ITT: Vidya guns that just feel right

I’ll start: the 1946 Assault Rifle from Wolfenstein The New Order and The Old Blood. For whatever reason it just felt more powerful and slick to use than the 1960 model.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>getting people who know nothing about guns who may also hate guns design guns

>literally just a Stg-44 with some extra bits
I know what you’re talking about but this isn’t really a good example of it.

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I love both versions of the assault rifle in those games. So fucking satisfying.

gee bill why does you mom let you have two gas systems

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Double the braps

>Water cooled machine gun in 2070.

fedora automatic


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burst shotgun
>pump action
>can ohko
>massive pushback
>reload is stylish

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I legitimately think the super shotgun is one of the most satisfying weapons in vidya.

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This was one of the weapons that made me feel like the end was coming to S4, we already had the revolver so we really didn't need another shotgun. It's not an awful weapon but it really never felt like it was different enough to justify it's existence. At least it wasn't the Smash Rifle tho.

the assault rifles in the nu-tomb raider games feel fucking awesome to me

The shotguns in Marathon are better.

>it really never felt like it was different enough to justify it's existence
i thought so at first but then i grew to love the shotgun
it shoots faster than revolver and there's less spread so you don't have to be in melee range to do full damage
if anything, revolver needs to have its spread pattern shrunk to fit inside the crosshair like semi vs smg

This right here. And then it never felt right ever again.

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I liked the way the shotgun and assault rifle had flashlights on them. I wish the range of the shotgun was larger though.

Some more Halo examples:

- The BR in H2A's MP feels like fucking sex
- The AR in Halo 5's beta and on to a lesser extent on launch felt fucking perfect as well.

Both felt super precise, meaty, and powerful.

Having the DNR and BR was a mistake.
Halo 2 was peak weapon balance. Huge variety and all of them felt useful with no duplicates besides perhaps the snipers.
Vehicles were still viable unlike in future games where there are too many anti-armor weapons and equipment.

Agreed. The Sturmgewehr is easily one of the best weapons in the new games.

It’s definitely up there. Being able to one shot Lost Souls feels amazing after going through a marathon of Ultimate Doom.


Underrated gun in Wild West vidya

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i don't know why it feels so good to use this thing

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Best in the support class so that it penetrates through enemies but still sets the zeds on fire.

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It really bothers me how there's been a constant push to faze vehicles out of halo. Let the esport fags have their 4v4 but please leave my btb alone.

Specifically the multiplayer version. The sound was different, and each shot had a really satisfying ring to it.

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s4 league

Allow me to introduce, Demon Vaporizer™

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all the doom guns except the pistol is satisfying to use

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The SPAS-12 is just a nice shotgun in general

Nice and creamy

Here comes the flame boi

I'm really digging the the vibe of a TPS shooter in a sports setting. Is it any good. Or this game ded

Futuristic Big Iron

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pretty ded but the gameplay still holds up

the automatic shotgun in the new order was exquisite

ill go with an oldie but goodie

the shotgun in FEAR feels just perfect, nothing compares

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Watching this thing chain between dozens zombies, hearing them scream as the infinite power of Element 115 courses through them and they fall over as fried husks. Indescribably amazing.

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It's too bad most wads heavily discourage you from using anything except the super shotgun and BFG.

based, had so much fun with those

>nobody posted the legend yet


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It's design is iconic, sure, but it's a garbage gun in every single game. Everyone instantly swaps to BR/DMR (or pistol in Combat Evolved)

the use of rag dolls gives it the right amount of impact

>Assault 'Rifle'
>has an LMG size magazine
>functions more like an SMG

It's unironically good in 343 games. Might be the only thing they got right. In Combat evolved it was cool to use though, even it functioned as an overgrown smg.

Just feather the trigger bro

>barrel doesnt align with the chamber
>2 gas systems
>magazine isnt aligned with the ejection port
>clasp system on the stock
Bethesda always had the shittiest gun designs

The MG-46 is amazing in Old Blood.


I love popping heads with this

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medic was the most underappreciated class in terms of guns in bf1

What games let me launch nukes?

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battle rifle is better

Shame it's a peashooter against anything shielded/armored and body shots are just tickles.

its sci- fi dont worry about it bro

How big of a nuke are we talking? A mini nuke, or a full fledged Fat Man.

The guns in the nu wolfenstein games are all pretty good in general
found the lasser cutter in new order to be too gimmicky

postal 2, shadow warrior, fallout

its pure shit, also
>m16 with wooden parts
200% haram

That's why you gotta hose em with this first

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The Charged Shot is just so fucking satisfying to land.
>Fire at Cart
>kill medic
>start getting hitsounds from the rest of the push being on fire
Orgasmic. Too bad the Righteous Bison is shit terrible now, I liked Laser Soldier.

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oh no no no

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utterly shit taste, wood furniture is kino

It's an ar15 you retard. Also get fucked wood furniture is kino

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I liked head shotting the shit out of bandits with it but the Hunting Rifle was absolutely a must.

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it's way more satisfying to use in MMOD

>halo 2 was peak balance
LOL Nooooo, needler was shit, plasma pistol was merely an combo for headshots. Not even gonna talk about the brute shot or shitty shotgun.

The problem is that guns have to options against vehicles except rocket/FRG/SL. Back in my day our start out weapon was good to some extent on all fields.

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Useful against OG flood, not pussy tier 2-3 flood.

back in our day flood had to lose most of their bodies to finally die.

assault carabine or trail carbine. anything else gtfo

The revolver in Black, especially that forceful 1-handed hammer cocking as shown in pic related

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>plasma pistol was merely an combo for headshots
thats every plasma pistol in every game

Because half of Medic's weapons weren't as easy as the other classes' primary guns.

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Leon’s Heckler & Koch Volkspistole 70

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all day every day

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Not only is it a vp70, it's a vp70m

An absolute killing machine. Love the Siege mod.

True. Almost makes me wonder how he got it.

There will never be a more comfy pair of default weapons than these.

Love this thing

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I just love it when the first weapon you get in a game remains viable throughout the whole thing.

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its for space

I like that the Plasma Cutter from 2 is just something that Isaac put together in a rush, and it still works as good as the one from 1.

my favorite vidya game weapon

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Sandstorm's m16a4 is a crime upon nature compared to Source's m16a4 with ap rounds.

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Worked well with Incendiary class too because you could light up crowds from afar and they'd die before reaching you.

Dual Berettas, mainly in the Max Payne games but there are some other games that also have them.

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Battletanx Global Assault

>ap rounds
fuck off ap rounds were a terrible addition and their removal was a great change

There were I'm not going to lie. But the m16a4 in Sandstorm feels so shit compared to Source's.

theres a fallout 4 mod for this gun and its incredibly satisfying to shoot people in the chest with

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I always avoided using that ugly ass gun.

Isn't it an AR-10 over the caliber it's chambered in?

See now obviously they were going for big almost industrial machine like weapons, so they were exaggerated. I mean hell, the guy in game dual wields these rifles, I don't think muh /k/ gun porn should really be a judgement here.

>the *snicksnak* every time Jensen does a chamber check
Very nice.

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Red Alert if you play as the Soviets.

Starcraft if you play as the Terrans.

Civilization if you play as Gandhi.

I think a lot of the missiles in Freespace 2 are technically nukes, but they don't feel like superweapons.

>90 degree cone of fire
>can only hold 30 shells
>double barrelled shot from the magazine

It's in the In universe equivalent of .50 Beowulf, so no.

Pinning things to the wall and the sounds are pure kino.

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I love the pulse rifle!

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Sucks the game flopped and killed the MoH series. The tac 50 just felt awesome

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>Flip the small switch
>Pull the bolt back
>The bolt mechanism gradually pushes the current bulbs out.
>Put new bulbs on that somehow don't fall out either because of friction or pushing the bulbs in pushes the bolt mechanism back a bit and locks them in place.
>jerk the bolt towards you so it causes the metal bit that held the bulbs together fly off.
>Maybe the bulbs were in a slight slant so when they got tightened to the sockets it forces them to straighten and flick the metal bit off or maybe the mechanism twists and locks the bulbs in place which causes the metal bit to break off.
>The bolt now goes back to the original position by itself
>Flip the switch the flip back on
DG-2's bolt mechanism confuses me more than the shooting mechanism. There probably is some Kraut space magic in there that could be made in real life but I can't imagine it in my head.

I liked the campaign in both 2010 and Warfighter.

Speaking of MOH, the two first games on the ps1 have severely underrated gunplay. Garand and STG sounds absolutely thunderous and punchy. Funny how while being some of the best sellers on the system nowadays you never see them brought up.

Upgraded shotgun from RE2 was the shit. Upgraded deagle as well, you could line up and decapitate 10 zombos with a single round

Firebug class lets it do more fire damage, but support class has better penetration so it just tears through waves which is great for hallways.
I like that when you tap the iron sights button while pumping it at just the right time it zooms in a little bit and makes it look like you're pumping it closer to your face which pleases my autism.

Was great in Siege before Glaz got ubernerfred.

If you attach the armor piercing mod without attaching the silencer it sounds like it shoots lightning.

The skeletal Reach incarnation was so fuckin sexy

As much as I love it, it's a piece of shit in pretty much every game, ironically save 4 and 5.
But still, those moments when everything aligns in CE and you can just let loose and mag dump a full mag into a group until everyone stops moving are great.

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>melee does fuck all damage to them
>no headshot zones
>have to double tap their corpses or dismember them otherwise they'd just get back up
halo 1 flood combat forms were mean fuckers.

>the shotgun in FEAR feels just perfect
I agree.
>nothing compares
I find the shotguns in Killing Floor 2 to be extremely satisfying. Some have been nerfed to not have the same umpf as the used to, but to actually play a game where your shotgun has some well deserved range is pretty fucking sweet.

>actually playing with the most cancer weapon in the game
You play with seeker six as well? What the fuck.

i don't know what is it about it, just feels really snappy

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only the survivalist rifle dipshit

I absolutely loathe Bethesda's over designed garbage nowadays. Everything they do just looks bulky and overly convoluted for no reason.

Pretty much the best "true" snoipr in STALKER. Still would take the VSS over it.

MachineGames did the new Wolfenstein games, not Bethesda. You can tell because Bethesda designed firearms are excruciatingly bland and uninspired.

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