Will raytracing in vidya become mainstream soon?
Will raytracing in vidya become mainstream soon?
Sure, just not like how nvidia envisioned it to be from RTX meme.
I just want working mirrors, I don't give a shit about the other stuff
Depends on if the new consoles support it, I think they'll pretend to but it'll actually be like with their """4k""""
raytracing is the most meme graphics technology I've ever seen.
>heres some slight changes to the lighting bro which changes fuckall but maybe a few shadows and light bounce here and there.
>only knocks off 50 fps of your performance bro.
purportedly when the new console gen comes out
I doubt it will really matter since I assume in most games it will be a toggle kind of like on PC where you can take a massive performance hit to get the epik pretty lights n shiet
It should. I'd prefer if we go back to PS2 tier graphics but with RTX.
>io interactive make their own engine
>mirrors are standard and graphics are still top notch
>meanwhile idiots using cryshit cant do anything without it killing performance
It just further shows how hard the standards in game programming have fallen over the years. I swear some of the cunts working today are just glorified modders relying on prebuilt tools.
Raytracing has been the standard in cgi for years. Games were an exception because hardware wasn't powerful enough for it.
Is the 2080 ti worth it if it's my first build and I have the income?
They just need to find a way to implement extremely limited amounts of ray tracing to improve only parts of a scene that matters.
dont most people still game in 1080p without raytracing 4K has to become standard before raytracing.
I don't know, did nvidia hairworks become maimstream?
I cant really be bothered with these incrimental improvements that just goes to show that we are in the age of diminishing returns.
I'd be hard pressed to believe that 99% of the video game audience could tell if they were playing with raytracing on or off without A-B'ing it.
Sure, that can be said about AA and alot of post effects as well, but at this point, I dont even see the justification for raytracing given it's heavy performance impact. It's hard to be excited about it.
Ray Tracing (in real time) is the end goal for accurate light simulation. RTX is not that.
>lol you can barely notice it
Nvidia's rtx horseshit is not raytracing, it's rasterization with a few raytraced features.
If a game is advertising ray-tracing then they're probably trying to hide the fact they're game is udder shit. *cough* Anthem *cough* *cough*
This. It seems like a scam, something to do with graphics stagnating, making people buy less expensive new tech. This bumps up the requirements dramatically for little graphical gain, making people need to buy new hardware.
Literally what is the problem with making mirrors for devs? You just place the fucking camera in the mirror in the render pass, put the rendered image on the mirror texture and fucking voila
If you have the income then sure. Of course you already own a house, right? You really should save for that instead if you dont
>people think that raytracing is some kind of new meme technology
Why is Yea Forums so tech illiterate?
>Will that "mouse" thing for controlling your electroboxes become mainstream soon? I prefer them key boards anyways.
If you don't need to move at all, this is a great solution.
Sadly, it falls to pieces once the player is free to move around it.
Rendering takes time, there's a reason Pixar's not knocking out a new movie every month.
I bought a laptop with rtx 2070, hope it wasn't a big mistake.
Rendering a scene twice is no problem for any non-console game
Nope, not till its cheap to use and implement.
The first can happen, the latter is the problem.
RTX and realtime raytracing in videogames is a new meme technology, you fucking dipshit
Nvidia fucked up overcharging for it and pushing it before getting any kind of dev support.
What the fuck is the point of using raytracing if you're going to have shitty textures? My god, fucking ugly.
OP said raytracing, not rtx.
No, even the upcoming consoles can't dream of handling it. On PC we're still a couple of gens away for it to run acceptably.
To be fair, they have to start somewhere. Shit like PhysX and AO have been shot down as memes, but people take them for granted now. It's just that leather jacket man is being a jew.
"raytracing in vidya", with a picture of a fucking RTX graphics card
Fuck you and your purposeful retardation
Are you playing a video game or watching a fucking slideshow? Maybe you don't need 240fps but you ought to handle at least 60fps.
Raytracing isn't a meme, but the current RTX cards are since they can't run it properly.
Render to texture can provide "working" mirrors like in hitman. If your game has mirrors and they don't work, it's your fault and not the lack of hardware raytracing.
>b-but the op image
OP specified raytracing, no rtx.
To be fair, almost nobody uses cryengine for anything.
What was the last game that even used this, i don't think i've heard of it in years
No, real raytracing is not a meme, and achieving it should be a goal to strive for. RTX and the current "raytracing" technology being promoted in current video games is absolutely 102% a meme.
For me, it's the RTX 2060 Gaming Z.
it's what non vr people think vr is.
A meme.
It's inevitable that realtime raytracing will be the norm, unless a better way to simulate light is developed.
It's not a meme, it just happens to kill performance to the point where it's not worth the cost. But it does work as intended, just very slowly. Of course we need to support open solutions and not some proprietary bullshit that's specifically designed to try and kill the competition.
>B-but OP!
How actually fucking dumb are you to ignore literally every other context and just fixate on one word
How do you get Yea Forums "thinks raytracing is a new meme technology" from OP's specifications? :^)
Rtx 2070 is better than the rtx 2080 - only a touch less powerful but significantly cheaper.
More dosh for tendies
>It's not a meme, it just happens to kill performance to the point where it's not worth the cost.
So in other words it's a meme.
They spend all their freetime making reddit wojack and pepe images for upvotes their brains have become reddit loving mush.
It will, eventually. We're still constrained by hardware performance, and sadly, consoles dictate the pace of development. These new consoles have a snowball's chance in hell of running anything raytraced at acceptable rates. So, again, consoles will keep us stuck in terms of tech for another 7 or so years.
If by meme you mean it's not worth it, then sure. If you mean it doesn't do what it's supposed to, then no.
Overpriced rgb shit for a gpu that doesn't put out that much heat in the first place.
You're better off with 2070 at that price range.
I've only gleaned this from reading news articles but apparently lots of games utilize CPU-powered PhysX effects.
No and I wish we‘d get better physics and soft body deformation. Graphics whores are the worst.
Nvidia's RTX is just them re-using tensor cores on consumer level dies because the yields are horrific.
CPU physx is inefficient as fuck because Nvidia basically crippled it when they bought physx from aegesia (or however it is spelt).
I wonder why no one has done a youtube channel visiting minecraft worlds made from 2010-2015 with the ray tracing mods
imagine seeing those fuckhuge cities with raytracing
>I wish we'd get better graphical effects such as advanced physics, but I'm not a graphics whore
the real benefit of raytracing is for the devs, they don't have to light the scene manually, they just assign light sources to actual light sources and everything gets realistically lit by itself
otherwise they have to spend fuckton of time for the scene to look as good
Ray tracing isn't solely the domain of graphics - the principle behind ray tracing can be applied to many things to get accurate physics simulation.
Make them yourself
Could you explain the difference between raytracing and RTX?
2070 is honestly the better pick for everyone who isn't a trust fund baby, 2080 doesn't give enough of a performance boost to warrant the price tag
I mean I have the subs to have a realistic start and over a million views but idk how minecraft raytracing is gonna play with elgato. I might do it when my hybrids come in
Are you implying that the way objects interact is on the same technical level as the way objects look? Because in that case gameplay itself is also a graphical effect,
why that particular time frame
its a fucking meme no one can notice like high fps, but worse
Does anyone really use PhysX anymore? I remember it tanking my Mirror's Edge performance from solid 60+ FPS to literal slideshow (sub 1 FPS). I don't think I've seen it since in graphics options in games.
because that was the peak with the 360 og port where people were importing fuckhuge maps from minecraft pc to console and console users making maps and transferring them for pc users. There was a tool at one point for it.
I remember some of those 2012 fuckhuge builds that are probably gone now because of megaupload
Full raytracing? No.
The hybrid of raytracing and rasterizing is inevitable.
Rasterizing has already hit the dead end.
3D polygons are the most meme graphics technology I've ever seen.
>heres some dogshit looking unshaded triangles bro
>only knocks off 40 fps of performance bro
interesting, 4chin strips the emoji charactes in posts but not in filenames
I was the one who uploaded that "full version" Country Roads before bethesda that merged the trailer and bill danoffs version. I got 1.5 million on the main, and 750k or so on the e3 remix
Im like #2 or 3 in search behind todds lies
I think those minecraft mods are path tracing and they are either slow or bugged as fuck when outside because of the distance. That's why you only see interiors in those videos.
>fantastic, now my video games can look just as bland as real life. Fuck artistic vision right?
no one cares
I don't disagree with you, it sure as hell will lead to more lazy devs and uninspired visual styles. It doesn't prevent creative approach or artistic lighting, but it incentivises laziness.
You're one of those "gaming lost its SOUL when we moved past 8bit graphics" dweebs, aren't you?
Will cute boys with shoes in vidya become mainstream soon?
>ad hominem
>"gaming lost its SOUL when we moved past 8bit graphics" dweebs
To be one of those, one has to not been around when 8bit gaming was a thing. Everyone who retractively praise 8bit as the pinnacle of video game graphics do so only due to indie games with "retro" 8bit graphics and aesthetics from 2008+.
8bit graphics had it quirks and it was impressive what they managed with so little back then, but fuck no do I want to go back.
Early 3D graphics were no better and the only visually pleasing example I can think of out of the PS1/N64 era is Vagrant Story, which still holds up tp this day in my opinion.
My problem is the homogenisation of video game graphics. Everything looks the same these days. Can anyone tell the difference between Unreal and CryEngine anymore? There isnt room for the artistic vision because all resources is spent having level designers move library assets around and copy pasting "trash_decal_024" around all day to make everything look "realistic" for the modern audience. I would want for more stylization beyond color/saturation filters that make the ENB enthusiasts look like pros in comparison. Some more character. Soul if you want.
I'm just jaded and checked out with the whole thing at this point.
wtf is raytracing?
There wouldn't be much point. The denoiser makes textures really blurrry. I forced 16x aniso in the nvcp but it still ended up looking like trilinear filtering.
>tfw still have a 750ti that cant even run overwatch
i dont even know what raytracing is
put a magnifying glass in front of your eye and look at the sun
semi-realistic simulation of how light works irl
I'm pretty sure it will be part of graphics technology in the coming years. We will be advancing graphics all the way up to working mirrors in the year 8925 AD
directly or off to the side a little so i only get cancer on my eyelids?
so basically refraction and reflection of light in water and mirrors that was pretty much already dealt with anyway?
Buy a used 1060/1070?
Simulating light as actual rays of light.
Ironically traditional lighting is actually harder to explain since it's pretty hacky.
We need an NPR game engine.
>I want everything to look kiddie shit like my marios and zeldas
>OP is compelled to start a thread on vidya-related technology using a Wojak
The fucking state of this board.
off of all surfaces
>My problem is the homogenisation of video game graphics.
you'd think I'd learn after 10 years on this site, but no.
You're here forever
if that is the case i blame devs, im sure an xbonex or ps4pro could be pushed to the limit to make that happen but noone wants to anymore. they want better hardware to put less effort into developing for. it really shows in situations like the switch where "oh hey yeah this game actually could've run on lesser hardware but we didnt wanna prove it until it was already a top selling game"
RTX is nvidia's hardware acceleration for microsoft's DXR, the raytracing functions included in directx. Games that do not have rtx, nvidia's gtx range can use DXR's fallback layer, but will be much slower since all calculations will be done on standard shader cores, rather than the dedicated RT cores.
my motherboard cant support it, at that point i have to bin my entire computer other than ram, ssd, and hard drive and get a new one
What kind of computer you have that lacks PCIe 2.0?
Why wouldn't it support it? Since you have a 750ti, I take it that your computer is 10 years old at most. I used a nehalem i7 before I switched to a ryzen 5 1600 and my 1070 worked just fine.
If real raytracing becomes a thing (not the RTX meme, the real thing), then a lot more games will have fantastically lit scenes and areas on the level of Destiny 2 or better, since it will take a lot less effort to create something on that level.
On the flip side, devs will surely become more lazy than they already are.