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SOULLESS DX: Director's Cut
is there a mod for pc that fully restores this?
Yeah, SADX fix is the name. Should be in the steam community guides
why did they change it? Cube is way more powerful.
the train headed for the mystic ruins will be departing soon
Gotta justify calling it an "enhanced version" somehow
BetterSADX is fine, but I suggest SADX Mod Installer. Both do pretty much the same thing but SADX Mod Installer is more streamlined.
Maybe this is just nostalgia talking, but playing SA1 for the first time as a kid was a really magical experience for me. To this day, no game has made me feel that level of enjoyment and wonder. The world and soundtrack just had so much soul
>Get nostalgic
>Try replaying
>It's shit
Not sure what I expected
I think I prefer the right in this case.
The atmospheric lighting is nice, but it's too obvious it's just obscuring the PS2's shitty draw distance
God I miss this game.
God, that orange glow is so relaxing.
was left only on the PS2 version?
you thought it was shit? i got nostalgic for it, replayed it, fell in love with it all over again. the soundtrack, the cheesy voice acting and terrible lip sync, the comfy nature of roaming around the town at night, the bad ass cutscenes that i think have aged nicely.
I actually enjoyed Sanic Adventure more than Supra Mayreeyo 64.
Shit thread, new is better
I had the same thing happen to me user. I prefer the graphics of the Dreamcast version but it really is at least as glitchy as Sonic Adventure DX. Actually, maybe even moreso.
what game
Hey I liked it but it hasn't aged well. You can enjoy it the same way you do something like Bully or an old onahole.
I haven't played SSX since the PS2 there is no excuse for this mess of style they did to the characters.
Yes but I believe there's a mod that adds the orange haze but I can't remember the name
SilentPatch+SkyGfx adds ps2 stuff to pc and makes it a better port overall. The downgrader takes it a step further and restores more stuff while doing it all for you.
I never even knew these games had graphical differences like this
Grid makes it dogshit regardless of building variety
Now post Snowboard Kids and SBK DS.
Being honest left looks ugly as sin.
>Sanic Adventure more than Supra Mayreeyo 64.
Cringe. Why do Zoomers unironically talk like this?
as a zoomer i just have brain damage so i'm sorry.
>tfw the NA release of SA1 will be 20 years old in less than a month.
Still one of my favorite games, warts and all.
Hope we get some kind of a remaster, or at least a decent port.
It was the exact opposite for me. I was 12, had saved up my money for a year and mowed a shitload of lawns that summer to buy the Dreamcast at launch. I had adored the Genesis and couldn't wait to finally see Sonic in 3d, especially because when Mario went from 2d to 3d, it was amazing.
When I finally got the Dreamcast, I got Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur (the best, goddamn), and popped Sonic in right away. Finally get to the gameplay, and I barely touched the stick and Sonic zoomed out of frame at a million miles an hour and clipped through the environment and died. The camera couldn't even follow along in time. I was so disappointed.
I still don't understand why they changed the clocj tower. Even weirder I don't think they changed the one in Speed Highway.
Red Dead Redemption 1/2
Better SADX with the mod loader contains about everything you need by default.
Dreamcast Conversion, Lantern, etc..
Doesn't it make sense to start at one?
No they didn't. Looking at this now I can't even guess, but I liken it to the changes you always see in remakes of products where they revamp everything in a totally different style without considering the implications. It's always change for the worse.
>why did they change it?
Texture-wise I believe it was to make the game hold a closer resemblance to SA2's more "grounded" visual style, since SADX released after SA2B was a big success.
Hot take, DX is graphically more appropriate for what Sonic is, ditching the "realistic" textures and streamlining things in a more stylized manner. You only hate it because "OLD GOOD" "NEW BAD".
SADX is the worst possible way to play sonic adventure
BetterSADX fixes the terrible port job and puts the soul back in the game
>DX is graphically more appropriate for what Sonic is, ditching the "realistic" textures and streamlining things in a more stylized manner.
well that's just objectively wrong
>Hope we get some kind of a remaster, or at least a decent port.
Modded SADX is the best we're going to get, imo. A remake or whatever done by modern Sonic Team would just be crap. It'd end up removing all of the unintentional charm that makes the original so endearing despite the large amount of flaws.
DX introduces a ton of glitches that the original release didn't have though. So its inferior for that reason alone.
>Hot take, DX is graphically more appropriate for what Sonic is, ditching the "realistic" textures and streamlining things in a more stylized manner.
But DX is the one with more realistic textures while the original is more stylized. Just compare the textures used at the beginning of Speed Highway from both versions.
More detailed.
>tfw DX uses the same wall textures for that entire area, making angel island look like it's a part of the mystic ruins instead of being a completely different rock texture like in the original, causing most people to think angel island is just that small island with the master emerald shrine
Nasty stuff.
How the fuck do you LOSE source code?
I have no idea. Most companies lose the source code to their games.
Sonic Adventure was pretty soulless to begin with.
>The vault's full, throw out some of the old shit in there
>(one week later)
Most devs didn't bother backing up source code back in the day since digital distribution/remakes/remasters weren't a thing back then. Once the game was done that was it, hard drives were wiped and they'd move on to the next game.
Case in point: The Silent Hill HD Collection
I don't know why its so hard for HD Remasters to handle roads. Like the shits already in the game right?
I stopped buying remasters after being let down over and over again. The fact peoples first experience with Resident Evil Remake is mostly the HD version is a fucking crime.
It was. The game was trash and the only people who unironically like it are people who generally like 3d Sonic games.
>The fact peoples first experience with Resident Evil Remake is mostly the HD version is a fucking crime.
Yeah it's a fucking crime nobody bought a GC nor bought a game that sold poorly on it in the first place.
In words, what is the definition of something having soul?
people say BetterSADX but that's outdated, get the Dreamcast conversation off Mod DB
Here's some trivia for you.
Apparently SA2 was supposed to have a world hub like SA1 did.
This was going to be the hub theme.
All the music from SA1 is just pure nostalgia.
Literally just if you have nostalgia for it
I played both versions and I never realized there was a graphical overhaul until I looked at the back of the game's case mentioning it years later. I feel ashamed.
Games or artstyles with really nice design or visuals that were products of its time.
Sonic Adventure DX onwards is UNBELIEVABLY fucked up. Everything is wrong. The lighting is wrong. The textures are wrong. The entire goddamn rendering pipeline is wrong.
When I was 9 I remember playing the story for one of the characters, I forgot which, and I had to meet another character somewhere in the hub at a certain point in the story. I couldn't find them, so I switched over to that character and brought them to a specific spot in station square, saved, and exited the game, hoping I can now find that character where I left them. I applaud myself for thinking outside the box at least.
Then you must be really disappointed with how little control you have over Sonic in the boostshit games.
What's wrong with the HD REmake? I just got the Origins Collection not too long ago but haven't played it yet.
You know honestly, given the state of the ecosystem on PC, I don't think SA1 really needs a remaster, like it wouldn't make a difference at all at this point.
Several people have put in year[s] of work making fixes and improvements to the game that looking at it now with the Dreamcast Conversion and its ancillaries, it's already about as great as you can get it save for some technical niggles that don't manifest in the game.
The only thing that could be done is further reverse engineering and programming of a level editing suite to streamline that as much as possible. The tools and plugins are already out there, it's just a bitch and a half to set everything up. With the mod loaders that are available, there are already systems in place to facilitate sharing and updating mods the same as people do through Steam workshop.
On top of that, there's been some experimentation with multiplayer it looks like, though I don't know about it working online over P2P. You give the game functional multiplayer and a working editor, and it's basically perfect insofar as what the game is.
soulless personified
I remember they removed the trees in DX. Does a good job of making the Emerood shrine look appropiately destoryed but still kind of pointless.
So a bit of pretext - The source code to Silent Hill 2 was deleted or lost and when porting the originals to the PS3 and Xbox, Bluepoint ended up having to partially rebuild that game on unfinished code and the results were an absolute clusterfuck.
On top of having to remake part of that game from scratch, they were basically given no concessions or support from Konami afaik, so they were still on the timeframe and budget for a port, and as a result SH3 suffered too I believe.
But in all, it ended up being probably one of the worst examples of a modern "remaster" or HD port, because they were almost entirely broken. SH2 was patched on the PS3 only, but it's still completely mangled.
Somebody with that Silent Hill infographic needs to get in here and post it. Basically the best way to play Silent Hill is on their original systems or emulating.
As shitposty as that is, there was actual butthurt over the redone DS Mario model
I'm pretty sure the DC version has way better walls that you can't always fly right through
Surely you can appreciate the level of autism put into SA1's Egg Carrier design. Sky Deck is a work of art from a design standpoint.
Jesus christ what a downgrade
FYI, Main Memory's website has several great SA1 mods (more on sonic retro too)
The SADX Mod Loader that I use is linked on that page, and I don't know if it differs at all from the installer Dreamcast Conversion uses, but I can say this mod loader regularly pushes updates to itself and other installed mods, and it's super convenient.
There's also an early wip of a multiplayer mod floating around.
Outside of your crying, HD REmake is the only way people can play REmake. Copies of the original for GC are limited since the game sold poorly on a system that sold the least during that generation.
I still can't believe Capcom didn't make the game for the PS2 instead for system that was primarily aimed at younger children.
GCN Emulation has come a very long way, in addition to copies of the game being only $20 in my country, meaning it's probably $10 in America.
And before you say 'Nobody owns a GameCube', everybody owns a fucking Wii, which can not only play REmake, it also got its own port of REmake for Wii, which goes for the same price.
I just realized that's probably supposed to be a factory for mass producing Egg Carriers.
One ready to go in that silo, and then identical stuff lining the bottom of that pit are probably ships too.
Downloading REmakes on my Wii U. See you later faggot
The signs of a unique artstyle, full of the creators' fingerprint, that extra polish that goes above and beyond, sometimes things can be rough around the edges but that you can see the creators passion in it.
Examples of non soul would be anything that looks like some guys just imported textures into a game and called it a day or a game that looks like it was made just for mass appeal by the numbers or committee approved game design.
The ultimate souless creation would be an open world game with light rpg elements and a shallow crafting system only made for grinding, lootboxes are optional , this is nothing but derivative cash grab made for the lowest denominator.
Pro tip, they didn't purposely change the art style with DX, they didn't have the source code for the finished version of SA1 so they had to revert back to a beta build and release it as DX
>everybody owns a fucking Wii
I know so many people who've gotten rid of their Wii's years ago because they've only used it for Wii Sports over ten years ago.
deepest lore
The PC version looks vastly superior. I assume this was the intent. In fact, it looks like one of the camera angles in the game that was replaced with 3D geometry instead of prerendered video.
That'd explain why he somehow had an Egg Carrier 2 ready to go instantly. Huh.
Bluepoint had nothing to do with SH2/3.
A major reason why they were fucked ports.
The PC version doesn't have proper lighting and the characters don't mesh with the fucked up pre renders.
Jill looks like she's popping out in front of the fence and foreground is overly dark. The only saving grace in this angle is that it is one of the very few angles that still has the moving elements, which the Remaster dropped a lot of.
>Bluepoint had nothing to do with SH2/3.
>A major reason why they were fucked ports.
Bluepoint also fucked up Metal Gear Solid 3, so let's not point fingers.
>left side you can really feel like it's made by an artist, it's not perfect but the artist put in effort to make it look as straight as possible
>right is made "perfect" using a shitty shortcut tool, essentially just a meaning line
this picture, but unironically
>Copies of the original for GC are limited
People do know how to pirate things
You're right. All my shit's fucked up.
Hijinx and Tomm Hulett.
>the moonlit look is completely gone
>the whole color pallet is shifted
>there are no shadows cast by the trees moving in the wind on the environment anymore
>it's completely static except for that bit of grass and now the trees no longer move either
How very lazy of them, it's a complete downgrade in every possible way, none of it was improved at all.
By the way what is the source of light now since it's obvious it's no longer the moon?
why is sega too retarded to hd remaster this game?
>fat fuck with the resources to wage global Armageddon wants to destroy a single city
>try replaying it
>get to casinopolis
>5 minutes of pinball later im bored as fuck
>uninstall the game
yeah its shit alright
The game has cool physics that you can do with Sonic like Spindashing off inclines to launch yourself but the designers went with him just going down corridors with boost pads to make the game do autopilot bullshit
That's the problem with 3D Sonic, no focus on momentum but rather flashy GO FAST design
this is one of the best examples of soul vs soulless ive ever seen
Damn. Sometimes remasters can clean things too much where it loses atmosphere or grit, particularly in movies. Not regretting getting the collection, sometimes I like playing different versions of games I like just to see the differences.
Sadly the case. God I wish this generation of gaming didn't rehash the 90s era shit over again. All that time wasted not just making new games with new ideas to have new memories from.
couldn't resist
>Artist use a ruler to make straight lines for industrial graphing
>The modern building is trash now because it wasn't made with shoestrings and bubblegum
Stop using a computer if you hate humans using tools you fuckwad. Fuck this fucking meme, holy fuck.
based retard
Please stop listening to YouTubers and definitely stop listening to Yea Forums.
The Adventure games are good and so is Super Mario Sunshine. If we really want to talk about overrated games we can turn to their 16 bit counterparts.
thats just the music for a tails level
When I was younger, that building scared the shit out of me.
I kinda want to buy this on PC and mod it, but I still have the Dreamcast disc and console. The problem is it always glitched out until I reached a certain point in the game (Amy's Twinkle Park) in where it was just unplayable at that point.
Also I've never got to fully play SA2 when I was younger, only had a japan demo version.