this game is boring. The world is empty
This game is boring. The world is empty
Other urls found in this thread:
>The game is borin-
So is your head, retard.
OP is just a fucking brainlet, he is probably seething because he likes Fallout 3 or skyrim and people tell him they're awful
This one is posted every time. You got anything else
Both those games are shit too
there's a pretty good amount of locations and they're mostly interesting and cool to explore, but the space between them is a fucking desert so what do you expect
Literally the exact opposite.
You reach a town, a voiced NPC shows up and starts laying down the exposition for a side quest For comparison, in BOTW you turn orange buildings blue
And Ubisoft games have 5 minigames repeated 30 times each all over the map
These comics are cringey as fuck. Who shoots their way out of conflicts in a story driven WPRG, when you could do that in literally any other video game? True chads talk their way out of shit, and don't need to draw their gun once.
Start questing and stop being a zoom zoom little bitch this is not a walking sim
FNV is top tier RPG
>the world is empty
Ive put hundreds of hours each in Fallout 3, Skyrim, and New Vegas, and 4 and never completed the main quests in any of them.
Uh, yikes. Jannie, delete this thread. *snaps fingers*
try talking your way out of this then
I don't think this is the original, I swear he says " I'm going to punch her in the cunt. "
did you even leave good springs? nice low quality bait faggot
>luck at 10
>1sr recon beret
>better crits
>invisible sneak perk
>guns at 75
>level 15
>hollowpoint ammo
>still takes two mags to kill one 'claw
Poor game design
>Ratslayer (unique VARMINT rifle)
>Hollowpoint rounds
What did you expect?
It's literally a moviegame, how can anyone defend it?
You really think I'm gonna buy a Sniper Rifle, and the silencer from the Jew Runners?
What the fuck is a "moviegame"
Just buy a BB gun.
Just steal them you pussy
>tfw early game and these show up
New Vegas
A game which has a narrative. If you're playing a moviegame, you might as well just go watch a movie.
>Last Of Us 1-2
>Red Dead Redemption 1-2
>DOOM 1-5
>Super Mario Bros
>Metal Gear/Solid 1-5
>Super Smash Bros
>Uncharted 1-4
Guns, energy weapons or melee weapons?
Thats not early game
You went the wrong way
>bland world
>boring setting
>forgettable npcs
>meh story
>horrible mob designs
>clunky mechanics
honestly the only redeeming quality of the game is its dialogues.
Energy weapons if you're cool.
Melee weapons if you pretend to be cool and make dumb looking characters because you think they're funny.
Guns if you're cool.
Guns are very fun in my opinion. Here is my most recent guns build.
>Yea Forums hates New Vegas now
What the FUCK went wrong?
Terrible bait
It wasnt as good as people lead me to believe :/ ill stick to 1!
they only show up if you go left instead of right
Fuck off with your hive-mind mentality.
Then why did you respond to it? This isn't reddit, you're not going to get points for calling him out.
Fantastic game. What didn't you like about NV, user?
Energy weapons unless you wanna get autistic with gun mods
What website/program did you make this build with?
Do you actually think a single thread with a whopping 28 IPs represents one of if not the most fastest boards on this website?
As usual, anything you disagree with is labelled as bait. Try actually arguing for once.
What's the mod that lets you wear whatever armor but still use the effects of a other armor?
I want to wear a cowboy hat, not this fucking beret but the crit increase is too good.
>most fastest
That's the point, the world just experienced a nuclear apocalypse.
>walking across a desert to deliver an item and talk to some stranger with boring lines to go back and deliver something else and talk to another boring NPC is fun
I enjoy it, it's fun for me.
Is it really the games fault that you don't like what it has to offer? It's not like you're being forced to play it.
Of course it is, it's a Fallout game.
The "notes" on my laptop.
My current build.
>want to dress up as a cowboy
>can't because there is better armor and youd be dumb not to use it
What armor did you have in mind.
I liked New Vegas but it's only problem is i-
god damn it, crashed ag-
fuck!! crash to fucking deskt-
Nah really though the main issue I had with it is it's ending was shit, like all Fallout games.
It was basically "ermagerd everyone's fighting over the dam" which resulted in "yay! no-one's fighting over the dam anymore!" and rolling credits showing you pre-made cutscenes of which factions you sucked the most dick of.
This but unironically.
>youd be dumb not to use it
It's a single player video game.
Wear what you want. If it gimps you too hard, give yourself bonuses, turn down the difficulty.
If you play sniper it hardly matters what you wear. I just wore the radiation suit for most the game because I thought it looked cool.
Was Joshua right?
I mostly want to wear the Desperado cowboy hat and the Clint Eastwood poncho but the 1st recon beret provides a huge bonus
Anyone have a tutorial on making new radio stations with voice acting?
I listen to a fuck ton of psychobilly and desert rock, I wanna make my own station and say the songs are from local wasteland bands
>this game is boring. The world is empty
Ok, that's nice Todd. You tell us that every week.
literally everything about this video is cringe. holy fuck
I can't help you because I don't know but I want to say that sounds like a really cool idea.
If you ever get it working please share some links from time to time.
I will definitely be posting it here
I think songs like this
Really would fit the lore perfectly, given that the band is from California, and sights 50s scifi movies and rock and roll as huge influences.
why not pick all of them, you can basically max them, keep a melee weapon when you don't want to waste ammo, and a cheap laser rifle or pistol for weak enemies, the pistol or laser rifle would compliment your hunting rifle or plasma rifle, energy weapons have nothing that can do exactly what a shotgun does, so its always useful to have one
maybe rpgs are not for you retard? they were always about number crunching and fetch quests
>Super Mario Bros
>Super Smash Bros
...what do they eat?
You're boring and empty.
at least don't use fucking hollow points you absolute retard.
Are you saying they're not moviegames? Your precious pile of shit DOOM is literally a movie.
Update: I opened up geck and gave the Desperado Cowboy hat the same property's as the beret
where's chances knife. Also how good is it.
Wrong fucking image, but Bloodborne is also a moviegame.
There you go, user. Well done!
North of Goodsprings in a Grave. Extremely. It gets outclassed but if you can get it early (without dying) it'll last a long ass time.
>It gets outclassed
You can build around it though if you really want to use it. It's affected by both cowboy and grunt, which makes it pretty awesome.
So you're saying that any game with a story is a movie? Is that accurate?
You'll need to sneak past some cazardors.
Don't you mean 3 or 4?
1: varmint rifle is literally weakest rifle in the game. Ratslaywr is better but still a toy against real enemies, especially ones with armor like a deathclaw(same armor rating as combat armor)
2: hollowpoint bullets are specifically for unarmored flesh enemies like naked humans or ferals. They are THE WORST ammo type against armor.
So basically, you're an Idiot and you're doing everything wrong
>get Alien Blaster
>game is now easy as fuck
i never did this quest cause it seemed like a waste of time to dick around in the casinos
hildern is a bitch
Is there any mod that adds a poncho over your armor/pack?
I just cheese the fucking outta the game and set it to very easy, and use the grenade rifle and stims/antidotes to fight past them.
With the ultimate edition you start the game with metal armor, mercury grenade rice and a bunch of healing. Perfectly doable to fight through if you cheese like a bitch
>mercury grenade rice
based phone poster just invented the coolest fucking weapon I have ever heard of in my life.
You can do it on hardcore max difficulty. You just need to sneak past the Cazadores, hug the cliff face, go up to the grave grab the knife and run for it.
>implying moseying across the desert while listening to Marty Robbins isn't the best part of the game
Yes, and anyone who chooses Daniel is an actual retarded cuck.
Welcome to open world quest-driven pseudo-RPGs.
Yes, just like almost anyone else on Yea Forums would tell you. Do you have a problem with the truth?
or you can go in between big mountain and the quarry, even through hidden valley, the most efficient method to getting to the strip is between the quarry and big mountain, basically stay on the cliffs and end up at the repconn facility, if you do it right you can avoid all fights
>added some new songs to the radio
>tfw walking across the desert listening to this
>get Super Slam at level 8 and grab Knock-Knock
nothing personnel.......
With your clarification and hostile attitude, I know you're just playing a role and don't genuinely believe what you're saying is true.
You should find a healthier hobby.
you're empty and boring
>energy rifles suck unless you go game-breeaking all crit or just pick a fancier sniper rifle
>energy pistols are terrible and don't have working iron sights even on the mod that was supposed to fix meshes
>energy weapons are mostly stuck with disgustingly dull FO3 aesthetics
>energy weapons visual mods are fucking terrible and incompatible with everything
>new energy weapon mods suck, even FO4 has better and classic-er ones
>ashes and goo never despawn and look like shit compared to old energy weapons gore
>dude the game story is SO deep and varied
>the endings of every quest line is identical battle at hoover dam
Literal mass effect 3 tier writing.
Keep coping, fag.
If this was a thread criticizing a recent Nintendo game it would have been deleted 100 posts ago.
I still have PTSD from Fallout 3 because of the creature spawning and the enemy level scailing. Fucking bulletsponges every corner. Thank you Todd! Very cool!
Joshua has the right ideas about defending the earth from invaders and daniel too shares this opinion, the problem is that they dragged the tribes in their conflict with the white legs and daniel felt guilt about it, and he tries to not involve them more than they already were. Wich is why he wanted to move the tribes into a place where the white legs would be incapable to reach them.
Clearly this option is a gamble as much as fighting the white legs, troughout the whole dlc they stated that fighting them would have resulted into a potential big loss of human life and a more hostile corruption of the two tribes, wich is enforced in the ending when they openly say that this starts some tensions between them who whould have resulted in a war was it not for daniel.
Tl;dr both decisions have their quite severe negatives.
Bramins and the food of caravans who pass from the mojave outpost to new vegas/boulder city/hoover dam
pretty much that pulse gun though, if you want to go full autist prototype laser rifle has highest damage in the game with crits
learn the ways of the dart gun and combat shotgun
>tfw you larp as a guy who clearly could not survive his ordeal
>come up with epic quips and phrases to pass along to ignorant followers to enhance the legend
>masturbate into your rags every night
What are some recommended mods to play NV again? It's been a while and I feel like starting a playthrough then realizing 7 hours passed.
is old world blues the only DLC that isn't hinted at? We hear about Joshua Graham in some places, and elijah is mentioned several times by the BoS, and there are hints about Ulysses here and there but I don't think there is any mention of the sink.
The BoS lesbian talks about Elijah
Big mt is hinted at everywhere. Especially dead money
This is bait alright, but name another game that takes place in a desert/"empty" place and actually has tons of stuff to do.
I'd like to play more of that.
Jsawyer an delayed DLC. Maybe TTW if you like 3
Elijah is dead money.
that makes sense, I haven't played dead money. Is it referenced elsewhere.
Doing a playthrough right now and just thinking about how much I actually dislike The Kings and how shitty and retarded they are, does anyone actually like them.
Everyone except you
Some characters mentions big MT in vanilla. But nobody knows what's really there.
Yet more proof of my superiority.
>This old pasta
NCR did nothing wrong at Bitter Springs
Fallout 3 faggot detected
Joshua and the courier suffer from similar experiences, it's crazy that the writers didn't played around that.
Why is survival such a useless skill? I really want it to be good, but it's only decent in Honest Hearts
Stat his SPECIAL, Yea Forums
According to their moral code they did everything wrong.
Survival is good purley because of Them's good eatin
STR 10
END 10
AGI 10
I hate niggers
>play the game once
>small level but whatever, ill finish the main quest among the first after i get to las vegas
>help out a few towns and NCR
>respond to call from Cesar Milan
>do shit for him
>kill the zombie under las vegas
>kill the main Roman Legion general
>cheat to tell the NCR general to fuck off
>game ends
>less than 2 days of gameplay
>no chance to do other expansions
Shame, because the game seemed nice, its just missing more cowboy attire
I dont feel like starting it again yet
The game is boring as shit. Accept it.
A little.
>This one is posted every time. You got anything else
How about you don't start threads about games you hate and have no argument.
You can post about literally anything you want, start some more cuck threads on /gif/ or something, whatever you usually do, but instead you whine about some game you're not even playing.
Get. A. Life.
Leaving Zion is symbolic for abandoning your principles and letting the world roll over you. The whole DLC is an examination on christ-related religion from an outsider's perspective. David represents trying to be seen as a friendly religion that is against action and violence, but in the process lets more and more of the evils that they were supposed to fight against take their lands and overwhelm their followers until nothing remains. Joshua is like old-school biblical rage, where he sees the violence he causes as just another chore he carries out for the lord. Running from the white legs wouldn't help them, they ran from them in Salt Lake, and they had to run from them here. The white legs will always remain, always following them, always taking more until nothing is left and the belief of the lord is extinguished. If you follow Joshua and wipe out the white legs, the endings show that the white legs were driven out and the stragglers killed by both Joshua's followers and the 80's tribe. With Zion, the belief in the lord has a strong foundation, one filled with taboo, but still remains a monument to the lord.
>hollowpoint bullets are specifically for unarmored flesh enemies like naked humans or ferals. They are THE WORST ammo type against armor.
And then you get .45-70 hollow points that do enough raw damage to rip through any armor anyway.
>kill Mortimer and get his keys
>later expose him at the end of his speech at the banquet
That is the most complex quest in the game and it's barely 10 minutes long and has zero impact on the world.
Kill yourself buttblasted pseud.