WoW Classic

Reminder that only virgins play Rogue. Roll a Paladin if you want a guaranteed raidspot + style on kids in PvP.

Attached: wow rogue vs paladin.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:

No thanks. Healing is for trannies

only if you heal

Why do people make fun of gnomes?

>play Arms Warrior
>zero threat management tools
>if you get aggro and kill it before it kills you, you still win

You guys ready for 70% warrior population?

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I'm having trouble picking Orc Warrior or Troll Shaman

Orc Shaman (female)



im having trouble picking human paladin or human rogue

Play what you think is the most aesthetic, that's by far the most important part of WoW. No race changes so fall in love with your char.
That being said troll shaman for PVE and Orc by far for PVP. But it's marginal for both ( less marginal for Orcs as 25% stun resist is the best racial imo )

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and there will still be tank shortages

Also worth noting that racials tend to only tip the scales in 1v1s or much smaller fights, which is not how a lot of PvP is going to play out in Classic.

Most fights will come down to who has more people or who has the better players or if the alliance has competent paladins in the fight while the racials will barely come into play in a meaningful way.

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Have to go with Troll then as they are my favourite race. Never levelled a Shaman in vanilla so this should be a good time.

Every night i get excited at the idea of being able to run around auberdine as a night elf rogue picking flowers again

Its all i want to do

30% of that 70% gonna be in for a big suprise that nobody wants to group with them as dps, and when they do its always 3 people rolling for the items they want in dungeons and. make that 10 in raids too. get ready to not get geared in next 12 months retards

My racial as a night elf rogue comes inti play when i decide i want to stealth around enemy faction cities and throw distracts at randomly flagged players

30% that manage to get to 60

I really think you underestimate how much value 25% flat stun res is. Especially as Horde as it's rogues and Paladins that have stuns, although I know in organized PvP you only take 1 rogue.
Shaman is a great utility class/aoe healer. Also hella fun as elemental in PVP. You can even run ench in raids if you run Nightfall.

what toon should i roll boys? I was only ever alliance. I want to try horde.

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Orc stun resist is absolutely the best racial in the game, I'm not arguing that. It just matters less when there's a gorillion other CCs going out in larger fights. It's not going to outright win a fight for you like it will in 1v1s some of the time.

Tauren hunter, the ultimate chad

Because reliving all the expansions would just get us into the same mess that retail is in right now...

Acceptable post phase 6 content:

>Dungeon/Raid/zone/questing content that doesn't invalidate original content
>Barber Shop
>AoE Looting
>Pet AoE resistance
>New, lore friendly races/major cities
>Taunts for Paladins
>New Battlegrounds/World PVP content
>New Reputations
>Events such as the pre-wrath Zombie Infestation event
>Progressing the story(good)

Unacceptable post phase 6 content:

>Level Creep
>Gear Creep
>Profession/Consumable Creep
>Cash Shop
>Progressing the story(shit, see:literally anything post vanilla)

Anything missing here?

Fuck this trash game. Just a waiting room for the definitive version

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Will I get raid spots as a Hunter?

Yes, every raid needs 2 or 3 Hunters. Most Hunters are going to be retarded because they're Hunter players. If you are a not retarded Hunter, you have a pretty good chance of getting a spot.


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only if you spot my dick

Yes because tranq shot

Why did you post a pic of WoD's Nagrand?

I can't wait to AoE farm DM and BRD as a mage.

This is the most disgusting post ive ever read

Mandate of Heaven PvP is LFM players for Classic WoW

-- --

15/15 Naxx Experience, Two 40-man and Five 20-man experienced raid leaders.

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Listen up. To all you Retardins, Elememetal and Encrapment Shamans, OOMkins and Ferlols. You will be healing. From level 10 onwards you are a healing class only. You will not get into groups unless you go into a healing spec and even then priest are better than you in every single way. Oh and to all you druids and paladins you aren't tanks either leave that to the Warriors, thanks.

You rolled a Rogue didn't you?

Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne

So is there any Yea Forums guild by chance?

Probably, but you don't want to join them. If anything, join one that's created post-launch. Anything created beforehand is almost guaranteed to be a circlejerk.

Probably. I never cared for the WoW community ever since I was in high school and tried it out in 2005 before going back to EQ2. I rather not join in and go into a normie guild primarily one that reeks of reddit.

tbc best wow, i dont give a fuck about muh slippery slope

>i want new dungeons and raids but all of the loot in them should be shit
People would run them once a year and then go back to farming naxx.

>Yea Forums guild
>in any game
Enjoy your meme spouting faggots and tranny drama.

Even if you are a retarded Hunter you will probably still get a spot if you're just barely less retarded than someone else.

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enjoy your redditors who will /gkick and mass report you for making a joke

>80% of these players won't hit 60
>50% won't hit 40
>10% won't hit 20
>only having 4 tanks and one is a druid

there's plenty of good Yea Forums guilds but they don't get spammed on here because it easily attracts redditors
have to know people or find it yourself to join and then it's a pretty good experience

Why is this so zoomed in? Why hide the paladin's HP?

Everyone is saying Classic is a solved game and everything is going to be easy now but I really doubt that.

MMO players are still pretty much as retarded and shit at games as they've always been.

I will be very surprised if some people can't top meters with meme specs just like they always could.

>le evil reddit arming is persecuting me

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It's funny that you can see if it's original WoW or nuWoW just from the color of the textures.


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That is literally what Yea Forums will do. You have clearly not played a game or been in a Yea Forums guild

>they reopened beta
It's gonna be a shitshow on release, isn't it?

Jokes on you. Horde doesn't have Pallys.

Reminder that no snapshotting = unfun wow

what server

>someone took this faggots name

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I'm rolling tauren warrior tank with a pocket healer priest buddy

I think it'll be easy for anyone that has a bare minimum care about getting anything done at end game or "top level", just like retail.
But the vast majority of MMO players, like all things, are absolute casuals and retards. I guarantee about 70% of vanilla players will not look at anything outside of the game besides where to go for quests. They care so little about minmaxing or completing content to put any modicum of effort, but will more than happily get carried if the opportunity arises while being none the wiser that that's exactly what's happening.
The main population for any MMO are straight randoms.

>Roll a Paladin
Why is our priest wears plate?

>only 1 high pop realms
guess "think you do but you dont" was true all along

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yo fagadins are so annoying
should I make a webm how the same rogue destryos 2 at the same time and spam it as well?

>idiot actually got in server early and instead of spamming enter looked there confused at error message and customized character
he deserved it desu


My friend is still convinced that people will be fine with taking him along as a DPS warrior. "They top DPS with Fury bro and fucking roflstomp in PvP"

1. They do top DPS in full Naxx gear with all world buffs and flasks and even then a mage will still pass you with ignite stacking.

2. Up to 60 they're bottom of the barrel dps. Enhancement shamans do more DPS than warriors while leveling up AND bring more to the table.

3. Any warrior that's tanking a group won't bring you along to DPS for him because you're an automatic gear rival who will be rolling on the stuff he wants.

4. PvP and PvE as a warrior require two entirely different specs. You won't be topping DPS in PvP spec and you won't be cleaving skulls in PvE spec.

The problem is everyone sees the meters and the Maydie PvP video and just assume everything is all roses for the warrior. That couldn't be further from the truth. Warriors exist to suffer unless you're the main tank pet of the guild who more often than not is the guild master himself. First, you take forever to level and everyone buttfucks you in world pvp unless you have a pet priest holding your hand. Second, once you finally get to 60 you won't be seeing any gear for a fucking while because everything is going to Chad "Main Tank" Thundercock until he's completely kitted out while you and the other 10 warriors fight for scraps. Finally, once all is said and done the class has a fairly high skill cap and skill floor to do anything as.

Do you know how many people are yet to sub? Because me and my friend are at least two of them and I have plenty more in the guild.

I mean the retail raiding scene is about 100 times bigger than what it used to be in vanilla.

Even the top 300 guilds that raid 2 days a week and have brainlets are used to much harder boss mechanics, harsher grinding that borderlines on gacha, and more complex rotations, because even bda rotations are harder than vanilla.

Not to mention, there is no information loss like with other more obscure games, private servers have detailed guides, bis lists, farm routes etc.

Classic is gonna be split open in record time by the actual people that play the videogame.

The supreme normies that only do lfr or nothing serioua are gonna remain the same.

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Because faggots do want, but they also do want only on one server that got memed into being the "main one" and "if you play anywhere else you are irrelevant lmao"

I think one thing that will be different is the amount of prepwork that goes into raiding in Classic.

I think a lot of people, even those who raid in retail, are going to be a little unprepared for that. Most will probably figure it out though.

I mean, people already have to do hours of world quests to keep their neck leveled up, get essences, get rep to unlock essences, do the weekly +10, do the weekly event, do the world boss if you need it, farm manapearls for benthic gear, etc.

I don't know if you play wow right now but it's serious grind if you want to stay updated and keeping up.

It's not hard work, but blizzard has clearly engineered it to make people stay logged in for hours, way more than any expansion I've ever played.

He's right and wrong. He's right in the sense that guilds will want DPS warriors - every single raiding guild will want anywhere from eight to twelve warriors, and only one will be prot. But no warrior tank will ever let another warrior in his dungeon groups, so unless the guy befriends a bear, he'll either have to get a shield of his own or never do a single dungeon ever.

He had it saved from days ago, that was just a show.

Actually virgins play warlocks and mages, where else do you think they get their powers? The void?

Is there actually going to be any demand for tanks? It seems like everyone and their mother are rolling warrior

what addons u bros usin?

bugmen should just nuke the entire america honestly

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For dungeons? Yes

For raids? No

and all those dipshits think they will be dpsing. yes there will be demand for tanks who actually want to tank

Reminder that playing Classic is for rose-tinted glass wearing losers who haven't realized that a new game has emerged that has perfected the WoW formula.
>better story
>better PvP which is instanced to not intrude in your world experience
>modern QoL
>better combat
>no trash mobs in raids

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>Enjoy your meme spouting faggots and tranny drama.
If you truly think that, then why are you here?


Yeah, you probably enjoy tumblr or reddit guilds.

I doubt I'll ever find the time for 40-man day killers anywag

Classic has less of that, but way more consumables farming. Flasks, potions, food, world buffs, it's something you have to do before every raid.

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Spotted the redditor

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TBC gave us flying and turned 36% of horde into Blood Elves (check wow realm pop stats if you don't believe me). One in every third horde is a blood elf, and there are more blood elves than any other race in the game.

Horde aesthetic was ruined, and I'm an alliance player.

>world buffs
no you dont lol. that shit is ONLY for guilds trying to speedkill

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drink bleach

All of that sounds fucking awful.

Yea Forums guilds are literally worse

But enjoy getting kicked when you wont chant nigger

>anime shit
fuck off

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also in retail
also in retail
also in retail
>world buffs
only the top 1% of tryhards will bother with this

The problem is we dont know how they calculate this.

High could just mean there are a million people on it and half a million on 'low'. Or it could literally be each server has a cap and there is barely anyone on any server. But we have no idea.


>only the top 1% of tryhards will bother with this
you're in for a rude awakening if you think people wont make you get dm buffs/ony head at the very least

>no argument
>ad hominen
Yeah you showed me
>wanting an HD archaic mess
You wont recreate the hey days of XI the same way you wont remake Classic. Move on and learn that better games have improved on their outdated design.
Try it out and you'll see the changes are for the better. Change is inevitable.

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Servers are a lot more full than there were in

i played on private servers for YEARS the only time people bothered was when we did speed clears

even the pugs on nostalrius made you get dm buffs

or they won't bother as MC will be cleared by 20 people on week 2 with maybe a couple tanks with effort put into their gear

is pic related the boy or the girl?
I'd fuck them both desu


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>playing minigames
only acceptable PvP is random encounter world PvP

Fel and Arcane respectively

only time will tell, but im betting that a guild of people who know how to play won't need many buffs. with modern addons, computers, and internet speeds, on top of it being old content, i think raiding is going to be vastly easier than how we remember it.

I've only seen Leddit polls, but most servers are really lacking in Shamans and Priests.

>mfw so many people are choosing their classes based on end game thinking it will be as easy or simple to break into like it is in vanilla

Most of you suckers will take a glance at attuning, farming for every single run, etc and give up.

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people tend to forget. everyone who didn't come from eq1 was a retardedly stupid when it came to raids. that shit actually kept up well into wotlk.

I think a lot of players looked a Nostalrius, saw zergs of players and assumed vanilla looked like that. When that was simply not true. Vanilla server cap was really low and that's why there are fuckton of servers in the first place, good deal of which are ghost towns at this point.

It's the girl my good friend. You have good taste.
>i sleep
Yeah you do sleep cause it doesn't force you to stay subbed forever. It's designed to let you play other games and still enjoy other MMOs. It isn't the trash skinner box that is WoW.

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Reminder that this guild legitimately and unironically uses Twitch emote humor in guild chat.

Not to mention you will be interrogated by every member of "who you are" if you're not in the clique.

People fundamentally misunderstand tank shortages. It's not that the average warrior refuses to tank (obviously such dipshits do exist), it's that there are very few raid tanks, and due to the importance of the role, the position is reserved for guild leadership (officers, raid leader, etc.). A warrior is about as likely to find a guild willing to let him tank as a paladin is to find a guild willing to let him LARP as DPS. That's how dire things are. So the only reason average warrior tanks is to get an easy dungeon spot and get his DPS pre-raid BiS. And since tanks have such an easy time finding dungeon groups, they gear up very quickly, and once they have their pre-raid BiS, why should they do a dungeon ever again? Sure, some are going to e.g. tank Stratholme for orbs as a money making scheme and things like that, but they're a tiny minority. Rest will either stop tanking forever, or only tank in guildie groups to help out friends do a dungeon.

>dat feel when EU servers won't be separated by languages, except for Russian

Great. Just great.

red ribbon = girl
blue ribbon = boy


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Reminder that FFXIV fags defend this cause they think bring back seasonal items is bad. Apparently WoW's cash shop is worse cause of their "RMT" excuse.

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Germans and French get theirs too. Lack of Spanish servers is the only major problem.

I don't know. People put up these streamers as if they'll ruing the game, but think about it. Think they'll ever go into raiding or PvP where they can't take their useless sycophants with them? Streamers will just be an annoyance for average players as they walk into a zone with their raid group.

>all these people think they are going to raid as a ret pally

From the time you took that screenshot today there are now four "Full" servers

You think you do but you dont but actually the servers are full.

>Australia gets its own comfy servers
Or containment servers, depends on how you look at it

Literally no one gives a shit about raids retailfag. People play classic for leveling.

If south east asians played more than dota 2 the 2 AU servers would be infested too

>leveling as paladin

>both oceanic servers are low populations while multiple other servers are now full
I think we survived for now

The problem here is you have autism and think WoW is a single player RPG.

Leveling Paladins/Priests/Warriors is fun when you know how to press Enter and write words.

Yea Forums guilds are always full of the most autistic meme-spewing spergs on the internet and they're not self aware enough to realize how autistic and spergy they are.

That's crazy because they players cant even enter the servers just the name creation screen. People aren't spending 2 hours looking at their newly created character, just in and out which means there's a massive amount of people still creating names since they opened. Makes me think blizzard seriously underestimated the number of players.

seething pally

Pretty much. No one will refuse to party with a pocket healer who will dramatically lower their downtime between mobs. Warriors in particular want one.

Actually I prefer to play the most generic class possible
>White, human, warrior with old face and white hair

Hunters have their pets. I have my sex-slave healers. Its the circle of life.

I hope its a total disaster at launch, millions of people, not enough servers, total clusterfuck.

The anal pain from retail players on their dead servers will be immerse and the shitposting on Yea Forums glorious.

Doubt it. I wish they simply had more servers instead of layering, though. It just needlessly breaks up the world.


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>implying this is not a scheme to get players to cross play on classic and retail

mark my words, blizzard will give away BFA at some point so you have something to do between classic sessions.

>Only played Vanilla for like literally an hour or two back in the day so might as well have never played it
>Watching class videos is just making it harder to pick which one to go with
>Hard pressed choices would be Mage, Warlock, or Druid
I honestly don't know, they all seem appealing in some way outside of maybe a couple which I definitely don't want to play, but they all seem to have something shitty about them that I keep hearing which turns me off a bit

>mfw KEK is coming back full circle
Maybe even BUR catches on.

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Retail and Classic have nothing in common at all though. No one wants to play retail.

which one is the streamer server so I know where to avoid

That's exactly it. Blizzard wants classic to fail, and they're setting it up to fail with layering and the amount of servers.

nothing is shitty about mage. they always have spots in raid as well as saving a shit ton of time and money with free food and teleports


You don't have to race to end-game. Just play each class you're interested in up to 20. Do Wailing Caverns or Deadmines. See which one grips you.

>Roll a Paladin if you want a guaranteed raidspot
as a healer
>style on kids in PvP
only if you somehow convince your guild to let you be a retnigger. arms and furychads are gonna get gear before you though

I guess that's true, the only thing I would be afraid of is how over-populated it would be since I'm assuming most people are going to be doing Warriors, Mages, and Hunters.

True. If you enjoy being pestered by everyone you come across for those things.


To be fair that's not surprising. Classic as such doesn't really bring much to the RP crowd other than the fact all these weird new races are not in the game yet.

RP has always been niche though.

And still we have no idea what 'low' means at this point. It could still have a huge population but comparatively to streamer shitholes its 'low'

Can I roll mage if I'm a 30+ yo virgin?

gotta make a server for the Moon Guardians

>literal wizard class
duh bro you will actually perform better if you are still a virgin

>Can I roll mage if I'm a 30+ yo virgin?
Sorry user, you have to go full warlock. Only 20 year old virgins can be mages.

Sure why not? Frost mage is faceroll

yep and thats when you charge them for it and make even more gold

Mages will always have an easy time getting in groups since most people will roll melee in general.
There's also always warlock.

should probably go warlock and defend your chastity against the succubus

Mage and rogue are the only fun classes

Lock, hunter, are fun too but less so

Thinking about rolling a female character with a female name so I can get easy loot pretending I'm a woman, how likely is that to happen?

>no garbage new races
>no garbage new zones
>no garbage new classes
>no garbage new storylines
>no ERPers
it just needs sharting gone and it would be perfect

>spamming frostbolt
mages are strong but they are mind numbing until you can roll fire in AQ

Unlikely because discord and prevalence of microphones

I was talking about pvp

Raiding is mash fest for everyone
Spamming sinister strike isnt fun either

>have addons from nostalrius days
>they're for 1.12.1

I just hope they'll work for 1.12. no idea what could be contentious.

They won't, there's a reason they're calling the release version 1.13.

cant decide between orc or undead warlock

they wont. classic uses the modern api you need to find updated versions for them go to willitclassic

stupid mudhud no shoes basket shitter

ah shit


dilate alliance scum

Alright yeah I'll probably do Mage since it just seems like the most convenient to play what with the Conjures and Teleports, Warlock seems nice too for their utility but I didn't like playing too much Warlock the last time I played Retail so I don't know how much I'd like them here

Plan to PvP? Will of the Forsaken kinda makes Forsaken a go-to choice.

If your guild has any clue what it's doing, Paladins should have just as much claim to PvP gear as the warriors, nobody takes two handers to raids so it doesn't matter who gets the big dick hammer

Its only full because everyone made a character on every server just in case



good leveling professions?
i assume its useless to level tailoring/enchanting and what not before max level
was thinking mining/skinning on a warlock up till 60 and then reroll enchanting/tailoring

Shoes are for pricks and people who don't have cute feet.

>not dumb savage hobos
pick ONE

Who /Hunter/ here?
>almost every weapon is a hunter weapon
>second least played class, so loot will be easy to come by
>every raid needs 2 or 3 for tranq shot
>pop pop pop watching motherfuckers drop in pvp
>low performance expectations in pve

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cant wait to raid vanilla again

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I won't raid at all. Just in it for slow burn leveling experience.

>>not dumb savage hobos

Whenever I see his name I keep reading it as "Asmongoloid".

Play D&D on Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds, you're too old for MMOs now.

Hunters kind of fell out of favor on private servers. early on they're some of the better ranged dps, they solo well and you need them in raids for shit like tranq shot
The downside is after BWL comes out their dps tanks in comparison to other ranged dps and they get limited to about 2 or 3 raid spots
As far as pvp goes, shitty hunters will consistently get trashed while the good ones will pick their targets and use their traps and pets in such manner they're very hard to deal with. Sadly most hunters don't master the class in this way.

Mages are the kings of aoe, hard CC and extreme burst damage. you'll be welcome in any group while leveling and be top ranged dps once AQ comes out and you can rolling ignite spam, before then, just keep casting frostbolt. you'll earn mountains of gold by aoe farming with blizzard and likewise selling water, food and portals to other players. their only real detriment is the constant downtime you will need to recover mana which will leave you open to ambush and relatively defenseless.
In pvp mages have good kit and will dumpster most melee with frost nova and frostbolt spam, blinking away when threatened to regain the range advantage. But their real application comes in wiping entire raids in small squads like catachan jungle fighters ambushing greenskins locking down as many people as possible with frost nova and then lighting off blastwaves and a sapper charges.

>trash past huhuran

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Well, this is it Yea Forums, i think just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $4999 in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and fags giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream link:


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based min-maxing memespouting zoomer who thinks he's fucking hilarious and loveable when in reality everyone who plays with him can't stand how hard he tries to be funny or fit in
same applies to female dwarves

Warriors are shitty soloers, are highly gear dependent, gold hungry, buff hungry and will basically be the defacto tank anywhere they go outside of raids. You WILL get dunked on by pretty much every class while leveling. But should you persist, make it to 60 and get gear and play with a dedicated support class, you will become an unimaginable force. A minister of death praying for war.
In raids you'll either be a tank or relegated to the absurd melee dps you are capable of. This is a double edged sword as you also have no way of REDUCING the threat you generate without also reducing your damage output. The short and skinny is you need to self throttle your damage output as to not over take the tanks and grab aggro. You may also be called upon to act as an offtank so be sure to farm up the appropriate gear for those fights.
In pvp you stun, fear bomb, snare and hit shit as hard as you fucking can. Solo, you will either stomp someone into the dirt or get stomped yourself. As part of a group? This is where you really shine. Think of warriors like the heavy in TF2. Alone you're pretty easy meat, but when working in conjunction with a medic, you become a force of reckoning. So get to be friends with a paladin/shaman/priest/druid. It'll pay off in spades if pvp is your end goal

Man I wish I gave a single fuck about that dude cause that would amplify how funny this is.

orcs are way cooler and counter rogues
t. undead mage

KYS and stop posting this every day or two



raiding with MoH on kronos was unironically one of the most painful things i've ever put myself through in my video game career

i'd rather play retail than go through that again

NO one gives a a shit about your life story you blog posting faggot. This is a videogames thread not your dumbass Facebook.

One of my friends is in this guild and they seem like complete irredeemable shitters.

>guild has loot council
not sure i have the patience for guild politics and scheming again

FF-fags rant saving this genre, wonder if it's the same one from this thread.

>They do top DPS in full Naxx gear with all world buffs and flasks and even then a mage will still pass you with ignite stacking.
Blatantly false.

Meta terms in healslut play? That's kinda lame, user.

hurry up so you can stop posting this shit
and god speed you magnificent bastard

>One of my friends is in this guild and they seem like complete irredeemable shitters.
Fun Fact: Also literal trannies

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I'm only going to tank to enjoy healsluts worshiping me.

The smart play is to roll another class that can farm, then have it supply your warrior gear

>meme face
No that's not me, people thinking XIV saved MMOs is nearly universal outside you WoWfags.

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Seems right for WoW. Play XIV to avoid them user.

why have you been posting this for like 2 months? take your meds.

Don't you have some weekly lockouts to grind, tranny fantasy-kun? Those tomestones aren't going to cap themselves!

>Just have the entire party instantly react to completely random bullshit the boss will do lmao
My guild on a private server never progressed further than Twin Emps just because those mobs just completely killed our motivation to push further

>being a raid-logging parse tranny
I got half of my Savage Gear for the week user. I got maps, mounts and gear to craft. The joys of an actual MMO that I wish you will someday experience once you leave WoW.

>Don't want to do anything but tank in group content
>Rolling on an RPPVP server
>Not interested in raiding.
Is warrior truly the way for me to go?

Based user giving bad advice to people who have the gall to ask.



Yes, they're better rogues than rogues are, and I'll always take a fury warrior in my raid over a rogue. DoT cap is still going to be a part of WoW Classic, and I don't think many people are thinking about it.

Bear druids make good tanks too user. Better than warrior for leveling by far

>XIV saved MMOs
By following nu-WoW formula of single player game with MMO high-end content?

Yes and no. Better dps than rogues certainly, but worse at managing their threat. Stack dps warriors only if you trust your tanks and healers

>low performance expectations in pve

Never gonna make it.

if an item has a drop rate of D, and K is the amount of mobs killed, how can i calculate the chance of an item dropping?
iirc from math class its not as easy as K * D right?

It's more like K(X) * D, where X is your increasing frustration every time it doesn't drop.

It's one of the worst in the market. You stupid zoom zooms are just obsessed. If you don't see why retail and FF14 is shit you ARe lost.

pretty much the opposite. they specialize in keeping wounds open

>New bad old good
Yeah it's why modern gave design followed you, oh wait it didn't. You're so used to no story that you now equate it to Single Players which is saddening.

>hype is already dead for this game
>barely any Yea Forums threads


Stop it dumbass. Even as a FF14 player around 70% of the user base quits when the story is over. People still subbed ERP or dont want to loose their house.

>servers were chaos for name reservations

There was probably more people subbed yesterday than the entirety of the expansion.

This, servers aren't even full anymore. Anyone can login.

What server do I join to avoid the streamers?

>if an item has a drop rate of D, and K is the amount of mobs killed, how can i calculate the chance of an item dropping?
I mean, the chance of the item dropping would just be D. If you mean the chance of it dropping after killing K mobs, then I think it's 1 - ((1-D)^K) (So if something has a 10% chance to drop, you take .9 for 90% to NOT drop, and keep multiplying that by itself for every kill. It becomes .81 (So a 19% chance to drop after 2 kills) .729 after 3 kills (So a ~27% after 3 kills) etc. So after 10 kills you'd have a ~65.1% chance of getting it, whereas using K*D (10 * 0.1) you'd supposedly have a 100% chance of getting it.
Please don't bully me if I messed this up I'm no mathmagician

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yeah this is correct
which means grinding around 1600~ mobs to get crusader enchantment
what a time to be alive

>barely any Yea Forums threads
There's 8 fucking wow threads up right now, 7 of them are about classic.
I'm not saying that's a good thing, idiots should use their eyes and narrow it down to at most 2, but they're there.

>Yeah it's why modern gave design followed you, oh wait it didn't.

>houselets mad they couldn't get a grade 1 plot

I'm so sorry.


attention seeking trannies

>le shaman memes

those snappy video u see of ele shamans and wf hits happen 3 out 10 fights and u lose the other 7

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jesus was it really that long ago

lol eu trash shut up no one cares

It was a long journey

>nobody wants to group with them as dps

You're aware that Warrior is THE dps in Classic, of course.

how could he have it saved from days ago if that was the day when you could reserve a name?

Kill yourself Horde scum.


Paladin may be easy but it's boring as fuck

>Play XIV to avoid them user.
From my experience XIV is tranny heaven. Also for some fucking reason they all play the blue Au Ra race. Why the fuck is that anyway?

I'm probably going to go hunter. Should I go dwarf or night elf? And, more importantly, since I want to roll on an RP server, Buccaneers or Grobbulus?

paladin is safe but mind numbingly slow

bur agol

>have Shammydavis
>realize now FTauren Shaman meme factor would be ruined by the name

If only Oprahwindfury fit the fucking name size. I guess MTauren Shaman is fine though.

I hope very idiot that rolls warlock understands what they're in for. I've rolled a new warlock to cap every single expansion because I have problems. Vanilla was the absolute most painful of them. Yes, the leveling can be smooth because of their sustain but I think people are forgetting just how fucked up warlocks were. Half their talents are dead picks by a generous estimate, or closer to 2/3s by a more pessimistic one. Just go play a mage you dumb fucks.

we /fresh/ now

best race for mage?

gonna roll ud priest, put all talents in shadow and go heal 5mans making the minmaxers seethe

They're taking a shaman anyways

I did, it was really fun but I roll a new class with every server I play. This time I'm going for Warlock and yes, I do expect for it to be mediocre early on.

Undead warrior and orc warlock here. Can't wait

gonna roll pally and my bro's going druid, EASY raidspots and literally ungankable, get dunked, noshoes

especially when you're coming from a private server, ele shaman scaled way too fucking hard with spellpower, at least on K3 and Northdale


retail warlock is NOTHING like classic warlock

classic warlock was peak warlock


>>second least played class, so loot will be easy to come by
Lmao what? The least played classes starting from the lowest are druid, warlock and priest.

Where did all the EU PvP players end up?

Did the Spanish ruin Golemagg or Shazz?

This is one of my biggest gripes with Classic. Classes are delegated to specific roles because they otherwise suck, and people think this is fun???

Like, I'm convinced that nearly all of the hype for Classic is literally just nostalgiagoggles for a point in WoW's life that can't and won't exist anymore, because just looking at all of the Vanilla WoW stuff just shows the game was absolute garbage when it first came out.

Are druids hard to play in vanila? All that shapeshifting seems annoying to manage

>Auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, bubble, heal, auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, bubble, heal
Yeah no thanks.

very few people like tanking, and most people are garbage at it, even on live (at least when i unsubbed a couple years ago). Now that threat is a big deal and you have to plan pulls, theres going to be a fuckton of garbage warriors out there.

not hard, but they're terrible at everything that isn't flag running

Where my /GEHENNAS/ bros at???

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if you mean peak in having fun playing a warlock? Absolutely. if you mean peak in power? not even close.
patch 1.12 is also after they fixed some of the more fun warlock tricks that made some of retail not so fucking miserable. Patch 1.9 itemization changes also fucked up some funny builds that were possible for all of 1 month as well as remove negative resistances. 1.12 contains a lot of the qol fixes they got, but by then a lot of the nasty tricks they had are also gone. All that you're left with is an underpreforming mage that gets their gear stolen by the spriest alt cuz their main is more important to the guild than you are.

The real worst part of playing warlock in classic is that unlike retail you can't just tell people "oh I'm not specced for that" when they ask you for healthstones or portals. You could just lie about anything at all and people would believe you because no one knew how the fuck warlocks worked.

Don't roll Horde. It's simple as

...Weekly lockouts are a thing in WoW too?

Shut the fuck up retard. There will never be a 'Classic +'. Stop posting this fucking cancer and kill yourself. They will do TBC and finally Wrath legacy servers but never a Classic + abomination. I am stoked for classic but what I really want is a Wrath server. That was the pinnacle of WoW in every way.

Stop recruiting for your shit tranny guild.

FFXIV Player here who also played vanilla to wrath and looks forward to classic.

>>better story
True, especially the addon Shadowbringer and Heavenward where pure kino.
>>better PvP which is instanced to not intrude in your world experience
It's horrible trash, instanced isn't something you brag about
>>modern QoL
Yes and then tons of console limitations like loading screens everywhere convoluted menus, it goes both ways.
>>better combat
Subjectively true but that depends, I like it but I can understand why some don't.
>>no trash mobs in raids
How is that good ? Raids are just 1 Square/Round Platform to the next, it's shit.

Fucking hate dishonest fags shitting on games, no matter if you play FF or WoW (or both), enjoy your game.

this is wow combat thats supposed to look better than xiv combat?

trashmobs are a timesink not a chellenge or in any ways interesting as gameplay in raids.
its only logcal to streamline that piece of raid gameplay or do you have any fond memories on the trash in coil?

German PVP Server is so full, some are wandering off to the English ones.

Classic only has them for raiding, which is about the only acceptable use of them. Modern MMOs like nu-WoW and Tranny Fantasy revolve entirely around drip feed skinner box "content" on daily/weekly lockouts.

In the case of FF14 it's a weekly cap on welfare loot tokens that's intended to be achieved by running the daily dungeons at least 4-5 times a week. And don't you dare to even think about just grinding that shit in one evening, because dungeon runs past the daily reward give you jack shit tokens. Oh, and the game only gets like two new faceroll 4-man dungeons every few months, so hope you enjoy running the same mindnumbing mob tunnel every day.

I think the raid attunements themselves will turn off all retailcucks who make it to 60.

>trashmobs are not a chellenge
Someone's clearly never heard of The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

>dat feel when RP realm in no danger
only problem is it's a multi-language realm in EU despite being listed as English

Drop rate in WoW is totally dependent on how much you want it. You will never see that 10% drop chance weapon you're after until you run it on an alt who can't use it.

>Even as a FF14 player around 70% of the user base quits when the story is over
I do that every addon, story is great but after that I get bored, farming EX and Savage is fun for a while but .... Meh.

What NA PvE server would you guys recommend?

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tanking is literally the only role i enjoy. Healing is refilling bars and DPSing you may as well be a bot, i just zone out

I need to be the centre of attention otherwise i fall asleep

>Have been tank only for years and years
>Will be leveling as a prot warrior
>Wont have to deal with bad tanks making me upset at how bad they are
Leveling as prot will be a "fun experience, but I feel like doing it.

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why even play at that point

>do you have any fond memories on the trash in coil?
No but they where an obstacle, a time sink to overcome. I don't need boss after boss after boss, which isn't even how 8 man raiding is since every boss sits in his own containment dungeon, gated behind loading screens.
24 man Raids are far better designed and the only ones you could call raids, Dun Scaith was peak raiding, except it being quite easy.
Give me Wiping City of Maach and Dun Scaith Savage and I'd be happy.

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its all about pvp anyway.

You will be 1 of 20 tanks on the whole server, enjoy.

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I don’t mind tanking but I’m too much of a boomer to be the Tank that 40 people rely on to progress in raids

I’ll just be on my Tauren Shaman spamming chain heal and sipping monster zero with my free hand

I love tank and i'm pretty good at it becuase of how long I have been doing it and how it the main thing I like doing.

I underestimated the volume of character reservers and all the PvP servers are full.

EU is so fucked lol. We need way more pvp servers.

Shazzrah's official discord has like 20k fucking people in it. This is not going to work.

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>still 50 queues daily to get in

Lmao yeah right

NE Hunter or Human Paladin? Female of course.



imagine either playing NE Male (lol) or playing a man that wears a dress, now THAT'S a tranny.

They just announced a third one, user.

Yeah and that will fill up really quickly too

UD warrior or troll hunter?

I dunno. I would rather have a shitty launch than dead servers in a year or two. I mean, i won't play this for years but let's say 3 years from now I want to level or play a bit - I want populated servers

I don't want to transfer characters like I did on every server that became dead

Why does XIV not have PVP?
I just wanna run about as a rogue or hunter and fuck people

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Imagine being a shitadin in vanilla LMAO

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Also leveling as prot. Are prot warriors any good in open world pvp? I always liked them on live, even if you can't kill someone you can make them miserable for a long time.


How are hunters in retail?
What race do I play 'em as?


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Not great at Open PVP, but after a certain point people can't really kill you and you will just make them hate themselves for fighting you and they will just fuck off.

>Wrath server. That was the pinnacle of WoW in every way.
Only before the LFG tool, which eliminated too much of the social interaction.

Sorry i don't reply to 2d girls questions

I think I might try playing a healer this time. Is there any class that's significantly better at healing than all others for horde?

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6'5 btw

>but after a certain point people can't really kill you
This is at the point where you get a pocket healer


>pull raid boss
>dps will immediately go full tilt
>boss turns and cleaves half the raid to death
>dps will think this is the tanks fault for the next 6-10 months


I had a Paladin on Nostalrius and again on Lights Hope. Tanked every dungeon up to and including DM/ubrs/scholo/strath (mind you I had to kit myself out a bit more for those), it's most certainly doable. I rolled with a work colleague who was a Priest and we made sure to only invite leather wearers for no gear competition with the occasional lock for summons. Would just get food/water off a mage before a run so we never even needed one. Had enough heals to nullify the need for crowd control, shit was piss easy.

People are far more willing to share loot for a dungeon run when there's 3 dps spots open since tank/heals are ready to go asap.


Dwarfbros. Where the FUCK are we at?

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are you doing your part?

paladin tanking is optimal for dungeon as they hold aoe aggro easier, they get smacked in raids because they can't block all crushing blows

Priest will top the HPS meters, Shamans are best for AoE healing (and utility) and only pick Druid if you ever want to tank at some point in Classic. Priest is the only choice for a dedicated healer


>My wife's son keeps laughing at me because i'm going healer

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You can expect a lot of this shit happening the first few months because of retail zoomers being used to going balls to the wall on dps immediately and not having to worry about aggro.

reminder to roll horde to avoid roasties

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I'm maining druid despite Ebbnflow shitting on his own main class.

Not when leveling. Warriors don’t shine till 60 AND geared. Nobody wants a non tank warrior till then. A bunch of people are in for an awful time leveling.

Wait for 5 stacks of sunder, fellas, it's not that hard.

Have fun getting to 60 and realising that you’d rather be another class for any of your 3 builds

Never wanted to tank raids, even though I couldn't do it mechanically. The time commitment is bonkers and I just wanted the guaranteed raid spot for heals since the bar for entry for healers is the lowest out of any role. Seriously you can rock up in fucking greens and still get a spot if you say you're healing.

I got my tier sets funneled to me on both servers because not only did I show up on time, I actively recruited for my guilds and helped out alts/newcomers. Easiest epics ever. Once I had my Judgement I pretty much exclusively did battlegrounds/wpvp as whatever hybrid spec I wanted and had a blast. Had the most fun with holy/reck or ret/holy hybrid but going full RETard had it's moments too. Juicy SoC procs/crits when the stars align using an asscandy is like heroin

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it's hard for new people to learn tanking when the mage ninjapulls with pyro, the rogue walks too close to another pack and gets hit out of stealth (vanish is a joke in vanilla) and the healer panics and gets healing aggro because he just spams shit all the time

I will. I've mained druid since early 2005. Almost all of his negative points were things I'm already used to and find easy to deal with.
Gigantic bonus point that druids have nearly no competition on gear.
It's funny tho, not sure if it's just old private server footage or whatever, but he plays really badly in a lot of the clips used, plus lacking essential addons that did exist in Vanilla.

typically speaking druids were better healers but the advantages of totems is just too much to pass up

Sweet, faggot containment server.

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Alright guys, i subbed and made a Dwarf Rogue on three different PvP servers. Whitemane, Fairbanks, and the RPPVP one.
I just want to be a dickass in open world and harass people. Is this the right set up? What is rogue's game plan?

When was dual spec added to the game? TBC?

i leveled a paladin alongside my brother who was a druid. while doing dungeons tanking and healing was interchangeable between us and we only invited cloth dps so we could hoard all the loot. good times

it was all level 30 stuff from the beta i think

reminder that rogues are consistently better at cutting edge content than warriors, so don't fall for the meme that you being a warrior assure you will do better. you only pass rogues after you get gear funneled

>Final Faggotree.
Lol nigga get real.

>/sit macro reck bomb

Nah there is some stuff where he's 58. He just kinda, I dunno, it's weird. Stands still a lot, uses up mana inefficiently, shapeshifts into bear on full health against a fleeing low health target that isn't attacking him, wasting all that mana.

I personally can't wait to do stealth runs with a rogue buddy.

58 stuff would've been the beta AV weekend I think, I usually listen to his videos in the background, not watch them, my bad

>Alright guys, i subbed and made a Dwarf Rogue on three different PvP servers. Whitemane, Fairbanks, and the RPPVP one.
I just want to be a dickass in open world and harass people. Is this the right set up? What is rogue's game plan?

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How did you get a picture of me??

dump a bunch of shit on someone > run away and restealth > repeat

No worries chum.
In any case, I care not for being the best, and I know that druid will let me play the game in every way I want, and is a monster in WPvP which I'll be abusing.

Can confirm. Rolling Holy Paladin because plate intelligence gear has no competition. See you in the dungeon boys.

Just sap them constantly.

>what is a rogues game plan?

Avoid fighting Paladins 99% of the time

I was mocking someone.

the plan is plate isn't fun, fuck up anyone in cloth

Sap and steal herb/vein node.
Sap repeatedly just to annoy and slow.
Kill them or safely vanish and escape if you can't guarantee kill, this makes people mad too because muh honorable duel to the death.
Gank. Gank. Gank. Camp. Gank more.

On my rogue alt I'm absolutely going out of my way to enrage people. It's THE most fun thing to do.
I'm also rolling NE priest for Shadowmeld -> Mind Control.

One thing I never understood about healing in Vanilla WoW is that not only are you relegated to doing it given how busted hybrid classes are, but you never get better at killing anything, just keeping spastics alive. It's kind of like do you wanna be Quakeguy running around blasting holes in shit, or some faggot following him around, staying out of harms way and lobbing medkits at him? The whole concept goes against every instinct I have as someone who grew up playing games where the majority of the time you're blowing shit up

Played yourself faggot. Now all these anons told me what to do.

Thanks anons.

>15/15 Naxx Experience

anyone who raided on Anathema should have at least that much, it's hardly worth bragging about.

Druid is more like an offensive support. Like TF2 Medic.

Moved on to other games.

google Angwe

>Dwarves outside of Warhammer or LotR
100% gay, and not the masculine gay, but the full on dick sucking dick with anime boys that look like girls

Why no priest or hunter

Out of interest how difficult is healing dungeons as a fresh 60 druid? All the information for Druids is just what their pre-bis is, how they perform in raids/pvp but nothing about their dungeon experience. Any tips?

I think it's fun and gives you a chance to play in a different way in dungeons for variety. As a dps you just do the same shit, doesn't matter where you are.
+ finding a group is always easy, you get invited to random dungeons even when you're not looking for one

>no shamans
Good luck, trannies

As Ebb also said, it's pretty bad just as you hit 60, and it's better off to go Heart of the Wild and tank until you get some decent int gear.
Worry not though as bear tanks are the best tanks in the game for 5-man dungeons.

fresh 60 you should be feral or bear until you get resonable healing gear. I know what you are gonna say ">feral"
but preraiding powershifting feral druids are a worthwhile dps

>discotrannies from le'plebbit advertising again

git gut

where dem bois at

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The only reason I picked druid is so I could tank some dungeons while levelling before healing at 60, glad to know i'll be doing that for a while longer. Hope you lads get a lucky warden staff while levelling, thanks for the advice

I'm still mad herod was our only choice as east coast bulls.
>Pick a server streamer
>Pick a BR monkey server
>Pick a high pop, try hard megaserver that will have a shit economy and competition.
fug. I don't want to go through this again. But at least we weren't forced to roll on the tranny server (whitemane).
t.illidancuck on retail

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hunter has always been one of the top played class.

I can't wait

if you ever fuck around with power shifting you need this helm and 5 points in the furor talent. this is BiS feral helm until the end of TBC

Attached: helm.png (270x369, 23K)

What's going to be harder to gear between a rogue and warlock?

God i fucking love items in MMOs that do things other than have bigger numbers. I played to like level 20 in vanilla and fucked around in tbc, i don't remember shit, please tell me there's more stuff like this.

With some raid gear you'll be able to easily speedrun tank all 5-mans as pretty much any spec (HotW-resto is still the most versatile).
No tank has more health, damage resistance or threat generation than druid. Only reason they can't raid tank is because of crushing blows, which they can't get for some reason. If they could they'd be the main tanks for all content and noone would tank with anything else.

warlock 100%, you will have like 15 clothies to compete with

friends all wanna go horde.
after the days go bye: one friend want to roll pally.
another wants to go punkrat server. which is alliance.

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guess im gonna either gnone warlock or rogue

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rogue, you'll have 500 rogues to compete with
as warlock you'll want +shadow dmg gear and only spriests will want those too and they'll probably be kind of rare

tier 3 is useful pretty deep in to TBC and thunderfury was bis until nerfed and then became bis again in wrath for a while

I'm playing alliance for the first time in a decade. What should i expect from the core alliance demographic?

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>jawless undead warrior reporting in

if there's one change i would accept in classic, it would be to have an alternate voice for undead if they choose the jawless option that makes all their voice sound just like daniel fortesque from medievil. How hard would it be?

Post examples it's like pornography to me. I'm a literal loot whore.

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fuck, forgot image

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this was used until wrath

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>mfw rolling a Holy paladin just so I can do nothing else but spam flash of light because I'm a lazy fuck but still want to raid

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>private server
Everyone knows now that the guys who made those servers buffed paladins
>uh guys im pretty sure if you sit you got crit

They removed /sit proccing reckoning so good luck spending 10 minutes stacking it to do that

SW and IF are your main capitals and stick to them only. Stick to Eastern Kingdoms only overall.
Travelling is comfy, lots of nice places to see.

the godtier, it's great no matter what level

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>13 days left
>american realms will be filled with stupid ecelebs who never played the game 15 years ago
>tfw you're EU

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this was BiS on any tbc fight that had demons or undead

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>Here mr. voiceactor mccuck please record all the same lines with peanut butter in your mouth
>B-but why... i don't understand i just worked for 17 hours and i thought i did pretty well... and i-

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it's already confirmed that you can't stack reckonings by sittted crits

woops meant for

>check the avoidstreamer website
>mfw I realize I'm European and don't have to worry about this cancer

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I'm probbably going to stick to a HOTW build then, is there any raid pieces to poach for speedrunning 5mans then? I remember there was alot of str/stam leather in BWL but not much in MC. I know the onyxia attune trinket/enchanting trinket will be useful for eternity atleast

It can get a bit harsh due to lack of normal resurrection and no magic or disease dispels. Their healing isn't bad and full resto has multiple big instant heals, but they are somewhat lacking in other areas. Just pick int and +mp5 gear from quests after lvl50.
People get pissed when they have to wait for corpserunners when someone fucks up..

That nearly whole dps squad using it on SWP, thanks for reminding me of good times

Dyslexic user gets it.

Lol unironically kill yourself. Warriors are fun and I'm gonna play one.

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holy shit

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I love tanking but i hate being the group leader, which makes PuGs a fucking nightmare sometimes as everyone usually expects the tank to know absolutely everything and also make calls.

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>421 replies
>177 unique ips
posting in a shill thread

Exactly the same as horde.

Rolling a Dorf priest. Keep yer meat underground

judging by ShazzrahEU discord it will basically be /pol/. normies at reddit are seething and rerolling the new server

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Make sure you get your computer penis scanner for your mandatory hourly penis inspections. Don't want to get locked out of your computers do you? Also renew your night elf futa erp license or else the scotland yard will go after ya i swear on me mum (as they say). Lastly your keyboard can be used as a weapon, i'd stick to just your mouse while playing classic. BIN THAT BOARD.

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I doubt that but we'll see. I completely expect more children and thin skinned welfare queens on alliance.

uh sweetie brexit means brexit

there's Preach but he's chill

>low damage, last on loot priority outside of things only you can wear as one of the 2 hunters that are allowed inside a raid instance
I'll have fun doing the bow quest at least.

As with any fight with a Rogue, they're going to be critting you a lot. You can see the redoubt procs the Paladin gets and deduce that even if he did /sit to get charges before, he would've had 4 ready to go anyway before he got the Hoj off thanks to the crits from the Rogue.

The better the gear you both get, the more they'll crit you, but you'll have more armor and HP to compensate (somewhat). His first mistake was attempting to gank a fucking rank 14 of any class regardless, let alone a Pally with a gm claymore.

Why yes, I do play a male night elf druid and priest. How could you tell?

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Shazzrah, lov' it, simple as

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Your fault for joining server "discords"

i'm flipflopping between both of those servers too
i want to experience good old world pvp but at the same time as an rpfag i'm wondering how serious the environment will be on grobbulus, since i think the retail rppvp servers were relatively light on actual rp

>Implying I'm a britbong

oi mate, got a loicense for that brainfart?

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As long as I'm not on Asmon's server it's fine

Then you are clearly a retard who only played only one faction. There is no difference between factions, I've been playing both for years.

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>Dwarf rogue
Should have been undead, theres nothing more infuriating than some faggot undead rogue with a shit name jumping you mid combat

How viable are Warlocks? I recall Affliction being the go-to back in the day. Was leaning towards Warrior for the longest time, but now I may actually do Warlock.

>Goldshire on moonguard
I just want comfy leveling zones that are different than what i've been progression through for years and yes i've only ever seriously played horde

mage "ninjapulling" wih pyro is a good thing because you can taunt it off
vanilla vanish works pretty much how you'd expect it to, the only way the mobs are gonna chase after the raid / party is if someone buffed or healed the rogue, and he should be 100% between pull and vanish
healing aggro should never be a problem as it generates half the threat and overhealing doesn't generate any

>Bro I'm going to roll a warrior and totally stick with it until level 60

best in pvp, breddy good in pve
highly unpopular for unknown reasons despite being an overpowered fairly low skill class

>Adding sharding, which is by their own admission antithetical to the Classic WoW experience and the entire community did not want this
>Say it isn't a big deal and will only be used in the launch period in the starting zones to accommodate for server congestion
>Months later, is rebranded as """"layering"""" and will expand throughout the entire continent. Also to apparently accommodate for tourists because, y'know, zoomer tourists will have the attention span to make it past Westfall/The Barrens and bloat the rest of the zones
>Rather than a few days, will be implemented for up to 12 weeks (more when phase 2 actually comes and they make an excuse as to why it can't be removed)
>During the open beta, WEEKS before launch, """"layering"""" still functions exactly the same as sharding, you will likely be put into separate shards if you cross over zone borders with someone you aren't grouped with; can still randomly be sucked out of your shard during a fight and dropped into a new one in the middle of several full HP mobs
>Becoming more and more apparent that layering is likely just some term they made up and lied about it to lessen the backlash of having sharding, unless they still plan on re-programming the way sharding works in the course of the very small amount of time before launch
>Blizzard shills WILL defend this and WILL say it is a necessary evil when even private server chinks can cope without any of this garbage.
>Blizzard shills WILL say that sharding should be a thing to make zones empty and easier to progress through during congestion; Socializing, meeting new people and grouping for quests and grinding is apparently not part of what made WoW fun

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Maybe back in vanilla. Classic has more horde steamers than alliance, so the kiddies will flock to da horde. And hordes “minority” races will attract the drama queens as well.

Another piece of gear that lasted well into TBC.

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Worse than mages in PvE and farming but better in PvP

Why are Blizzard so bad at balance anyway?

May roll Warlock then. I'll even go enchanting / tailoring for monies and free enchants. There's already going to be armies of Warriors.

I could tell by the fact you're not in a party or a raid

I give it a few weeks on all "/pol/" servers and discords to ween out bandwagoners. You'll be left with sissies who will hide their mental illness until the time is right, such is the cycle of discord.

> Classic has more horde steamers than alliance,

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engineering is mandatory for pvp if you want to be any good

>RP server
I am sure blood elf hive in wherever is way better.
It doesn't matter. Just play the game and find out yourself

Can't wait to watch the warrior pop take a nose dive by 30

People hate soul shards and the one-button rotation I guess

Well it does. Alliance just happens to have Asmon. And that’s what we call balance.

Enlighten me on the EU servers, who's going where?

>Punkrat server
>streamer server
Zoomer detected

Terrible class until AQ/Naxx gear. Will be among lowest of dps, subpar survivability with no escapes in PvP.
Top tier levelers and gold farmers, can do Maraudon Princess in 60 greens.
Become godlike with endgame BiS, unkillable in PvP... but this is at LEAST 1 year after release.
Until then, you're a debuff support healthstone-summoning bot.

Cool so it will filter out the reactionary neckbeards. And after 12 weeks everyone who thought they wanted it but didn't will be weened out too. Launch week won't be aids either. Literally what's the issue? It's a triple win.

>Roll on streamer server
>Attempt to stream snipe and corpse camp Asmongold
>Kill him once
>Gets invited to another layer

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I'll be playing with my friends

Everyone with three digit IQ is going ZT.

the only thing better than playing an orc or undead in pvp is not having to play against orcs and undead in pvp

I enjoy world pvp so I'll be going Alliance for that reason alone.

Still was 50% at 70.

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You dont need to escape anything if everyone around run feared with multiple dots on them succing.
And in raid mediocre dps paired with hp stones, porting people and curse of elements

they are fine in high warlord gear

>Person in your group says "brb gotta put the kids to sleep"
>Talk some more when they get back and realize they're a stay at home mommy
Does anyone else get a boner when this happens? It happens all the time too.


I get a boner from a bumpy bus ride...

Invit e to as mon la g er holss

it's not like voice actors do a proper job anyway, all i want is instead of a "i don't have a target" i get a "ahh nooo haaa aaah ngaaagee"

>human warlock
>Gnome mage
Fuck rogues I will spot them from 30 yards out as the warlock

Oh really...
How are you going to do that?

Reminder this is a tranny and ERP guild

t. Never played vanilla

Enjoy being ganked 24/7 on your "PvP" servers

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>>better PvP which is instanced to not intrude in your world experience
I've been playing XIV since 1.0 and this is complete bullshit. WoW PVP blows XIV's out of the water
>>no trash mobs in raids
This is one of the worst things XIV does

I will. Pussy.

Haha, no son.
I AM the ganker.

Explain threat management to me like i've never had to deal with it before. Do i really have to gimp my dps to not get merked by a straggler mob?

>felhunter buff
though for anti-rogue a succubus is probably better.

>anime thot poster also likes a safe space environment where nobody can gank and hurt his feefees
What a surprise.

yes, tank dps isn't enough to hold on a geared dps going nuts. generally you give them time at the start to gather aggro

not exactly the same, but this trinket from a quest from fucking mauradon outperforms most epic-level tanking trinkets at 60, hell, even 70. This is a classic case of blizzard not really thinking ahead on how these would be used. 2% proc on damage for a tank results in basically a permanent uptime, giving +25 stamina, strength and agility which is fucking gigantic

You'll be wanding like a retard as a warlock during some encounters because shadowbolt crits rape the threatmeter

Succubus is probably better on a 1v1 situation, but felhunter in world pvp will ruin rogues fun as I stand around dotting them dragging then out of stealth.

>mfw i have leveled four (4) warriors to 60 and tanked over the course of vanilla and pservers
>doing it again because every other class feels empty and dull in comparison

somebody stop me

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i forgot the damn picture

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definitely rogue, even warriors will now roll on daggers thanks to private servers, set-pieces are also immensely valuable as a rogue unlike a warlock who'll just put on green gear during phase 1 and still be top dps

alliance have a large advantage over horde in pve because of blessing of salvation
warrior threat does not scale very well with gear and rogues are the only ones with threat reduction
warriors do get a second taunt on a 1 minute cooldown though

stay mad ganking homo

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>Troll hunter is best, Orc is also an option if youre pvp all day every day
>You arent the worst dps but youll be below mages and rogues the first few phases, your existence is building a decent set, tranq shotting and pulling packs into traps
>Somewhere around AQ when you pass a threshhold you switch gears and respec survival giving up trueshot aura for a bunch of damage boosts to yourself instead which rockets you up there with mages for dps

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>rogues are the only ones with threat reduction

It was just a joke streamers actually did get privilage and got to make their characters a day before are considered BIS for races without weapon skills until Naxx.

Basically, yes, if you get the attention of something when you shouldn't, the results can be anything between hilarious (you get splatted by a boss) and absolutely hilarious (that boss also breathed fire on the whole raid, wiping it).

Raid healing with 40 people is cancerous
Mage is gay until AQ because frost is for fags.
I was gonna play warlock but the 16 debuff limit has me reconsidering. What do.

*switches to a different shard*
Try to gank me now retards. Thanks nu-blizzard!

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fine mages get 30% reduction too

Warlock because everything else except paladin is for gays

Play a sneaky cheeky rogue and pvp, fuck pve.

>lvl a druid
>Get surprised when you're not raid or pvp viable
That's what you get.

Or druid

Don't priests get fade too or is that a nu-wow spell?

threat is the eternal cap to your DPS. Tanks don't produce a huge amount, you'll constantly need to be watching. Some classes, like rogue or hunter or shadowpriest (irrelevant because they go oom before they pull threat) have abilities to reduce threat. Mages, Locks, and Fury Warriors, your main DPS, do not. Their dps is capped by how much threat your tank can produce. Alliance side this is alleviated by blessing of salvation (-20? threat flat buff) and most alliance hardcore tanks go human for extra +mace/+sword skill racial that gives them roughly 5% more white damage and extra threat. For horde, tank race doesn't matter as much. Troll racial gives a little (2%) extra threat as a tank over a fight, and the orc racial (+axe weapon skill) isn't of great use because few tanking weapons are axes.

Minmax optimal =/= viable.
There will always be 1-3 druids in every raid. They're needed, like it or not.

Yeah fade is there but it's more of a, "oh the tank didn't tclap that mob so I got healing aggro" spell because how else would a priest pull threat.

how many hours of pickpocketing brd will I have to do to get my lv 60 mount?

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Am i going to be allowed to DoT bosses as a spriest or will i just be relegated to a mindflay bot? I'm playing spriest regardless.

>3 druids in a raid
1 is ideal, but 2 is fine
3 is just sloppy

is tranquil air totem a meaningful way to reduce aggro if you have enough shamans to put them in lock/mage groups?

its optimal for horde to take 3 druids

I'm going to try for pet drops instead

3 weeks straight

salvation is 30% and raid wide
tranquil is 20% and party wide
tranquil also shares space with windfury+grace of air for melee, and wrath of air for casters
it is meaningful and will be used but it's not the same as just having a dude blanket your raid in salv

I kept seeing this in the beta chat too, what does it mean? Are you just pickpocketing vendor trash from unsuspecting mook enemies in that dungeon over and over or what?


Wrath of Air isn't in vanilla.


it's mostly the silver off the mobs, yes. BRD has lots of em.

nvm u rite

What professions are you all picking?
>inb4 boomers reply *sip* ahhh fishing is all i need

Mining/Eng like literally everyone else

for me, it's tailoring and enchanting

probably everyone will go engineer.
I will go tailoring and enchanting for gear and wands (priest)

Herb/Enchanting because I hate myself.

Warriors don't shine until they got plenty of BWL gear. MC warrior is warlock tier dps

Whats the best for dickass rogues?
i barely played vanilla wow. I just want the open world pvp experience, lads.

skinning/herb while leveling, then herb/alchemy
I plan to be the potion dealer that everyone likes

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wrath of air was TBC,

Mostly your shamans will be spread evenly between groups, unlikely in a 40 man you'll have more than 5-6 shamans between 8 groups, and they'll mostly be focused on melee groups for windfury, and healer groups for mana spring. Yeah, if you have spare shamans, by all means chuck them in your caster groups for reduced threat, but it's really a last consideration.

>friends are rolling druid, rogue, mage, and paladin
What should I pick. I was considering warlock.

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>He doesnt do the totem twist
Windfury is a 10 second buff, plenty of time to pop in the threat totem if your melee are reaching cap

warrior, to tank for them. Do the right thing.

there always needs to be a summon slave in every friend group. are you the bitch who will summon people?

and the mana to do this for more than 60 seconds comes from ???

This isn't TBC

Balence druid is okay plays like a mage with heal but no polymorph or ice block

I'm considering it but holy fuck am I going to miss dual spec.
I don't care. I can roleplay as sentient portal.


>tranquil totem shares a spot with grace of air

The 10 seconds he's DPSing between pulls will be very enjoyable.

You don't REALLY need dual spec in vanilla. Every class can fill all their other specs (while leveling) as long as they have gear. You can tank as an arms/fury warrior fine till 60, and at 60 if you spec 31/5/15 you can OT raids while still being able to farm/pvp

warlock or mage?
i don't really care pve damage as long as i get a raid spot and some gear
pvp is where it's at

Warlock if you're concerned with PvP.

Classes are powerful in what they are designed to do. It's what gives them their meaning and flavour.

>flashy high skilled elusive maniac
>unga me press drain life haha me win