling even was and just charging straight in, chainpulling the entire room when they ran in fear was great
Of course he is. He has tens of thousands of thirsty betas at his beck and call just hoping their name graces his ugly fucking face.
He will never be without some dickgobblers helping him every second of the day.
Fuck I hate streamers.
I don't even care about raiding I just want to run old Shadowfang Keep and fight Archmage Arugal and Fenris the Ferocious again
I remember when I got the Robes of Arugal and kept them for like 20 levels, shit made me so happy
>When Heirlooms were introduced and alts became overpowered I would light all 4 braziers constantly and have an all-out brawl where most people in my party usually died
Shit was fucking fun
It's so bizarre that I can remember this dude being a literal who back in WoD, and then suddenly he's this super popular dude
based asmonchad made that wojak a twitch emote whoever made that image literally made him thousands of dollars
>chainpulling the entire room when they ran in fear
This one sentence makes me so fucking nostalgic
>first time I ever did it was late at night, no one was playing
>ended up with 4 warriors and a paladin
It was the most magical clusterfuck of a DM run I have ever done and god do I miss it
Fuck this guy. Literary put off wow for me.
wait is asmongold unironically backtracking?
stop posting your shilling you fucking hack and get a real job
how did you know he made that an emote? do you watch him?
>Fighting through DM
>Make it past Mr. Smite, going up the boat
>Someone fucks up and pulls too many pirates
>As people wipe, jump on the Emergency Wheel, the spot where the enemies can't reach you
>Be the last surviving holdout as pirates angrily glare at you but Evade so you can't kill them
>Gated pulls
No nigga.
ahh shit yes that safespot
>Implying Asmongold isn't here reading these threads
no shit? who the fuck doesnt watch the premiere world of warcraft twitch streamer found at twitch.tv/asmongold
You grossly underestimate the attention span of your average WoW Zoomer. As soon as the stream is off the amount of people backing him up will go down significantly since they won't be able to get attention from the chat for their heroic deeds. At that point the only people who'd be following him around are the hyper autists who unironically think Asmon is their friend because of parasocial relationships.
Oh great, Now every BFD dungoen will have chance of some fuck lighting all the candles and shouting "ASMON STYLE TROLLED". Kill me.
I will only level up enough to run Deadmines, then quit because I don't want to bother playing any longer than that. I miss the REAL leader of the Defias.
Thank you for your contributions to the upcoming "Asmongold reacts to 4ch*n threads about himself" youtube video!
how do people like him get popular anyway
he used to upload useful guides and shit to youtube, then he saw how much money you can get from streaming
Watch one of "Assmongloid reacts". He is an idiot or poses as one. Somehow negative IQs attract eachother.
Well, this is it Yea Forums, i think just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $4999 in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and fags giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream link:
ok now THIS is epic
imagine being such fucking retards lol
playing the game wrong and poorly is the "fun" way
what a well designed game
maybe play a game with an actual challenge instead of hoping your allies are fucking idiots
actually dont worry the only kind of retard who would pay $15 a month for this would be retadred as much
now THIS is a good pasta. saved.
Didn't assmongol play vanilla?
I really do not understand suicide notes, I'd just go If I wanted to drop it all. This attempt at grass grasping is just shows you don't want to do it.
kill yourself wowfags
as 10yo? doesn't count.
>tfw the king of wow classic
>dont know how the candles work
>tfw the king of wow classic
that would be esfand
I played horde in vanilla and while I've leveled a few characters on Alliance side I've still never run Deadmines. I'm going alliance this time though so it's going to be a fresh dungeon for me, cant wait.
Shadowfang keep I also love, SM, actually now that I think about it, I can't wait to run them all. I'm gonna try and make a point of getting all the various keys as well. Originally I was part of a guild who had more playtime than me. I played a priest and so immediately when I logged on i'd be grouped and in a dungeon leveling pretty fast on easy street. Need to slow things down a bit this time.
Wailing caverns.
The jump.
What do you mean I can't run it?
Deadmines was the first instace I ran, I literally didn't know that the party had a max size of 5. When our group wiped, I suggested we get more people in, only to be politely told that that's not possible.
>tfw I wasn't called an idiot and kicked from group
Different times.
Problem with doing group content today is everyone expects you've read/seen the guides and are just there go through the motions. What's the point? People to experience that shit blind first.
I remember all the vanilla dungeons well enough that I have no desire to replay them.
Besideswhich, dungeons didn't really have very interesting gimmicks until Wrath.
You know I'm right. Violet Hold having random bosses? Oculus having drakes, which was actually pretty fun when everyone knew the abilities? The Old Kingdom last boss where you have to fight doppelgangers? Didn't see any of that good shit in vanilla, it was all tank and spank the entire way, and a lot of the instances were way too fucking long and hard to get into.
t. Deranged and insane Xiv tranny
>unironically thinking aoe spam dungeons were good or meaningful or memorable in any way.
holy shit you share the board with this kind of people.
why does this guy have his mouth open 100% of the time
Almost nobody even liked Oculus or any of the fights involving riding a drake for that matter.
Violet hold was never amazing either, random bosses got stale really quick and after you got some gear all you did was wait for bosses to appear on fixed timers.
Liked the feel of Utgarde dungeons, Gundrak was alright too.
To be frank low level XIV dungeon are much more fun than Low level wow dungeons
Stop spamming this asmongoloid here you faggot wow playing kid.
They only do it because they know it makes you mad and get buttsweat from it
It's summer, buttsweat comes even without assmongol.
Not him but drakes were fun when you were going for achievements, plus they didn't let you severely overgear the dungeon.
You're right that VH was lame, though, it was just black morass with random bosses and became too easy to overgear
You're forgetting the caverns of time dungeons in BC, both of which had gimmicks.
I do enjoy blackfathom deeps and also maraudon. Farming maraudon as a hunter was pretty profitable on Elysium, I'm hoping it will be as well in classic
Howcome horde always have better access to dungeons in vanilla?
>riding dragons
Fucking kill me.
>linear corridors, most without pats
>every pack is aoed down with the few spells available at that level
>bosses have 3 or less telegraphed moves you have to be brainless to miss
Not saying RFC, Stockades, or even WC are particularly good but SFK and beyond blows FFXIV's shit out. But if you can find enjoyment grinding something like Brayflox then you're well suited for an asian MMO.
did nothing wrong
>shilled constantly on Yea Forums
>what the fuck do people actually watch him?
The one where I never play the game
a full run of scholomance with newly dinged 60 gear.
People hated that shit so much they added a mount just to make people not leave. Good times.
>open youtube
>"Asmongold REACTS to[...]"
I don't watch him or wow videos on youtube, why does this shit keep popping up?
Youtube knows you're old.
you watch gaming vids or at least browse gaming sites.
maybe you played wow in the past? idk. google knows everything
It doesn't even matter if he does have an entire raid of people following him - all it requires is two coordinated rogues with sprint + coldblood + ambush. Every streamer playing a pvp server in classic are fucked if even just a few absolute autistics have a grudge against them.
“Bro what’s your spec? You take way too much damage”
“I’m still arms/fury, you don’t need to respec prot until 60, you just suck at healing”
Every fucking time......
desu cant wait to see all the zoomers getting mad that their dungeons don't take 15-20 minutes to complete and that its their bedtime before they can finish.
Maybe we'll actually have groups committing again rather than leaving after the 1st wipe.
Not going to defend XIV dungeons because they're shit, but
>>linear corridors, most without pats
Isn't exactly true for most dungeons pre-50 which have some little off-shoots and alternate paths here and there. But that's a result of a late design change, not something they did consciously. Which is why later dungeon are literal corridors with (until the recent expansion) no patrols
Fun fact, XIV dungeons were supposed to originally be like vanilla WoW dungeons. The idea was that you'd attempt it multiple times, generally twice. The first time was to explore and get a feel for the dungeon (you'd time-out), the second and onwards was to clear.
They changed it because it didn't test well. All of the 2.0 dungeons have a shitton of dungeon geometry not used because of this. Even some of the 2.X patch dungeons have this.
Forgotten City
Sunken Temple
You're delusional. Exactly because everything about the game is known from start to finish people will have no patience for mistakes.
>implying EU kids know how to read up on tactics.
Sure the boomers wont have time for bullshit but if they all know the lay of the land anyway there ain't any need to.
>implying the average wow player remembers the shit he did 10 years ago
Only nostalriusfags won't have tolerance for mistake.
Guides are up for every raid in ff14 and the majority of people can't clear
your mom
You can't completely blame him for that. Shit he says mostly is either childish banter or stupidly edgy humor, but that also attracts some sort of audience.
Who was in the wrong here?
Blame the healer. Always.
Healer should be going all-out, but the "tank" should be doing whatever he can to get aggro AND mitigate damage.
sorry bro ive played it over a 100 times on private servers, ill get you through all quests and bosses in less than an hour even with shit group
t. tank chad pro
Want a Resto Druid heal bitch? I'm your Huckleberry.
If they would also include WoW/TBC content, then I'd be glad to rerun Steamvault, Underbog, Mana Tombs, Gundrak, ToC, and Pit of Saron.
Otherwise: SM Library, Blackrock Spire, and Stratholme, because Vanilla PvE is just boring to me.
How many more days till I can fuck around with classic again?
What an ugly mother fucker, who would want to watch that thing stream? Is that faggot at least funny?
I'm going to level as prot warrior and no one can stop me.
>They changed it because it didn't test well
It really doesn't work with modern streamlined mmos. Even wow had mostly phased them out in favor of corridors by that point, and the older dungeons like BRD and Strat have already been "updated" so that they can only be ran as a corridor with maybe 1 loop. Sure, it's more efficient. But there's a definite loss of scale, options for a party, available loot ultimately, and of course no small amount of soul.
In the tank's defense (no pun intended) going full prot only gives you a few cooldowns for tanking and a few extra stats, the healer should be able to handle non-prot tanks until preraid shit.
pointless but do what u want, if you are doing it cuz u want to tank low level dungeons then u can do them even as fury/arms
No but he will read your name on stream if you give him money.
I was like prot and tanking in general. I know I can tank stuff as fury or arms, but I want too anyways
How did he end up getting his name? I thought it was taken.
This is an old webm from the closed beta
It's a shame, because it seemed like they weren't originally going to have a hugely streamlined experience. It seemed like that leveling would've mostly been done through FATEs in the overworld, with dungeons basically being places to get better gear and explore a huge, well, dungeon.
Too bad that they ditched that when people complained that dungeons weren't corridors they could speedrun in 15 minutes in beta, and then nerfed experience in the overworld to the point that you're forced to do dungeons for exp after launch. So you're left with these boring hallways which have nice window dressing, but really nothing to them at all.
The problem is that when you're running the dungeon for the 50th time and you get matched with a newbie they're gonna get left in the dust and you're probably gonna get pissed if they dont know what they're doing. A dungeon like that might be fun for the first few times but nobody's 'first few times' ever line up.
This is a good point. Do you think there are going to be people out there just grabbing his name on launch, just to spite him?
>hunter/warlock forgets to dismiss their pet in WC/Gnomeregan jumps
That already happened, that's why I asked.
Individual skill comes into play. But if you are only meeting the bare level requirements for any lvl 50+ dungeon; this includes maraudon princess runs, you should have a proper tank spec.
Unless you like wiping every other pull and 3+ attempts per boss.
Literally all Xiv dungeons are a gated hallway lol, at best they have a side room with a chest.
But you are a deluded Redditor transfreak with a broken cock and melted mind!
>Violet Hold
Oh boy, are you also going to say that ToC was a fund dungeon? Literally everybody hated oculus
Based suffering bro. I'll be levelling as resto Shaman
uldaman and hoping i get a cool weapon from the last boss for my warrior to make leveling more easy.
Healer, unless the tank’s gear absolutely sucks.
Stratholme is the point where a tank needs to start thinking about prot spec
Why is Zandalar Tribe low pop. Yea Forums told me that I should roll on RP PVP
>now the door will open for sure and no adds will spawn , just like my private server!
how can people be so fucking retarded
weird hopes and dreams, but ok, i'm with you.
My friend is leveling up restro druid along with me.
they rolling on PVP servers like Whitemane
You can grab character names already? How?
Marudon is an absolutely fantastic dungeon that no-one fucking did because of how far out it was.
And since no-one did it, it was a nightmare to run, since you'd get lost and if you died there was about a 0% chance you'd get back into the right entrance.
I was waiting for this comment.
XIV's development is interesting. All of the pre-50 dungeons have inaccessible parts of it that are reused later on. There's only 3 dungeons in the entire vanilla game (i.e. 2.0) that aren't neutered like this. Here's a map of one such dungeon - I'll post the "proper" map in another post.
Note how it's a decently sized dungeon with full wings to the sides and multiple paths. They use some of this in a "hard mode" but it's still basically a hallway and honestly disappointing.
Uninstall Wizard Academy
Click the three dots and tell them not to show you that stuff.
For comparisons sake, the current map.
See how they basically just took a slice through the entire map? You can even see where they were rushing and couldn't cut things off without making it look weird.
The open dungeon designs were changed to the linear ones in the subsequent patch dungeons and later expansions, which is why they're all terrible dungeons. And that's something I even note on - but, of course, you had to "btfo" the XIVfag.
>A dungeon like that might be fun for the first few times
That's the thing though, for these larger dungeons there's multiple "first times." Almost no one clears all of BRD or Scholo their first time, and full clears aren't common afterwards either. Their first run is usually for quests as gear/level allows, the second for another section of the dungeon, and so on until they're either diving in to kill a select few bosses or skipping entire sections to clear to the last boss + any necessary bosses to get there. Learning those routes, getting the items needed to bypass areas, and passing them by as they're no longer needed adds to your character's sense of progression beyond gear.
Now should all dungeons be like this? No. But I'd like to see some do it. Even the new Karazhan showed the megadungeon isn't an unpopular thing. But ultimately it too was just broken down into wings. And then you might say "Well why not break everything down into wings? You still have everything you asked for, but now with that added efficiency." My complaint then is that breaking them into wings removes the sense of progression and replaces it with attunement or just 1 key to a door like in Scarlet Monastery. There's no need to plan any routes, you still have it all laid out for you just by going in the correct wing. The only one that does it properly I think is Mauradon, where you can seamlessly jump between wings if a party wishes to. Something like that, with more mobility within the dungeon itself to offer up more routes, is what I'd like to see.
Alternatively, give me tribute runs again. How the fuck did no one copy that?
i don't get it
The healer is wrong for expecting a Prot tank. The Tank is wrong for saying you need to be Prot at 60.
Back in ACTUAL Vanilla, for most of Vanilla before it got buffed, Prot was completely worthless and your MT was almost guaranteed to be MS specced. At best he'd be 31/3/17 (or if he was a retard, 31/5/15)
>Being this defensive of your shittier version of nu wow
It’s fine trannyfreak, how about you go play xiv?
Oh what’s that?
No content so you need to cope on the classichad threads hopping someone will play your ERP simulator?
Don’t sorry, less than 15 days till you get executed.
Fucking disgusting freak.
I actually loved Oculus. Don't understand the hate.
Damn. I wonder what's the huge arena to the left was.
They did a character name thing, where you can pre-save names on the server you want.
t. idiot who has ADD and can't read an entire post or look at an image
It was the dragon breeding and girl tf room where you could go ERP with all your transisters of course!!
Back in real Vanilla, Priests, Shamans, Druids, and Paladins were original healsluts. No matter what, you only got to heal in raids, otherwise you'll wipe.
why did this guy become famous out of nowhere?
I remember going there for the first time. I died and just couldn't find my way in. I've done it many times after that and I'm sure I'll still struggle to find my way in when I die
btw had the staff? that ported you somewhere in (don't even remember where) and remember that was a bitch quest to do
t. Deranged XIV tranny freak
Go play your shit game and kill yourself.
Here is how XIV is made
>Take a shit game
>Let it ferment
>Give it a nuwow coat of pain
>Plant a tranny flag as scream “TRANS RUGGTS ARE HYMAN RIIIGHTS!!11” (based yoshipoop!!)
>Delightfully devour it while chugging HRT
Fucking kill yourself and never come back kike...
I don't like dungeons
>Speccing prot for dungeons
livestreamfails his house is disgusting
Just like my bro told me how it was back in his days
>Back in real Vanilla, Priests, Shamans, Druids, and Paladins were original healsluts. No matter what, you only got to heal in raids, otherwise you'll wipe.
But, the important thing here, is they weren't expected to be Resto/Holy specced. Later on for AQ40 and Naxx they probably were, but my experience with MC was
>The Tank (me) was MS
>The healers were Feral, Shadow and Holy (Paladin's only spec)
>The DPS were almost all PvP specced
And we still cleared through no problems, BWL same deal. We only got serious at all around AQ40+
It’s going to be entertaining as hell to see all the private server scrubs realize just how padded their experience was.
Bosses had reduced HP, missing fight mechanics that were removed due to amateur programming, disproportionate drop rates for ideal loot, even reputation gain was increased on some servers to speed up the entire process.
I don't see why you have to be so rude to the guy, his posts are nice and informative. Besides, it's late and the ffxiv posters have nowhere else to go. And if their souls are too streamlined to enjoy classic, that's fine too. Classic will have more players anyways. Maybe even more than bfa for the few few months.
Makes sense, the most difficult thing about raiding was managing 40 people at the same time, besides some bare minimum gear requirements nothing else really matter that much.
>giving 2019 blizzard money
Name 1 person you've given money to who actually deserved it.
>Dudu tank is good!! OP THREAT!!
>Well except if you miss, but that’s fi-
>Blizzard: huh... what do you mean you miss too much? You know you always had 27% chance of not hitting base right! And... world buffs? Dude those had a cool down what the fuck you mean “farming” them!
I still remember that btfoing them
It's because XIV is basically a streamlined WoW, and the fact that it's stupidly popular now makes some people seethe for some reason. Not that I care, I could dump maps but it's not an XIV thread. People are more interested in discussing classic WoW, I was using it as an example of how things changed and why earlier dungeons are different.
Much to that posters' dismay, I'm actually looking forward to classic because I like playing older MMOs and seeing how things changed.
You joke but I honestly think pre-Naxx (because they hit the armour cap) ferals are better than Warrior tanks in many or even most situations.
Shittones of threat and highHP+armour makes them more reliable to heal than Warriors. In the old days everyone used to say they were healsinks and push them aside, but that always felt dubious to me.
all fucking weeb trannies must fucking hang
He is right, if you can't keep him alive in fucking vanilla, it's because a) terrible healers b) he aggros way too many mobs
my hookerfu
>btfoing them
>blown the fuck outing them
Richard Carpenter
>Shitton of threat
>Can’t hit shit because higher miss %
>All threat they do is based off white hits mostly which now they’ll hit less than before
Its weird how some instances don't have hostile mobs to certain factions, but scarlet monastery is hostile to the alliance.
>until wrath
yea I remember aoe bombing every 5 man those were so great gimmicks.
yo what game?
hypothetically speaking, if I do want to play wow classic what class should I roll? I want to play dps because it's the laziest of the classes.
Dwarven Hunter - Alliance asthetics but I don't like having a companion pet. Also gets a gun instead of a lame bow.
Orc Shaman - From what I've seen, the only asthetically pleasing looking race that actually fits the armor. Plus I get to start in Ogrimmer and hang out with all the cool WC3 guys.
Troll Shaman - Trolls are cool but their starting area looks like ass.Also tall gangly looking fucks look akward in armor.
Orc Warrior/Troll Rogue/Dwarf Warrior/Rogue are also intriguing but I mostly just want to see big numbers at a safe distance.
None of them. I've already done them enough on current retail and they're pretty much the same as in classic, except this time it'll be a much slower slogfest with even shitter rewards
why do his eyes look bugged out?
>company makes product you don’t like - don’t give money
>company makes product you do like - you do give money
>company fucks up product you like - stop giving money
It’s not rocket science
The hate comes from people who couldn't bother learning how to use the dragon and wanted to just tank and spank instead, the same people who are calling this poster an XIV tranny.
you can just... google the phrase. and get an answer. dumb faggot.
I know what the phrase is from that's why I'm interested.
Hot take, heard this from some reputable sources
Grand Crusader Dathrohan is a dreadlord
>company fucks up ever division with their bullshit
>quick lets fix the numbers be releasing old shit from the time we were good
>doesnt learn their lesson and continues to fuck up
Warhammer Shadow of the Horned Rat
thanks user. I find the old warhammer games pretty interesting.
I started in tbc so have done most of the levelling instances, I'm mostly excited to do stuff like stratholme, scholomance and BRS because I have never done them as current content
The Arena in BRD had random bosses. So you're wrong and won't even have the dignity to reply to this post.
Are you retarded? Classic is already confirmed to be easier than nost and Elysium
Orc and Trolls start in the same spot bro
Hey guys I'm thinking of bringing my 7-year old nephew along when classic starts, we'll both roll as the same race and in the same server and party up. I'm not sure if he's old enough or if he might be scared (we won't be undead for that reason), he's pretty good at minecraft so should be alright.
Your argument is to spec into a debuff that removes an actual useful one in raids? I mean I guess it was true that even retarded guilds cleared raids eventually...
WoW is for teens, not 7 year olds.
I'm gonna play some Hunter in retail.
What race?
Nelf female to suck asmongold's cock
No thanks, zoomie
Is there such a thing as "too big"?
>Your argument is to spec into a debuff that removes an actual useful one in raids? I mean I guess it was true that even retarded guilds cleared raids eventually...
What are you even talking about?
31/3/17 means you value Defiance over Cruelty. Which anyone with half a brain realises is the correct choice.
>tfw preffer the private server version of this where you spam click a brazier to spawn so much more mobs
Unironically based. XIV is awful garbage that’s defended and spammed because of trannies weebs and faggots who use their queue simulator to erp.
I played mage on vanilla server for the first time, is it the most fucking boring class to play or is it the gameplay's fault? Literally stand and click macro every 2 seconds. That's all there is to the dungeons for me. I had the most fun when I explored the world and quested with other players. "Combat" in WoW is a joke.
Unless you’re not the original poster that I was talking to, I’m talking about the fucking loser who claims MT’s go mortal strike spec. No real guild wastes one of their precious 16 debuff slots on mortal strike(which will get wiped off instantly as some frustrated dps has to waste a gcd replacing their actual useful debuff.) Real guilds place that talent into something actually useful.
Reckon I'll get to Deadmines and then stop playing
Why is he so annoyingly ugly?
Unhealthy life choices and lots of time in front of the screen spent. Same can happen to anyone unironically.
>Unless you’re not the original poster that I was talking to, I’m talking about the fucking loser who claims MT’s go mortal strike spec. No real guild wastes one of their precious 16 debuff slots on mortal strike(which will get wiped off instantly as some frustrated dps has to waste a gcd replacing their actual useful debuff.) Real guilds place that talent into something actually useful.
Are... are you actually retarded? Or did you just not play Vanilla?
Let's play a fun game!
Your Druid healer is feral. You're fighting, let's say Chromaggus, do you think he's in Bear form, Cat form, or Human form?
Your Priest healer is shadow. You're fighting Nefarian, do you think he's in Shadow form, or normal form?
Your MT is MS specced. You're fighting any boss, do you think he's in Arms stance? Berserker Stance... Or maybe, just maybe, he's in Defensive fucking stance, spamming Sunder you cockgobbling mongoloid!
They let people test up to lvl 30, then 45, then boosted people to 58 to test AV.
But somehow you know the hp levels of raid bosses, and believe that the broken mechanics that were rampant in both nost’s and elysium’s AQ 40 and Naxx due to there being only a small dev team involved are going to exist in blizzard’s classic wow?
When Vael has an additional 20%hp that you need to burn down, you’re going to learn what a gear check boss really means.
If it's something past BRD both of their faults for not being specced for it. If it's BRD or below the whole group is level appropriate then either the healer just doesn't know how to use the 5 second rule or the dps are pulling agro off the tank making the healer waste mana or the tank doesn't know how to pull. All the 'leveling' dungeons are more than doable in a leveling spec. Unless the healer is some shaman/paladin wearing strength and stamina gear.
Your Druid healer is resto
Shadow priests don’t exist in real raid comps
Real warriors are stance dancing to maximize their full potential. And placing a talent point into mortal strike is still a waste of a talent point.
You sound like a tank for a guild who had to “progress” through ZG when it got released.
Like I said even retarded guilds cleared raids eventually. You’re not maximizing your efficiency though.
god this woman is such a semendemon
>that high cut accentuating her crotch
imagine playing a game for 15 years straight and still not bored and suck penis on it
>Yea Forums keeps complaining about twitch zoomers
>asmontard has highest views in the wow category
>his chat is literally just people spamming laughing emotes whenever he says "blizzard bad"
>everyone in his chat is pro classic and anti BfA
>zoomers are literally going to be 90% of the playerbase in classic
>there won't be any servers without streamers and their zoomer fanbase
>once they realise that classic isn't fun to watch and they start losing views they'll go back to BfA to complain about how bad current WoW is since that's what everyone wants to see
Twitch ruined MMOs
disgusting donators i bet he even feels to same
i fucking love mara. the whole atmosphere of it is just entrancing, and as a hunter i really appreciate it because it gives me large amounts of money
Luckily we have a large majority of them on one server. We dont have to worry too much just avoid that server and maybe the game becomes playable.
how do i get in on the Yea Forums whitemane discord
I don't mind people who play, and stream.
I mind streamers who play. The "personalities" just fuel the server with hostility and idiocy. The whole idolization of any critique from said streamer. As if they are some authority on what is good or not.
Bonus point if it's Asmon or Tipsout, they play as if they never touched it before current expansion, yet their opinions hold weight due to the horde of zoomers.
>Asmon or Tipsout
I meant Asmon and Soda.
>Abloobloo I got camped, it's not faaaaair
>It's OK when I do it, I'm an asshole lol
RichTurpin doing gods work.
I played wow from 2007 - 2012
Mostly leveled with dungeon finder and only did PvP.
I’m going to have no clue what I’m doing in dungeons or raids.
Only familiar with plate wearing classes and plan on going rogue for classic.
What am I in for?
>leveling as prot
fucking misery is what that is. Of course he's not going to spec prot for a fucking dungeon especially when dual speccing wasn't a thing
>Heavily shilled
>Asmongold OPs
Can we just outlaw Classic already on Yea Forums? Some
Some screeching autist got banned for calling out an actual actiblizz shill in another thread.
mara purple+ princess is KINO orange can suck a dick
A much bigger grind. Mauradon 27/7.
For Rogue you'll want to pvp primarily, so you'll be fucking golden. Vanilla's not all that great, there'll be guides for every single step for dungeons and raids.
It's nothing new. It's all old content and completely mined out of any fun or relevancy.
Based and redpilled. YouTube keeps shilling him non-stop in the recommended.
>he doesn't recognize good players in the group as a tank
>he doesn't start chain pulling to test their mettle
If you're doing big pulls and popping cooldowns to handle it all when you notice good dps, you're a shit tank who shouldn't be playing one.
If you're not*
That's VC, DM is Dire Maul
What you're going to do about it? You're powerless
Get context, silly.
DM is both, and Dire Maul is usually more specified (East, West, North, Tribute). And a level 60 isn't looking for Deadmines, just as a 20ish isn't looking for Dire Maul.
For me, its the humble Sunken Temple, the best mandatory dungeon.
The gimmick was neat the first couple times, but once you've farmed the shit for a couple months it just gets boring. At least with other farmed content you can do meme specs for funzies
>90% of the playerbase does not understand how to kill the boss with the snowballs
>You grossly underestimate the attention span of your average WoW Zoomer
Not to mention this is WoW so having a hoard of underleveled undergeared scrub faggots isn't gonna help much, none of them actualy playing the game and improving their characrers too busy memeing in the chat
So when assmong has to fly to Tanaris and hit up the Southshore Pirates his hit sqaud is gonna get wrecked by mobs alone+Enemy Horde just waiting for him assuring they have the flight path or can travel there at all
This fixes itself as even the slowest zoomy shitter grinds his way to 60, but on the flipside each month will see a drop in dickriders actually playing/subbed, and by then all the top tier Horde pvpniggers will be one shotting them and their hero
*crushing blows your druid tank*
heh, nothing personnel, fag
sadly you'll play with zoomers who will disband before the arena because "the corridor is too long" and good luck finding any replacement because "urgh, no, you already killed bosses"
I love it and Swamp Of Sorrows in general but it was a totally dead zone
>zoomers who cannot handle fighting down a corridor/the concept of a dungeon with some bosses downed will somehow make it to level 50ish and see BRD at all
those same zoomers will quit before level 30 and flock back to bfa where you can keep them company :^)
>want to level a new character to get back into WoW
>know I'll just ditch it for classic when it launches
what can scratch my mmonitch without it feeling like a waste of time? Help
You can just play retail for free up to lv 20 you know
retail leveling is fucking aids dude.
>tfw getting your ST quest done
Whats your reward?
>Mana totem on a trinket that returns ~1.6k mana to your group every 3 minutes
>Even if you use it for just yourself it outpaces a few Mp5 trinkets from MC/Ony as long as you use it on CD
and that's why it's comfy
there is a certain charm about these empty zones
Congrats, you just realized classic itemization was shit
>Hit level 60 mage
>Have Enchanting
>go to SM and solo AOE farm for fat mats/de and gold
In my heart I know I should level mage first, but warlock is a kino experience leveling since its so easy.
Desolace is underrated, so is Aszhara.
I'm starting a Priest with Tailoring/Enchanting so I can get leveling wands and Truefaith Vestments.
Should I drop them for Mining/Engineering after I get the robes, or should I go Enchanting/Engineering?
I'm not sure if Mining is really necessary.
I don't even know what class I want to roll. Thinking about either Orc Warrior, Troll Mage or Undead Priest. I know how to tank dungeons in vanilla because of a private server I played on for a bit.
I realized that a decade ago. Im just thrilled to death my BiS until phase 2 is from a piss easy quest and gives me a real, usable trinket.
engineering has a couple fun gadgets but if you're looking to make money best best is mining.
I need engineering for PvP. I'm just wondering if Mining is needed for the mats or if I'll be able to buy them off the AH without bankrupting myself.
>Due to extremely high demand, we will be establishing the following new WoW Classic realm at approximately 20:00 CEST (19:00 BST) on Wednesday, August 14: Gehennas – PvP – English
>We suggest that players choosing a realm consider this one, as we expect that other English PvP realms may experience severe queues at release.
>extremely high demand
>severe queues
Classic will overtake BFA within months.
It's not about spec, it's about gear.
Arms/fury sometimes can use leather/mail for better damage instead of plate with stamina and strength for tanking.
t.got fucked in the ass in sunken temple as a warrior
BRD and sunken temple. Old good mazes
how come EU gets all the good server names
I imagine prices will normalize after a bit. But you can use your enchanting to offset your need for ore if you find yourself ahead of the player curve.
If you dont go tank for tanking you should get a shadow priest as healer
based or cringe for pvp healing?
The tank is in the wrong if he
>Cant manage single target aggro
>Does not have a 1h + shield at an appropriate level for the dungeon
>Cant handle pulls while insisting he pulls
>Is pulling while the healer is oom or near oom
The healer is at fault if none of the above is happening and
>Healer is overhealing more than 25% of his heals
>Healer is not using cooldowns
>Healer is not wearing int/spirit gear
>Healer is literally not healing
If nothing in the above is true either start looking at the dps
You absolutely do not need to spec prot pre-60. No one does this.
All of them desu i barely remember them
very VERY cringe
>no imp mana burn to shit on other healbots
>no divine focus to save your warbro from that killing blow shatter combo
>not even healing focus, 1 hunter pet completely shuts you down
>thinks a blanket silence is good for anything outside of dueling, gets dispelled immediately in BGs
Unfuck yourself
it's ok boomer, soon it will all be alright
Shadow priest is perfectly viable as a healer in dungeons.
do we know where this Server is stationed? need to know the times that most Guilds will be raiding at.
>tfw doing a routine SM Cath run
>After 3 wipes to trash butt-poundings check out the warrior
>Level 18 green mace and 21 green shield
I thought this was a one time thing with a retard does this actually happen regularly?
i mained a warr in vanilla but didn't get a healer to 60 until i started maining them in bc onwards.
for my real spec im probably gonna go 21/30/0 with imp mana burn. i'm not really sure what to expect whether you can get away with hybrid shit or if its a constant clusterfuck of being oom.
i figured martyrdom would be an acceptable substitute for healing focus, do pets not crit much?
how important is getting trash buffs like blessed recovery as horde (so no purge spam)
>>Healer is overhealing more than 25% of his heals
Why is this so fucking common?
Is this bait or just a zoomer who never played vanilla
He never leaves his house.
it's easier to coast by being a bit sloppy than to toe the line of perfect efficiency. lower risk overall.
Newfags don’t downrank spells
is this new server Gehennas for EU?
LF classic/Herod discord/vent/IRC, anything that lets you say nigger/faggot and doesn't have homosexuals/trannies
>i figured martyrdom would be an acceptable substitute for healing focus, do pets not crit much?
No, they don't, and you're gonna want to be able to churn out as much healing as you can to keep your warrior alive in the thick of it.
>how important is getting trash buffs like blessed recovery as horde (so no purge spam)
It helps but not required, if you feel comfortable throwing a point in it go ahead
Game doesn't teach you that downranking is a thing unless you find that information online.
What happens is that "of course bigger rank = better lol".
>Every class having literally 2-3 spells to choose from is fun
Stop being disingenuous, dungeons specifically suck ass until you get a good portion of your classes abilities like around level 50.
Personal experience around +250 healing you can afk heal dungeons with rank one chain heal.
Scarlet Monastery people are literally insane/cursed/controlled by a dreadlord. They see everyone except their own members as undead. They even have dialogue calling you undead even if you're a human/dwarf/elf/gnome.
As a Hunter main, I know exactly what jumps are being alluded here and I am so very sorry that I was one of those Huntards as a kid. Between the flora hall jump in WC, the initial jump into the slime room in Gnomer and the 2nd, I am so sorry. It's 15 years later and I've learned better. I will do my best to instruct my fellow Huntards not to do the same.
What's the dream 5man team? Perfect loot distribution, complimentary skills, able to clear trash very quickly.
>Mage for water, food and poly
>Warlock for summons, healthstone and soulstone
>Rogue for sap, lockpicking and to take the leather gear
>Priest for heals, shield and fade
>Paladin for AoE tanking everything while the priest shields him
>paladin thinks he will be taking
oh lawdy
This place and Dire Maul are pretty kino but they are in the middle of bumbble fuck nowhere and its a such a pain to get there just to have the group fall apart before ya start
dude I can see you are very young but you will not be tanking in classic with anything other than a prot warrior. You will never be able to hold agro otherwise
change paladin to warrior and you have the perfect group
>perfect loot distribution
>no mail wearer
user, I...
i always liked druid tanks in 5mans, swipe makes it easy to derp aoe tank
I remember resto droods not being terrible for lower level shit but I guess priest is still the way to go
It's not the Yea Forums Discord, it's literally a Reddit Discord someone keeps shilling here.
>one guy wants to roll undead mage
>other guy wants to roll human warrior
What to do?
Priest were the best healer overall. Only during Naxx progression they were outhealed by single target spamming paladins.
But before you roll dwarf priest, please consider that everyone who wants a guaranteed raid spot will also roll a dwarf priest, thus creating less demand.
Paladins wear mail/plate everywhere but raids if they're not retarded.
Wow I can't wait for classic to relive vanilla! It's so much more difficult and I love the levelling experience! Let me just get my
>YouTube class guide
>BiS list
>Levelling route
>Profession planner
>Meta talent build
>Quest guide
>Layering exploits
>Private server pvp meta guide
so I can speedrun levelling! I love the authentic vanilla experience.
I don't think there's going to be that many people rolling Dwarf priest.
what are you playing? if its rogue/warr or lock/priest go horde for windfury or not getting fucked by wotf. otherwise go ally
>let's make an interesting dungeon
>but make the mobs hard as shit
>and put it in fucking desolace of all places
I don't know, I'm fine with anything.
He said "5 man", you retards.
nigger pls, trannies will roll NE or human
there will always be a demand for dwarf priests
hey trannies, does ff have layering?
You mean people with taste will roll NE or Human
You can choose the "layer" when you zone into a zone that has them and change whenever.
Shadowfang Keep
As Alliance
>allies seething that they need to travel to the other side of the world once or twice to do some low level dungeons
Shitter detected. If your group isn't shit you don't even need a dedicated tank for most dungeons, let alone a taunt.
My fucking nigga. Gonna bust into Silverpine, fuck up some undead players and then run SFK.
Whatever paladin. Oh hey blessing's about to expire, you need to rebuff us.
even if a dungeon is a fucking giant open world map, after a couple of days people are gonna know whats the best path to finish it and they always gonna run it that way,
The run through Silverpine is more fun than the instance sometimes
>let's make an interesting dungeon
>But make the mobs levels range wider than STV
this is desu one of my greatest memories in wow
You're replying to yet another 'vanilla veteran' who knows jack shit, so it's not surpising
I remember fucking hunters "tanking" with a tamed Thresh, when your groups good and you're on a roll you can do anything
I can't believe not a single person in this thread mentioned that he is a backpedaller. This is the most offensive thing as a Vanilla WoW player.
>Name Reservation Day
>Choose Herod
>Name Taken, friend also wants me to get his name
>Also Taken
>He's mad his name is gone
>Try Faerlina because it had the better Timezone for us
>Use my 3 names
>Today, EU server announced. but think its NA
>Tell friend im going to get our names on it
>Find out its EU...
>Already deleted 1 name in anticipation
>Decide fuck it, i don't wanna play on Faerlina
>Go back to Herod and see i have 2 characters on it
>My name and the name i tried to get for my friend are there
>Have 4 names reserved, was at 5 before i deleted one.
Feels good to be a Hacker#1
but plenty of people backpedalled in vanilla
>donate to assmongloid
>charge back donation
Who is this faggot and why does he keep appearing in my youtube recommended videos even though I have not played wow nor watched any wow related video since TBC
If only Fairbanks was a central server. I could've gotten more of my friends to want to go there.
yeah. me and my friend were going to go to it, but the timezone was bad for him.
just so im not being retarded. it was 3 Name Limit account wide right? not per server.
im sure checking his massive bank account and realising your 5 dollars weren't there really hurt him
plenty of shitters, yes
this. i was fucking godlike in BC compared to the others in my raid because i kept track of overhealing. 3 of my slots on my hotbar were all different rank heals as priest
>has to rely on private server bugs
>look at how good my dps is guys im the best ret pala ever
What a fucking disgusting greasy pajeet fuck
I just remembered about downranking spells, how should I go about binding my keys with mouseover macros if I have like 5 ranks of lesser heal, greater heal, ect.
>paying the blizz cuck-tithe for a shot at getting le-ebin meme names every other faggot went for
Only thing I look up is leveling areas, so you're not spending too much time in a zone thats not the right level for yourself.
>warr for horde
Enjoy not having Blessing of Freedom
lol, warrior tank, with sham heals to take mail
did you not read that, you illiterate fuck? the issue was on blizzard. our names weren't actually fucking taken. i don't choose le epin meme names as you say.
go wipe your ass.
Druid > Priest in that regard
Or switch paladin with druid and rogue with warrior
Any Bloodsail Chads here?
Scholomance. My favorite dungeon and it was fucking ruined in mists of pandaria
>3 clothies
>perfect loot distribution
nigger are you high?
BASED and BOOMERpilled my friend
ESL subhumans should be put down like the dogs they are
>make azeroth great again
zoomers will never get to experience the true original wow
ALL of them. ALL.
I'm so tired of the globohomo aoe (((speedrun))) for absolutely every dungeon nowadays.
You can't get immersed in the dugeon, drinking to get your mana back while looking around or at the details and listening to the music.
Speedrun can be cool and I like the idea of Mythic + but when you become 100% demoralized when 99% of the content works with the speedrun mentality - as doing the content as fast as possible is the only challenge that the game can give you.
Avoid retail zoomers at all costs.
>rolling shaman
>going to do SM until i have the entire mail gear, Ravager and tabard.
>don't care if sets me back on level progression
I healed an RFC during the last classic server test and I did this for the first few pulls. I was so used to spamming heals without having to worry about mana from live wow. I was downranking spells but I was being too liberal with them. A quarter of the way in and I got used to it. Felt great not having a single death even when we accidentally pulled a pat while I was oom
I'm maining a priest so I can heal raids and get benediction. Is it recommended to level as shadow? Also is shadow viable at all in 1.12?
get spirit tap + wand spec first, then go shadow however you like for leveling
There's a max of only 1 shadow priest in raids usually. But shadow is really good for 1v1 and solo bgs. If you are going to do competetive premade bgs, you're probably going to heal.
Classic will overtake BFA on release.
Warrior is still better. Less down time cause they don't need to guzzle water like a paladin, and they hold AoE threat just fine with tab-target.
Dope. Thanks for the info
im afraid of all of them
OG sunken temple and Maraudon
I don't say this often but you're all stupid.
The DPS are in the wrong. They should have CC'd the mobs before the fight started so the tank would take less damage.
>top tier
Dire Maul tribute
>high tier
Dire Maul normal wings
>good tier
SM Cath
SM library
Sunken Temple
>medium tier
Wailing caverns
SM Armoury
SM graveyard
>low tier
>gnomeregan tier
Just think about it logically, you know I'm right
I'm going to run Deadmines the moment I hit level 20 on my Undead Warrior.
Then later, Stockades.
>waiting until level 20
I dunno what the right level is, isn't Van Cleef like 24? I don't wanna get fucking three shot.
18 is fine if you cheese Edwin.
Redpill me on bear tanks
Good taste
Better threat than a warrior at the expense of taking way more damage.
As long as it takes his fag crew to leave. Might wake some of them up.
Is it worth trying out or does shit armor and no shield make it completely outclassed by warrior
>Tauren Warrior tier
Blackrock Depths
>Night Elf Druid tier
Dire Maul
>Dwarf Priest tier
Scarlet Monastery
Temple of Atal'Hakkar
>Orc Shaman tier
Lower Blackrock Spire
>Human Paladin tier
Wailing Caverns
>Troll Hunter tier
Razorfen Downs
Shadowfang Keep
>Undead Warlock tier
The Stockade
Ragefire Chasm
The Deadmines
Blackfathom Deeps
Razorfen Kraul
>Level 19 Gnome Rogue tier
There were not enough dungeons for a ninth tier.
As an apology to mage mains, have an image.
Did he end up getting his name pr does he have to go by Asmonfgt
bear have more armor then warr, its lack of block/parry that makes them take more damage
More health and armor than a warrior. Often time more threat.
Has no parry or block mechanic.
Takes more damage, but takes the damage steadily and with minimal spikes, if healer mana is not an issue.
Late game healer mana is always an issue, and your best hope is to be off-tank that spends half his time DPSing as a cat.
I hope he gets divorce raped
That's almost 100% guaranteed to happen to any man who marries a modern whore.
i thought this guy was supposed to be a WoW pro?
How dare a dungeon be deep in the wilderness. You're a disgrace to the title "adventurer'.
>asmongold and other faggot streamers having trouble with this easy ass dungeon
Whats going to be the best hunter pet?
Brokentooth had its attack speed normalized by 1.12, Snarler no longer has 100 of each resistance, and Lupos no longer deals shadow damage
can anyone help me out?
Wolves are the best for pve
Wind serpents are better for pvp iirc
For leveling? Owls
No he is a fraud that gets carried through everything
Hey guys, a couple of anons from here and /vg/ started a guild a while back, anyone is free to join or just check it out I guess, feel free to join the discord.
Mandate of Heaven PvP is LFM players for Classic WoW
-- /vUdNjSA --
15/15 Naxx Experience, Two 40-man and Five 20-man experienced raid leaders.
Join the Discord for more info and shit
Plate wearer detected. You can’t really tier any dungeon, because different classes need to go to different dungeons to get their pre-raid BiS.
Although you are right about ragefire I’ll give you that.
So what are you fags going to do, obtain every BiS and sit in capitol cities all day at max level, jerking yourself off over how you "got everything"?
What is the point of this old shit?
Always a bridesmaid, never the bride.
Easy to fucking tank as well btw.
>What is the point of playing games?
Because people have to actually travel everywhere, there’s this little concept called “world pvp”. You should try it out sometime, it’s quite fun actually.
It's about how generally enjoyable it is, not what loot you get
You've never heard of a mouthbreather before?
who else /indecisive/ here
my brain says mage
my hearth says warrior
buy my soul says Paladin, anything but holy though
you'll get your ret gear if you're a good little healslut until all the furychads and hungods have their bis for the current phase
or you can be zalgradis and cheese every fight with engineering
he is being facetious common dude
you can play pally. but you WILL wear a dress at 60 if you don't immediately reroll.
the healer is ALWAYS wrong
>cmd+f ZF
>0 hits
>just obtain every bis and the game ends!
You realize this will take a fuck TON of time and you have a big fucking lot of content and gameplay until that point right?
>feel free to join the discord
Guild discarded.
>wiping on the stairs
>slapped around by gahz'rilla
>nothing good dropped again
it's fun when you're not playing with mouthbreathers, so it's gonna suck on release
shitposters in classic threads have no idea what you actually do in the game
>horizontal progression bad
Kys zoomer
Yeah and you have dire maul tribute as top tier fun, literally when done right a 20 minute run with most trash skipped, one optional boss and a final boss you use an exploit to make into a simple tank n spank fight. That’s the most fun you got out of the game? I won’t argue semantics, but every class experiences dungeons differently. Thus each class will have different opinions on what was fun for them.
Imagine thinking any modern MMO has better gameplay design than vanilla WoW.
That's genuinely sad, man. They're just people without friends who think they've found a way to keep out the cold by spending money on parasocial relationships. I never gave money, but I remember when I used to watch Let's Players a lot, and then I spoke to a friend for the first time in months and realised exactly how much better it was.