ITT: villains who were actually the good guys

ITT: villains who were actually the good guys

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Senator Armstrong

The Master

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The Arbiter in Halo 2. I remember when I was a kid my parents told me not to get anyone pregnant but now I know the true black pill is to fill a beautiful girl's baby maker with my baby batter.

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The Helghast

>wants to kill billions of people for selfish goals like any other generic jrpg antagonist
>good guy

The people who say this are almost always the ones he would have purged.

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Keep seething, tranny

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>The Helghast
yeah they were just guys being dudes until they started getting mistreated by everyone else just because they were different. I stand with our allies the Helghast.

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>When some retard seriously implies that Americans were the underdogs in the Revolutionary War

>"Hey man we need some salted meat and shit for the troops, when can we expect that?"
>"I'm coming down from Maine, so it'll take about five days."
>"Thanks man"

>"Oi guv, we need some salted meat and tea for the troops, cor blimey. Send it as soon as you can, swear on me mum. Ship it!"
>6 to 8 weeks later
>"Right you fucking cunts, those brave men need their tea and crumpets! Get em ready to ship!"
>An additional 6 to 8 weeks later the Brits finally get their meat

Now do this with all supplies, troops, etc. that they couldn't get from Loyalists. Fucking insane m8

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>look the same as the supposedly superior beings
>outsmart them everytime they meet
>blow each and every one the fuck out in combat every time
You're right. The ascian are the sub human ones.

fuck england and fuck you

Based fuck burgers

Err, that sentiment isn't due to logistics, its more due to the fact a colony manged to force a longstanding and well established empire to fuck off.

There were plenty of ways in which the brits were at a disadvantage in the war but even if a man managers to fight off a starving lion with his bare hands its still something he'd feel good about.

americans will never have this

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I've had that

that could feed one american

That toast it going to go cold and be ruined, what a fucking waste

I'm not even mad

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Brits were definitly the ones fighting against odds, but not for the reasons you think.
The real reason is that two major powrs, both stronger than Britain individually, were on the side of Americans.

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>brits are so buttblasted by their current place in the world that they are trying to revise history with them as the underdogs

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Also that one fucking storm that fucked the entire war up. The weather was on your side. It's hard to understate the importance of that single event.

I always find it hilarous how Americans meme their revolution as being against a massive superpower empire that covered 1/3 of the world when in reality the British "empire" was small as fuck in 1776.

The British Empire got massive by machine-gunning spears-chuckers in Africa and Asia between 1840 and 1890.


>what authoritarians want you to believe
"Grr I'm a big manly man not afraid to do what needs to be done! I take responsibility and am proactive and decisive!"

>what authoritarians actually are

The only response you should ever give to anyone presumptuous enough to try and tell you what to do is "FUCK OFF." regardless of who they are and what they're telling you. People can - and should - try to persuade you with sound arguments about what decision you should make, but the moment you cede the power to make your own decisions to some big dick strongman you become an enemy to all mankind.

Ironically it is the right wing who are more prone to becoming useful idiots than the left wing. Just look at all the "muh freedumb" tards gobbling the cock of the current crop of Republicuck wannabe dictators sucking up to Saudi monarchs and Russian mob bosses.

Death to tyrants, but death to cowards, traitors, and empty words as well. The slaves belong on the guillotine right beside their masters.

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A second holocaust is not enough.

Americans were the ones who needed to be gassed.

is that baby hippo a tard hippo? or a regular baby hippo with a natural smuggy form of genetics?

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>cargo short aesthetics
still based to this day lel

I still love the look of the WW2 paratrooper cargo pants. I find it funny, clothing companies still use military designs.

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>villians who were actually the good guys

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>villains who reincarnate centuries after they're defeated

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the only part of that you can't get in america is the blood pudding, because we put the blood in the fucking garbage where it belongs.

good guys turn out to be the villains

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seriously, if he was just a little less fussy on letting regular humans who didnt want to be muties die out he would be perfectly reasonable

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Look, I liked some of his points too but in the end he really is just batshit insane.

anyone that isn't poor get a t bone for breakfast