Reminder that a game being "harder" doesn't necessarily mean "better"

Reminder that a game being "harder" doesn't necessarily mean "better".

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No one has ever said that.

But the hardest video game of all time (halo 2 on laso) is also the second best game of all time. Explain that.

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Furi's final boss is harder than anything in Cuphead pre-expert

wait are you saying dark souls was fun and not zoomers first hack and slash

Flip Underrail, Dwarf Fortress and Stalker horizontally and you've got a political compass.

dwarf fortress isn't difficult and is pretty fun

Not even faggot OP, but christ this post is bad.

the only thing grey I think that you can eat that's good for you is, seal meat

What the flying absolute fuck is Rabi Ribi doing all the way up there
What the fuck is this entire chart now that I think about it

>Nioh, Shinobi, and Contra 3 in "Not fun"

Thats just a bad case of the ol' shit taste right there. Otherwise difficulties are mostly accurate. Except ghouls and fucking ghosts and rabirabi. Cmon dude. You're bad but you're not THAT bad.

Rabi Ribi is hard as fuck, what the hell. Did you guys play on normal?

Ds3 is not more fun than ds1
Ds2 is not harder than ds1 or ds3

I will agree that Niohs difficulty isnt fleshed out as the game theyre copying so it just doesnt work.

The NG and DMC placements male sense but Shinobi and Dwarf fortress make me think it's bait

>Ds2 is not harder than ds1 or ds3
it is tho. in terms of difficulty
das2 > das1 > das3 >> des

Super Meat Boy and Celeste can't be hard games. They have no failure state. They have no lives and thus you can bang your head on the wall against them and never improve. To beat something like GnG you HAVE to learn the game and master it. Same can't be said for indie platformers.

So this chart is max difficulty? I'm going to have a fucking anyerusm if this chart is saying DMC3 DMD is easier than Risk of Rain

>ds2 on the same difficulty level as bloodborne

As someone that loves DS2, this.

Where does Sekiro fit in lads? Also someone should add some shmups to this list.

How is Underrail difficult fag?

the only explanation i could think of for shinobi is if you judged the entire game by the final boss which admittedly is fucking ass cancer, otherwise you're crazy

>dwarf hard
nice meme

Shinobi was fun as hell

Did you just not use life gems at all or something?

underrail isn't that hard once you realize you'll be outnumbered, if you go in thinking you'll fight 2 enemies at a time you'll be disturbed when 10 more show up

Not hard

>not having fun playing stalker
I feel sorry for you guys

That's a random assortment of games with not a whole lot in common. Even if everything is being compared relative to DS1 I can't find any rhyme or reason to that chart. Really a bad post all around

This is an absolutely terrible graph in all placements except for NG

Not him but for me it was just more generally bullshit than 1 and then 3 later.

Ghouls N Ghosts is fucking awesome, fuck you. Fun's obviously subjective but the difficulty scale examples are completely stupid, you haven't even played most of these games so why bother rating them?

The chart is either focused bait or the work of a retard, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

>no gunstar
absolute garbage taste

You only have to master Ghouls if you're going for a 1cc, if you're using credits it's not a hard game at all, and SMB has the iron man challenge which is the game's equivalent of a 1cc, probably harder too I dunno.

Metal Slug 3 is a good game but Contra 3 and Contra in general is more fun to play.

What an awful fucking picture.

Kill yourself for even making that shitty chart.

Please tell me this is bait. Please.

exactly this. im sure lifegems were added later as a quick remedy for the incessant ganks you come across.

>fun as a metric
how do you measure fun?

what do people see in Super Meat Boy? It's like someone tried to make a full game with only 4 of the enemies from Mario maker

Now THIS is a bait post. Take notes people.

by not using a fucking imperial system like a retard

You clearly haven't even played Celeste and are just trying to bash it. The end-game of Celeste is way more difficult than the end-game of Super Meat Boy.

>Rabi Ribi
>not fun

Attached: funky.jpg (502x755, 98K)

That chart is fucking terrible but it does pose a question: people always complain if a game is too easy, but are there any games you think would be better if they were easier?

>DeS harder than DaS
>DaS3 more fun than the other Souls
>DaS2 not fun
Is this a bait image?

>Acid dogs that travel in packs and alert every other dog in the room if you try to fight them, all of which have snares
>Instakill land mines literally fucking everywhere placed at absolutely random locations that you can only hope to detect with one specific stat and can only hope to disarm with another specific skill, absolutely encouraging savescumming and this cannot be denied
>Auto-aim turrets that kill you in two bullets but get 3 bursts per turn and see through stealth but don't attack enemies at all because ???
>Sentry robots that not only do more damage than you but have TWO forms of stun
>Mutants that have a literal gajillion health and can only kill with retarded bear trap + grenade + stealth + full acid resist gear cheese

Yep, that's gonna be a steam refund from me.

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what are they all looking at, /v?

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There are a lot of things wrong with the OP, but that's not one of them.

>being this bad at video games

a gigantic faggot

>darkest dungeon
>not fun

people cant even spend 5 minutes looking up basic strats and just say a game isnt fun.

Reminder that you're a complete idiot, and always will be.

>df is the most hard/unfun
>Aurora 4x nowhere to be found

did a zoomer make this?

>Cuphead harder then Hollow Knight
>Harder then most of the shit on this list
I consider myself a shitter and I managed to beat Cuphead,

Hard games are only good if they also allow you a high degree of control. Take Cuphead. I legit can't blame any of my deaths in Cuphead on the game not responding quickly enough or having janky hitboxes. The controls and tight and responsive and every time I die it's because I didn't react quickly enough or I pressed the wrong button. Fire Emblem games that are hard in a good way (Conquest) have good map design that reward you for coming up with a good plan and using the map to your advantage. Bad Fire Emblem games just throw lots of enemies with really high stats at you. That's not fun, that's checking which of my units is strong enough to kill a certain guy and then acting accordingly. Dark Souls is pretty bad because the controls are clunky and shitty (in the original, haven't played the remaster). It's not so bad that you can't play around things like roll lag, but the fact that you have to learn to take that into account in an unforgiving game is bad.
Not every game needs to have a high degree of control. Steve in Minecraft moves rather slowly when he isn't sprinting and his combat options are limited to walking, shielding, and attacking. But I don't play MC for a challenge, I play it because I want to relax, and it's perfect for that

Cuphead has rng. It is not good nor hard. It's probably one of the weakest games in that chart actually.

Cuphead's RNG doesn't deprive you of control, it just cycles between some very well telegraphed attacks all of which are balanced around you not taking a single hit even when they're overlapping. RNG only removes control when it determines your actions and gets applied without your input. Like in RPG's when your attacks crit or miss, and when enemy attacks do the same.

the foreground obscuring your vision in multiple levels in cuphead is either an absurd oversight or just bad design

>not fun

Like said, the RNG doesn't affect the actual difficulty. It's just there so bosses don't keep spamming the exact same combo of moves. It is a good game because it's difficult (only get three hp, using more reduces your attack, and boss attacks don't have a very big margin of error) while also giving a high degree of control (good maneuverability)
I agree but after a few deaths I learned to read the timing of the attacks so I could dodge them even if I couldn't see them so it wasn't a huge deal

>too easy
cant you faggots make a single thread without feeling the need to put bait in the OP?

Op is a faggot

Your tumblr game ain't hard kiddo.

>not fun

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this list is actually good. based OP

you fags pretend that it is the case which is why you complain when a game isn't hard, as if being hard makes it good

Never played dark souls, is this supposed to look impressive?

>Dwarf Fortress is too hard and not playable

Smoothbrain spotted.

This chart is literally made to trigger E/v/ERYONE

>Dwarf Fortress being in there
>Hyper Light being rated that low
>The pedo tumblr game actually being rated appropriately
>Godhand being playable when most people that played it remember it being a janky mess
>Cuphead that high, it is neither hard nor fun

all in all 6/10 chart

He's saying Bloodborne isn't hard because you can just do this

That doesn't look hard though... so I guess he has a point.

You go it all wrong. Bloodborne is not a hard game at all and i find it easier than DaS. God Hand is the most difficult game you have there.

Not him, but you've clearly never played Halo 2.

Halo 2 on legendary is stupidly difficult. It's literally never been beaten deathless.

>Cuphead harder than DMC3
lol ok

that's just bad game design.

Shit taste.

However it does mean faggots don't get to play it, which is good.
Also, shit taste.

>Bloodborne is goo-

Challenge makes a game engaging, an easy game is boring. Doesn't mean that challenge is the ONLY thing that matters, but it's very important.

>too easy
literally same fucking difficulty as meat boy you moron

>not fun
Based and redpilled

>not fun
the fuck are you on

>No sekiro

>Dwarf Fortress
>Too hard and not fun
I'm sorry about your brain damage

Imagine being this far up your own ass. I highly doubt you played more than a few of those games, and you just want to be "special and unique".

>Rabi Ribi
>Risk of Rain
>all in not fun
>fucking Dark Souls 2 harder than Nioh
>Dark Souls 3 fun at all
jesus fucking CHRIST whoever made this should fucking kill themselves

this game should't even be mentioned the only reason people know about it is because russians force their shit everywhere

Hollow knight should be moved up above dmc3. I am having more trouble with that game currently then when I played dmc3 as a teen

Probably the gayest graph posted by the gayest man I've ever seen.


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Imagine having such shit tier taste