Meanwhile at Yea Forums Yea Forums...
Meanwhile at Yea Forums Yea Forums
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I sure do love talking about video games.
Fuck off
what the fuck is a Yea Forums
>error 404
Dis 4channel, bro.
>encourages a bunch of pathetic white incels into becoming mass murderers
Who the fuck is that? Where's Yotsuba?
*doesn't exist*
exploding bus
ahh, Sachiko is such a good girl
Aren't you glad you're posting on 4channel and not Yea Forums?
I think you're half a chan short.
Nah thats mobius strip, this one just encourages people to kill themselves
I slit niggers throats in their sleep
>tfw somewhat resemble the general look these fags have
>tfw not white but a third worlder spic
It's what's on the inside that matters.
i am average Yea Forumsedditor i enjoy bad game [insert title]
please do not post 31 pictures of me, thank you
>tfw Yea Forums is older than Reddit
>tfw I've been coming to this godforsaken place for longer than Reddit has existed
here forever etc
When will sachiko return?
How can we stop them?
Gun control...
More specifically, bullet control.
Thanks god I have thick glass frame like a chad so I don't look like a incel school shooter
Why do they take the same picture?
Okay good. Do you mean place more restrictions on certain types or altogether?
reply their posts with "have sex"
reminder these guys are a drop in the bucket compared to the real mass shooters.
>wall of text
Why do all leftie memes do this? And woo, that's assblasted.
>Incels literally slaying pussy
Should we be more specific?
>no more sachiko on the front page
what went wrong?
>the real mass shooters
Skinheads, right?
They are aimed at people who don't get mad when they have to read.
No, me and my black friends. stop putting the blame on one very niche group when its just us.
What can we do about those beyond carrying ourselves?
>tfw dont have shit eyesight
feels nice
Hey guys, I have a relevant opinion on video games.
Shitposting aside, gang violence and mass shootings are two different things that require two different solutions.
i want to fuck teeny sanguini!
We need a new 8ch so these subhuman soibois can fuck off.
The split happened.
Awesome. I'd love to hear it.
ok nigger
oh god is there any better feeling I CAN'T STOP CUMMING
good goy
That game you like is flawed, but still good, and your enjoyment of it is valid despite it having the potential to be better.
Hey guys
is that vista?
I'd rather have them than this
I can accept that. I hope you have a wonderful day playing video games! I know I will.
*takes control of your PC*
Who's that guy?
Read the filename.
>these people actually exist
thank god I live in a flyover state holy fucking god
Yes, enjoy your day of gaming, friend.
>look like these faggots
>don't have plans to shoot people up and don't browse /pol/
Man, I've already had crippling self esteem issues for my entire fucking life, don't make socializing harder for me by getting everyone to think I'm a murderer
Stonetoss is a Nazi.
when do we execute all white men and fuck their sexy women?
same. feels good being a beefyking fag.
if 4 everyone ITT is gay
>he doesnt know
formerly known as Yea Forums
If the only way you can achieve the goal you think you will achieve is by executing [group] then perhaps your views are extreme.
This kind of extreme behavior may start out as just jokes but it evolves. It is a cancer for the mind.
If 5 we are all gonna make it
fuck jannies
Edit 1: and fuck ni***rs
Edit 2: thanks for the gold kind stranger! :)
no, as a bi nigger i'm highly attracted to white men.
>"Don't breathe guys"
>"He said guys, kill him"
>"Did you assume his gender"
Well dang. That's funny.