Are there any good JRPGs with combat systems that aren't boring turn based grindfests?

Are there any good JRPGs with combat systems that aren't boring turn based grindfests?

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VI_battle.png (337x295, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: God Tier FFXV Combat.webm (700x392, 2.89M)

Megaman Battle Network

That is a whole lot of pushing O and R2 there


Yeah but I don't want to tell you since you seem like a faggot

Most jrp don't require any grinding
If you think otherwise, you've either not played any or you're retarded and grind anyway

He said good RPG

also the combat is a Hold O shitfest thanks to Tabata:

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

literally go back with that pixel shit

Yes, retard.

literally kill yourself with that shit for brains

>turn based grindfests

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FF6 and 8 comes to mind

>in a final fantasy game
>needing to grind in any jrpg since the 80's

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of course there are plenty.

But guys I fight boss and he killed me clearly I MUST grind then complain about it? There is no other option.

etrian odyssey III

For me, its Grandia 2

"Haha user you don't need to grind, just don't run away and fight the the millions of random encounters even though you would just want to progress through the story after getting burned out fighting the same monsters over and over again."

learn to read retard

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t. retard who never tried poisoning Seymour

The switch version of pic related has the grind removed.
But you sound like you just don't like RPGs.

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Grinding is not exclusively a side activity. A linear game can be a grind to play through by design.


You were the one arguing semantics in the first place retard. JRPGs are grinding games by default, just like cookie clicker.

you don't need to grind in any JRPG

*You don't need to go out of your way to grind in any JRPG

Secret of Mana

>*You don't need to go out of your way to grind in any JRPG that's good

Yes? That's literally how every jrpg is and has been. Encounter rates are usually set by some kind of estimates on getting from point A to point B, while giving the player just enough levels and exp to deal with the next boss while also not making you too strong or too weak for the next boss. Even while running away from some battles, you could literally walk in a straight line to the final boss and still gain enough levels to beat it.

Maybe you should stop being a fucking retard and running into dead ends and dead zones.

nice try, but good JRPGs don't exist.

Then how do you explain Persona 5?

>Are there any good JRPGs

Shit taste. Imagine actually thinking a jrpg is good.

>Are there

>persona "go to sleep" 5


friendly reminder that these are the retards who complain about needing to grind in a modern jrpg:

>don't grind
>boss crits and OHKs your party, even though you have the best gear you could possibly have for how little you've grinded
>lose hours of progress

how do you know that it's a dead end/zone before you get there

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OP said good JRPGs, you spend half the time in game doing nothing but waiting, and your choices are to attack every couples of seconds at 100% power to do relatively minimal damage, or charge for 10 seconds every time only for the enemy to arbitrarily dodge the attack anyway. Not to mention the absolute garbage magic system which requires 0 skill to use on the players part, and is just unfun when enemies use it as it's just instant unavoidable damage.

How the fuck can someone be bad at ff6?

>tfw you realize there are retards out there that don't understand how to play a JRPG properly.
It isn't complex game design. Just don't be a retard and play the game. Or go back to Smash, I don't care either way.

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The boktai saga maybe, and based on sytle? No game has required grinding per se, more learning the mechanics and how to exploit them that grinding... Say, if you got experience, you can guess which class a character will excel looking at the base stats, ability and stuff like that. Also, usually the random battles work so you are just a bit over the level you need to for beating the boss, if you them all. Some games do have a shit difficulty curve that forces grinding, and usually there is a fan modification to the game for you to play. And even, recent games introduce mechanics to avoid grinding, such as the Etrian odyssey experience dlc fest that power level you in 5 minutes

keep in mind that these are the faggots who dismiss jrpgs as "menu simulators" and "movie games" that "don't require skill." it's pure projection since they actually suck at them whenever they try to play them.

But that seems willfully bad. Or just unrealistic level of brainlet.

by thinking that unless you're able to rush through the game its a "grindfest"

Turn-based? No. The problem is that turn-based RPGs are essentially puzzles with a solution that's solved very quickly (about 10 seconds in a DQ-type game, maybe an half an hour's worth of type-memorization in a series like Megaten).
>Attack every turn
>Heal when weakened
>Exploit enemy weaknesses with elemental magic
etc etc.
The rulesets are braindead simple but the experience is prolonged for hours. This isn't like action games where reaction time and pattern memorization, in tandem, are pushed further and further as the game goes on.

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Look up some SMT reviews and be amazed at peoples incompetence

That's not grinding, that's fighting random encounters
Grinding is when you purposefully avoid reaching your next destination with the intent to kill more enemies for xp

M&L Superstar Saga/BiS
Paper Mario / TTYD
Super Mario RPG
Pretty sad that a bunch of baby games have the best combat in a genre just because they go that little step further with timed inputs.

literally just equip the gear that gives you the biggest numbers and spam attack lol


>The Dark Souls of Persona

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What about it? The OP in that had horrible gear equipped, he did what gave him the lowest numbers.
JRPGs are nothing but equipping the gear that gives you bigger numbers and spamming the attacks that deal the biggest numbers


the point is that there are numerous retards out there who can't even get on that level

Are you just willfully retarded?

jRPGs are the only RPGs that take skill

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It takes an unwillfull retard to not equip the best gear in their bottomless inventory. Do you struggle to remain above that level?

So we can all agree this is the hardest JRPG ever made right?

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aw yeah it's time

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What jrpgs after the late 80's nes ones even require you to grind to get through the main story?

Someone put FFT on there to make it even more embarrassing

none, grinding is for retards who need a crutch. Not surprising wRPGtards are the only ones to ever bring it up. These retards unironically had to grind in persona 5, one of, if not the easiest megaten games ever made

Baten Kaitos

all of them because JRPGs are a grind to complete. The only difference between a boss and a mob is how big their numbers are.
That's like asking what MMOs require a grind to get to end game. All of them do

Dragon Quest 5/8 have some minor forced grinding in the very beginning


P5 is definitely the easiest SMT game. That's why it was shilled so hard at release, baby's first smt is gonna make some cash


Please tell me what you consider a game free of grind

I agree. Game on hard was easier than 3/4 on normal which are easier than nocturne/strange journey on normal

So you're telling me you never killed the same enemy twice in FFXIV? Amazing. How much money did you spend on xp boosts?


I never fought the same mob more than once to get to end game, correct

that's a hack'n'slash

and how many times did you kill a clone of a mob?
>but the clone was placed somewhere else!
Yeah, probably 4 feet from the one you just killed, with the same name and everything. Then you repeated quests like this all the way to end game

So all videogames that have levels or multiple mobs are grindfests?

never, each mob has a unique make up in the dungeons

WRPGs avoid making it a grindfest by having positioning matter. When you assault a base, soldiers block your progress, ranged soldiers peper you from a range, etc. In an MMO none of this matters, you fight the mob you pulled and repeat for the rest of the cluster until you DING then go on to the next area.



>posts a webm where he's holding R1+O on wait mode with end game weapon equipped and still gets rekd by weak grunt enenies
>links a debunked and outdated mistranslation from 2014 written by a fucking triggered nomura drone that ignored its a mistranslation
Fuck off KH fag

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FF7R is hold to attack too you dumb cunt.

>When you assault a base, soldiers block your progress, ranged soldiers peper you from a range, etc
are you sure you're thinking of wRPGs and not sRPGs?

>positioning doesn't matter in MMOs
lol what? fuck off retard

>staying out of aggro range is positioning
>but red circles during boss fights!
>b-but my complex raid mechanic that kills everyone that's in between 4-6 meters of the boss when he hits 35.3% health remaining!

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Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

I don't think you've ever played the late game of an MMO outside of runescape

>XV-kun still exists

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>doesn't provide any examples otherwise
denial isn't healthy. Face the facts, MMOs are even more dumbed down than JRPGs. MMOs are all the grind of a JRPG without any of the menu management, the only thing you manage in an MMO is how little inventory space you have to hold all the trash you need to sell/craft

Xenoblade 2

When? Buffs and Status effects exist.

neo exdeath savage, grand cross delta/alpha/omega

It's pretty much mandatory in old dragon quest games

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>they're not red circles, they're red waves you have to jump over!
sad. Even the mario & luigi series is more hardcore than that.

Grandma 1 and 2

reductivism is the poorest form of argument

The only thing more boring than turn based combat is ATB, which is ironically slower because you have to wait in real time for the next turn to come up.

There's nothing to reduce. It's an mmo. You're presenting mechanics that have already been reduced to such a fine powder that even JRPGs are in awe of their simplicity.

And by Grandma I mean Grandia

Tales of games might be more your speed. Valkyrie Profile too.

post any MMO end game content clear you've gotten

And neither are applicable at the start unless you grind

>wrpgs don't have grind
Best joke I've heard all week

They have grind but at least they aren't nothing but grind like a JRPG.

Watchout those goal posts might reach 88mph at this rate

Fuck off KH tranny


This, try the Tales of games. They have an action-based combat system which kind of feels like Smash, it’s best to try for yourself

Tales of games; Symphonia/Vesperia/etc.

Paper Mario and it's sequel The Thousand Year Door use turn based combat but have active button presses for optimal damage/dodging during the combat animation and have interactive fun skills that often require button input strings or the control stick to be moved in a pattern for the most damage.

No goalposts were moved. Not all WRPGs are free of grind, but many of them are. Those that do have grind have it in a very minimal fashion, it's only in JRPGs do you fight the exact same fights so many times.

>it's only in JRPGs do you fight the exact same fights so many times.
Oh my god you don't play videogames at all do you

>useless stuff
>Man why are jrpgs so grindy!

I am convinced the lazy garbage combat of FF6/7 are why so many people dismiss the genre

Thats the joke

in a JRPG, fighting a slime for the 20th time has nothing new to it. It's the same exact fight.
In a WRPG, this doesn't happen. The terrain changes in a meaningful way: there are obstacles that actually mean something, verticality that has an actual effect, multiple enemies are in the fight and their positions all matter too.
Meanwhile in a JRPG
>walking through field
>slime appeared!
>slime defeated!
>loot acquired! Slime Sword +46!
>unequip slime sword +45
>equip slime sword +46
so thrilling, so new

Meanwhile same shit happens in wizardry and fallout but it's okay because it's western and therefore flawless

I love these

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You don't even need to grind much in the original PS1, just a few levels at the very start to get Alys started, and then a little bit near the end to grease the wheels on Lassic and Dark Falz, who can just kill you anyway if you get bad RNG

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Where is any of that in this video?

fallout has tactical positioning. The environments mean something, resources are actually a factor, etc etc and there are more dialogue options than
>will you go out with me uguu
all with their own effects and requirements.
JRPGs are simplistic garbage, and japan's obsession with them is why they've fallen for the gacha meme so hard.

>play baldur's gate
>most class can't do anything but auto attack
>95% of the spells are garbage not worth using
>Dumb as fuck Ai that will focus on the first character they see and will only attack your squishies if you get fucked over by the terrible pathfinding and they end up in front
>have to install difficulty mod to make it not piss easy
>barely any relevant choice, stat check, class check
>is considered one of the best wrpg ever

I like turn based :(


seewRPGs are hot garbage

>all with their own effects and requirements.

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not a surprise, standards for wRPGs are far lower than jRPGs

>combat is brainlessly holding O
>cannot die due to the fact you can use essentially limitless items at all times with no cooldown
>magic consists of nukes that don't take any strategy to use, limited but can easily be made back around frequent campsites
>side quests involve boring fetch quests
>considered a huge disappointment, one of the worst in its series

>combat consist of a braindead single click on an enemy
>cannot die due to the fact you can use essentially limitless items at all times with no cooldown
>magic consists of nukes that don't take any strategy to use, limited but can easily be made back around frequent rest sites
>side quests involve boring fetch quests
>considered one of the greatest wRPGs of all time

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>fallout has tactical positioning
You can literally skip every battle in the game by just walking past them on the first turn of combat lel

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Just post the MS paint comics already

>ctrl + f
>one result
Eh, I'll take it

There's nothing but attack spamming and standing in place.
Honestly, all of your shit tastes are pathetic. I can't believe Yea Forums has fallen this far. There are actually good JRPGs out there but you haven't named a single one of them. Years ago some user would have came in by now and linked them, but here you are giving me xenoblade 2 of all things. How does it feel to be so fucking pathetic that you're the living equivalent of someone's shitpost of a JRPG fan?

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despite how bad it is, it's still better than any wRPG. Really goes to show how bad western shit is

Because even xenoblade 2 has more exciting combat than the best wrpgs ever made

Can't play video games when you're so busy shitposting

>more exciting than this
This single webm is more fun and exciting than all of xenoblade 2

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It's not attack spamming, you have to use moves in set order to pull all that off. The amount of strategy that goes into that single battle is staggering. Nice try though.

xenoblade 2 combat is the definition of boring, because enemy health pools starting at level 1 are bloated due to wanting you to use mechanics that dont get fully fleshed out until about 30 hours in. hammering away at bunnits for 5 minutes is not fun, and going through 25-30 hours of that just to make it seem ok isnt worth it

skill rotations are not strategy

>spam a single button to effortlessly kill
that's what I thought, is absolutely correct

That's the most boring thing ever made.


>I never played Divinity OS

fusion combos are available 5 hours in, or less

unlike wRPGs, enemies fight back and disrupt rotations resulting in adaptation

Gear preparation, skill and timing are strategy yes.

chrono trigger has the most tollerable combat of any jrpgs

it's still deep as a puddle, but it as good as it gets

Good answer.

Brainlet detected. HP bars aren't bloated at all, you can perform fusion combos within 2 hours of starting the game.

>spam cc
>b-but muh barrel

Lets compared xenoblade 2 with D:OS. XC2 does the same thing as the OS's world/battle transition except it's not turn based, environmental hazards are in play, blade combos (which create seals to block off tributes/moves) and driver combos (incapacitate/burst damage) combine to create fusion combos which increase the effects of both combo paths and apply bonuses, such as extra party gauge, increased special build up, etc. Then you have other things to consider; positioning, pouch items, type of enemy, elemental weakness/resistance are some of those. On top of this, the game has a canceling mechanic that requires proper timing to boost specials and arts. Behind the scenes, characters are completely customizable with different blades that change stats, classes, abilities, passives, and certain ones have special prioritizes which change up how the game work (e.g. corsette brings a new dynamic to potion collection which increases fusion combo damage, an extra incentive to give up positioning to collect potions rather than just health). I haven't even gone over additional mechanics like just range or affinity, the latter which intertwines narrative elements into gameplay, something further emphasized with the DLC in terms of blade partnership vs ownership.

>wRPGfags will never know the feeling of stacking combos and timing a level 3's invulnerability frames to negate a party devastating AoE into a chain attack with 4 orbs build up into a full burst
maybe if wRPGs had good gameplay they wouldn't all be dead aside from shit eating normies who buy TES

>babby's first spacechem

Its an open world action game, not an RPG

The elemental surface gimmick get old so quickly I can't believe people defend it

I still find it interesting how the Japanese got Dragon Quest out of Wizardry and Ultima.

It has more RPG elements than JRPGs, both level and roleplaying wise.

how does it get old? it's one of the smaller aspects of the battle system, but still important for fusion combos

Because it doesn't. There's so many layers to it unlike wrpgs which offer no thought or strategy.

3 and 4 are vastly better.

I was talking about OS

oh, carry on

>combat drummer.webm

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Nah, CT is trash. There's lots of better jrpgs.

I wonder what devilishly handsome man was behind this post?

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What a fucking faggot pleb

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Now that's all fine and dandy but don't talk shit about P:T's soundtrack. Shit still gives me shivers to this day.

Nu-Yea Forums is hitting contrarian levels I didn't even know were possible.

Even FFT is better than any wrpg ever made

That sounds pretty fun user

Sup Alma

>>wrpgs don't have grind
They don't. Most wrpgs have level caps, or only award xp for completing objectives, preventing grinding.

>Lets compared xenoblade 2 with D:OS. the two then? Why are you just copy-pasting the text about XB2 stuff from the image?

Sengoku Rance

>level caps don't count
Well shit I guess disgaea isn't grinding because it has a level cap

He does. There's nothing interesting about D:OS.

>He does. There's nothing interesting about D:OS.
He said nothing about D:OS in his post.

Imagine trying to copy an autistic shitposter and somehow doing a worse job than him, jesus.

Kind of off topic. But are there any mmoish rpgs that have classes and shit? I tried a SAO game but it was shit. I just want like an offline ffxi.

I did? XC2 has what OS2 offers and a ton more

It's in the first line

>Most wrpgs have level caps
And JRPGs don't?

Kingdom Hearts
if only I could play it without having to take cringe breaks because the story is so embarrassingly bad

It will never stop being hilarious that even something as mediocre as Xenoblade has better gameplay than any WRPG. Hell, even trash like P5 would blow most WRPGs out of the water.

>Most wrpgs have level caps
Name a rpg that doesn't have a level cap?

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>I did? XC2 has what OS2 offers and a ton more
Such as? How does XC22 have "environmental hazards"

Dark Souls

areas such as mor ardain, temperantia, and spirit crucible elpys have environmental damage in the form of fire or poison. Falling down from heights is a universal hazard (both enemies and allies). craggy or areas out of reach in the combat vicinity also pose a risk as potions can land there and become unobtainable.

I haven't had a single person provide a valid response to that image, despite a wave of counterarguments proving that other guy's images wrong. you can look up the file name in the archive if you don't believe me

>areas such as mor ardain, temperantia, and spirit crucible elpys have environmental damage in the form of fire or poison. Falling down from heights is a universal hazard (both enemies and allies). craggy or areas out of reach in the combat vicinity also pose a risk as potions can land there and become unobtainable.
But that's not the same thing as what wrpgs have, where you have spells that change the environment. XB2 doesn't have that.

No, it's an action JRPG.

>that's not the same thing so it doesn't count

brighid's talent art allows for just that

You should know by now thats what his arguments always boil down to or
>well that means it isn't my definition of jrpg so it doesn't count



>Tented to full MP, equipped Gem Box and Ribbon on Gau so he could slow all three and then spam heal anything he did, equipped all three with armor and accessories stolen from the other groups (Edgar with the best and Flame Shield), equipped and used Golem and Zoneseek to counter his damage
It's nice to hear about the interesting parts of turn based RPGs again.

It's not

>>well that means it isn't my definition of jrpg so it doesn't count
What definition? Nobody considers environments with some hazards (which Torment also has, by the way) as equivalent to abilities that alter the environment.

Everytime I see the acronym JRPG I can't help but think of all the pathetic isekai stories where a beta MC gets sent to a fantasy game world and he uses all his gamer knowledge to finally be cool and successful. God it's so pathetic, JRPG players are so fucking pathetic.

So a jrpg is defined as "thing you don't like"?

This, the guy you’re replying to is obviously underage

>how does XC2 have environmental hazards
>post environmental hazards
>they don't count, they have to be usable
also exists

The real question here is why you are reading crappy isekai you know to be crappy

>brighid's talent art allows for just that
Could you give some examples of that?

I tried to find an image but am having trouble. Basically it applies a wheel of fire in a location that sustains DoT. It works well because brighid attracts aggro as a tank and can position enemies into it.

>head priestess jumps off the church and impales herself on the swords of knights
>eye of valmar
>final boss is some faggot's head inside a flower
that shit gave me nightmares

Currently enjoying Chrono Cross. Stats just go up as you fight bosses and progress. Only things you might need to look for are elements and they are usually found in chests everywhere or straight up sold by merchants. Money is plentiful and not an issue. Crafting materials are easy to come by as most fights with 2+ enemies drop multiple items. Combat requires understanding of how to maximize damage with a limited number of element uses as well as building up the power to use them.
In short I think it's fun so far.

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Star Ocean series

The flood of synopsis' all with that premise are enough.

Pick one user.... How can a game made by literal subhuman non-American pieces of shit be good?

>I've never read one but I'm sure they suck!

hey dude you sound like you know PS so why did the crashed ship have monster-growing capsules on it in IV?

>well why do you read them all if you think they suck!
>"I don't, I see the synopsis"
>heh, you don't even read them, how can you know!
god you JRPG isekai betas are pathetic. The fact so many of these are getting published means you losers are actually buying them

I remember mermaid village segment being such a borefest that I fucking dropped the game on replay. It had some cool ideas with parallel worlds but overall the game seemed not that fun. Also, Homestuck speech pattern shit.

WRPG-kun is actually Todd? That makes a surprising amount of sense. How many times has he said the equivalent of "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING"?

Like anytime he talks about wprgs he acts like they run on actual magic and every choice can change everything.

And all you have to do is buy my game, user. A whole world of possibilities is waiting for you

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I ended up getting baited into replying to some guy complaining about how a (very easy) 3DS JRPG required grinding and instructed him on how to beat the entire game with less than 200 battles total, including mandatory fights. Skipping almost everything and running from most encounters except for hitting one specific fixed enemy multiple times to collect some skills for the one big section in the middle of the game.

I liked how VP stuff was implemented in Covenant of the Plume.

Also, I feel I should mention Ring of Red while we're talking unorthodox combat mechanics.

I'm a fan of both and have played both my whole life. In fact I spent hours yesterday playing a SaGa game. Makes me sad to see people hold up Xenoblade of all games as some peak of the genre.

quintessential SaGa contrarian post

Xenoblade is pretty good, but no one is holding it as the peak of the genre.

If you don't think SaGa is one of the peaks of the genre you're just plain wrong.
I think you'd be surprised.

SaGa is based off of FF2, one of the worst FF games, where the director wanted to make "each playthrough different like a table top game". his idea was the randomize as many combat assets as he could. It doesn't work

And WRPGs evolved from shit like Ultima. Doesn't mean they're not good. SaGa is fantastic.

It absolutely works, I would know because I just played Minstrel's song for hours yesterday.

SaGa is super niche though almost nobody considers it peak jrpg

the best SaGa games had people who would go onto make xenoblade games working on them

What's your point? Most people have surface level taste.

They must not have been in charge of anything too important than judging by my experience with Xenoblade.

director of xeno was in charge of field design. Spoilers: area design is far better in the xenoblade games

>SaGa is fantastic.

Fantastic example of a poorly thought out mess concocted by absolute faggots.

There's no reason to be so angry about your own shit taste.

Really? Just felt like endless MMO fields to me. I dropped it after Bionis leg.
Sounds like you got filtered friend.

you can beat any enemy even with an alphabet soup folder as long as you git gud

Ah, the taste argument. Did a little lamp sparked over your head when you thought up this fine technique into existence? Did this happen randomly? How many attempts did it take?

I downloaded a rom of the first Romancing SaGa, fan translated, to see what all the hubbub is about.

I pick the noble's son scenario. First impressions are not great. You are tasked by your father to clear out a monster-filled cave, which is literally a few steps away from the castle you live in. And your sister, who is to be married off to a prince, is somehow allowed to fight alongside you.
Okay, so the writing is a complete joke, but what about the combat? You have a party of 4 characters, yet you only ever face a single enemy during combat, and they are only capable of dealing 1 damage to you. Are you kidding me? This is even easier than utterly casual RPGs like Final Fantasy.

The other thing I notice is the complete lack of interactivity. There is no dialogue system, or ability to pickpocket NPCs or pick locks. Even jrpgs like Breath of Fire had non-combat skills.

Anyway, calamity ensues, monsters attack, and you end up escaping from the castle. It's here that the game presents you with the first choice. You can choose to fight the monsters, allow you sister to escape or be selfish and save yourself. Naturally, I reload to see the different outcomes and guess what? All three choices end with you escaping and the sister left behind. Your choices are literally meaningless.

Okay, whatever. You end up escaping to some port town. At the dock, there are three ships heading to three different destinations. Finally, the game opens up, right? Nope. No matter what ship you set sail on, a storm contrivedly causes you to shipwreck somewhere else.

It's here that I actually quit the game in disgust. Is this supposed to be a game or movie? I did eventually return to the game, continuing on and also trying out the other scenarios, but everything continued to insult my intelligence at every turn.

And this shit is supposed to be the greatest RPG series of all time, the bane of WRPG-kun? It's far below the quality of even your bogstandard jrpg.

how were colony 9 or tephra cave endless MMO fields? Bionis leg is large but filled to the brim with meaningful landmarks, and if you finished bionis leg you'd know satorl marsh is even more compact with just as many landmarks

SaGafans are the ultimate in jRPG contrarianism

I was in the thread where you got shit on for posting this. Kindly fuck off. Try Minstrel's Song. It's really good and what I was playing yesterday.

Dragon's Dogma

Sure, if dropping a piece of shit gearpegay that tries so hard to be different that crashes under the weight all the obtuse unnecessary shit is getting filtered then I guess that's what happened!

Geez, I sometimes forget you people are conditioned to like the most unfun things there are.

>Sounds like you got filtered friend.
He's right though. SaGa is a mess of conflicting design decisions.

This is the best RPG I have played in my entire life. I don't know if it can be considered a JRPG though.

Attached: mario-and-luigi-superstar-saga.png (371x369, 329K)

Not familiar with homestuck at all. Do you mean the character speech quirks or something? Only at fort dragonia right now with no major roadblocks since hydra. Razzly best character. A cute. Glad to have her in partee-hee.

Attached: 1502130793849.jpg (700x700, 479K)

Where as it made?

I finished the leg then never booted it up again. I'm sure I'll finish it again some point.
The more complicated something is often the more interesting it is. Sparking shit in a SaGa game is super satisfying.
Such as?


I let her die most times I play.

Yeah, it was made on japan but everywhere I looked they categorized it only as RPG.

It's hilarious that Mario has the best turn based JRPG gameplay. To think a spinoff of Mario took the #1 so easily not just once, but twice with paper mario too.

based barry

People dislike SaGa games because they don't explain shit to the player at all.

>it was made on japan
It's not rocket science

>mario has the best turn based combat
When will this meme end?

If you are willing to tolerate SaGa shit long enough, you get introduced to some autistic mechanics devs sprinkle this turd with in hopes it will rise and do a charming dance.

That is the essential SaGa formula, and it fails every time because these mechanics are always some poorly implemented garbage that gets on top of a usual retarded JRPG core, giving you a unique SaGa experience.

>purposefully missing one of the best casters
>letting another fairy die
You sir are scum.

Attached: 1559251235922.jpg (1920x1080, 910K)

This is what people who don't play jrpgs but love mario say.
Whatever, look it up or figure it out. Handholding is gay.

>It's hilarious that Mario has the best turn based JRPG gameplay
this is bait

Name one that has better gameplay.
>inb4 the newest persona

Any Etrian Odyssey

Valkryie profile

mystery dungeon games are cheating. They're an objectively superior subgenre of JRPGs.

fire emblem
hard mode: western game

>that's too amazing so it doesn't count

I want glen. Sword cool magic lame.

>fire emblem
lol no

Fire emblem actually has good gameplay? Everytime I've looked into it and gave it a shot it just felt like a waifu grooming simulator with a tactical map slapped on top.
It really is an amazing genre. Bunching them up with the likes of standard JRPG filth is an insult.

Isn't Etrian Mystery Dungeon the only mystery dungeon game in the franchise while the rest are dungeon crawlers?


Turn based JRPG are the only good ones though.

You could play Final Fantasy XV, but it's boring as shit.

Yeah because it's not like you don't have that with Serge and why bother with swords when you can get the mexican dude and clothesline monsters? Meanwhile everyone you could have gotten up to that point has shit for magic. Elements are important if you want to want to make it out of battles with more than the skin on your teeth.

Yes so he is clearly being retarded on purpose

Nah, buff up then wail on them. Elements are fairly unnecessary. Serge Guile Glen is the manliest party. I used Grobyc my first playthrough too.

Even if I was going to use a caster it wouldn't be a fucking fairy lol.

If etrian odyssey is so good, why do the threads never post any screenshots? No screenshots is suggestive of bad gameplay. What makes it so good yet so unshareable?

>buff up
>elements unnecessary
Come on man.

There's a Japan-only sequel as far as I know but yeah it's just a spinoff.

Because it's a 2/3DS series you dumdum

Attack elements are unnecessary. Buffs don't scale on your stats last I checked so why bother with a caster.

It's a first person dungeon crawler on the 3DS. What are you going to show you can't just type out.

Attached: 1429504431322.png (397x408, 291K)

With or without walkthroughs?
Anyway, the hardest rpg I've played was Ultima 3. Not sure how it compares to this.

Inazuma Eleven

People post screenshots of ascii dwarf fortress of all things. How can people know which game to start with if there aren't even screenshots to go off of in those threads?

Imagine being this mad that someone likes video games you don't. How meaningless does your life have to be to get angry that someone enjoys watching someone make pixels move on a screen.

Trails of Cold Steel. Grinding is never needed, and the turns come in a combat timeline instead of in a fixed order one after another.

Even SaGafags don't like Romancing Saga. It's a notoriously broken piece of garbage that was remade into a really great game. You probably knew it was the worst before you gave it a try just so you could complain about it.

>people post screenshots of a PC GAME and not a handheld

>Fire emblem actually has good gameplay?
no its a fucking mess but still better than mario superstar saga

Why would you need screenshots of all things to know which game to start with?

Imagine being this mentally disabled

Emulation and software to screenshot your gameboy exist.
Screenshots are a lot more informative than anons arguing over which loli is hotter. If etrian odyssey had any redeeming qualities people would be posting screenshots.

>fire emblem
>better gameplay
I disagree, and even if it was better, it has the most dumbest fucking AI that I have seen in a videogame.

You know what just go fuck yourself acfag

>hurrr anyone who thinks my dumbgeon loli game is bad must like ace combat
fuck off



AC will always be armored core to me.

I saw you the first time user but it's not worth my time to reply to shitposts. Seeing how desperate you are, it seems it wasn't a shitpost but you have an actual disability. Honestly, this is what happens when you obsessively play video games that don't allow you any freedom like a dungeon crawling JRPG


>no freedom

Last I checked it wasn't made in america you fucking chinklover

It is Armoured Core. He's just retarded

It's on a nintendo system, AC stands for Animal Crossing.

Disgaea has a level cap beyond what any human can feasibly reach in their lifespan

We get threads any time a game releases

It's piss easy to reach the real challenge is item world cap

I unironically really like the battle system in Octopath. Yeah the story is lacking, but it's fun to try and power through areas you have no business being in.

I, II, III, VIII* and XII. Unnecessary in the others.
*) Gathering materials for Refining is just another grind.

The World Ends With You has a pretty fun battle system, it's an action JRPG instead of using something like ATB so combat is fast-paced and requires that you pay attention or get pummelled.

Attached: Jammin'.gif (40x119, 6K)