Tfw no good ork vidya

>tfw no good ork vidya
why do the marines always get the good shit when ork vidya would be absolute kino?

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>Humans good
>Aliens and heretic bad

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fuck off fag

Wez Ork are the best!!!

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ork game with the nemesis system from shadow of mordor or bust

This would be perfect!

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Fuck orks, we need a good tyranid game. Or at least a game where they are playable period

Titans game, when?

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charcharodons 4 lyfe bby. #1 of all the stupidly named chapters

Titanicus Dominus on steam. Its another turn based strategy, so its basically mechwarrior but warhammer.


We'll always have Gorgutz and Kaptin Bluddflagg.

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>still no Gorkamorka game that's basically GTA on a desert planet

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Will he return?

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>CSM are literally space marines but without restrictions, meaning that you can do anything with them
>no games about them

I remember some user here said that a good idea for a 40k game would be a cs-go esq squad-shooter in which you and a band of space marines/guardsmen/chaos marines/Boyz/genestealers/etc shoot enemies and gather loot that makes you more powerful the more enemies you kill.
It sounded fun.

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Definitely potential there for a game where you raid planets for gear since CSM mostly use old Heresy weapons.

So "Kill Team" would be perfect for that. And I want to use the new Primaris marines.

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>warhammer 40k kill team game
>join a faction
>mordau like character customization and loadouts
>mordau melee and meaty guns
don't see going wrong with this

Orks or Greenskins?

why not both

They would never make a game that mirrors the tabletop because then you wouldn't buy the models.

Outside of tech levels and the orks being more wacky, there isn't really that much difference. It's not like the High Elves and Eldar where unlike the Eldar, the Elves aren't completely up their own ass.

>No EDF-style game whre you play as a nameless guardsman

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how would be like tabletop
im talking shit where you queue up as a single unit for a game a standard 10 round system

Pretty much. That being said a part of me says TWW isn't that far off from WHFB if only for the bullshit number of units you had to field in that ttg.

>Building and painting a ton of shit for every GW game shy of LotR and Necromunda
>Can't bring myself to go play with anyone around here because everyone I've seen at the game store is unbearable

The only happy race in 40k.

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>The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn. And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.
Reminder that the Orks have, through sheer brute force and ignorance, created a society that cannot fail. Anything that would tear apart human society is just another fun reason to beat other boyz up and they're otherwise too fucking dumb to fall into the traps that humanity often does.
God bless those crazy fuckers.

Mb you said like Kill Team so I was confused a bit.

What's his next plans?

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fight more tyranids

Ive been playing gothic armada 2, was imagining it would have 3d space combat, I can only blame myseld for not watching actual videos but its still fun. You can in fact play as orks and tyranids to the user that wanted playable nids.

>Can't fight New boyz and de old boyz

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>no noise marine guitar hero

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There's so much fucking potential in 40k for vidya.

>start as a single genestealer with stealth gameplay, form brood to unlock new playable characters, eventually transitions to more of an RTS as you seek to overthrow the planet government
>Hitman but you're any one of the clades of the Officio Assassinorum, after introducing each one you then spend rest of the game choosing which one you'll be for each mission

And that's just off the top of my head. You could literally do every single genre of game with at least one faction of 40k if not multiple ones.

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That has potential

Sounds great, but we'll do a space marines game

Here's your new Primaris marines.
- R. Guiliman.

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He has a point

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