They are going to have to me more servers, launch is going to be a fucking mess

They are going to have to me more servers, launch is going to be a fucking mess.

>"you think you do, but you don't"

He sure looks like a jackass now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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its funny that people think low pop now means its going to be dead at launch or a few months after
there will be queues on every realm

>dead game
>not enough servers

Make up your minddddsssss!

Yeah they underestimate people not subbing early.

I did a name test on some of the low pop servers and a couple of them do have a lot of more common names that I thought would be immediately taken. But for the RP-PvP server it was just as hard to find a name as it was for the high pop servers. Very suspicious that they have that as low pop

>only pvp servers that aren't full is fairbanks and the br server
Would it really kill them to make a few more east coast pvp servers?

I think Blizzard VASTLY underestimated the amount to people they will play this.

>grobbulus is low

People are scared off by the RP

Think I'm going to go with a pve realm for classic.
Yeah, world pvp is fun, but I'm not going to be playing too much and would rather just spend a few hours leveling in peace.

Since whitemane is obviously the meme spouting faggot server and herod is the designated reddit server and faerlina is streamer zoomer shit and thalnos is the beaner server does that leave Fairbanks as the only good server left?

who /Thanos/ here?

Whitemane is so far the most normal full server. Reddit and Yea Forums went to Herod to avoid streamers.

Judging by the constant mommy thicc xD and come home WHITEMANe spam it's obviously nu/v/ /pol/ cancer

whitemane is the tranny sissy fag server

and yea, pretty much fairbanks is the safe option

Yeah a whole 4 people memeing means it's the whole server.

i'm gonna roll on Bloodsail and no one can stop me

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Who here rolled Faerlina to destroy streamer trash? Shit's going to be a slaughter.

no it's the official pol server

Am I missing something? There are 5 low servers and only 4 full ones with 0 high servers. Why would they need more servers? It might be beta, but
>Every current wow subscribed player can play it for "free" and is advertised for them on the battlenet launcher.

If anything that turn out is lower then I'd expect, but I guess modern wow is down to sub 1 million subs now huh.

>Low Pop

Seems like I might actually get to play day 1

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So all the streamers just hopped into one server huh.
I thought they would try to spread out to be aids but it seems they got bullied into place.

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Good. Keep it low.


What is the containment server called? I wasn't looking forward to stream kiddies shitting up everything but now it seems there's some hope int he world again.


I desperately need this addon

I cant decide between Bloodsail or Blobbulus

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Low could easily mean low pop relative to the server's capacity to generate additional layers. Blizzard have messed with the definition of low/med/high pop on retail so there's no way of knowing for sure.

>people care this much about """classic""" wow to shit post about it

Imagine being so mad about the classic

Listen up. To all you Retardins, Elememetal and Encrapment Shamans, OOMkins and Ferlols. You will be healing. From level 10 onwards you are a healing class only. You will not get into groups unless you go into a healing spec and even then priest are better than you in every single way. Oh and to all you druids and paladins you aren't tanks either leave that to the Warriors, thanks


While I want to talk some shit, the sad thing is this is exactly how vanilla was. Hybrid classes gonna be meme bullshit.

I'm going Herod. High pop = more people to kill = better. DGAF if there are cancer people there will be cancer everywhere. Low ping, high pop, lets go baby!

Did you even play before?

Druids are absolute Gods in pvp.

Imagine quantifying class worth based on fucking dungeons.

>grob and fairbanks low pop
oh no bros...they are gonna be dead in a month LOL

yes just keep paying all that gold every single time you raid then want to pvp. smart dipshit.

Druids are fine in dungeons
It's raids where you're completely worthless unless you're putting in more than twice the effort

Fairbanks is the only true pvp server

is grobbulus going to be able to find good low key big girl dick ERP easy?

>low pop
>true anything
the only truth about fairbanks is it will die in a month LOL!!

There is no issue to care about minmaxing dps in anything until after BWL.

I don't mean to be the druid apologist, but its not really an issue so long as you find a niche to fill in a raiding guild if you really care that much.

The pvp game for druids has the most variety of any class and that alone should be enough to justify leveling one.

Level on Fairbanks
Transfer to Faerlina
Give remaining Blizzard balance to your favorite streamer

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Post your lads.

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when there are 10000 people in queue for herod and whitemane after they turn layering off they're going to transfer off to fairbanks

Enjoy Whoreshire

>turn off layering
how the fuck do you people keep falling for this?

i will

Attached: the bulge.jpg (611x350, 34K)

If its anything like ED was, not really . Just hop on retail if you want that

>The pvp game for druids has the most variety of any class and that alone should be enough to justify leveling one.
All you do is moonfire and run away
Shamans have far more diversity in pvp

I definitely agree that minmaxing shouldn't be your goal, though. Play what is fun for you. Personally, I just don't find powershifting to do mediocre dps that enjoyable.

judging by your posts you'll find nu /pol/ living rent free in your head regardless of what server you're on

People hate having to associate wit fags and trannies 50% of the time who would've thought

>moonfire and run away

You're a bit brain dead.

ED was THE PvP server, because it maintaned a 50/50 split

RP got pushed off super early

if they dont turn it off im straight up just gonna quit

WoW is gay and so are the people who play it.

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trust me as someone who just got off a private server full of spamming /pol/tards they're going whitemane

>Start as NElf
>Run to Darnassus
>Hippogriff to Auberdine
>Boat to Menethil Harbor
>Boat to Stormwind
>Run to Goldshire
>Run to the Abbey
>Do the questline there instead of the starter quests in Teldrassil
>Repeat in reverse for humans
Anyone else do this for shits and giggles?

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>tfw alliance hunter grobchad
feels good

The reason druids are good in world pvp is because they can run away from any fight.
In WSG they're great because they can run flags better than anyone else.
Your entire class is built around running away like a faggot. Man up.

you dont need to be resto or holy to heal anything other than scholo dmw and ubrs you dumb cunt

Not me. I love darkshore . Pure kino

They benefit from anywhere they can pillar for various reasons, don't be a complete loser user.

I got one rare :3

Attached: Names.jpg (366x349, 24K)

oh so the only part of the game that matters? cope and heal me cuck. pick a real class if you dont want to heal.


>boat to stormwind

This, quality > quantity especially in RP.

the only part of the game that matters is how many people you can keep on res timers in wpvp you dumb cunt

Grobbulus if Horde, Bloodsail has a tiny Horde population.
Bloodsail if Alliance and a dedicated RPer that doesn't want their shit fucked up.

Why not alliance Grob? I'm Alliance grob. It'll be 50 50 split for the most part.

What do you expect from a bunch of faggots who roll PvE and spend their time RPing/afking in major cities?

I'm sure blizzard's full team of professional marketers are wrong and you're right, surely is not underages well known for exaggerating every single thing overstimating things again.

Oh I didn't mention Alliance grob because it's perfectly fine. There'll be more alliance grob than alliance bloodsail and more horde grob than horde bloodsail. That's why I said Bloodsail if Alliance AND a dedicated RPer that doesn't want their shit fucked up.
Not him but unironically blizzard is wrong and I'm right. Working in the industry =/= talent or common sense.

>boat to stormwind
zoom zoom

Blizzard is wrong because it took them forever to come up with this idea that people have had since 2007.

I got a rare one too pic related
Manage to get my main and my alt names too. I am surprised with my rogue alt name I would have thought it would be more popular of a name.

Attached: faceroll.png (318x184, 104K)

You're welcome in advance.

Do a barrelroll

Does this count as a rare, boys?

Attached: robbyrotten.png (339x93, 30K)

They don't even need talent or common sense, just look at stats.
And no, you're wrong.

It's Robbie

>Got my 3 letter main
>Much more obscure alts were taken

Attached: 1560751237696.png (404x404, 118K)

blizzard is definitely underestimating how many people are going to resub for this shit
everyone i know that hasnt touched the game in years is coming back

That surge will only last for a month and they don't give a fuck


>They can run behind pillars too!

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This name rare guys. Also it’s troll

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no, it'll last until blizzard doesn't turn layering off and then all that will be left will be raidloggers


Remember to blacklist and avoid playing with anyone that has cuck, goyim, or other racist memes in their name :)

And you are going to say you can swim on land too?

oh shit that reminds me of bullyhunter or w/e that thing was

this would be perfect if you were a rogue

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Also trump. Anything that's Trump or Republican, or anything Christian you black list too!

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seems pretty racist to use this word for a list of something you don't like

This but unironically.

blacklist any pepe or wojack memes too

onions memes

Should i do it lads? How much does it cost to play and how much disk space do i need?

Guess Vanilla is reddit infested since people getting triggered by the word Cuck and treating it as a racist term. Yeah think this game gonna die quick lmao.

um excuse me shitlord but its 2019 and you're still using black in a negative connotation

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>Vanilla is reddit infested
what a shocking revelation

r ur jimmies rustled user

I stand correct...well then

Attached: download.jpg (160x216, 6K)

All colors are offensive

gonna suck if your name gets flagged

$15/mo and like 2.5gb

>vanilla is reddit
dawg, if you havent noticed. The layover between the sites has been around for like 8 years. They're the same people.

>adds layering.
>no changes says the players
>blizzard: no changes
adds stupid shitty crap because theyre too lazy to fix anything so they can have more money while not having the gaeme people want but
wont change or add any QOL shit, but only money making crap
i dont know if i can see myself wasting my time on sjw right clicking this reporting shit
>no lowering respec 50g costs
>fucking no cleaning up flight paths faster flight times nope
i could name more but leave it up to them to ruin it.

>white mane is full
I guess I cant play with my friends on launch lol

Please stay on whitemane and r/the_donald, thanks

Layering is the worst offender because it breaks up the world.

get out of my layer and everythign will be ok.

>wahh people are gonna report me for saying nigger and faggot now
just roll on whitemane it can be your literal safe space

>noooooooooo that was my future wife in the other layer
You can stand in a cuck line listening to reddit jokes on a private server

imagine actually defending sharding

>he's not an EU Chad with only two PvP servers

It's sort of a hard business decision. You know at least 30% (probably more like 70%) of the people playing Classic will be tourists that will drop off after a month or two. And I'm sure Blizzard knows this. So it would be painful financially to open up all those servers just for a few months. It'd cost them millions in the long run.

And this, kids, is where """" layering """" comes in. What they're doing is sort of like sandboxing Classic on the same servers hosting Retail. The "realm" is not physically seperate. No matter what they say, the layering thing is solely about saving a shit ton of money. That's also why they said they would phase it out after a few months/weeks. Once the tourists have left and they have a better idea of what they need, they can consolidate physically.

There will never be more realms. It's just a header in a database somewhere. The realm name doesn't mean anything. Any given realm can host 500,000,000 people because the layering allows them to divide it up among different physical servers on the fly.

Kinda want to get on Bloodsail to get into that RP clique early, but I wonder if I'll stick around. Just want to see vanilla without private server fuckery.

Attached: kwality.jpg (844x769, 528K)

sure bud

Safe spaces are for libtards, and people who have no spine when it comes to edgy funny jokes, like you

oh u dont know

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Its all Full because everyone made a character on every single server "just to be safe"

Same shit Google made a big deal about with Stadia. They talked about it like they were the first. But companies have been doing this for at least a decade because otherwise they'd have to rent a server farm of 100+ servers, and only 5% of the actual storage/computing power would get used. Once upon a time in the age of dial-up, this was necessary. But modern transfer speeds made the practice of realm==server obsolete.

Will tell you this. If you name anything with the word *killer* in it. It will auto dc you. What did classic mean by this?

How the fuck do they expect 11 servers to be able to support the almost 8 billion people that will be playing this game? Wtf

That's not how it works, where do you fucks come from

>post yfw retail becomes even more of a ghost town and retailfags go postal

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Layering. They have presumingly upgraded their server architecture since vanilla.

literally just spouting those like a retard aren't jokes

Get some nuance you one dimensional dipshit

Le mommy whitemane xd me no betway mommy!!

>reserved character name on 3 different servers
>friends finally decided on a server and it isn't any of the three.
>name is taken there


Says the one demensional dipshit you can't take ball buster of a joke ever. Which is why people like you have that *You got to be a dick to everyone who doesn't think like you* mentality. Because of that, you need to go back.

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>tfw got Mommy name

you jealous nerds?

I somehow got the best name that surprise no one picked after a day. That being Brownbricks

Dont forget hunters are completely useless and rogues and mages are the only good pure dps classes

Get any energy ticket and replace the text on the bar with it.

This board has been a safespace for over three years for you degenerates. Gain some perspective.

what server? I want to party with you 24/7

You didn't say reddit was a safespace. That's how you spot a redditor shitting on Yea Forums since everyone know redditors cant meme, even on vidya boards.

Based zoomers larping as boomers, the true classic wow playerbase.

Explain how it is a joke when only you laugh?

One, low/medium/full etc doesnt mean anything
Two, it especially doesnt mean anything as not even 1/10th of the people planning on playing classic subbed for the retard ass name reservation scam to get half a month more sub out of everyone

Would love to see Hiroshimoot cull /pol/


Because it's called laughing at the expense of others dipshit. Then again NPCs like you only laugh when program to. Like laughing at anything that's making fun of Trump, and then seething and going full second renascence when someone shits on Hillary.

>never played retail classic
>has never played private servers
>takes guildless autist shit posting seriously

I agree, redditors were always, and have been degenerate fuckboys.

>NPCs like you only laugh when program to
Lmao you are so blind.
Spam nigger for no reason, so funny amirite /pol/ hivemind xDD
Literally kys

the real joke is that you'd never anything if you weren't behind your computer screen aka "safe space"

Uh oh, you said the N word, Reddit gonna hear about this!

>I'm sure blizzard's full team of professional marketers are wrong and you're right
Definitely wouldn't be the first time
>You didn't NEED the water segment of fire and water raid, honest guys
>You didn't like PvP ranks anons, we're sure of it
>You don't need all this talent tree clutter, count on it
In fact i can safely say, that no less than 3 times per expansion, Blizzard genuinely pulls either a small-dick move, or a move they were sure would pine over well with the playerbase

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Btw it isnt 2006 anymore we are all grown ass adults.

>implying half these shitters will still be playing in a month
Just face it. WoW is dead

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Aww now babby dsoesn't want to argue and just deflect? Could just admit you got btfo and go back to to your shit board

>Implying gown ass adults still play wow, let alone Video games

>Gets triggered when people calls wow a reddit game and calls people out for exposing the safe space.
>Proceeds to go protocol 9217 and call them babies.
Literally you

Nice backpedaling for defending reddit, and then call other redditors babies.

Imaging a bunch of nerds arguing over stupid shit, and yet to realize you are still giving Blizzard 15 bucks monthly for basically another dead game like BFA.

Who are you quoting? talking to you retards is dragging my IQ down you can't even follow the conversation only the latest response, peace out idiots.

We play wow because life is no better now than it was then.

What are some not dead games, user?

You would leave after being exposed as a backpedaling reddtior who cant meme. Go to bed and seethe lilboy

Hey at least you have Fairbanks.
EU PvP is literally Full.

Attached: eurealm.png (873x309, 172K)

There are no good MMOs anymore

Most fighting games, and fortnite

You already know what it is

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>We play wow because life is no better now than it was then.
It got way better for me. Just not for you since you clearly enjoy the basement dwelling life. Like most Gaymers do.

Target sighted!

>streamers on Faerlina
>BRs on Thalnos
>Redditors on Herod
Whitemane or Fairbanks are the only legitimate choices.

Attached: b5f9e9ac869a4d25ee99a41ad1c2cb9a.jpg (1024x1448, 197K)

>PVE server
>PVP server
>"See, we care about you fucking shitcunts. Now pony up" Blizzard
I'm so very tired of being fucked over for being australian. Half the Burgershit servers won't stay viable till Christmas but you fucks get more then you ever need while I get to pick shit, shit or lagging shit

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Arugal is going to be fucking based you nancy, toughen up cunt

Why are so many of the servers named for SM characters anyway?

Because its kino classic dungeon.

They killed the scarlet crusade in retail those bastards

Because they ran out of classic shit to get server names from. I am honestly surprised they didn't bring back Warsong for Russian servers, after it was purged from existence.

>ASMON LAYER INV all day every day
Yeah, i'm fuckn stoked for high energy reddit all day every day

>asmon layer inv
>oceanic server

You really think oceanic servers won't just be the same braying garbage seen everywhere else? World class thinker you are mate

The server names shouldn't bother me as much as they do
You've got the pve realms named after random shit, the pvp ones named after Scarlet Monestary, except for one of them named after a Naxx boss for some reason, then the RP server being a random faction of pirates and the RPpvp server being another Naxx boss
They could have categorized this shit so easy

I guess your only option is to go play on the server the BR's are claiming then you wont be able to understand it, seeing as its apparently a global phenomenon

yeah.. a rich and in a better position then before jackass...

Bringing back axed realm names from the old purge would be nice. Too bad I can't get anvilmar back. Still a level 70 paladin in sunwell gear logged out on the goldshire fence because of some bullshit chargeback that never happened.

Attached: 1478056245112.png (311x286, 42K)

never played mmos
hows rp server like? are you in character all the time or something?

Well I have a home, friends and a good job but is anything really different now?

Oceanic servers are going to be the same as they are in retail. A bunch of retards shit posting and a bunch of pooftas reporting everything.

That's the idea. You play the part of your character's class but also your own custom personality for that character. It's fun if you can turn your autism off and on when needed.

Brilliant point you fucking clown. What's going to make Arugal so fucking great? Nothing. It's the same garbage you see on any oceanic server already- and that's what you see on US servers. No shitpost is going to convince me that the lack of an rp server is good. I was set, I dared to hope. It would of kept me.
The same faggotry I see every day on retail, just with a slower game and nostalgia will not

No shit. I wanted a goddam roleplaying experience. Something to sink into and enjoy. Where you where there because you wanted to be, because it was too much work to make a level 1 human male and run naked to goldshire to spam chat. Where you don't see the same tourist scum that ruin live rp servers.
But no. I can lag out just like the bad old days where 199ms was the absolute best I could hope for, or go play on the classic equivalent of frostmourn and cael

I dont think there are enough australian roleplayers for a RP server.
Personally bro I havent played oceanic servers since the days when they were still hosted in the US the latency doesnt bother me and Ill probably roll on a north american RP server.

We're a big fuckoff shithole of a country. I'm a couple hours off either coast in QLD, You gotta go interstate to be much further away from everything then me. As for population issues. You'd be surprised. Enough people eat shit because they have to and enough burgers would migrate. I -could- tolerate the lag. I just don't want to. We HAVE godforsaken servers here.

blown the fuck out, dont even think about coming over to the oceanic servers

for me its ret paladin

banks are anything but fair. seems like bullshit to me.

I've found the only absolute addon necessity
>ZoomerBegone is an addon to filter Twitch chat emotes off the World of Warcraft chat. Main features:
>There are 3 modes to filter messages:
>"Remove emote" - removes emotes from the message without removing the message itself. It also hides the message if there is nothing but emotes in the message (as in the message becomes empty after the removal).
>"Remove message" - filters the message and hides it completely from the chat.
>"Ignore player" - adds the sender to the ignore list. If GlobalIgnoreList is installed it adds additional info of why the person was ignored.

>you can now automatically ignore anybody who uses a twitch emote in chat

Attached: 1456120974913.jpg (800x800, 95K)


Considering Grob was harder to get into than Herod I'd be shocked if it's actually dead. That server got thrashed my login attempts.

Call me delusional or coping or whatever but I think the name reservation broke whatever system they use for server population.

>tfw when someone posts my addon
I posted it here a few times but noone gave a fuck.

Attached: 45nqbykio9g21.jpg (1325x1152, 142K)

here's an easier to use link

Ignore him. Refugees welcome. Come and shit up the servers!

>wanna play on PvP server
>a day fucking late because the game is retarded
>both real servers already full
>put my characters on one of them anyways
If it says full, does it mean legit full or?

I would bet that too, considering they never wanted to make classic at all

nice work, is it customizable at all? So i can put my own phrases to trigger the auto ignore

Attached: 1548209534004.jpg (640x480, 29K)


Attached: addons_wJgolrO0A8bzdS95ZUCLu9ue63y1-xpZsdD8cen.png (358x152, 103K)

No, for that you can use AutoIgnore addon that is linked in the description. It is way more customizable. I wrote it so other people don't have to setup filters manually in that one, basically plug and play.
I can add phrases if you want, I am open to suggestions.

What's wrong with Grob?

lol zandalar faggot on suicide watch

>and going full second renascence when someone shits on Hillary
what fantasy internet sjw land do you live in? hillarys devout fanbase is mainly soccor moms, i dont think anyone that browses Yea Forums actually likes her in any unironic capacity

nah, how it is is fine. just as long as I can block 90% of the spam out of the box it's already a massive improvement.

thanks user

You can still play there, just expect to sit in a queue everytime you want to get in

EU chads, which servers should be avoided?

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>are you in character all the time or something?

No. Most of the time rp servers are just regular servers but the people there tend to have less retarded names. Besides, I'm pretty sure most serious rp fags are going to stay on BfA due to having way more races/cosmetic options for their OC donuts there.

Every english EU server should be good to go

No. The realm where Spanish, Portuguese and Polish people go will be a hell. French are pretty bad too.
For some reason big portion of EU can't into english at all. Nordic people are usually cool.

You have two pvp realms. There is no avoiding specific nationalities.

Perhaps, but at least spaniards are trying to keep their tards in check by making their own ghetto. I wish they would just speak english.

I am getting a sub specifically for this game but I haven't bought it yet cuz that wouldn't make any sense
im sure im not the only one

Oh fuck, I forgot about the poles. At least the baguettes are getting their own server.

>not rolling on WHITE MANe

Spaniards are split in two, the ones who don’t speak English and the ones who understand the first must be held in ghettos
t. Spaniard

HYPERBruh forsenW

Hey, just letting you know. There is a typo with mode 3 (the one that ignores people) which I somehow didn't catch. I will publish an update in a few.