Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. user.
Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. user
Other urls found in this thread:
I did it. I'm guilty.
Well, that was easy.
Guilty of doing ur mom ;)
Fuck off lana
The Plantiff's Mother died four years ago!
That's why it's a crime
>implying that's gonna stop me
Your objection is useless. He did the Plaintiff's mother five years ago.
why is ema so hot, bros?
i am now beginning to realize why gamer was being used enough to warrant a filter
Your Honor,
League Of Legends.
Because she’s cute and funny, scientically of course.
Well I tried.
>Prosecutor releases his fucking hawk in the courtroom and lets it claw my face off
>"lol who cares"
>I dare to ask a pertinent question that somehow gets the stupid fuck witness off-track
>"I'm afraid thats going to cost you, Wright."
I hate this goddamned courtroom and this goddamned judge.
(I don’t think this post earned you any points with the judge)
7 years btw
Did he have an accent in the nip version?
>present evidence
>music hasn't stopped
mia fey poses for old men
So, uhm, like, uhm, something...
Dead people can't pose.
I read this in his dub voice and there’s nothing you can do about it
is 2-2 the most fucked up case
>When she finally drops the act
Bimbo to 10/10
I actually have no idea. Does anyone know?
Here’s your witness. Begin the cross examination.
No, the brother from another country thing is not in the Japanese version
Where's the testimony?
I read it in antfish's abridged series voice
I'm guilty, your honor. Lock me up and throw away the key. I done did it, I reckon.
Oh no
God I love this series so much. Please release an Investigations/second trilogy remake set already.
I'm close to caving and getting the mobile versions.
The dub voice was incredible until part 3, where they ditched accents and everyone started sounding like cow shit
Hello hello!
GUILTY! You have ten secounds to change my mind.
go commit guilty verdict
>Phoenix: "You must always trust your client!"
>he says this right after the case where the defendant lied about being the killer
2-2 will never cease to bother the fuck out of me
I don't care what 5-5 did with a child in a pool of blood, 2-2 is THE most fucked up case
You misspelled Pearls
What if Francisca really had to pee haha
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Courtroom No. 4 tomorrow.
I've been to real court a few times. It's nothing like you expect
>that one time when it's a fakeout
Mr. Banks, your opening statement.
Blessed step-ladder of trips
>still no MILF Franny
>wrong filename
>The interrogation in case 5
Good lord, this mother fucker actually did nothing wrong
Wait, you’re saying real lawyers don’t yell TAKE THAT and OBJECTION out loud and there’s no shape shifting lolis in real courtrooms? Holy shit user
that is a step-ladder
>Investigations has Edgeworth flashback case
>Investigations 2 has Greg flashback case
>Investigations 3 has Manfred flashback case
because court in this series is based somehow more on japanese court, not american or european one
Hey, great timing for this thread. I just started playing Apollo Justice, and for context I have played all other Ace Attorney games before this.
My question is....At what point does Phoenix think it'll be time to tell Apollo and Trucy they're siblings? This fucker has kept the secret for what... 3, 4 years now?
What’s it supposed to be? I’m a crummy phoneposter
No it's more like "Do I know the defendant or his lawyer? Then not guilty, otherwise Guilty, but let's draw this out for 3 years so I can get paid"
You played SoJ and DD before Apollo Justice? I don’t get why you would do this
And what did you mean when you said "Hello little Bubbles, would you like some milk?"
>At what point does Phoenix think it'll be time to tell Apollo and Trucy they're siblings?
Only after the sexual tension becomes uncomfortable
wouldn't it be funny if he waited until they banged before telling them
just asking haha
why are birds so adorable?
Adolf Hitler.
Lmao holy heck
(...I cannot resist any longer...!)
>stereotypical yakuza office with shogi pieces and a daruma
>This is the house of the italian gangster, Furio!
Does Iris show up at all in the second trilogy or did that whole twist just kinda get forgotten about after?
Ace Attorney anime looks like your average low quality hentai porn. There I said it.
>he doesn't know that everyone in the mob is a weeaboo
it's common knowledge user
Iris, Dahlia and Godot basically never get brought up again
all hentai is high iq you monkey
Oh no I wouldn't lie... not to GOD.
god isnt real
Well Godot got fucking hanged
Because I bought all the Ace Attorney games that were available on the 3DS eShop at the time, and at that time, Apollo Justice wasn't, so I played all the others and only now am I finally playing Apollo Justice.
And actually, I think this is much better, it ruins some of the story of AJ, but thanks to playing DD and SoJ first, I can see and get some of the foreshadowing that was made in this game. I think that's why I'm liking AJ as much as I am.
Except Trial 3. Fuck that trial.
>just started
>already on 4-3
Anime adaptations of videogames and VNs are all terrible
Well, I misspoke, I shouldn't have said "just started". Even though I started the game like two days ago and I'm already at the last part of Trial 4 after the back and forth between Past and Present.
It's really not a long game.
Let’s watch that video again.
i'd bother to watch it if it had hentai sequences desu
I knew an Italian mobster that was afraid of the number 4 because it meant death in Japanese.
I read it in his jap voice and there’s nothing you can do about it
I hope your lawyer is very jewish.
>Play SoJ first
>"Goddamn, why are they shit talking Trucy's family"
>Finally play AJ
>"Yeah okay, fuck em, Retinz was right"
Yeah but that guy went on to be Number 3 in the organization
Yeah no kidding, everybody in that Troupe was a piece of shit.
Do you have any evidence to back that up?
I understand exactly where you're coming from, I wanted to hear Polnareff be french as fuck.
>that flashback episode where Miles still has Von Karma's gestures
Nice attention to detail
haven't seem him in a while
i finally fucking get it
you defend a lawyer who forged evidence
you defend a gangster
you defend a smuggler
you defend an forger
No, and most of the character in Ace Attorney are of Japanese descent in the Japanese version of the game. Even Klavier and Kristoph are both Japanese. No pseudo-German lingo for Klavier in the Japanese version.
Cripple loli
Just started playing the first Investigations game a few days ago
Cammy Meele is hot but her work ethic is quite unacceptable.
leave before investigations 2 spoilers
this is your only warning
Atishon did nothing wrong, he would have saved that shithole.
Obvious false confession, nice try Ron.
Cute pic but I don’t understand your point.
DeBeste is the final villain and the true smuggling ring leader.
>it's another "case would be solved in 2 seconds if your client just told the truth" episode
fuck you
That's just Tim Curry
I think he means that in AJ, you defended all people that were guilty of other crimes.
Apparently My Cousin Vinny is one of the movies with the closest accuracy to a lawyer's job, what you learn in law school, and of courtroom etiquette. But then that should be expected, it was written by a lawyer.
>That Youtube video of a real lawyer going through the first case of Ace Attourney
Good shit.
More like autistic garbage
>hurr durr real lawyers don't wear badges how unrealistic
Based. Dub Dio is great.
does the badge even do anything?
No you are opinion are shit.
The poseur lawyer or the drunk lawyer?
This case would be better if the fake director guy didnt spoil the twist.
the badge is best inventory item
If you don't present it to everyone you're retarded
No idea. I presumed since Youtube recommended it to me that it was the only prominent one.
Maybe she's dummy thick because she's so lazy
>mentally ill guy goes up to underage girls and tells them he wants to rape them
>everyone is okay with this
What was up with that guy anyway
>drunk lawyer
post it
played that case for the first time recently. if you present the pic that has mimi with the blood on her chest he heavily implies he wants to masturbate to that picture.
>Dracula in most Castlevania games
They did this on purpose, didn't they?
>Hey let's add a fifth case to the DS port of Phoenix Wright
>Wow everyone loved it
>Let's not do it for the other two games
>Follow trailers of SoJ but not really paying attention to the little details
>Just know that Wright goes to a country, apollo and trucy are left alone, and Maya comes back
>Play the game
>Rayfa is your fucking pseudo-assistant
>>>>>>>The game turns into an Apollo Justice sequel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The half point of case 5 where you expect to switch to phoenix doesnt fucking happen, it's %95 Apollo
That was very pleasant of them
>wait, let's watch the video again
SoJ needs to be higher, or at least higher than 1
It's character dynamics are too good and reaches similar heights as T&T and AAI2
As someone whose first exposure to Layton was through PLvsAA, it boggles my mind that it was on the more sensible side as far as retarded Layton twists go.
Why did people like Ace Attorney Online? Was it just a roleplaying game? What was the appeal, making a fake trial? It looks fun but I have no idea what it was actually about or what you did
a bunch of crazy shit
The appeal is to start a case seriously, then slowly derailing it into pure insanity.
It was a sex thing
Why are AA threads always so cringe? Please god Konami please make a new game so we can actually discuss something.
RIP to that one website where we could make our own cases with ease and search for new shit to play
Because the games attract the worst kind of people
Men who always like to correct others and nitpick
And pedophiles
I actually disliked the accents, and that’s what made me avoid the dubs for those two parts. Didn’t watch part 3’s dub either though. I have been enjoying the part 4 dub however, I think they nailed Kira by making him sound like a Patrick Bateman-ripoff
What did he mean by this?
Your honor, I may not have a big BUTT like my opponent over here...
>Pedophiles playing a law simulator
That's kinda funny.
Part 4 is only good because Part 3 fixed the voices
you should definitely watch it
>Dual Destines higher than Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney
The crossover game had a very shitty story and the trials were just outright bad, like not a single fucking one was any good. And it was all the fault of that weird Jury-like system or whatever the fuck that was.
The Professor Layton part with the puzzles were all pretty good, very few stinkers. But good God the Ace Attorney part just gave me constant headaches.
I think that the Knight Prosecutor, whatever his name was, was the ONLY good thing about the Trials in that game. I do not understand what the fuck they were thinking.
this is Anonymous, and welcome to my TEDtalk on a fucking video game
This shit obviously has fucking spoilers for the game
I don't even know why talking about this game makes me inconceivably angry
I'm not even mad about the TWEEST, I'm mad about how 99% of the stuff that happens is extremely illegal and unethical. The more you think about it, the more it falls apart. The kind of experiment described would never pass under any type of board, especially a government one. The fucking ulterior motives behind Mr. Cantabella's bullshit are so fucking obvious to anyone who would look him up, like a board. Also consider that fact that Maya and Phoenix were basically kidnapped and brainwashed on top of how all people found to be "witches" end up in literal fucking slavery. Children can also be born into "witchery" too, which is stupidly dark. The game also accepts this by having a kid try to fucking drown herself.
The more I think about it, the more impossible it is, even accepting all the psuedoscience stuff as true and jumping not even morally grey hoops. For instance, if Labrynthia is an extremely hidden government site, how did Carmen Accidenti find it? How did he escape?Furthermore, if memories can come back so easily as they did with Phoenix and Maya, how come no one else really remembers anything? Sure, you could say meme suggestion paper, but not a single person? Everyone in the town completely trusts the Storyteller while many people are mentally wracked by this?
shit's comfy though
If anything, as shit as that game was, it did turn me into a huge fan of Professor Layton games and I couldn't be any more thankful for that. I LOVED the puzzles. I would always look forward to that part.
It's simple.
It was all an accident lul [\spoiler]
Honestly I still like the Ace Attorney moments the most, I just like playing these segments and pressing everyone and finding new statements within statements. The music was great too, really loved the soundtrack.
At least Labyrinthia's bullshit seems feasible in the moment, unlike certain other Layton game's twists
Do you see the spawn of Satan anywhere in this room?
The final trial happening this Friday.
Usual time, usual stream
Except for trying to steal a bomb and murdering someone.
I DID NOT LICK HER CUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pretty simple
When you're rich, you're allowed to do whatever you want.
Just like in real life.
Don't understand the appeal if these dancing vids they even show up in r34 searches
Only witches don't understand their appear.
We shall have to cast you into the hell fire, as is the law of Labrynthia.
Please join AOV. The server is very dead at the moment and we're having a serious lack of casing.
>Play the online client
>Someone mentions gloves
Your honor, this is a black thing isn’t it?
should i emulate the trilogy or buy the remaster on steam
can we all take a moment to respect this confy vidya related yet goofy and light hearted late night thread that will soon reach it's end ?
Nothing is going to top Edgeworth game. Fuck Capcom.
As someone who just have played only PW/JfA/T&T and currently playing AJ.
Does it really Phoenix is THAT lucky? I mean, what the fuck 3-5...
2-5 best case
So, did the appeals court confirm that Mr. user is indeed a faggot, like the lower court found?
The only good Gramarye is a dad Gramarye
shit I meant *dead
because Zak is a total piece of shit
shut up kristoph
why is she so perfect bros?
i wanna lick her armpits
move soj up and you got it
Also anons there is a body double
The murder was committed in a different location!
Season 2 of the anime was pretty good
actually did 3-5 justice
This sounds like canon cases.
I never said it was consensual
Why yes, I am a witness. How did you know?
Why was the last episode the only one to actually use sound effects from the game and the actual music from the game
The absolute fucking GOAT murderer
Bloody hell I'm glad I switched from a pirated HD trilogy to just emulating the DS versions.
>tfw currently replaying 5-DLC
so damn good
Loved DD, overhated game
Dunno. Probably cheaper?
Shame though, you're right
Ace Attorney Professor Layton crossover has the best pursuit theme hands down
Yeah, that's pretty much the point. Dude has tons of luck from himself just coming up with dumb ideas that actually came out to be the correct answer to people saving the case from randomly appearing and asking to testify.
He's also plummeted from a burning bridge into incredibly fast running water that nearly everyone who has ever plummeted into had died from and came out with Pneumonia, been hit by a car going at full speed and survived with a sprained wrist and was even hit over the head with a fire extinguisher and obtained minor amnesia for a day. He's very lucky.
Also 2-5, damn never played that case before? What happened?
The whole season actually used sound effects from the game. I remember when they found the blackmail envelope in Ron's apartment it played this:
I can't remember if it played any OST since most was original, and some were remixes.
The dude was rich and the government didn't give a fuck and were probably paid off for this shit.
Why does it look so bad tho?
It's one of the best yeah, but the absolute best is in GK2 imo.
>2-5 best case
All these years and I never unlocked the secret fifth JFA case?
2-5 is the case that makes up for a otherwise shit game I recommend you play it and not spoil yourself.
How do I access this case?
He's talking about 2-4 and he's a retard because he doesn't realise there are only four cases in AA2.
I know, I was just messing with him.
its her tight pants
You need to get Edgeworth to give you a raise to unlock it
Farewell, My Turnabout was an okay case but it was nowhere near on par with 1-2, let alone 1-5 or 1-4. And the villain should NEVER have dropped the pretty-boy masquerade. He went from "subtly psychopathic" to "Disney villain" in three seconds flat.
Also 1-1 is pretty good, all things considered.
He's been posting it every thread for years, it's easier to ignore him.
But I've only started playing the AA games in the past month so I've only seen it now.
Also Ghost Trick > literally every Ace Attorney case combined.
Be weary of spoilers then. People love to post them without much warning. Like this one.
Also play Hotel Dusk and it's sequel.
I only post it because there's usually some good discussion, and people used to post their own. The latter seems to have dried up a bit, though.
Oh, I'm wary of spoilers. I've managed to avoid 'em so far, mostly.
I got spoiled on Ghost Trick way before I played the game though, because half the replies in a "what should I name my cat" thread were Sissel. :(
And Hotel Dusk is literally next on my list after I finish Trials and Tribulations.
I just get tired of seeing it every thread, since you're right the latter has stopped being a thing so it's always the same one you post.
Hell, I never made mostly because I always forget how cases go and how I felt playing them the first time.
Damn, only the third game? You've still got 8 games left, one being untranslated and soon to be 9 when AA7 eventually gets announced.
Yeah, but I'm gonna take a break from 'em because A. everyone says Apollo Justice is shit and B. if I play more than three games in a row I KNOW I'm gonna burn out.
I'm probably only gonna play AAI1&2 desu, though. I don't have any motivation to play games which are worse than 1 and 3.
I'll try and post something else, a lot of the time the reason I post things is to save the thread from page 10 and having something slightly controversial tends to help with bumps.
The burnout is a real thing, but you should play the games yourself and make your own opinions rather than just throwing it over to others. There aren't really any bad games in the series.
>Spirit of Justice in high tier
Actual mental issues
Play the whole damn series! AJ is probably the lowest point in the series and it's still a good game, no AA game is shit. AJ has the best first case in the series and a fine final case. I actually think AJ could've been improved if the first case premise was the final case.
Yeah that's fair, it's why I was responding to you mostly. Keeping AA threads alive with bumps is something I've been doing for years.
I mean yeah, that much is obvious.
Rise from the ashes is a worst case. Ass-long, boring, literally all characters 1 plain dumb joke all over again, shits on story and characters of aa1/2, one of dumbest and obvious villain of the series with shit design and annoying music theme. God, why its so bad? Are new trilogy game bad like this? Are aa fans a hacks?
It's funny because you're wrong.
Post the Neil Marshall testimony.
You know the one.
Sadly I don't have it.
This series is not for you.
I read this in his OVA dub voice and there’s nothing you can do about it
I've never played any aa
should I import the trilogy on switch or do something different
just play the ds versions on a rom
Whens the next ace attorney?
All the ones on the DS can be emulated on your PC just fine, not sure about 3DS though. You'll need both screens and a mic for some cases so play it like that.
The series goes like this:
Ace Attorney -> Justice for All -> Trials and Tribulations -> Apollo Justice -> Duel Destinies -> Spirit of Justice
Has several spinoffs and they should be played after the first three games:
Ace Attorney Investigations -> Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (has a translation) -> Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright -> Dai Gyaukten Saiban (has a translation) -> Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (currently being translated.)
Switch version is fine if you don't mind the HD sprites.
is your best bet. The HD trilogy sprites aren't as bad as everyone says, but they ARE worse than the originals IMO. The shading in particular is atrocious.
3ds version is the best desu
Welcome to the Japanese legal system. Just don't get accused bro XD
Will he ever come back, bros?
>muh japanese ruling japanifornia conspiracy theory
fuck off and eat your hamburgers
>that steel samuai case
>edgeworth joins your side during trial
I think it's because we sort of grew up with her.
>want to play new AA games DD has been on my backlog for years
>replay entire series because it's been a while
>having fun
>get to AJ
>hey this game isn't so bad why did I hate it again
>literally the first microsecond of the video being played at the beginning of 4-3 almost gave me a fucking stroke from it all coming back at once
>instantly turn off the DS and continue on to finally getting to DD on my backlog
Yeah... him and Gumshoe will come riding on on a white horse... just gotta keep waiting...
>played the trilogy
>then Investigations
>just startedcase 2 of Investigations 2
Am I doing it right?
God damn the final case in AAI1 dragged on for so long. Nigga just didn't want to give up.
>stupid person
You just know she wanted to write retarded
It emulates perfectly on phones.
Don't get the remakes though they messed up the art
You really don't need a mic, every ds emulator has a button for blowing
So when is she getting out of jail?
Reminder that Maya is best girl and Wright should have been stuffing her with his burger ever since Trials and Tribulations
Somebody made a (you) edit, where is it
I don’t think any other mystery game, neither Layton nor Wright or even dangan rompa can outmatch the absolutely retarded plot that is Layton’s Diabolical Box
Also yeah, Alba is probably the only Ace Attorney villain that feels like a proper final boss, the fucker just won’t give up
paolo's disguise is even more implausible than the gas
That’s why I’m saying nothing will ever top it. It’s from the same game.