>Is a masterpiece in every way
>Yea Forums hates it
What's her name, Yea Forums?
>Is a masterpiece in every way
>Yea Forums hates it
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums hates BotW
stop this stupid meme
BaSeD Thief poster
Doom 3
How can Yea Forums get it so wrong? This is the greatest game of all time.
Playing through the first one right now on hard mode. I don't want to go through the game quicksaving in each room, and I also don't want to bait and blackjack each guard I come across. Is that just how you're supposed to play or is my head deflated?
This but unironically
It's not Yea Forums, it's a handful of console-warring fags.
Since no one will start I guess I'll get the ball rolling.
The Last of Us
I agree
Bloodborne, the game of this generation.
Yea Forums generally loves bloodborne user. I've been in 3 threads today discussing the game.
Nier Automata
Breath of the Wild is the kind of game that completely abandons what made a series good in a deal with the devil to become mainstream again. Thank goodness for rereleases and remakes keeping the true Zelda fans around.
Nope, OP said
>masterpiece in everyway
>Yea Forums hates it
The game is flawed from head to toe and v loves it.
That's what I'm saying. It became mainstream again in return for losing what made Zelda good. Yet another series that lost its soul
>Ubishit Towers
>A portable nintendo game, one of the best games ever made.
Can sonyfags and xbots ever truly recover?
It's just a few vocal contrarians shitting on it.
>Gamejourno scores
I hate you redditfags
Breath of the Wild is the greatest game this decade other than maybe Dark Souls but it is hardly a masterpiece in every way
>Yea Forums hates Thief
lmao what are you on?
I'm a newfag and I don't think I've ever seen anyone hating Thief on Yea Forums in the last 8 years. If anything, I would imagine it was even more loved in oldfag times.
Worst 'game' of all time
I hope fans are OK with remakes, because that's the best classic Zelda fans are gonna get. We got fucked by the open world drive
That's true though. There would be no reason to criticize Ubisoft towers if they merely revealed portions of the map and nothing else.
This is the closest Zelda game to the first one in the whole franchise. Explore without any handholding, without any "hey listen", limited only by your items and your own creativity.
One could say exactly the opposite and affirm that Zelda has finally gone back to its roots.
Let me clarify. Breath of the Wild is a good game, great game in fact. Possibly a contender for game of the decade.
It's just the worst Zelda game ever made
it's a good game but not a masterpiece
story is as cliché as it gets
very little variety
good mechanics
graphics held back by shitty console hardware
>This one retarded example invalidates any form of evaluation
>This is the closest Zelda game to the first one in the whole franchise.
why do zoomers keep repeating this myth?
Skyward Sword came out this decade.
Because they've never played it.
>But it's like Zelda 1!
Oh yeah, except no dungeons, no decent soundtrack, no semblance of plot, no enemy variety, no item progression, no real rewards for exploration except shit weapons and literal turds, and a whole bunch of other Zelda tropes
>completely abandons what made a series good
literally where and how
>shitty mass-produced slop for normalfags wins "best mexican restaurant"
>shitty mass-produced slop for normalfags wins "game of the year"
seems like a fair comparison to me.
It was a good game, whether you like it or not. It was also truly a Zelda game in every way, whether you like it or not. I'm more curious why you would want to play the same game over and over and over again. Twilight Princess and Skyward sword were 'pure zelda games' and they fucking sucked. Zelda needed to get with the times, and BOTW is awesome. It isn't perfect, but it's a damn good game. Some things are great when given a fresh take and it gives them a new lease on life, and BOTW did that without taking away the heart of the Zelda series. If it makes you feel better about yourself to belittle it so you can still be a 'true Zelda fan', so be it. But without BOTW Zelda is dead to rights.
Cringe and bluepilled, you might notice the posts he replied to didn't have an argument in the first place
Final Fantasy VII
You want to see a true game that follows in Zelda 1's roots? A Link to the Past. That's what Zelda is. Even Miyamoto admitted that it's the true sequel to Zelda 1. Every Zelda afterwards followed Link to the Past's example. Link to the Past is THE Zelda. And Breath of the Wild, in terms of being a Zelda, doesn't deserve to be uttered in the same breath as Link to the Past
It is probably the best piece of gaming media for Goosebumps since it was made by Dreamworks Interactive in their early years while the series was at its peak, not that it means much when your other competition is stuff like
>big empty open world meme
>substantive criticism
>other people liking it means it lost it's soul
nintendo is not going to recreate the same exact post OoT zelda game just to be criticized again, because it's not OoT all over again. Nintendo specifically made botw likable for zelda fans and newcomers, because that's the not-retarded thing to do.
Didn't Miyamoto said the one game he regretted making was Zelda 2?
>No goosebumps game that's an re clone with toned down weapons
Good enough I guess
Kind of did. Zelda 2 was an attempt to make an RPG style Zelda, which never paid off, which is why Link to the Past was back to the original style
>empty meme
>i feel bored therefore game is bad
the game is full of shit to fight and collect
retarded, fun game but by no means a masterpiece
>throw 1000 meaningless korok seeds under rocks
>copy paste samey looking temple 100 times and change it a little
>throw a bunch of robots and bokogoblins everywhere
Wow so full of unique interesting shit to explore.
ALTTP is when the games started to feel railroaded and gated by arbitrary item blocks, you absolute dipshit. BotW is the only one other than LoZ that drops you in and expects you to find shit on your own.
Problem is that there are about a dozen Zelda ideas that have been around for almost the entire series that Breath of the Wild has either abandoned or done terribly. Fact is that Breath of the Wild has lost sight of what Zelda is
Except you know, you can actually make exploration rewarding if you're able to come back and see more with new toys and make a better story by limiting player freedom just a little
>nintendo is not going to recreate the same exact post OoT zelda game
they could have done that without selling out to the open-world meme. they could have given us the party system game that lttp was supposed to be early on in development. they could have radically experimented with the setting - imagine a modern urban fantasy zelda, or a futuristic cyberpunk zelda.
instead, they made the same big empty field as every other aaa game this decade, copy-pasted a few shrines, korok seeds and ubishit towers, and zoomers overhyped it as some revolutionary game.
i'll say the same thing about zelda that i often say about pokemon. people who think that the only way for a series to evolve is to "go open world" have no imagination.
Exploration isn't even remotely rewarding if you're only allowed to access most places later in the game after the story tells you it's okay to do so. I wouldn't even call that exploration, really.
Dark Souls 2 and 3
Not masterpieces just unjustly shit on endlessly for no good reason
After that game all that got made was a shitty Wii game, a bunch of mobile trash, and another decent point an click made by Wayforward/GameMill, but still not as good as the very first Dreamwork's Interactive game.
>Your console isn't a true winner if it doesn't have this
>Implying Link to the Past didn't force you to explore on your own.
Did you even play it?
it's better than being "rewarded" with korok seed #6000, copy-paste shrine #7000, or nothing at all.
you could say that about literally any game.
i could easily make OoT sound like unplayable shit if i were as dumb as you.
Jesus, imagine vomiting this many incoherent buzzwords in a single post.
Did you? Link to the Past was often very clear about where you needed to go, and didn't exactly allow you to travel too far from the beaten path.
But I stated facts. 90 percent of the game is devoid of anything uniquely interesting. Most of it just filler empty space and shitty collectables. You can't refute that.
Ocarina of Time had the excuse of being one of the first 3D Action Adventure games with very little inspiration to pull from. Games like BotW have existed for over a decade, its mistakes have no excuse
>they could have radically experimented with the setting - imagine a modern urban fantasy zelda, or a futuristic cyberpunk zelda.
yeah how about fuck no with that bullshit
>making a fantasy game more open world is bad
>making a fantasy game into a cyberpunk game is creative and cool
imagine having to dismiss the entire post as "buzzwords" because you don't have a counterargument for any of it.
Yes, there are 7000 shrines in the game and all of them are exactly the same. My bad. I'm clearly talking to an expert, so I'll bow out now.
So, uh, I forgot. When did the game tell you to get the Quake and Ether Medallions, Zora Flippers, or or the bottles and sword upgrades you're really gonna need?
There's no argument to counter. All you did was spout memes and buzzwords in lieu of actual criticism.
I never claimed the game instantly gave you all the answers and told you exactly where to go for all the items, so that's a goalpost you'll need to deal with on your own.
>no dungeons
BOTW shrines were essentially a series of miniature dungeons. The divine beasts as well. And if you want to really 'go there', there was waayyyyy more dungeoneering total in BOTW than in any of the other Zelda's. Not even counting the countless number of sidequests and shrine quests in the game. They split up dungeons into 100+ shrines to encourage exploration, the main point of the game.
>no decent soundtrack
Are you referring to the fact there is no music as you explore? That was done intentionally to envelope the player in the wild. Because the music in the towns were memorable and perfectly suited to each culture/race. I thought it was one of the best Zelda soundtracks to date.
>no semblance of plot
This I agree with to a point. Like the shrines, they put most of the plot into flashbacks to encourage exploration again. A risky device, but I think it paid off. I found many of the flashbacks interesting and/or touching.
>no enemy variety
Zelda has never been known for it's variety of enemies. Even so, BOTW had 71 unique enemies, compared to 46 in WindWaker, 64 in Ocorina of Time, well, you get the point.
>No item progression
Not sure if you are serious? BOTW may come up short here and there but the game was NOT lacking items in the slightest.
>Bring up how exploration is filled with 'a whole bunch of annoying Zelda tropes'
Lol. You probably played 10-15 hours of BOTW, only looked for whats bad and haven't played it sense. Or you've barely played any Zelda and are just being contrarian. The game is incredible and is a gift that keeps on giving. I've never played a game where I can still, after nearly 80 hours, wander around aimlessly and still find unique and exciting things. Not sure if you're a zoomer larping, or perhaps worse...
I think BoTW is fantastic, but I also think it also shouldn't have to have taken so long for a game like that to be made. We had climbing in games like Daggerfall and non-scripted physics in HL2. It shouldn't have taken so long to make an open world game that actually prioritized freedom and movement, with such a focus on how good the core mechanics are and how rewarding traversing the world feels.
Playing Bethesda open world games, Witcher 3, Nier Automata with its semi-open world, I feel like they offer far less freedom and feel worse in their movement and interactions with the world. The PS3/360/Wii and their shitty specs, the games that prioritized mindless QTE combat, quest marker handholding, the focus on cinematic shit instead of core gameplay set expectations back so much.
We should have had games like BoTW 10 years ago, part of the reason it feels so good to play is because in comparison most other games are shit once they're stripped back to their gameplay fundamentals
Oh, so what you're saying is that Link to the Past rewarded you with exploring off the beaten path each time you got a new toy?
Half Life 2.
trying to adapt zelda to a different setting besides "medieval high fantasy" would have been way more creative than turning zelda into "skyrim's creed: far cry of the witcher."
What I'm saying is Link to the Past never let you travel too far from the general vicinity that the story allowed for the player at any given time in the main quest. You can't just go anywhere and be rewarded for your curiosity because a pretty fucking big portion of the map is gated, even when you get to the Dark World.
I loved BotW for what it was, and especially enjoyed exploring the world, but will readily admit in a heartbeat that dungeons would have been much preferred over shrines.
BotW was almost a perfect return to form / reset for Zelda, and shrines kept it from being perfect for me.
mega man battle network 4
no terribly written story bullshit, it focuses on tournaments and actual gameplay. It's one of the most hated mega man games and not just on Yea Forums
>complaining that hard mode is hard
>unique locations in unique regions each with different wildlife and items to find
>each region having towers to scale in often different ways, necessary in order to unlock the map
>random encounters in each region, often times rewarding you with something or giving hints to other quests and characters
>dozens of ingredients to gather in order to make dozens of different meals and elixirs
>great fairies that offer different upgrades to different pieces of armor
>etc etc
no no you're right it's just empty and didn't feature enough hand holding for you to stay awake
>completely abandons what made a series good
for something better. It was starting to get stale by skyward sword.
The open world is spectacular. But the dungeons and the combat are horrible. The combat is actually a downgrade from the Twilight Princess, saving for the physics.
LoZ's "dungeons" were glorified combat gauntlets at best, not to mention laughably short compared to the time that the player spends in the overworld.
>no dungeons
I'd argue this point, but I'd just muddy it up. I'd suggest looking up the "Boss Keys" episode for Breath of the Wild on YouTube. He explains why the dungeons in Breath of the Wild, even with Shrines, don't really live up.
>No decent soundtrack
Zelda has a musical culture. Breath of the Wild completely fails that and only brings OK to good remixes and contributes hardly anything to the backlog of great Zelda tracks
>No semblance of a plot
The memories literally added nothing to the plot
>No enemy variety
OK, different Bokoblins do not count as unique enemies.
>No item progression
You don't know what item progression is, huh?
Dude, I put in well over 150 hours into Breath of the Wild. I 100% the fucker. It is a great open world game. It just isn't a Zelda
>Games like BotW have existed for over a decade, its mistakes have no excuse
botw is the first in the series to do what it did and most people who aren't Yea Forumsirgins appreciated the many things it did well
Nier Automata
Not to mentions:
Can play golf
ride air courses
the maze
dozen+ mini bosses
island quests
shrine quests
npc quests (must be 100s)
Most of the people who are critical of BOTW have barely played it and need someone to hold their hand.
now comapre "soul"'s overworld with BoTW's overworld. You're supposed to spend most of the time outside, not in some closed dungeon where there's only one way to progress. We've had enough games about dungeons.
>Had enough games about a major Zelda component
Yeah, let's just abandon a core pillar of the series. That's what fans want
open-world sandbox "games" are even more stale than the oot fomula. botw doesn't exist in a vacuum, it exists in an industry that has been oversaturated by countless aaa games exactly like it over the past decade.
some of us are sick of big empty fields and copy-paste filler content instead of linear level design with actual shit to do.
>Zelda has a musical culture. Breath of the Wild completely fails that and only brings OK to good remixes and contributes hardly anything to the backlog of great Zelda tracks
Lost woods sounds great, but listening to it for 2 hours as you explore a certain place gets really old
At least it's an actual tune and not a random pianist sort of feeling the room
if you don't like dungeons, why were you ever playing zelda games in the first place, zoomer? zelda has always been about the dungeons first and foremost.
>open-world sandbox "games" are even more stale than the oot fomula
not in the zelda franchise.
>botw doesn't exist in a vacuum, it exists in an industry that has been oversaturated by countless aaa games exactly like it over the past decade.
so I guess no one should try to make a good FPS, RPG or any game of an established genre cause user will get assblasted. BoTW experimented with open world and blew all similar games out of the water. Sorry you weren't able to appreciate that.
>big empty fields
did you actually play the game? it's one of the things it's praised the most for, there's always something to do or find outside, there are barely any empty areas except sometimes far in the snowy mountains or the desert, which is natural.
it's called ambiance you retard
you fucking nipple idiot did you not understand my point with the lost woods? Listening to it for over 3 minutes gets old and you'd be forced to turn it down after exploring a world that takes dozens of hours to explore fully.
>masterpiece in every way
>content locked behind DLC, season pass, and amiibo
>sub-30 FPS
>the entirety of ganon's second form
I must heartily disagree.
>otw doesn't exist in a vacuum, it exists in an industry that has been oversaturated by countless aaa games exactly like it over the past decade.
Disagree. BoTW felt like such a great game purely because of how different it feels to play than Skyrim, Witcher, etc. The focus on gameplay felt like a massive 180 when compared to other open world games.
judging by the ratings and consensus, yes that's exactly what fans wanted. And it's not like botw doesn't have dungeons. They're just not the focus, but they're still there.
>item progression
the items get stronger as the game goes on. Yes, I know what it is, and BOTW items did progress.
>no enemy variety
>Ok different bokoblins don't count as variety
same thing in other zelda games then. They all had different varieties of the same enemies.
>The memories literally added nothing to the plot
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
Agree to disagree yet again
I didn't 'love' the shrines but the game was constantly trying to get you out into the wild, and having a series of large dungeons that take a ton of time would have kept you out of the wild. Again, the game is encouraging exploration, hence breaking up dungeons into a series of shrines.
I think it's best to appreciate all the Zelda's for what they really are. Someone earlier posts that Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess stayed 'true to Zelda' but they both sucked. I think he's right. Zelda needed to do something different. Different isn't always good, and change doesn't automatically mean 'better', but in this case I think BOTW was a triumph and the change Zelda needed. And to me, it was a Zelda game in every way. We can disagree, and it's fine.
Just because it hasn't been done with Zelda doesn't mean it isn't stale.
No, established genres deserve new games, open world titles just need fresh air
The problem isn't that there isn't anything to do in BotW, it's that half of it isn't worth doing
>not in the zelda franchise.
and the zelda franchise doesn't exist in a vacuum. botw is stale because it rehashes the same tired formula we've seen a million times already from other aaa games.
>BoTW experimented with open world and blew all similar games out of the water.
it most certainly did not. it was shit, just like all other open-world "games."
Excuse me for wanting to actually have my speakers do something other than fiddle with a piano like a five year old
All the cities had great music with full orchestrations. Only a couple flashbacks, two that I can remember specifically, had a piano backing music.
botw is a new game with new ideas, so just cry more. The game has a substantial amount of content to keep your head out of the dungeons. The game is about the scope and size of hyrule from the surface, which is partly why the game is so focused on the divine beasts. They're mountain sized monsters that you have to free. It would be asking too much to have enough unique dungeons to keep you playing long enough to explore the surface as well. Don't worry your bald head though, you'll get your dark cave spelunking in botw2.
Item progression involves locking off areas until new items are gotten that allow for more exploration that leads to new items and so on. BotW flat out lacks that
Zelda 1 has better enemy variety than BotW
Name one major plot point the memories added
You want to see a great soundtrack? Go look at Skyward Sword. The rest of the game absolutely has problems, but the soundtrack is top notch
Dungeons are still a key concept of Zelda. Whether they didn't go with the game's style is irrelevant. It clearly abandoned Zelda ideals here.
Fact is, classic Zelda fans got cucked because there's no series out there like classic Zelda anymore. The BotW fans had a million other open world series to enjoy
>That's what fans want
That's actually exactly what we wanted. Skyward Sword was 90% dungeon crawling and it sucked. At the time, everyone and their grandma was voicing concerns over how linear the series had become and how much more open it needed to be.
Fuck your retarded revisionism. You retards are exactly the reason this fanbase gets such a bad rep for being impossible to satisfy.
>botw is a new game with new ideas
you're meant to actually play the game not listen to it's music
and even then it still has it's fair share of music, like in the korok forest or hyrule castle
I am one of the fans that loved Skyward Sword you moron. I literally have it as my favorite game of all time (although I will be the first to point out its numerous flaws and admit its more nostalgia that I love it more than anything).
But at the same time, I agree. Skyward Sword is too linear, but Breath of the Wild is too open. What I'm asking for is a game down the middle that straddles open world and classic Zelda
>Skyward Sword was 90% dungeon crawling and it sucked.
it sucked because of the god-awful waggleshit controls and the annoyingness of fi. not because of the dungeons, some of which were among the best in the series.
Yea Forums is full of zoomie snoyfags who frantically yell at nintenchads. Meanwhile, us xbros silently watch the plebs tear each other apart while we quietly build a weapon to surpass metal gear. I'll give you wickers a hint: big titty anime girls
Her name is Death Stranding
>Forgets that music is a key component of world building
>Item progression involves locking off areas until new items are gotten that allow for more exploration that leads to new items and so on.
Have we seriously gotten to the point where you people unironically want arbitrary overworld gating bullshit back?
Go play Skyward Sword you fucking faggot, it was practically designed for retards like you.
>unfinished empty repetitive snorefest
Most overrated pile of garbage ever
Kill yourself by the way
yes, that's what i said and it's entirely true. It's the latest game and it did it's own, newer things. It's got new gameplay, new map, new characters, a new story line and so on
Exploration without roadblocks isn't fun. It's too much at once, rarely feels rewarding, feels samey due to the need to keep difficulty similar across regions, and is flat out a fallacy of the modern era
>Have we seriously gotten to the point where you people unironically want arbitrary overworld gating bullshit back?
If it's properly implemented, why not?
music is not a key component to climbing a mountain side
I said it was 90% dungeon crawling because of all the shit you had to do in the outside surface areas too, which were also designed to feel like dungeons (confirmed by the devs themselves). The problem is that none of them were any good.
There are only two dungeons in SS that are even remotely worthwhile, and that's Sandship and Ancient Cistern. Everything outside of those are average at best.
>Forgets the Sky Keep, one of the unironically best dungeons in Zelda history
>Sandship and Ancient Cistern
both easily better than anything botw has to offer.
>Exploration without roadblocks isn't fun
Exploration with roadblocks isn't exploration at all.
Literally the entire Metroidvania genre would like to disagree with you
>locking off areas
Well it did have item progression then. You can't swim up waterfalls until you reach Lanayru Great Spring to get the chainmail, and you can't enter death mountain until you get the fire resistant armor in Eldin, or the potions from the guy at the nearby stable. And even these can be circumnavigated by creativity (as in the stable potion example). In any case, in a real world scenario, no area is locked off. Why would BOTW limit it's players creativity and exploitative possibilities by doing that? These keeps coming back to the fact BOTW wasn't linear like other Zelda's, a point you seem to have trouble coming to terms with.
>Zelda 1 has better enemy variety than BotW
Okay now I know you're trolling lol. It had like 8 enemies and 3 varieties/colors of each one.
>It clearly abandoned Zelda ideals here.
No it didn't. If they had all the puzzles from 10-15 shrines and put them into one dungeon you wouldn't be complaining. The fact you are so hung up on a misnomer shows you can't get out of your bias and are living in the past.
Excuse me sir but is that a point and click game?
Zelda isn't Metroidvania, and it doesn't change what I said. Exploration with roadblocks literally isn't exploration.
cant tell if zoomer newfag or boomer oldfag and i wasnt even around
Those areas didn't give me items to explore new areas. That isn't item progression
...Did you even play Zelda 1?
No, I would not be complaining if the dungeons combined a bunch of shrines into one thing. That's the point. Shrines aren't dungeons. They don't have the same appeal as the long crawl through a difficult dungeon, learning about an evolving mechanic.
Yes and it was used properly in BOTW in each town and city you visited. So what you wanted some epic orchestration roaring in the background while you climbed some mountain? Or swam some river? lol come on. that would have been so ridiculous and out of place. BOTW did its music perfectly for what it was, trust the boys at Nintendo
Zelda literally inspired Metroidvania, especially the Castlevania Metroidvanias. Zelda might as well be an honorary Metroidvania.
botw made 3D zelda feel like 2D zelda for the first time imo
This is a goddamn fantasy game about a dude Futurama'd 100 years into the future that's expected to kill Cloud Swine by beating up 4 massive animal bots piloted by ghosts of friends we don't know.
Some good ass music would have the least weird thing about this game
Then you're stupid. Very stupid.
Those areas didn't give me items to explore new areas. That isn't item progression
Well no, it did give you new areas to explore you couldn't before. You could not scale the top of some mountain by climbing in BOTW, but with the chainmail that lets you swin up waterfalls you could
>did you even play Zelda 1
Yeah I did.
No, I would not be complaining if the dungeons combined a bunch of shrines into one thing. That's the point. Shrines aren't dungeons. They don't have the same appeal as the long crawl through a difficult dungeon, learning about an evolving mechanic.
>They don't have the same appeal as the long crawl through a difficult dungeon, learning about an evolving mechanic.
Well first of all, none of the Zelda dungeons in any of the games are that hard in the first place. They're creative and cute. They do build on eachother though. Several BOTW shrines had an easy, medium, and difficult mechanic to them, rewarding you with a unique or rare item upon completition. Again, it is a condensed dungeon. The fact that you would be 'pleased' if it was all put into one dungeon again proves my point. Just go play OOT and MM then, no one is stopping you. Let the big boys move on to bolder and bigger things.
I disagree. BotW is more about overworld exploration, and SS was more about dungeon crawling. I like overworld stuff more, so I enjoyed my time with BotW more.
I had no Idea way forward made that. Would explain why I kinda liked it.
>BotW is more about overworld exploration, and SS was more about dungeon crawling.
translation: botw is more about generic aaa spectacle, ss is more about the actual point of a zelda game.
>rewarding you with a unique or rare item upon completition
This is false.
If the "actual point" of a Zelda game was pure dungeon crawling, there would never have been an overworld aspect to them in the first place. Quit being a faggot and accept that different people get different things out of the series.
If those mountaintops had contained some new weapon that opened up another part of the map, then that would be item progression.
Let me just give you a brief list of Zelda 1's enemies:
Armos, Bubble, Darknut, Gel, Ghini, Gibdo, Goriya, Keese, Lanmola, Leever, Like Like, Lynel, Moblin, Moldorm, Octorok, Patra, Peahat, Pols Voice, Zora, Rope, Stalfos, Tektite, Vire, Wallmaster, Wizzrobe, and Zol. LOTS OF ENEMIES TO FIGHT
Dungeons build on themselves. The item in a dungeon trope is an extension of this. You are introduced to a mechanic, and are slowly introduced to more complex versions of that mechanic, eventually have the item thrown in, before you suddenly have very complex puzzles that may even span multiple rooms and force you to think. That's not BotW
>ss is more about the actual point of a zelda game
Yikes, imagine actually defending SS.
Imagine actually shitting on a good game, just for having a couple of flaws
what 3D zelda did a better job of that other than i suppose albw but that a whole different argument of it being a 2d or 3d zelda id rather not bother with
Skyward Sword is the pinnacle of dungeon designs and Pre-BotW 3D Zelda.
>botw is a masterpiece
>only 4 dungeons using the same exact texture and the same turning puzzle gimmick
>shrines using the same exact texture and are just portal rip offs
>press start to heal
>go back to the same spot 1000 times to get the same weapon because it keeps breaking
Its not
>Breath of the Wild is the kind of game that completely abandons what made a series good
Nigga fuck you
It brought back what made the series good after it was lost in the the jump into 3D.
That wasn't your argument, stupid.
I just started playing it, and I know its gonna be a bitch to play because B is run and X is jump.
God, I fucking hate Nintendo controller schemes.
Yes, am old one full of 90s motion video and cheesy acting
I actually like that game a lot but saying it's a masterpiece is a desperate way to rile people up.
May I direct you to Link to the Past where it was established what Zelda is and what Breath of the Wild clearly is not?
>I feel bored therefore game is bad
Yes this is true it goes for everything in life.
BoTW is a good start if you consider a tech demo but its missing a bit in dungeons and enemy variety. If they solve that in BoTW-2 then you might have a case.
>If those mountaintops had contained some new weapon that opened up another part of the map, then that would be item progression.
They contained shrines, miniature bosses, and items.
>Let me just give you a brief list of Zelda 1's enemies:
Yep, that's all of them. BOTW had nearly twice as many unique enemies, whether you realized it or not. Not to mention dozens of animals to hunt on top of that.
>Dungeons build on themselves. The item in a dungeon trope is an extension of this. You are introduced to a mechanic, and are slowly introduced to more complex versions of that mechanic, eventually have the item thrown in, before you suddenly have very complex puzzles that may even span multiple rooms and force you to think. That's not BotW
Look I understand all of that, and while I don't agree that none of the shrines 'made you think', I'm just trying to explain to you that those types of dungeons would have been out of place in BOTW, so they instead split them up into a series of shrines. If you don't like that, that's fine, I'm not trying to convince you to like it. I'm just trying to convince you that it was necessary in an open world style Zelda game that is encouraging exploration and discovery. If BOTW took all the shrines and just made them into 6 huge dungeons, it would have been really really terrible. So they settled on the Divine Beast puzzles instead of large shrines, which I enjoyed personally. I get your grievances, but they weren't going to happen in BOTW.
>what made the series good
Don't believe the journalists, they got paid to say that line, if you had played any other Zelda game you would know that they are nothing like Botw, dumb zoomer.
Yeah, cause now it's just like Skyrim! Good thing I'll never get to play a real Zelda game ever again, instead I can play the same open world shit over and over again!
Calling any Zelda game a masterpiece or the "best in the series" is likely to rile people up. I've been here long enough to see people shit on OoT, MM, ALttP, and hell, even LA.
I think he was just exaggerating and being slightly sarcastic for comedic effect. I certainly wouldn't call it 'desperate'
there was no "argument" dipshit, it was a simple question. it might not have a simple answer though so i guess i shouldnt expect much from you should i?
>zelda has always been about the dungeons first and foremost
This is bullshit. Exploring the world and finding the dungeons was the best part of LoZ, not the dungeons themselves. And dungeons in 3D Zelda games have never been good.
Honest BotW blew the fuck out of every open world game that exists now and set the new standard for the first time since Skyrim came out.
>Link to the Past
Zelda 1, 2 and BotW are the only real Zelda games
Link to the past was the start of the decline and OoT solidified the series descent into mediocrity.
>What are Zelda 1 and 2
How to spot a retard
>emergent gameplay
How to spot a meme poster
>ubishit towers
>tech demo
>if i dismiss facts as "memes," i win!
2 deserves to be shit on mercilessly.
That still isn't item progression. It's a classic Zelda idea and no matter how you spin it, BotW doesn't have it
BotW enemy list
Bokoblin, Lizalfos, Moblin, Wizzrobe, Lynel, Chu Chu, Guardian, Keese, Octorok, Guardian Scout, Yiga Footsoldier, Yiga Blademaster, not impressive
My point still stands. It abandoned Zelda ideals to become mainstream. I'm still right on the dungeons
they're nothing like botw, zoomer. see
literally 1 of the GOATs
29 years playing games and almost nothing comes close
>Saying Link to the Past is bad
Wow, how does it feel to be one of maybe 100 people who have that opinion?
its definitely not bad but good god if your first experience was the gba port i could understand
Holy crap I am gonna play the shit out of this. I just watched the intro and it looks marvelous.
Nope, I played good ol' original Link to the Past on the Virtual Console. And I will tell you, it's still an amazing game, perhaps the best Super Nintendo title. That's everything Zelda should be.
ALttP unironically started the decline of the series. Way too much emphasis on item gating, story, and dungeons in lieu of actual exploration.
these are the zoomers that botw brought in. they HATE the rest of the series and love their rehashed ubishit trash.
Look, I love Assassin's Creed as much as the next guy, but the fact is Zelda isn't Assassin's Creed.
Unfortunately for the zoomer fans, Link to the Past was incredibly successful, remains absurdly popular, and is beloved and iconic. Even Miyamoto all but called it THE Zelda game. You zoomers just want to think that BotW is a "return to form" when it really is the exact opposite.
People already rekt all your shit opinions, your just grasping at straws now, feel free to dislike the game, but your coming as a nostalgia ridden simpleton
>Have you ever played Zelda 1
Have you?
BoTW is the one 3D Zelda title that gets closer to the original pace and feeling.
I've been playing Zelda since ALttP and BotW is one of my favorite games in the series. Why do you assholes want every Zelda installment to be exactly the same?
It didn't abandon Zelda ideals though. It incorporated them in new and interesting ways. How dense are you?
>I'm still right
manbaby just wants to be right. Cope
You just like the loli
I'd suggest you check out the image posted earlier in the thread that clearly lays out how Zelda 1 and BotW are not even close to the same type of game
I don't want every title to be the exact same. Really, I just want some good dungeons, enemy variety, and maybe some plot
>Literally shows you how they aren't the same ideals
>B-B-But they're the same thing in a new way!
No... No they are not
>That still isn't item progression.
Not him, but why do you care about this so much? Why does Zelda need "item progression" when all it ever REALLY achieved was blueballing the fuck out of players the moment they hit some shitty arbitrary roadblock while they were trying to explore the map and satisfy their curiosity, which they now can't do because everything is dictated by the story?
Fuck that part of the series. I hope it rots and stays in the past where it belongs.
Not the one your replaying yo, not a zoomers, and loved LttP, but please, explain how to extrapolarse 2D Zelda exploration a pacing on a 3D world.
I'll wait, but I'll give you a hint
It's called BoTW
i don't. they could have done something different without selling out to the ubishit formula. see
Why didn't Breath of the Wild have a fairy?
Well in a tranny self insert kinda way, yeah. But I also wanted another goosebumps point and click after playing the console one.
No, it isn't
It has more than one, retard
>Zelda 1 and BotW are not even close to the same type of game
People who say this are genuinely dishonest and frequently engage in mental gymnastics to get their points across. Obviously BotW and LoZ aren't exactly the same but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the obvious inspiration.
I miss dungeons tho.
He means a fairy guide like Navi.
You clearly don't understand the point of item progression and what makes that idea fun. It's the disappointment of seeing a dead end, remembering it, exploring a different path, finding a new item, then realizing you can make progress at that previous dead end, and find excitement in a new way forward. For more information, I'd again check out Boss Keys on YouTube.
Then let me put you through this mental routine. Link to the Past also takes very clear inspiration from Zelda 1. Why isn't its style of Zelda just as valid?
>empty world
>copy paste outposts
>same handful of enemies most of the time
>Korok seeds sprinkled here and there, all of these revolve around the same couple "puzzles", like making things symmetrical or shooting a target
>"push an obviously placed boulder down the cliff to the enemy camp" scripted events to make normies feel smart for "figuring it out"
Never understood why people thought this was a ground breaking game, I guess it's because they've heard their parents talk about Zelda and always wanted to be a part of the group.
>Literally shows you how they aren't the same ideals
You did, but two points were moot (Music and Story), and if u would read what I wrote I was trying to explain to you that I while recognize what the other parts of the old Zelda 'spirit' or 'soul' were, BOTW did new variations on those old things, and that it was necessary and for the better. Ironically enough, it was you who started by complaining about 'Zelda tropes' as being something annoying and tedious in BOTW, yet you spend 5 different replies defending those said tropes.
Even if they could get the art to the same level, you could never find these kinds of actors again. This was in the mid 90s. These quirky suburban type white people are all extinct now.
That works for and is neccesary in linear games, not so much for open world ones
I never said BotW's Zelda tropes were annoying and tedious. I said they are hardly part of it. And it wasn't just music and story. Dungeons aren't there and neither is item progression
Octopath Traveler
>beautiful graphics
>god tier ost
>literally perfect battle system
>"eight separate stories" tried something new and did a pretty good job of it
I just don't get it
Deus Ex
>what makes that idea fun
Nothing makes that idea fun. It's the embodiment of player blueballing.
>It's the disappointment of seeing a dead end, remembering it, exploring a different path, finding a new item, then realizing you can make progress at that previous dead end, and find excitement in a new way forward
That's not fun at all. All you did was remember that you can go somewhere you couldn't previously, but being able to suddenly go somewhere just because the story allowed you to isn't discovering something on your own, which is the entire fucking point of exploration. You got cucked by a random roadblock, found an item later and then remembered that you can now cross the roadblock. There's nothing inherently engaging, exciting, or rewarding about this.
Well then you see my point. BotW abandoned Zelda ideals to move into open world
no sadly we're all failed child actors and wageslaves
Item progression doesn't fit in an open world game, and you are still caught up on the misnomer of dungeon vs. shrine, which I've already explained to you. You are starting to embarrass yourself, and still have time to leave this thread
Again, literally the entire Metroidvania genre would like to disagree with your interpretation of item progression
It's still noticable in older people though, two of my aunt's, an uncle, and an old tenant still have that attitude.
Dont a retarded Yea Forums drone.
The only legit excelent thing of BOTW thats worthy of being called "masterpiece" is the level of interaction between the player and the enviroment. the only non-creative focused game that gives you the "if you can think about if, you can do it" rule.
Seriously, the amount of mechanics and physics that interact with each other in this game is second to none. I can hardly think of any ways to improve it. I hope they just leave it there for now and focus on the overworld and combat instead for the Sequel/Expansion
but BotW has a lot of flaws and would be pretty forgetable if it wasnt for the gameplay.
Dungeons are not shrines. I've literally explained very clearly why they aren't the same. You're the one embarrassing yourself by hiding behind semantics
I don't care what you think about Metroidvania, and it doesn't address what I said at all.
I have very good reasons to prefer classic Zelda dungeons and to say that Breath of the Wild has no version of them. Shrines are not replacements for dungeons no matter what the media or zoomers say
Who are you to decide what Zelda's ideals are and aren't? Zelda's creators, the damn creators! decided it was time to change the series up for the better after almost killing the franchise with two games that were 'Zelda ideal'. You are conveniently ignoring posts that cross examine your argument. it's getting pretty sad.
Same thing
They're not actors though
Also I found the Loli's instagram :D
Metroidvanias prove that item progression can very easily be fun, and Zelda, spoiler alert, inspired the Metroidvania genre in the first place
And I have very very very clearly explained to you that I know shrines are not dungeons. I have agreed with you twice on this point And that shrines are segments and fragments of dungeons split up and spread across the world to encourage players to explore the world. You just proved my point that you are ignoring how many times I've said this so you can be 'right' in your own mind. Very childish behaviour. You don't have to like BOTW, my posts have never been about making you like the game, and you can complain it isn't Zelda, while I believe it is. All I'm trying to explain to you is why they made some of the world design choices they did, and why the ones you would have liked to see would not have worked in an open world style Zelda game. I've said my peace, and I'm done
>Implies that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were killing the series
>Ignores that both were praised to high heavens by critics and mostly fans alike and that Twilight Princess in particular made a fuckton of money
How does it feel to ignore history?
Metroidvanias aren't even universally praised across the board, plenty of people have complained about its frequent item gating, and a 3D Zelda game obviously isn't comparable to the maze-like maps typical in a Metroidvania game.
This still has very little to do with what I said.
Yes it does. It proves that just because you don't like item progression, it doesn't mean the idea is bad and should die. People do like it.
And I've explained to you that the Shrines are a case where they abandoned the series ideals to become mainstream, which was my whole point in the first place.
>copies your game
Whether people like it isn't the point. Item gating is inherently antithetical to organic exploration, and that's what the Zelda series was inspired by according to its own creator. Whether the Zelda series in turn inspired Metroidvanias, which is in fact a completely different genre, is irrelevant.
yeah a fucking master piece of shiet
i am begging for this sauce it is hot as fuck
Bloodborne is the best game this generation has produced. Name one that's better and why.
>that ass bent over the log
holy shit time to fap
Two things
The creator point is moot, as Aonuma is largely in charge of Zelda now. Miyamoto has input, but he's largely not part of Zelda development anymore
And yes, the Metroidvania support is relevant. It shows Zelda has deep connections to item progression, dating back to the first title and is a famous part of the franchise
Oh but you are wrong, king of nipples
was miyamoto ever a part of actual development of anything? i thought he just basically threw out ideas then tested games and told people what to change based on his experience
He was pretty much totally in charge up until Majora's Mask. That's about when Aonuma took over.
>>Yea Forums hates it
>The creator point is moot
No it isn't. That famous Miyamoto line about discovering forests in his childhood is still being quoted in developer interviews today, and it along with the original LoZ are still cited as the primary inspirations for BotW's design philosophy. It's entirely relevant.
>And yes, the Metroidvania support is relevant.
It isn't relevant for the reasons I just mentioned, which is that Zelda as a franchise obviously isn't shackled to item gating. Metroidvania might have been inspired by the series, but that doesn't actually mean anything relevant to this discussion and it doesn't address anything I said.
Real life
If an user literally has to post in a Yea Forums thread asking for sauce, and the only google results you get are other Yea Forums threads you're not getting sauce.
I have the sauce but I am deliberately choosing not to share it with you out of spite
>Implying that Yea Forums has any consensus on anything,
Miyamoto has been quoted saying a lot of things and it really all contradicts. And either way, Aonuma is still the one in charge of the series nowadays
>Obviously isn't shackled to item gating
One, you're shitting on an idea people like. Two, item progression was literally in the first Zelda you dumb fuck
BOTW threads and posts trigger so many fat nintendo autists. It's always the easiest way to get replies. Why are manchildren so quick to defend such a shitty game? Is it because it's their first open world game on switch or what?
i meant mostly in terms of coding a game, isnt he fundamentally retarded in that aspect?
He wasn't shitting on item progression, he just said it wasn't an essential element to Zelda. It IS an essential element to metroidvanias, and it can be used in Zelda whenever, but it isn't required.
Also Zelda 1 is not item gated very heavily. You can literally walk into the second to last dungeon from the very start of the game and get the all key, leave, then never worry about keys again. Several items in the game like the candle upgrade, armor/sword upgrades, boomerang, etc, are completely optional.
I think he did hands on coding until about Link's Awakening, but I might be very wrong on that. I know he did it for 1 and 2.
>And either way, Aonuma is still the one in charge of the series nowadays
How the fuck did you manage to miss my point this hard?
>One, you're shitting on an idea people like.
No, Sir Retardo, I'm saying Zelda isn't beholden to item gating. I personally don't like it in the context of this series and hope it stays gone, but that doesn't mean you have to agree and it doesn't have anything to do with what I just said.
>Two, item progression was literally in the first Zelda you dumb fuck
Item progression in the original LoZ was super minimal compared to later titles, and item gating as a whole isn't even what makes LoZ a fun game.
You'll always have your Metroidvanias if you're that butthurt about its absence, but it's no loss for me.
Yes, but there is still very clearly item progression. And I'm not arguing for hardcore cockblocking of exploration. I'm asking for more moderate amounts. Just enough to give a decent story and make backtracking somewhat interesting. I think players should be able to explore rather freely, but I also think item progression should stay
I haven't read through your whole back and forth with that other guy, I only saw your one post and wanted to set the record straight. I'm not opposed to item gating be more prominent in future Zeldas but I'm also not opposed to it staying gone
Miss your point? Miyamoto only has relatively minor say over the series. Aonuma is the one with the ideas these days
Here's what I want. I understand that Breath of the Wild style Zelda will stick around. I can't change that. But I think classic Zelda should stick around and still get new titles. 2D Zelda games kept getting made when 3D came around, so let's keep Classic Zelda alive for the fans that still like that old spark
>What's her name, Yea Forums?
The Witcher 3. I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece in every way, but it was an incredible experience, and Yea Forums can't manage to say anything about it except "shit combat." I would wager most of the shitposters never played the game. Some of them played it and enjoyed it, but want to fit in.
But that combat was garbage m8. I played on the hardest difficulty, it just turned into mashing the dodge button.
There were two dodge buttons, and you're a pleb smoothbrain if you didn't take advantage of the myriad of choices, bombs, signs, crossbow, mounted combat, and the various buffs and changes alchemical potions have to offer. Any game can be beaten by sticking to the basics, but that doesn't make the game shit. Being simple, and even being easy, doesn't make combat shit either. Also British people are literal subhuman trash, and I can't believe they are responsible for developing the English language, because they so consistently show they have no mastery of it.
>There were two dodge buttons
A parry and a dodge. Dodge made the most sense in every situation
>choices, bombs, signs, crossbow, mounted combat, various buffs
You didn't need any of that shit. Crossbow was only really effective against aerial opponents, mounted combat was absolute garbage, the only sign that mattered was queneven that one didn't matter, the others only existed for style points. Buffs and bombs weren't needed. The combat was so simple you could do the hardest fights on the hardest difficultly by hitting the dodge button,
>in every way
>"dude what if instead of having real dungeons we just sprinkled dungeon rooms all over the map with the exact same theme and acted like it's the same thing"
>A parry and a dodge
No, there was a dodge step, and a full roll. Those are the two dodge buttons. There was also parrying, yes. The fact that you don't seem to know about the dual dodging leads me to believe that you are a fucking retard and never discovered this over the course of your "playing" the game. Yet you blame the game, and not your suffering IQ. Jump from a high place.
>I don't NEED to use it, therefore the combat is shit!
I much prefer the freedom to use what I wish to in a game, as opposed to being forced to use certain things like some rock paper scissors simulator. Imagine complaining about chicken, because it could be eaten with no seasoning, and bland cooking methods, when you are the one responsible for not using those seasonings and methods available to you. YOU had the power to make the combat interesting, yet YOU chose to "only use the dodge button."
The Witcher 3's combat wasn't shit, your willingness to use your options is.
>Jump from a high place into a soft place
Ftfy, self harm is not something you should wish on another. Be nice, user.
>Be nice, user.
You're right. I'll try to improve at that. Cheers
>You could do a bunch of dumb shit for no reason in order to make the combat interesting
Imagine complaining about a system with no depth because you didn't unnecessarily do shit to add depth to the system that was already set by the devs.
>YOU had the power to make the game interesting, instead you chose to use the game already in place.
Okay, yeah sure.
>There was an inefficient and unnecessary option to an already established efficiency
Yeah, I could walk to work too, but instead I choose to drive.
>choose to only dodge and swing my sword, ignoring all other combat options
>WOW this game has NO DEPTH!
incredible logic user, I bet you're a vulcan
>masterpiece in every way
>in every way
Surely not even the biggest BotW fanboy believes that right? You're not that delusional, you're merely pretending.
I wonder this every goddamn time I hear some one say
>It's not a real Zelda
I genuinely don't understand. It's way closer to a standard Zelda than Skyward Sword even was. The only thing I can think of of is the dungeons being different, but I've seen so many people critique about it, myself included, that I can't see Aonuma being unaware of the complaint. I'm betting BotW2 will double down on dungeons, because Aonuma tends to maybe take fan complaints too seriously.
>modern urban fantasy zelda, or a futuristic cyberpunk zelda.
This is somehow a better idea than open world? Get the fuck outta here.
>It's way closer to a standard Zelda than Skyward Sword even was
What does that even mean?
BotW has more in common with Skyrim than it does previous Zelda games. Yes even LoZ, don't drag that out, if you make that comparison you haven't played it or simply don't give a shit about execution.
More creative does not equal good, you doofus. It sounds like you don't even like Zelda to me.
Not him but absolutely yes.
I would take any change of setting over the modern AAA open world meme.
...You really think the most important thing about Zelda is the setting? So you're happy with anything as long as there's someone named "Link" "Zelda" and "Ganon" in it?
Skyward Sword had zero exploration. I liked the game more than most, but it basically was just dungeons, with very little to do outside the main quest.
>So you're happy with anything as long as there's someone named "Link" "Zelda" and "Ganon" in it?
That sounds like the exact opposite of what I said. An "cybetpunk" Zelda would basically be Zelda game only because it had Link and Zelda in it by name. Zelda is interesting because it's setting is kind of weird for a fantasy game. Hell, my favorite one is Majora's Mask. I like different and weird, but "modern urban" or "cyberpunk" just for the sake of being new does not sounds pretty dumb.
>Its another "Do whatever you want even though the content and gameplay is boring!" episode
It's as shit as skyrim, but pretending zoomers on Yea Forums didn't eat that shit up is retarded.
>WOW you can beat a game without considering other aspects implemented by the devs
Surely the importance of mechanics is determined by the devs implementation of them
It's by no means as much of a movie game has god of war though there is quite a few points where it forces you to slow down to hear the dialogue instead of just giving you the choice to stop and listen if you care or keep going at your own speed, but it does nothing original and is just serviceable overall. The games multiplayer was where it really shined, I expected it to be tacked on and I'd play a match or two and leave, but it lends itself well to it. I'd almost be tempted to pick up 2 for multiplayer, though knowing Cuckmann now he'll have it removed to focus on the story or some shit.
The game constantly shows you how you can defeat enemies in various ways. I'm sorry you lack any actual creativity to the point you can't even do varying things in a video game.
Almost every game can be beaten by going with a simplistic approach. The options are there for you to play with. If you choose to play a melee build and then complain that you didn't NEED magic or bombs to win, you're missing the point. If the game was designed for you to NEED magic or bombs, it would be nothing more than a Zelda game where a certain tool is required to complete the next dungeon. That is not creativity, that is linear puzzle solving. Puzzles with one solution, the intentional one.
Shut the fuck up how fucking dare you point out any flaws whatsoever in botw. It has none.
>no semblance of plot
Oh yeah the first game had such a rich plot!
It's telling when the BotW fags respond to criticism about this game by saying the other 3D Zeldas are bad. All of them are critically acclaimed, OoT has just of high a review score as BotW. But they still spam the review score as if it's the be all end all.
They may as well do cyberpunk or futuristic Zelda when BotW is the new norm. Who cares. The only thing making BotW a Zelda game is Link, Zelda and a few staples anyway, just flush it all as the final nail in the coffin.
>no enemy variety
>Ok different bokoblins don't count as variety
>same thing in other zelda games then. They all had different varieties of the same enemies.
That would be okay if the game was a lot smaller. Having more ACTUALLY different enemies would encourage players to explore the world more, makes it more exciting. I hope the sequel adds more variety.
It's an empty open world with absolute horrid visuals. Anyone who actually takes botw faga serious is a fucking retard.