Filename thread
Filename thread
it's funny because he was actually an evil pervert
Why because he openly disapproved of blacks? Maybe it is time to come with terms that Gandhi was right
Looks like you and Gandhi had something in common
no you retard
he used to give underage girls enemas n did the dirty with them
sounds based
>Gandhi was a lolichad
Fucking based
Did you read this on buzzfeed news or something?
Based pajeet
>Bringing up blacks for litterally no reasons
He fucked underage girls user
wtf I love gandhiarrhea now
retarded zoomed detected
Not an argument
Kek. Not bad.
not sure if you know this, but enemas are medicinal
It was funny up until the screwdriver stabbing.
not in his context
>no source
>has never watched Bullshit
fucking underage zoomers everywhere
do your own research you braindead moron
fuck off to reddit
Nigga we know how Megaman looks under the armor
a r u like,3 years old or something ????
haha maybe one day you will be as powerful as me
Not him, but if you're going to make a claim the burden of proof is on you, you stupid retard.
It was never funny.
>Not him, but
fuck off you brainless retard
do your own fucking research
They weren't underaged in his country.
lol Are you fucking stupid or something? Genuine question. No one is obligated to research your claim but you because you're the one stating it to be true you stupid retard. Holy fuck, you're retarded.
>Sonic in a raincoat
Heh, it's not so bad
WTF, nice.
go away clueless
yeah they were
>not knowing common information
>calling others retarded
I honestly didn't expect seals to become that huge.
too bad he stopped pissing on things
What were they like -2 year olds?
Certain species of seals will attack humans in the water, they're pretty dangerous
I guess they have to be if a fucking spineless leaf has the temerity to club them to death.
This is so accurate it hurts.
fucking demons souls
Damn it, I lost.
Adolf Hitler in the background really adds to this.
Could use a name
something puzzles? maybe besiege?
I don't care about his Bengal Tiger fetish.
>game is too easy but gives you too many choices
too many eggs
That variety wasn't called the "elephant seal" for nothing.
>I will not eat until I get what I want!!!!
Why do people worship this pathetic rat?
>hand grip
>hand grip
>hand grip
>hand grip
>Patricia Hernandez is the strongest grip
I never watched this show, can someone spoonfeed me the joke?
"I get it. It's not making me laugh, but I get it."
it worked. twice
>Shiek showering with them
>all those unique, exotic cocks on display
Goddamnit why did this make me hard.
New bloons tower defense units
wtf is wrong with Britain?
This isn't real.
He was a pervert, a pedo, and an idiot. But if he hated niggers, he's alright with me
baloon man meets his arch rival?
Fuck you. That manga is the most unnerving shit ever made.
top jej
why do i hate this guy
I miss lugging my PC around bros
I wish I still had friends to LAN with
not Shrimp Ops The Brine
undertale genocide run.
what the fuck is happening here
Gundam Wing.
The gayest of gundams.
Local autist gets a princess wet.
And now they're paying for it, retard leader who tells them bullshit about how " oooh we had silk woven cloth! " when in reality the US was butt fucking them in textiles and the brits made them grow indigo.
Is he okay?
>this bird keeps itself in the air by sheer force of gains alone
Gmod player prepares for physgun-only deathmatch.
sounds based as fuck
this! my uncle used to always check me and my brothers for prostate and testicle cancer. there is literally nothing sexual about it.
Is he ok?
You're not the boss of me now
you're not the boss of me now!
and you're not so big
top fucking kek
>when you finally realize he's not wearing a hood and it's just long hair + a bandana
I feel like that guy is really lucky to be alive. I don't think it's a good idea to sneak up to an apex predator's belly like that.
Heaven or Hell
What is this? It looks familiar.
iirc he's trying to drive her away because he's got people after him he's just doing it in a dorky edgelord way
>steam gift threads
Ghandi never reaches the medieval age if I can help it.
Needs a filename
russian wes anderson?
What are the fucking chances?
Fuck you. I still mess Shepard and the gang.
Ok I'm retarded explain this shit to me NOW
fuck off tamani
The bird is flapping it's wings so quickly the camera doesn't pick it up because it's only recording in 31 fps. If it was a higher fps then you'd see the wings moving properly.
>was literally a rapist
this is a good shitpost
Oh god his fucking spine. Poor guy.
This is a trash explanation but a 10/10 fresh and dank meme.
camera refresh rate roughly synchronous with one of the low turning points of the bird's wing flap frequency curve that's all.
lag switch
>not creative_mode.webm
i always saw the hair. Its a slightly different color and theres a gap near the bottom
you're missing out, it mastered the art of entertainment without a plot. Every episode is available for free on Adult Swim.
>Sheik in the male showers
That's hot
Story: I was playing Dark Souls 2 at 4 am and I accidentally knocked down one of those explosive barrels onto several more explosive barrels and caused a huge noisy explosion. Right when that explosion happened, an earthquake occurred in real life. The sound of the explosion transitioned into the rumbling sound of the earthquake, which was a very confusing and terrifying experience.
The bird is flapping its wings at exactly half the refresh rate of the camera (each downbeat is precisely when the camera captures the frame).
That was a woman on her phone, i bet.
Breddy gud/10
Gave me a genuine chuckle
user we aren't all retards here. You cared enough to bring it up, you should care enough to prove it too.
'No fun allowed'
No she found him on the beach after he crash-landed and thinks she saw his Gundam, so he plans on killing her.
>I never watched this show
Dude's blind
The children on this site rely on misinformation to live with their shitty lives. Of course they arent going to provide you a source because most facebook tier morons work just want to FEEL right instead of actually being right. Which is for autists.
either or
>robot rage
The way he gets startled at the end leads me to believe he did not think it was a real fucking tiger.
holy kek
>not naming it /vr/
fuck you
The worst thing about him how he refused to use western medicine on principle even while his wife was dying, but then when he was sick changed his mind about that.
>man found dead in homemade knife torture chamber in yorkshire
>next on britain's greatest law violations
What kind of bugs are those, and why are there so many?
Umm sweetie, all White males are evil.
>when the group of naked young girls say "Ghandi it's bed time"
>Infernal Blow
what an incredible coincidence
reminds me of the tremors monster
needs a name
this isn't true btw, fellow 13 year olds
what a god
The effect of lootboxes on fun.
The speech bubbles are in a stupid order
Single player roleplaying
Not sure about the song but that's a fucking brilliant video.
Resident Evil items?
blazing saddles?
imagine using pervert as an insult on Yea Forums
Nigga that is literally a biohazard meetup, I dont think you understand how this thread works.
Sublime timing on this one.
Next you'll say the dalli llama was wrong
I don't get it.
imagine if seals behaved like dogs.
>friend green texts in public
shoulda rubbed the back of its tail.
Looks like he snapped his neck.
Legit based
It fucking hurts to watch
why the fuck was there a tiger in the bathroom anyway
What you mean?
theres actually a lot more. they're really cool
think this guy got interviewed on fox.
That's your problem, pal.
That should have been the filename.
Unlockable Kill Animations
>He's coming too...Roger that
Too fucking accurate.
I always thought they were called that because of the retarded nose.
>Paintball has expired
>rock loses to paper
And now we'll go from that to Geriatric Home Alone. Hollywood needs to be glassed.
He's lucky not getting mauled. For the belly fact and for the fact that he did a sudden move with fear
You'd think after the 2nd time she'd learn to not walk with both hands in front of her eyes.
Natural selection was kind to this one.
>when you say Кpым пpинaдлeжит Укpaинe in a multiplayer match with a russian
He had a tiger fetish? How could one man be so based?
God I love all games that go absolutely crazy with gore. Fallout New Vegas' bloody mess perk is top notch.
>go full melee character
>punch a bandit with a powerfist so hard that he explodes in a cloud of flying blood and gore
Sonic Heroes Special Stage
nigger should have just wiped and walked.
I'd reply but I'm scared captain disillusioned will see me.
What'a the deal with this guy
>255 aggression.png
Hey user, let's make this wound cut a little deeper.
Let's rename it "Talesworlds releasing Bannerlord.tiff"
"Be original"
What the fuck?
>Achieve world peace by nuking humanity out of existence so that there are no more wars.
AI Gandhi doesn't fuck around.
literally just google it, dumbo
i never played this game but is it in that exact order?
It is real
>he's going straight to heaven
It's funny because the filename is literally what happens in the webm
i wanna make hard love to that QT
>posting some fresh D
My nigga
Filename should just be "darkwood grain ring", everything else was unnecessary
Bethesda on fixing games
king crimson.webm