Any games you outright refuse to play?
Games you refuse to play
Other urls found in this thread:
anything that's popular.
Play? No. Not pay money for, yes.
yeah overwatch, fortnite and dota because i hate the people that play it and like being able to have the excuse of not having it.
League. Dota 2 is strictly better and doesn't nickel and dime you.
Same for:
Starbound when Terraria exists
Rimworld when DF exists
Nuclear Throne when 60fps roguelites exist
Battle royale genre. Just not my style.
gacha. tried gbf and fgo before but its not even a fun timewaster its just boring tedious grinding and collecting waifus seems pointless if I can just use google images to look at them
Anything that isn't drm free
Dragon Warrior: Monsters
all weebshit
>Dragon warrior monsters
why? the sequel is one of the best gbc games ive ever played
Any fighting game because I'm shit at them
any weebshit game
anything made outside of North America (not including Mexico) or Western Europe
Anything from EA. Dragon age inquisition was such bad game it soured me on the entire AAA market. I only play indie pixelshit now.
Celeste. The game has a great aesthetic ruined by pixelating the fuck out of the actual gameplay, and all the characters and dialogue rub me the wrong way.
What a cute man
Fortnite. Not for the usual contrarian reason of shitting on popular things, but because I put money into the original real game, and then Epic took my money and ran and made a completely unrelated game instead of continuing to improve the original real Fortnite. Yes I mad.
Yeah, but Rimworld is actually a game though.
>The original fortnite
I forgot that existed, thanks for the laugh.
Anything the requires to be online.
MMOs I can understand. But there's NO excuse for other games requiring an constant Internet connection, especially singleplayer games.
Because as a kid, just coming off Pokemon, I absolutely hated the breeding mechanics. I'd get a boss monster and all its cool fire/electric/heal/etc abilities, and if I wanted something stronger I could breed it with another monster, but the game doesn't tell you what the kid will be or what its inherited abilities will be, AND it autosaves during it and the parents leave your party forever.
So it ended up for me I'd breed two of my cool unique dragons and get some shitty generic one as a result that didn't inherit the abilities I wanted it to, something I could recruit just going to the normal areas. And I couldn't go back and re-recruit the boss monsters, once they're gone they're gone for good. To my kid self it was like some extremely unforgiving gacha that I needed to play to keep up with the tournament, and I despised it.
Other JPRGs do similar mechanics, like Persona and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But in Persona you can save the "parents" in your Compendium and just buy them again after you get the "child", and in Xenoblade 2 you can farm the rarer Core Crystals to roll for rare Blades en-mass. Dragon Warrior: Monsters just stood out to me as what NOT to do in a monster collection game.
ASSFAGGOTs, all of them.
How about a genre? I'll never touch an ASSFAGGOTS game.
Most outdated old pc “classics” like fallout or half-life or Dey’s ex
Pokemon Sword & Shield.
Dark Souls
Based movie watcher
Ea games, fuck em fir what they did to command n conquer
Mordern BR games, MOBAs and single player triple A games.
But why? Is it too hard for you?
Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Online. Bethesda are some of the only people who make open world games like fallout and elder scrolls, so I don't want to support them when they just chase trends
A mainline Pokemon game if I played the previous generation. I need breaks from it.
couple of my poorfag liberal friends from a group i'm in chipped in together and bought me undertale because i'm so "traditional" and they want to break me into the gay or whatever
i refuse to play that dogshit though
if they keep pressing me i'm gonna request steam to remove it from my library
strict MOBAs like LoL and Dota. Literally just MMO PvP the Ed into it's own genre. Looks like shit.
Sony movie games. I want to play games, not watch a movie.
All BR games/modes. Free for all is better.
Never played them, never will.
Thats a pretty good reason to be turned off the series. i kinda liked the whole breeding mechanics, it felt like a nice variation on pokemon, where instead trying to collect them all, the monsters are just tools to get stronger monsters, and not knowing the outcome got me to experiment more
The only game in my life which makes me feel like I spend/have spent my life on shit.
Haven't played a AAA game since the Tomb Raider reboot.
men cannot physically get hips and tits like that
Baldurs gate, divinity 2nd, torment 1! Neverwinter.... All boring as hell wrpg.
off the top of my head
The Sims
Any Harvest Moon/harvest moon-like game
Hollow Knight
Any mmo that gives you a benifit or encourages making alts
Any game that doesnt let me play as a female or a shota
Any waifu game where waifus are exclusive like most mobas and you can have someone else play your waifu (mobas are basically for cucks)
Any PC game not on steam or its own launcher. Fuck epic and origin and whatever else.
Any mmo that has account names/ids/family names or otherwise forces you to use more than one word to identify yourself in game
I don't play video games
Stroke poster strikes again !
>games that let me play as a shota
What's some good ones, Yea Forums?
Modern Western games (anything released in the last 15 years)
The Witcher series
Idol games
Fighting games that aren't of an IP I already care about
Indie games by western devs (feel like this garbage needs its own category besides the first, games like Celeste are garbage)
Pokemon games after Emerald
Fire Emblem
Games I refuse to play
>Any open world survival sandbox game that isn't Minecraft
>Any Battle Royal
>Any first person shooter that came out after 2015
>Any isometric shooter that came out after 2015
>poorly made indie games
>anything associated with early access
>any MMO
Overwatch, Forbite, League of Legends, etc. Anything that has a large and diverse player base. Also those 30 people a day multiplayer Steam Early access titles that are abandoned by their devs after 6 months.
Any game funded with Kickstarter and anything made for the franchise after it.
objectively based
>Any game that doesn't let me play as a shota
Based and shotapilled.
Senran Kegura, Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What I don't like:
Artsy fartsy pixel games that fad is over get fucked
Shitty early access steam games
Card games
Cinematic games like Detroit become human
Visual Novels & other degenerate weeb games
Nintendo games
What I like:
Racing games in general but sims more
RTS AOE2DE can't come soon enough
4x once in a while
Solo BRs are acceptable
Western RPGs Souls games get a pass
Arcade SHMUPS like Dodonpachi
Fighting games USF4 was just the best
Games run by proprietary hardware
there really arent any with out mods
except shotaxmonsters i suppose
Fire Emblem
Pretty much anything published by actiblizz, ea, ubisoft or bethsoft.
wow, dota, league
Anything with microtransactions. I won't even pirate a game that has them.
Fortnite, EA games, any ""cinematic"" games, the new GoW, most FPSs.
This and anything competitive involve stat.
Multiplayer games.
RPGs that use some form of Vancian magic, except for NWN.
A game I don't care about and a game I refuse to play are two different things that replys here misunderstood.
I guess I would say Catherine FullBody.
Minecraft because I know I'll be bored to hell
Its actually pretty easy to comprehend what hes saying, ESL-poster
NieR Automata
It's in the same lane as Danganronpa for me. Edgy on purpose. No reason to waste my time
But there's more reason to play it then that, the gameplay is solid and sometimes feels unique, and the ost and overall visual world design is kino.
Anything not on Steam, not gonna deal with the other clients
Down syndrome poster strikes again. Learn English, shit for brains.
pretty much all ps4 exclusives outside of spiderman. i genuinely want to know if it is better than spiderman 2 on OG xbox but im not about to buy a console for one game.
anything Yea Forums likes
so mostly indieshit garbage
play the original NieR, its way more campy and the characters are more likeable
r/wish cring normi hahaha
Playing through that entire first arc was a huge disappointment. I understood what they were trying to do with the parallel narrative, but the first hour of the game was almost nothing but dialogue and almost all of it was needlessly redundant. None of the powers in that arc were interesting enough to justify the paintbrush controls, And the logic to games scenarios was just badly programmed, like they barely tested it or something. There were so many roadblocks in guardian dog quest and the Cutter house quest that I wouldn't have been surprised if the game had gotten softlocked. Radars displaying items that don't exist yet. Promptings to attack enemies that won't show up till a different cutscene is triggers. And giving those problems a pass and moving forward just left a bad taste in my mouth throughout that whole first dungeon... which took forever to get to because they frontloaded the game with all sorts of minigames and bounty fights that barely amount to anything. They were trying to push the Orochi situation as an urgent problem while at the same time giving you a relaxing world to explore, and that's not impossible to do, but they had to find every possible way to fuck it up.
Feeding an animal could have been this small cute thing that happens in the overworld, but instead they had to load a big grand cutscene of the animal eating the feed, and then RELOAD THE LEVEL because they added so much fucking stuff to it. This is the bullshit people mocked Sonic 06 for, yet they were praising THIS as game of the year material? are you fucking kidding me?
The Last of Us.
Movie game with gay bullshit in it.
I know that feel bro. It's like certain games make you go "what the fuck am I doing". Skyrim is especially like that because it's just so monotonous and bland after a while, you aren't actively having fun.
Phone games, mp only shooters, and anything Yea Forums calls "comfy"
Any 3 lane bullshit games like lol or dota or whatever.
Anything with online only content, it is the reason I dropped Monster Hunter World. Can't do event quests offline, time limited content. It's unacceptable to me.
I play everything and give most games a chance. I have a buddy who is super picky and you just can't have discussions with him for this reason. But I don't like to play metroidvanias, have never beaten one or played one for longer than 4 hrs.
What exactly do you think "edgy" means? Do you just not handle any dark/evil serious story lines?
I refuse to give MOBAs and battle royals another chance. Fuck every buddy who says “but this is the good one!” The only good moba was Monday night combat, and the only good battle royal was MGS 3 online, or c&c sole survivor.
Any kiddy nintendo shit like BoTW
I feel like gacha goes without saying.
I'm pretty open to trying anything in terms of games as long as they aren't strictly designed to milk your wallet.
Do you hate joy and love, too?
Terrible fucking games
FF VII, it looks so fucking ugly even by psx standards, almost every other jrpg on the console looks fine
Smash and JRPGS
You should probably unfriend them. They obviously don't respect you.
Anything "stalker" is hot gerbage. Fuck Yea Forumsirgins oh that one.
Why? Joy and love are kiddy shit too.
minecraft. Waste hours of your life making some bullshit blocky environment that no one, not even your friends, are going to give a fuck about, because the game is played by literally 100s of millions of people. And the gameplay is too simplistic and boring even if you choose not to make anything.
Realistic Sims like Madden forza and nba
"Premium" games with microtransactions
visual Novels they bore me if I want a lewd game with gameplay
Games with only randomly generated levels execption being mystery dungeon/crawlers
all mobas and 99.99% of free2play games
anything with fags in them
Anything requiring Launcher.
self explanatory
no gameplay pay-for-jpeg garbage
not my genre
loot for 30 minutes, fight couple of times, repeat
cant see the appeal
fucking hate platforming
>anything by nintendo
never played anything by nintendo
never have, never will
>anything by EA, Activision or Ubisoft
self explanatory
>hero shooters or "class" shooters, whatever you call them
literally THE worst type of shootan possible
TF2 is NOT an exception
>movie games
I want to play a videogame
If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd watch a movie
every single game released after MW2
Nu-Bioware trash
EA shit
Nu-Lara games
Final Fantashit
because the combat look unappealing and it wasn't finished.
any games with SJW propaganda/leftist politics or forced shit like trannies in them like Guild Wars 2 or Wolfenstein
western games made after 2013-2014 for obvious reasons
Anything by Gearbox
I only avoid shit games. It doesn't matter what part of the world they are from, shit games are everywhere. They are waiting.
>Dragon Quest
>Any Early Access Survival
>Any copy of Chivalry
>Anything pixel art
>Theme Park MMOs
>Not modding the hell out of it and having a server for you and your friends to have a good time in
It's like you're retarded on purpose.
>having to put all that work in an attempt to enjoy a fucking mediocre game
Fucking retarded zoomer mentality. Imagine being a shill for minecraft of all things.
>he's not a part of a major building group that competes with others to build the greatest landscape in strive to become the biggest group of autists on the planet
>he doesn't have a timelapse building videos with literal millions of views
>multiplayer focused triple a games
>most triple a games in general
i dunno if i forgot something
How stupid do you have to be to think it's a lot of work? are you unemployed or something?
Any game developed by western studios
Why do you care so much about a shitty game to have to revise that much to enjoy it? Do you do this for every shitty game you come across? How about playing an actual good game?
thats an insane reason to not rate those games bro, the boss monsters can only be made through really specific recipes. like if you do boss + plant monster, you get the boss plant monster. for everything other than bosses it tells you what you’ll get, and the offspring inherits every move the parents had before being bred. it’s really basic and i don’t understand how that could turn you off the series over the shit plot, gameplay being super repetitive or there being kinda shitty variety of monsters you can actually get til kind of a ways in
The final fantasy series. Being poor, isolated and autistic growing up I went without knowing vidya until the N64. One year we got one and our poverty demanded a hard diet of 1 second hand 20 dollar cartage a year. The family had to agree on it so all we got was zelda, jet force gemeni and whatever came with the box.
By the time I knew what final fantasy was I had access to an xbox and the internet . I never learned, never truly knew that it was a series adn widely beloved until I got into high school and met a sperg who never shut up about it. Years of this soured me, then came freedom and a proper cultural awakening.
discovering that everyone LOVED it, that it was the BEST series ever annoyed me. So I dug in my heels, refused to try it and now take perverse pride in having hated something because it's popular for most of my 30 years
there are games and genres I won't pay for, but MOBAs are so shitty that I will never play one again.
We play terraria too. And Castle Crashers. And Rock of Ages 2. And Red Orchestra 2. And other. What you recommend to a group of 4-8 players on PC?
but you played it then.
Assassin's Creed. All of them.
Because as a kid I held sentimentality to these virtual monsters I caught and in Pokemon rarely deviated from the 6 that eventually formed my team. The same went in Dragon Warriors. I could risk my cool Thunder Dragon that I liked and try for something better, which often fucked up and I got something I hated and could not undo because of the autosave, or keep those same mons and eventually run up against a wall in the tournaments and get stuck.
It was a really frustrating and unforgiving scenario and I hated being unable to even power down to go back if I didn't like the results, which I could in pretty much every other monster collecting game. Even now I still think autosaving during breeding is a super bullshit mechanic and the game would've been much better off without it.
So you can race in real cars
why? 2, brotherhood are unironically masterpieces, some of the best video games of all time
Most censored games.
No Man's Sky. will not be giving that company money after the outright lies and misleading, and the literally unplayable state of release. Fuck them
ESO isn't made by Bethesda, but Zenimax Online and development started following Oblivion. The game has been out five years now too. Totally agree about 76 though.
Poor shitholer here living in Brazil. All I did was rent cartridges every wekend for 2$ or 4$. I beat up zelda spending much less than buying the actual game
games that blatantly celebrates faggotry and woke period piece games, so a lot of them.
Been finding a lot of good hidden gems I would've never given a second thought.
Mortal Kombat 11. was hyped for it until they went full feminist garbage where all the women were flat, covered up, and/or ugly while they hypocritically pretended it was for realism without touching the guys designs. retarded faggots ruined the game further with the kike krypt and unlocks
>npc perpetually sitting
how young do you have to be to think this?
any game revolving around anime girls
that's very weird, user.
Anything made by Complie Heart/Idea Factory.
Weebs will swear they make good games but after playing Neptunia it has to be one of the most soulless games I've ever played.
Anything with a competitive scene also.
Any SMT after trying out Nocturne and Persona. It's the most juvenile shit you wouldn't want to associate yourself with.
Nier automata
Anything made by and for "woke" LA drones.
Anything that is neither real time nor turn based. Rtwp is OK, I'm thinking of abominations like final fantasy before X.
Perhaps. But it's my story. We coulden't afford a snes and I was too busy being a friendless freak who read books, shit himself and walked to want vidya until I was befriended by someone for whom games where a thing
the game came out 2009, even if I was 10 then I'd be 20 now. 2 especially still holds up as an amazing game. I get the nu-faggy shit and terrible quality of the new ass creed look awful but the old ones had soul and fun gameplay, huge worlds to explore
FFIX is turn based
Anything pushing left agenda or related to hardcore fags, i dont want to buy their daily soi milk. Besides only one of them was good (4 honor)
strategy games, MOBAs, pretty much anything where I have to click on where my guy moves instead of controlling him directly
any "looter" game where you collect treasures of different rarity tiers
any game where you can acquire the same equipment multiple times with different stats, Terraria is probably the only game where this is handled well from what I've played
>anything that's popular.
I was going to say this but unironically.
A large amount of popular games have been formulas that are done better in different games.
It sounds super elitist though.
>Epic Store exclusives
>Always online Single player games (Hitman)
>Anything EA
>Games with scum bag devs (No Man's Sky)
>Jew games (Evolve)
>that one jealous girl in the reflection
>but this is my story
you should check out final fantasy 10
Any game published by ubisoft
Sorry you missed out.
>Praised games by Game Jornalistards with fake reviews and fake scores
>Sequels from good games done by different devs
>Or even Japanese sequels made by western devs
>Games that get to be announced years before it's release
League of Legends. I'm pretty sure no one has fun playing this game.
>Any walking sim
>Life is Strange
>Isometric games
>"Retro" 2d garbage
You can't?
world of warcraft.
My rule of thumb is to refuse to play whatever Yea Forums likes and to play what it hates.
So far this system is working fine.
Define popular, faggot. We talking pokemon popular, doom popular, or bayonetta popular?
I liked it and I thought it looked super faggy
I tried it bc it has an easy platinum trophy and am pretty glad I did
Fanbase ruins it almost
Anything that looks bad.
Why? Is it groundbreaking in some way? Does it offer anything at all I can't get somewhere else? Or are you going to say
>no cus ur a faget
Anything without big ass anime titties obviously. God I love tits
Depends where you put the bar of 'popular'. Games with consistent >50k players peak everyday are indeed passable at best and probably trash.
On the other hand actually good games all have a minimum following. I've yet to see a single 'hidden gem' that doesn't appears in meme top rankings.
based no PS1 childhood user
fuck FF
Why not just say you don't play multiplayer games
>>Isometric games
why exactly?
Is this bait
>I've yet to see a single 'hidden gem' that doesn't appears in meme top rankings.
Do you often look?
I usually find all my hidden gems when browsing genres.
Bad news user....
Mobile games.
pure weebshit
final fantasy ok
persona fuck off
I keep two extremely cringey and retarded friends around and pretty much play anything they're not. Works out really good.
Every FPS, multiplayer-heavy games, 99% of games that are a part of """comeptitive eSports""", Minecraft, knock-offs and pixel indie games
Beware user. Just because I'm not In the FF camp does not make me your friend. I got dumb with age and stopped finding zelda engaging after majora's mask. My jam was the classic autism games: Star fox 64 and Mischief Makers
Any we*bshit
Any n*ntendie game
Any popular game (popular with the normies like new fallout games,fifa, nugta,etc(
Any game by a shit publisher (EA, Bethesda,etc)
Any game with waifus or feminism.
Any game which emulates the old games without doing something interesting itself.
Any game that's online only(except flashgames)
Any game that r*ddit would like
I did look, and I've come empty handed.
All the strong rpgs will be in a top 100 ir at least 200 rpg list from enthusiasts, same with fps or rts. I guess I have semi normalfag tastes.
>Isometric games
Congratulations user
Your favorite game is minesweeper
i have a HIT score top 7 world record on area 6 hard and obviously got all the medals on normal and hard in SF64
never played mischief makers though. had a stepmania file with the main theme,
I understood almost nothing you said and I don't care to
So... Only games you play are Solitaire and Tetris?
Anything released past 2007 that is not in a franchise I am interested in or does not appeal to my specific niche.
based descent 2 user
>Isometric games
this is an extreme case of a man with no taste
well good to know you are a drone
>I guess I have semi normalfag tastes
if you enjoy it you enjoy it.
>battle royales
>turn-based (unless it has action rounds like Undertale)
>VNs since I'm an adult and it's all weebshit
Most of the mainstream/AAA games
Games that heavily pander to weebs (I'm okay with anime style in games, especially if they're good)
MMOs or games with lots of grinding
Overrated games (indie and AAA games)
Free multiplayer FPS games where you need to rent weapons in order to perform well
t. Yea Forums
War Groove.
I fucking love Advance Wars so you'd think I'd take anything I can get at this point, but even if you remove the piss-poor character designs it just rubs me the wrong way to play a game that steals quite so much from another series. I even watched the trailer for it in the Switch e-shop and the first two review quotes they chose to use during this trailer were both something like 'THE ADVANCE WARS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR' and ' IT PLAYS JUST LIKE ADVANCE WARS.' It just feels like too fucking much so I'd rather just play Advance Wars 2 again.
Deus Ex, System Shock 2, and HL2 are good. You can safely ignore everything else unless you really like twitchy shooters like Doom and Quake.
You sound like an enormous faggot
It is definitely better than Spiderman 2. Spiderman 2 was a 7.5/10 that people are nostalgic about and nuSpiderman is actually one of the most enjoyable PS4 titles. Play Bloodborne too.
>War Groove.
really overrated dogshit
agreed 100%
it's really trash
it's nowhere near as good as advance wars
i pirated it and it's literally "Advance wars but shittier. Also medieval. Also LOL /R/EDDIT THERE'S A FOX CHAMPION SO CUTE!!!"
i hate this shit.
people buy me shit that i didn't ask for, specifically said "Don't buy me" and then get mad that I didn't play it, as if I HAVE to play it because it was a gift or something. Fuck off.
Gacha, and waifu shit