Finally started playing pic rel. pretty fun but i suck. any tips?

finally started playing pic rel. pretty fun but i suck. any tips?

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uh... suck less?

Stop playing. Masochistic as it is boring. Put me right the fuck to sleep

okay thanks

bring lots of shit
upgrade your shit
don't get attached to your shit, you will lose it
your characters included
focus on stress-inducing enemies first whenever possible

The game has an easy more for journalist parasites such as yourself.

Hire 6 vestals
Prioritize medium/long over short
Kill stress dealers first

>any tips
Just the tip I put in your mom OOOOOOH

It`s not very good, too grindy, too random, clunky mechanics.

Wait for the sequel

Attached: dd2.jpg (825x464, 37K)

Always focus on killing the back line first. They’re always the stress casters.
Hound master is GOAT class. Has AOE stress heal and reliable damage. Jester also has a single target stress heal. My personal favorite party comp is Houndmaster, Vestal, Highwayman, Hellion.