What the fuck is the appeal of gachashit?
Why the hell are people spending thousands of dollars on virtual currency instead of something meaningful?
What the fuck is the appeal of gachashit?
Why the hell are people spending thousands of dollars on virtual currency instead of something meaningful?
Other urls found in this thread:
Waifus on the go.
lack of sex and meaningful human interaction
porn+gambling, is that easy
Bragging rights.
What's the actual percentage of whales to f2p players, generally speaking?
whales are something like the 2% usually
>I'm 10 years old!
It's mostly third worlders. Chinks and Americans for example.
Quick and easy bursts of fun.
No large investment of time needed. As do why people spend money on it I don't know...as i only play one and only one and it's generally f2p friendly (pic related).
This is wrong. No one actually thinks its something to be proud of.
you just posted it
Skinnerbone or bonerbox?
Japan alone contributes more than 90% of FGO revenue
>being married to 5 sexy young girls isn't a bragging right
Sold. Game's name?
Pathetic. With all the money being made their better be a Tsukihime Remake soon.
Because games that are meaningful don't even give me an option to spend thousands of dollars on them. There's literally only one character I can buy in Guilty Gear Overture, Armored Core Verdict Day has DLC, but even if I bought all of it, it's only like $50 for 100% of the game's content. Meanwhile gachashit has gotten so advanced with their kikery that you can literally unlock 99% of the roster and get locked such that you will gain duplicates forever no matter how much you spend.
what game? so I can go and rip the art
It isnt
Virtual currency is one thing, Chinese slave drivers are turning profits on RMT.
Now why the hell are people paying for PNGs?
The next level in gacha is paying for fully 3D animated models. Almost like normal games
That's just one game though. I did say mostly. Hell, just look at Game of War or Pokémon Go as an example.
Look here. Look, listen. It's cute waifus at the press of a button that you can interact with. They say nice things to you, they love you, and they'll never leave you.
>3D animated models
Fucking gross, but normalfaggots prefer those, so it's inevitable
But that's escapism. It's not healthy.
t. marche
>Look here. Look, listen.
Shoutout to Sean Ranklin
Look up Skinner Boxes and you'll get it
Based Harryposter
Peasants do peasant shit no matter the times or salary increase they get through history. No matter how much money you give to a homeless person they will always be homeless.
Time wasters on the go, it helps for the bus life
brown dust
Any “good” Gachas out there?
Seriously, what's the appeal of this? I don't get it.
Gacha rhythm games
Play king's raid
Is this the 4 channel girl?
granblue fantasy.
fucking jizzbrains
I want to bap those cheeks
"gacha" and "good" being used together doesn't work unless there's an isn't between them
I choose to shill to you girls frontline
play bandori
Play Azur Lane
Present to me your shill cases on why I should try these
>all those shill replies
Are you ready to spend unREASONable ammounts of cash to get her tomorrow?
back to your general
WHY would you EVER play gacha games???
hey, there has to be a reason why user's would willingly shill their games. I just wanna know
its a strategy rpg that has in app purchases but you would have to spend so much money to even get a little bit ahead it makes it not too pay to win. you are rewarded more from grinding
>spending money on gacha
lmao why you can get everything for free
I never understood the character chase in fire emblem heroes.
The game is already piss easy, why unbalance it more by buying over powered characters?
gross useless fat
thats why langrisser is better
Makes no sense.
A man needs a name?
For GFL, The gameplay is more or less about strategizing before moving, taking into account your echelon's composition, their buffs, how strong your Ground support is and how good your UAVs are against the enemy composition, what the objective is, etc which battles you can take and which not. The game is really easy and forgiving until you reach
chapter 8. Event maps are completely different, these ranking maps can take up to 3 or 4 hours to complete if you want to reach the top %s
Just absurd.
Pics like this make me so angry
Yeah, no fucking way a sexy girl would pose and smile like that for me, they only do that for chad. Stupid fucking whore
Is that last origin?
Is there an image dump somewhere?
A name is needed?
Don't talk about yourself like that. It's unhealthy.
Epic Seven is really cool
Gives you enough currency to pull all your waifus as long as you play the game regularly, decent amount of depth to the pve and pvp, bit p2w at the high tiers of pvp but that only concerns the top 100 players.
For some reason it's never mentioned in those threads
Utter nonsense.
Honkai impact 3
there’s your answer
We are reaching the absolute limits of the feeble human mind.
Going by your image, I'd say cunny.
are you perhaps a casual user
*udder nonsense
why would I pay for any of this when I can just get a dump?
>I will never get the S Himeko or new Bronya
Considering I've gotten HoV and Vermillion in about 3 10 drops each and their equipment within 2
The girls, just look at this thread. Gotta figure which flavor you like. Lolis, big girls, etc and what gimmick like guns or boats you like attached to them, sometimes literally.
If I keep talking about my game, the more people will come to try it, and roll for me! :3
Never spent a dollar so they were just fun idle-time wasters. Hell FF Record Keeper actually got me interested in going back through the old FFs again so it was time well spent
What in the actual fuck!
We go around and live our entire lives thinking of ourselves as "conscious", and "thinking" beings.
Yeah I've had yuge luck so far in pulls so
I dont know that feel
desu, is beter them spending on it than twitch whores.
This is just too much lewd.
Think about the children!
kys 9gger
How foolish.
How pretentious.
I like how we've gotten to the point that showing everything but the nipple itself is somehow not porn even though like well over half their areolas and the entirety of their pubic mounds are visible
Play Fate/Grand Order
When you pair cute pictures with RPG stat autism and artificial rarity levels you create three tiers of "I fucking need this."
Think about it for a second. You're combining aesthetics, min-maxing, and scarcity.
Post Sowan swimsuit you nigger.
this is borderline hentai, or it crosses the line?
I have not spent a single dollar on this game and have a full 40+ S tier team. Heros isnt that bad so far plenty of ways to get free orbs
I see tit-monsters and daughterbait appeal, i wanted to see if people actually liked the other things like or or
To think we can even understand a billionth of what this universe really is.
>You'll never be ever to afford it so it's not really pay to win
Do they react when I tap the tits
This is important
I need all the images of the characters from Custom Robo, they make great reaction faces.
If you can't afford to win, then you don't pay money. It's simple logic.
And if you could steal it people also would, and they do.
Looks Korean so it makes sense they go as far as they can with porn being banned.
If you have enough impulse control to not spend thousands of dollars, you've never been the target audience, but people have strong points and weak points so most gacha attack you on several fronts. Set aside the clinical terms for the shit they do. This is breaking it down:
Triggers you by abusing the reaction of your dick. The moment your dick says GOD DAMN LOOK AT THAT and stands up, your brain shits itself and relaxes its guard on your valuables. Real women know this trick well and exploit it just as ruthlessly.
Triggers you by feeling like you'll be missing out if you don't get this shit right now. Same thing that keeps retards checking social media every five minutes.
Triggers you by the possibility of acquiring something others can't or won't get so you can "show off". MMO faggots have been victimized by this mindset for decades.
Generally most people will be weak to one of these triggers, if not all of them. When they're weak enough to not hold back from throwing their money, that's when gacha works.
if you're seriously asking I greatly enjoy the story, character writing and gameplay of Epic Seven.
i said kys 9gger
How delusional.
He asked for good. Honkai is dog shit, not because it's inherently bad but because Mihoyo can't balance for shit and it's dragging the game down.
FGO is the best game I'ver ever played
But I'm incredibly rich so your shit argument doesn't apply to me. Not everyone is a poorfag like you.
I wasted at least 100+ free orbs on this banner with no 5-star pulls and almost uninstalled.
Imagine spending real money on this shit.
gacha isn't bad, it's good?
If you're incredibly rich then you already know how to get ahead without paying any money, which means you're not incredibly rich.
Hey you reached my reply!
Please do not fall for this basic advertisement. You all are asking yourself this question. The gacha Jew asked it for you and is now linking you to shitty gacha games. Please don't fall for the Gacha meme. Thank you. :)
>tfw I finally went a day without opening my current gachashit
>and then another
>I'm spending the time on actual video games instead
I don't know if I can keep this up, it already bugs the hell out of me that I've missed resources.
I feel like the countries that ban porns are the biggest pervert.
Is it too late to start GFL and get the vall halla shit?
alright I'm out of inspiration sorry
Spriter's Resource
>Wanting to "get ahead' in a non game
I do know how to win these games bro, just download the jpegs
It's that easy, don't have to spend a dime
Ok, I get it.
>porn being banned.
wait, what?
they can legally do that?
i thought porn would be like an human right or something.
lol i only used 25 and got the summer takumi and camilla 5-stars
Believe me it could have been much worse...
Holy shit, a literal god among men. I never knew about this. Thank (you)!
>10 year old with tits
Nah, into the trash this game goes.
>Ten year old
>Hips like that
If you're going to make pedobait at least make them look like children ffs
It’ll take 2-3 days max to get 4 of the collab characters if you start now, and there’s 15 days left
Simple skinner boxes with attractive loot. I played Granblue for a few months before realizing what a god damn grind it is even with the admittedly decent combat system, good setting, and fun characters. GBF is even pretty nice about free stuff as well. I'd rather just buy a real mobile game or hell DQIV was fine on mobile so I'd imagine most ported RPGs would be fine as well. Now I just play some DoAVV as that at least rewards me with nice 3D models I can pose and the gameplay is nothing.
Jesus H christ
This is what gatchashit looks like?
>saving jpegs
lmao you don't even get the high quality assets? You're not even close to lower middle class. The high quality rips aren't even stored as jpeg.
This art is fucking disgusting. Please stop.
Gambling is an unhealthy addiction
Wonderful stuff.
And as long as that nipple isn't exposed, there's going to be at least one chucklehead who can't find it sexually stimulating at all.
And here we see a lolikek forced to look at what true peak femininity looks like
I just got three 5*'s (fallen tiki, surtr, and one-eyed-beast-slut) in a single batch, have you tried getting good?
Only the chad FGO can get away with this
All this games have cool waifus and shit but during gameplay u see only chibi down syndrome versions of them. Any gacha waifu shit that doesnt do this? I played destiny child already
how is acceptable?
the fabric is transluscent...
you are basically staring at a full exposed nipple.
>tfw only 10k crystals
Im worried bros. Used to have more but the twins and Seele destroyed my reserves.
you ok there user?
Epic Seven.
>Tfw don't care about gatcha but still waiting for waifus to get alts
Same reason I just stick with VV as well. Everything else barely gives a few lines or animation to their girls. Though it helps that there's so many ported assets for VV so they probably still put in as much effort as everyone else.
Not that user but I got this
i do love high cut as any other guy, but thats ridiculous.
Why are all the gfl girls covered? I just want to see tits
but Pewdiepie won the best shit
Why can't i? ;-;
Don't Korean mobage have much lower rating restrictions when it comes to nudity? Whenever I see jpegs of games that show areolas or are basically just blatantly showing nipples like in it's always Korean mobage.
Do you have brain damage ? Why do you look for a game when what you want is porn
I wish Fire Emblem Heroes was this lewd.
those games are 18+ and considered porn over there
That one's not "blatently" showing nipples though. It's showing areolae, and the nipples are jabbing through the fabric.
It's a rules lawyer distinction, but that's the game a lot of these fucks have to play.
Because you need to have sex
Guys check out my new waifu. She has tons of alters
I want Tiki to punish me.
Because the appeal is tacticool shit while the skins are showing them in casual wear. I like it too.
You have to make do with what you have when porn is banned.
People who are typically too poor for consoles or PC games, or have issues managing their money well to save up for them, like to use gachas because of the "free to play" hook. They invest hard in the game because it's one of the few things they have, then they increasingly get hooked by the gambling elements. Eventually it's all they play as per a downward spiral, and the gambling addiction and lowbrow waifu bait drains too much of their time and/or money to focus on other games.
Mainstream games can't have sexy anymore
So someone is selling sexy now
This is porn. Just porn. Not lewd or Ecchi, it's just soft porn.
I wish weebs would stop tagging cute nicknames to stuff.
And with that you crossed the line. You'll regret it.
What gacha's let me poke at the girls?
You know what I want :)
It was at some point,but then they decide to do basically nothing lewd after the book 2 ocs,for some reason only awakening/fates characters get lewd stuff the rest literally doesn't show anything,even treehouses stuff is going to be like this apparently
Pic related, notice how she's literally naked after the attack and this is the most lewd shot in heroes since the release (and for some reason they censored tiki at the last minute but this is still up)
Im playing through Fate Grand Order since I heard the story gets really good and Im on a fate kick for a while.
While it has a very predatory monetary model it nice that there are lots of decent low star characters that are really good. The later parts of the game seem pretty difficult though with lots of focus on party composition, buffs and debuffs
Because every other Gacha makes their girls either a loli or a titmonster. And this one just had to break that chain
Got this
I need porn of this
Look what they did to that bitch from Tomb Raider.
> I heard the story gets really good
you were lied to my friend
I think it was because of the ass.
Which poor people are you talking about? There's plenty of stuff on phones that Gacha isn't necessary. It's just that people won't shut up about Gacha because of character appeal. I play on the cheaper side myself, but have barely touched Gacha games, preferring the loads of stupidly cheap mobile games and ports available.
>Koreans somehow can create even sexier and thicker girls than Japs do
>but they still can't make a fucking decent game to save their life
Azur Lane lets you set any girl you have as your secretary, and they all have unique lines for when you poke their tits. And pretty much all of them are voiced as well.
luck based gaming allows unskilled players the same or better odds against others regardless of skill
matches go to whoever spends the most total hours grinding until he/she gets lucky, letting no-life NEETs taste sweet victory for once in their lives
My one weakness
Yeah but notice how lewd is corrin in the pic as I said she's literally naked after that attack,her bra is destroyed and her panties too,even if she tries to hide everyone would see everything of her,you can argue that she can just become a dragon and that's it but they also did this with female Robin (destroyed bra,when she moves her underwear is going to be destroyed as well)
I literally don't get why the rest of the FE stuff is censored without reason
If my penis was capable of playing games, it'd play whatever this garbage is
Thanks bro
I'm off to do fun things
Consider the following
-Sex sells
-Korea has a porn ban
-99% of shit they make is reskinned autobattlers
I'm sorry but I'll take japanese gachas(or hell, even chinese in some cases) over korean any day, because actually different gameplay and tasteful fanservice will always trump over "LOOK, TITS"
Welp, this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $4999 in stocks
>family hates me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream link:
I have a drills fetish
>-Korea has a porn ban
How the fuck do they release this shit then?
It's pretty much soft core porn
Well no shit, they're it in for the money.
Are there even regular game developers over there not working on gachas or MMOs?
Are you alright user?
Naked and injured is top tier fetish
Tiki is a flagship Fire Emblem character.
They had to protect her purity.
You say that as if Japanese mobages aren't "Look, lolis", idolshit or chibishit. Name me three japanese mobage that isn't those three.
>killing yourself after losing one or two months of salary in stocks (that will probably bounce back)
Unironically kill yourself, dumbass
>>just lost over $4999 in stocks
Boo fucking hoo
I gain/lose more than that every day on btc fluctuations
He literally did this 4 times before
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
Is there anything new? I heard that he got silenced because he got a dirt on too many people.
People who tend to avoid playing modern games due to low-income jobs. Some guys I know got obsessed with the stuff due to the gambling high during a stressful period of their lives, and the daily waifu bait creates an illusion of a wide amount of content. They've increasingly stopped playing any other games and have become lousy secondaries, not even investing in the respective series their gachas are about.
they released it, then they immediatly had to take it down, censor it and tell people "psst, just wait we'll put the uncensored app on some literally what virus ridden store"
The nipples were a marketing machine, and the semen brains fell for it, as I said, sex sells
Imagine paying for porn
>I heard that he got silenced because he got a dirt on too many people.
No shit, that'd be the most obvious thing to do if someone has dirt on you. You fucking kill them. It doesn't take more than 10 brain cells to figure that out.
Good luck man. Unfortunately if you start now, you're coming in on the last day of an event, so you're probably not gonna be getting anything from it. But so long as you play every day, even if it's just doing a couple missions or going through your daily challenges, you'll get plenty of the ship-building currency, which you should definitely save up to use on the limited events. Past that, all the ships are fairly viable, and most of the really good ones will end up in your inventory just through playing normally. Once you beat the first couple missions, you'll unlock autoplay, which will get you through a lot of the content on its own, especially if you're at a higher level than the stuff you're going up against, and have good equipment too. You'll also end up with a metric fuckton of Quick Finishers, so don't feel bad about using them.
The Wiki is also very useful, make use of it often.
How is this not porn?
no nipple
>-Korea has a porn ban
This is a crime considering Korean girls are hot as fuck
I know it's because of surgery, but my dick doesn't give a shit
So what, you are going to discredit my picks if they have even one of those? Sure, I'll play your game. Tho I'm not sure the fuck you mean by chibishit when half of the korean gachas also uses simplied 3d chibi models, unless...Oh, you are that kings raid shill. Anyway
-the new Gundam gacha
-dissidia opera omnia
That's really a matter of opinion
A lot of people consider areaolas to be part of the nipple
no fucking way that's in the game muh dick
You can get all the characters if you start right now.
Shit like this is why I think that Granblue fighter will fail. The gachafags are just going to stick to the gacha while fans of the genre will most likely get bored of it.
At least it's cool that they using their profits for projects like this. Maybe the rpg will do better since it has a wider appeal.
Looks alright, might try.
>dissidia opera omnia
It's SD style, but I'll give it a pass. Looks good and plays good. I'll hold my opinion on it.
It's Nexon so hard pass. I only need one Nexon game in my life.
>KR shill
I haven't played KR and I don't plan to.
Why the fuck do they make gatcha shit when they can make full on porn but with good gameplay like Rance?
Like, I played Rance for the gameplay, the porn was just a nice bonus
Because straight up porn means you cant put it on the two biggest mobile stores and kills pretty much any hope for expanding your profits with localization? The fuck sort of question is that you retard
Is this still KR only?
>mobile stores
Yeah, but nobody plays mobile games
They're all shit
You'll get like 100 people to watch an ad or buy a micro transaction, but if you want a decent size market you'll got PC
stop looking at gacha as games
How did fgo make five times as much as the next biggest game this gen if nobody plays mobile games
I have no idea what dimension you warped from but please go back there and never show up again
Friendly reminder that Rance's Quest is concluded and we'll never get another Rance game ever again.
I don't know considering the only thing I know about FGO is it's somehow related to Fate Stay Night
They might have a market, but I don't think it's a gamer market
Just do a spinoff starring one of his bastards
They may not have his personality, but they have his hyperweapon and special ability
Too bad the game has a ridiculous powercreep to the point that new units constantly perform better than old ones.
>They might have a market, but I don't think it's a gamer market
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
>But let me talk about it like I know shit anyway
I absolutely despise FGO, but it definitely has its fangs in the "gamer market", because it is genuinely played.
Just like Kancolle and Azur Lane.
Just like Granblu Fantasy.
The list goes on.
>Rance's Quest
Is there a translation patch for the game yet ?
It's worthless if he won't have Rance's personality. Look at Big Bang Age.
Otaku are not gamers, they're weebs
Don't take this bait.
Oh there’s the gun titmonsters
I realized it too late
shame the game is garbage
>Yeah, but nobody plays mobile games
I know it hurts user, but you can't lie to yourself like this.
>2 (TWO) rings
Absolutely disgusting
What???? Someone doesn’t like the gacha I like???
Give me a complete breakdown of your income and spending.
You can get Last Origin via QooApp, but obviously it's untranslated. I've heard rumors that it'll be translated officially at some point within the next year, though.
I see.
I must have really dodged a bullet there, because I only barely dabbled in Gacha before just shunning it later. Part of it is that Gacha games were simply too demanding of my cruddy internet and mid-range phone. They're constantly downloading stuff, and are often more than a gig large. They took up so much space and would slow to a crawl whenever I wasn't on Wi-Fi.
I ended up looking in to other games instead and found a bunch of stuff that I liked and didn't rely on predatory gambling and skinner box manipulation. In fact I find myself largely repulsed by any game that does this.
There's new dialogue daily?
I can imagine how that'd get addictive.
Till you realize there's no meat, no progress
Hey anyone else going to their local gacha arcade today?
I went to a casino once
I put a dollar in a pokie machine, it gave me some kind of special go but I didn't know what it was mechanically so I opted for a free roll instead
I didn't win anything
Fuck pokies
The same reason people go to casinos and love to gamble. These type of things prey and exploit our stupid brains. It's the same reason why we still give value to fucking shiny rocks. Our monkey brains see diamonds as something shiny and we need to have it.
>What the fuck is the appeal of gachashit?
Then I'll probably wait for that translation, thanks gacha user.
Hopefully it comes out sometime soon.
This is the waifu I got from a lucky gacha roll, say something nice!
Caveman brain.
At some point in the life of many, lot of them japanese salaryman, it becomes so boring to go on that you need the constant dopamine hit you get from looking at porn and collecting shiny things, if you are an adult you can override this by deducing that libido is just a defence mechanism that was created in the first place for the preservation of the species. But now, you can easily just access porn when nature calls, get rid of it and move on with your day.
It's like many addictions, you can either choose to indulge in it once in a while and have a great time at concentrated points, or make it part of your daily existence and have an ok time through every day.
Well for me it's more about the reward in VV being versatile, and I can drop the bullshit and just see some nipples. Honestly, if I didn't play FFXIV I'd consider getting into granblue fantasy because it really is like a MMO-lite. Granblue has fully voiced events for just about everything I've seen, which is at the minimum their fate episode about 15mins of dialogue. The issue is unless you're playing it like a MMO, doing raids and gearing up, you're just tapping through dialogue and doing braindead fights.
>the waifu
Who's waifu is it?
Lots of characters.
Honkai Impact 3rd
Do people actually play these on their phones or do they emulate it on their pc/laptops
People do both really, I suppose if people commute for an hour or something they play on their phones during that time like me. But I've seen a lot of people use emulators on their pc to play gachas, maybe neets do this more.
Just save some images of them on your phone or some shit then retard.
Big ups to liquid richard
>They say nice things to you
Why do you care about what a bunch of pixels programmed to spout X amount of lines has to say?
>they love you
Machines can't love.
Battle Cats.
Explain to me why I should ever pay for this shit when I could just look up some hentai for free, or better still some braindead cuck who did pay will just dump that shit?
I have a friend who at one point had $5000 in credit card debt playing Fire Emblem. Truly a mystery.
Reminds me of summertime saga
I've played a bunch of gacha games but I've never spent a cent in any of them. I just don't see the point when you can eventually get everything for free.
it's on panda
Okay, retard.
Only time I ever enjoyed gacha and spent money was Blood Brothers. I really liked the artstyle and how it played. Shame that company behind it fucked it up hard followed by failed "sequel". I miss my goblin boi.
Most gachas I try these days to my eye fuck up something in consistency in art that annoys me up the walls. If anyone knows a game similar to BB which was pretty basic when looking current trends and has consistent art style with big tiddy anime gals on android I would be happy to indulge in decent gacha .
My friends have a habit of going to the casino when their board. I started going often enough that I started tracking my net profit on Excel. To my knowledge very few people do this and most can only remember what their down or up in the last month or so without looking at their bank statements. Makes winning meaningless, unless you luck out win big and never return.
t. assblasted weeb
Whoa there user! You better have a good reason for flinging the R word around!
>no nipples
You can clearly see the nipples actually.
>they'll never leave you.
*game servers shut down*
psssh, nothing personnel kid
I know! When I saw this "game" I thought it was a new porn game or something.
As someone who loves the areola_slip tag, I commend you.
t. virgin
>The next level
>what is onmyoji, hnk, jojo and saint seiya gachas
It is already there in full force user.
No you can see her areolae, her nipples are hidden.
>They've increasingly stopped playing any other games and have become lousy secondaries, not even investing in the respective series their gachas are about.
The fuck's a fate stay/night?
How is Granblue Fantasy? I've always been curious about it but I've seen it been referred to as having a second job and that always scares me away. Is is just exaggeration or is it true? Also, how is Epic Seven? I've seen people praising it but having Korean devs kinda irk me a bit with the talent they usually have for ruining things that were doing good.
it's better than porn.
Arknights will be the new FOTM in half a year time when EN releases. If they manage to get their shit together and start releasing new content more than once a month it might even dominate the mobage scene
I just want loli gacha games
yeah yeah, just add it to the long list of gachas Yea Forums will try to shill every few weeks
>still no waifu bait gacha autochess
If i wasn't a lazy faggot with no skills i would be making one right fucking now. That shit would print money.
>he didnt get top tier summer cinnamon oneesan princess waifu
It's mentally ill gamblers, they're barely human.
>Mfw literally got her for free
What exactly do you want to be gacha, skins? You need a big company behind a project that only monetizes through cosmetics
After you get through the main quest and side stories, the remaining content is basically just autistic grinding and minmaxing. They also add some new side quests every month or so. It's pretty lax if you're not some competitive autismo, you can just grind every once in a blue moon to make some progress. Also it gets free draw events on multiple occasions during the year and in general shits free SSR chars on you. Very F2P friendly if you're not going for autism minmaxing.
Actual pieces, skins and all the visual flavor too of course. Make it a deckbuilding where you make a deck of pieces that got shuffled into the pool from which you draw in the match, make all the interactions that goes with it both good and bad, etc.
When is this shit getting a PC port? Wasn't it supposed to come out on steam?
Even her labia is showing.
That's one of them. Only a single dude even played anything else, and it was Extra, which is trash.
PC client is in beta in china right now, not sure about publishing plans, but it'll probably be standalone. If they're smart it'll be on steam too, I hope they can merge/transfer accounts.
Maybe do what Path of Exile does with mostly cosmetics and then inventory tabs for the autists who want every build/unit/whatever
I hate being punished for being a collector in games, buying inventory space is the most annoying shit in the world.
You chose the gacha life.
I'm mostly complaining that it occurs in MMO's and shit. I tried playing PoE and after a while I had no space and I just sat there hating life.
I just want to toss everything in the bank and sort it out later, dammit.
Imagine actually paying for a chance to get something you could get for free
Dokkan battle seems like the only gacha that doesnt whore out their characters for a quick buck.
Swimsuit Vegito never ever
Unfortunately we'll never get one as every gacha tries to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible to have suckers rolling for their one fetish waifu out of 200
c.umbrain thread
No game can compete with FGO.
fuckshit I wanna play this not on my phone already, I tried their official Chinese spyware client and it couldn't sync with my fucking account for some reason
Nether is taking hormone pills and chopping your dick off but you put a flag in the sewers of Hat in Time anyway.
I will never play that garbage ass game ever again. I used all the free orbs you get from the story trying to get Sothis, I got 4 Hero King Marth and 4 MByleth but no Sothis. Why am I cursed to get pure garbage units instead of good ones. That game deserves to burn.
Never procreate the game
You're having that problem too eh?
I just switched to Nox even though its absolute dogshit. Havent found a solution for the desync
its alright
Make your bed and clean your room bucko
There is no solution, the Tencent emulator works off it's own servers. They took a snapshot of everyone's account and it's held there, sometime in.. February-ish.
People were complaining about their pubg account not being up-to-date, it's an entirely different server.
I use Mumu myself, works great.
>seething lucklet
Pray to fortuna
I was having the same desync problem on Mumu too
If you mean the google play error, yeah, link a mihoyo account on your phone and log in with it on the emulator. I had to do that.
>Why I should ever "play" this shit
FTFY. The only reason to play is for the porn, which you can get online as is or from someone dumping it. It's the same shit I did with those fags playing that shitty Harry Potter movie game for that waifu, why play it yourself when someone will just make a thread showing you what happened.
>nips trying to normalise fatties
Not surprising considering yuri and traps.
It's a gook game
Not much better.
I just fap to the doujin, that seems to be the best approach.
its just asians shilling it here
is there a good way to play honkai impact 3rd without needing to use touch controls?
Just keep rerolling,retard. All you have to do is delete the account,get the free 4t orbs or some shit,and if you dont get it repeat that process. I do that every time cute new characters come out.
Yeah but then what’s the point of playing a game where you can’t actually progress but are just restarting all the time? I would rather keep it deleted off my mind hone because at that point it’s just a way to kill time trying to get a png instead of even the barebones “gameplay” it had before.
what, the I spent more money rights? Lol
Define "meaningful".
I think a PC emulator is out or coming soon, not sure.
>virtual currency
Oh hoh hoh
Is One American Dollar standardized to any amount of anything? If not, there is no inherent value to it.
share some titles with a fellow gacha thread lurker. I have Dungeon Maker and Barrier X installed at the moment.
Personally i think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I only really play azur lane
lifetime spending of 30 eurodollars
You can emulate, Mumu and Memu have controller mapping by default, others might need joy2key or comparable.