Finally started playing pic rel. pretty fun but i suck. any tips?

finally started playing pic rel. pretty fun but i suck. any tips?

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uh... suck less?

Stop playing. Masochistic as it is boring. Put me right the fuck to sleep

okay thanks

bring lots of shit
upgrade your shit
don't get attached to your shit, you will lose it
your characters included
focus on stress-inducing enemies first whenever possible

The game has an easy more for journalist parasites such as yourself.

Hire 6 vestals
Prioritize medium/long over short
Kill stress dealers first

>any tips
Just the tip I put in your mom OOOOOOH

It`s not very good, too grindy, too random, clunky mechanics.

Wait for the sequel

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Always focus on killing the back line first. They’re always the stress casters.
Hound master is GOAT class. Has AOE stress heal and reliable damage. Jester also has a single target stress heal. My personal favorite party comp is Houndmaster, Vestal, Highwayman, Hellion.

>Shitters confirmed.

dont add the Crimson Court DLC if youre not prepared for it. It will fuck you up

Before you can hit hard, it is important that you hit accurately.
Once you can hit hard and accurately, it is important that you hit first.
Once you can hit hard and accurately and do so first, it is important that you can hit priority.

Thus, the Leper sucks.

Upgrade stagecoach first. Toss 4 soon-to-be corpses into the dungeon for the week; only buying supplies that can help you loot curios. Throw them against the horrors until they break and die, then retreat with the loot before the last worthless halfwit drops dead. Banish his worthless ass from the Hamlet; hire 4 more fools; don't spend a dime de-stressing the idiots or removing the afflictions they so richly deserve. Repeat until you have sufficient gold to begin in earnest with some handpicked heroes with useful traits.

Then remind yourself. Constantly.

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git gud

>DDbabies think they're hardcore

nigga the game's a glorified mobage

but unironically this

Favorite voice line?
>Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow, and insidious killer.

remind yourself of what?

There are tons of stress reducing abilities that you can use during combat or while resting. The houndmaster is pretty awesome early game for this, and does decent damage. Jester is also good for de stressing. The highway man can do big dick damage if you put him behind your tank. He has a move that lunges him forward, putting him in front of your tank, and another big dick move that knocks himself back, behind the tank. And don’t bother with the occultist. He fucking sucks.

I thoroughly enjoyed how well your post was written.

it gets really boring by the champion dungeons. you spend all the time working your way to champion dungeons the first time around and it's a big fuckoff wall that requires you to do even more grinding to get the shit necessary to attempt them. once you actually play them you realize it's the same shit you've been doing.

Faggoty way to play, you're leaning as hard as you can into the game's shittiest aspects, the grinding in particular. Just cheatengine yourself a million gold and tokens or something instead if you're just going to be effectively cheating anyway by """playing""" the game as if time doesn't exist.

>tfw last two survivors, half health
>almost at the end of the dungeon
>instead of bailing out i decided to push foward and enter the last room for the quest
>get ambushed
>two heroes get stressed out and kys themselves

F U C K. Remind yourself!

>soothed, sedated

build for crit: it's optimal, and overpowered

>Back to the pit!

Dead things can't stress or hurt you
Abuse stuns
Be a bully, kill the small ones anf the stress dealers(expect Wilbur
Healing a hero in death's door for 1 is worth 9999 effective hp, as yiu can't get a deathblow instantly
You're a HR director and a crummy insurer : risk bad tried and true good. Adventurers are a commodity and should be fired if they have bad traits, unless they're high level.
Avoid leper as long as you don't have the correct trinkets, trust me.
Scouting is disgustingly overpowered
Honor is for faggots, if a fight is toi hard, regen, rearrange skills if needed then come back. Same thing on a high level dungeon, a week worth of stress needing to be healed is better than losing 4 level 5 on a dumb encounter.
Assign roles to your dudes, stun kill heal etc
Reading is for faggots, don't read
Don't fucking activate the crimson court

That there's nothing to be afraid of in the Dark. Who needs torches anyways?

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>Don't fucking activate the crimson court
sheeeeeit. guess i gotta restart then

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>At last, wholesome marine life can flourish - if indeed there is such a thing.
Also the entire end monologue is amazing. I love it when a game starts and ends with the same line.

Nah, the Crimson Court actually makes the game a joke because you don't even have to go in. So basically you can just clear the game with the mosquito shit blocking negative town events like Wolves at the Door and Shrieker. But it does make the game way more fucking boring so I'd still disable it first run.

Just bring a healer, a Flagellant, a Jester, and another unit. I personally use Hellion. Congrats, you just beat every exploration into the Crimson Court.

The grind is the game, "skill" doesn't change the fact that the core game is about the grind with stupid system that makes grind more annoying.

>Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.

Sounds like someone is mad they grinded for 500 hours instead of playing smart

Ruins: Enemies are vulnerable to blight, ignore bleed and usually deal only basic damage. Bring holy water for curios.
Weald: Enemies deal blight, resist blight and are vulnerable to bleed. Bring antivenom.
Warrens: Enemies deal bleed, resist blgiht and are vulnerable to bleed. Bring bandages.
cove: Enemies deal debuffs, resist bleed and are vulnerable to blight. Bring medicinal herbs.

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>the darkness holds worse than mere trickery and bogeymen

Each mission can be lost before it starts if you don't plan properly. Learn what sorts of hazards are in each area with the easy missions and how to counter them by the medium difficulty ones. If you're starting a mission completely neglecting this with a horrible party comp, you've probably already lost without god-tier RNG.
Take good care of your heroes. Treating them as fodder is a bad meme and leads to people complaining about the grind because they're spending lots of time and money getting new guys up. Give them all the skills and gear they need and have a team you keep in peak performance for their level.
Never start a mission with a character above 25 stress. Put them right in a stress cure as soon as each mission ends and use someone else.
Bring more torches and food than you think you need. The paltry money cost is worth you completing the mission. You can always drop it if they clutter your inventory near the end.

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the champion dungeons are the only time the game actually gets exciting because it's the only time your characters are actually threatened with potential death. Nobody dies up to that point.

Being totally serious with you OP, if the reason you are playing isn't at least 90% because you want to listen to the ancestors voice lines, then you are playing the game wrong. If he popped in to deliver dialogue every time I landed a critical in any game, that would be okay.

Is wayne june confirmed for the sequel?

Don't forget called down eldritch horror from the stars because he wanted to see if he could, also fuck filthy farmers.

No clue. If he's not in, I actually will not play it.

>The poor Miller, thrice a victim. The seasons took his livelihood. I took his land. And now, uncountable years later, the comet has taken his humanity.

Dumping comics for anybody interested.

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>Highwayman best hero

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Thanks for the comics user.

>all these anons afraid of a little stress
None of you are courageous enough to be in the light of my campfire


His camping skills can tip the scales in a heartbeat

I hope 2 has a baby bitch mode.

Braped Leper is great though.

>killing a man is fine
>killing a woman and a child means I need to drop everything and seek redemption

Yeah, that's usually how it works. What's the problem?

>don't bother with the occultist
Nofun posting in Darkest Dungeon is a sin. Besides, he's good against fishmen the same way the Crusader is good against skeletons

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