
Why does their parents let their 10-12 year old daughters wander the world alone in Pokemon games?

Don't they worry about the creeps and rapists and the wild pokemen?


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Same reason your mom and her boyfriend let you surf the internet unsupervised.

In Japan it's safe for young kids to go out on their own

Cause the games are made for 10 year olds idiot.

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I'd imagine the fact that their daughters are Pokemon trainers would alleviate the majority of the parents' concerns. Rapist? Even attacks as weak as Thundershock or Ember to the ballsack and they'll be down and out for the count (and possibly permanently damaged too... if not flat-out castrated) Poor guys

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But what if the rapist uses pokemon to incapacitate you?

Then you're screwed; literally and figuratively.

Then you have what is colloquially known as a Pokemon battle

Just as long as you're better than a ten year old girl at Pokemon, you have nothing to worry about.

I wish I was in the Pokemon world so I could rape all the girls

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Please stop posting this image of me!

Needs her little tight ass filled with cock.


rape is part of the experience. Besides they have little monsters that can shoot fire beams out of their mouths.

that's protection enough

Because you are consider an adult at the age of ten. In the light novel it even states that they can pursue a career or get married at that age.

So, when are we going to see the rest of the evos for all the starters so we can agree that Fire's is the best? Again.

There's no "urban" types in pokemon land, if you know what I mean.

Why was Chicken the Pinnacle of female trainer design

Because Satoshi Tajiri had to come up with a shit reason why a 10 year old boy would go out to catch his monster bugs and rodents in his game so the game would appeal to kids even if the MCs look nothing like their age and look 14 or 15 instead.

Are you telling me that Game Freak is full of pedos?

If that's you, I have a request.
Please send me a Beldum. They are one of my favorite Pokemon.

>Don't they worry about the creeps and rapists and the wild pokemen?
They have Pokemon to protet them.
No-one's gonna try and rape the girl with a Feraligatr walking behind her. Not to mention the 5 other highly volatile and loyal elemental monsters she's carrying around. Most criminal types/muggers pack shit like Rattata and Zubat. If anything, people should be happy the protag is a happy faced kid who just likes Pokemon. By the end of the story the trainer is usually one of the most powerful trainers, and thus, people.

I imagine the real problem would be the child grooming with no parental supervision
Of course the pokemon world is fantasy utopia and none of these things are actually factors there