It is the same fucking game! Except you pilot a smaller ship and there is a stronk womyn narrative. Same shitty mission variety and shallow trade mechanics. What the fuck have they been doing for 4 years? Why are they wasting dev-time on pool and dice games in a space flight game? Is this all the EPIC money got them? And fuck I miss going through space with a dreadnaught class ship bros, not a shitty fighter...
Is rebel galaxy worth getting? It seems pretty barebones
>no capital ship broadsides
What the fuck, that was the whole appeal of the first one getting bigger and bigger ships
fuck i was hyped
Yeah I'm not really enjoying it, either. It's a total console port with horrendous graphics to boot. It's really, really ugly. Looks like something from 2004, and you're all boxed in this hideous ui/hud abomination.
Gotta say I actually expected the whole broadsides capitol ship gameplay that the original had, so it was a weird thing to load into. Dunno if anyone else liked RG1's gameplay, but I sure did.
Holy shit, I was looking forward to this. Didn't know it released today
Is it any good?
Why are almost all of the aliens and colored shits in this game some form of criminal/degenerate? This feels very off considering how #woke this game seems be trying to be.
It's just Privateer, which was obsolete even back when it was released.
It's pretty fun if you liked the assassin's creed ship to ship combat
Rebel galaxy never represented itself as "woke"
>5 ships
w e w
Why the fuck is this a downgrade in so many ways? Isn't the epic money supposed to help them make a better game?
No, epic money is solely to pad their bank accounts and was never ment to develop games.
God damn it Yea Forums. Recommend me some games where you can chad it up on a capitol ship.
5 to start, there's supposedly multiple others that can get unlocked later on. probably not that much more
looks like there's 8
Star sector
I played 5 min and couldn't bear the m&kb controls. The game has a terrible start. Got refunded asap.
There are 9 ships total.
Think I'm gonna go back to X3TC. Any good story mod ? The "campaign" is pretty barebone. Got stuck when I had to cross a whole Xenon sector.
So much for Freelancer 2...