Which house is the best house and how do i receruit everyone?
Fire emblem 3 houses
Other urls found in this thread:
blue lion and by having a big dick
>mediocre OST
>clunky/slow UI when compared to the 3DS entries
>poorly balanced
>battalions give you stat bonuses as well as a free hit on enemies where they can't counter back
>the monastery shit gets old quickly, and yet you are punished if you automate it
>shit graphics
>game is either piss easy or really hard, with most complaining that it's too easy
>hard mode will be added in a patch months after release
>only SIX (6) unique chapters between Blue Lions/Golden Deer/Silver Snow routes
>these chapters are only after the same twelve maps in the White Clouds portion
>uninspired maps
>overhyped writing/world building
Spam gifts and eating until they're B rank, then have D in the skill they want. Easier in NG+.
dont get trolled by and play deers first so you get the most out of the story and you are not making retarded posts later
>how do i receruit everyone?
You dont, it ruins the entire point of the game. Or at least ruined NG+ for me
>>only SIX (6) unique chapters between Blue Lions/Golden Deer/Silver Snow routes
Can anyone with experience confirm this? I just finished my BL playthrough and I might just drop 3H if this is the case, unless those maps are really damn good.
i played BL and GD and the maps are exactly the same except except the map where you take back the capital and the map you defend claude are replaced by 2 maps where you take down the mole people
i would still say it is worth playing the other routes, atleast GD because you miss a lot of background story about the mole people and the church
Yeah pretty much.
Should at least supplement BL with a GD playthrough though, since it answers a lot of questions that were barely even asked in BL and the last map is pretty good. Or at least it would have been if the game was any sort of difficult. Hope lunatic fixes that.
Recruit everyone and then do BE route. Watch as how you tore families apart
>Everyone keeps saying the game is easy
>I had to lower the difficulty to beat the game on BL
am I retarded or did I just get shit level ups? I'm nor retarded I swear
Sure, user
Have you not forged your weapons or something? Pretty much all my units double and/or one shot everything. Including commanders, usually.
I'm just using Iron weapons, should I be upgrading them, and if so, what weapons should I be upgrading?
p-please respond
I keep iron+ and silver+ on everyone. Can buy all the smithing stones you need from the eastern merchant that arrives in the monastery marketplace at some point early on.
Training+ is good early on, and brave weapons are also good all around, though I don't have many of them myself as I simply have no dire need.
Early game training weapons
Late game only focus on brave and killer weapons. You'll kill everything in one turn even on hard
How the hell does it ruin the game?
So I'll make Iron+/Silver+ weapons for everyone?
Aren't I limited to one brave weapon of each type? What about Iron+/Silver+ weapons like the other user said?
training weapons + are better until you get enough str to use iron weapons without losing speed
for bows, minibows are better than training bows
>Aren't I limited to one brave weapon of each type?
You can just buy most of them from the merchants late game. Brave weapons are super easy to come by
Works for me
Though I should probably add I've never even tried a killer weapon. I'm sure those are godly on anyone with good enough dex.
Also, I keep someone with an armor slayer around just in case, but armored units are bitches in the face of magic anyway.
what carries over in NG+.
I sorta wanna see every route, but not if I have to spend an hour in the monastery every month talking to people again.
Isn't there only one weapon vendor though, for getting brave weapons?
Thanks for the tip user
renown and statue levels
you can buy supports and weapon ranks with renown
Your statue buffs and your renown, plus some extra renown.
You can then use that renown to buy back your professor level, skill levels, support levels, and class mastery. And you can get some crest symbol items.
To the posters dissing Cyril in the last thread; how the fuck are you dumb niggers squandering him? His personal skill makes him scale harder than most of the cast and excel in any role, and in my playthrough he's a gamebreaker as a Wyvern Lord. No, seriously, he gives DIMITRI a run for his money with equivalent Strength AND his Death Blow skill from his Brigand days which makes him even buffer. Not even Mages and Archers worry him, because all he has to do is dismount and beat those nerds up.
Is there any way to use the commoner outfit during battle for the entire game? it's annoying that there's this fucking amazing armor sitting around and I can't do anything with it past level 5.
After the timeskip, there's a canonical class for each student where they can keep their outfit as an intermediate/advanced class. Petra has 2 for some reason.
Sorry I was asking specifically for Byleth
Interesting. Any other exclusive dialogue, like if you recruit Annette and she fights her dad?
Here's a useful tip; it's possible to recruit EVERYONE from the Golden Deer to your house. The one exception is Hilda on the Black Eagles route.
Yes, that one gets posted frequently. They even have different dialog for both Gilbert fights. Other ones I've seen in threads are
>Annette x Mercedes
>Shamir x Alois
>Shamir x Catherine
>Felix x Slyvain
Then there's shitty ones like Ferdinand x Hubert
Anyone have that image of the guy saying he will betray everything and everyone? Felix here reminds me of that
That one is a good one
I heard Bernie fans are annoying redditors. Is that true?
>one chapter show how Catherine is super awesome holy weapon user
>next chapter you also have a holy weapon and become more awesome than her
Is this really the way to go? Or would it be better to play BE last, recruit no one, and be forced to kill off all your riends from previous playthroughs?
>it's not fair bros, all we got this year was a game about a redneck biker that kills zombies
I like seeing the betrayals personally. Get some nice dialogue
Game gets more kino if you have to kill someone you know.
The Eagles don't really give a shit about killing people from the other houses. You need to strategically plan your recruitments to make the betrayals more impactful.
>not posting felix sylvaine
its easily the best
dont worry about recruiting everyone, your core house is fine. Just grab anyone you think is cool or you want on your team.
I sadly recruited both of them together in my playthrough. I even made Sylvane my husband
I wonder if all of these come up as special betrayal dialog.
You are going to play BE in legendary difficulty if you do not recruit anyone. Your units are very limited in number and the Lythesia you can recruit post timeskip sucks a lot compare to a properly trained one.
nah that would be edelgard with muh stronk woman and muh anime daenerys
I heard Bernie was the meme waifu that annoying redditors flock to.
I have an offscreen shot
dorothea, edelgard, and bernadetta and marianne are the most popular girls.
There's no Tharja or Peri equivalent this time.
not like this...
>gives DIMITRI a run for his money with equivalent Strength
>20+20 from aptitude is equal to 60
Your Dimitri got screwed.
Maybe because you lose the uniqueness of other playthroughs
I'll take Shamir, Annette, and Felix then.
Is it really gonna be that hard? I steamrolled through my Deers playthrough with literally just Leonie.
I noticed in some support dialogues (BL route mainly) where they mention resolutions from support dialogues with other characters - is this shit meant to be progression locked or is it added flavor depending on sequence?
loses all weight in battles between old friends.
Fire emblem is a game series with emphasis on character death and it being impactful from your own experience with the characters. taking them all just leaves them benched doing not nearly as much and makes the other houses armies boring.
BE has some pretty hard fights, but you can do it with just your starting house. I did on hard.
>I'll take Shamir, Annette, and Felix then.
I bet Lorenz would be pretty smug if he gets to kill Hilda or Claude if you want a deer. Or Leonie getting to kill Alois or any of the knights.
Currently on chapter 5 of BL route and need another healer/mage beside Mercedes, what character from another house would fill that role for me to hire?
Recruit the milf teacher. She is a pretty good support. Her or Marianne
Flayn is a freebie who is just as good as Mercedes. You'll get her in a chapter or two. Use mission assistance if you need an immediate healer.
Finished BL 2 nights ago with marianne as a holy knight. A healer on horseback is stupid trivial.
use Flayn
It's baffling just how much more fleshed out the story feels in BL compared to Edelgard's takeover route. Actual cutscenes, more interaction between the presiding lord and his units, less things happen off screen, etc. There's an actual story being told, whereas Edelgard's is just moving from conquest to conquest, map to map.
>"Oh yeah Edelgard got her super ultra special Hero weapon off screen lol"
>"Oh btw that fort we just took suddenly exploded in a beam of light LOL sorry you didnt get to see that, off screen"
GD and Church are all that's left for me, how do those two fare in terms of having an actual story?
Thanks. On the regular three routes are the church staff any harder to recruit then students? Obviously Rhea is out of the question but I know everyone else is possible.
>A healer on horseback is stupid trivial.
You don't need a horse once you get a gremory with physic or fortify. Silence from a horse is cool though.
do you even need horse when physis has such absurd range
Din't recruit more healers. I did BL and had too many of them. You'll get another healer through the storyline, and you can always recruit Manuela (who has the Silence skill). Not to mention there will be more healing options across the board but I'm not going to spoil why (assuming it's your first playthrough).
>Eagles - Empire can't recruit: Flayn, Gilbert, Seteth, Catherine, Cyril, Claude, Dimitri, Dedue
>Eagles - Church can't recruit: Gilbert, Claude, Dimitri, Dedue, Edelgard, Hubert
>Deer can't recruit: Gilbert, Hubert, Edelgard, Dimitri, Dedue
>Lions can't recruit: Claude, Hubert, Edelgard
Choose Lions if you want to recruit the maximum number of people. The best ways to get supports up is by giving gifts, next is having lunch with them which you should use all your activity points on anyway to get your professor level up.
>dies offscreen
yeah cool BL
Edelgard is the most popular Reddit waifu, and the most popular waifu overall
GD is more about lore, pretty good. Church is shit, most of maps and the plot points are from BE.
if you have a mage with good magic the physis range can take up half the map you don't need a horse
Is BE that shitty? I'm currently in my BL route but was hoping to do BE next.
I made Ashe and Felix my healers. Mercedes is my fist weapons user.
My problem right now is that Mercedes can't heal everyone when necessary. Maybe if I had access to stronger self heals it would be fine but the only ones I have access to restore 10 hp only. They're nice when in a pinch but still.
Just use Flayn and Annette. I did and made Mercedes and Annette gremory's, with Flayn as dancer.
BE has only 4 church staff available: Shamir, Alois, Manuela, and Hanneman. Catherine, Cyril, and Seteth become available if you go church route.
The teachers, Cyril, Seteth, and Alois have no requirement to recruit aside from story progress. Shamir and Catherine require Byleth to be level 15.
its alright, the lore you get from BE can be alluded to in other routes so it feels like it gives the least world building, but the maps and dialogues IN missions are the best, especially with Felix on your team.
Who are all the romance-ables with face and who are the straight, gay and lesbian choices?
Has less story maps and less story in general. It at least fleshes Edelgard's character out more, and properly establishes the reasoning and motivation behind her actions. But you could honestly just watch the supports on youtube for that
Lions are garbage and has the worst cast.
your unit can get Heal, most units can get physic too when learning faith.
What? I'm the guy you replied to, Cyril is the only person to have joined my class so far on my BL playthrough.
>>"Oh yeah Edelgard got her super ultra special Hero weapon off screen lol"
I completely missed what Claude's explanation for Barbarossa was. It also just appeared in a text box between missions.
Reminder that the best item to send off in recon is Wootz Steel and that you're a huge fag if you don't set your unit near the NPC that manages that shit.
Wait, your Dimitri's at 60 Strength? You can't be playing on Hard Classic with limited XP, can you? Mine already OHKs everything with 41. Regardless, my point still stands that Cyril is a strong soldier if you build him right due to his incredible leveling.
GD and BL can pick up all the church staff with no issues. BL even picks up an extra member, Gilbert.
>GD is pretty good
>Church which is literally exactly the same as Golden Deer except for a few things, is shit though
stop missinforming people and parroting redd*t's shit opinion when its obvious you haven't played the route, retard.
>hides in the gardens or stables
suck my dick loser
Does Felix have any support convos with GD? Or does he have a connection to the main storyline?
Dorothea is a nice niche. She gets physic so she can heal from a range, and she also gets Thoron and Meteor, two attack spells that have longer range than 1-2. Eventually excels in both reason and faith too, so it's easy to raise her to cover all that.
What's the best route order?
Was thinking doing Church>BE>BL>GD because I heard Church and GD shared a good amount of maps and BE was the easiest.
I'm guessing he's talking about all the betrayal dialogue Felix has with units from other houses on the battlefield
I meant growth, Dimitri has huge STR growths
he wont show in main story line cutscenes, he had some supports in BE but barely any. He had lots of unique dialogue in missions against units and in monastry.
Nardel gave him the costume. That's literally it.
Blue Lions is the canon route and should be played first.
doesnt matter pick any.
he means growth rate, not the stat.
If you absolutely need everyone on the first playthrough, do this One of the side quests you get from Exploring will unlock a couple of extra merchants. Each month they can sell you a bunch of extra gifts. If you're running short on cash, you can just spam the free battles.
If you've got someone at B rank support and are D in the skill they want and they still won't join you, you can reset until they show up mid-week and request to join your class.
>canon royte
There is no canon route, nintendo said so themselves. That said yes, do BL first
no such thing as canon routes you retard.
Definitely BL first. They have the least to do with the background plot elements. BE introduces them a little bit. GD or church flat out explains the lore for you.
What makes BL more canon than any other route?
You can get Hilda after Hitlergard betrays you. It's a tight window, but you can do it easily on NG+.
I said so
I've grown too attached to the Deers. I'd want to fight them on the battlefield. But that said, the idea of Lorenz subjugating the Deers is pretty tempting.
>who is claude
The biggest thing is BL is the only one where a main character has anything resembling character development on screen.
Edelgard does not budge an inch, and Claude never has personal investment in anything occurring and has most of his interests in a backstory that's not directly shown in the game itself.
Gilbert and Annette's supports had better be amazing to make up for what an awful person he seems to be.
Certain plot points that stay the same across all routes are executed in objectively better fashion in BL. It's the best story from a character standpoint, but you'll feel lost if it's your first because it doesn't try to explain the world or the motivation behind each enemy faction
I honestly wish they didn't relegate most of the world building to just one route. It should've been spread evenly so that certain events have the best impact that can in all routes
Okay so I'm not playing BL first then since its fans are fags. Thanks for settling that.
No worse than the other Houses, to be perfectly honest.
Lorenz betrays the deers on every route that isn't deers. He doesn't even appear in BE post timeskip
GD and church are more or less the same route besides a few things, so you should try to separate both if you get burnt out by seeing the same story twice, if not go ahead, of those two I would leave church for last. GD has obviously Claude and Church has Seteth and a bit more Rhea instead. GD has kino god shattering star while Church has objectively the kinoest ending out of all the routes. My recomendation would be to play GD and leave church for the last route. It would be cool if you have a save before the decision so you don't have to play the first 11 chapters of beagles again.
Also, of GD lysithea dies if she is not paired with certain people like Hannesman, Linhart or you S rank her.
In church its very recommendable to S-Rank Rhea, since she is church route exclusive and gets a lot of development for her character she doesn't get otherwise, you unlock her A rank by chapter 11 before the battle in the tomb, so you have plenty of time to work in other S ranks in the time skip as well
Should I do the rare monster sightings or focus on the paralogues?
Does NG+ make the game go by significantly faster?
I just finished my BL playthrough and I'm thinking of starting a GD playthrough to get all that lore I missed out on, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for another 85 hour run. Would NG+ help me compress that shit into a 30-40 hour run or is that not happening?
Has the most animated CG cutscenes, final map music is a remix of the main theme of the game, has the most chapters of any route, every individual member has a direct connection to an event in the main plot.
Paralogues. You can't even repair the rusted weapons until professor rank A+ and the materials to repair them are pretty rare.
Not really unless you're just mindlessly going through on Normal.
>accomplishes what Dmimitri could not in a single turn
What a shitter
I wouldn't say it's canon because that's obnoxious
But it does feel like the campaign with the most thought and time put into it by the developers
>final map music is a remix of the main theme of the game
That's because it's Edelgard's theme.
What's the song that plays during the Silver Snow final map?
Paralogues 100%, for some characters you get a hero's relic for completing them, and others just hold major plot significance.
Later on in the game you'll get all the materials from monsters you'll ever need.
she lives if you pair her up with Claude
GD>Lions/Be in whatever order you prefer>Church
There are two thingsyou should always follow.
Try to have Golden Deer and Church separated between them since as you mentioned they share a lot of things.
I would also leave church for the end.
BL is also easy as fuck and for me were easier than BE, GD and Church are both way harder.
Always paralogues
Funeral of Flowers
How do you recruit people during battle in part 2? I've read that it'll give you the option to but they just died for me. Also I'm playing Golden Deer, in war at gronder was there away for me to win without killing Dimitri? I beat Eligard first but it still made me kill him.
I regret doing BE first so much. Although it was interesting having context for the creepy crawlies and seeing Dimitri obliterate their leadership by accident.
>magical fists
what is the point of this weapon
If you downloaded the ost from sittingonclouds they named it Indomitable Will
No, on the GD route he goes nuclear no matter what.
There's only 3 specific recruits that are known. Ashe and Lorenz if they leave your party, and Lysithea can be freshly recruited in BE.
The "B rank them and they'll join" is false. Tried it with Bernie, Sylvain, and Felix on Gronder.
This, I see some redditors here missinforming about church just because redditors like edelgard and don't like the church so they say their route is shit. Saying church is the worst route and GD is great is the most retarded reddit opinion and shows how you have not played church.
Did you mean BL? I don't remember that happening on BE.
Gilbert really does turn it around over the course of BL. Does a good job showing his development.
The game was obviously released in an unfinished state. How short Edelgard's route is and the lack of attention to it are an indicator but the fact that Lunatic is going to be DLC is proof. They already delayed it twice so I don't know why they couldn't wait longer.
Ah, I see. I've got no doubt Dimitri's going to shoot ahead of Cyril and Dedue, but for the moment these three are practically tied for the position of strongest in the team.
BL was my second route. So I knew what that guy was all about from my BE playthrough. Unfortunately, I left GD for third, so I'm basically playing the same story again for Church.
>0.2% chance of those 3 crits happening in a row
jesus christ I'd be livid
To be fair, Edelgard's route is short because you're just blazing past a lot of the backstory to smash the Church as quickly as possible.
>How short Edelgard's route
How would you fix it? Add a shambala battle then a 3-part Nemesis fight since Byleth doesn't have the power of a god anymore. Also, no divine pulses.
>BL timeskip
>MU wakes up after 5 years, the Monastery has been left abandoned and in complete shambles, overrun with thieves
>MU stumbles across Dimitri, who is revealed to be a broken shell of his former self obsessed with the ghosts whispering in his ear
>Dimitri suicidally decides to take on all the thieves himself, MU attempts to help but their backs are up against the wall, completely surrounded
>Suddenly, the rest of the original Blue Lions house show up mid-map and turn the tide of the battle
>Edelgard timeskip
>MU wakes up after 5 years, heads to the Monastery and finds it's in shambles but also occupied by the Imperial force
>Meets with Edelgard, who is glad to see him
>The rest of the BE house just sort of fall in and greet you as well
You cannot tell me that the same amount of effort was put into both of these stories
That actually makes sense given the context of House Gloucester. I'll recruit him then. Thanks user.
You know, it's interesting to me. Based on how much porn they have it seems like Hilda and Dorthea are the most popular girls but I never see anyone really talk about those two. So far it seems like Bernie and Flayn are the most popular.
Well dealing with the Slitherers after the Church. No divine pulses honestly would make it more fun and add some weight to what you're doing. But mainly actually giving it cutscenes. And this is more for all routes, but cutting out the monastery in part 2 and changing the timeskip point to when you get shadow realm'd would do the story for the whole game a lot better.
Fish and fire make for good memes.
That's not a fair comparison. Edelgard got the upper hand by attacking first, conquering Garreg Mach and causing civil wars in both the Kingdom AND the Alliance, not to mention she's got her shit together. Dimitri is a shellshocked wreck of a man on the verge of losing everything. No shit he's got the uphill climb.
>changing the timeskip point to when you get shadow realm'd
Not this exactly, but rather that you get shadow realm'd again instead of just falling off a cliff. Introduce some thing about the spell being stronger this time or something, it'd still be a better excuse for a timeskip than Byleth just bonked his head and took a nap for a couple years
>Claude timeskip
>"Hey teach, you need exercise. Let's kill bandits."
>"Don't mind me flying around on my new wyvern."
Nah I think the first Shadow Realm would've been a good point. Could've used time flows differently bullshit as an exuse for the lost time. I think it's kinda dumb that your students in BE will turn on Edelgard just for you/will fight to help the Church before deciding to help Edelgard and it would honestly be solved by this shit happening while you're in the Shadow Realm mostly. In spite of the praise this game gets for having less retarded plotholes than Fates there are a lot of issues with execution I find personally.
I imagine the shadow realm was the timeskip spot earlier in development. The plot might have been more of a "defeat ancient evil" ride at that point. Maybe.
Perhaps for Edel route specifically it would work best, personally I'm fine with when the timeskip happens in BL/GD, it's just the "how" that feels stupid
Like, the game doesn't imply that there was anything magical about Byleth falling down the chasm. So he literally just sat there for 5 years before inexplicably washing up in the river? Really?
>will fight to help the Church
Why WOULDN'T they? Edelgard is practically a radical reformer who wants to destroy an age-old institution at the heart of Fodlan civilisation by any means necessary. It'd be even more unnatural if they all decided to tear it down just because Edelgard said so when not all of them are even willing to die for her.
I mean maybe not. Imagine the shock of coming out of that timeskip to eventually find out your students went to war with each other.
It was very strange playing through BE route and seeing the usually benign and passive Linhardt suddenly become bloodthirsty as fuck about tearing down a building in enemy territory. BE really is the worst written route, it has very flimsy reasons to explain the house members acting so out of character post timeskip
The church route would have been better if all the BE students turned coat and you started with just the Church staff, then you slowly recruit them all again.
What's retarded about it is that they and Byleth don't make the decision to side before Rhea gets the upper hand. It's only when Edelgard is cornered that they all change their mind. Also while not all of them are up to die for her many have decent reasons for staying loyal to the Empire or straight up dislike crests and the nobility.
Strange how long that redub for Byleth is taking
There is no way that at 175cm byleth is that much taller than the rest.
>chapter 5
>hardest battle scenario so far
>final boss almost one hits me
>lol btw its not the real boss
>have a fucking real boss that can one hit multiple units at once without any rest between the battle scenario and this
>good luck :)
Wait why are they redubbing MC?
I agree. Also I think certain units in BE should not be able to be re-recruited, namely Ferdinand. He really works better in that context, kinda like how Felix works fairly well as betraying BL since he cares not for honor.
His new voice based on the previews sounds wack. A serious, mercenary instructor shouldn't have that kind of voice.
>He has trouble with the easiest beast in the game
You need to step your game up now or you won't make it.
But at that point she doesn't explain shit. She just tells she's taking all the churches shit and will kill anyone who tries to stop her. To her classmates, it probably looked like she lost her marbles all of a sudden and the "I'll kill anyone who interferes" part kinda makes it hard to reason with her.
Also, "I'm the Flame Emperor, you may no me from occasions such as the kidnapping of Flayn, the stabbing of Manuella and the amoral experimentation on and massacre of innocent villagers".
the beast itself would be fine if you werent put through a gauntlet 5 seconds before it without any rest. the nc ally was next to useless and only initiated combat 2 times so it was basically entirely up to me. once the beast fight started he instantly got killed by it in one turn anyways.
Hit with whatever weakness the shield has
Let Byleth or *insert lord here* fuck it up
Not that guy, but I kinda glanced over the beast tutorial and didn't figure out how to destroy their barrier until way later in the game.
I mean I'm just at the bandits but
>hubert has missed so many attacks he is still at lvl 1
>Edelgard still hasn't gone up in strength
>Petra hasn't gone up in speed at all
>pretty much every character of mine seems to favor the defenses while leveling
It feels like I've been cursed for choosing Edelgard as my second route.
Jesus what the hell. Old va fit pretty well with the idea that Byleth was some stone-faced autist who only started opening up more the longer he taught his students. This one sounds too emotional from the get go
That's why it'd make infinitely more sense if she just either convinced her class to side with her during the timeskip without getting into that retarded situation or you have to re-recruit them. It doesn't excuse the class suddenly deciding that they shouldn't turn on Edelgard after cornering her either. That entire chapter is honestly Fates level retarded writing and I would've prefered they let us learn about how Edelgard got students on her side through supports than actually have to watch it happen.
At the very least, on non-BE routes you can sort of hand wave it away as her having told her house about the situation offscreen before the showdown in the tomb
But what would also alleviate it is if the reveal about Edelgard's upbringing and torment was something she told the entire house about, not just her professor in private. Then it makes more sense that they would grow more sympathetic to her plight and more susceptible to changing alliances so suddenly in the moment
>1-16 is identical for Church, BL, and GD
>18-21 are identical for Church and GD, GD and BL both share 17
>Every single one of Edelgard's maps save one is identical to another map
They should have had a second delay desu.
Why is Annette so smol? Can you even mating press her without breaking her?
I can't decide if I like her more pre or post timeskip. Top tier
>Tfw cant decide if I want to fuck Petra or Ingrid
Save yourself the trouble, pick Petra
Petra, it shouldn't even be a contest.
Fuck one of the actually good girls instead.
Jesus, Lysethia just shoots up like a weed, doesn't she?
I dont know about after timeskip, but its not false. They will literally come to you and ask if they can join.
She's 15 pre skip.
>timeskip when Byleth heads to the monastery
>Dimitri route gets a fully rendered scene of Byleth finding him slumped in a corner talking to ghosts
>Claude route gets a fully rendered scene of the sun rising as he greets you by a window
>Church route gets a fully rendered scene of Edelgard fighting Byleth
>Edelgard route gets a normal standing around cutscene with a hug picture
I almost wonder if they're gonna beef up Edelgard route through patches or something. Add cutscenes, etc
>improving old content instead of just adding more with dlc
Not gonna happen, remember ISIS track record with DLC.
I recruited Marianne. She's better at nuking than she is at healing but she starts with psychic which makes her a great supplement to Mercedes as a primary healer.
Considering how well the game is selling and people are still eating up the story they have no reason to bother fixing their fuckups.
Cyril is good boi.
I love this game bros. Wtf. I didnt think I would enjoy it that much. Im not very far though, fell asleep fighting that skull fag who kidnapped flaynn and other people
>get MOGGED by a bunch of highschool dropouts led by an emotionless autist
Is she the worst villain ever in FE?
Felix would never betray his father and he has close ties to many BL characters since they're childhood friends. And he also cares for Dimitri in a weird way. So....no?
I'm OCD and want to read all text in this game, how many playthroughs do I need
4 if you want to do all the current routes. Many if you're gonna try to get special dialogue between all students in battle.
>never gave any gifts or lost items to other classes' students because they didn't have a mood gauge
>no mood gauge, no training, no point in giving them anything
>just thought that towards the end of the game I'd get them by my MC being OP
>waited and waited until the 5 year gap part, after which I realized I'd goofed
they should explain how it works better. how the fuck are you supposed to know that they'll lower their requirements if you improve your relationship with them?
I'm like 93% sure the game straight up tells you that raising support will make it easier
I'm 96.3% sure that it doesn't and that you are a (bad) liar
4 if you just want to read all of the supports, make sure you pick female for BE, BL, and GD.
is this Dedue winning the dance competition?
What would kissing Edelgard feel like?
With all the shit she pulls, it's a wonder that they didn't make Edelgard more possessive of (You).
Deep House is by far the best House genre
The writers tacked on her route when they realized they didn't have a waifu to market the game with.
Do we have a list of the best special battle dialogues?
>default BE route is just a copy and paste GD route
>actual Edelgard route is half finished
Why did they push this route so hard?
Question regarding chapter 17:
Who was the hell was Maiden?