If girls are capable of being just as good at video games, why aren't they?

If girls are capable of being just as good at video games, why aren't they?

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or chess

>find out about the women only chest league
Women are truly pathetic.

the same way we aren't. We talk too much about them rather than playing them

Women have a much lower chance of autism, and all the best vidya players are autistic.

It's literally that simple.


one of the best bayonetta autists in the world is a girl (female)

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My GF is better than me at Video games. She platinum'd Dark Souls and I cant even beat the Two gargoyles.

Came into the thread to say this

Getting gud at vidya requires extreme autism and they have less reason to want to/need to do so

>women only chest league

Just as many women have Yea Forums autism however if they're hot they get a pass because it's "cute". Yea Forumss favorite female pornstar is literally retarded for example.

Lack of competitive nature to drive them, not lack of ability.

Just hand her over to a black friend already, cuck.

>sabotage themselves
genuinely can not do anything right without it backfiring

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most gamers in adult range today who have experience have been playing games most of their lives, and are male. Only recently has gaming been made a 'mainstream' activity, and no longer an undesirable thing for girls to do. This means that many girl gamers have started playing in the last 5 years or so, and lack the long term mechanical skills that men have spent a lifetime developing.

they have sex


They are capable, but why should they even try?
If I was a serious gurl gamur I wouldn't flaunt it since you can't really win in this situation. Think about it, you're always somehow representing the entire gender and every result is amplified to the extreme

>you're good and win in a tournament
>get faulted over by media praising girl power and get hateful comments all around, drawing attention to you both as a messiah and the worst thing imaginable

>you're good, but not good enough to be at the top
>you're laughed at for even trying and get pats on the back from everyone with a "you tried your best but you're just a girl after all"

>you're good, but lose miserably because of how strong the competition is
>get ridiculed even more, now you're also the enemy of your own gender for "failing them" so badly, because of all the focus being placed in on you being a girl instead of a player

>you're good, but you play in a girls only league
>literally like attending an addicts meeting where everyone supports you and is in the same boat as you but everyone outside just ignores you to the point that you aren't even considered as a player, much less a human being

There's literally no point in even trying here. And I'm not saying that it's all the guys' fault, women did this to themselves by trying to rise up to the challenge and trying to put themselves on a pedestal doing so.

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theyre not. how stupid are you? men and women are different

youre retarded. they dont have the reaction times nor fluid intelligence like men do. its genetics, not some made up liberal bullshit rationalization

If I'm worse than average in most multiplayer games, does that make me a girl?

Whomst is this porn star you speak of?

no but it does mean youre mentally weak.

depends on the game desu

The difference in reaction times is nowhere near enough to explain the low number of female pro gamers. Autism is the biggest factor by far. There just aren't that many women willing to put thousands of hours into getting good at a video game and I don't blame them.

Bailey Jay

They aren't
Men have faster reflexes and better hand eye coordination due to being hunters
Women see colors better because they were the gatherers

>Women see colors better because they were the gatherers
Careful with those functionalist claims. We have no idea why this is the case. I think it's pretty unlikely such a tiny difference in colour perception was selected for, personally.