Yea Forums, please, you lost my other slime. Please do a good job of watching this one. He's one of the only ones I have left.
Yea Forums, please, you lost my other slime. Please do a good job of watching this one...
>not .gif
I blinked where did he go
Don't worry, I won't lose h-
Does heliodor city tank the framerate for anyone else?
on PC? yeah it did.
like every square PC port, it was unoptimized as fuck. still the best game i played all year though
oh god what is it going to be like on switch >.
Can we all agree that Heartbeat and Level-5 are shit tier developers without Horii guiding them by the nose (Heartbeat basically became Genius Sonority)?
Of course!
Just fuse gold golem+regular slime
Aw shit! I shoved it up my ass! Fuck, what are we gonna do Yea Forums?!
Does that result in the Legendary Blue Metal Slime?
We have to fish it out of course
If it's a metal slime, does that mean it's made out of mercury? I never actually thought about it until now
Don't worry,
we have him under suicide watch.
Hey user I've been meaning to ask you, did you remember to turn the cameras on this morning?
its quicksilver
no level-5 doesn't make bad games dude
I agree with this, although their style becomes very apparent the more games you have played by them. i.e. A bunch of side bullshit that's plenty fun to get distracted with.
>Metal Slime appears!