Are we living in cyberpunk world?

Are we living in cyberpunk world?

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Honestly, I much prefer the singular they over a bunch of new made-up pronouns or having to type "he or she" or "s/he" all the time. What do people have against the singular they?

Getting banned over it is fucking retarded

The only thing I find off about it is if people are actually getting banned for not using it, and that's dependent on if they get warned first. Which is still kind of weird but whatever if someone warns you and you keep going it's officially on you dawg, especially for something as stupidly easy as this

still retarded, it's a robot for fucks sake

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Is there any indication of what the robot's "pronouns" are other than a mod post on the forum? A reviewer for the game had to apologize for misgendering it, which indicates that there are no given pronouns within the game itself, which means EVERYONE WHO PLAYS THE GAME will end up misgendering the robot.

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It's just free press coverage. Want your shit to be well-known? Do something outlandish for the time.

>implying they aren't doing this sort of retarded shit so people talk about this sort of retarded shit instead of how terrible the game will be

I mean in that sense wouldn't they be appropriate? Still retarded to ban people over. I'd like to see the posts people get banned for, it's clear they're not banning people who don't know or accidental use, is it someone getting told to us they/them then going LOL I DO WHAT I WANT NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

Why is Yea Forums so offended by this
This is literally nothing
Stop being a bunch of dramawhores

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fuck off with this gay shit
clearly the devs want trans homo money and only trans homo money

kill yourself your kind led to many a nations end

I'm sure the fagbot was refereed to as they/them the whole game but being a halfway normal person the reviewer gendered it because people don't buy this fag shit.

>but it is dehumanizing

Between Randy being Randy, treating their staff like shit, this shit, sending hired goons to people's houses, and being exclusive to a store that isn't actually a storefront yet, is anyone still buying Borderlands 3?

No, tell me why you care
Tell me how this actually affects you

>editing out the username/avi so people won't recognize it as a LITERALLY WHO twitter screencap
nice try fucko

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'It' would be appropriate

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what about it

>when your assault robot decides to self-identify as a Foreman Grill

I guess.

This comment is doubleplus goodthink! Only wrongthinkers hate newspeak.

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So in a universe where faceless megacorporations essentially run the show and will regularly send out hitsquads and dump prison labor on hostile alien planets all in the search for profit, the robot rights movement is proliferating massively? I hate the word, but this is just fucking virtue signalling. There is no room here for "WHAT DOTH LIFE" shit about the nature of artificial intelligence when these robots are mass-produced drones designed to serve corporate interests. Nobody would be respecting the robot's fucking pronouns when they are common-place expendable slaves designed to do the work that not even the expendable human slaves will do. Is this the future of storytelling? No imagination at all, just taking a potentially interesting concept and shunting it through a modern cultural lens.

True. I was speaking more generally. I agree that it's fucking stupid to ban people from the forum over this.

Legally forcing people to adapt your language is social engineering.

>Tell me how this actually affects you
i could get banned from the gearbox forums for misgendering a robot
didn't you even fucking read the OP? jesus

Not him.
But I don't appreciate when people "test the waters".
There should be no word that a person can utter that will cost them their entire livelihood just from saying it, but I can think of 5 off the top of my head. Shit like this just causes that list to grow.

>It's just a little yellow star you have to wear on your shirt
>Tell me, how does it actually affect you?

There's nothing wrong with the singular they as an option in a lot of circumstances. It fails in language at large because it conveys less useful information and it doesn't work in all situations. But if it works and you want to use it go ahead, just don't punish people for using language correctly.

>We're going to put one on your business too
>Don't worry! No one's going to care!

this is them planting their seeds of fucking forced tranny acceptance. i ain't giving that shit sunlight or water, let alone a dollar.

It's a fucking forum about video games. No one's coming to arrest you.

no just really late stage neoliberal capitalism where white rich american girls can think they are victims because they are "non binary"

and gay latina ceos of color is "progressive"

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OH you scared me I thought you were talking about CDPR. What did you expect?

>it is it's own thing without ownership from who ever wrote it's character up
>somehow said writer gets to choose said character's pronoun at the same time
sounds contradictory

It's legal to the forum.

> No one's coming to arrest you.
Give it time. There are already lawsuits about misgendering people.

There's nothing else going on, and outrage culture means there must always be something to pretend to care about.


Because it's more convenient. It's an easy way to be gender-neutral when discussing a being that doesn't exactly have a gender or when you're talking about a hypothetical person in the abstract. It's a hell of a lot less awkward than writing "he or she" all the time.

>muh neolibs
>CIA caused venezuela to collapse fukken reactionary
>noooo niggers and hispanics commiting crimes isn't real that's just idpol nonsense by cappy
>t-the jews don't have the real power, they're just the liasons
Whenever I imagine a leftypol user in my head I imagine a fat high-school aged pajeet with glasses.

>You are not forced change your beliefs or viewpoint
You just have to change your language and your culture. Totally not forcing anything on you, bro.

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that's /pol/, we know this from their meetups
leftypol is usually NEET white guy failsons

>citing wikipedia

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What are you, a middleschool teacher?

because it's meant for fucking plural

>Because it's easy you should just follow along and do it

Fuck off enabler

I couldn’t possibly hate a developer more than I hate Gearbox. They are the embodiment of everything wrong with western gaming. From the Alien: Colonial Marines embezzlement to their cringy 6/10 games with no artistic merit and now they are going full SJW to boot.

>say a synonymous word
lmao faggot

Because they force you to call it how it wants to.

If they didn't, it wouldn't be a problem.

People don't like being bossed around by others.

The problem isn't the They/Them pronouns.

The problem is the people who intentionally use the wrong pronouns and then claim to be the victim.
It's a non-issue.

>Oh no, I called someone with a penis "She", this is literally the worst thing that could possibly happen to me

Grow the fuck up.

go be some faggot cuck somewhere else

tHEy can't get upset by you capitalizing tHEy this way, can tHEy?

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Cyberpunk is when forums delete your shitposts