Halflife 2 is literally shit

I think this game sucked fucking dick

have never had a reasonable explanation why the jarring shift between shitty physics puzzles and lack luster shooting was apparently the most amazing thing in a decade.

MOVE THE BRICKS INTO THE TROLLEY SO YOU CAN SHOOT AT MORE MANHACKS WITH YOUR PISTOL. remember don't bother aiming either because that doesn't matter in muh optional gigantic physics engine demo.

Attached: thumbnail-half-life-2_boxart_tall-296x346.jpg (296x346, 21K)

Imagine only being able to speak in hyperbole.

generic HL2 is shit post #124467658455236376524

good job you watched some e-celeb 3 hour deconstruction of a great game from 2004 and now you've installed his opinion on your NPC harddrive brain

HL1 might be better but it doesn't make HL2 a bad game by any means.

no you're meant to take me quite literally thanks cunt

i want to put my dick inside alyx's tight asshole

>generic HL2

You got that right. I played it earlier this year for the first time and while I didn't think it was bad, it was certainly nothing special.

>HL1 might be better but it doesn't make HL2 a bad game by any means.

Attached: 1564934581052.png (205x246, 4K)

You had to be around when this game first came out.
Being able to pick up a can and throw it in a guards face was fucking revolutionary back then.

yeah i just never enjoyed the actual game. gmod was alright

Did you ever consider that idea that half life 2 didn't impress you much because most of the newer games you've played took cues from what it first introduced?

This guy gets it. Most FPS games post-2005 took concepts from HL2 but executed them poorly.

i played it when it was new and counterstrike1.6 was comparatively a superior experience in every single way

1 is far superior in almost all aspects. It's an extremely hyped sequel for one of the biggest fps games ever at the time, obviously people are going to have a lousy reaction to it being shit. and you only need to play the games to figure that out. Played hl1 probably 50 times and hl2 maybe twice all the way through

Killzone 2 was great although

I said most not all.

>hey guys, I'm disagreeing with a popular opinion. do I fit in now

Attached: 1441560375866.jpg (960x639, 116K)

>hey guys everyone loves something i can't fucking stand can someone explain it to me somehow

Attached: sherlock.jpg (433x380, 25K)

Work on those shopping crates, Tim.


at what is a generic opinion a concensus

I think HL2 is just a product of its time.

Every Valve game has something that makes them a slog.
Half-Life 1 has anything after Residue Processing until Xen
Half-Life 2 has the driving and rebel sections
Portal 1 has brain dead puzzles and the final boss sucks
Portal 2 drags on for too long
Counter-Strike always has something wrong with it, whether its bhopping, awp being OP, or the sprays being RNG
TF2 is an unbalanced mess of a game and half the stock maps are boring as fuck, and the console versions dont even legally exist
Day of Defeat is boring and dead as fuck
Episode 1 is boring all the way through
Episode 2 is fun until you get to white forest then it returns to being boring

but none of these flaws make them bad games and in fact, they are all insanely fun and unique titles that have shaped games today to the point where nearly 20 years after Half-Life 2 released, we are still talking about it

What makes L4D a slog?

Forced diversity

L4D's map design is it's worst and best quality. The maps are god tier, but the 90th time you return to them they are boring, and the toted, "AI Director" doesn't make the game any harder/easier. So the levels almost have no variety or stakes in whats happening outside of the occasional tank.