How can anyone unironically not be hyped for Death Stranding?

How can anyone unironically not be hyped for Death Stranding?

In 5 days, Kojima will show us the gameplay. I can't wait.

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are you the guy shilling it on omegle

No. Why would someone do that? KEK.

in 5 days chapter 3 mgsv, kojima will be finished.

Im literally shaking

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How can anyone be hyped for it?

Kojima sucks now

I'm not hyped because Kojima is directing it.

Kojima can't make another metal gear. Are you retarded?

Gonna be game of the decade
I can feel it in my bones, frens

because I played MGSurvive and clapped when I saw that reference
Its actually way better than V

>gameplay in 5 days

There is no sauce I think, but Kojima is gonna be at the gamescom in 5 days, and its very probable that he will show gameplay there

my bro is a die hard mgs fan, snake eater made him want to join the army and be in the special forces, which he did and he got a special edition MGS ps3 and constantly quotes the games and just loves all that shit
but death stranding man he does not give on fuck about it at all, i thought it was weird right? so i asked him "Why don't you like Death Stranding?" and without skipping a beat he replied "Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute ust sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air"

>It's going to be another shitty movie game from Son-

Attached: Death Stranding Gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.1M)

Hmm got it, hope he shows some hands on gameplay.
Kek, I was reading it seriously

Kojima is way too pretentious for me, I will probably not play it. When a game dev needs to credit himself for editing a trailer is when I bow out, because the editing was fucking outdated 90s movie cliche trash

How can anyone be hype for anything Kojima makes after MGS4 and V?

I bet he loved MGSV

ass creed levels of gameplay

>just running around in combat scenarios with a fucking glass baby container strapped to your chest

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Looks like MGSV but even shittier.

How can I be hype for it when I still have no fucking clue what it is?

So, god tier?

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Massive downgrade incoming! No one wants to play a game that looks like that.

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How can you be excited for a game that's shown barely any gameplay, only cutscenes? The gameplay that was shown was very generic too.

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Original trilogy ass creed levels

It's just gonna be mgsv overworld with climbing mechanic and a few weird main missions

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We may end up getting another character trailer.

Another 80 reference man? the Fly Man!

That looks awful how can anyone have a good opinion about it? It`s MGSV outpost hoping but with even more empty spaces

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who else is playing V in anticipation?

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I'm psyched for it. It's only because it's a PS4 game that no one on Yea Forums is.

It is Kojima unshackled from MGS and free to do what he wants. That is more than a reason to be hyped, and If he fails there will be no excuse like "I am stuck to a franchise" or "the big bad Sony did not give me enough time".

Also, Mads looks so fucking cool on It Jesus.

Who should be directing it?

what reference, my dude?
I wanted to play it, but I'm poor and have no 8th gens

This generation in gaming has been so weird. We are approaching uncanny valley territory folks.

What's so good about Kojima anyway?

Name another auteur of the video game industry that has been doing it as long as he has. Shigeru Miyamoto, Hideo Kojima, ??? That's why it's a big deal.

the guys from resident evil?

How is that relevant to my question?
I've always liked MGS but I can't think of anything that makes it especially good compared to everything else.

>Resident Evil was made in the mid-80's

The best you can come up with is a decade late, and just "the guys" plural. No names. You're proving my point.

Well, he has the entirety of MGS behind him and he loves putting a lot of attention to detail in what he directs. He tried his hand on Silent Hill and It felt like Team Silent was working on it again...too bad Konami canned that. I enjoyed all games I played from his direction up until now

That is your taste speaking then, anyone knows how praised the MGS franchise is worldwide, you may not think it is special but it is for a bunch of people

isn't one fo those guys making games for bethesda, and the other is in platinum?

I don't even know to be honest. I could google it I guess, but isn't one of the original Resident Evil guys Hideki Kamiya? He's the one at Platinum games. I think that's right.

Good God you aren't capable of giving a straight answer, are you?

Ask the fortnite players if they know MGS, The Answer will be NO, no one care for those games

He worked on RE2. Mikami only worked on the first one and 4.

Finally. There has been barely any gameplay this whole time

Should've been the cover art instead

I can't wait for Kojimbo to be outed as the George Lucas that he is.

i cant see it without hearing the benny hill music

>How can anyone unironically not be hyped for Death Stranding?
Kojima has never wrote a compelling well-paced story and his gameplay has always been subpar compared to its contemporaries.

What a load of shit. MGSV remains one of the best played open-world titles ever made. MGS3 gameplay was beyond anything else at the time. Go ahead and drive off a bridge.

lmfao you wouldn't know stealth gameplay if it fucked your virgin ass you exposition guzzling consolebaby. Imagine having your mind blown being able to approach braindead splinter cell AI from four compass directions sans level design.

Well, to put it in perspective, Shigeru Miyamoto made Super Mario Bros. on the Famicom in 1983. The MSX Japanese computer came out in 1983 too. While Miyamoto was at Nintendo giving us the Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. 3, Kojima was making Metal Gear. Then when the first wave ever of 3D sytems came out, Metal Gear Solid was one of the killer apps for the Playstation 1. We may not have a PS4 if games like MGS didn't convince loyal Sega and Nintendo fans to take a chance on this brand new Playstation.

Now, imagine if Shigeru Miyamoto left Nintendo in 2016 or whatever, and got hired directly by Sony to make a game for them. This man, this absolute legend in an industry that has very, very few actual individual names that are certified legends, is working for a company that isn't the only one people know him for. That, in essence, is what is happening with Hideo Kojima. He is freed up for the first time since the '80s to make a game with a company other than Konami. He is given an almost unlimited budget and state-of-the-art game creation tools.

This is an occasion we truly may not ever see again in our lifetimes. There is no one with the [pedigree he has that could create a situation like this. It is literally a once in a lifetime gaming occurrence happening here. It is a very, very big deal. so naturally, people are excited. And they should be.

Yeah still better than every other stealth game out there.

You seem upset. Remove that nigger cock from your face so you can atleast make yourself comprehendable, little third-world shitskin.

>MGS3 gameplay was beyond anything else at the time.

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Go away Chris Roberts

>no u
this is the intellect of the fans of Tom Clancy's PacMan

Show me one game that rivalled its boss fights

Welcome to the current year were you're a brain washed sheep or so cynical you can no longer enjoy anything, no in between.

Go to sleep third-worlder

The fact that the game has been advertised for this long without showing any gameplay is highly suspicious. Just go watch a movie faggots.

Let me guess, because it lets causal faggots like you skip the stealth part using knockout gadget #57? Man I love bad shooters where you play like a pussy.


LucasArts put lots of stupid gimmick puzzles in their games back in the 90s. Your dad might have some in his black case full of those mysterious disk-like objects.


I'm gonna buy a 40 oz of Miller High Life and then pour it out for LucasArts. Maybe I'll get Old E instead of Miller.


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Sorry you hate stealth games but just because you're too stupid for actual shooters or intelligent spy thrillers doesn't validate those hours you wasted as a child watching two ugly faces talk in monologues at eachother.

Good thing we're not talking about shooters or spy thrillers then.

based flowchart poster

Then get the fuck out of a Kojima game thread retard.

What's happening in 5 days? Where will this gameplay be shown?

This is going to bomb so badly

Based brainlet.

Its hard to be hyped up after MGS 4&5

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You can put Death Stranding logo on literally anything and it will work as a poster because DS has no identity and is just that bleak

>Get a full cast of Hollywood actors
>Write the shittiest dialogue possible
>Also give all the character retarded names
And the gameplay is looking like it'll be shit too. Not a single redeeming thing about this game.

looks like another overdeveloped flop

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You can do with a lot of things. Death Stranding has much more identity than the typical game anyway.

I was hyped at the announcement of the game, but than I saw gameplay an shit. I was hoping for a unique/wacky Kojima 3rd person shooter.

Instead I saw a dude running across a open field with an entire refrigerator strapped to his back. He's also pregnant? So...yeah. Got that wacky uniqueness I expected...but the cool 3rd person shooter I was hoping for, is not there, I don't think.

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Yes it was you dumbfuck, it completely transcended the mgs franchise from a top down shooter with fixed camera, into a completely 3 person shooter game that allowed you to use the analog stick to observe your surroundings. This map system that has an entrance and an exit later on was adapted by monster hunter series(im not 100% sure for that fact though)

>Stealth features
>No place to hide on empty field
Oh yeah grass, that will do!

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Watch the nip trailer, there is 3rd person shooting.
Even if the gameplay ends up being average, it will at least be solid and refined.

idk he kept posting shit like kojima is god and what are you guys lookikg fwd to in death stranding
was weird lol i tried to tell him to lurk more and fuck off but couldnt

Honestly based. Yea Forums will ree when they realize bitching here won't stop it from being massively succesful and enjoyed.