Is it as excellent as I hear?
Is it as excellent as I hear?
it's honestly the most boring game of all time
Idk too unoptimized to work
Any hyped meme game is shit.
Shovel knight, meatboy, isaac, fez, hollow knight, furi, undertale, gone home, fnaf and so on.
I only enjoyed games I found myself. Hex, dex, until i found you, final station, setuf, wasted land, odallus, that kind.
Sounds like you didn't find the game fast enough then, moron. I had been waiting for this and bought it day one, it's a great game. Just because the normgroid hordes got their hands on it doesn't change that fact
Not 10/10 or anything, I still find it good. Game starts pretty slow, even for a metroidvania
Do you think you'll like it? The reason its polarizing on Yea Forums aside from contrarian faggots is because if you're not into the whole "metroidvania" thing and hard games you won't like it.
>popular game bad
on second though why am I replying to samefag bait
Don't listen to the contrarian no-funs OP.
The game is spectacular, the most polished metroidvania you'll ever play.
*polished turd
yeah, ii'm thinking it's not as excellent as OP thinks.
No. It's a good game, but the praise is extremely overblown by two camps:
1. Those who are wowed by the aesthetic and overlook the actual design
2. Git gud faggots who just wanna jerk their cocks about beating the harder bosses
A solid Metroidvania with a great artstyle, but also uninspired upgrades, somewhat poor pacing, and expansions that focus way too much on the mechanically simple combat.
>Those who are wowed by the aesthetic
There's literal zero merit to anything within this medium other than that
>Story: Sad (A-)
>Characters: Cute but there are only a handful of interesting ones with depth (C+)
>Music: Fantastic (A++)
>Visuals: Very well done and nice to look at (A)
>Difficulty: Starts off slow but becomes sadistically difficult. Still your fault if you get hit (A)
>Controls: Tight and easy to learn (B)
>Overall Content: Intimidating (A)
>Replayability: Fine if you're looking for a challenge, nonexistent if you've already seen everything (B-)
It's reasonably priced and my dollar felt well spent. No game is perfect though.
One of the best games I've played with Subnautica. It's really awesome. But it's pretty hard.
There's a thread shitting on bloodstained for it's graphics. Meanwhile, this game gets praised despite there being flash games on Newgrounds with better visuals.
Tried it out during a big metroidvania binge lately. Honestly, I quit pretty early in because I just couldn't stomach the visuals. And this from someone who had no problem with the visuals on SotN and Super Metroid. For such a simplistic and lazy art style you'd expect it to make up for it in the animation department. It does not. Barely any animation at all. From what little I played the combat seemed to be very simplistic, but as early as I dropped it I can't say for sure I didn't stop playing the moment before the game unlocked blocking, dodging, special techniques, spells, or really any combat at all beyond jump, move, and attack. It all seemed really simplistic and bare-bones to me all in all.
>For such a simplistic and lazy art style
It's not lazy at all.
M8 it is literally flash-game tier art but they forgot the colours yellow and red existed. It looks awful. I could load up Newgrounds or Kongregate or something right now and find five games in as many seconds that look twice as good.
"flash-game tier art", you mean, vector?
The game is full of animations, with hundreds of enemies and multiple backgrounds that hardly repeats. There are no "lazyness", it's just vector.
How many of you have gotten past the first boss, let alone played it? I'm just curious.
>casual who never made it to the hive
Masterpieces are shit, I only like mediocre games
Is it possible to know less shit about video games that this guy
I don't know what vector means, but I'm talking about how everything in the game is more or less a solid shape of colour with a thick black outline and zero detail.
Wait, you're telling me people actually defend this?
...What exactly do you see in such a simplistic and boring design? Why are people defending someone 12-year olds have outdone in their first time using Flash?
Am I supposed to know what that is?
What, does the entire game stop looking like shit when I get there?
It's among my favorite games, but I understand the criticism it gets. For whatever reason none of my friends have been able to or interested in finishing it. Now is a great time to play if you're interested, since the sequel is upcoming. We don't have a date yet, but I'm excited to play it.
A sold shape with a black outline describes 99% of traditional animation which is the opposite of lazy. Every frame is hand drawn.
>I don't know what vector means,
It shows.
Vector art is art made with calculations, so it'll never get "deteriorated" when changing its size. The disadvantage it's that, since it's mathematical, it's harder to make it more detailed.
That's the difference between illustrator and photoshop.
Vector are normally used in flash games and logo design.
>everything in the game is more or less a solid shape of colour with a thick black outline and zero detail.
just like cartoon and anime.
The game is great, but the lack of mobility early on sometimes turns people off before they get far enough. I think Silksong has the chance to be even more fun then Hollow Knight, mainly because more mobility.
>Get that flower quest
>Haven't even reached the Queen's estate yet
Suddenly I don't feel like playing any more
>implying Odallus isn't a meme game
lol it's just edgy Shove
>with hundreds of enemies and multiple backgrounds that hardly repeats.
the only achievement i didn't bother to get was the hunter one.
when someone mentions enemy design or something like hollow knight having great enemy variety this is what i see. i mean...they might have a different head or sometimes wings, but..
that said, i believe team cherry will be able to improve upon this with silksong.
wow user, are you hungry for (you)s?
>Vector art is art made with calculations, so it'll never get "deteriorated" when changing its size. The disadvantage it's that, since it's mathematical, it's harder to make it more detailed.
So, what, you get a tiny, imperceptible benefit nobody will notice at the cost of... not being in any way at all interesting to look at?
>Every frame is hand drawn.
It's made with calculations or hand drawn, pick one. If it was hand drawn, why does it look like babby's first flash instead of Cuphead?
>just like cartoon and anime.
Yeah, but see, those usually feature details. Like eyes with pupils, not just black ovals. And facial features. And shading. It's not just a white circle with two black ovals in it bobbing up and down on top of a barely defined blob of a cape and stick legs.
Seriously... why are people defending this? Is there a meme I'm not in on or something?
>It's made with calculations or hand drawn, pick one.
wow user,
download illustrator and try it, please.
It's incredibly overhyped. Lots of empty space making it "atmospheric", enemies flip-flop between being stupidly weak and artificially hard but with overly telegraphed moves. There was one time I died because I started nodding off while playing it.
I got up to the last area and then I realized I didn't care for the game one bit and was just forcing myself to play it at that point. Kept thinking
>alright, people said this game was good but had a slow start, the good part must just be around the corner
...Why? Will knowing how they did it make it any less bland and simplistic looking?
If you like video games you will like it. Its a good video game, better than most.
Why would you not include super metroid and the castlevania games that spawned the term
Why is even terraria on this list.
>moving goal posts
also, you have a non-point, because that's every cartoon ever.
I said 'No' and I haven't played it. In fact I've barely seen anything from it
It's the best metroidvania. Yea Forumsredditors are just mad
>>casual who never eat whole turd
Yeah, that is exactly all gitguders sounds like.
It was a question, not an argument. I'm seriously just blown away by the fact people are actually defending this art style. I figured it'd be a whole thread of other people bitching about it too. I don't get it. What's the draw?
It's just okay; Yea Forums overhypes it
It's certainly no SotN
>I figured it'd be a whole thread of other people bitching about it too
What's bad about it?
I got bored at around the beehive area.
>It was a question, not an argument.
>I know what a rhetorical question is but I'll play dumb
Everything I have already listed. It's simplistic, uninteresting, undetailed, and just comes off as lazy and cheap.
that does not mean it's bad
Elaborate on this one
that does not mean is bad
It honestly seems that you are just confusing not liking something with it being bad
I hate the badge system more than life itself
>borderline-obligatory badges like "run faster" and "heal more quickly" eat up all of your badge points
>this leaves no room for the less-useful but more-interesting badges
>shallow trite fanboys trying to defend the game from what is obviously just user's opinion.
>they wonder why the game gets hated on.
>It honestly seems that you are just confusing not liking something with it being bad
Those literally mean the same thing
Yeah, no, I make a point of not doing that. I can't stand the Witcher 3, but I'll never say it's a bad game, because I can absolutely see what people see in and enjoy about it. There are plenty of games I like that I'll admit are objectively bad. I just don't get what anyone would like about this.
It's clean and consistent with it's atmosphere and design.
Heal more quickly is absolutely not needed and you get around more quickly with dashmaster than with sprintmaster, and the former is actually useful in combat and gives you a vertical dash too so equipping it doesn't feel like a loss.
Compass and Geo Collection should be upgradeable to innate passives through some bullshit later on but that's the only thing I'd change about the charm system. I really wish there had been a fourth Colosseum that allowed you to do that.
It reminds me of classic Metroid games, and exploring is fun. Up until I finally got around to playing this game recently I felt the same way about the art style. It reminded me of a flash game, but the sounds, the more subtle storyline, and world design is all very connected and immersive to the point where the art style really grew on me. The game definitely has flaws, but you and a couple others in this thread are acting like it’s unplayable garbage. Maybe it’s just not your kind of game.
This is honestly a good enough and well structured opinion that I'm positive it's copy pasted from somewhere better.
But it's accurate, at least.
I'd have added something about the pacing. The world is just big enough to feel like a slog when you have to do backtracking.
>borderline-obligatory badges like "run faster" and "heal more quickly"
I don't want to sound like a "gitgud" fag, but those aren't really mandatory at all.