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god i miss that soundtrack. d/p was garbage solely because of how slow the game was, it's like gf added 2-5 seconds onto every menial task in the game, fuck it. platinum was top tier though
2-5 seconds is generous. I feel like it took 5 times longer just to take down Pokemon in the first few areas when you get your starter. Experience felt lacking too.
the soundtrack almost made up for it. not to forget the fucking drag between the 4th and 6th badges holy shit. poor pacing
Everything was slow. Slower than slow. Slower than an old man easing into a bath that's too hot. Took a good 30 seconds just to scroll all the way to the bottom of your fucking bag.
This was better than the actual fight music for Cynthia.
Fuck the DS honestly. I feel like they might have just done 2 screen just to make emulating harder.
How do you define soul?
I wish diamond had any soul, then maybe it would have been halfway decent
Isn't that what they always do?
Play a pokemon game on emulator at 2x speed. You will never want to go back.
They sucked except HGss which were pretty good but still had problems that carried over from gold/silver
I can't not imagine a low budget silent film with this music.
HGSS will always have the #1 spot in my heart, but Platinum is damn close. There's something about that Sinnoh music, man
Bad graphics and/or gameplay, but still oddly charming.
Sinnoh’s music was incredible, just held back by some weird sound fonts, but it’s not specifically the DS’ fault because the soundfonts in Black and White were much cleaner, and the music was STELLAR there too.
imagine being a poorfag
kino coming through:
Huh, Diamond and Pearl are my least favourite Pokemon games but that music still gave me nostalgia.
What are you talking about? Not saying in terms of performance, its just a pain in the ass to have two screens
>its just a pain in the ass to have two screens
What? How?
You can't just fullscreen it.
Hard to believe now but the DS was actually really impressive when it released. I remember being blown away by the touch screen. Now literally everything has a touch screen.
DS was only impressive if you didn't own a PSP
going from ruby to diamond blew my fucking mind. I was enchanted at all the 3D buildings and shit on the overworld, and the poketch was cool too. well, for a 10 year old.
>for a 10 year old.
Found the zoomer
Being able to play video, music, look at pictures, then switch over to a full online game with a server browser and everything, was impressive. In comparison the DS was nothing.
>being young is an insult
haha nice
that said b/w 2 is still my favorite.
>Play a pokemon game on emulator at 2x speed
this ruined pokemon for me because I can't play without it
I remember when it having a touchscreen was a major selling point and that everyone foamed over it
DS came out first
Don't forget
>Saving a lot of data...
Gen4 was soulless.
Gen5 had real soul.
Yeah 10 days before the PSP you're right.
bw2 is the shit, people say the story is bad but if you play pokemon for the story you’re a freak
I had both and thought the touch screen was way more impressive than any of the PSP’s features. I also felt like the DS had a lot better games at launch whilst the PSP was pretty much dead until Crisis Core.
Lads, r8 and h8.
user you do release diamond and pearl came out 13 years ago?
im sorry gramps
Shit except mamoswine though pokemon isnt always about having the best pokemon
exactly. my only complaint is that the incoming mons have weaker designs imo. as a whole, gen 5 had some sick designs but also a lot of shitty fucking losers. and the color pallette was dark and greyed out. everything else though might as well be the best.
good shit all around 6/6
here’s my last team, shiny hunter sperg comin through
Tropius, Mamoswine and Dusclops are pretty rad.
>he spent hundreds of hours obtaining a team that's a different color
jesus why would you do that to yourself
jesus and the natures are awful too, why put yourself through that
ahh 4th gen, those were the days
>That sax
There's just something about it, that I can't explain.
here was mine on my most recent playthrough
gastrodon was the fucking MVP by a country mile
what is wrong with me
turtwig took an hour, bronzor took a day, cranidos took a month, scyther took a few weeks, drifloon and porygon took such a long time I forgot but I hunted them on and off. pretty good for gen 4 full odds I got lucky
Cynthia really was the best Champion wasn't she?
Mainline Pokemon soundtracks suck major ass overall since Gen 6. What happened?
Ah I see you took the Sinnoh generic team starter pack for this run.
you just had to go and post my absolute jam before I could didn't you
When the dev teams passion for the game shines through all other flaws.
Is that really generic? I always take a bird pokemon at the beginning all the way to the end and then a second main pokemon. Taillow and Poochyena for example in gen 3.
Forgot the image
So yeah, don't expect much from SWSH
yeah, I tried to create my dream team I had when I was younger, of course it was going to made up of all the popular cool mons
Masuda gave up after his self-called magnum opus was lauded by the fans.
That's a classic generic first run team.
The best Route music period.
Why does everybody post these fucking 30 minute extend tracks? If you're gonna extend it, just do it once or twice, christ.
How was this not posted?
Gen IV is my least played gen along with gen VII, but it at least had memorable moments and great songs. also, I played a diamond and not platinum.
The motherfuckin GOAT
Reminder that Dawn is, has been, and always will be best Pokegirl.
>can't fucking the slots it in europe
just fuck our shit up senpai
Best legs.
*play the slots
I need sleep
>late at night
>playing under the cover
>only the dim light of the DS illuminating things
>this track plays
Good times
Gen 4 was the best
I kinda miss the Pokemon Generals here
come to las vegas there’s slots everywhere
wtf went wrong, Pokemon music has been shit since XY, everything sounds the same, everything is just another remix of a Gen1 song
>gen 4 full odds
>not using masuda method
was it worth it user? really? I have 15 shinies including some legendaries but now that I don't play much anymore, that was a huge fucking waste of time. for a literal palette swap. god damn
yeah but dude wasn't Zinnia's theme so epic? But wasn't Wally's theme fucking epic?
Gladion's encounter theme is pretty sweet though
it was a waste of time and I’m burnt out of pokemon after replaying the pre3ds games so much
didn't played ORAS, and I only remember Team Skull's themes from SM
>platinum was top tier though
its only barely faster, it's still a fucking slog to play through. If things were sped up another 3x it might be fun.
>N leaves and the game logo appears with this music playing on the background followed by the credits
Snail pace vs tortoise pace, it was still somewhat of an improvement. Thank god they managed to fix it in Gen V.
Will pokemon ever have a great champion battle as cynthia again? God i wish platinum had kept her levels
me too. my last wedlocke ended 70 hours later right before the elite 4, haven't had the urge to play since. maybe I'll do a blind nuzlocke of sword and shield. sun and moon was easy enough, blazed through the game with only a few hard battles. blind. this series is going to hell.
When so many little details, easter eggs, and "wow, they actually spent time to include that?"s pile up, you know a game has soul.
A hand-crafted quality that was taken instead of streamlining for convenience, achieving a thorough product for enjoyment rather than profit.
>all ending themes before and since have been soft and slow tempo to signify the end of the journey
>this one is fast paced and rythmic coming right off the climax to elevate hype levels to maximum
But then we got a literal wasteland of a postgame, such a waste. At least the sequel made up for it.
just close it when you're done, autist
literally the worst game corner in any gen
can't you literally only actually win during the bonus round?
based retard
Some people enjoy a long seamless loop in the background. 30 minutes was the youtube cap at some point, but now you can find hours-long loops. Sometimes I find 15-minute ones.
>30 minutes was the youtube cap
unbased retard, 10 hour loops have existed for over a decade
And DP came out more than a decade ago.
you're talking to a boomer, son. I'm speaking of 2005-2006/7 era
a decade brings us back to 2009-10
Nice argument.
>tfw still remember when the fourth generation of pokemon was a big deal and have opinions on the designs and so on
>look trough the pokedex and think is fucking massive and there is no way of completing it
>tfw can't imagine the dread of looking trough the new pokedex
Add blue rescue team and OG ranger and you have my childhood
Man is there a single more based year to be born than 2000?
If you were there from the start it was just ~100 new mons each generation. Not really that much.
only contrarians hate x/y. i loved it, played every game started with gen1
I fucking hate people like you who try to pass off peoples' opinions as fake
It's one thing to say "you have shit taste", it's another to seriously go "you secretly have the same opinion as me but must be lying about it"
x/y was abysmal, couldnt even finish it.
90% of the time you look at the upload date for a 30 minute extended track, it's well after 2009-10.
zoom zoom zoom zoom!
>this is what qualifies as discourse now
i responded to a guy saying the thing i liked was soulless so i can't really see the difference
just take solace in the fact that him being older than you and retardposting in a pokemon thread makes him the real winner :^)
>It's one thing to say "you have shit taste", it's another to seriously go "you secretly have the same opinion as me but must be lying about it"
No one born in 2000 says "qualifies as discourse"
whatever fucko
anyone who tries to define soul doesnt get it. do not ask these questions it is very soulless of you
I had diamond as a kid, but of all the countless times I've tried to play pokemon (diamond + I've emulated several of the earlier games) I could never get into it. I don't know why but I always got bored by the middle of the game. Until now. I've been absolutely tearing through heartgold and having a blast. what should I emulate next bros? I'm intrigued by black and white because they have all new pokemon designs, right? no carryover from previous gens?
vs Soulless
XY was the start of the great decline Pokemon experienced after Gen 6. Gen 5 was the last good generation. We all gave it slack because "Oh, they were too busy making the models for every single Pokemon up until this point, so it's fine." even if the story was a massive step down, being outright terrible, and Mega Evolutions ruined shit. But then ORAS came out, was also really bad, introduced the worst character in the franchise, and then Gen 7 happened, and that's where I gave up. I played Sun, thought it was okay, but had absolutely zero desire to play the Ultra versions. The Switch titles are an embarrassment on the entire series. I used to be absolutely obsessed with Pokemon; I owned each version, played through the games multiple times,continued caring about Pokemon when it wasn't the "cool thing" to do, and Game Freak sold out their fanbase to pander exclusively to Genwunners who were bitching for years about the newer games being shit compared to Gen 1. Game Freak continues digging their own grave with every new piece of information for SWSH, and personally, I'm glad that people are finally wising up to their shit.
haha get it guys roserade only knows petal dance because hes a dancer haha
>playing diamond and heart gold
Play Emerald, Platinum, and Black 2, you moron.
someone being a contrarian doesn't mean they 'secretly hold the same view' you weirdo, it means they go out of their way to not give something a chance/don't like it for reasons separate from the objective thing itself.
>only contrarians hate x/y
Only a desperate XYfag would say this. All of Gen 6 was garbage and an embarrassment. Get over it.
>go out of their way to not give something a chance
You can't force yourself to have an opinion
>don't like it for reasons separate from the objective thing itself
Wow sounds a lot like you're implying the opinion isn't valid or genuine
relax, user
>Ctrl+F: Littleroot
>0 results
zoomie zoomie zoom!
>Get scared that game you played as a child might not be good as you remember it
>Break it out
>Click it into the system
>It's as good as you remember
Honestly even though I consider HGSS and Gen 5 superior to Gen 4. Platinum is still the perfect Pokemon game for me. Its one of the few games I come back to replay time and time again I love it so much. Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky is Kino too but that's unrelated.
He's right, that wasn't me haha senile old man
Based anons inadvertently same-posting
Renegade Platinum is pretty fun. Makes me wish we would get an actual pokemon game with everything obtainable, but that's never happening now
I've got my next teams planned out for each game since I want to use ones I like without using two of the same type at once, using the same Pokemon repeatedly, having to switch out for HMS, and some more reasons. Finished Platinum a while back and am going through Kanto in HG right now.
>tfw this plays during memory link memories
>different remix for day and night
Soul. They didn't do that again until Sun and Moon.
you should try for a shiny munchlax user
how active are gen 4 private servers? i might wanna dabble in platinum's multiplayer if there's still substance to it
Post and rate gen 4 teams
Same bro. I've played platinum so many times. One of the few gens where all the starters are so good.
but also based ELO poster
Something about this one is super calming. I don't know what it is.
My most recent playthrough from 2016
Posting the kino track.
This is just ripping off All the Young Dudes by David Bowie
rotom is electric/ghost in all forms in gen 4, lol. learn to update your pic first
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
I mean at least hit it before you quit it, bro.
Theres still a few gems in XY/SM.
Like the Boutique and Vast Poni Island tracks coming in out of nowhere
Now this is soul.
>pokemon will never be as good as it was in B2W2
31 years old been playing since RBY so don't give me that zoomer crap.
That song isn't made by Bowie
>completely ignores the fairy type
Besides, it's the website's fault
same, i had a lot of expectations for XY because it was the transition to 3d but it ended being meh, when oras was announced got kinda hyped until they said battle frontier would not be in the game and that killed pokemon for me
BW2 was the last good pokemon game
>go to the underground minigame to find some fossils
>spend the next 20+ seconds waiting for the game to save
Fuck that shit
>tfw used to listen to this on a CD in the car before my high school soccer games
mfw listening to this in Peeal after hearing it on the anime.
>strike gold with Platinum and BW2
>shuffle the team around after that and the quality just keeps dropping
Why are GameFreak so inept?
Yeah I remember the long ass save times...
On an Actual Cartridge.
Really, throwing platnium on a flashcart is probably the best way to play it, holy shit. The long save times are cut down to 2-5 seconds.
Banger comin' through.
I recently replayed HG and decided to hunt for shinies early for the shits and gigs of having a shiny team throughout the story. Got three shinies within 50 hours. Two of them were literally 1 minute apart. Shit was whack.
Mareep, Rattata, and Geodude.
Always fucking loved this one, really feels appropriate for the start of an adventure
Though I'd tried out Pokemon games on friends' Game Boys a few times, Pearl was the first one I owned and it was the one that really got me into Pokemon. Gen 4 is still my favorite, even though I've played every gen from 1 to 7
Now THIS is soul... it's peak soul when it makes you want to kill yourself because you simply cannot go back... goodbye lads.
The whole game had this sleepy country side vibe to it and I kinda digged it. My heart is with 5 for being much more detailed, better looking, and gameplay that didn't suck, but somehow I have such fond memories of 4's long routes, small towns, and just chill atmosphere.
4 had a really weird atmosphere for me. I always felt kinda creeped out and isolated when playing it but not in a bad way. It's hard to explain.
enjoyable absurdity
older games with soul had moments that would make you say "what the fuck?" but also be enjoyable to experience
dark souls, for example, had tremendous soul, particularly in Anor Londo. The design of the entire castle was so strange, that when I play through it i think to myself, "what the fuck is this?", yet I still enjoy the experience
a soulless game, like Call of Duty BO4, has none of those moments. There are no surpises, there is no absurdity, everything is the exact same as it was 10 years ago, only with re-skinned guns and better graphics.
older games were more soulful because there was no baseline in the industry back then
now, devs copy what's successful, because it sells the most copies
soul = enjoyable absurdity, think of a DMT trip, but in video game form
"what the fuck is this? this is absurd, but I like it"
Basically what you're saying is that there are some things in the game which we made by individual people, while in soulless games every aspect of the game has been triple reviewed and put to focus groups and such. Nothing makes it into the game unless the company thinks it will help them make money.
i never cared for black/white (and b/w 2)
should i stick them on my hacked 3ds and give them another go?
Yeah. Soul is when you put something in a game because you want it there. Soulless is when every decision was made by a team of people that crunched the numbers enough to find the most mathematically profitable solution.
Solid team terrible nicknames
is me, couldn't have said it better myself
soul is when the devs do whatever the fuck they want to do
soulless is when devs do what the corporations want them to do, to make more money
That was mostly because GF are retarded and didn't take into account cutting the frame rate. GB - GBA ran at 60fps. Gen 4+ is 30 or less and they had shit like HP attached to the frame rate (which they fixed in later games by attaching it to the attack animation speed).
Thank all of you anons, this thread made me think back on the old days
Dppt fucking sucked. Worst pokemon added until Gen 5 6 7 8
I like to pretend gen 6 and beyond never happened so I can keep my love for pokemon.
...Wow, now I know how a genwunner feels like... (Fuck em still tho)
is tree munchlax confirmed the hardest shiny to farm in any game?
It's weird how Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are the Pokemon games I put the most hours into in a single playthrough but I can't actually remember much about them and I've never gone back to replay them.
I just remember holding my DS up against the living room wall to steal my neighbors wi-fi so I could trade Pokemon
Fuck I miss Gen 4. fuck Game Freak and fuck that faggot Ishihara
But nothing uses the touch screen as well as the DS did. The 3DS fucked up by making the main screen bigger than the touch screen so they could no longer display the main gameplay on the touchscreen which results in the touchscreen just being used for maps, menus and inventory management instead of actual gameplay
>you will never live at the Hotel Grand Lake
I used it for events, getting OOB, and no clipping through Mt. Cornet exclusively.
God, Platinum is so fucking good. How will they ever top it? Gen 5 babs need not apply.
revert the series back to 2D and hope they even come close to the quality of gen 3-4
>Isn't that what they always do?
>How will they ever top it?
Emerald already did.
>Too jaded to touch DPPt ever since HGSS released
>Too worried GameFreak will remake Sinnoh in the next 3~4 years in the company's current state
Sinnoh will always be remembered as the good times until the memory fades away over the years, those games will always be like a fond dream until GameFreak ruins them with the inevitable remakes.
I fucking hate how hard it is to find non-looped versions of songs. Looped versions sound like ass if it's not an ambient scene.
ORAS left such a bad taste even though 3rd gen was my favorite. No battle frontier or tower made me immediately quit the game and never touch it again.
>too worried
please, you know for a fact they're going to remake Sinnoh this gen.
and they'll include all the missing Pokemon from Sword/Shield with it.
where would be a good place to download pokemon soundtracks anyway?
I miss it.
>he didn't pick Chimchar
i get that sinnoh is a colder region but chimchar being the only new fire type outside of post game was retarded. turtwig i kinda get but piplup was objectively the worst choice.
Pokemon have been same shit for over 20 years
>action replay
Nostalgic, but nowadays it's easy enough to enter the mystery zone without a walk through walls cheat, or any cheating at all.
>fuck that faggot Ishihara
This. The Pokémon Company is what is currently killing Pokémon; their jewish schedule is lowering development time and with that the overall quality of the new games.
GF is already incompetent enough and forcing them to release a 3D mainline title every fucking year is pure madness.
oi oi whats your favourite sinnoh pokemon lads
cross gen evolutions count
Diamond got me back into the franchise, XY got me back out.
>tfw the thought of being Dawn was your first fap
>their jewish schedule is lowering development time and with that the overall quality of the new games
And they can't even delay the game because IT MUST come out to match toys, cards, and anime releases.
Pokémon become soulless thanks to this retarded mechanism, in the past it was easy to follow it with 2D titles, but today it's impossible.
TPC should seriously expand Game Freak with new workforce
literally me.
Nigga you gay
probably Luxray because that motherfucker has the coolest sounding cry in the game.
close second would be Yanmega.
>The "I got Pearl when I was 6" user is now old enough to post here
Turtwig > Piplup > Chimchar.
>saw some video of a kid playing Pokemon Pearl years ago
>he had a really funny accent
>one of the comments was about how Caesar salad was really bad for you
>joke about this all the time with my sister
>will never find it again
>be 10 year old me playing pokemon diamond
>trying to catch heatran on the way to one of my soccer games
>scored a goal that day and caught heatran on the drive back home
Good times
Not bad... Not bad at all. HOWEVER
My favorite Sinnoh Pokemon is also my favorite Pokemon in the entire series. Nothing will ever replace this adorable bat scorpion in my heart. I wanna spend the rest of my life just traveling all over the world with one. I was autistic enough to hatch one with 5 perfect IVs. Still have it somewhere among one of my 3DS games, I don't even dare put it in the Bank and risk losing it.
FUCK 8th gen for not letting me have one. Anyone who buys those games is a huge faggot for allowing Gamefreak to get away with that level of bullshit.