What is the worst game you have ever played?

What is the worst game you have ever played?

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Now this is what I call an epic thread.

your favorite game

Kill yourself.

Prove me wrong: T

Fire Emblem Fates. All 3 versions. and I finished every one of them

Brutal Legend.

As soon as it became a sandbox I dropped it. Should have just been a $20 short beat em up game that ended while it has some sense of humor.


beat this

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boring shit for boring people

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Ocarina of Time

Overrated isn't a real criticism, it barely means anything.

Worst game I've played was some unfinished indie bullshit.

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I remember people got really pissed at Activision for daring to pull back from publishing it. And no wonder they did, the game was a broken stiched together mess.

In recent memory, Pokemon Moon followed closely by Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation.

fortnie is the bnest game ever!!!
those old gamse from the DINOsoaur age like Mario Brothres 3 is GAYT and L:AME LAMO

Heroes of might and magic 4

Elder scrolls online

Are you saying people are wrong when they say something is overrated?

if everyone says it it means it's just rated

big if true

He’s saying you haven’t said anything at all if all you have is “it’s overrated”.

It looks like every game have a schizo who can't stop spamming images about it.

This is the worst post ever made.

The Last of Us/BOTW

>Dude try every weapon on every wall
>Dude you found a new weapon now try it on every wall you've seen so far in the game
>This is how exploration was padded out in the cartridge era
big yikes, glad to have grown up an optical media kid

BOTW was super overrated. Hyrule was completely empty and destroyed.