One or at least three
UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
Now that clr is actually acknowledged, I can only hope that they shed some information on it during the streams, hopefully.
I think I had two combos memorized with Carmine but now the first one, the simpler one, is fading from my head
The corner combos still need fine tuning but at least I know how to use 623A
pclobby, pc lobby
Lo and behold, the actual Carmine
I'd be amazed if we don't get 2 more characters announced.
You did say his name the other day after all...
Has to be an even number.
So it's 1 or 3 more
>Spicy habanero wings
>Increased metabolism for MAXIMUM cutting edge decisions
>Hyperventilation for MAXIMUM oxygen in finger muscles
>Sauce for MAXIMUM finger and button lubrication
So hot it made the lobby crash twice. Yall aint ready
Nah, a couple of the guys said that we don't have a carmine that's frequent enough
I never realized how good carmine was at stopping Yuzu from going in. She really needs her slashes I guess for that match.
It's only a matter of time.
This is great
I get so much to study
A glance at this description seems pretty confusing but what it's saying is you intentionally hyperventilate for 10-15 seconds then go back to controlled deep breaths. Seems to be a good trick to quickly "recenter" yourself and focus on something. Jokes aside I'm convinced spicy food helps too. Chug some chili flakes before your next tournament match.
Why u make these threads late at night every day
Don't you have a general
saving these images. if she doesn't get in I'm going to track you down and fuck you both up.
Lurk more
fix uni clr netplay please
Because it's Night
Also we don't play all day or want to talk about the game 24/7
I think Kamone said he'd look into it when some guy interviewed him at EVO but the interviewer implied Kamone was responding in Japanese which he didn't understand so who the fuck knows.
>replying to such blatant bait
The 2nd reply was heinous, the 1st one was okay
im gonna be real sad when classes start up again and i cant join these lobbies because of how late they are for EC :(
I'd hope she gets in. I've been crying about it for at least a year by now.
That extended pause got me worried for a bit
>oni, deska, and aklone using the same icon
Ah I hate Nancy's dp
>forgot to lab and watch replays
>but also want to stay in the mika lobby
what do i do
It's habbenig again
Do both
Man lamp has gotten really good at blocking my overheads. None of em seem to work anymore.
the hitbox is like 2 pixels wide what's even there to hate?
Why do I feel like I can play neutral smarter with literally anybody else besides mika?
Also splitting off because I don't want to wait 6 matches to get my ass kicked.
Don't try to question icey's swiss cheese logic
Damn, 3AD~D is super useful. Can't believe I recovered in time to shield the assault.
what are the chances of uniclr having ggpo?
Kamone acknowledges its existence but the chances of ArcSys shelling out for it are insanely low. "Best" case scenario is probably that we get some homebrewed rollback and get to go through all the fun times SFV players did when that released.
No please. It didn't work in Street Fighter V or Street Fighter x Tekken. I can't image trying to block high/lows and the it rolls back and I get hit. NO!! Imagine fighting a Yuzu in rollback.
Id like to see and participate in something like this at a major
Spicy Ones exhibition match
45 min on the clock, 10 dollar buy in. When you register you pick any number, and they simply call people up in order by number. If two people choose the same number whoever placed lowest in the tourney gets to choose the order of whoever has that number. Its one Bo5 match where you eat one boneless wing at the start. If you win, you stay but you have to eat another wing at the start of the next match. Spiciness increases with event time. No milk or water until you drop out. Top 8 get one extra drop of the hottest sauce on each wing depending on how far away from 8th they were (ie 8th place 1 drop 1st 8 drops)
Winner gets their money back or maybe more and a decent meal if they lasted long enough
You mean the character with 0 (zero) grounded overheads?
you must be thinking of phonon
Phonon has 66[B] and 22C, what the hell are you talking about
That's not really a problem with rollback though. That's just capcom being incompetent.
>Yea Forums Lobbies presents: Burn Your Face and Fingers Off now at participating venues
>Street Fighter V or Street Fighter x Tekken
because capcom is fucking incompetent
so is arcsys and french bread though so it wouldn't be much better if they did it, but f they used ggpo instead of trying to make their own shit netcode it would be great.
I was shitposting but seriously if you get opened up by 30f overheads, one of which has a super flash and the other of which can only be done from a run I don't feel bad for you
What non doujin or community modified fighting games (completely developed by non indie company) uses Rollback properly?
ahh I got so close. I didn't know Linne could do that hidden cross up and hide behind her fireball as roll to make you guess which side she's on.
That was Indie user.
Skullgirls and Killer Instinct.
Sounds like pclobby is best lobby.
Might not be able to make tonight as it's straight to the gym after work but we'll see!
Might opt for either Koihime, anime or something else instead and if that's the case I'll catch ya all next night.
What does MK11 use? The netcode and it's netplay features are far superior than even GGPO.
It works to connect fireball to combo if it lands by the way.
I've been up since 5:30 PC bros, I might end the lobby and go to bed soon, just giving you all a heads up
superior western netcode composed of equal parts freedom and absence of sex appeal
I'll give you 22C, but 66[B] is a netplay crutch and if you're confident in being able to open up the opponent without it, you shouldn't be using it in the first place
Is carmine saying macarena when he moves the puddles and if so fucking why
thanks for hosting, park.
it just sounds like that
Which in equivalent sounding japanese means roll up or something
Welp that's going to be stuck in my head now.
the only reason I ever use 66[b] is if I want plus frames, to low crush, or if want to call out shielding habits. the animation and speed of the attack are super easy to react to unless you're playing on like 5f and I don't feel bad for hitting people with it.
still have no clue how eltnum works
That's the one
>I want plus frames, to low crush, or if want to call out shielding habits
Literally all of these can be accomplished with run up delayed assault
Uncharged 66B also low crushes too, you don't need the charged version
oh magaru. I was hearing ka for some reason
>its been like 4-5 years
Also if this is Mag, you do still use it in our 5 frame matches
a new circumcise comes to you
Holy fuck I actually won
I really don't hear that one, actually.
I can't stop hearing it every single time
Might need to see a doctor about that.
if you're in the middle of recovering from a move, are throws untechable?
You might be a faggot
If this is also icey, then let it be known he has hearing problems too
Good shit.
Yes you'll get counter thrown (with the red flash)
>anyone who says something I disagree with must be icy
dont start
Good shit lamp you got me at the end there but It's good to see our matches are still very close even with my missing arms and legs.
My first compliment from hippie in a while.
>My first compliment from hippie in a while.
That's not hippie. Sorry to raise hopes.
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest either way
Did I miss something?
Let's just say it was.
I just wouldn't be surprised if it was him or not.
which can be shielded low for a punish and can only be followed with 236a, unlike 66[b] which can be followed up with just j2[b], j5[c] j.2[b], or triple overhead shit. Not to mention j2[b] is significantly more plus than j236a and lets me run more mixup options, especially in the corner. I would say having the same startup time regardless of range makes it a better option than run up delayed assault at times.
this is not mag, I feel like I rarely use 66[b] as it is
Well thanks for the matches mikas. very unstoppable force.
The wind/feather effects look really cool on that DLC nanase color
fucking hell my execution is extra bad today
I don't think using sauce as button lube was a good idea
ggs. Haven't really been feeling netplay this week.
holy moly, I think that was a good match to end the night on. I couldn't do anything right.
DCed three times in a row. Maybe ill come back when PSN decides to not be a jerk off.
Otherwise, ggs.
thats just hippie lobbies bro, accept it
Ah shit I was teleporting a lot more in that match hippie. Sorry about that.
ggs pc lobby
>Keep forgetting I can't get CVO IW off of that combo
I will never remember not to do that.
Also thanks for the games pclobby. I really need to work on getting 360C down on P2 side so I don't just jump back 5[C]
Remind me, is this the third or fourth time you've tried this no slash stuff
Probably my third since I remember doing it twice before. Though I have done no slash but I'm allowed to teleport and no teleport but allowed to slash.
>360C down on P2 side
it's a 360 can't you just do the same input you do on the P1 side?
Could have sworn you had a normals only phase in the past to improve your skill with them
>the nanase theme has been set
That's what I'm doing right now and I'm positive I've done normals only in the past.
I can't believe divekick just beat b tatsu
kaizer, your fucking with akatsuki now? did waifu get to you?
Might as well take it a step further and try no Yuzuriha
He did that one week with Orie
Not really. In fact I keep doing it the same as P1 side which is what messes me up since I habitually do it clockwise from whatever position I'm in
More honest and spicy Orie gameplay tonight.
I've done that multiple times. I did a weeks or even months not playing Yuzu. People forget I've tried playing Hyde, Elt, Gord and Orie.
They're all impossible characters.
But Eltnum is easy to play
try vatista
I actually started with akat if you remember. I'm just kind of sick of carmines matchups
Opposite of true
I don't like/ know how to do charge motions. I only like charging buttons.
seconding this
No you don't understand, the less you play Yuzuriha, the more you'll improve. It's the same concept with forbidding your slashes or teleports.
Because you don't rely on your slashes, you'll get better in other areas. Following this logic, if you don't play Yuzu, you'll improve with her overall
You're Orie's coming along nicely, I look forward to seeing more today.
It's been a hot minute. But then again, who didn't play akatsuki at some point.
Give me your reasoning on how Eltnum isn't easy to play. If you say something stupid, I'm beating you up next EVO.
>I only like charging buttons.
but you use a hitbox, the charge motions are just charging buttons for you...
and get some sleep. seems you've been up for too long.
It was nice knowing you Icy. You brought flavor to these threads.
Isn't she largely considered to have some of the most complicated routing as far as getting optimal damage off all her weird hit confirms?
That has never been true. I have improved when I put limiters every time I take away her slashes / teleports or both.
Because you have to be able to react to your confirms and know what combo to do based off the button you pressed. She also has that do a range attack into dashing, that I'm not a fan of.
I don't think of my movement buttons as buttons.
> hippie divekicking that shimmy
I'll never feel bad about it either.
Can't be helped.
if I didn't know it was him then I'd be certain that post was masterfully crafted bait
Have you tried spending your evenings playing SamSho and Charlotte to improve your fundamentals to improve your Yuzu? Maybe you're right about other UNI characters not helping, but what if you played a different game entirely?
Anybody still playing? i thought i'd pop in for a few matches if there's still a room open.
3 people still in PC.
Who needs any of that when you got 3[C], 236[A/B], j2[B], 22B, 214C, and 421C
He's a fool, we all know it
Hopefully that lag evens itself out next match, Hippie.
>Because you have to be able to react to your confirms and know what combo to do based off the button you pressed.
Explain this further because, as far as I know, every character has to know what can be combo'd off of what.
>She also has that do a range attack into dashing, that I'm not a fan of.
You get a pretty nice window to follow up on it unless they're on the other side of the screen.
You better give me something bettter.
at least he keeps it fresh
Razzy goddamn it, stop asking questions to answers you already know
Charlotte taught me how to do DPs but that's it and Yuzu doesn't have one of those.
Yuzu can combo anything off any button. Hyde, elt and orie can't do this. Certain buttons just won't let you. Also Yuzu's combos are very cookie cutter, nothing changes once you have the muscle memory.
Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into? Run before it's too late.
How? He's been saying certain characters have been impossible for years
> parry just gets yuzu out of 22C for free
that is not okay
>7 frame start up parry
And where the hell did you see me getting out. I still had to block the last few hits. Orie's 22C lasts longer than the i frames from a successful parry
Also speaking of SamSho. I've just learned that Charlotte is the new Genjuro and Genjuro is now DEAD.
they actually tweaked it finally?
Good thing I didn't buy the game
Is Shiki top tier yet
Charlotte's kick isn't plus anymore so that's probably not the case
Shiki looks playable according to her full page of buffs.
Yeah the did a big balance patch today. She's got auto correcting and invul dps. Plus her chip damage is fucking insane.
I think I've made an attempt through pretty much everybody at this point.
Keep forgetting to ask but how is yoshitora?
I heard Yoshi got fucked as well.
J.C isn't retarded anymore but other than that he's seems to be mostly the same.
PSN lobby still up?
yes but full
>trapped in a lobby with 3 Mika mains
well this is going to be interesting.
Then someone should leave
>Yuzu can combo anything off any button. Hyde, elt and orie can't do this.
Now, I'm no expert on Orie, Hyde, or Yuzu, but Eltnum can combo off of anything, without CS, besides her 623 Etherlite Air. With CS, everything can.
> Also Yuzu's combos are very cookie cutter, nothing changes once you have the muscle memory.
So what, you have to still know what combo can and can't be done after pressing that button.
What else.
they do anything for Yashamaru or Nakoruru?
It is done
they both got buffs, yashamaru looks like he got heavy buffs.
I've only played mika like twice tonight.
user that was a joke you didn't have to leave the lobby
thanks though
I can make a second lobby if anyone's interested
im down
Yeah do it, I'll join in like 20 minutes after I get something to eat. ggs to hippies lobby
It's up
I'm saying that Yuzu can't whiff her shit regardless of the button you start with. Orie was the most recent character I tried, so I'll take her as the example. If I started a combo with a button and didn't follow up with the proper button then I couldn't do a full combo, 5b being the main example. Certain buttons do certain combos and you have to know what combo to do based off the button you confirmed off of.
>So what, you have to still know what combo
You can know one single combo with Yuzu and you're fucking set. It always leads into the same exact thing and ender.
I really didn't think that was going to kill
>pantyshot winquote
That's only the second time I've seen that in 4k+ matches
I fucking miss EVO
I wish I had somewhere to just buy food 3 minutes away from my room
I've seen Seth's 2nd unique win quote against Hyde once
But to be fair, I hardly fight that match-up but I never seen it until a couple months ago
God I fucking hate Nanase
You haven't felt a fraction of her true pain until you fought icekin
the nana one?
>that's what he misses about EVO
i understand this feeling far too well.
ggs pc lobby
next time i'll lab and watch replays for sure
I swear I can only do the 6a+b only 75% of the time. The other 25% comes out as a 236x
>can also buy alcohol in an even shorter time
I sure as hell don't miss hotel pillows though
Man I really don't know what I want to do tonight.
>buying alcohol at vendor prices
no thanks, i'll stick to bringing the strongest liquor i can get for the cheapest price and mixing it with things that max the hideous taste.
if you just want a cheap high pick up some heroin or something
>You can know one single combo with Yuzu and you're fucking set. It always leads into the same exact thing and ender.
Here's Eltnum:
5A/2A 2C 5C 421B 6B 22B 66C 22C.
5B/2B 2C 421B 6B 22B 66C 22C.
2C 421B 6B 22B 66C 22C.
5C 2C 421B 6B 22B 66C 22C.
That basic shit will be fine enough for every situation.
The common thing among them is blah blah 421B 6B 22B 66C 22C.
I'll beat you up more if you say more dumb stuff.
Razzy, stop
What makes you think you can convince icey of anything when more people have tried for around a year and failed
I picked the wrong time to try out Mika outside of mission mode
Which lobbies still have got players in em?
There's two lobbies going on in PSN
Lobby 1 is going down in around 20ish minutes though
that's a hard no for me. It's alarming to me that someone would even think that's a remotely sane idea.
Roger wilco. Time to get my butt kicked after a hard hit of gains.
>can't do 6B>2A on PC
shit, i finally got a feel for doing orie's bnb combo on PC only to run into this new roadblock. 6B>2A was like the only thing i was good at when it came to orie too.
Holy fuck everybody else gets 10x more annoying as wald
>10 frames
wow our connection was bad that game, I hope that wasn't on my end, or i'll have to stop for the night.
That's why nobody uses him.
This jC hitting twice is starting to click
Look at all the fucking combos you have to know for specific button hits.Yuzu doesn't suffer from that problem at all. Yuzu can start with a 5a and always go for the exact same b and c. She can always follow up any button with her 2c, 4c and go for her combo ender.
That just makes me more scared of the people that are good with him.
>diving head-first into Aka IW
Now that was some great Mika-ing, hahaha
i get 2 frames with literally everybody in lamps lobby this is nice
Mika's normals are so fucking stubby holy shit
How can anyone play this character
GGs PC lobby. It was fun fighting all the Mikas.
She trades short range for speed and good length special moves.
Great for providing shield pressure to break GRD with.
Took me two years to finally tell that Sacred Spire to fuck off
GGs. Someday I'll beat your Phonon. Tonight's not that night.
>Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you come right to me?
>I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
This should be your attitude with mika always
The reason I listed those was because everything can be fucking followed up by that. I did forget the 2C though so it would be:
>2C 421B 6B 22B 66C 22C.
5A/2A works into it, 5B/2B/6B works into it, 5C/3C works into it, j.A j.C/j.B j.C/j.2B j.C/just j.C works into it, 236A works into it if it's a CH, 236B/236C works into it, 214A works into it if it's a CH, 214B/214C works into it, 421C works into it if you whiff with j.2B, 22A works into it if it's a CH, 22B works into it.
The only things that don't are her j.214s and throw unless you have CS.
My favorite move to do to people running up in her grill is to walkback 5A. Especially if they're low on life and I end up just backhanding them to death.
I've gotten so tired of seeing that panel be butchered with 2019 tier memes
It saddens me
>reading Samsho patch notes
holy crap did they actually fix the lobbies?
Have lamp, sha, waifu, or any other yuzuriha player ever substantiated this? It could either be that icey actually has a point but the more likely thing is that he has no fucking clue what combo theory is and just does whatever and think it's law
Somehow Ive just heard of it recently. Not entirely sure if Ive actually been using the internet all these years but its one more reason to finally try out jojo
Is PS Lobby 2 a WC lobby? Connections are looking slick.
Yep, at least for the time being.
Remember when we thought we'd be on our collective deathbeds by the time SBR's anime came out? It's looking a lot less likely now.
I thought I was fucking up a lot against that yuzu but then I looked at the top of the screen on saw the 5 frame delay
200 IQ play there.
That didnt look like it hit desu I feel guilty
And another dive into that thing. I gotta be more prepared for it, haha.
Have a light headache.
no Hippie don't go you're the only one I have 4 bars with
I was never able to properly do a full combo with Elt with the 2-4 weeks I spent playing her so I don't know what the fuck is the problem was. If you say her combos are more lenient then hyde or orie I'll believe you that was not the case when I played her.
I can play some Eltnum for you if you want and show that I can't do combos or confirm off them.
Yuzuriha's middle fucking name is lenient (Yuzu "Lienent" riha). I don't think anyone has an ease of combo like her.
As good as the connections in lobby 2 look, actually I think I'll call it a night now. ggs everyone
If we're ever going to have another Koihime lobby sometime, I'll lab a combo for that soon.
GGs lad. Also man labbing combos in Koihime the other day was fun, I'd recommend it if you have time.
GGs everyone
I'll pass on lobby 2 so I don't horn in on the WCers close connections
That's all I wanted to hear you say. You must just have stupid hands when playing someone that's not Yuzu.
Personally I don't care about lag but whatever floats you're boat broski.
he's just played Yuzu so long his brain fried. that or his brain fried before he started and somehow that made him able to play Yuzu.
I still don't believe she has lenient combos and that she has to confirm off weird shit. I still put her up there with Hyde, Gord and Orie in terms of difficulty. Nothing about my opinion on her has changed.
Also my hands were made for only Yuzu/ Hilda, anyone else is just a shit show.
seth actually has the most autopilot combos in the game and every single seth main will tell you otherwise because they want to keep that busted ass character to themselves
I was actually able to finish her 4-x trials, I wouldn't put her up there with them.
The only time his combos change up from autopilot is when you actually want to be optimal as shit and throw in j2C after any 623B and try to shove in as many 623As as possible
Alright Im taking off for real this time. GGs lobby 2. It was also nice to get a semi long set in the beginning there lamp. I need more yuzu (and linne) MU experience.
Phonon actually has the hardest combos in the game, but every Phonon player will tell you otherwise because they like watching other people suffer.
GGs m8. Catch ya next time! Thanks for the Wag fight!
ggs. It feels like you've gotten better since we've last played.
How many of us are gonna be going to Arc Revo?
That might be the 1 event I can make the commute for since UCI isn't very far away.
I fixed my d-pad
Trials and doing shit in a match is different. I made it up to her 4-2 and then took her online.
Only thing I can hope to make this year before moving is magfest, hopefully some little side rooms will have it.
Didn't UNI-CLR actually get de-listed among the playable demos there? Or was that just a fuck up on their end and they put it back up?
Im like, 15 min away so Ill probably check it out and if theres nothing for uni ill leave
>pink square akatsuki player absolutely destroying my self-esteem as an akatsuki main
lord grant me the sweet release of death
I'm going unless they decide to not have UNICLR as a playing demo.
Keep at it and I'm sure you'll be up to par with him in no time.
Also, that was a fun match.
Hope the team can make it happen there for ya too.
Well there isn't too many events in the West for them to show it off at right? One would hope they have a demo ready for November if it's Early 2020 release.
Guess we'll see what happens then. Might go with my bro.
>tfw just realized thats supposed to be Wallachia
Am I retarded?
sorry user I don't do mirrors
also I have like a 6 frame delay with you I'm gonna pass if we get matched again
>all those slashes in the other direction
Pic related.
I hate Orie so much
Only if you thought it was Arcueid
I thought it was Akatsuki desu. Probably still falls under retarded
That's either the 3rd or 4th time I got hit by that tonight, hahaha.
Akatsuki never emotes outside of his resting bitch face
I honestly dont know why I thought it was him over Wallachia the teeth shouldve been enough of a clue
is everyone in this lobby from EU? only decent connection I've had so far was Razzy
The irony here is he usually has connection problems with everybody else despite also being WC.
Also I don't believe we've fought yet.
Raz is in Nevada. How is that possible?
well I live in the midwest just like Hippie so idk
Don't listen to everyone else, they just have shit internet.
Motherfuck I am slow on these buttons, I am getting hit on other peoples' wakeup.
I almost never have problems these days. Turns out a lot of people in my area complained about some fuckness going on with their internet too so they just came a checked the area.
He actually mains Carmine he just switched to akat because Carmines frame data is actually shit.
Good games to lobby 2, thanks for putting up with my akatsuki. Fighting certain characters with Carmine actually makes me want to just stop playing the game
I played Akatsuki in UNiEL when he was bottom tier garbage
I never understand people dropping characters they main or enjoy playing because of things like this, why even bother playing
some matchups just suck so much ass I can't blame people for not wanting to play them
ggs. I'm not sure if Akatsuki is a better pick vs Yuzu than Carmine though
GGs man. Fighting a gorilla with my gorilla playstyle is always a treat.
Surprised you didn't try to throw out any counters really at all. Maybe next time. Here's hoping your main gets some nice buffs for the encounters you have struggle with.
Sometimes you get sick of doing nothing but losing.
I mean yeah that I understand
I mean personally I fucking hate playing against Yuzu as akatsuki especially in
of lag
at 6 frames the correct answer to the matchup is to press Skip
I started with akatsuki, but fighting a character like hyde or seth with carmine really makes you realize that without shit like vo or grd thrust this game sucks. Just for one small example, Hyde can do 5[C] w2a in corner against carmine and be +4, so even if you shield it carmine still has to hold that because he has no button that can challenge it at any range. The matchup is loaded with tons of small interactions like that just make it hopeless. Same against elt only it's like 10 times worse. Fighting someone like KFL or magnets with Carmine makes you realize that even with system mechanics you really aren't going to be playing the game much unless you have an absolute perfect read.
Merkava can be somewhat bad as well, but only if they play extremely patient and abuse flight, otherwise it's actually pretty even and I don't mind fighting it.
vs Orie and Vat are probably one of the worse, because he doesn't have a single AA move that can check them so they have free reign anywhere on the screen
Carmines a blast to play and I enjoy it, I'm basically just whining right now, but the more I play him the more I see why fendo basically only plays wagner and why redblade thinks this game isn't as great as the majority of the community thinks it is.
Thanks for reading my blog friends.
Whoops, hahaha.
More power to people that can keep on trucking, but fuck, something inside just kills me when I find out just how disadvantaged I might be.
desu I'm kinda finding it fun to dabble in enkidu but it's soul crushing to see even guides start with "lol just give up" or some shit
>this game isn't as great as the majority of the community thinks it is.
Well duh, casuals will never play at the level where you know things are hopeless sometimes
It definitely isn't, I was just having a lot of fun with aka despite my previous whining
On a competitive level that makes alot of sense. Wishing the best for all of the characters missing certain attributes to compete with the top tiers to get their turn in the next update.
Enkidu will always be my main but right now I've hit a roadblock and feel as if I'm not improving as much as I could so Im trying to branch out to other to learn more and can hopefully transfer some of those mechanics
>without shit like vo or grd thrust this game sucks
You can't really ignore that though since the GRD cycle is a crucial part of the game. Otherwise characters like Hilda and Yuzu die instantly the moment you corner them due to shit close range buttons
>Hyde can do 5[C] w2a in corner against carmine and be +4
He's going to get pushed out eventually and have to dash back in though. And besides, Carmine gets even more + frames when he puts you in the corner
That's enough for me, my brain's starting to fry, especially after the discussion with Icey.
GGs everyone and thanks for hosting, Hippie.
We've only played a bit, but from our matches together, your biggest problem has nothing to do with Enkidu but the fact that you constantly press buttons on wakeup
GGs lad. Rest easy!
For all my whining that very thing seems to have worked out for me a bit.
Ah dang, that wakeup fireball was great. Wish I had combo'd off it since it looked like I could've.
Also, I got 1 more fight in me since CS bros are calling for me to play once more.
No, like I said I'm just whining. The system mechanics in this game are obviously a huge deal and it's great that they make the tiers actually compressed instead of getting shit like blazblue.
Round Start is what I meant haha.
To quote Huo, "After being squarely defeated, I'll take this opportunity to run!" I'll get my revenge next time!
GGs and thanks for the fun games PS Lobby 2! Thanks again for hosting Lamp!
GGs PC Lobby.
Hyde can just walk into carm 2C range and 6B and it will beat literally anything he can do
Hopefully you learned your lesson and now know how difficult a character Elt truly is.
ggs everyone. Dead tired.
ggs I'll get better at video games some day
GGs PCbros
I'm out too, GGs pc lobby.
I kinda wish I could have as much fun being saddled to mika like I see literally everybody else doing
You're going to eventually get pushed out with every single character during pressure. When you go to walk/run back in, that adds effective frames to the startup of whatever move you're going to do next. Hyde's dash start up is roughly 5 frames, so that basically means 6B is no longer 8 frames but 13 at the bare minimum.
orbiter or shadow scare, he doesn't need to dash in
>I kinda wish I could have as much fun being saddled to mika like I see literally everybody else doing
I hope you do find a main or some character that clicks best with you, man. Mika had a bunch of things going for her outside of her kit that clicked with my inner Vorthos and I just stuck with her since then.
Carmine has an air projectile.
If hyde is anywhere outside of carmines 5A range he has a massive advantage. The only thing carmine can even attempt to do is assault over orbiters, but anywhere near carm 2C range and they'll just catch the startup of it. It's a polarizing matchup.
So why doesn't Byakuya suffer as much against Hyde when he's a similar setplay character with slow buttons on defense
I'm just out of ideas at this point. In all seriousness, I'll concede she's my best character by a country mile, but that's just because I found her easy to get at least this far with. I'm not as into her as others are.
The bonks can be funny sometimes though.
byak 5a is ignorant and his 2B is faster and longer
byak also doesn't lose enough health running pressure to die in 2 hits from hyde
Here's hoping cl-r can help resolve your issue. If all else fails, there are other fightans out there that you could explore to find a main that you can put your full weight behind.Again, GGs to you and to .
Byakuya doesn't burn health just playing neutral so he won't die in 2 hits. He gains GRD from his combos so he usually wins vorpal. Byaks 2B is longer and faster than Carmines 2C. Byak has actual reward off his throw with a web so his threat in corner is higher. Carmine trap sets are -1 and are actually just a funky version of strike/throw and he loses them on throw tech anyway. His "setplay" fuzzies are fake and just require blocking high or VO. Byak has better OS's with higher reward.
Good thing I checked this thread before going to sleep because now I know what I'm doing at the start of next EVO.
Yeah returning that toonie you stole from me.