What game starts fun but becomes awful once you get to the meta?
What game starts fun but becomes awful once you get to the meta?
all multiplayer games
Any game with a meta, really.
>Shotguns in gears of war multiplayer
Pretty much this, though FFXIV is definitely on the end of starts awful and ends awful/
NES Tetris. I can't DAS for shit, even with the DAS trainer. Can't hypertap either.
>Too good at fighting game to play casually with friends.
>Hot garbage compared to people who actually play the game
Online games in general. I miss being a kid and trying hard and owning the noobs that didn't put in the effort. Just knowing a little more than everyone else and being better than average. But online gaming changed and the competition has gotten harder so everyone follows a tried and true meta strategy and you either go on reddit or discord and learn it or you're forever a non-factor. There was a time when I would win 90% of my dota games and I could play with heroes that people thought were bad mostly because I had good control of the wc3 engine and a natural intuition for where the enemy might be in the fog. But now it's like, you do _this_ or you lose, you send this hero mid or your team ragequits, etc.
The spam of these threads suddenly makes it painfully obvious you're some triggered classic wow babby, just so you know. The false info and lies in the thread that's usually posted even more so
okay, retard
>Weak bait
>Ignores Pokemon meta
Keep seething Pokefag, S&S is dead on arrival. Back to /vp/
okay, retard
way to go full shit for brains
high scoring classic tetris games is pure autist territory, those games are much more about overcoming shitty controls than they are about tetris skill
>gameplay crafted around online lag
>learn to beat people with frame data instead of combat skilll
>be an online warrior foreverz
>Reply almost immediately
>Minute apart from second reply
>Zoomer tier "no u"
No one here cares if you "win le epic internet battle". You seriously need to go back, samefag.
literally any game that doesn't use the word "meta" properly.
metagaming is about using sources to gather intelligence outside of the game to gain an advantage.
popular builds or currently overpowered items/skills =/= meta.
FFXI only ever had 2 though
>darkness skillchain Freeze II magic burst with 12 pimp black mages
>18 summoners at it until it dies
FFXIV unironically. It's quite fun up until you have to do dungeons in order to progress the story.
Yeah, I wonder who's actually triggered here.
This is the best thread to ask, but what exactly drives people to have some sort of smug elitism about not following metas and/or not minmaxing their character?
I'm not talking about people who come up with their own competitive builds or take the time to figure out why things are "meta" and build off that. People who adamantly refuse to pick what's actually good or useful then act superior to others for this decision. I've seen it across multiple MMOs and every single time I am baffled.
They view meta as a crutch.
old event cosmetics are better than selling WoW gold for real cash on cash shop
You should see people at Friday night magic the gathering raging over tier decks when they go 0-3 with some thrown together jank.
This. It's also an excuse people use if they lose.
>don't use a crutch
>think you're better than other people when you perform as well as them
I wonder why
Dead by Daylight
R6: Siege
How is it a crutch? It's just math in some aspects. It's like saying I don't want $100, I want $10 and I'm better than you for only taking $10.
What's the purpose of character building and progression if you are just going to not only ignore it, but try to talk down to those who are embracing it.
Every gacha game
>One player looks up the "meta" deck list of winning TCG decks and copy them exactly
>One player cobbles together a deck they design based on the cards you know and how they work
>both decks have same win rate
Who's the better player?
Another example for vidya, COD4. M16 was THE best rifle in the game, hands down, no contest. If you pick the M16, and I don't, and we get the same kills, am I not a better player for doing as well with "worse" items?
>One player cobbles together a deck they design based on the cards you know and how they work
I'm not talking about this.
I'm talking about the people who throw all their cards in a bucket and pick randomly to build a deck and THEN act superior. They aren't showcasing knowledge or understanding of design, their entire stance is "I choose the opposite of what works."
It's not, I said they view it as one.
They think figuring it out takes skill but eventually anyone can find the optimal character/build/deck/strategy/etc.
But why waste your time when its guaranteed someone will find it much much faster than you and share it publicly.
I've literally never met these people. All I've come across is the idea that using "off-meta" or "low tier" stuff and then doing just as well makes you better. I've never met players that build a wizard with no int and then act like they're good.
I'll say Path of Exile, and would add Warframe except the latter lets you get boosted/screw around with 3 other people, making the game a comfy grindfest while Path of Exile you either know what you are doing from beginning or you are fucked.
I see them a lot in MMOs, most notably ESO because it has "more player choice" than say XIV or WoW.
It's literally just about being as NON meta as possible as if that somehow loops back around.
>be me, dumb kid just barely getting into mtgo
>buy some net-deck with my parents credit card
>steamroll everyone
>host shotgun
The rise of metafags and the devs enabling them with behemoth/kulve shit is a big reason why MHWs endgame seems a lot less fun than previous titles.
No that's just every MH endgame.
>Event quests start rolling out insanely overpowered gear.
>Everyone wears it.
I think gnasher being the main weapon is fun and interesting
The problem is it's the only weapon most of the time
Seen a video about gears 5 and some dude had the audacity to bitch that the lancer is to op and needs a Nerf because it Downs 1% faster than normal
Meanwhile the gameplay he had in the background was just him using the gnasher to INSTAKILL entire groups in secs
Fuking esport faggots kill everything, every map has few fucking power weapons and no interesting landmarks to not scare off the people who literally just do shotgun fights and nothing fucking else
Can't even remember the last time I seen a chainsaw kill
Anything with meta.
The whole appeal of MMOs, for example, was the unknown. You'd travel, find people, group and traverse across fields. Now everyone has a map.
In strategy games, there's always one way to play.
In card games, there's the tier 0 decks that have to be banned for the game to even continue.
As soon as a meta is realized, it becomes a crutch. People become socially crippled, useless, and interchangable. The game turns from exploration and finding things into working, from the start, to one build or playstyle, and then ignoring everyone since you've reached your full potential within the game.
It's sad.
Monster Hunter
Total war games
All of them you hit that point where you won but it doesn't end for another 20 turns
Warhammer 3 needs a more tight campaign with better scaling enemies
RTS games as a whole.
You play at your pace, building units, doing whatever you want.
And then you go online, suddenly only one opening is "worth it"
Only this or that unit composition works.
You gotta macro/micro like crazy.
And so on...
Heres my problem, online usually takes the fun away from any discovery.
I played AoE 1 in LAN. A lot as a kid. We had our own meta, our own playstyles.
Figuring out basic shit is what made it fun, like everyone would just build farms wherever not minding the 1~2 seconds it took farmers to walk back.
I was bothered by this so I did the granary surrounded by farm. Suddenly everyone was doing it after they saw me do it.
Then someone figured out armored elephants lose 1v1 vs centurions.
Then later someone figured out Bowman can out kid Centurions. Then someone once tried mass priest strategy and it worked like crazy vs mass elephants.
All of this is done in hyper speed online. And you sort of end up at the end result using some starts you've read on a forum and you have no idea why it works so well but it does.
Persona series.
Thats beause of the style of MMOs played today.
At the start you had shit like Ultima, Ragnarok Online, EVE etc...
Sandbox MMOs where you're just thrown into them.
You could go to high level sectors and get instantly raped. You could get drops from low level sectors that would the be equal of a jackpot and you could sell it for tons of money.
But FFXIV and WOW and other tab target theme MMOS are designed for hourly daily play.
FFXIV might as well not have an overworld just dungeons, as after completing the story you won't visit anything except if you'd like to gather resources or hunt.
At least in 2.0~2.55 you could run into zones and get raped by monsters way above your level. Thats impossible now.
The game build around the daily roulette and weekly quests system.
Gear progress is intentionally stifled by arbitrary caps on "tomestones" or "one drop per week" raids.
The best part of FFXIV is the story and expiration. After you hit max level it becomes a Mobage for all intense and purposes.
Every competitive game. At one point its going to be the same characters/builds/etc. because people want to win. This goes doubly sad for non-competitive games like MHW. Its like people forgot how to have fun and just want to tick off checkboxes.
What happened here? Also incorrect.
You're a filthy little fucking casual aren't you, OP?
Bloodborne. Korean Gems are the worst.