Why can’t Japan write good female characters?

Why can’t Japan write good female characters?

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*blocks your path*

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Just because showing your body reveals your true gender doesn't make sexualization bad, tranny.

Op: I really, really like this image

What is Ellie's personality? Everyone in Naughty Dog games acts the same. And that includes Crash Bandicoot.

coco >>>> ellie

didnt they faggotized ellie?

True, but they’re both superior to any weebshit character.

that would be fucking hot dude

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westshit is worse, because they are pretentious and boring characters used for politicization.

'Strong' girl turned dyke thats slowly turning into a man.

There isn’t anything political about Coco Bandicoot though, so she’s still superior to animu trash.

>comparing a movie game character to a game series that is almost entirely gameplay and has maybe an hour of cutscenes tops across the entire franchise
Well done, OP. I replied.

Wasn't she created during the time when gaming wasn't filled with many politicians?

>western shit
Kill yourself

Ellie was dripping with sex appeal, they ruined her in 2

wrpg-kun did it again hahaha.
Still bitter about today's jrpg thread, i see.

Oh god please not this fucking shit here, don't you fags have a general right now?

>movie game
TLoU has deeper gameplay than the entirety of the Metroid franchise. Metroid boils down to obtaining power-up, backtracking, rinse and repeat. It takes 20 IQ to complete a Metroid game. TLoU had the multiplayer mode which naturally takes more skill than single player games, but even TLoU’s campaign mode requires more neurons than backtracking after obtaining a power-up.

holy shit this guy is delusional.

>Inspired nothing but tentacle rape hentai
Beats the literal dyke for me.

which one nearly gets raped as a plot point again

imagine defending TLOU gameplay. Westcucks sure don't have standards.

>liked for her character
Pretty sure I've wanked it to Ellie SFM porn more than I have Samus smut

stay right fucking there

California is trying to take my anime pillow waifu!!!!

I'm just saying, one of these two has a genre partly named after your series. You can shit on Samus all you want, but at the end of the day, she's the video game all-star and the other is a random NPC from another snoozefest title in the uncreative zombie craze

Joel was the superior character, Ellie was just eye candy in all honesty.

TLoU alone is more relevant than every single game remotely inspired by Metroid combined.

All “Metroidvania” are obscure, niche garbage that Metroid’s impact on the industry can be considered non existent.

>More relevant
OK user. You can keep living in denial of Metroid's legacy. There's a reason her games are considered all time classics, masterpieces of their time that still usually hold up to modern standards, while TLOU was yet another gritty action-adventure title that just rode the zombie craze to popularity. Yes, Metroid took stuff from Alien, but at least Alien was good.

Nobody considers Metroid classics except an insignificant circlejerk of “critics”. The same critics who consider TLOU superior anyway. Metroid always sells like shit because no one outside an insignificant niche considers it to be good. Metroid sells less than Fire Emblem, enjoy your insignificant circlejerking.

>Implying sales relate to the greatness of your franchise
>Implying the hype of TLOU 2 is even remotely close to Metroid Prime 4's hype train

You're not just wrong, you're stupid



>Deeper gameplay
Are you actually stupid? Half that game was stealth, the other half was partly boring item management and cussing at bullshit AI. Metroid's gameplay actually tries to make you feel powerful by giving you better weapons than a fucking shiv against a one-shot enemy

Joel killing enemies with a shiv is far more massas than some generic bimbo killing enemies with super advanced magical technology. I could blow up a planet if I had a power suit, but I wouldn’t be able to accomplish jackshit with a shiv. Even in coolness factor, TLoU is far superior.

You really think we like Samus because she's a bimbo? Have you forgotten that we as fans absolutely refuse to acknowledge Other M's existence for its terrible portrayal of Samus? And the thing is, you forget that Samus may have powerful weapons, but she has equally powerful foes. Furthermore, the clickers are just total bullshit in TLOU. Stealth sections are slow, boring, and are actually game destroying when filled with one shot enemies

Being this low effort with posts should honestly get you shot.

>reddit tier movie game

Agreed. When I think of Samus, I think of her in full power armor.

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>fans absolutely refuse to acknowledge Other M's existence for its terrible portrayal of Samus?
what did she do in Other M? shidded and farded in her suit?


>muh pure waifu, I don’t sexualize her even though she has been parading in a bikini since the first fucking game in the franchise like the waifubait whore she is
White knights should be shot on sight

Is that the Halo 5 teaser?


You fucking wish it was.

No, it is a page from the manga Joey & Samus. Joey being a kid (self insert for the young reader) going on an adventure with Samus Aran. It is actually entertaining.

She's been sexualized, absolutely. That's just how you sold video games in the 80's. TLOU would have done the same thing in 1986. But that's not why we like her. We love the feeling of jumping into an alien planet and killing every motherfucker in a 100 mile radius with an absurd assortment of weapons and powers

Because Japanese people are sexist assholes.

You like her because you’re a beta male projecting a “strong, badass female” personality into your waifu she does not have because she’s a fucking blank slate with as much personality as L-Block or Pong Paddle.

>Implying she hasn't been shown to be a badass
Excuse me, I have two questions. One, have you played Metroid? Two, have you heard of passive storytelling and character development? You don't need AAA cutscenes so high res you can see their fucking facial pores to tell a story or build a character

Huh.. wonder if the teaser was inspired by that. I think they also used the hope tagline, that and the similarities between Chief and Samus make me think it's possible.

Can't tell if this is ACfag or wrpgkun

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That's a dream team right there.

Add Barry and gamefags there too for Max kino

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Is this new? This is the first time in a long while where I have seen a cute black character.

a lot of inaccurate statements in that image.

Mia is from a French cartoon, so obviously the characters are gonna end up cute and funny

And no it's not really worth watching

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