It wasn't that bad.
It wasn't that bad
it was though
blackrock was a good raid. and hfc had its moments.
fuck EVERYTHING else
The zones looked great but nah fuck everything else about it. Especially those boats. Fuck those boats.
Aside from garrison lagfest at the start it was pretty good for the first few months. But they scrapped more than half of the content because god knows why
>selfie patch
>tanaan for 2 years
It sucked retard
Zones were much much better than anything we got in the last two expacs
Yes it was. The only good content was BRF, so despite class design still being OK, there was nothing to do for months
>dude just sit in your base 24/7 and generate free gold and loot!!!!
i was a neet during WoD and would play rmd/rmp all day on my mage, when i couldn't find 3s i'd spam 2s with my rogue friend/various healers. from a content pov yeah it was pretty shitty but goddamn rogue/mage synergy was so disgustingly broken that i can't help but look back fondly on that xpac. i've heard in terms of pvp the game has only gotten worse so, glad i quit retail after WoD for good.
i also really enjoyed being a healslut in 2s on my priest/shaman
MoP was peak WoW,
Everyone was a literal god, like it should feel after defeating so many of them.
Then we went back in time and woooah, everyone is weak ass babby shit with 1 ability each.
To this day I still have no idea how that one PVP zone worked. Isle of something, it was supposed to be some massive AV style game but it ended up being a game of run to the next mini boss and collect honor game.
Yeah it was.
>Scrapped 60% of the content
>Abillity pruning that was left half done which screwed over a few classes, mainly demolock
>PvP balance was a complete shitshow, has never been worse
>Ashran was shit, same "rush" gameplay as modern Altrac and the legendary ring fucked over people even harder
>The stat squish killed leveling content even more by making it piss easy
No one understood how Ashran worked, not even the devs. it was a design failure.
a fucking PvP gamemode that encouraged you to PvE, what a joke
>zones boring as fuck
>worst dungeons in history before they were made with m+ in mind
>fucked talents even more
>dude reputations lmao
>dude pandas we should've gotten in tbc lmao
>lets make garrosh hitler and kill him because we dont know what to do with the end of the expansion lmao
>and lets fuck the vale up while we're at it
The music was 99/10
HM and BRF were kino raids.
Legion was just crap for zones. I do love Vol'dun, Nazmir and Drustvar though
I will forever be the only person alive that loved Ashran.. oh well at least Volrath is my friend.
Blizz kept the wrong shit from wod. There was an actual story while leveling across all zones. Now even quest hubs feel disconnected
garrosh was killed in WoD
Yeah that makes it even worse
>lets kill garrosh cause we dont know what to do
>but not rly cause we need him to send players to the next expansion
I've only played horde through on my horde char, but I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it is cohesive but on the other it feels like the zones should be done at the same time - I suppose that's an easy way to let players choose which zone to got to.
I hated it but I wanted that tabard so bad
you do the minigames to earn buffs. Grab the orb and steamroll your enemy at 30 fps
literally whats confusing about this? The problem was the entire thing was one huge fucking chokepoint where it was impossible to play melee
I went their to farm out the auctioneer parts. The massive dumbfuckery of the group forced me to join in the fight to push the allies out of my farming spot. This lead to me learning how to Ashran, and then I got used to being left with lead since I stayed longer than most people and then I started to love leading and forgot all about farming.
Oh Ashran I love you. Hope they streamline it and get people interested.
Alliance is the same only SMV is about yrel and velen isntead of durotan and his brother.
>all zones can be done in any order
big fucking deal if you still have to do all of them. It wouldnt be a problem if 1 zone got you to max level but had more quests and story. Or if there was an alternative faster way to level like wod treasures or legion invasions. What do you do in BFA? Level alts during timewalking week or do islands until you want to die. For a company that loves muh diversity they sure are making everything feel the same
nobody dies in wow. They can bring him back whenever they want
Yeah but he'll get camped by a ne dk until the next expac
The two months before Highmaul released was the best gearing/progression experience I ever had in WoW. It immediately went to shit, though.
It would be pretty neat of the war campaign offered more xp. Then you'd get rep faster and be more inclined to hit those rep levels when your a bit behind cause ultimately it's gonna save you leveling time.
or remove new level caps from future expansions. You dont get shit after 80 and classes have their full rotation before outland. Level squish can't come soon enough
The bodyguards not coming with us is the biggest disappointment in wow history for me. Well aside from the lack of playable Ethereals. As a warlock I expected to see Aeda in the Lock hall. Butno. And as one of the bodyguards under my horde Garrison I expected to see her and Vivienne at the war table. But no. Fucking blizz throws away characters faster than the MCU.
Beyond excited for that. I'm both curious to see how they do it(level cap, zone levels, starting levels for allied races and hero classes) and to see how much shit breaks and what I can exploit.
>zones boring as fuck
wrong. name one "interesting" zone, they are all on par or better than most WoW zones.
>Boring dungeons
CM dungeons were amazing and the beginning of m+, and the dungeons were as interesting as any dungeon.
>fucked talents
Any talent tree other than the origionals pisses of spergs like you regardless of design.
>dude pandas
yes, pandas are canon in the warcraft universe, why are you so butthurt about it?
>make garrosh hitler
yeah fair enough this was pretty weak story telling.
>fuck up the vale
So? deathwang fucked all of azeroth
>name 1 interesting zone
>they were on par or better
Looks wise yes. Quest wise no.
>CM dungeons were amazing
The mechanics were fine but the dungeons felt stupid.
>SB you are fighting some vermin and monkeys and a fucked up tea. too goofy, dont like
>TJS was okish
>Liked MSP
>SPM has a trash issue
>GSS you go to one end, you backtrack and you fight a giant bug
>SNT you BTFO first boss, second and third take forever and last boss is a sprint fiesta
This is mostly personal preference but compared to what we had before and what we got after, I find them and the setting boring. Goes for both the zones and dungeons.
>Any talent tree pisses of spergs like you
I was mostly fine with talents even in cata. Mop simplified them too much
>pandas are canon why are you butthurt
Because they were scrapped in TBC in favor of belfs and blue goats. Because the entire expansion was centered around them until they threw them out of the window and focused on other shit cause pandas cant make a good final boss. Maybe if they twisted things so that ToT would be the last one and it would be a bit better.
>deathwind fucked azeroth
Vale point is me nitpicking. At least the sundering served a purpose. Should have kept the old zones as well but oh well. If they are making the world flyable they might as well. What did fucking the vale up achieve? Blizz can come up with a way to ressurect the heart without destroying the zone. Part of the weak story telling I guess
>vaporware expansion
had good raids and dungeons though.
I never got in to ashran and then stopped bothering to even try after the first month
>Quest wise no.
Not him and in fact hate MoP but the Klaxxi storyline was pretty fucking neat. Wish they were playable after that.
WoD got turned into a filler expansion halfway through production because Legion turned out to need the entire content patch team to deliver the whole class fantasy thing. Not to mention all the fucking cut content like the promised Shattrath Raid and Zangermarsh Zone.
Yes it absolutely was.
>Zangermarsh Zone
Oh shit? I knew about trashran scrap, shattrath, Frostfire citadel and Karabor as cities but Zangarmarsh? Got a source?
Highmaul was great.
I quit when they announced selfies.
It was by far the worst expansion until then, and what finally made me quit. It raped the lore permanently and beyond repair. It was literally the death of Warcraft as a franchise.
>It raped the lore permanently and beyond repair.
That's TBC
>WoD got turned into a filler expansion halfway through
And now a third of the little content it had is removed because reasons.. Why do they make shit only to remove it after a while? What does it matter if you get the legendary if the stats are shit? Why cant we do attunements for the fun of it? CM rewards I understand. But the above? Artifacts and class halls? HoA? What a waste of resources
I just remember that during Blizzcon during the reveal of WoD one of the developers said that the aesthetic of Zangarmarsh was too cool not to revisit and they wanted to pay homage to it. Apparently the zone wasn't working out and they recycled all of the completed fungal monsters and models into most of the other zones.
>a fucking PvP gamemode that encouraged you to PvE
the amount of PVE in alterac was just the two bosses and that's it
>reserves version
i liked it too but only when it was even numbers on both sides
WoD was filler from the start because everyone on the A team was working on Titan
You also forgot Farahlon, the zone where Netherstorm is
>I never took mines
>or contributed to riders/assault
It's nice to know you were shit at AV
this shit made me start to hate blizzard
>Only two raid tiers
>They even tried to pad out the raid release schedule and buff the ilevel of the second 'release' raid to make it feel like its own tier
People were scoffing at me for saying we weren't getting a third tier this expac. No new races, no new class. Slack as fuck.
I apologize. I hated it at the start but loved it by the end. The sky disc on low graphic settings so the cloud is barely visible is still my favourite mount in a video game of all time.
what is the appeal of new allied races with no fun new starting zones? New classes good. Reskin races bad
Why? It was the best expansion they ever made, unironically. Though it was shamelessly targeted towards chinks and bombed horribly there. Turns out chinks want to play WoW and not the 1000th MMO with Asian aesthetics. Who'd've thunk it.
>good raids
>nice scenery
>comfy duels outside the garrison zone
>world quests weren't played out yet
>some fun dungeons
>last chance to play arms as an interesting and flawed spec instead of just another boring build->spend spec
I liked this expansion
Or that he's only played it in the last five years
Current level in WoW is worse than in any other MMO you can get right now, including F2P ones. We need level squish and redesigned 1-60 immediately.
Because fucking furfag race.
Classic > WoTLK > TBC. MoP >>> Cataclysm > Legion >>>>> BfA > WoD
So what, you can't have any races with fur because furfags exist? What a retarded fucking opinion. Rent free, nigger, rent free. I play Argonian in every single TES and I couldn't give less of a shit about what furfags think.
> It was the best expansion they ever made, unironically.
are you out of your fucking mind? It had nothing to do with Warcraft literally. They built lore out of thin fucking air based on a literal easter egg in WC3 and made unimaginable retcons. It was full of "content" but the whole thing was alien to WoW.
Yeah and I bet you loved them the most in Skyrim when they got tiddies you degenerate.
You're gonna freak when you find out about Cataclysm.
>unimaginable retcons
I quit after wrath, what did they retcon?
Cataclysm unironically had more base in warcraft lore than MoP.
>It's in the books that the sundering caused azeroth to spilt into 3 continents, Kalimdor, the eastern kingdoms and Northrend
>But no, there was an actual 4th, Pandaria but the reason why you couldn't see it you naive pieces of shits is because Emperor Chink Pong Pan Dah concealed the whole fucking contintent with a mist
>Yeah and I bet you loved them the most in Skyrim when they got tiddies you degenerate.
You're just retarded. You can enjoy playing any race without caring that others fetishize it. If the first thing you think of when you see Tauren or Khajit is furfags then you're just a braindead retard. It's not my fault furfags live rent free in your head.
Sorry friend, but if it wasn't in the game, then I wouldn't have cared at all. It also seems like a minor thing considering Pandaria was pseudo-canon before any book.
it's not just in the books, it's like a Genesis story so it's probably in the game, and COULD YOU FUCKING SEE PANDARIA BEFORE MOP? No. Therefore it's bullshit. And mind you that you could see Northrend on the map before WOTLK
Why should anyone give a fuck? Serious question. Adding continents doesn't really hurt the GAME at all, and the lore gets rewritten on the fly and has since the very launch of the fucking game itself. Why should I, or anyone else, give a shit how many continents there were, or now are?
not an argument, fuck off you consumer drone
I will never not be mad at Blizz for what they didn't do with that expansion. It literally could've been the best expansion up to that point in time but then they had to fuck it over by cutting content because Alpha testers were crying about "muh orc fatigue". The result can be clearly seen when comparing Alpha Gorgrond to Beta/Live Gorgrond. The 1st iteration was looking great with the Grimrail train riding through the zone and what happened after the Alpha test whining? Gorgrond & Farahlon got merged into current Gorgrond, fucking Botani are so out of place there.
Seeing & exploring the original Gorgrond in the Mag'har scenario was at least a nice nod to what was lost due to Blizz listening to Alpha feedback.
It felt like a fresh adventure in a new land to me. Loved the journey that was levelling through the place for the first time, the snaking trail through the continent, into the north and then back down over the wall. I liked all the new races and cultures they extrapolated from one WC3 hero.
Plus it was just a fucking beautiful place. I missed the untainted Vale.
It already had a fur race in the Tauren since day 1 anyway, it's a stupid thing to get pissy at MOP for.
>it's not just in the books
Pandaria was mentioned in W3 so if the books omitted it, it was a mistake. You seem way too butthurt about something very minor.
>flip out about muh lore when fucking undeads work with taurens and orcs, then same undead are friendly with fucking silvermoon
we get it, you hate furry races because you heard one day furfags exist, but stop making excuses
Northrend wasn't hidden by The MISTS Of Pandaria
>botani out of the ass in gorgrond
Meanwhile farahlon and taldranath get scrapped because it doesnt fit the lore along with god knows how many other things we dont even know about
Sure, you also couldnt see:
>goblin starting zone
>Broken isles
>dragon isles
>That isle where exodar landed
There were not prsent even on ulduar azeroth map
Well, the whole Botani vs Breakers situation was meant for Farahlon, as well as the whole situation with the Laughing Skull clan & Kirin Tor mages getting bumfucked by the Botani. Them shoehorning it into Gorgrond was the last nail in the coffin for Farahlon. There literally wasn't anything left of the original Gorgrond content, except for the Apexis hub in the pit. This was exceptionally funny when arriving in Talador and Doomhammer immediately dies after 2-3 quests into the zone, which made you think:"Where has he been in the 1st place and why is he already getting killed off?".
If you'd like to know what other things Blizz kept us from experiencing in WoD, you can read it here:
Biggest blunder is obviously the completely shafted Shattrath raid.
Also, Taldranath got scrapped for the "epic" experience we've got served with Argus.
This expansion was total shit but I will never forget playing Enhancement Shaman and fighting Tectus
Plus it was the last chance to play demonology before it got all fucked up
Terrible taste, user. Valid point on the Vale though, I wonder why we didn't get a bronze dragon to talk to for visiting the old version
It was literally the worst expansion I experienced. I was stupid enough to play into legion, so I don't know about the newest one.
>It was full of "content" but the whole thing was alien to WoW.
So was BC, quite literally look at it did with Dranei. Half the shit there was forced or made no sense. Warcraft's story got stupid as hell after vanilla.
WotlK > MoP > TBC > Cata > Legion > WoD > BFA (didn't even buy this one)
We knew about kultiras and zandalar. I believe the broken isles as well, but tought they were underwater. Same goes for nazjatar. Kezan was not even finished in the cata version. Pandaria appeared out of nowhere while trying to convince us it was always there and helped with so much shit. Pandawashed history
>It wasn't that bad.
>was so bad wow lost 5 million players
I will never forgive 7.0.1 and the rapings and lootings it brought along. That's what finally made me quit and wish I had never started.
Why is cata before legion and wod? what the fuck did you even do in cata? Molten front and Tol barad all day?
>had to rush the 2 troll dungeons
>players complain about lack of content
>Abyssal maw gets fucked
>Firelands is a MC tier piece of land aside from ragnaros's building at the end
>Bosses here and there with trash inbetween
>dragonwrath kept players busy
>4.3 is a giant fuck you
>everything in the raid is a reskin or copy pasted from somewhere
>dont even fight the dragon
the cinematic was bitchin' and draenor pre-fuckening was pretty cool to run around in but the expansion was still bad
the only good thing expansions do right is leveling
everything else is shit
It started long before that but it really felt like the death of classes I had gotten used to. Everything is pruned to death and plays the same with build > spend > proc playstyles. I still can't understand after all this time why almost all of the shaman totems are completely gone. Did they actually think that these things were too complex or bloated?
I'll never forget when I bought WoD and spent hours dumbfounded and in the denial about the fact that the promised snow garrison wasn't an option and it was now a single placement in shadowmoon shithole, which additionally had the worst imaginable strategic flaws, it was open to attack from every single side. Eternal vendetta against Blizzard for this, S2 and D3.
We knew that the PANDAREN MONK existed, and hence there must have been a place called PANDAR-something
So the exact same state as Kul-Tiras and Zandalar which you don't seem to mind, names but no set places on the map
Understand Blizzard after 2014 requires you to be mentally ill.
What a fucking graveyard
I liked how I could be in a top 100 world raiding guild and not play at all outside of raid times. Quit during legion because of the constant upkeep mechanics those introduced.
For PvE:
TBC > MoP (challenge modes were GOAT fuck you) > Vanilla > Wotlk > WoD > Cata > Legion > BFA
You can ONLY respond to me if you've parsed rank 1 multiple times during progression / farm.
Uldir was unironically great, fucking FUCK everything else though. It deserves all the shit it gets and I'm glad Shadowbringers is embarrassing them.
Kultiras was in the game since forever. It was on WC 2 map, and was in WC3 IIRC in the founding of durotar. Zandalar was on the world map since vanilla, located just under the malestrom, where pandaria is today. We knew that a panda brewmaster existed. Thats all. For all we can guess, a sick fuck molested a bear and he is an anomaly mutt like rexxar - half orc half ogre, just rarer
>I'll never forget when I bought WoD and spent hours dumbfounded and in the denial about the fact that the promised snow garrison wasn't an option and it was now a single placement in shadowmoon
Heh, I never forget how idiotic it was a Horde to free Bladespire Citadel, thinking "Yo, this looks like an awesome faction hub!", then a few quests later when Gazlowe asks you to get to the faction hub to get blueprints for the Garrison and it brings you to Warspear. "Didn't we just clear the future faction hub of all ogres?" Apparently not.
I've played through the alliance quests in Shadowmoon once and god, it was horrific. Ner'zhul dying in the dungeon was a massive blunder, too.
It was just BARELY better than BfA.
It's clear from the first words out of Chen Stormstout's mouth in WC3 that he comes from a place called Pandaria
If I recall, one of his attack lines was 'FOR PANDARIA' too
The mythic raiding was pretty good. BFA's mythic raiding is fucking cancer. Everything else sucks, in both expansions.
My condolences, horde friend. I hadn't even thought about how bad it must have been for your side. Blizzard will pay for its crimes against humanity.
i had to resub to reserve names on classic, whats the least boring thing i can do on retail
So you somehow read that they were going to allow you to place your garrison anywhere on Draenor, but completely stopped reading anything about the expansion after that point? Because they cancelled that "feature" a long fucking time before development wrapped up. And let me clue you in to WHY they decided against that: it was a logistical nightmare. The expansion had a traditional leveling path where you go from a starter zone into a follow up zone(s), the garrison, meanwhile, was a core feature of the expansion and was part of the experience from the very beginning of your time playing it. In order to allow you to just shit a garrison in any zone, you would have needed access to all of the zones, disrupting the fuck out of any sort of narrative. Further, you were going to be allowed multiple places to place said garrison within a zone, but that would mean each of those potential areas would be dead zones with nothing in them, areas the size of the fucking garrison, several of them per zone. Absolute madness to try to actually implement that, beyond fucking retarded, a complete waste of time and effort.
In closing, you are a retard, thank you.
Shitpost on trade chat on how the game is shit nowadays.
>My condolences, horde friend
Likewise, Ally bro. I can only imagine how stupid it must've been to be locked out of Karabor.
>Blizzard will pay for its crimes against humanity
Bobby Kottick will ensure they pay for every blunder they caused :^)
>whats the least boring thing i can do on retail
Unironically grinding for allied races, it's the only thing with a set goal, everything else is rng and/or luck.
>but completely stopped reading anything about the expansion after that point?
>you are a retard, thank you.
Yes, I didn't want spoilers. Sorry for not being a deadbrain faggot that checked mmochampion every hour for news.
>logistics excuses
They had the technology, they just didn't care for the extra work.
Fair enough. Doesnt change their existance as an easter egg. They would still be a meme race if added in TBC. The difference being that a whole expansion wouldnt be based around them. Not only that but telling us how they are super important and participated in so many important events, and have been secretly canon the whole time. There are other ways to expand the story. If blizz wanted to add new lore and stuff, why do it like this?
>add new continent with a new name that doesnt lock it into revolving around 1 race
>a zone for mogu
>a zone for klaxxi
>a zone for saurok
>a zone for jinuy
>a zone for pandas
>a zone for hozen
You get the idea. That way you can expand lore more, and add content with some variety. If its new you arent bound by previous lore. They dumped all their efforts in a meme. See 5.2. Chose to explore something different like isle of thunder and its the best patch in MoP
>names blurred out
how important do you think you are?
>Not only that but telling us how they are super important and participated in so many important events
Where did you get this idea? The history of the Pandaren is pretty much just breaking free from Mogu slavery and then sitting on their asses in their bamboo paradise while it was hidden from the world by the Mists.
I liked Ashran.
I liked the class designs.
I liked the aesthetics of the zones.
That's about it.
Just one big NOPE
>starting zones
They amde taanan to be starting zone, from where you operate in same way like later in legion you choose a zone to start from the table. They just fucked up scaling tech. On last year blizzcon some devs even said that problem was not where to place garrison, but how to scale everything to player character. Warsong area was designed to be an endgame instead of taanan.
>bbut muh empty space
Those spaces are already used as horde/alliance outposts. If you check, every zone have at least 2-3 flat open spaces with randomly dropped dodads
>muhh narrative
Only narrative that was needed were opening in SMV and FR. ANd maybe point when maarad dies. Every other thing could be random as long, as ending is thrall fighting garrosh.
Also about garrisons, there was a big problem with sharding and making instance for every player. Problem was so big that they were still developing it when wod launched, resulting in shitfiesta for nearly 3 weeks
And finally, they were somehow severly unmanned, lacking resources and workers. Thats why one of major patches was twitter and selfie camera. They were unable to meet expectations, making overall a shitty filler xpac
so check your facts before calling anyone retard, you dumb mmongrel
Nah it was pretty bad.
Compared to BfA it really wasn't
Now that I think about it...well fuck, I have no idea. Yet another point I have to concede. Probably remembered something incorrectly from random quests and lorewalker events. That makes it a bit better but still bad. Instead of what I previously said, it becomes 'we didnt do much and everything is happening now' which could be so much more that ends up as wasted potential.
It changes nothing for the main point though. Pandas were a meme race and became even a bigger meme after mop, which was a wasted expansion. Surely a lot of anons also have ideas how it could have been better but it wont change anything. A meme expansion with good gameplay and mechanics with a meme race that could be so much more.
I don't care about myself, but I can't talk for any of the other people, especially since I don't talk with them anymore because we all went off to play different things after clearing Ver'koz mythic. It would be rude to post their names on a Tibetan finger-painting wall. I merely posted the image to prove I did actually do Ul'dir, I'm not bragging about fucking normal mode lmafo.
It started strong but after BRF it had nothing.
>but completely stopped reading anything about the expansion after tha
i have no interest learning the expansion 100% before playing it . then it wouldn't be fun
>built lore out of thin air
And how do you think new stories/lore are made, genius? You tellin me you'd rather just suffer through the same redundant shit that WoW is known to do than play through a new story, nigger?
>why do it like this?
Because China got fucking assmad at the original more Japanese+Rot3K-inspired writing and forced a sanitized rewrite of basically everything.
no compared to bfa it really was
Go look up MoP concept art and the original Pandaren clans. It isn't very hard to draw conclusions why there was a rewrite when Blizzard was expanding into the Chinese market at the time.
other user is right. BfA's mechanics, leveling system, questing design, and combat/class designs are shit compared to what came before it.
It is the worst WoW has ever been.
The prot warrior dps talent they did was one of the most novel ideas the game had in years, shame they walked it back so quickly
>friends got me to play BfA for a while
>play paladin
>tanking is OK, kinda, doesn't feel too great though
>mfw when playing ret
I've played all the melee classes except demon hunters and by God this spec is fucking boring ass shit. Are any of the melee classes not shit to play in BfA?
that hardly means anything
just because it's now only the second worst expack doesn't make it good
Monk is the only fun melee for me. You must never use the same ability twice. Its still a builder spender but instead of spamming your 1 builder and unloading everything on a single cast you are playing guitar hero
Lets see:
BfA has
>Good raids
>Azerite gear
>Azerite grinding
>World quests
>Open world enemies that scale to your ilvl
>Terrible story
WoD had
>Good raids
>Master looter
>Daily quests
>Static world enemies
>Off global cooldown abilities
>Terrible story
WoD > BfA > Legion
God Legion was terrible
The zones were great. Spires of Arak is definitely in my top 3
It could have, should have been amazing, but they just completely neglected it, gutted it even
I loved Draenor as a setting, the dungeons were good, Highmaul and BRF were great
But the amount of goddamn cuts and the crawling pace of any meaningful content being added hammered the shit out of it
Why are world quests considered worse than dailies? saves the hassle of picking up and turning them in on foot
Spreads them out over the world just padding out gameplay with travel time. Best dailies were ones like Firelands where it was tight, concise and well done, but I'll be fair and say Argus was okay too. Haven't played 8.2 so I have no idea how Mechagon and Nazjatar compare.
The real problem is the enemy scaling which means they take longer to kill the better gear you are which is completely counter-intuitive and not remotely fun. Absolutely retarded decision that I can't justify.
It was clearly unfinished and rushed
It was bad but still better than Legion and BfA.
Just like every WoW expansion, including vanilla, then?
i played it on a 2-week trial subscription when it was first released.
that was the last time i played WoW
>Spreads them out over the world just padding out gameplay with travel time
This shit annoys me to no end. I got duped into playin BfA by some (((friends))) and doing the same 2 hour grind every day just to be able to fly in the expansion is annoying as fuck. I'll probably just drop this shit once I'm done with it.
What's so bad about bfa? I only started playing near the end of Legion.
Excuse me while I post fact:
ToT and BRF are the greatest raids ever made, but ToT over BRF for the fact that pruning happened in WoD
fuck this is so good
>every spec EXACTLY THE SAME
>lost artifacts made us weak as fuck
>shit story
>mediocre dungeons
>snake temple bugging out before last boss
>hoa grind sucks ass
>the whole azerite trait is retarded
>warfronts are a snoozefest
>island expeditions got old by the second week
8.2 is good but cant redeem bfa alone. Lets hope they dont fuck 8.3 up
Too many system changes for the worse.
ashran was fucking awesome, unironically one of the best bg's ever, people are faggots with poor taste
what I hate (or hated? maybe they changed it) is that you can't easily group up for WQs anymore. When that was a thing they were fun and admittedly easy and too fast, but they are just not engaging enough for me to want to do them when they take longer
nah hes wrong only thing thats worse is class design
Funny because I do remember using master looter in WoD, guess I'm wrong.
It was a raidlogging expansion. NEETs with nothing in their life that play the game 18 hours a day hate that.
*surpasses kino*
tho removing 50% of my spellbook on ruined the game, nothing matters or can make up for in any expansion post-MoP the fact that all the classes are destroyed beyond recovery.
Loads of helpful abilities get trimmed at the start of every expansion now. I was especially annoyed by how they took a lot of stuff away only to add it back in with 'War Mode'. Can't believed they tried to hype up a makeover for PvP like it was some game changer.
>tho removing 50% of my spellbook on ruined the game, nothing matters or can make up for in any expansion post-MoP the fact that all the classes are destroyed beyond recovery.
>tried paladin in BfA
>Exorcism removed
>instead there's some gay ass Blade of Justice
Fuck that shit, I want to purge niggas with the light and not by some pansy ass blade coming out of the ground
No trolling here, but i think the followers missions in WOD was literally one of the best features in all wow expansions
-I loved the process of getting rare or legendary followers especially that Croman dude
-Cool rewards
-Free gear
-Free fucking billions of gold
Was cool that they were like an rpg, upgrading their armor, leveling each mission, equipping them
WoD was shit
MoP was the only decent post wrath expansion
I enjoyed every single expansion or this game until wod. That prune was fucking brutal and when legion hit it was the worst game I ever played. Bfa is just legion 2. If it weren't for wow sucking the past 2 xpacs, I would have probably been neet still.
mop had literally the best raids wow has ever seen
Oh it's the retail thread.
Hey retail gang, what are the best DPS for doing raids & PVP?
I've got a rogue, warlock & a frost mage around 110 or so. I've not played since BFA launch. I was considering hunter just for memes. I wouldn't mind being a huntard if I'm dabbing on niggers from afar
mm hunter is dead spec this expac, survival is hybrid melee/ranged, bm is pet reliant, i fucking hate what they've done to hunter in bfa the cunts, legion mm was immaculately designed. retarded playerbase can't handle barrage and sidewinders, i was a god on my hunter in legion
Isn’t it sad how that was significantly better than legion and bfa
what spec is best den
survival or bm?
A lot of classes would be way more fun if they had access to their war mode skills at all times. Shame that Blizzard thinks random trinket/armor procs add more to gameplay than talents and spells
Used to hate ferals
Loved monk even though it was nerfed to hell and back after mop still pulled a bunch of 1vX but hell fuck legion i miss pre legion WoW
MoP was peak
Cata isnt nearly as bad as you niggers make it out to be
The content was alright and you pussies died all the time on those piss easy dungeons fuck off
It had a shit final raid and lfr killed some stuff but that was in the tail end lf the xpac blackwing firelands etc the raids were good fuck off
Hozen and Jinyu shared a zone and were at war retard
The zones were decent, yes. Though storywise it was pretty shit. I wish the snowy zone was a bit more comfy though.
As much as pandas a shit because furries, monk tanks could pull off some crazy shit. Popping CD's to tank a shit ton of AOE damage to boost up vengeance and then do 3x as much as a DPS could on AOE. Fighting Garrosh in SOO was absolute fucking kino as a tank because your vengeance got so high and it had lots of AOE.
Spires of Arak was a gold nugget in a sea of shit. That's the only good part I can think of since I'm not a tryhard raidfag that gave two shits about BRF.
WoD was so bad, it made Legion look good: A game aesthetically and thematically comparable with all the same garbage systems like Order Hall 2.0.
I didnt ask how was the content, I asked what, when and where is it. You are not going to do the same dungeons and a few raids all day for 2 years.
I always thought it was weird how they smeared an entire zone onto the coastline just because of some concept art. maybe it'd pay off if they had that fungus whale boss but what can you expect from a small indie company like blizzard
WoD had potential. Too bad Blizzard neglected it completely so we ended up with total garbage instead.
To some extent WoD was impressive in how they were so brave in doubling down on so many of their terrible ideas.
>People hate Garrison missions but some people enjoy using alts to make gold and you can always get 100% success rate with enough prep time
>Nerf the gold rewards
>Then release a second mission table that has a cap of 95% success rate and failing can make you lose progress
>Throughout Alpha and Beta players are warning that people will not do Ashran as intended and instead the factions will split up farming the main road and side events
>Blizzard nerfs the rewards and then makes a portion of Valor HAS to come from Ashran
>Tease eventual flying
>Players keep pushing on when
>Finally go with the angle that they said "MAYBE" but it was never guaranteed so deal with it
>Few days later release a Cash Shop mount that mentions flying over Draenor
Didn't they also nerf some of those glider items for the expansion, too?
It was great for gold making.
>Get jultiple characters to max level
>Get Treasure Hunter on all your followers with the Inn
>Log in once or twice a day and get thousands of gold thrown at you for free
The raids were decent as well, too bad there were only three of them and the first two became irrelevent way too quick
>best expansion
>trivial dungeons, easier than Wrath. CMs were a joke if you brought a Brewmaster
>mongo retard class design to carry shitters. Player relative power was absurdly high and you could do no wrong. Second Wind for example
>golden lotus dailies
>lfr was supposed to be a mop feature t. ghostcrawler, rolled out early but still pandafucker fault
>welfare legendary
>welfare world bosses
>xrealm everything
>scenarios were fucking trash, only ever mindlessly grinded because valor upgrades
>garrosh character assassination
>ruined talent trees
>added ANOTHER fucking raid difficulty after LFR was already added
>t14 was actual garbage
Even worse than BFA
time travel will always suck. It's a sign of being creatively bankrupt.
That's the same thing that Wrath was and yet people fellate it like it's the second coming of christ.
Its not tho
>less welfare gear than bfa
>no AP grinding
>better dungeons
>better classes
>better raids
WoD was still not an MMO but as a raid simulator it blows BFA out of the water.
That place was raidkino
I will never get why wrath is liked.
>Ulduar only good raid and last good patch X.1 in history
>icc mediocre at best
>rest of the raids are a meme
>dungeons were a joke
>turned Arthas into a scooby doo antagonist
paid $40 for AH rep tokens to get flying in draenor just so none of my alts would have to spend a minute longer than they had to in that expansion
bad players felt left out in TBC when the big bads didn't come and wave hello during leveling quests.
BFA and WoD are both shitty for opposite reasons.
>WoD had nothing to do but the very little that was there gave a ton of rewards
>BFA has a ton of stuff to do but none of it is rewarding due to the broken loot system
It's kinda impressive how they managed to hit both extremes in such a short amount of time.
Is that why they made Kael'thas the boss of Terrace?
Wrath is fondly remember by people because of two reasons:
-They started playing in Wrath (most of the current BfA population)
-They started raiding in Wrath (they sucked in TBC and vanilla to make it into a raiding guild)
A lot of vanilla players left during Wotlk/Cata and were replaced with the new breed of welfare epic players.
WoD didn't have noticably less to do than MoP, people just got triggered by fill the bar dailies instead of it being 6 separate quests.
End of expansion got cannibalized by legion because they were rushing
WoD was bad because of was blizzard's biggest case of wasted potential. They had a bunch of stuff planned for WoD and then didn't do anything with most of the content and just sat on their hands for more than a year.
WoD had much less unless you liked grinding mobs (which is how basically all reps were raised).
You only got 1 "fill-the-bar" quest a day as I remember, whereas in MoP you had like six daily factions who had little mini stories woven in them to experience (good for one play through). Garrisons are basically non-content since they take not even five minutes a day. MoP had scenarios also if that was your thing.
At least in MoP you had to go out into the world to do stuff. In WoD if you set up your garrison properly there was no reason to ever leave it because it had everything you needed. It even gave you a portal straight to the auction house if you couldn't be arsed to build your own.
wod made me legit hate blizz fags.
they hyped up ashran as the next av during beta. they told me gladiator stance was super fun.
then ashran turned out shit and gladiator stance didn't even last the entire expansion.
fuck wod.
Would the following fix wow?
>all content scales to max level with the optional npc near the entrances for a timewalking verion for people who want to farm mounts mogs cheevos
>all removed content returns
>be it old zone or quest or instance
>literaly put everything that ever was back in the game
>focus on reintroducing scrapped content instead of making new shit cause blizzard sucks at it
And what would the incentive to run this content be?
lets be honest and call wod what it was
a marketing tie-in for the movie.
>you only had 1 fill the bar quest a day
yeah and it required the same as multiple factions worth of dailies. The Pit took longer early in the expansion than any given day of MoP dailies.
If we're counting scenarios then WoD had mission tables. Both were mindless trite, but if we don't include quality WoD had just as much.
Garrisons absolutely count as MoP shills always count the stupid fucking farm.
The only point where MoP pulls ahead is in comparing battlegrounds. Kotmogu and Silvershard are better than Ashran.
Both expansions had a horrible welfare legendary questline as well
Except you didn't, because you could just sit in your farm or next to an auction house. MoP favored queued content far more than WoD did. Better rewards and nothing you couldn't just buy off the AH or loot from dungeons.
No, nothing is going to save wow.
It scales with your level so the rewards are worth. Maybe newfags want to do it for the first time and oldfags want to relive their memories. Little incentive to do it now anyways
Either they give good enough gear to rival M+ despite being easier to beat or the rewards won't be worth it for max level players. Either way people will be butthurt so I don't think your idea will work, sorry. Blizzard would never make the old dungeons m+ viable, there's too much shit to fix for that to ever happen so that's not an option either
I'm like 99% certain this is Blizzard's endgame with Retail when they get sick of making expansions. Make everything Timewalking, put that shit on a rotation, then skeleton crew it while the hardcore addicts get milked for sub money.
if m+ had a loot lockout like literally anybody could have forseen in a world with titanforging, an extra loot lockout could be compelling.
Too bad blizzard is retarded
I'll take it over whatever they have left in store for us. What can that be anyway? We kill nzoth in 8.3 while in nyalotha and that pretty much it. They wasted 5 expansions on zones just to have content for a patch. People will complain no matter what blizzard does. But can you imagine doing all instances in a group every week? There will always be content like this. Even more so if they manage to make it relevant.
FFXIV has tomestones which is kind of like justice points. Works pretty well as an incentive to make people run old dungeons, shame Blizzard thinks their playerbase is too retarded to find vendors to ever implement a system like that again
JP/VP are a fucking retarded system and I hate every retard that shills it.
No, I don't want to run some LFD garbage when I'm used to mythic raiding. Its not fun, its not challenging, the content itself isnt rewarding, just the massively overboosted reward you slapped on the end of it to encourage participation. The content and its innate rewards should stand on its own, if it doesn't either the content in question or the rest of the reward structure needs to be tweaked, but don't just slap random shit onto content to make it rewarding when the gameplay isnt.
If they keep it on the level of alt gear/pre-raid stuff there's no problem with it. Having that stuff be BoA could actually be pretty neat if you don't feel like farming the newest world quest area
I dont think wow dungeons should be part of the endgame at all yet here we are with M+ shitfest which is on par if not worse than titanforging
>if they keep it on the level of pre-raid stuff
then its not used because m+ gives gear on par with heroic raiding and is spammable.
If Timewalking didn't drop a piece of raid gear its participation would absolutely plummet. There are too many sources of easy gear already, anything below raid level isn't worth looking at because raid gear is basically a handout now
fuck you that expansion killed pvp
the diablo designers came over and shat on everything
JP/VP may not be great but it's still miles better than what we have now with forced Personal Loot and Titanforging. At least with badges you're grinding towards a set goal, Titanforging you never know when you're gonna get an upgrade and it can be from the dumbest, most mindless content in the game.
It would be an alternative to Timeless/Argus/Naz to help people catch up/gear alts. It won't force good players to do braindead content but lets casuals do something other than WQs for a bit
but JP/VP also came from the most mindless content in the game. A universal currency doesn't address that in any way because running retard content will always be more efficent than doing mythic raids. Same thing in MoP when you could full clear H SoO and get 300 VP for the week or run 6 heroic scenarios in an hour and cap. In every single incarnation of badge gear you could buy items above the ilvl of the minimum content to aquire badges. In Cata you could buy 359 (t11) and 378(t12) pieces without stepping foot in the raids.
One bad system doesn't need to be replaced with another. Badges were the original welfare gear, fuck them.
>alt gear
Again, gearing is so fucking stupid fast you don't need alt gear. Naz gear is ABOVE raid level, if it was limited to just the 385 base nobody would give a fuck about it.
Casuals dont actually do content anyway.
Crafted epics were the original welfare gear. Crafting in TBC was retardedly powerful.
You know what, youre right. Crafted gear in TBC should have required raid mats and shit for stuff that was on par with t5 gear easily.
Rest of the point still stands. Badge gear is never bad luck protection or anything else redditors call it, its a straight step up over the content you actually run to get the badges
>gave us sword and board DPS then took it away
Yeah, no, fuck you. Gladiator stance was awesome but Blizz was apparently too lazy to balance it, so they just removed it instead.
Just make it on par with the latest world quest hub gear, I don't understand why you have issues understanding my point. Although if nobody plays the game then yeah I guess nobody would care.
World Quest hub gear is too good already.
World Quest hub gear is trivially easy already
there isnt a space to be filled.
It should be a fourth tree.
If druids can have 4, why can't others?
Giving people different ways to achieve the gear would reduce tedium/boredom though. Just because you CAN do WQ all day for gear since they're fast and easy to do doesn't mean people WANT to do it. Giving people choices is a good thing
>people doing anything other than the path of least resistance
The average player would consider doing the same thing 40 times more resitant than doing 10 things 50 times. Even if its not the case, what is there to lose? The content is made and collecting dust right now, while people are complaining about lack of content
If you're a poopsocking raidfag then yeah, that's true. That's like 1% of the playerbase though. People have friends they like doing content with you know. It's easy to balance time spent vs. amount of items rewarded as well
People want new content. Rehashing stuff is not new content. If they wanted inefficent mindless evergreen content they would be running island expeditions.
Whats stopping them from making a one time investment in making old content relevant WHILE still pumping out new content? If you already did the old shit, do whats new.
>island expeditions
I haven't played BFA at all, but from what I've seen of these they look like the worst content ever added to the game. Players just zip around, aoe murder some mobs, and are done in like five minutes.
nobody did these though. it was always just fast cap GYs and zerg to the other side as fast as possible and wait for shit to cap before pulling last boss. AV was always garbage
>one time
youre retarded. Scaling gets fucked all the time. Timewalking has had random difficulty spikes as stuff changes overhead, same with proving grounds. Mechanics like Vengeance completely break a ton of old content as well.
Yes thats the m.o. of casual content. Mass pull, dodge a single telegraphed ability (or not desu) and then collect loot
zoom zoom zoom
The only thing I miss in WOD is glad stance. DPS with sword and Board was kino as fuck
Raids were great and had a couple really good dungeons, but yeah that's about it.