But come, let us cast off titles and pretense, and reveal our FFXIV thread to one another!

But come, let us cast off titles and pretense, and reveal our FFXIV thread to one another!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>A FFXIV thread on my Yea Forums!

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titania parse here
how do we improve? we're trying to clear e1 this week.

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You won't get away that easy user.
If you really think Sacred Soil sucks then please stop playing SCH.

have you tried doing more damage

drk is currently teaching all our classes to use, i'm the WAR. i got up from 10 since last attempt we tried. just not sure on what to do with the 20 bar gauge moves for WAR.

dancers shouldn't be that low at all. Getting green+ on dancer is piss easy. Are they standard stepping each cooldown?

i don't know, how do i check?

make sure your dps players press buttons

oh found it. is this what you mean?

Attached: dncattacks.png (316x428, 33K)

shad eureka will be abyssea

>thinking a 100pot regen makes up for an essentially useless shield

no u

>Join new FC and run some savage eden with them
>qt pie au'ra samurai joins
>enters discord
>Manliest husky voice i've heard in my life
>"oh yeah hes the resident old man lmao"
>starts crack opening cold ones every 10 minutes or so while giving everyone life advices
man, fuck discord ruining my immersion
best sam i've seen in my life tho

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Looks like they aren't standard stepping every cooldown.

When does MCH get a tank to shoot?

Do you really have to be told most female characters are still played by dudes?

I'm too cheap to activate my old sub so I made a level 35 character that I'm minmaxing with the best gear I can obtain without access to market or trading. I don't know why.

Metal Slug crossover.

Why are people like this? Do you not value your own time at all? In what world is XIV a good enough game to spend hours playing yet also not good enough to pay what amounts to what, like 50 cents a day?

i didnt expect solid snake that's all. Plus most people in my fc are grils so it caught me off guard



Theres literally a free login campaign going on right now but you decide to be retarded instead.

Will it be canon???

We all know this game has no ass.

Playable characters you mean.

>LAN group convinces me to pick up XIV
>group proceeds to be confused as to my reasoning for playing a black elf girl since I'm a.) white and b.) a dude
>The idea of playing cute girls is foreign to these people
I really don't get it

Anyone have that image of Illberd saying that he'll never betray a friend and would rather cut off his arm? My friend says he really likes him a lot and he's about to finish post ARR MSQ.

>when you introduce someone to XIV and they play default slider midlander and look like a bot
>they don't see why modifying their character appearance matters at all
It's like speaking a different language.

It's not quite that bad, like the group leader and her BF are Viera and Miqo'te, but still.

Also what's the best sets for me to Glamour as Lancer/Dragoon

Embrace the Spiked Butt.

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If you didn't remove your own title before queuing up for his fight then you ain't mah nigga.

you found the original 30 year old boomer

I have no interest in contributing to my main for 6 days and then losing it again. This is a character I can hop into whenever I want and do (very limited) content with no worry of getting my money's worth. If it comes down to logging in to do a roulette and logging out, so be it.

for 200 achievement tokens you can unlock the buttslider my dad works for yoshi

Based fellow boomer SAM

Not gonna lie that sound based as fuck im jelly

>Two dancers and a bard


>yorha raid soon but I haven't played the Drakengard franchise yet
Bros I don't want to be a tertiary...

isn't that just an FFXI expansion?

ah fuck i think i screwed up.
>join farm party
>people fucking up mechanics the first time but whatever they're rusty
>see bonus at the end
>dude says "thanks everyone! :)"
>tell him to "screw off"
im paranoid im gonna get warned or banned fuck.

It can be worse man, I haven't played a FF game other than this one

Only gonna happen if he reports you, he probably didn’t. Very few people give enough of a fuck to report

start by giving your dps a basic IQ test

at least these aren't supposed to take place in the same universe, there's just a bunch of references

yeah but everything in this game is a reference, I didn't understand shit in Omega

>I didn't understand shit in Omega
computers bad organic life good

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the only thing that has ever really tripped me up is Crystal Tower

fuck you never know, i'm so mad at myself for accidently saying it. i was just fucking pissed someone would join a farm party for a clear. he was doing fucking terrible dps too.

>tfw listening to Amaurot's zone music for the last hour

Why is it so relaxing but sad

Post your best broth.

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Sell me on RDM.

Why would you want to be sold on a job? So you can level it more?

That shit seriously unsettled me

Fairly simple to play, insta rezzes are nice when doing progression/unfamilar raids. Gets kinda boring after a while since there isn't really much to the class and it's hard to really fuck it up.


I would but I'm straight


Post sexy kots

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What is this retarded meme?

>posts the place full of xiv trannies
the fucking irony

/vg/ posters getting told to fuck off? It's nothing new.

What the fuck is parsing I just want to play the game

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So did people jsut forget that beast tribe dailies give decent exp? They're good for doing in-between dungion queues as DPS at least.


Out of all MMOs, FFXIV threads are subjects to panic attack when people post their characters because of the /vg/ boogeyman, which is admittedly fucking terrible

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is it normal to get salty if you mess up one mechanic but it doesn't screw over anyone and someone gives you a lecture on it despite doing it perfectly fine the run before? got a bit greedy but than the dude decides to call me out on it and im just ??? nigga you seriously gonna do this in the middle of the run?

The guy is both a modder and posted his character in several threads now, it's completely justified in this case.

That retarded meme is the reason why these threads keep getting deleted.

parsing is when PC users use illegal software to track everything that happens in a fight

There aren't any

>Implying ERP or gays
I'm here to fap to sexy pics you quintessential faggot

Attached: ugay.jpg (1403x588, 249K)

>So did people just forget that beast tribe dailies give decent exp?
Depends of your level, for SB dailies, I remember it being good at lvl 60-63 but it starts sucking complete ass dick the closer you get to 70 simply because the xp you get from the quests doesn't scale as much as the xp you need to level.

Really? First time I'm seeing it even though I tend to jump on every FFXIV threads I see.
I stand by my point though, sharing characters has always been a thing and people need to chill a little bit.

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alright, I have a level eight miner
how long will it take for me to start doing the moogle quests

>My character
Its literally an NPC you fucking retard


>win savage coffer for gear type you already have and don't need for your main class
>open it up with your secondary class
>it makes your average ilvl jump up 5 points simply because it replaces a pathetic ilvl412 piece

Telling you to go back to /vg/ or /trash/ is appropriate then.

Moogles are cool.

So you're pugging huh?

Going two dancers is setting yourself up for failure their buffs just overwrite each other instead of adding up together. I would just avoid dupe classes altogether, have one of the ASTs change to a WHM or SCH and have one of the DNCs switch to another DPS class.

Just like telling you to go back to era is appropriate if you dislike sexy pics

Really dude? Really? Moogles? Anyway, the whole daily plotline is just trying to fix some plaza thing and convincing dragons to help. There isn't a whole lot actually going on.

Can someone explain this to me? Trying to access ShB hunts. Did Elite and Dangerous and I have completed ShB MSQ already, but I get this message anyway. What the fuck is going on?

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If you want to post your character just go to /vg/. It's obvious that the vast majority of people here on the FFXIV Yea Forums threads strongly dislike the idea of character posting and won't change anytime soon.

The cat isnt even my character. Its the fucking cat dancer npc from the initial Dancer intro quest

I'm gonna be 15 tomestones short of getting a piece of gear i want this week, fuck you yoshi

If you want to get lewds go to /vg/.

>takes time to mod an npc for attention.
Better off yourself, my dude.

Why, Yea Forums is right here, and its not like any REAL discussion is going on, other than parse trannies whining again

It's seen as a slippery slope towards avatarfagging and the general bullshit that is the /vg/ thread. Granted, that bullshit goes for literally every general on that board because it's a horrible fucking board, but that's just why people are paranoid about avoiding it.

Should have planned better.

kill yourself

I really hate that healing is what's instant queue now because it's unbearable to play. It's the most unfun shit ever.

>/vg/ vermin trying to stir shit up again
last (you). go back, no one likes you.

Get fucked tank boy.

Limiting tomestones gear is really fucking retard to me, like what's the point, they're not difficult to gather, it's just yet another thing that's pointlessly restricted.

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how is it different than before

click the "casts" tab and look at the active/ casts per minute amounts

then tell everyone to press more buttons

It's to limit gear available to go through Eden savage.

Ok cool, but I still stand what I said. People here just want to avoid being anything like /xivg/ after how much of a degenerate mentally-ill shit hole /xivg/ has become. And those kinds of posts slowly devolves these threads to be like them. No one wants here wants that to happen, and their minds aren't going to change about this anytime soon

>never got shiva runes
>finally get how to do them
>nobody does them anymore
oh :(

Keeps savage raid from being outgeared instantly and keeps shitters subscribed so they don't get their welfare gear all at once

>Someone put up a "first time, watching cutscenes" PF for Binding Coil
>It's Synced
>It's Lootmaster for some reason

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It's also used in a bunch of other fights. Most recently titania ex.

It's an anti-poopsock measure.

Do you need a meta comp to clear e2s? how far off the meta can you go and still clear?

maybe you should read posts before responding to them

Is this question for real?

>Do you need a meta comp to clear e2s?
No, just decent players.

I'm not able to play tank or dps. I play with friends and they might lose interest if we don't have fast queues.

anyone have any idea?

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Wait a second didn't blizzard 2 used to lock enemies in place
Am I getting xiv confused with another game or did they nerf it at some point

you want to use upheaval on cd, unless there's less than like 23 seconds left on the timer because you'll miss using it under inner release. make sure you always have 20 beast juice in the tank so you can actually use it on cd since it lines up pretty nicely with raid buffs
use your best judgement for onslaught, it's different from the other tank gap closers so you're only really going to use it under ir or if you're going to lose damage by being away from the boss for whatever reason. it's a weird skill

Objectively, if a player is playing an off-meta job, then they need to be better than someone who plays a meta job in order to do the same DPS. Ergo, parties should be taking players who play meta jobs because that gives them the best shot at getting the deeps they need

raid trannies complained about it

You need
>healers who can pass heal check
>healers with dps
>at least one DPS with crafted gear
And you're done.

Why did she have to hug that ugly old stinky nigger? It isn't fair, bros!

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How long before Alisaie breaks down and finally decides to straddle the WoL dick.

We all know she WANTS to, and all but admits it at the end of SB.

Go make all the DPS do a 5-10 minute rotation on a dummy and see how much dps they do because that should be a good indicator if it's a mechanics issue or IQ issue. I main RDM and I was grey parsing Titania for a long fucking time but after I learned the mechanics inside and out I can occasionally purple parse but reliably blue parse. I got a major issue of losing procs because of butterfingers and people dying at really fucking bad times.

>replying to bait

>replying to bait

>Implying the WoL didn't get forcibly diddled by Feo Ul

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What's even the fucking point of the spell now

I will take a Dancer who can get through Cycles untouched over a Monk who eats 3 nyxes. The meta only exists for good players, playing a meta job will not make a bad player good.

fucked with aggro
restore mana

You tell me, bro.

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Nothing honestly. Freeze does everything Blizz2 did, but better

Still waiting for the inevitable poster child class in 6.0.

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BLM. Its always BLM

It's not a bait, my group was in that exact same issue two weeks ago. We had like 40 wipes before we beat Titania because people kept fucking up mechanics and everyone besides 1 tank and 1 healer kept grey parsing. Now we have it on farm. Same thing happened with e1 last week. Now we're repeating the process with e2 this week.

that's a dumb way to hold a sword

He is holding TWO swords.

>retards in DF for eden normal tonight
I thought reset day was supposed to to be easy clears

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the skill gap is so low between jobs it doesn't even matter dude

Raid buffs are so nerfed you can play whatever the fuck even more so in week 3

I know nothing about parse. what do these numbers mean?

There is your problem. Prime time is normalfags territory. Play right after the reset or late night.

retards are everywhere since they added in level/story skip potions. have you ever entered OM only for half of the DPS players in the alliance only do 3-4k?

all the good players are already in full 450 and moving on to tomestone and Savage gear

>Eden normal
Anyone still doing that is retarded no matter what

That scene was great, the very moment it clicks what the hell it is he's actually doing and what he's eating, the owl head-turn, and that Vauthry doesn't seem to think anything is out of the ordinary by what he's doing right now

Nothing you should care about unless you are on hrt and plan to cut your dick off.


This is the least of your problems

you have to take a picture of your penis and upload it and then you get a score

>statusoff Superbolide

Uses it to reduce himself to 1 HP then removes the status that gives invulnerability.

I never did savage content so close to launch but I got all normal Eden gear on my main with appropriate melds so I guess I might as well start Es1. I hope tome gear isn't expected in these fights because I'm not going to start doing roulette's again for these faggots.

How important is it that you learn the opener for MNK anyways?

I still repeat the cutscenes and boss fight every week and it is still as epic as the first time.

I dont plan on caring about parsing or any of that other mess but i keep seeing people talk about parse nonsense in every 14 thread. I'd like to at least understand what the numbers in the images mean though.

>Get CUL to HW.
>Make a couple muffins
>Level 57

DARK stance is a stance, the issue is the sword being comically huge according to retarded jap design traditions.

People do gear up on alt classes

Take a wild guess you stupid fucking faggot

I meant DRK not DARK.
I just woke up.

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but it's no longer a priority so they're not doing it right at reset

>how important
Critical les you want parse trannies up your arse

How about you stop waisting time in titania and do E1s. Other than that Jesus just press every cooldown on cooldown and every dps there should parse better

AST doesn't even hold the sword

It's untargeted so you can spam it in cities

not important, as long as u know how the class works. almost every single jap has their own opener

how little your parents love you?
cool. thanks for the help

Don't they become alcoholics?

finding GOOD dps players in this game is harder than the fights themselves.

Don't bother. It's all about dps autism and the people who partake in it are incredibly angry about everything all the time, as evident by the guy that just replied to you.

People doing savage don't necessarily do it right after reset either you know.

That poor poor DRK being shackled to you guys

Emet Selch and the subversive nature of ShB reminds me of KOTOR 2 a lot. Loved every second of it, and now I'm finally going back and doing the older content I skipped.

Post more Selch memes tho

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Learn your job or stay out of pf. Fuck stay out of df. Stay idled in Limsa.

what the fuck is wrong with how cool we hold books

>gearing alt jobs is retarded

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statics might not, but it gets progressively more painful to pug it the further you get from reset

You raise a good point


In a nutshell, the higher the numbers, the better you perform.

Attached: 1565286272304.png (1920x1080, 2.26M)

the numbers are percentiles and class specific, so the drk (for example) did more dps than 88% of the drks that have uploaded to the site
they're also color coded from grey(the lowest 25%) -> green -> blue -> purple -> orange(the top 10%), so if people talk about a purple parse they're in the 75-90% range

>comparing emet selch to kotor2 or anything in that game
Actual brain damage.

True, but savage pugs are sort of the minority here.

>how dare you compare two games you like to each other

Where do you get kotor2 from that?

>that the vast majority of people here on the FFXIV Yea Forums threads
It's insanely easy to give the illusion of a consensus on Yea Forums, some hours are more receptive to it than others. Use Blue Mage shitposting and arguing as an example, most of the day can talk about it with something resembling civility but some afternoon-night hours have that guy that goes on a crusade about how angry and sad Blue Mage's implementation makes him so he feels the need to argue with anybody that doesn't have the same roiling hatred.

I'd personally opt for "unprompted character posting should fuck off" since a visual aid helps tremendously with your question or whatever you're asking advice for at the time, say a glamour. It's easy to tell who's just posting a character and who's deliberately fishing for attention, though some people apparently recognize one-off pictures on site from /vg/. I wouldn't know, I don't keep my finger on the pulse of a different board and most of the time I only learn who somebody in particular in a screenshot is from somebody deciding to talk about them.

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Is it strange for me to wish this game was a proper singleplayer game?
I love the world, the quests, the art direction and so on but I'm really not fond of the MMO gameplay.

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Is there a more kino dungeon than Amaurot?

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it seems like a lot of people who have gotten to endgame are angry about something to be honest.

Why bother getting mad at people when you can help them get better? I honestly don't understand it. more people at higher skill levels = more people to group with for competently beating high tier content.

Thank you for the informative explanations and nice answers. appreciate it.


wait a couple years, they're trying to make it in to one with the trust system so people can still play it after the playerbase dies

Mt Gulg
>Emet goes on and on about how Ascians had the power of creation at their hands. Could create things from imagination alone
>Vauthry is creating a complete temple in his image from imagination alone

i'm a purple parser now, can I shit on other people now?

They have literally nothing in common. There is no comparison to be made.

The fact that he mentions it in the post?

Not even one. Closest is the Twinning and even that has been ruined for me for getting it damn near twenty days in a row for expert roulette.


>only purple
no one gave you permission to speak, worm

>Why bother getting mad at people when you can help them get better?
O, you foolish user. You will soon contemplate despair.

lmao just craft all your 450 gear ez

im clearly more tired than i realized then, didnt even see that in his post.

damn it :(

>Why bother getting mad at people when you can help them get better?
Retarded comparison, but for the same reasons you always have one angry retard rage quitting a trial filled with sprouts, "I'm better than them ergo they're not worth my time".
I've lost count of how many time I actually cleared Titania and Innocence in roulette after simply explaining the fight rather than silently seething and wiping over and over and over again.

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>implying crafted 450 is always better.

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Did you unlock SB hunts?

My point still stands so..

It'll still have the brain dead gameplay though.

>Why bother getting made when you can help them get better
To be fair, a lot of people either don't read chat or are too afraid to simply reply to simple questions such as "are you reading chat?" I often come across players to whom I'm trying to politely teach the mechanics of an encounter and I just get radio silence from them.

It literally is always better than normal gear at same ilvl...

just think user, that's 20 chances to get the orchestrion roll

Maybe you should take your own advice and help yourself get better first retard

>finally an mmo where crafted gear isn't useless!
>crafting disciplines are their own separate jobs you have to level up all over again
Fuck that shit. I'm never leveling a crafter in this game.

I don't know mate all I'm saying is that the only thing wrong with DRK is the xbox hueg swords, which mean that the problem lie in the art design rather than the stance itself.

Attached: stance.png (772x325, 348K)

That would be consolation if I didn't already have it.

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BiS uses tome gear, if you were to unlock it then savage would need to be unlocked too since same ilevel.

Real problem with drk is that fray takes six seconds to spawn. Making parse trannies not want to pull with unmend.

Bro we do double ranged and we are WAY ahead on e2s and e3s dps checks, even with deaths and damage downs.

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Its a shame Emet had to die. He was too good for this game

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Guys, sssh! He's sleeping!

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I unironically prefer joining learning parties over farm parties because with learning parties, no one gets mad at wipes and I like the feeling of helping a bunch of people getting that "click" moment when they understand the fight.

Amaurot is inhabited by niggers

>let you level up everything but don't let you gear up everything
It's incredibly annoying, especially if you play with different groups of people and want to be able to fill different slots.

>Imagine not setting on times week 1 for a chest or legs piece.
>Imagine getting accessory piece with tomes week 1

I found Emet Selch to remind me of Kreia. Both in rhetoric and in presentation. Emet Selch hoped that a splintered ascian could reform without the need of the rejoining, and Kreia sought to destroy the force. They both discuss topics of moral relativism, and speak down to everyone they talk to. I didn't say I was comparing the games. Just that Emet Selch and the whole flipped narrative (A la fighting the light by restoring the dark) of Shadowbringers reminded me of KOTOR 2/Kreia.
Chill the fuck out.

>clear e1s week one
>orange clear, compared to 300 parses
>clear week two
>purple, compared to 4000 parses
>clear today
>i did the same damage each time
nice system parsebabs

>meanwhile my crafted gear scholar alt consistently parses purple every week because healers dont deserve ANY gear until week 4

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>it's a SCH class quest duty episode
I fucking hate these things, this dumb lalafel can't handle big pulls
use your cooldowns you dumb fuck

Attached: 1565664400005.png (342x299, 113K)

This is true week 1
The dps check is pretty irrelevant at this point now. As long you have a group that know how to play there job the dps check shouldn't be unobtainable with a clean run

It's like you don't understand how parse percentiles work.

I was like you once, a bright eyed and cheery mentor. I thought anyone could clear savage, as long as they tried their best and heeded the words of their betters. Some people, it turns out their best isn't good enough, and their brains fucking leak information at an unheard of rate; you can pound "go here, here then here" into their heads as much as you want, they just can't retain it or put it into practice.

>finally got BLM to 80 and it's one of my favorite classes
>never get to play it because all my friends play DPS and usually need me to tank or heal when we do raids/roulettes


No, I understand. I've been playing for the better part of 2 years and I always make an effort to say hi and thank everyone for the party. The worst part isnt somone who doesnt know the mechanics for me. its the people who refuse to help when people are obviously having problems or dont know mechancics or are too afraid to admit they dont know them.

yeah thats the thing for me. being helpful and friendly has hcaused me to clear dungeons/trials/etc faster WAY MROE OFTEN than it has cause it to go slower. I dont understand the mentality of "everyone should already know everything im not going to bother saying anything because that wastes time" Its a videogame

Thats fair. I've seen that a lot too. Doesn't mean i won't keep trying or won't stop being nice though.

I've been playing for close to 2 years user. you can be upset all you want but I like being nice and having fun in a videogame. not getting mad at people I will likely never meet again. In my opinion the real "Retards" are the ones who refuse to help out because they think being a "Silent badass" will make the trial/dungeon/etc clear go faster instead of actually actively doing something.

but i guess im just an idiot huh.

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Some people don't get it, and that happens. but as long as there is a willingness to try, I dont see what the use of getting outwardly angry at these people is.

in the realm of dps right now
BLUE AND UP is now gearchad territory
GREEN AND BELOW is haha you're still a widdle 450 gearlet

It's not so much outward anger as inward despair

>its the people who refuse to help when people are obviously having problems or dont know mechancics or are too afraid to admit they dont know them.
Plenty of people refuse to improve as well.

>parse 93

>This thread
All of this shit is why I stopped bothering with savage.
I'm plenty content with getting my welfare gear once it become "irrelevant" and just keep on having fun.

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DNC and GNB both suck ass

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>help my friends out when they were going through ARR content, now in HW
>they bitch at me for using low level characters for roulettes because they don't get to do HW dungeons
>even though I've been doing nothing but ARR dungeons with them when I was helping them out
fuck you too

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You should be getting mad at yourself because you didn't take two fucking seconds to try to figure out something basic, there's zero way you aren't part of the "problem players" you describe, you've just deluded yourself into thinking using chat means you're trying

I have a shitload of fun with GUK so it's fine.
I just wish I had more than two relevant CDs below lvl 67.

god i cant wait to see this game die in 2 weeks

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Meld your gear shitters


w-what happens in two weeks


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WoW Classic

US/EU have lowest clear rates compared to JP
And JP play like monkeys too

are you japanese?

see my other post here if they are obviously refusing to get better they deserve no sympathy. but if they are trying thats a different story. maybe I'm naive for attempting to see the best in everyone, but I've always been like that.

you can think that if you like, but you just sound bitter and angry. try doing something that gives you joy.

Steam is the shittiest way to play XIV on PC

god i cant wait to see classic die in 2 months


>Referencing Steam numbers

Attached: 8021038.png (419x238, 84K)

If you're below ~30% then you're basically just not pressing buttons.
Keep the GCD rolling constantly, keep buffs/dots up, and don't break combos.
If they're parsing that low, they are DEFINITELY fucking up at least one of those things.


While the plow guard is a real guard, I do have to criticize how they animated it. The character's back is bent too much, their feet are spread too far, they're too low to the ground, and their knees almost bend inward. They're making every single mistake that somebody that doesn't know anything about athletics makes. It's honestly my biggest gripe with an animation in the game.

not really. you can do everything right but if you fuck up and die then bam instant grey

>Tfw steamfag
It's just that I had the game gifted to me through that

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look at
and tell us that again with a straight face

I'm the only guy in my ~40 person FC that plays via steam.
Just for context on how retarded your post is.


Steam is fine. There's really nothing wrong with it and you can use steambux to pay for your sub.

Who was in the wrong here? The viera the ronso or the fairy?

>If you're below ~30% then you're basically just not pressing buttons.
Not true since there is big gear difference right now.

The outfit, like other glamor items, will enhance assets.

If you can't do mechanics you shouldn't be worrying about your parse.

It's pointless to speak reason to egomaniacal mutts. It's ingrained in their brain by their retarded fucking culture to kick anyone that's down for their own amusement, even if it leads to overall detriment and hurts them too in the long run.

mentor chat to kill yourself

Attached: mentors lol.png (368x71, 8K)

Because Steam is a third party client that requires you to have connection to their services to play an online game.

Which means if Steam ever goes down, you can't get into FF14

not really
not really

press your fucking buttons and stop dying and don't sit around with fucking ronkan gear or unmelded eden gear
show some initiative

I'm pretty sure recently they made it so that if Steam is down you can't access the game.

I guess if you're doing okay but have shit gear you might be around ~15-20 at worst. Anything below that is definitely a personal problem.

>RDM's damage is so low that they need not one, but two self-buffs just to end up in the bottom two in personal DPS

I really don't want to have to deal with automata fanboys in my party.

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I am also a Steamfag and I'm still assblasted that I had to buy Heavensward twice because I didn't know you couldn't use GMG codes on Steam.

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That's an anti account jacking measure, PS4 does the same thing.
Also I have literally never ever ever been unable to launch FFXIV using steam.


why are mentors ALWAYS the absolute worst players

This is funny to me.

That isn't much of a point against it since steam's verification server basically never goes down

Most people want it for the crown for vanity purposes. I unironically believe if it was like a watering can or a big tree or some shit, vanityfags would fuck off.

I don't understand how mentors are the ones that single pull and bitch about doing DPS as healer.

he's completely right, no self respecting monkchad ever pushed riddle of slow. only tornado trannies ever put it on their hotbars

all he has to do is put it where internal release used to be

how do you think the amount of self buffs a job has is relevant at all
>NIN's damage is so low that they need three self buffs
>MNK's damage is so low that they need seventy self buffs
>BLM's damage is so low that they need one self 80% self buff
>BRD's damage is so low that they need one buff and three rotating buffs
>DNC's damage is so low that they need three self buffs
>WAR's damage is so low that they need one self buffs
>PLD's damage is so low that they need two self buffs
>AST's damage is so low that they need zero self buffs

>Not being a TKchad

>This is your brain on metafaggotry

>Nobody gets carried through savage fights this early in the cycle because simply being able to clear means you deserved to clear it
true or false


>Leviathan Savage
>Only lose 2 GCD's entire fight due to dodging temporary when the field splits
>Don't die
>Grey parse
I think my account is just bugged, it's always been like this.

false, I know for a fact I'm getting carried through E2S as a tank

Post the parse

Attached: file.png (626x335, 263K)

looks like cherry-gig

>levi savage
sorry thats titanweaponchad territory
your little crafted gear clear doesnt count

I had someone leave a Titan bling prog because they looked up a SCH's parse and then claimed they got carried through 1-3. Imagine looking up names on fflogs when you join a fucking phase 1 learning party.

Continue epperson

melded eden gear is shit

4 of us died in the first phase of titan today and we only cleared because the drg got the weapon last week, he carried us

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Yeah thanks for the insight numbskull
Did you know that melded ronkan gear is shit too?

Did you look up their parse? Maybe they're one of the healers that doesn't DPS


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there was already too much creepy shit for me to care anymore. By the time I murdered Tesleen, saw a bunch of dudes be forced to live the rest of their lives as shrubs, and found out frogs drown people so they can also become frogs I was completely fucking checked out.

offtanks can be carried
dancers are carried
one healer can be carried at a time

dps might be able to be carried if titan weapon pugs start showing up

Remember, all Fae are murdered somethings or other

No. Ronkan is 440IL. You should able to clear E1S or u bad

sometimes i join parties but then i realize i have to go because of reasons, so i shitpost a shitty excuse and just leave

that might have been me who left your party

Some more incredible facts dropped by the thread's raiding genius

I don't get it, though, isn't there a Lifestream in the First?

Wanna try to clear E1S in Ronkan right now?

Fair enough. It just baffles me how people can be so put-offish over a videogame that 90% of the time has nothing to do with being competitive unless you're in PvP

Enrage for E1S is like 55k...
E2S is 70k....


I think its implied that Fae can, like how Emet was able to, grab a soul before it merges with the Lifestream and force its reincarnation.

Will you make the party or do I have to? My tanks are still ilvl 440 so they can come.

>15k dps increase from the first 2 floors
what the fuck

Upgrading one slot of gear by 10 ilvl - 400 dps
Melding two materia - 50 dps
Overmelding 3 extra materia - 40 dps
Food - 50 dps
Pots - im too lazy to do the math but like 20 dps i bet

Guys I finally want to find a FC, what's the best way? Shout in cities or party finder? Or through here?

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0.1s kill with delayed enrage as I know
user said they died and killed boss

e1s has like a whole minute of downtime dragging dps down
voidwalker has zero downtime

All wowfugees leaving XIV? That actually sounds like paradise. But who are we kidding here they'll be back in a month. A botched and butchered rerelease of a decade old game ain't going to do shit to xiv, much less save the mmo genre. Xiv is here to stay for a long time.

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that's how the server tick works sometimes

I will backpedal here. But it's good idea for challenge.

>decade old
decade and a half

Patch 5.1 when?

Ultimate challenge for MCH:
Try to beat E4S dummy. No pots or eden weapon.


Good because it's 2am and it would have sucked ass anyway

we should be getting info on that pretty soon if the usual schedule holds up. could be as early as late september

stormblood hunt quests in Kugane, I forgot the name you need those

>mfw 90 percentile as i455 SAM with Titania weapon

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how much of a successful savage run should tanks and healers be expected to contribute in terms of DPS?

As much as they could unless your DPS are fully decked out.

>Ran out of sub
>Don't feel like resubbing
See you in 6.0 lads

remove that bard and replace me, ill be your mentor

I just found the most mentally unstable person on Gilgamesh. Do I get an award?
>they advertise their Twitter in /shout chat
>turns out they're an actual, fairly attractive female
>they publicly admit to using age-regression as a "coping mechanism" probably for being molested at a young age or some shit
>multiple suicidal tweets
>their Amazon wishlist is full of baby toys
wew fucking lad, sifting through all of that was a trip.

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they should aim for the best not like they have big brain rotations especially glare mage

I guess a more accurate question would be where do you draw the line between "We hit enrage because DPS aren't doing enough" and "We hit enrage because we need more from tanks/healers"

with* me

forgot to post their Twitter:

Man, why would you think anyone would wanna see that?

I have no idea really.
Thought from all my pugs run so far (including 4s) Tanks should be doing 7.5k+ and healer at least 4.7k+

why would I want to know

>pug 1-3s for 2 weeks
>get nothing but only 1 (ONE) item
>watch other people get 2-4 items
This is what I get for not joining a static.

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as long as tanks are doing their rotation as best they can and healers are cramming in as many attacks as possible and keeping their DoTs up, hitting enrage is mostly dependent on the DPS.

What the fuck is that-
Oh....oh jesus hell.

That's nice but kind of meaningless. You have to translate that into either damage% or dps for it to mean something

Absolutely false.

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>got nothing at all last week
>got like 4 pieces this week
Feels conflicting man. I know they want to milk the subs but I still wish they'd just give everyone a piece per week and call it.

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tanks? 6k~8k depending on boss. 9k if tank is going with minmax melds
healer? depends a lot on healer but usually more than 4k

wait a minute...

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This is my wife Iola!!!

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all three times I've cleared E2S, the tanks have been around 6.5-6.7K

>Do hard mode Sastasha, pretty new but I've done it once before
>Can't beat the first boss, healer can't keep up with damage
>Inspect them
>Level 38 weapon
How do these people even manage to pay for their subscription?

aren't those greylet numbers?

Just like Yoshi-p wants so good for you user.

alright so after another failed E2S clear party I'm starting to believe that E2S is now right up there with O11S, certainly far more difficult than O10S was. I just hope I don't end up spending another 2 weeks trying to find a party that can clear it


>Finally have E2S down pat
>But now I get to watch both the DPS and healers wipe to cycles over and over

Just let me clear, put in some effort

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Same situation but with a NIN for me last week. Guy has been playing nin since ARR and refuses to switch off them because he wants a class that feels complex.


how do I tell if I'm good or not

>Got mentor
>Never turned on the crown

3s is easier than 2s this time.

They are going to address this, they said so in the last live letter. In the mean time kicking for "playstyle" differences is your only option. Don't say anything and just kick him. And if you're with a buddy there's no chance of him staying since you only need 2 votes to kick someone.

How exactly are they going to address it?

I'd fuck Suzaku.

the crown defaults to on, so you turned it off. and that's okay.

Perhaps readjust ilevel requirements to queue for things?

>e2s party #1
>only two tank deaths
>9 (nine) % enrage, literally impossible
>e2s party #2
>one dps disconnects before the first quietus and remained MIA until the loot roll. we basically went two minutes without a dps
>boss dead after the 2nd cycle
i wonder if the dps check was never the issue and 1s just didn't do a good enough job filtering out people who couldn't do their rotation

They haven't figured it out yet, please look forward to it.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-14 Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LIII Update Thread - Page 7.png (1803x300, 73K)

>tfw my logs only go up because my group comp is smn, MNK, MCH, BLM and none of them buff my smn parse
Thanks devotion

Doesn't the game give you a free weapon at 50 along with class armor?

>2s party
>got to quietus at 15%
>this is gonna be easy
>retards then started dropping left and right during cycles
>finished at 5 seconds after enrage because I'm the only dps without debuff

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I want to get into crafting, something I’ve never done even though I’ve played for years, and have about seven mil saved up. Where the fuck do I start?

>we will fix it
>we still don't know how though
Sasuga SE.

It does but only if you continue the msq and not stop at class quest

Devotion is fucking dumb and I want both it and physick the fuck off my SMN. Give me another offensive spell or something.

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I don't remember having tanks this bad when Dark Knight was released.

It's so fucking painful to heal, especially at lower levels.

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>>only two tank deaths
>9 (nine) % enrage, literally impossible
how many damage downs, though

>pugging e2s "duty complete"
>quietus at 16%
>bard falls off during first cycle
>drg and OT die due to "muh up time"
>both healers die
>party disbands

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You only get a free weapon at 70, 50 and 60 are just artifact armors.

get all crafts to 15. then pick one you want-i mean level weaving and leatherworking to 50

rDPS was the best addition to fflog ever.

what quest features all of these drunk Moogles I keep seeing

>Overmelding throw away gear for an alt class
The only shitter here is you, learn how to play your alt classes instead of trying to pad and make up for it.

I want to keep devotion but have it come off me instead of my pet because depending on example which platforms titan himself destroys first I have to reposition the little bastard to give everyone the buff.
Fuck physic tho, completely worthless

start in Gridania and you'll see them

faggots like you are the reason why we can't solo the Deep Dungeons with Titan-egi as our tank anymore.

what do you do when you're pretty sure you're playing your class right but still can't break 12k over the course of an entire fight?

When will pug faggots finally realize you can just do Cleaver in the boss circle?

First and most importantly: have a brain. Also never use boosts and play whatever class from lv1 to 80. Do the hall of novice and learn your role. Use most of your toolkit instead of just mashing 1 button. Like if you just do your combos and hit your oGCDs you're already better then 90% of the playerbase. Don't be a tank/healer/dps only shitter and play all roles.
If you do all this you're already beyond good in my eyes.

what the fuck why did I start in shitty ul'dah if I could've had drunk moogles

He's right. SMN is not pet job or warlock clone

12K is fine

Get better gears
Use food
Use pots

What's wrong with setting item level requirements?

It is pretty cool, I wonder if it'll actually influence any adjustments.

fuck you, samefag nigger

Titan egi was and still is worthless. He was never used for any meaningful content. He should outright be 100% removed from the game because of how worthless he is for savages and ultimates.
I have mained SMN since ARR and I want this fucker gone

around the same time they realize they can also be a mile away to do it

what job and fight?
mnk/blm/drg should be able to reach this number with ease, meanwhile dnc/nin/brd may struggle a bit to keep that number outside their opener

But everyone in these threads bitches about everyone. Surely most of the game's population has done what you're talking about?

>try it during the punishing ray cleaver
>nyx appears right on top of me
um sorry sweetie i didnt need that heart attack

the MSQ is pretty clunky as it is, hitting several exp walls is common. They probably don't want them hitting gear walls too.

Make the MSQ hard again! Give Garuda back her 4k Mistral Screams!

>casters and ranges running up next to boss after punish rays just to do cleaver
This happens EVERY TIME.

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>sit literally on the edge of the arena
>nyx spawns in front of me

After steps of faith where 90% of players couldn't clear it they will never make anything difficult ever again. We even have people complaining the current roleplay story instances are too hard

>it isn't useful for Savage/Ultimate therefore it isn't useful for anything else
I bet you're the type of self-proclaimed quasi-"elitist" who hasn't even cleared UCoB.

don't blame me, I play red mage and corps-a-corps often comes up at that time so it is what it is

there's always a shitterstopper in the MSQ, though. Garuda Normal, Steps of Faith, Ravana, Shinryu, and now Titania.

the Ninja one with the bats where you have to sneak around Aleport is 100% bullshit

Go to SSS.
Check HP/dps values no food pots
Check rotation on fflogs
If you can't beat it no matter what you do that means its is your peak with current gear. You simply can't deal more

>>Titan egi was and still is worthless. He was never used for any meaningful content
It became worthless during early/mid-SB. Now it might as well not exist.
>>I have mained SMN since ARR and I want this fucker gone
>he didn't 7 dps 1 heal HW extremes
>he didn't 1 tank+tank HW savages
"Maining" doesn't equal to having the right to talk out of your ass like you know the job inside out you fucking brainlet.

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>Tfw just recently learned that you do not need to kill the clam to progress in Sastasha
I don't know why but I always thought, and was dead as shit fucking certain that you had to kill the clam to progress.

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Haha I wish that was the case. Just thanks to boosts existing alone we have thousands of retards who don't know the first thing about their class or role. And I didn't even mention what tom holland has done to the game.
What I mentioned was the bare minium everyone can and should do.

Don't worry. I always blame you fuck for nearly giving me heart attack every time you niggers use Displacement in 2s and 4s.

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I got my weapon right here sweetheart

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Why does making a nice house have to be such a pain in the ass? It feels like it's even more difficult if you have a small one too. You have to do all these annoying glitches, and granted, I did it a ton on my first floor and it looks okay but I still see other people's stuff and think it looks better and I'm already over the 100 out of 200 allowed items on just the first floor and it feels cramped. Also filled up my yard already and while I kinda like it, I wish I could put down more than 20 items because I know I could make it look even better albeit I wish I had more space and that the house wasn't placed asymmetrically to the side.

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I just unlocked Dreadwyrm Trance, should I be using this as soon as it gets off its cooldown

>It became worthless during early/mid-SB
>"Maining" doesn't equal to having the right to talk out of your ass like you know the job inside out you fucking brainlet.
Great irony. I understand why people say SMN have worst playerbase

since we're all scrubs and haven't beat eden savage, let me see your ex parses.

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Then you just don't remember right

recently got the game and playing through arr stuff with friends
any cool things i can or will be able to do to keep playing while they're away without pulling ahead contentwise?

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>tfw I miss my Legion Spriest but WoW is shit
I wish Yoshi didn't hate dot classes. I loved void form.

i see this fucker on in limsa sometimes, glad to know that 99% of characters with over-the-top cutesy glamours are players with mental issues.

were you a sprout gunbreaker? because I just told someone that today

even when using diversion I always took aggro from my egi. How did they manage this?

Meh most people just straight rip off their housing ideas from somewhere else. Either other players or even real life. So don't beat yourself up over it since designing a house(or anything for that matter) isn't something most people can do.


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level crafters

Level alt jobs, craft, and gather. That's all pretty easy stuff that won't tamper with your ability to play with your friends.
The game also has level syncing for dungeons and what not since it's not like you can get so far ahead you can't do dungeons with them, unless you guys are doing overworld together.

Nah though I did picked up GNB recently, I've been playing since HW.
I'm just trying to figure out why the fuck I ever thought that killing the clam was mandatory, and now it all come crashing down how much time I've been wasting like a fucking idiot

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No pots.
Tit weapon
Already cleared 4s though.

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Level alt classes or gatherers/crafters.
You can go to the golden saucer and participate in the mini-games there please play mahjong it takes like an hour for me to find a game

>not stacking for aoe heals

I want to do this again, but with foods, new gear, and potions

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>hit 80 as BLM
>all this damage on Xenoglossy and just being able to constantly move and shoot shit out

Oh god is this why BLM players always seem they have a hard on

Tit as in titania and not titan by the way.

The price you pay for story relevance

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how much dps are you doing? I wanna start moving slowly to a DPS alt in roles but idk how much damage I should be doing. 12k?

Would you recommend SAM or MNK?
was planning on going sam to keep my bushido playlist running (hip hop/rap)

>And I didn't even mention what tom holland has done to the game
what did he do to XIV? The same thing he did to Spider-Man?

he did an ad for it with Hannibal Buress

i know i'm in the minority when is say this, but I unironically miss casting foul, the pay off just seemed so fucking good. I legit nut when I can triple cast foul in an mob group.

I didn't use pots and this is before I got my Titania weapon or most of my Innocence accessories. I also have no idea why the fuck there aren't any Innocence parses. I don't parse, myself, and I guess neither did any of the parties I got into.

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why the fuck isn't it listed in character creation
>gridania: we have drunk Moogles!

all Ul'dah got was Thancred and all he did was go "yeah I'm totally not stalking you like a creep"

not the guy you're responding to but shit like that is unironically kino, so i'd go sam


Tanks in xiv thread always have good parses. Is this same case like with 5.0 SMNs?

If those sprouts actually cared about how they played they would have looked up a guide and/or video on the fight and how to play their jobs.

People act like looking up a guide is hard.

This is what I used to have pre savage. After savage everything reset and I haven't bothered to do ex trials ever since.

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you should see my gnb parses. it's absolute shit. i really need to work on it.

i love it and all but i wanna know what's the easiest between the two because i hate fucking up a rotation and just getting set back

If you haven't seen the ad, keep it that way. You'll unironically be tainted by it. How many capeshitters and normies bought a ps4 and xiv just because of that ad? And ofcourse said people won't bother playing through the game from start to finish and just boost to the endgame, adding to the pool of shitters.

wait a minute that was Hannibal Burress
anyways the fucking Tom Holland audience isn't going to play XIV

Holy shit the state of XIV.
Go back to WoW

confirmation bias, people only post their parses if they're good

I'm a greylet tank

The drunk moogles literally do not appear again outside of the opening scene so you're not missing much

I'm the first one you replied to. I looked at the actual parses and I'm salty because my average is brought down by a handful of parses from a party where the healers let me die with Living Dead twice every run.

Still got 50% on each of them so I have no idea what the fuck is up with the average Dark Knight.

12k (rDPS) in EX trials will put you at 97+ currently.
You don't even need savage gears to get them either because the tryhards are still too busy chasing parses in savages.

tfw no one participating in TT tournament or chocobo races

>yeah bro I totally learned the mechanics for every fight in the game through osmosis and if you didn't go back to WoW

Is it wrong of me to sometimes slap myself with a clemency in the middle of Requiescat during E2S because the healers always scare the shit out of me?

Seriously, I know you need to top off the hell wind people but if I die someone is getting bitchslapped with a shadowflame.

Attached: Veem_and_woom.jpg (362x282, 13K)

>tfw the only log of me is me doing really poorly back when Eden normal came out because i was learning the fight


Tanks and Healers are easier to parse well on by default since they aren't damage focused roles. Healers in particular are a fucking joke parse wise, since you can horrendously pad your own numbers by forcing your co-healer to handle any and all GCD healing.

>No cute femboy race

Feels bad man.

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Yeah no if you're looking up a guide for normal content you might as well look up a guide for killing yourself as well. The whole point of roulettes is to get people to do old content so sprouts and returners can actually clear it. Don't want to deal with bonus? Don't queue for the roulette.

never played sam at max but from what i can tell it is easier than MNK, less positionals if you can deal with the odd melee casting shit.

but you can still cast foul on mob groups in 5.0?

what are miqotes you very masculine strong man?

if you die because you didn't cast Clemency, it's the healers' fault. The enrage is still pretty razor-thin at this point so every Holy Spirit counts

Don't, you want to toss out as much DPS as you can. If you die, you can tell healers to keep you up more. Toss out clemencies when one of the healer is dead and they're focused on rezzing or some shit, but otherwise if everyone is fine, focus on DPSing. If you and have been using your CDs, it's on the healer.

>The enrage is still pretty razor-thin at this point
No it's not. Titan's is.

ty for repeating what i said

>caring about normals and ex when savage is out
It was fun to hit 100s when it first came out, but now we on the real shit bois

if you're in a situation where you feel the need to Clemency, you're definitely not in a static that's got E2S on lock. Pugs will be cocking up E2S until 4.2, guaranteed.

yes you ((miss)) something the game still actively encourages you to do. did you hit your head today

>28.5% when we reached dad&son phase
>one nigger dps died
>0.5% enrage
I fucking wish I wasn't stuck with Titania weapon so I can actually start carrying.

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>Pugs will be cocking up E2S until 4.2, guaranteed.
Tomestone weapon in 2 weeks.

he meant he misses casting Foul in the single-target rotation, you dip

Miqo'te's are more muscular than Au ra and hyur, they're just manlets. Also the only cute face for Miqo'te looks weird with their proportions.

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Out of curiosity, how much are your tanks doing dps wise? My static has gotten several 1% wipes and I genuinely feel like the dps from the dps jobs seems fine but our tanks are doing 6k each and one of our healers is doing 3k.

literally doesn't matter when the DPS each eat three demons during cycles

>Looking up guides is now a bad thing

You White knights really are ruining this game.

before this thread dies, anyone have any funny df pics or rage twitch clips?

Tome weapons will not save you from those damage downs

Got the clear a pull after though so that's cool.
Ask your group to save some CDs coming into phase 2 and phase 3 so you can reopener

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My clear run from last week had 87% DRK at 7.6k and 37% GNB at 7.5k
>our tanks are doing 6k each and one of our healers is doing 3k.
I am sorry bro.

Kick them. They're holding you back. 8K tank minimum.

Is ACT still not accurate when it comes to parsing? I've noticed I'll hit 7k+ as a tank but when I put it in fflogs, it'll go around a mid-high 6k.


Yeah. My static has me doing 13 something as BLM and every other dps doing 12 something. For people with no weapons or chest piece aka first clear I feel like this is fine.

But then there's the 2 tanks and that healer. And 1% wipes.

rDPS vs aDPS

Make sure the phase aren't split up.
You can also merge them manually in ACT but fflog will do it automatically for you.

he says foul in multi target makes him nut, that's fine, understandable.
but foul in single target? just an obligatory use this in umbral ice button. it doesn't have the same impact nor flexibility as xeno.

there shouldn't be any variation between your act log and the fflog, are you sure you're not looking at the rdps vs adps columns?

There IS however variation between two different act loggers in the same group, sometimes as much of a 200-300 dps difference.

Only got 88 on both DNC and MCH for both fights, no idea how to get better. Haven't touched either since Savage came out though.

You deal so much dps that dmg down will not matter


Why is this theme so good, god damn.

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I had grey SCH in that run and he still did 4.4k while purple WHM did 5.9k, WHM was better geared though.
So yeah, your tank and healer dps are holding you back. Either tell them to git gud or wait for tome weapons.

you can just say you didn't play BLM during SB, it's ok, we won't think less of you.

i'm looking at the "all" portion of act and it's telling me 7.3k encDPS but I've noticed on fflogs, it'll mark it as 6.8k dps (aDPS)

one is with buffs, one is without

Ah, I see. When people talk about DPS in threads are they talking with or without buffs like on here

aDPS removes extra DPS you get from single target buff (AST cards, Dragon Sight, DNC partner, etc).

>healer makes the BLM do black smoker baiting

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Here's one of our 1% wipes. I'm the BLM. Might not be great numbers but it's what I can pull off at the moment with my gear and skill and I genuinely feel like we did fine (the 4 dps).

Attached: dnI6Egb.png (1286x823, 84K)

oh do tell what's the proper usage of foul in SB, tranny, i'm all ears. surely you could use it to reposition or open up weave windows like xenoglossy!

FFlog mainly uses rDPS now, so without.

your SCH needs to get his shit together

>did fine
>people literally sub 10%

No. If they were good they would have done more damage to get you a clear. They are not carrying their weight.

>party wants to add melee to soak one puddle
seriously why the fuck do people want to do this if it's 100% attainable to fucking go HRHR
I fucking hate pugging sometimes but I don't want to commit to a static.

man well this is a bit disappointing. i wonder how else I can boost my DRK dps.

The DPS are doing fine (MCH should be better though).
GNB, PLD, and SCH didn't do enough.

This fight must be total ass for a BLM. How do you cope?

please try to control your autism, user

lmao nigga just stop

>hold triple, sharp, swift, two polyglots
>do black smokers and probably still have leftovers for temporary current
You aren't stuck with a shitty polyglot cast anymore m8

Well I specified I meant the 4 dps when I said fine.

>Miqo'te's are more muscular than Au ra

In your dreams. Even the most basic, ugliest Au ra looks way more masculine than catbottoms.

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Don't listen anons who judge you by %. You just need a little more. Pentamelds for dps

>hurr durr i have literally NO argument
thanks for conceding, not sure what i expected from a retard pretending to be multiple people with (((((we))))))

Because it's filled with SOUL.

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you could probably squeak it out if the MCH does a little better and the SCH gets his shit together

I think it removes aoe buffs too like lit, otherwise paladin's a/r would be the same

user he was literally just saying he misses the feeling of casting Foul as the big finish, and you climb up his dickhole with optimization autism


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What are the point of different market tax rates for each city? Like why does Crystarium have lower tax rates than Ul'Dah?

Are there any nice dyeable stockings?

Titan SSS dummy for MCH is 12.600 dps. To reach this number you need to have half of your gear 470 and melded 450

Wait a minute. How the fuck did you finish innocence in 7 minutes?

dummies are overtuned because you don't have to worry about mechanics

They are overtuned to account for lucky crits too

>the difference in DPS between the tanks is starting to become more pronounced the deeper we get into Savage

Starting to get worried bros

Don't worry, nothing can be as worse as being a DNC main so you will always have something to look forward to.

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at least you're not playing NIN

Oh look it's another WAR crybaby

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RDM at least has raise.

I never understand the point of these tumblr-tier gifs

>my group would have killed titan week 1 if our blm wasn't complete trash at the game
Guy can only do 11k when everyone else is doing 12. Fuck that guy, if he wasn't the raid lead's friend he would have gotten the boot for this

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DRK, actually. Being on bottom for two expansions in a row hurts.

I still don't understand what's Curing Waltz is for.
>bro just stack it for double the effectiveness
Still heals for fuckall.

>Guy can only do 11k when everyone else is doing 12.
At least tell me he wasn't the one who was fed first week coffers.

I treat it as a lightly better Second Wind, but you can use it during Improvisation.

WAR is at the bottom right now. If you are doing worse than WAR then you should check your rotation/TBN procs. Don't forget to TBN your healer or somebody else/MT at the right times.

Yes, he even got the titan weapon coffer week 2over our 13k monk because he needed on it too
Told the group to give it to mnk but no the raid lead said "eh, any dps who gets it should be fine"
Fuck man If the mnk didn't get it I had hoped I would atleast get it since I am a SMN out performing him

>want to get into a static
>self-conscious as fuck that I won't do things well at first and completely blind to all the fights
I want to die, I don't know why I feel the need to be perfect out of the gate.

Ok, now this is epic.

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true fucking facts
I stuck it out through E1S/E2S but i'm starting to have major regrets especially since people are starting to lock NIN/DNC/RDM for 1 slot ("support" DPS)
it makes sense but i'm majorly sad
5.08 soon.... please dear god

You can join mine! ^^ what data center?

>most of the bosses teach you their mechanics till 60%
>lacking analytical skills to figure out what is going on
>the boss stages itself normally have markers that show you stuff for mechanics
user, you have a brain. Use it.

I know this post is ironic but Aether. Like I scored 90 on pre-savage Ex primals and I still don't think that's good enough to look for a static.

Does anyone actually enjoy current NIN?
Not shitting on it or anything but it just looks like a mess of CDs and ninjutsu reset to me right now.
Doesn't help that every NIN I've gotten so far turned out to be absolute shitters.

>he still does ex trials after the apocaPDPSe deleted every 5.0 parses up to that point
lmao at latelets

I'm on Aether too! Are you a DPS?

And that's a good thing.
pDPS was a meme.

Can short fire phase by more legit with max spell speed build? I know Balance discord call it meme rotation with ~200 potency gain.

I find it fun because it's the only class in the entire game right now that takes skill to play. A real shame it will be butchered into a ezmmode class in 5.1

everything actually lines up really nicely as long as you do it in a VERY specific order
missing a mudra will eat your rotation alive
missing a TA window sets you back basically 1k DPS at least
it's incredibly strict but it's very fun
it's pretty much ruined every other job in the game for me because of how involved it is compared to other jobs
and i'm terrified of the rework because they are going to decimate it
I just want some more damage don't fuck with my rotation and stuff assholes...

only masochists and the delusional

What is short fire phase?

I assume he means no umbral hearts. There is a blm opener without it

Tank and DPS.

>everything actually lines up really nicely as long as you do it in a VERY specific order
Does this also account for clipping delay when performing 2 mudras+ ninjutsus?

Since nobody has answered your question yet and I too was frustrated by it, you have to go ALL the way back and do ALL the hunts starting with ARR GC log hunts, after that you have to go to each expansion and talk to every hunt quest giver and unlock every god damn tier.

It's mostly talking but finding the starting quests was a chore

I enjoy NIN because I like mudras/ninjutsu. NIN feels like real magic ninja but weaving everything in TA short window is problem

We're looking for a ranged DPS if you are one.

No B4, no F1.

It's the role I mostly play.

>everything actually lines up really nicely as long as you do it in a VERY specific order
you just described every dps in the game

clipping is mostly a meme
every CD lines up just fine, GCD rotation is not a big issue, you only need to watch Huton and armor crush when needed and same with shadow fang
if you do your CDs right then you are all good

most other DPS can go a little loosey-goosey with their rotation and oGCDs, while NIN has to do everything perfectly or it all goes to shit.

Let me know how to contact you and I can sneak you in. We're pretty casual.

>just hold literally 7 instacasts bro
melee soaking isnt bad if they just put puddle in melee range

>yeah just triple weave every other GCD, clipping is no big deal bro

most DPS do not have only 10s to press 20 different buttons

clipping is DPS loss but NIN has nothing to lose

What? Amaya strat has melees soak 2 puddles just fine.
Just put it next to the boss.

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I understand clipping is avoidable.
I just want confirmation that the CDs are designed in such that account for GCDs drift due to clipping.

it's only avoidable if you live on top of the data center and are also a master pianist with the reflexes of Bruce Lee

Is this what you'll be doing the entire fight or only in certain conditions? Because I can already see fucked up shit like
- you have so little wiggling room that any distraction will force you to f1 or drop eno
- where are your sharpcast windows now
- you go to UI, server tick cucks you, but since you don't use B4 you have no choice but wait until T3 can be casted