What games evoke this feeling?

what games evoke this feeling?

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she still cute

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Germans makes the best and coolest dogs, prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't

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i like that dobes with natural ears and rottweilers with tails are making a comeback

r8 my female rottbro

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My doggo developed bone cancer in her front arm and we have to put her down soon.
She's a 7 year old St Bernard and too heavy to be hopping around on 3 legs I'm sad anons I love her

>r8 my female rottbro
Super cute/10, those eyes can melt the iciest of hearts.

I'd post pics of my dogs, but I don't have them in my computer right now, just a sec.


Same thing happened to me last year, but wiht a Shit-Zu, my dumbass of a father kept overfeeding the dog. And when she got cancer, we had to either cut down her leg, or put her down.

We chose to put her down because the cancer wasn't just on one of her legs, she had it in all of them, but only one had manifested. But had we chosen to just take the leg out, they would soon or later show up on the rest of the legs, and we wouldn't keep cuting them until the dog became stump. And even if it took too long to show up, because she was too overweight, she wouldn't be able to walk anymore.

When this shit happens it sucks man.

Big dogs never live long.

I used to play with a baby rott when I was 6 but then he grew up and couldn't play with him anymore, sad

literally as bad as pitbulls

they are really playful and goofy in my experience. just hella big and powerful and kinda apprehensive if youre not familiar to them.

Found them.

r8 my sadly late danes.

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i love danes. solid 10/10. they are so majestic looking but also chill bois who just wanna eat.

I will never forgive the Rott race. One of them trashed my old Sheltie's neck, and almost killed it. That was ages ago, though.
I'm a member of the Golden Retriever / Lab gang.

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this quest sucked man

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for a period of time in the 90s they were overbred and had a shitload of temperament issues. kinda like german shepherds now. shame on that owner for bringing it around other dogs if it wasn't good with them.


The best thing about them is that they're as chill and clumsy as they're majestic. I loved taking them out and just seeing people go ape shit at their size and intimidating gait, thinking they were aggressive and shit, and not believe me at all when I said they were super friendly until I let them pet the dogs.

Well, I only saw him once a year when I visited this distant relative. I was still a kid when he was already grown up and shit could go wrong easily, especially since he didn't grew up used to me. Last time I saw him was 10 years ago and he had a tumor, definitely dead by now.

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Think it's dying light? Not the guy who posted that.

dying light

A rott ripped one of my dad's friend's 6 year old son to fucking shreds, so he doesn't like that breed, but I really like them funnily.

As well as dobers and danes.

fuck off you worthless autistic piece of shit if you want to bitch about a fucking picture not being as photogenic as possible you can do that over on reddit with the rest of your kind

They are military dogs shouldn't be in houses where there are children or owners who will not discipline. It falls on the owner.

Pitbulls are just nigger muts bred for violence.