will you buy her game, Yea Forums?
Will you buy her game, Yea Forums?
>cow tits
user, that is clearly a man. Only men have penises, and that thing seems to be made of nothing but dicks.
reaction buzzword
Based and cringepilled
Fuck zoomers
T. Zoomer
I don't know, is it cute and also funny?
genuinely angry reply attempting to not sound like and angry reply
I love her, she's CUTE and FUNNY
>genuinely angry reply attempting to not sound like and angry reply
>Contrarian comment that doesn't simply accept the state of the board for what it is and leaves, finally shedding his old home as it had shed him
>I hate this,
oldfag responding to zoomer wojack poster to gb2/reddit
This shit bugs me genuinely, it’s not content. I get that wojaks are meant to annoy people, but fuck it’s not funny anymore. Nothing is genuine, just a billion fucking layers of sarcasm and irony.
why does her shirt say "Niggers did 9/11"
>paying money for easily copied data packages assembled for the express purpose of wasting your time
[x] Woke
[x] Redpilled
[x] Based
>comes back three days later more sour than ever
I never had to spend a dime on the game! I just grinded free currency, did events and now I have a school girl outfit Wikipe-tan as drawn by Raita of my own!
go back to disliked website or board
is it one of these threads?
>child porn BAD
>actually supporting [unpopular studio] in 2019
I fricken hate what Yea Forums has become
>Yea Forums
is he right, Yea Forums?
this is an overblown joke that is no longer humorous
> Something about transexuals and Jews.
>huuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh i miss the old Yea Forums, huuhhhhhhhh
I miss the old internet in general. not just Yea Forums
I miss the old everything in general. not just the internet
>disagrees just for the sport of it
This is entirely more effort than the thread is worth.
>tfw nobody posts reaction images anymore
Unless it’s a discord post raid
is discord the absolute worst thing about the modern internet?
>OP images these days have Iphone filenames more often than not
I hate this
>exclamation of deep affection for character in red dress
I thought we were funposting
>attempt at discrediting your entire being based solely on what was stated in your one post
what's the difference between the iphone filenames that are IMG_ with four digits and the other ones?
Expression of worry over whether it was strictly necessary to observe this image.
>when the actual resolution is like 800x500
I'd say no, based just on how easy it is to avoid.
alright everyone, Yea Forums is done now. this thread is the culmination of all Yea Forums ever was and will ever be. you can leave now.
thanks Yea Forums
argument suggesting that i have inhabited this internet space for a longer span of time compared to the receiving individual
extremely angry and bizarrely sexual reply
We Yea Forums now
genderqueer roleplaying
Here posted it for you you can now stop sucking cock faggot.
wtf tyrone hands off my gf
I'd die for her.
offtopic political remark
Here you go
is Barneyfag still around?
impolite request of your relocation to a separate division on the current site that is more inclined to accept such political remarks
unironically selfrighteous attempt at taking the high ground on the newly raised topic
>millionth thread about dae miss the old Yea Forums/old internet, bitching about zoomers, social media, and Web 2.0 as though those are groundbreaking opinions
yes, last time was around the gamer spree
statement the politics is the most important element of the site even though I have used the site for a short period of time and am incorrect
I only think Barneyfag show's up if you actually post a pic that's been posted on one of the pony booru's. He's got a bot or something
angry buzzword retort
>Shitty game but sexualized fanart or official art
Never fails
Posting in epic anti-waifu /LGBT/ tread
end your life sodomizer of dinosaurs
all caps response indicating hatred towards a racial group of african origin that derails any discussion of the replied topic before it occurs
New Yea Forums content is just basically "what is a new group I can make insults for". If someone hates your content you can just call them your new signature buzzword to mask the pain.
A while ago I made a super simple chrome extension for coding practice that replaced every Yea Forums buzzword I thought of with the word "buzzword". It was something.
cute feet
confusion as the arrow is pointing off my desk and at best to my shelves of LEGO and drawing equipment behind the computer and at worst to the floorboards or even a chair or my rabbit's blanket.
I need that but for firefox
unreasonably late reply that doesn't seem to consider any of what has gone before
engage in coitus
angry argument urging all to view the collection of discussions for the abundance of topics involving italian plumbers and adjacent entities
Obviously gook and swirl.
There should be word replacers for Firefox and Chrome.
Why did the mods sticky this shit? Yea Forums isn't what it used to be any more
Yea Forums has peaked. It's all downhill from here on out.
Do you then regularly add to the list?
Do you also filter the replacement words for already filtered words?
claim that the site and its community has been going downhill for several years already, if not since their very day of inception
naked boy with shoes on
Gen alpha will save us.
initial (You) that gives rise to entire thread derailment by gays
It wasn't something that I was keeping up to date or anything, it was just a spur of the moment idea. I did filter already filtered words when applicable though.
filter replacements for already filtered words*, whoops
I still find it hilarious how fast that one buzzword got filtered
Claim that I had coitus with your mother to antagonize you.
the one that's now gamer? i think it's because a guy made an image that gave it a definition, but i'm not sure.
severe rhetorical statement about paying my mother the required amount along with an additional service charge
thank you
This thread is proof that Yea Forums died a long time ago.
80% of threads are like this one. 19% are /pol/ recruitment threads, 0.5% are faggots thirsting for Link/trap of the week, 0.2% tfw no gf, and 0.3% is actual game discussion
>This thread is proof that Yea Forums died a long time ago.
oh no, not Yea Forums
Yea Forums never lost control
>have sex
>rent free
>X BAD, X GOOD, *drooling wojak image*
>X is cute, CUTE
>I want to marry X!
>I love X!
>What went wrong?
>Buy her game
>Who was in the wrong here?
>X did nothing wrong
>He/she killed millions
>Is he /ourguy/?/youtube shill thread
>It's up
>For me, it's X
>20xx... I am forgotten
>How do we fix this/X
>Protip: You can't
>X doesn't exi-
>Here's your X bro
>He's in
>I'm gonna say the N word!
>Defend this
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Why yes *le chad image*
>Yeah... I'm thinking he's back
>X is back on the menu, boys!
>Don't mind me, just X
>Find a flaw
>*blocks your path*
>Mods are asleep post X
>*twitter post*
>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now? *sexualized fanart*
>Now that the dust has settled
>*le sony gold face*
>*le xbox skull*
doubt cast on the stated numbers
I personally find wojak and pepe edits to be incredibly funny
Questioning your sexuality in the absence of a clever comeback
>80% of threads are like this one.
oh my god it's almost like that's how everyone already caught onto the joke of the OP.
>I'm gonna say the N word!
i don't see these ever.
stolen joke about getting ones cum back when the implied joke is that one recently slept with an older woman
threatens to rape you for calling me gay even though that would also make me gay
What word?
only 10% of the edits are even remotely funny, don't kid yourself
What does the N stand for?
So new Yea Forums is basically reddit but instead of a downvote system you get replied with a buzzword and a wojak picture?
Dr. Neo Cortex
viral marketing post that severely admonishes anyone expressing doubt, clearing off most of the anti-thought memesult checklist with consistently mysteriously low poster count and never gets deleted
I'm really surprised that no one has made an auto generator for wojaks
>randomized preset eyes, nose, mouth, hair, facial features
>ear on/off
>random rgb value for main color
>auto generate a buzzword using general insults and Yea Forums colloquialisms
Every time I see a new wojak it gives off the same feeling as those people who make OCs and pretend that they are actually a canon character in an official comic/movie/game to a frightening degree. Might as well "flood the market" at this point.
holy shit that was quick
only started seeing people use that in last week or so
it got filtered in less than 24 hours
It hit too close to home, mods choked on their hot pocket everytime it was posted
I have an opinion
we live in a society
your opinion is wrong if it differs from mine
____ and ____pilled
this but unironically
It's all made by Russian and Chinese bots to wear down the western world's resistance to propaganda.
We'll get so used to manufactured trash memes and auto generated shit-posting that we won't notice when actual threats start popping up.
applause for advertising everybody's least favorite place on the internet
For what possible reason?
Literal gamer, everyone.
it got caught on real fast and allegedly people were "raiding" Yea Forums and spamming it
It hit too close to home, obviously
Hence why sneed, boomer, and zoomer remain unfiltered
mods are porn addicts who dont care about the quality of the board
sneed is based though
Innocent times
Spamming a word in every thread is a quick way for it to be filtered, especially if everyone else does it too.
Gamer test
everytime i want to reply to any thread my mind keeps thinking up meta-statements. i've become an NPC to mock NPCs.
The boomer meme grew to popularity in almost the same way. It sorta spawned and then people were spamming it in literally possible board over and over within hours. I'm not gonna shed tears over yet another fucking buzzword getting axed however
Well most newfags are brain dead
dead. but he posted his stash of shitposting ammo in a thread on /mlp/ a few months ago.
No but I will buy this sexy things game instead.
how did he die?
It got filtered because it singled out shut-in porn addicts and was spammed on a crowd that couldn't take it? That's funny.
lack of life
>sexualized fanart
Go back to resetera.
killed himself after he finally realized how much time he wasted here and how it destroyed his life.
closed the browser
nerve gas
Real talk though. Has anyone ever actually been to Resetera?
>and was spammed on
This should be enough to get shit culled regardless of the context. Mods picking and choosing what spam they should remove is fucking sad
I accidentally clicked a link to it once so you can call me a libtard now
Probably, but the fact that multiple threads had the term in it probably meant it was being spammed.
Today there were multiple threads with greentext and the first 4 replies to a thread were two “who are you quoting” usually one after the other.
I don’t care if people just trying to bait others or someone intentionally makes the free text for others to reply to but it happened for a while today
I tried to go there to shitpost once but getting permission to post looked too hard so I gave up
We can rebuild you. We have the technology
If it's a term rising in popularity it can appear in many threads without being "spammed" though, but I hear ya.
i've gone like twice i think. once was when the new overwatch hero came out and Yea Forums was attacking resetera for hating that he's white (resetera thought he was one of the best characters to date) and then i went to see why people in the EVO chat were memeing about an "abuser winning EVO" when Infiltration won SamSho EVO (they believe anonymous claims that he abused his ex-wife when both kotaku and Infiltration's sponsor didn't find any evidence of the claims).
Nice! Mind if I post it on Reddit?
sounds like trans propaganda, libtard
>game you like gets popular and starts getting FOTM threads
>actual discussion of vidya
>>>> posters and falseflaggers despite there being 5 other off-topic threads
>none of them ever have any of those posters on them
angry buzzword
request to relocate to another but similar website
Sorry, I meant we can re-pill you.
asking why you are so knowledgeable on other website
based and re-pilled
establish that there's a problem, but proceed to complain about tangential bullshit (just like reddit)
Fuck you guys, this thread had potential.
>Rosterfag threads keep hitting bump limit, and have been doing so for literally years, and the mods show no sign of giving a shit
no I don't
Yea Forums truly is the low-effort troll's sanctuary.
>will you buy her game, Yea Forums?
>buying tranny shit
hell no
uh, see ya
haha it say v on truck
>cringe and bluepilled
did that jog your memory
that's a weird looking pizza
Day 1
it makes sense but i don't think i've actually read that. i see cringe a lot.
And so when Video Games Video Games, does that also mean that Video Games when the Video Games Video Games?
Video Games Video Games only when Video Games Video Games Video Games you fucking RETARD
does this artist also do pedoscat?
Are you retarded? In 99% cases we use official art to promote the game that way.
Not canon.
Well Video Games Video Games Video Games are Video Games. and Video Games Video Games Video Games are not. fucking why Video Games Company.
I read it regularly.
Video Games would never Video Games Video Games.
That's just Video Games.
What's on there?
>edited wojak
can we not, I remember when we didn't post wojaks all the time.
It lasted longer than 24 hours. You just didn't notice it.
This guys videos feel like watching that episode of russian itchy and scratchy.
He misses my pics most of the times...
oh you mother fucker
Both boomer and jizzbrain were forced. You could tell by the abundance of prepared material that the user was spamming.
I like jizzbrain too. But it was so forced.
I approve this satie.
>game you like gets popular
is there litterally any worse feel?
no Yea Forums is
oh like Rusemaster and the Reddits were so much better?
or Awesomeface?
or The Cock Mongler?
or Pedobear?
or cats and owls?
Come to think of it, after five years of just feelsguy and Pepe the Frog, most things were better before.
>That Rating
I call bullshit, he didn't even complete the first stage!
I really want him back
Spamming a meme across multiple boards is easy way to get it filtered just like desu senpai
Although boomer somehow caught on despite one dude spamming it across the boards
This is the most on topic post on this board.
remember when he disliked a game a small number of us like?!
just post him dumbass
enjoy the post modern
that one had actually been used before it was recently spammed if you search the archives. the image was made and it started getting spammed.
Old memes are garbage and would just be frog and feelsman 2.0 if used today, either make new OC or don't bother
I don't get it
I mean when someone posts loli porn you fuc- alright I should have been more specific.
Take some screens next time.
We were the hipsters this whole time, user.
I like boomer and smooth brain
wait what the fuck do you see
I've laid the bait for barneyfag numerous times and he's only bitten once.
Maybe his bot is faulty.
Solve the maze user.
Nobody has the gusto to try and be funny around here anymore. Being funny requires sensitivity and vulnerability. user is too jaded to open up.
widen thy wound, uncouth individual
For me it's...
it also helps if you're actually funny.
Even if you don't solve the maze, you ought to know by now what you're looking for.
>generic anime girl that barely looks legal
pepe with a snarky comment
Nobody is "actually funny".
Even to professional comedians, making people you don't know laugh takes effort.
she's not generic, her pirate costume is unique and her eyes and hair are slightly different from the generic.
Meme is 9gag and reddit
I don't think he knows how to make a bot. He once said that it was alright for him to browse threads with illegal content because he though the pics were stored in RAM.
I'm checking the archive, and there's a shit ton of results on August 2nd. I stopped at page 43 just to make this post, but there's certainly more. It's insane. Lends credence to the claim that it was an invasion.
>generic anime girl that barely looks legal
Its cause no one can take jokes here anymore unless they are dipped in the most obvious signs of irony but even then some people lose their shit over that. And then people take jokes and go hard with reposting them even if they stopped being funny and most of the time it's unoriginal shit stolen from somewhere else
pirate girls will never be generic, they're too kino
>incel never got touched
I tried making an account there and realized you need a paid email to do so. I am not using my work or school email to make a fucking ResetERA account, so I left.
no, it was fucking spammed in every single fucking thread like wildfire. This is why I know Incel is an outsider meme. Gamer was the work of autists.
sounds like too much politics ruined Yea Forums, political outrage culture being imported from outside.
I think the word incel may have been coined on reddit but I'm not entirely sure.
>I think the word incel may have been coined on reddit
that or r9k. but it caught on in popularity and infamy due to the mass shooting. People actually thought it was an insult after that.
So, when is he going to address the cheating allegations?
not a whole lot of people are actually funny, though. memes aren't funny, just relatable. i have very little faith this board ever had a lot of funny people. even in big group IRC channels or whatever you only really have a couple comedians.
>he doesn't remember the thread when friend of a friend of a friend that worked on ecelebs channel and spilled the beans
i figured there was a hidden buzzword or some common image but i can't see it just by looking at it and there's no way i'm solving this thing. too lizardbrain for that.
the joke only works for people that know how to solve it.
okay clearly i'm new to this secret maze-solving society
Turns out they were polygamists, and stuff, but the former wife of eceleb 3 didn't know about it, so eceleb is still a piece of shit. Also, the underage accusers retracted their accusations.
I feel bad for eceleb 3
user I can't FILL in the blank for you.
Use fill bucket in mspaint
Comment that demonstrates my obvious projection
okay i was going to call you a riddling bitch but then i thought about trying to use a paint service to fill in some shit and now this bitch make me look like i didn't do shit.
also that was not worth staying up an extra 30 minutes for, motherfucker lol.
>agrees wholeheartedly
internet toughguy reply to all pedophiles in the thread
I'd say accessibility is the worst thing about modern internet because you get so many people thinking they're clever by mimicking what's trendy in a given sub-culture. Everyone just hides away from personal criticisms and dissenting opinions with irony and anytime someone actually makes a valid well thought out opinion it gets totally ignored while everyone centers around the same overused bait.
thinking emoji
I didn't want to spoil it. Sorry you were probably spending way more time than necessary on that puzzle.
replying to every previous post in thread for no reason
What are some game?
also i didn't know filling in the walls was a maze-solving strategy. i thought you'd fill in the hallways to find loops that have no access point or something.
no it was fun lol. i was just expecting one of those dust paintings where it shows a whole new image when you throw dust on it.
yeah, I suppose that's why we're on Yea Forums in the first place. To waste a bunch of time lol.
pretending to agree with unpopular opinion presented in news article for (You)s
brainlet npc version.png
yeah and i personally don't have any friends to talk to. i'm trying to distance myself but then it's like i need to talk to people all of a sudden. but i'm going to sleep you maze-riddling bitch.
intentionally confrontational post masquerading as the gripes of a cross poster from the politics board
gnight user, hope you manage something.
She looks like more of an alien than the dude on bench
a cute alien.
why aren't you spending mon... I mean playing her game?
This board is the 2nd largest example of why gaming should be considered a mental illness.
The first is the speedrunning community
argues with insincerity
I'm so glad its over
>sexualized fanart that looks infinitely hotter and better than the game itself
Literally every single time.
Like this?
It's not pedophilia its ephebophilia
Can of Redbull for me. Should be easy. It’s my coworkers drink though so he might be pissed.
I-I only care about the gameplay!
Yeah pretty much. I think it legitimately hurt some feelings about the porn threads. I get hit with posting a variant of the word.
What is this from? Looks based.
autistic mass reply that doesn't even apply to half the posts
>reply chastising you for being offended
You forgot
>What are some games?
A personal favorite.
Then why hasn't reddit been filtered?
[MS paint picture of retard asking his mom to come look at the mass reply he just made]
No, it need to be the actual game
>games for this feel
Fuck Yea Forums
Link and Samus disagree
Ok, this thread is epic
best thread we've had in a while.
template threads and wojacks should be banned sitewide
Why are we still here
what are template threads?
It was used for years on /r9k/ before it became an insult which is I assume when it hit Reddit
There was a pony thread on Yea Forums yesterday, it was the OP and everything. He never showed his face, and the thread stayed up for like a half hour before mods noticed.
Because there is literally nowhere else to go.
appreciation for user who posted the spoilered file
>sexualized fanart
>sexualized official art
A statement of gratitude towards a medical professional
The image that saved Yea Forums
(second person pronoun)
humorous and intentionally incorrect implication that you posted erotic content
I miss smug posting
Cryptic metaphor!
Thanks, doc.
>he posted?
>shit the thread
Gratitude, medic
>I think the word incel may have been coined on reddit but I'm not entirely sure.
You have to be joking
I bet you think /pol/ invented the word redpilled
>white fish on black background implying a lack of effort.jpg
Discontent for the legitimacy of spam memes
How does peach do it?
dismissive buzzword
I'd rather make a bot that can recognize any wojak (or pepe) image posted on Yea Forums, hook it up to a computer with mod powers, and tell the bot to delete/ban every single post that qualifies.
>an attempt of gaslighting the thread through implying that this board is obsessed with transexuals
an attempt at refutation and also a mention of an entirely unrelated political talking point which is also irrelevant to the thread at large
go back to [PORN BOARD 3]
* quotes original poster criticizing with funny and fresh new relatable joke *
Post thanking the doctor for my daily dose
Meriadoc Brandybuck smoking a pipe
meta posting in meta thread
Die wojack poster
is CUTE! CUTE!!!
Okay....this thread is hella basado af
Name 1 (one) video game
Is that Drumpf?
Shark Tale (PS2)
it's pretty bad but merely an effect of far worse things on the internet
Where are all the wojacks and pepes?
So what's the Yea Forumserdict on this list?
How do we help cumbraíns bros?
I would! I would! She looks so lonely! Why else would she be dressed like that?! I will be her friend! We'll be good friends, if I had the money to get her game! I'll get that money soon, hopefully, and we'll be good friends! She won't be lonely anymore! She won't have to show herself to a bunch of anons browsing for video games anymore, a maiden should only show herself to the person she truly loves! I truly love her, so she should only show herself in her full glory to me!
>mitsui jun
God what asshurt redditor made this image originally
Unnecessarily long and thought-out post that will be ignored despite its clear begging for (you)'s because the thread is more or less dead by now and the amount of people posting on it are just replying to each other
Defensive anger and well-intentioned yet pointless argument that feeds the poster's ego.
>ironic shitposting that is still shitposting
So if we're all aware of shitty posting habits, why don't we make a conscious effort to improve ourselves and raise the quality of the board?
good thread
niggers at it again
Gimme link to the Chrome extension. I need it.
Tumblr fan art
Fucking botnet retard thinks he has a clue
libtards owned
fanart posters are aggressively committed to spamming.
I saw one thread where the first post was asking them why they don't use /c/ or /e/ and they outright refused to.
Nah more like /pol/acks trying to force it hard
It's prisoner's dilemma except you niggers will always press betray cuz you're all fags.
>long ago
GIFT and all that, people will always act like fuckheads if they can get away with it. Shitposters don't do it in reaction to something, they do it because it's fun.
Too real
we've come a long way from there, now we have at least 10 times the buzzwords
Desire to be put in the screencap
what was the first Yea Forums buzzword ever?
If there was a more active 'reporting' culture, if mods did their job instead of ignoring these kinds of threads and posts and if containment boards worked, sure.
I probably report 20 threads daily, the problem stems from electionfags posting politics on every board
[child porn image that destroys the nu-Yea Forums thread]
Hey guys, check out this CP
I report too but less than half of the threads get deleted and these take half an hour to do so.
There's no fucking moderation. Why do we pay them for?
Even before everything became politics you still had goldenface.jpg and console wars taking up 2/3rds of the board. Shitposters don't change, only their low hanging fruit of choice does.